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15.11% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 13: The Black Prince

Capítulo 13: The Black Prince

The ship had made it out of the storm just fine, although it took some work on the crew's part when it came to preventing flooding. Edric Storm barely ate, drank or spoke for the duration of the journey back to King's Landing. He was a lifeless statue of frozen grief in both mind and body once his tears had dried up. Nothing seemed to reach him.

"My prince, we're close to King's Landing now." Bryce hesitated forward, watching Edric stare at the ceiling. "We… all rely on you. Please wake up and lead the way as you always do. If it's the Red Keep or the farm, it doesn't matter to me. I just want things to be the same."

Edric glanced at him, frowning slightly.

"The… same? Nothing will be the same. Nothing at all. Never again."

"My prince-"

"Bugger off."

Later, Rolan had a try.

"Even the strongest person in the world can appear weak…" Rolan remarked as he looked over Edric, sitting down beside his bed. "How do I know that? Well, he's right here. Edric Storm, the only person I've ever admired. It wasn't my father, a knight, lord, or anyone with power… he was a bastard. A bastard as tough as dragon scale with enough fire in him to set a forest on fire. Ultimately he was… a winner. No matter how the odds were stacked against him, he always faced his challenges with those same fearless deep blue eyes."

He laughed, shaking his head. 

"You know why we never met in the melee? I ran from the Storm. While I was busy filling my breeches, you were caving in breastplates. A true warrior… that's who you are. You've been through so much so you should be able to pull through this as well. As cruel as it may sound, Alysanne isn't the only girl in the world. You can rise again…"

Rolan stood up.

"I don't even care that you squandered my opportunity to earn glory in the Hand's Tourney, I just want you to be Edric again. Is that too much to ask?"

After that, Dorian came in.

"Boy, don't you dare throw yourself into an early grave. I didn't teach you all those lessons for you to die over some pretty lass… a lass you loved but just a lass, in the end. She wasn't ever your wife, nor did you so much as kiss her, to my knowledge." Dorian threw a knife, landing it right above Edric's head. "You better be listening here…"

Edric grabbed the knife and threw it back, landing several inches away from Dorian.

"So you are listening… good. You're not the only person alive who has suffered from grief. There are people who have lost absolutely everything and they kept themselves going." Dorian's dark blue eye reflected a more violet shade. "I never knew my father, hardly knew my mother. Last I saw of her, she sold me to a slaver when I was just a boy because her new man didn't take a liking to me. I was always a bit of a handful, I suppose… and times were difficult then. She wanted a life of grandeur and I was just a thorn at her side."

"..." Edric frowned. "So how did you get here?"

"Nothing is worse than being a slave, Edric. You do what the master tells you or he whips you into shape. Worse yet, you die. I didn't want to die… I hanged on and on, until my dagger cut a path to freedom." Dorian smiled, his eye lighting up. "Oh, I was a monster in the pits. I killed over a hundred men there alone. So many stuck up nobles lost their bets and, eventually, I was bought out by a mercenary group. Served in the Stormravens for the better half of a decade, protecting merchants, nobles, assassinating political rivals, participating in battles, seducing wealthy ladies, killing men over the pettiest of things, I even led the Stormravens towards the end… I had done it all. In due time, I resigned and traveled for myself. Saw half the world." 

"Then I found you, Edric. I had always thought I was a bloody prodigy… but you, you were something else." Dorian chuckled. "When was the last time a King had a bastard son that was so talented, outshining all the trueborn heirs? It reminded me of the stories my mother would tell me…" 

"..." Edric didn't say anything.

"I suppose praising you at a time like this isn't ideal." Dorian chuckled, turning away. "Just don't throw it all away. You'll love someone again, certainly. Besides… I'd hate to lose my main source of income. You promised to pay me for a few years, didn't you?"


"I think you'll be fine. You just need time, I suppose." Dorian acknowledged, turning away. "Can't blame you. There was a saying my first bird told me… 'the things we can't have are the most beautiful ones'. She couldn't be more right, in the end. Grief and regret is a part of life… but we should never allow it to consume our lives. Look at the present, what you have… what you can change. That is the way forward, always."

'What is the point… for what reason do I exist? If I cannot be happy, then what is the purpose of life? I wasn't happy with my life of solitude at that dead-end job but neither am I as a prince with so many opportunities…'

"Oh… you've barely done anything with your life. Can't say you've lived life until you've fucked a beautiful Lyseni woman. Better yet, a Valyrian one. Platinum gold hair, lilac eyes, perfect frame… nothing quite like them." Dorian remarked on his way out. "It is Seventh Heaven every time and the closest you'll ever get to having your cock in a goddess. Don't kick the bucket until you experience that, at the very least."

'What a stupid, vile goal…'

Edric thought, almost smiling as he sunk into slumber. Sleep was the most comforting thing to do… to ignore the world and all your problems. When one slept, everything drifted away. It was the only time Edric was at peace. Even then, what happened haunted him… and this peace was torn to shreds, turning into a nightmare.

"Edric, you can't keep going on like this." Arthur stood beside Edric's bed with a concerned expression. "I know… what happened was a catastrophe but you still have things to live for. Alysanne's death shouldn't mean your death as well… she wouldn't have wished for it."

"..." Edric remained facing the wall, his back turned as he laid on his bed. 

"I wonder if you can even hear me…" Arthur sighed, shaking his head. "I can't imagine how difficult it is to be you. You train like a madman, dedicate everything towards improving and then it ends like this. You lose the girl you loved right before your eyes, find yourself in arrangements you never wished for and now…"

"You must feel lonely in the world, trapped by your own sorrow." Arthur turned away, managing a slight smile. "Know that I'll always be there for you. Prince Edric Baratheon or Edric Storm… whichever you want to be, I'll stay by your side until you are strong again. Even if you want to die, I won't allow it. I'll force fresh water down your throat and good food to go with it."

"I believe… that's what a good friend would do." 

Arthur left soon after, having said all that he had on his mind.


After landing in King's Landing, Edric Storm left the ship of his own violation and treaded up the Red Keep. He was escorted by a detachment of Golden Cloaks all the way up without saying a single word. He then entered the great hall and, once again, stole the eyes of everyone present.

His appearance was beyond rough. He wore wet clothing dirtied by food which he had spat out, his long black hair covered most of his face and he stank of rain. 

"I thought you had sailed away, never to be seen again." Robert laughed, though even his seemingly cheerful expression didn't last as he saw the dark light in Edric's eyes. "Well, boy? What happened? You've seen better days."

"Drink… I want something to drink." Edric spoke, moving forward like a zombie.

"What's wrong with you today? You got hit by lightning again?" Joffrey Baratheon jested, finding Edric's appearance amusing. "I suppose you can only get struck so many times…"

Edric Storm turned to him, his deep blue eyes shining a shade of dark violet as he spoke with a threatening tone. "Speak again and I'll make you look far worse."

"..." Joffrey Baratheon felt a wave of fear rush up his spine as he met Edric's gaze, flinching slightly. "You wouldn't dare."

Edric Storm glanced to the side, where he saw the Hound.

"I've lost the one person who was important to me… do you think that I give a bloody fuck about hurting you, or the consequences that would come from it?" Edric Storm drew his dagger as quick as lightning, pointing it at Joffrey Barathoen's neck before anyone could even react. "I'll fucking kill you right now you golden-haired bastard." 

"..." Joffrey's emerald eyes widened in both shock and fear. "Please… don't…"

"You piece of utterly worthless shit, don't you ever test me again or I'll snap your neck like a twig. Is that understood?"

"Yes… yes, I won't ever test you again."

"Who am I?"

"Prince Edric… I won't ever test you again."

"Wrong!" Edric Storm moved the dagger closer. "Who am I!?"

"Edric… Storm? I'll never test you again, Ser Edric Storm!"

"Good boy Joff." Edric Storm chuckled, sheathing his dagger and patting Joffrey on the head all the while ruffling his hair. "You can fuck off now."

"Stupid dog… you allowed him to threaten me like that?" Joffrey Baratheon turned, looking up to Sandor Clegane after the whole ordeal.

"He would have cut right through your neck if I moved." The Hound remarked. "That boy has nothing left to lose. That is when someone is the most dangerous…"

"Gods, you are rather unruly today. What happened?" Robert Baratheon questioned. "You lost the one person who was important to you?"

"That's right… the one that you disregarded." Edric Storm chuckled, looking up. "In the end, you got what you wanted. She left King's Landing because of you, got caught in a storm because of you… and died because of you. And now… I have no choice but to move on, isn't that right? Be a dutiful prince for once."

"I wonder… how did you feel when you heard Lyanna Stark died? I wonder if you felt the same grief that I do. Because if it was anywhere near close to my sorrow… you should know how the hell I feel. You should understand the anger that I feel."

"... What part of getting hit by a storm was my fault? Do I control the weather?" Robert Baratheon jested, laughing a little. "Mayhaps one shouldn't travel just after a great storm ended? Regardless, you are one-and-ten. You don't even know what love is. If you need fine wine to wash it all away, it's here."

Robert Baratheon gestured to a wine cup.

"Of course… nothing like a cup of wine, huh?" 

Edric Storm snagged the cup and drank the whole thing empty within five seconds.

"... Calm down, boy." Robert Baratheon's eyes widened with shock. "Take it slow or you'll vomit it all out."

"Fuck slow… I want another!"

Crack… split!

With his grip alone, he snapped the wooden cup and ultimately bruised his own hand. The court gasped in slight horror.

"Another to wash it all away!" Edric Storm laughed, glancing at his wounded hand. "Wash… wash… it all away!"


Even Robert Baratheon was caught off-guard by his son's behaviour… had he been so wild in his youth as well? 

"Well? Give me another!"

In the end, he got what he wanted and drank with Robert Baratheon until Renly Baratheon stepped in to stop him.

"That's enough for one night." Renly Baratheon took away his next cup. "More than enough, nephew."

"What are you talking about? My grief hasn't washed away yet!" Edric Storm reached out for the bottle but he tripped, falling onto the ground. "Stupid ground, you dare impede me!?"

"Come, let's get you up." Renly Baratheon, along with several others, grabbed hold of him and took the prince to a place of rest.

"I want to see the sky…" Edric Storm muttered, raising his hand. "The sky…"

They dumped him in his brand new room, a bedchamber worthy of a prince. It even came with a yard of its own. After pretending to sleep, Edric Storm stumbled off his bed and went to the yard to see the dark sky. He laid down, watching it slowly begin to rain on top of him.

He didn't care… he found rain to be the last comforting thing.

"Would you cease with your grief? It will not change a thing. Truthfully, you hardly knew the girl and clung onto her like she was the only one in the world." Raiden Shogun tilted her head and raised her hand as a luminous violet glow lit up Edric's face. "As I said before, mortal life is ever so fleeting. Mortal love comes and goes like the ocean waves… it never lasts. Be it death or other circumstances, it always comes to an end."

"That's so easy for you to say…" Edric Storm scoffed, although his eyes were full of sorrow. "Isn't it quite the coincidence that it was lightning which took her life?"

"What are you implying?"

"I'm not blind. There's no way in Seven Hells that clear sky turned into a storm so swiftly. You killed her. You… betrayed me."

"Did I?" Raiden Shogun's eyes glowed as she contemplated. "You are rather quick to point your sword at your Shogun, Edric."

"Why?" Edric's eyes widened as he questioned, his expression full of pain. "Why would you do it?"

"For you." She replied, not denying it. "Everything I do is for your benefit."

"So you really did it…" Edric's mouth opened as he looked up with eyes of shock, confusion and anger. "For me? What part of that… was for me?"

"Your reaction to her death is exactly why. She was a thorn at your side, a chain keeping you restrained. She made you weak, lessened your potential… she was both an obstacle and a distraction. If you were to complete your goal, she had to be removed from the picture."


"Imagine if an enemy of yours knew of your feelings and grabbed hold of her? You'd throw away everything just as you did earlier trying to chase after her. She was clever and realised that you were beyond her… if anyone is to blame, it would be you. You still imagined a simple life with her, didn't you? You're not simple and you never will be. Your fate is to rule over all lesser men, crush your opposition into the ground and lastly… bring me to life."

"You have some nerve to think that I would do anything for you." Edric stood up, his blue eyes lighting up. "A weakness, huh? What do you know about being human? What do you know about feelings? You didn't have any to begin with. You don't care about anyone but yourself… someone like you has no right to dictate my feelings and whether or not they're a weakness."

"Forget about being alive. I hope you wither into nothing and atone for what you did… because I swear, I won't do a single thing to benefit you."

"Once, I did not see anything but my set purpose." Raiden Shogun acknowledged. "I did not care for my people, my nobles, nor my most loyal retainers… everything was just a means to an end. Truthfully, I have little comprehension of how you must feel. However, to say that I only care about myself would be gravely incorrect. My purpose has changed…"

"You care about me? Be honest, I'm just a means to an end." Edric scoffed, turning away. "You're by my side not because you chose to, but because you have to be."

"You said that she was the first girl to acknowledge you, didn't you?" Raiden Shogun changed the subject. "Someone was there before her… from the very beginning when you were no one. I might not be living, I may not be able to touch you and you may see me as nothing more than a ghost… but I'll always be there for you. You may despise me, curse me and wish for me to disappear for all of eternity."

She floated behind him, wrapping her arms around Edric Storm… though they only went through him.

"But… I will remain by your side regardless. I will give you strength when you are weak, I will advise you on matters you do not understand and… even if you find yourself alone in the world, I will give you comfort. In your darkest day, I will be the moon in the sky and in your brightest days, I will be the sun…"

"As my sole retainer, you are the only person in this world who holds any importance to me…"

Edric Storm, having heard all those sweet words… found it hard to maintain his grudge. He had been split into two sides, one which loved Alysanne and the other which always adored Raiden Shogun. In the end, the latter was the stronger side. While he was willing to give up a life of grandeur for Alysanne, he had, from the very beginning, been willing to save the world for Raiden Shogun… or die in the attempt.

In the end, Alysanne was but a simple girl…

Raiden Shogun had been with him from almost the very beginning… every month, every day, every hour, every minute, every second… she was always there, they had shared countless interactions. He had been with Alysanne for what, a little over a month over the span of years? Their time spent together didn't even come close to the time he had spent with Raiden Shogun.

Even so…

"Shut up… I don't want to hear it!" Edric Storm snapped, staring her down. "You can't tell me that she had to die. No matter how many sweet words you utter in my ear, I won't ever forgive you. You're nothing more than an emotionless monster… and you want to make one of me too. I hate you. I despise you. I'd kill you myself if I could…!"

He knelt down, the tears from before coming back to him. Raiden Shogun stepped back, her usually indifferent expression showing… pain? No matter how divine she made herself seem, Edric Storm's hateful words were as sharp as valyrian steel. 

"I… have nothing left… nothing to fight for… what is the point of it all!? Why the fuck do I exist?!" He kept beating his fists into the ground, again and again… till they were beyond bloody. Then he stopped, grinning slightly. "If I die… you'll die too, won't you?"

"In that case..."

"... The road ahead may be arduous, but you will emerge stronger than ever before because of it." Raiden Shogun closed her eyes, drawing out her blade. "I will not allow you to die… and not because it would kill me. Because I want you to live."

Edric's eyes widened as she stabbed it through his left hand, causing all the energy from his body to drain away until he fell into a deep slumber. Raiden Shogun's insignia on his left hand glowed like it never had before, almost as radiant as the sun, but only for a few seconds.

Raiden Shogun vanished thereafter.


I woke up after what seemed an eternity…

Memories of what had occurred rushed to me, one after the other. I had been drunk as fuck, stumbled into a yard and even threatened to kill myself. Now… all those strong feelings seemed like ancient history. I was calm. Empty… but calm.

I was resting in a rather comfortable bed… in a posh bedchamber. Was this a section of the royal apartments? Yes… this was the room Renly had carried me to. 

The first thing I noticed was the sign on my hand - and the lack of a Raiden Shogun. The glove I had covering my hand was off… placed to the side.

The insignia was the same as before… except for the words 'Live' written in kanji at the top of my hand and 'Eternity' at the bottom. For some reason, I knew exactly what the letters meant.

I put the glove back on.

My wounds from the melee and the events that followed it seemed to have completely healed. I was strong and full of energy again. Last I recalled, I berated Raiden Shogun into stabbing me with her sword. And yet, I was still here… and she wasn't.

Her absence led to regret seeping in. The love I had for Alysanne was greatly suppressed and felt almost insignificant. All I could think of was her…

Raiden Shogun…

Had I killed her?

As I looked into her insignia on my hand, an image of a sealed up Raiden Shogun flashed in my mind.

"She gave the last of her strength to ensure that you did not die." I heard a voice in my mind… mr Targaryen himself? "Such a pity, she had so little left. She effectively killed herself before you could kill yourself."

'Raiden is… dead?' My eyes widened in horror. At that point, I did hate her. But… I loved her too. She was the reason why I reached the heights that I did, why I was so driven and determined. I wanted to one day hold her in between my hands as if she were my woman. That's what I wanted from the very beginning.

"Do you know how this game is played yet, Edric Storm?" Mr Targaryen laughed. "My dear prospect, I will hang her existence over your head even more than before. You must become King… or you can forget about seeing her again. Sounds like a good deal? You drove her to killing herself, in the end. It is your fault, and you ought to take responsibility for it."

'Just… become King? That's all?'

"Yes, and let's make the rules of this game a bit more clear. If you defeat the Great Other, single-handedly kill over a hundred thousand men and have your name known far and wide - from east to west, I will bring her to life. Whole."

'What the fuck are those requirements?'

"Do you want to embrace a goddess? If so, you better earn it, peasant."


"You fell in 'love' with a household knight's daughter when you had someone of that beauty right in front of you… you may as well be one. Regardless, you hardly knew that girl." Mr Targaryen coldly remarked. "You will learn; I have faith that you will learn. I'll tell you this before I go; Raiden Shogun had far stronger feelings of love for you than that other girl did. She was worse at expressing it, yes… but that's just how things go."


"Best of luck, Edric Storm! I look forward to seeing your crowning ceremony - popcorn's already there along with the soda. Of course, it's Coke, in case you were wondering."

'... The fuck, why would I care about the soda you drink?'

"Okay, buddy. No need to get rude. Keep chatting shit, and I'll buff the Great Other… yeah, that's what I thought, dickhead."

'... Just go.'

"You have some attitude problems, you know that? Like, out of all my prospects, you're probably in the top five. It's a hard list to crack, given how many nutcases I have to look over. Hm… I got to go. Enjoy life… and if you do intentionally kill yourself in some stupid way, I'll dunk you straight into the Seventh Hell for all of eternity. You know that Lebron James tomahawk dunk? Of course, you do. I'd do just that… but you're the ball, and the net is hell. No kidding."

'Thanks for the heads up.' I nodded, rolling my eyes as I got out of bed. 'What an analogy.'

"Slaaaay, Edric Storm~"

'Get out of my head already.'

After that, there was some peace as I contemplated what I had to do going forward.

'Kill a hundred thousand men? How the fuck… not even Khal fucking Drogo has that many men. AND I'd have to kill them all myself.'

I took a deep breath.

'Take little steps at a time, as Raiden would tell me. I should work towards my kingship first… unless I've slept for an egregiously long time and the crazy shit has already happened, it should still be salvageable.'

I went looking around, and coincidentally, Littlefinger was the first person I bumped into.

"Goodness, you're alive." He looked surprised, taking a deep breath as he bowed slightly. "Alive and strong, His Grace would be pleased."

"How much time has passed since I was last awake?"

"It has been three weeks or so… approaching four, if my memory serves me right."

Brilliant. Bloody brilliant.

"... And what has happened since then?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Eddard Stark woke from an altercation with Jaime Lannister and has once again taken the office of Hand, His Grace has been out hunting for some weeks and the conflict in the Riverlands continues to rage on. Fourteen days ago, Lord Beric Dondarrion was sent to bring an end to the rampaging Mountain by the lord Hand."

Holy shit, I'm at the breaking point of it all. Best case, I have only a few days.

"A hunt? I'm missing out on the fun." I managed a smile. 'I have to go right now.'

"You are more than welcome to join them in the Kingswood, my prince." He smiled in turn.

"Oh, I sure as hell will."

I made my way to the great hall… bumping into Cersei Lannister on the way, who was escorted by four Lannister guards. I froze for a moment, unsure how to act. Didn't I threaten to kill Joffrey earlier?

Yeah, I'm finished.

"Greetings, Your Grace." I showed some courtesy, though I didn't force a smile.

"Prince Edric… it was said that you wouldn't wake again."

"I'm a hard bastard to kill." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. 'All it took was Raiden sacrificing herself to keep me going…'

"Still not accustomed to your new title?" Cersei Lannister smiled slightly. "Come with me, baby knight."

"... Don't call me that." I frowned.

"Ser Edric Storm. I recall that was the title you were most satisfied with when you pointed a knife at Joffrey's throat, wasn't it?"

"... I was not in the right state of mind then."

"Your dove sank in a storm… quite the tragedy. You made sure everyone knew about it when you returned." Cersei remarked. "That night, the look in your eyes was as terrifying as it was pitiful. Robert should know most of all about your pain… and yet, his best advice was to drink it away."

"That's what he always did, wasn't it? Drink and fuck the pain away."

"Yes, quite so. It seems to have done very little over the years…" Cersei Lannister chuckled, stepping forward. "Come."

"What would Her Grace want from me? My death?"

"Oh, please… you are the most amusing person here. I've yet to see a boy challenge Robert like you do and get away with it. It reminds me of the stories of my father who was said to be fearless and outspoken even from a young age." Cersei Lannister kept a decent pace. "Your talent is otherworldly and your physique is one of a kind. No matter the wounds you endure, you seem to recover from them over time without a single scar to show for it. Some maesters swear that you are not the same as the rest of us."

"I shock myself too sometimes." I decided to follow, curious as to where this would go. I had to be careful around this woman and make sure she didn't think I was against her.

"I'm sure you do."

She led me to the same room we had a chat in earlier. Though, Jaime Lannister was absent this time and the guards stood further outside. It was the first time we were alone together… now, I was getting a weird feeling. I didn't feel threatened, though. It was something else.

It was an unskippable cutscene, one where I was stuck with the hot… suggestive queen.

I had no interest, however. My heart was writhe with guilt. 

"Jaime tends to be quite the fool." Cersei Lannister sat down, shaking her head. "Rashly, he struck the Hand the very same day he resigned and rode away… to Casterly Rock, I presume. All for his sense of glory and our little brother."

"You nobles are so quick to wage war…" I remarked, thinking of what the Mountain must be doing in the Riverlands. "In the end, it is the smallfolk that must suffer the most. The fathers and sons go to war, likely to never return. The mothers and daughters await the result of war… defenceless to anything that comes along the way. Worst case, they find themselves at the mercy of the enemy. What do most nobles do? Hide in their castles, drinking wine and feasting as if nothing is happening outside. At best, they stay in camps to show that they are doing something. But are they the ones fighting? No… well, rarely."

"If you had the power to change things, what would you do? How would you make sure war was never waged again, baby knight?" 

"Well, it all falls onto the King." I remarked, shrugging my shoulders. "If the King lets his lords walk over his peace, then what good is he? We are meant to be Seven kingdoms as one… after all, there is only one King. He shouldn't be out hunting when several of his great houses are at each other's necks. If it ever reached this point, I'd march out my banners and beat the sense into both parties."

"You are not wrong, baby knight. Robert has grown into a coward over the years and the warrior that was before is long gone. He should have ordered the release of my little brother immediately. There would be no need for war but his reluctance to act only made the insult to House Lannister all the more present. Of course, my father wouldn't sit idly by while a member of House Lannister, let alone his son, was unjustly taken prisoner… hence the burning Riverlands."

"Sounds like a reasonable thing to do." I replied with a clear tone of sarcasm.

"My father has done far worse things…" Cersei Lannister chuckled, gesturing to her cup. "Fill it for me, would you?"

"You're a grown woman, do it yourself." I remarked, rolling my eyes. 

"Are you too high in the ranks to pour wine now, Prince Edric?" Cersei Lannister frowned slightly.

"You have so many other people who you can order around… but no, it has to be me" I grabbed the cup and poured some wine in. "I think you like torturing me."

I gave her the cup, stepping back after.

"Torturing? You wouldn't be so disobedient if that was the truth." Cersei Lannister grabbed the cup and had a sip. "Have you heard of the Rains of Castamere?"

"Oh, I've sang it. I've heard all the stories about Lord Tywin from the time he spoke out against the betrothal of his sister when he was ten to the Sack of King's Landing. I'd imagine he would be a terrifying man to meet."

"All the stories?" Cersei Lannister gave me a look of doubt. "What did he do to his father's second mistress?"

"Since she stole from his deceased mother and held herself far too highly for a mistress, Lord Tywin had her stripped naked and paraded through the streets of Lannisport for a fortnight. She was forced to confess that she was a thief and a harlot to every man she met and by the end of those two weeks, she was sent into exile from the docks." I recalled, stroking my chin. "Was I wrong anywhere?"

"No, you were very much right." Cersei Lannister had another sip of her wine. "I did not expect you to be so educated."

"Eh, I tend to focus on extraordinary figures when it comes to history, especially warriors. Rhaegar Targaryen, Daemon Blackfyre, Daemon Targaryen, Maegor Targaryen, the Dragonknight, Ryam Redwyne, Ser Arthur Dayne… a lot of Targaryens in there. Don't get me started with the age of heroes."

"I don't think even Jaime was nearly so passionate with his heroes." Cersei Lannister laughed. "You wish to be one of them, don't you?"

"The very best." I replied, nodding. "I want to be so great that there's not even a question."

"You have a long way to go… but, equally, I doubt anyone has won a melee nearly as important as the one you did at such a young age. A good start, certainly. Though, you cannot be truly great if you die too soon…" 

"Greatness has to be sustained." I agreed.

'Is she threatening me?'

"And to do so, you should be wise and pick the right side." Cersei Lannister smiled, tilting her head.

"The right side being?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The Lannisters." Cersei Lannister stated, looking into my eyes. "You could easily distance yourself from the throne that you have no desire for. When the time is right… you can also regain the freedom you once had. You wouldn't need to marry that wild Stark girl whom you have no affection for. As for distinguishing yourself… there will certainly be wars that would call for a boy of your talents."

One part of me really was feeling her.

And… she was saying some sweet words.

However, I wasn't the same Edric whom she had spoken with last. I wanted to be King and would take any responsibility that came with it. 

I couldn't achieve that being a pawn of the Lannisters.

"You're speaking of a world without Robert Baratheon?"

"Yes… one where Joffrey is King."

"Aha…" I chuckled, turning away. "Yeah, I wonder who he would want dead first."

"Joffrey may seem against you but he holds a special admiration for your ability. If you fought for him, he would most certainly want to keep you by his side. Even if he did not, I would protect you." Cersei Lannister finished her cup of wine. "Why not another?"

"A tempting offer." I nodded, filling her second cup. "It's almost like you offered everything I could ever ask for."

"What more could you ask for, baby knight?"


I made the mistake of looking down slightly. She had a nice chest, not going to lie.

"I see…" Cersei Lannister smiled. "So that's what would move the needle for you, hmm?"

"... I have no idea what you're talking about." I smiled slightly, raising an eyebrow. 'I only know one woman worth fighting for.'

"I don't believe it needs to be said."

"I think it does." 

"It's understandable, truly. You've lost the love you once had and need someone to comfort you… besides that, you've never experienced the love of a mother, have you?" 

She ain't going to hook me up on some Homelander shit, no way.

She stood up, gently caressing the side of my face. She didn't seem evil at all as I looked down… but rather, strangely warm. Kind, even. Her emerald eyes were strangely soothing as they looked into mine.

"I'm far past the point of needing motherly love." I shook my head.

"Are you? I don't believe so… even if you fight like a man, at heart, you are still a boy." She kept her smile, wrapping her arms around me. Her hair of gold sank deep into my chest as the smell of rich roses overflowed my nose. "If you ever need someone to give you comfort, I'll be there for you, Ser Edric Storm…"

I was getting rizzed up…

I didn't walk away, deciding to embrace her back.

It felt… good. Calming.

"Maybe you're right." I grinned slightly. "Maybe I do need some… comfort."

"You're a good boy with a good heart. You shouldn't be forced into a game you never wished to play… isn't that right?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I shouldn't. I should be free like before."

"You'll have your freedom, I swear it." She stepped away. "So long as you fight for the right side, you will have everything you could wish for. Who knows? On the next occasion, I could comfort you in another way."

"Another way?" I raised an eyebrow, grinning slightly. 'I'll pretend to play your game.'

"You'll have to see." She gave me a suggestive smile, curling her lips.

'Ain't gonna lie she's moving mad.'

"I'll have to see…" I agreed, turning away. "Well, I have some business I need to settle. It was sweet talking to you."

"Wouldn't you share a drink with me first?"

"Ahahaha… you know I'm a different animal when I'm drunk." I chuckled, making my way out. 

"... I wouldn't mind."

"On the next occasion, mayhaps." I used her words against her, opening the door. "Farewell, Your Grace."

"Do not stray too far, baby knight."

I dipped out, taking a deep breath.

'I only know one mommy and her name ain't Cersei Lannister. Just a boy? Bitch, I'm a grown-ass man with ambition. I'm not about to be Joffrey's lapdog or some Lannister retainer, no fucking way in hell. I'm going to be the King and get back my Raiden Shogun.'

'That's the only path forward for me.'

"My prince… we haven't seen you in weeks!" Bryce was the first to notice me walking up to the docks. 

I smiled, walking up to the ship.

"No worries, I just had a nice sleep is all."

"I was about to steal whatever gold was here and run away." Dorian laughed, glancing at the others. "What? Dead men have no use for it."

"You better have given me some of it." Rolan remarked, frowning.

"A few pieces, mayhaps if you begged for it."

"If I had died, you'd know it." I stated, shaking my head.

"The entire city was talking of how you wouldn't wake…" Arthur added. "It is unusual for someone to be out for so long. However, I had faith you wouldn't die so easily."

"Regardless, I'm fully healed now." I stated, taking a deep breath. "Things are changing around in the city… and I feel as if there's going to be a battle sooner rather than later. In that light, you're the only people that I can trust to deliver the message."

"What message… and to whom?" Arthur questioned.

"House Baratheon needs more support at King's Landing as the Lannisters are threatening to overthrow the King due to the Lord Hand finding out the secret of Cersei's children… better yet, it needs to block off the port and catch anyone who tries to escape. Dragonstone, home of the commander of the royal fleet is right ahead. I need you all to sail there and deliver the message to Lord Stannis Baratheon directly."

"Wait… what are you talking about?" Rolan chuckled. "That's a whole lot of information…"

"It is the truth."

I didn't speak of the secret… although I was certain that Stannis would know. After all, he was the first to be suspicious.

"Getting to a lord of such high status would be difficult…" Arthur stroked his chin. "And since when were the Lannisters threatening the King? I thought they were all united? And what secret?"

"No worries, Edric." Dorian nodded, smiling slightly. "I will do it."

"Alright." I pat his shoulder. "This is very important, do not fail me. I'd give you a hundred gold dragons if you succeeded as I intended."

"A hundred?!" Rolan's mouth widened in shock. "I'll do it, no worries!"

"Too late." Dorian chuckled. "When that much money is involved, you can rest assured that I will do everything exactly as you wished."

"Dorian is the captain now." I smiled, nodding. "He has by far the most experience."

I went down… got my goldenheart bow, arrows, stocked up on knives and gold.

After taking everything I needed from the ship, I ordered them to set sail and ran back to the Red Keep. I grabbed my great warhammer and addressed the court.

"Anyone know where a prince might find a destrier? Better yet, lead me to the Kingswood hunt."

"It would be my pleasure, prince Edric!"

One of the lords stepped forward eagerly, leading me to a stables and hooking mans up with a knight's horse. It was, in fact, his horse. 

"I'll return it to you when I can." I promised, smiling.

"Ah, no need. I'll find another one worthy for battle when I can-"

"Here." I gave him some gold. "Keep the change, I wouldn't want good people to be poorer for doing good deeds."

"... Thank you… thank you, Prince Edric. You are most kind." He got on his second horse, riding forward. "Come, it's not too far."

"Ah… that boar is too small. It's not that monstrous one I've been hearing about!"

Robert Baratheon frowned, shaking his head.

Shew… slatt!

Shew… slatt!

Shew… slatt!

Three consecutive arrows soared, one after the other… killing an animal each. One, the boar. Two, a stag. Three, a rabbit. All three arrows had struck clean in the head.

Robert Baratheon observed with a look of shock and intrigue, turning to where the arrows came from. So did his large party of observers, from Renly Baratheon to Ser Barristan.

"Such skill…"


"Having fun without me?"

Edric Storm rode further, making himself visible before everyone. 

Robert Baratheon grinned. "That's my boy! You came to hunt, didn't you?"

"Of course, father." He nodded, dismounting. "What are we looking for in particular?"

"A large, monstrous boar." Rober Baratheon widened his arms a decent amount. "They say it's this big… I want to kill it myself!" 

"How about we have a competition? The first to find and kill the boar wins."

"You believe yourself a better hunt than me, boy?"

"Yeah." Edric Storm grinned. "Far better."

"We will see… we will see" Robert Baratheon turned, clutching his spear more tightly as the competitive flame within ignited. "I've been hunting long since before you were born."

"The bow is the finest weapon for a hunter… and I'm the best archer here. I'll show you why."

Edric got back on his horse, riding ahead.

"The real hunt has begun!"


In the end, I found the boar first after a day of hunting and shot the life out of it with three arrows. After shouting that I killed it, the royal party gathered around and acknowledged my feat.

"That was the boar…" One spoke, nodding.

"I never had any doubts, my nephew is one of a kind." Renly Baratheon remarked, laughing. "My brother is far too old to compete."

"Damn it. You are a better hunter." Robert Baratheon cursed, although he managed a lighthearted laugh after. "How many boars did you hunt down, boy?"

"Around a dozen, all of them large. Though, we shouldn't waste all that pig meat… I know exactly where all of them died. If it's too much for the court, maybe give some of it to the hungry people in the city?"

"You heard the prince, go get the damn meat and bring it home!" Robert laughed. "The hungry people… hahaha, since when did you become such a good soul?"

"It's more so being resourceful than good," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Besides, it's a good time of year. Everyone should be happy."

"Hmm, yes. Lancel, give me some wine!" Robert Baratheon ordered, almost stumbling in his step. "I'm still not satisfied… I need to kill a massive boar in single combat!"

Should I drag on the hunt, give Stannis enough time to act? Yes, a few more days should do it.

A few days later, Robert Baratheon came out of the hunt alive despite his strong wine. That was mainly because I took on a Kingsguard role, making sure he didn't do anything absurdly stupid. Though he was wounded somewhat, none of the wounds would take his life. Though… he was drunk as piss.

At the gate, Eddard Stark was already waiting and went to speak with Robert Baratheon in private.

'Shit's about to go down.' I grinned slightly. 'Too bad Joffrey already left the hunt. Heh, he's about to be hunted, though.'

Robert Baratheon had the angriest face I've seen in my life when he walked back.

"That golden whore… I want her head… and I want it now!!!"

"What…" Lancel stuttered, his eyes widening. "What do you mean… Your Grace?"


Robert Baratheon smacked him straight against the face, breaking several teeth as the Lannister stumbled back.

"Fucking Lannisters… traitors, all of them! Gather all the guards; I want every single one seized now!"

"I'll gather my household guard." Renly Baratheon nodded. "And send word to the Gold Cloaks."

Robert Baratheon's roar spun everyone into action… no one questioned a thing. Lancel Lannister alongside Tyrek Lannister, squires of Robert Baratheon, were the first to be seized. Before long, a battle sparked in King's Landing as the Lannister royal party made their way to the docks. A portion of the gold cloaks had betrayed their King, holding down the docks for the Lannisters alongside the red cloaks.

Edric Storm went straight into action… and, despite his lack of armour, was an absolute monster as he broke the ranks of the gold-red cloaks while leading a detachment of Baratheon household guards. His goldenheart bow alone dispatched over a hundred guards in mere minutes, mainly other archers.

Once he had no ranged troops to fret about, he took to the front lines.

Swinging robert's warhammer with thunderous fury and dancing like a butterfly due to his lack of armour, Edric was damn near invincible.




Even when a guard managed to slash his shoulder slightly, he kept fighting… and killing.

One by one, he obliterated the Lannister sympathisers and broke his way into the docks as the rest lost their will to fight. He ran all the way to the end, watching a ship full of golden hairs already on the leave. 

He dropped the warhammer, taking out his goldenheart bow and loading an arrow.

They were well within distance.

He locked eyes with Cersei Lannister… and, soon after, lowered his bow. He chose to leave her to Robert.

'Stannis the Mannis will catch you regardless.'

One Lannister guard stepped forward from behind, aiming a spear to Edric's chest. Edric heard him.

He stepped to the side, shooting the arrow straight into his head.

The guard fell onto the ground… dead.

Edric loaded another arrow… and began shooting every single one of the guards who fought for the Lannisters. Even if they dropped their weapons and surrendered, he still killed them without the slightest mercy. 

The Arthur Astley of old was long dead.

All that remained was Edric Storm, the Storm which would sweep the world.

He placed his left hand against his heart as he walked away from the docks and headed to the Red Keep.

'I'll make things right… I promise.'

SovereignOfHeaven SovereignOfHeaven

Happy New Year!

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