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2.32% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 2: Perfectly Aimed Shot

Capítulo 2: Perfectly Aimed Shot

Opening my big blue eyes, I looked into this blurry world for the first time. I heard what they were saying… but it all sounded like gibberish to me. 

Where was I?

As time passed, that answer became clear.

I became fully conscious at the age of five, realizing just what had happened to me. I was reborn as Edric Storm, the bastard son of Robert Baratheon and Delena Florent. Given that my mother was a noble, unlike Robert's other whores, I was officially recognised as Robert's bastard. Awesome, right?

While my mother married a household knight back home due to being deflowered by Robert on her cousin's wedding night (in Stannis' wedding bed which was also broken in by Robert), I was raised in Storm's End as the only official bastard of the King. With my new mother and father in separate regions of the Seven Kingdoms, I was raised by the castellan of Storm's End alongside my uncle Renly Baratheon.

The struggle of a bastard was something that I didn't quite want. Then again, things could have been much worse.

It was still crazy to me how it all happened… one day I'm back home napping after work, the next I'm in goddamn Storm's End. Whoever that silver-haired guy was, he had to be some kind of god to do that. There was no other way to explain it.

"Focus, boy." Cortnay Penrose, my ward and the castellan of Storm's End, instructed. "What Maester Jurne teaches you is no less paramount than your physical training."

"Aye, a sharp mind and sharp sword make a deadly blend." Maester Jurne nodded, pointing at the book before me. His finger was firmly planted on the title 'Aegon's Conquest'. "Knowledge of the past ensures that those of the present do not make the same mistakes as those who came before them. Records of history are a source of endless wisdom, young Edric."

"I'd rather practice with the bow…" 

"You will not be practising with any bow until you finish reading this." Cortnay Penrose interjected. 

"Fine, I'll read it." With a slight pout and a deep breath, I started to read out loud. "Before the fall of Valyria, House Targaryen migrated from its ancestral seat and landed on what is now Dragonstone. The reason for this act is unknown, though some would speculate that one of their own had foreseen the fall through a phenomenon known as a 'Dragon Dream'..."

Before I knew it, I had read through the entirety of Aegon's reign. 

"See? The boy loves stories of warriors." Cortnay Penrose chuckled, having returned from his duties as castellan. "Give him another and he will read till dawn."

"He is a prodigious reader for his age as well, a genius mayhaps. The only aspect in which he lacks is dedication to seeking knowledge…"

"How was Dorne conquered?" I questioned, scratching my hair. "If Aegon couldn't do it, who did?"

"... Did you not wish to practice with the bow?"


"Heh, that is a story for another day. It is far too late to explain the topic in detail." Maester Jurne sat up, packed up the book and prepared to walk away. "Rest well, Edric. Perhaps Ser Cortnay might even find some time for you to practice."

"..." I sighed, shaking my head. The one time I'm interested in the books, he walks away? 

"A clever trick." Cortnay Penrose remarked with a warm smile. "Now you are excited for next time."


"Come, you were eager for practice… last I heard. Are you not?"

"I am… obviously."

"Alright, then. Keep up."

Cortnay Penrose tapped my shoulder and walked on, leading me out of the library and into the vast halls. There were House Baratheon banners at every corner, alongside the House's words; 'Ours is the Fury.'. Despite being officially acknowledged, I was not legitimised by any accounts and could not use either of my House's true banners. Though, I could wear reversed-colour versions… something I learned from Maester Jurne.

It was getting dark but I was determined to get some reps in at the practice yard.

"The sky is clouded tonight… be quick, Edric Unless you would wish to return soaked in rain."

"You would be soaked, too," I replied, shrugging my shoulders as I went over to grab the smallest bow around and took some arrows with me.

"... True enough, I would."


Steadying my feet, I take a look at the human-like dummy of hay. Raising my bow with my left hand, I load the arrow with my left. A well-paced breath later, I… fire straight for the head!


The arrow barely scraped the dummy's left elbow… well, if he had one, it would've.

"Mayhaps 5 yards is too far for you." Cortnay Penrose jabbed. "Regardless, most boys start at seven or eight years of age. You are still too young and your time would be better utilised in other things…-"

"I don't want to hear that." I interrupted and tightened my grip on the bow. "I can do this… I know I can."

"... Very well." Cortnay Penrose chuckled slightly in amusement. "You truly are Robert's son in both blood and spirit."


Went over the head.


Scraped the shoulder.


After countless attempts, I felt genuinely pissed off. How hard could this shit be? It felt like I had been at it for ages and still sucked.

"You are easily angered, boy. Channel your fury, focus it… and you will find better results." Cortnay Penrose lectured, keenly observing my results. "You've shown that you have the strength to hit your target. However, when you use your strength, you specifically tend to sacrifice accuracy. You will need the best of both to hit the head."

"Alright… one last time."

I focused up again and adjusted my angle from the previous time, ensuring that I didn't get the same result. Then, with all the strength my little body had, pulled the string back. Something didn't feel right so I pulled back and tried again.

'Alright… this is the time. Five-year-old baby boy or not, I can do this shit.' 

I felt a fiery breeze erupt from within as I pulled back… and fired.

Whoosh… thud!

Cortnay Penrose's eyes widened as he observed several of the leaves around me disperse. Most importantly… I hit the target, right in the forehead!

"Impressive… very impressive, young Edric. You may yet be a formidable marksman when you grow if you continue shooting like that."


I smiled, feeling somewhat proud of myself. That feeling… it was just like swishing a three-pointer back at the park. I missed it, to be honest. This was the closest thing to it. Hell, archery was just as fun sometimes.

"Now…" Cortnay Penrose observed his hand, feeling a few rain drops land. "You took too long, it has begun to rain."

"I'm not getting soaked, you are."

I dropped everything and ran straight to the castle. I knew how Storm's End weather could be… very shit, very much like England. Before it started to rain cats and dogs, I wanted to be out of there.

"Insolent boy…"

He chuckled, trying to run after me.



Purple lightning struck.

Cortnay Penrose held his arm over his eyes, avoiding the blinding light. Then, as it faded, there was a clear crater in the ground… causing panic to erupt in his heart. He hastily sprinted forwards, only to see Edric Storm right out of the radius. It didn't seem like he was directly struck… taking the rear of the damage. 

A servant looked over with a dump-founded expression.

"Call the maester, at once!"

Cortnay Penrose roared, causing the servant to swiftly turn and run. He went over to check Edric Storm's condition, feeling a thunderous heartbeat. It was almost as concerning as nothing at all. His eyes slowly widened as lightning sparked from his body, causing the sir to hesitate back with a deeply worried expression.

What was this phenomenon? 


Name: Edric Storm

Age: 5


Charm: 3


Athletics: 6


Marksman: 5


Storm Manipulation: 1

3 classes and several skills hidden due to no advancements.

(This looks a lot better in the google docs... ~~ - these parts indicate the overall classes/skill trees, if you will)


I woke up groggy as hell, struggling to even move. It felt like I was stuck reading those words forever… were they like a report card? I looked around, scanning the room.

There was… my youngest uncle from Robert's side, Renly Baratheon alongside the Maester. He was fifteen years old at this time and pretty damn handsome. That mf could pull every bitch under the sun but he preferred sword swallowing. Though, he was kind to me. Even though I was a bastard, he didn't treat me as such. Whenever he was around, I felt like I really was part of the family. 

What was the word for it… charismatic, yeah he had that shit in spades. 

"Are you well?" Renly Baratheon questioned, observing my expression.

"Eh… just my head hurts."

"Despite your small size, you might just be the strongest in the family." Renly Baratheon remarked, smiling slightly. "Who can say they survived lightning?"

"Take the following days slow, young Edric." Maester Jurne advised with a strange tone to his voice. "It seems that although the lightning did not directly strike you, it flowed into you… so Ser Cortnay has stated."

"Flowed into me?" I raised an eyebrow. What was he on about?

"It mayhaps could have been an illusion of sort, nothing more. Ser Cortnay is getting up in age." Renly Baratheon replied, shrugging his shoulders. "However… what if it was magic?"

"Magic fell with Valyria and ebbed out with the last dragon." Maester Jurne shook his head. "Perhaps, long ago, it may have been possible… but in this day and age, all displays of 'magic' are nothing more than tricks and illusions of the eye."

"A shame… ah, I heard you finally hit the head of a target from five yards?" Renly Baratheon's blue-green eyes seemed to light up.

"Yeah… that's the last thing I remember."

"Mayhaps you'd like to go hunting once you get well?" 

"I'd love to," I replied, almost jumping up from my bed. 

Renly Baratheon laughed at my enthusiasm. "One would not know that you were struck by lightning a few days ago by looking at you…steady your excitement and rest. Besides, you would not be the one doing the hunting. You'll only be seeing how it is done from a distance."


"What, you thought you'd be the one leading the hunt? You're not even half a man in age."

"..." I frowned slightly. Being extremely young sucked, I couldn't do 80% of the shit I wanted to.

"One day, you will be a brilliant marksman, however. Mayhaps even the best one in the world."

"You think so?" 

"Of course… if you keep dedicating yourself to archery, I'm certain you will."


Suddenly, I saw someone materialize right behind Renly. It wasn't just someone… her hair and eyes were a lascivious purple, her figure was absolutely ravishing and the sheer beauty of her face was something I'd never seen before… 

She made everything else look ugly by comparison.

She… was a real Goddess.

"You can see me?" Her indifferent, tyrannical, expression turned to one of curiosity. 

I continued looking, I couldn't help it.

"There isn't anyone behind us, is there?" Renly stroked his chin.

"You don't see her?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Who?" Renly replied, completely bewildered.

"It may be a symptom from the strike of lightning… rest will likely cure it." Maester Jurne advised.

"Rest, Edric… no need to rush yourself when you are clearly unwell."

"Fine…" I muttered under my breath. 'You don't see her floating about? Or did I develop schizophrenia? Fuck, they have no pills for it here… or do they?'

After agreeing to go to sleep, they both left me to myself and the Raiden Shogun. She stared at me with this scary look. Clearly, she was pissed off about something.

"Why am I bound to you?" She questioned, her eyes like two daggers trying to pierce right through me. "What seems to be a child, no less."

"Bound to me? You think I have any idea…?"

"All my divine power has been suppressed to nothing more than embers… if it had not been so, you would have faced divine judgement for your insolence."

"What did I do???" 

I made some confused ass face.

"Your tone is far too mocking, your head is held far too high and you have yet to bend your knees in my presence. Shall I name more offenses?"

She's the Raiden Shogun, alright. Why couldn't I get Ei instead? Even if this was all an illusion, she would be way more fun to be around.

"Nah, I'm good. My uncle was right… I'm going to sleep and when I wake up, you'll be gone."

"Hmph, you think you have power over me? How presumptuous for a child."

"Shut up and let me sleep."

I throw my head straight into the pillow and close my eyes.



I was wrong, she didn't go away. We kind of ignored each other the entire time.

For the next few days, I just ate, read and slept until the maester confirmed that I was well enough to leave my bed. Cortnay Penrose was especially busy today so I was trained by the master of arms instead. Though, we hardly had the same relationship. It felt like sometimes Ser Davis was against me and sometimes for me. Like, he tended to switch up whenever.

Today there was a more open session and for my first fight, I was out up against a ten-year-old 'highborn'. His goofy self was called Arthur (bitch ass mf stole my OG name) and the only reason he was here was that his father was some lord. Lord was being generous, however. His surname wasn't even worth knowing. Tudbury or something… I think his sigil was a brown turtle.

Why does it sound like I despise him? Well, it's because he's a complete and utter cunt. Simple as. Ever since I could remember, he took the bastard title and used it against me whenever he could. Don't know what I did to get on his bad side… nor did I really care.

"Bastard wants to play, huh?"

He whispered to me, smiling ever so slightly. We both knew this was a grim mismatch that my five-year-old body couldn't quite overcome. Regardless, I grabbed my practice sword and kept my composure. I still had some pride in not running away.

After a nod, the master of arms signalled the beginning of the bout.

Arthur came swinging, quickly overwhelming my defence and getting me down to the floor in less than twenty seconds. It was embarrassing… but there was barely anything I could do about it.

"That was unfair," I spoke out, feeling pissed off.

How is he letting me fight someone double my age?

"In battle, we do not choose our opponents. We face them directly." The master at arms stated, almost as if the beating was a lesson. "Regardless, you only spoke out your disapproval after the bout started."

"Go fight the mountain and tell me that. Facing your opponents directly…" I countered, frowning ever so slightly. "Oh wait, you wouldn't, would you? That's what I thought."

"... Sharp tongue for a little bastard." He muttered, chuckling to himself.


"You may go again."

"We face our opponents directly, Edric Storm." Arthur grinned. It was that stupid grin that set me off every time. The mention of my surname didn't help.

This time, he took his time kicking my ass. A hit to the arms, to the leg, shoulder, chest… I couldn't do shit against someone twice my age. It was blatantly unfair and no one gave a damn.

"You look like you're about to cry… where is your whore mother to accommodate you? Ah, she's getting done in by some knight. Maybe more? One man might not quite be enough after your fat father was in there…" 

'Who taught this kid to talk like that? Genuinely, shit parenting.'

His ass was whispering the entire time, making sure that no one else heard. He was a coward… at the end of the day.

"You think you're tough shit, huh…"

To his surprise, I threw the practice sword straight at him. He blocked with great difficulty… all the while I ran straight to the weapon rack.

"Where… that's foul play!" Arthur complained when he saw me grab my bow and swiftly load an arrow. "This is a sword skill lesson, not archery!"

"In battle, we do not choose our opponents. However, refusing to adapt to better increase your chances of victory… is that not foolishness? Come get me if you can, cunt face."

"Ser Daris…"

"Go on, face him. You let him turn his back and outrun you." The master of arms shook his head.

"... Sure, it's not as if he can hit his target anyway." 

Arthur paced forward towards me, strafing from side to side to throw off my accuracy. I took a deep breath as he neared and kept my arrow still. He kept drawing closer and closer… but I didn't let go yet. Just as he was close enough for a swing, I fired.

It was too easy.

Shew… thump!


Arthur Tudbury bent down, screaming like a little girl. Both of his hands fell to grab at his groin… where an arrow had perfectly struck. His sword clattered onto the ground and he eventually fell onto the ground… rolling in pain.

"If you're going to disrespect me, don't be a coward about it." I looked down at him, stomping on his face. "Cunt."

"Enough!" Ser Davis stepped in, stopping me from doing any more damage.

I looked around and realised that everyone present liked me even less. Even though I only paid what was due… I was an outcast, no matter what. These were little lords and ladies, legitimate children of noble houses. I was a boy who barely knew his mother or father. Barely was an understatement, too. I haven't seen either in years.

"Was I wrong…?" I muttered, looking up at Ser Davis. I didn't ask the question to him exactly… but I wanted an answer. From anyone that wasn't me.

"He insulted your family… what is there to question regarding his punishment?" Raiden Shogun questioned, observing in the back.

"I'm going to practice on my own." 

I decided, walking away from the group to the opposite side of the yard.

"... Edric." Ser Davis addressed me as I was walking away. "That was foul play and you are fully aware of it."

"If I was the same size and could beat him fair, I would. You didn't seem to have a problem with it until I won."

He sighed. "So be it, practice on your own. Ser Cortnay will hear of this."

'I sure hope he does.'

While the other boys continued hitting each other with wooden swords, I was out practising my archery. I could hear them having a fun time once the tragedy of Arthur's pierced balls passed… it was hard to ignore all the laughter in the background. From the corner of my eye, I could see the little ladies looking over the boys from a balcony.

No one looked at me… to be honest, it was better that way.

'Still a loner, despite being born as a completely different person. Some things never change, huh?'

After practising for what seemed an eternity, my arms gave in and I dropped the bow. The sky was clouded as hell again… and raindrops started to fall. Once again, it began pouring rain as lightning cracked through the sky.

A typical day at Storm's End. What else can one expect but rain?

I got to shelter before my clothes were ruined again. Meanwhile, Ser Davis took all the other boys back into the castle, returning for me afterwards.

"Going to stand and watch the rain?"

Suddenly, it stopped raining.

"Might not have to, Ser."

"Life is not always fair… especially in regards to combat. There will always be bigger, faster, men. The difference between a living and a dead man is how you overcome these disadvantages. Today, you did well."

"But… you?" I made a confused expression, raising an eyebrow. "What was that disapproving tone about earlier?"

"Don't worry about it, Edric. Consider it a trial to make you stronger."

"So you agree Arthur's a cunt?"

Ser Davis smiled slightly. "I will not confirm."

Returning to the castle, I just stayed in my room reading books for the rest of the day. The myths of the Age of Heroes really got me out here geeking out. To be honest, I always loved reading about mythology. The only books I banged out in the school library were books like the Percy Jackson series, so it's not that surprising.

Eventually, Cortnay Penrose came over to catch up.

"You shot him there?" Cortnay Penrose laughed, shaking his head. "You are a ruthless boy!"

"Still… everyone likes me even less now." I sighed, lowering my head slightly. "It doesn't really matter to me but…"

"Do you ever wonder why no one approaches you, apart from your heritage?"


"You're the least approachable boy in Storm's End, I can say that much for certain. You might not think it but making friends is important for your future. Here, at court, especially. Renly and I will not be raising you forever, Edric… one day, you will have to find your own place in this world."

"What's the point in trying if I'll just be brushed aside?" I questioned.

"How have you decided on the result already before seeing it play out? Look at your father and your uncle… they make friends wherever they go. You have it in you to do the same, you simply don't try."

"Is it genuine if I have to try?"

"In time, it will come naturally to you. The hardest step towards friendship is the introduction. Once that ground is covered… it becomes smooth sailing." 

'I really don't care…'

"Promise me you will try."

"Do I have to?"

"Or you won't be touching a bow." 

"... Fine." After a sigh, I agreed. "I'll try."



In the middle of the night.

"You know, you need to stop staring at me like that. Makes it hard to sleep." I glanced at the Raiden Shogun. "I know… I know, I'm an exceptionally handsome young lad but you need to keep your eyes to yourself."

"A child shouldn't be talking like that." She frowned slightly.

"I'm a special boy, haven't you heard?"

"..." She turned her eyes away, floating in silence.

I can sleep, at last.

Can't wait to make some friends tomorrow!

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