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39.53% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 34: Bastards United

Capítulo 34: Bastards United

"The 'Serpent' sub-skill of the Rougery tree revolves around subterfuge, plotting, stealing, assassination, sneaking and committing crimes without being caught. A master serpent could speak any lie and spin it into truth, catch any opponent unawares, steal any prize their heart desires and never be caught lacking… whether under the light of the sun or the dark shadows of the night."

"Serpent I - Sneaking is more effective."

"On the other end, the 'Outlaw' sub-skill of the Rougery tree focuses on intimidation, leading outlaws, looting, razing and breaking the law directly for one's own desires. It is the sound to the Serpent's silence, the bold truth to its dishonest lies. Upon complete mastery, an Outlaw becomes King among his kind."

"Outlaw I - Intimidation is more effective."

As usual, the first perks don't sound outstandingly powerful… but the later ones more than make the difference. 

"According to your current data, you align more with the 'Outlaw' discipline but possess the skills necessary to pursue the path of a Serpent. Your circumstances would make your progress with the Serpent discipline 15-30 % faster. However, if you were to become a genuine criminal, your progress as an Outlaw would be 50% faster."

As King, breaking the law isn't exactly something I can directly specialise in… for obvious reasons. I am the man who is supposed to enforce the law; imagine the sheer hypocrisy if I was going around lockpicking people's homes and stealing silver coins from smallfolk? Then again, I did lead a band of mountain clans... to their death.

Rougery would be a far more effective skill if I didn't have a crown on my head... even so, they both seem to lead to perks that could benefit me. Few skills are more valuable than being a good liar in King's Landing. Conversely, intimidation could help with having more of a... presence.

Unless I went out on my own to fight outlaws with outlaws, like I did with the mountain clans... I'd definitely have a harder time progressing in the Outlaw Discipline. In this case...

I picked the Serpent discipline... and made my sneaking more effective. Small steps lead to the big ones. Maybe I'll have some fun sneaking into the Red Keep's tunnels...


On this night, I dreamt of soaring in the skies... as a falcon. The very same white falcon that had followed me from the moment I entered the Eyrie. Flying felt so strange at first, but when I got the hang of it... it was truly liberating.

Moving high in the skies at incredible speeds, not having to worry about a thing, seeing all matter of things miles away with perfect clarity like I had an inbuilt camera... yeah, being a falcon was pretty awesome.

I reached Mistwood in hardly any time whatsoever, observed the people going about their day, hunted some prey (worms tasted strangely lovely... though I wouldn't try it with my actual body), tried to find some mountain clans remnants and went on to see several castles including Strongsong and Heart's Home.

Then... I woke up to shaking. 

I slowly opened my eyes to Arthur, who had a concerned expression. I probably looked terribly irritated because flying around as a falcon was way more fun than going through the 'backlash' of abusing my Storm magic. My actual body still felt like shit.

"You don't usually sleep so late... so I was beginning to worry." He took a sigh of relief. "Seems that you're just tired."

"Yeah..." I smiled slightly. "You know that feeling when you're terribly sick and have no desire to leave the comfort of your bed?"

"... Yeah." Arthur chuckled. "I know."

"I'll be fine... just might take longer to get out of bed. Go... let me get dressed."

"Of course, Your Grace."

Raiden Shogun looked at me with an 'I told you so' expression as Arthur left.

"I don't think I made a mistake." I lowered my head slightly, and some of my black hair went over my eyes. "This is simply the price of victory... a consequence that will pass. What I accomplished is far greater than the wound I endure now."

"You couldn't bear to leave your men to the slaughter, could you?" Raiden Shogun tilted her head slightly, her purple eyes glowing with all the beauty in the world. "Even when your mind told you to live, your heart moved forward into the thick of the fighting."

I raised my left hand and watched the kanji 'Live' and 'Eternity' glow.

"I'm an awful retainer." I smiled, shaking my head. "You command me to live, yet I threw myself straight into danger."

"I have no issue with it." She admitted, smiling slightly. "As long as you don't truly die."

"... Fair enough." I chuckled.

"The truth is the more you push your limits, the more powerful you will become." She raised her hand, going through the side of my face. "And the more powerful you become... the more the world will bend to your will. However, if you push too far..."

"It'll bite me in the ass." 

"Quite so." She nodded. "Nonetheless, you showed exceptional martial prowess, strength and courage on the field of battle. The men who fought alongside you will always remember that."

"Yeah... I was something else." I recalled my rampage, where I used damn near every fighting skill I ever learned. "Is it strange that... in those moments, I felt more alive than ever? With everyone's lives in the balance, my blood boiling with rage and the sheer feeling of... power... as I crushed all the enemies who stood before me..."

Thinking it subconsciously was one thing, but saying it was something else entirely. Despite my false 'hesitation', it brought to light that I wasn't exactly normal upstairs anymore... all this fighting... had affected me, for better or worse. This may be what my body was meant for all along, being a direct descendant of Robert Baratheon and all.

Or perhaps, deep down... I was this person all along, shackled by my environment. This... realisation didn't irk me as much as I expected.

"I cannot say that I have experienced the thrill you speak of." Raiden Shogun remarked, shaking her head. "Your effectiveness in battle seems to have significantly risen because of this emotion. The fear your opponents had in their eyes is a testament to that. However, you almost lost sight of the battle around you because of your bloodlust. It's a double-edged sword."

"Yeah..." I agreed. "It should be a last resort."

No doubt, I had triggered a 'rampage'... and utilised both forms of Battle Instinct, if only for a short time.


I strongly contemplated assassinating Robert Arryn to get him out of the way. Not only was he sickly and likely wouldn't live that long, but he also (naturally) despised me for executing his mother. He's too weak. He simply isn't a fitting leader for the Vale, especially with Winter approaching. Being tutored under the stern Stannis would make him want to jump off the Red Keep, no doubt... and ultimately waste my Hand's time.

To this end, I decided to leave the Eyrie after gathering my strength for a few days. I ordered Sandor to carry him since the boy refused to leave or obey any of my commands. 

Getting him struck by lightning would be more than a little obvious...

Wind would be the cause.

"Let go... I want to go back to the Eyrie!" Robert punched the Hound's back as he was draped over his shoulder. "Let go, let go, let go!"

"Does this little cunt ever shut up?" The Hound remarked.

"Careful, he is the future lord of the Vale."

 I said... though I doubt I sounded very convinced myself. He couldn't rule a farmhouse as he was. Perhaps in ten years with the proper education... but he didn't have ten years. 

And so, I began to channel Storm magic along the path down to Snow. I didn't want the Hound to fall off the steep mountain along with Robert... so I had to be more articulate. I tested the waters, pushing him slightly... making the wind stronger.

It still had to look somewhat natural.

"It's... cold." He whined. "Cold... windy... it's not safe. I want to go back home!"

Oh, you'll be back to mommy soon...


A mighty wind thrust into the Hound, forcing him to crash down with his mule. In the process, it snatched Robert away and smashed his head into a sharp rock. The boy shook for a few seconds... before dying.

I looked horrified.

"Could it be..."

I left my mule and ran over, being joined by practically everyone. The Hound managed to get out relatively unscathed (I softened the blow, of course). I acted like I gave a shit and had his body personally delivered back to the Eyrie, where a grand funeral was held.

Oh, the speech I had was quite sincere... taking responsibility for his death and all. Though, no one entirely blamed me for it. In truth, many consoled me and stated that I could not have foreseen such a tragedy.

Such is life... people die at the most random of times. Such accidents are not entirely uncommon, especially with how unforgiving the Giant's Lance can be. Most certainly.

After that process, the Vale's very own 'prince charming', Harrold Hardyng, succeeded Robert and was officially named Lord Paramount, Warden of the East and Defender of the Vale. He also took up the name and arms of House Arryn, in honour of his new station and ancestry.

He didn't look elated due to the 'tragedy', but I knew he was buzzing. Ultimately, this was an act done for the good of the Realm. The boy probably would've had a shit life anyway... if anything, his death was a sweet mercy.

After some days... we went down again.

"Something seems to be on your mind," I remarked, looking at Mya. "Is it Mychel being arranged to that Royce girl?"

"... Your Grace... I don't know what you're talking about." She clearly seemed nervous around me, as she was around most nobility. "I..."

"No need to lie to me, Mya." I smiled slightly. "I know that you two were lovebirds before. It's not even all that much of a secret..."

"..." Instead of blushing like most girls, she clenched her hands very tightly. "What does it matter to you? You're the King."

"What does it matter?" I tilted my head. "You see, I wasn't always a King... or a prince. I was born as Edric Storm, a bastard... same as you."

"..." Her blue eyes widened slightly.

"There was this girl... brown hair, brown eyes, common by all accounts. I thought she was pretty, though many around me disagree. She had the loveliest smiles, and we loved each other's company. Even if brief, our time together was always pleasant. We laughed, smiled, cheered. There was never a moment of unhappiness."

Mya listened very carefully, not interrupting me in the slightest.

"It was mutual, and, for a very short time, we were beginning to truly reach each other. Then... my father legitimised me and gave me the gift of Arya Stark."

"I tried to defy my fate... but, alas..." I paused for a moment, looking down. "The Gods decided otherwise... and struck her dead."

There was still a deep sadness there, no matter how hard I tried to suppress it.

"... I'm sorry," Mya stated, looking guilty. 

"What are you sorry for? I was the one that brought it up." I took a deep breath, shaking my head. "It's just that... my love ended in tragedy. At first, our status was equal. Then I became a prince... and she suddenly was no longer worthy of me. Isn't that something?"

"... It's how it is." Mya nodded, seemingly admitting the cold truth. "I wanted to believe that Mychel and I could be together... but he is a Redfort. A noble... and I'm just a baseborn girl. A bastard. I was only dreaming."

"... You're not." I gave her a reassuring look. "Even though I cannot fulfil my love... as King, I can help others achieve theirs. If you truly love each other, I can merely say the word, and you two will be married the next day. Hell... you can be married right here."

"... Wouldn't you anger Lord Horton and Yohn?"

"I have a better match for Royce in mind... and Lord Horton can fuck himself." I grinned slightly. "What do you think?"

"Why... would you go so far for me?"

"Because you're... my big sister."

"..." She paused, her mouth opening wide from shock. "My father..."

"Is King Robert Baratheon, the First of His Name." I nodded. "As bastard siblings, we should stand together, shouldn't we?"

"... Yes... we should." She nodded with confidence, smiling.

"Ser Mychel, come over here!" I shouted, turning back.

"What... now?" She looked a little embarrassed.

"Your Grace?" Mychel rode ahead, joining us. "You have need of me?"

"Answer this with complete and utter honesty, my good Sir." I pat his shoulder, looking directly at him. "Do you love Mya Stone?"

"I... do." He hesitated for a moment. "However, I... am promised to-"

"Righhht." I chuckled, removing my hand. "That's all you needed to say! I, King Edric 'Storm' of the House Baratheon, the First of my Name, hereby..."

"Acknowledge Mya Stone as my half-blooded sister and daughter of King Robert Baratheon!"

The entire riding party stopped as I made my announcement. Several people looked shocked, while others, like Yohn Royce, didn't look all that surprised. Being an acknowledged bastard, especially one of a King, would naturally raise Mya's standing...

"On the subject of my sister's love for Ser Mychel and his love for her... I ask the lords Horton and Yohn to break Ser Mychel's arrangement with Ysilla Royce."

"Your Grace..." Horton Redfort raised an eyebrow. "Love being the sole factor-"

"Is the daughter of a King not enough, Lord?" I questioned, raising my head high. "Are you implying that the blood of the House Baratheon runs thin... that it isn't worthy?"

"... I dare not insult you or the mighty House Baratheon, Your Grace..." Horton Redfort shook his head. "But-"

"The very purpose of marriage is the pledging of one's love! Under our Faith of Seven, what are the sacred words the intended say when they are about to marry, Lord Horton?"

I was bullshitting. Obviously, marriages between nobles revolved mainly around alliances; the love part was hardly relevant.

"... With this kiss, I pledge my love..." Horton stated, hesitating slightly.

"Indeed! Wouldn't marrying someone you don't love... mean lying to the Gods?" I shook my head. "I wouldn't want anything terrible to happen to House Horton on the account that the Gods seek judgement..."

One stroke of lightning suddenly struck the earth in the distance... 

"I see... you are most considerate, Your Grace." He nodded, glancing up at the turbulent skies. "I... agree to this arrangement between Mya Stone and my son. It would be a great honour to welcome a daughter of Robert Baratheon into my hall and see her marry my son."

"You are wise, Lord Horton." I smiled. "Yohn Royce, do you have any disputes?"

"... Only that my daughter remains unmarried." Yohn Royce sighed. "Alas, I shall have to find a different match..."

"Do not worry..." I smiled. "Why doesn't she marry the Lord Arryn? It would unite the two strongest Houses of the Vale."

"That... would be a wonderful match!" Yohn's eyes almost lit up while Horton looked like he was fuming. "Should Lord Harrold agree, of course."

"He has no reason not to."

In the end, Mya Stone got her happy ending. Harrold would, indeed, marry Ysilla while Mychel and Mya were officially promised to each other. Though Horton seemed angry at the match, he grew more accepting as he likely realised the benefits of having Baratheon genes in his family.

I also got a nice warm hug from Mya and a kiss on the forehead... it was strange having a big sister. I liked seeing her truly happy. However, I was... jealous, in a way. She had what I couldn't. That 'wholesome', 'pure', perfect kind of love that had zero obstacles.

Well, it had just one... which I removed.

"One moment you look happy, the next..." Raiden Shogun observed. "A deep sadness clouds your eyes."

I couldn't feel her warmth, nor could I touch her. I couldn't do the simplest of things. I couldn't embrace her, enjoy delicious food, dance, or even spar with her. I couldn't introduce her to anyone... she was just a ghost who only I could see. I couldn't talk to her unless we were alone, lest I be assumed to be a madman.

Even the circumstances around Alysanne... my heart didn't allow me to forget.

I... was truly bitter, deep down. Despite everything I had accomplished, I felt like I still had nothing.

If I manage to do it all...

If I smash the Night King and his army to pieces, if my name is known far and wide from East to West, if I stain my hands with the blood of a hundred thousand men...

Then, after all of that... 

Will I... know true love?

What even is true love?

The meaning of that... seems lost to me.

Nevertheless, I'll keep moving forward... fighting on and on...

'I... will win,' I thought as I steeled my determination, taking a deep breath as I beat my chest. 'No matter what.'

This dream that I hold... will be realised.

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