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[2] Waking up as a Ghallager

Fluttering my eyes open to see that I've woken up in a room that I don't least at first, but a moment later, I was up-to-date as I remembered all of the fourteen years of my new life, as Isaac Gallagher... that perfectly synchronized with that of my old life, while I also gained the skills of one John Wick.

'That's a little weird…but I'm glad I have them but I should practice just to be on the safe side.' I thought to myself as it seemed like all of John Wick's skills were ingrained into my every muscle and cell.

I found out that I was close with Fiona and Lip, while Ian and I had a tenuous relationship, as I didn't like that Ian was with Kash, since one Kash is married with children and two because he was forty years old.

Carl is my favorite younger sibling, who idolizes me because...I taught him how to shoot/handle a gun, it also helps that I encourage his curious and inquisitive nature, the little runt tends to act like he's my sidekick and I'm his hero.

Debbie is very much…my least favorite sibling, but as her big brother I did try to be there for her and be nice to her, since she is my little sister.

The reason I didn't know this room from the show is because it didn't exist in the show, because it was actually the basement of the house, I had fixed it up and converted it into a liveable space, after Carl was born, since there wasn't really enough space for all of us boys in one room.

A plus is that I have the basement all to myself, and have it locked up tight since I have a little enclosed cannabis grow station down here that helps generate an income for myself and the family.

Lip, Ian and Carl share the bedroom upstairs while Liam and Debby currently share a room, Fiona of course has her own room and then there's Frank's room.

After reviewing all the memories my mind deemed important, rolled out of bed my feet landing on the wooden flooring I'd installed in the basement, while I walked over to the bathroom, that I had paid a professional plumber to install down here with weed at the ripe age of 11.

Seeing that I slept in the nude I just hoped inside the shower to get cleaned up, feeling the need to do so as I had sweated a lot in my sleep and felt sticky.

Getting done in the shower, quickly drying off and getting dressed I walked up the steps that led into the kitchen from the basement undoing four deadbolts and four chain locks before opening the door into the kitchen.

Just as Fiona was about to knock on the door.

'God damn she's so sexy.' I thought to myself as Fiona looked exactly like the actress who played her on the show though I already knew that seeing her in person made my pants feel a little too tight.

"Well, I'm glad to see one of you can get up without me asking." Fiona says to me with a slightly teasing smile on her kissable lips while she reaches out and starts ruffling my hair fondly, before she turned around and walked away with a sway to her hips that highlighted her firm round ass that was hugged by a pair of tight jeans.

"When have you ever had to wake me Fi?'' I replied to her while laughing as I continued to watch her walk away until she disappeared up the stairs to wake up the others.

'Damn, maybe I made the wrong decision by wishing to be a Ghallager…I doubt Fiona would be into incest…and I'm already starting to count them as my family, thanks to the memories of my past with them that my main ego was asleep.' I thought to myself but then the fresh image of her hard nipples and perky handful sized breasts on clear display through her white tank top flashed in my mind.

I could hear Fiona laughing softly as she woke everyone else up and then ran to get to the bathroom before the rest could beat her so she could take a quick shower.

'Haha, I think I'm going to enjoy this new life.' I thought to myself and started locking up the door to my room before moving to cook while Fiona was in the shower.

Fiona came downstairs while towling her hair dry while I was cooking and everyone else slowly gathered at the table for breakfast.

"Thank you Izzy, you're the best." Fiona said to me as she leaned over and kissed my cheek, and let her take over cooking breakfast as everyone at the table liked their food cooked differently.

"No problem Fi." I replied as I walked over and sat down next to Carl, stealing a piece of his toast that I made for him even though I knew he wouldn't touch it.

"Debbs, do we have enough for the electric bill?" Ian asked the girl who used a calculator.

"We're still short by $18.13" Debby answered Ian and then Fiona when Fiona asked for clarification on how short we were with the payment for the electric bill.

I pulled out a few crumpled up bills from the jeans I'd grabbed and found four twenties, three tens, five fives and twenty one ones, which equaled $156.00 dollars.

I quickly threw thirty bucks into the cut open box on the table that we kept the bill money in, adding to the pile of money.

"There you go, and a little extra towards the groceries, I have to run…can't be late to class again, or else I'll get a suspension." I said as I stood up to leave and moved to exit through the back door ending with my face planted firmly in V's tits.

"Hey V." I greeted and swerved around the sexy and chesty African American woman.

While I just barely heard Lip say something about taking off to tutor.

"Hold up, I'll go with you!" Ian shouted while running after Lip, which then both of them came running over to me.

"Hey Izz, do you have any money you could spare?" Lip asked me while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Sure thing Lip, just get me back the next time I need a buck." I replied as I handed him forty bucks.

"Thanks Izz." Lip thanked me before he took off in another direction, no doubt going to mess with Karen.

"Hey Issac, can I borrow a few bucks too?" lan asked me while we walked to school together coming to the crosswalk.

"How much do you need?" I asked Ian as I always loaned money to my siblings and they would pay me back, sometimes with favors if they didn't have money to pay me back with, we had a system etched out between each other.

"Sixty if you can…" Ian replied to me looking slightly embarrassed.

"Sure…" I replied and handed him the money, finding that I only had twenty six dollars left to my name. Until I do one of my side jobs, though they don't come about often I usually only get one of those jobs once a month and they usually net me $500 to $1,500 dollars a pop.

Ian ran off once he got the money waving in thanks, and goodbye, leaving me to walk the rest of the way to school alone

About fifteen minutes later I made my way into the school, and just before the metal detector I bumped into a girl with her hair dyed a nice shade of green.

The girl turned around, and I felt a little stunned, as It was Savannah Wright who turned around to look at me with a snarl on her face, while she was only in a stark white and extremely tight sports bra and yoga pants.

Savannah is the epitome of southside trash that is hated by everyone on the same level as the Milkovich's, even her customers… hated her, yes Savannah is a known drug dealer.

"Watch where you're are walkin shithead!" Savannah snarled at me, before turning around, walking away with her brothers/bodyguards on either side of her.

Savannah has it way too easy, even if she and her brothers are caught only her brother's would be taken to jail as Savannah looked and acted innocent…at least when she didn't open her mouth.

For the most part I ignored her and she ignored me as compared to most people she may not know exactly what I do in my free time, but had heard enough from those who knew, that she knew not to fuck with me.

As I moved to class I found myself thinking that I should have used a wish to cure Ian's Bipolar disorder, but at that time I just saw him and the other Ghallagers characters rather than my brother, my family or really as people…but I didn't see them that way now.

'I wonder if I can use my intelligence…to find a better treatment for Ian…' I thought to myself but automatically threw the idea away as it was retarted to think I could develop something that would take decades of research and experimentation to get right.

The school day passed by quickly and I even stole Ian's thunder by helping out Mandy, with Mr.shove my boner in every female student's face while pretending to teach.

lan and I waved to one another as he left school before me since he had to "work" which is code for fucking Kash up the ass.

Since I had nothing else to do, I decided to hang around the school and score some weed, with my leftover money since it's not like I had worry about contributing anymore money to the household, since I put in more than my share of money into the squirrel fund this month, so that we wouldn't have to worry and run ourselves as rampant this summer to make sure we could make it through the winter.

Walking over to the bleachers…to buy some bud off of my usual connect…since I didn't smoke my own bud unless I was sampling the quality, and was slightly surprised when I saw Savannah and her brothers sitting there, as this wasn't her usual spot, as soon as she noticed me she scowled at as I started to walk in her direction.

"What do you want Mr.Better-Than-Everyone-Else?" Savannah asked me with a sneer on her face.

I was a little surprised by her hostility, I mean sure we aren't friends or anything and we definitely weren't enemies, I mean sure I'm super smart and she's borderline retarted, but was that really enough for her to hate me? Or was it because she knew she was trapped in the southside while I could get out whenever I wanted to?

"Well Princess." I replied to her with a smirk, enjoying the way she growled at the nickname I just called her.

"How much is an eighth?, if it's more than $25, I'll take two dimes worth." I replied to her…it'd been years since I smoked in my past life, but in this new one there wasn't a day that I didn't do so.

She looked me over, while smirking and held out her hand to her brother who took out a sealed container filled with buds and a scale that he weighed out an eighth and handed it to his sister while storing away the bud and scale. We exchanged the money and the bud at the same time.

"Guess you aren't better than us after all." Savannah sneered at me causing me to shrug while my eyebrows furrowed slightly.

I turned around while pulling my hood over my head and shoving the Ziploc baggies weed into my pocket.

"Never said I was Princess...I just get better grades than you." I replied to Savannah while walking away from her and felt an empty beer can hit the back of my leg but

ignored it and kept on steppin as getting a can kicked at me wasn't worth starting a fight over.

Later that Day..

Fiona was running around the house getting dressed up as she was going out to a club with V.

Which meant that Steve or Jimmy would be making his first appearance into our lives soon.

I felt pretty conflicted about that guy. On one hand the guy was good for her but on the other he was someone who clearly didn't want to be tied down and stuck in one place for a long time.

Not to mention I desired to have Fiona for myself.

Carl walked into the house and over to me while I was sitting in the living room using the coffee table to roll joints which broke me out of my idle thoughts.

"Wanna watch these burn…with me?" Carl asked me while motioning to the Ironman and Goku action figures he was holding in his hands.

'Haa, this kid…is really a little Psycho, as thankfully he'll grow out of it as he grows older.' I thought to myself while reaching out and tousling his hair.

"Sure thing buddy…but only if you wear your protective gear." I replied to him while taking out my phone, the Iphone was one of the few things I allowed myself to really splurge on when it came to buying stuff for myself.

I didn't let the rest of the family use it as I got my "odd jobs through it" I got each of them flip phones and put over a hundred minutes on each of their phones every month, as it was good for the family to be able to communicate with each other and ignoring the costs of the phones it ran me at most $40 bucks to put minutes on all the phones…I even got one for Frank.

"Sweet!" Carl cheered happily as he heard my reply and the fact that I was buying ten pizzas with various toppings.

Before he went upstairs to grab his protective gear.

Fiona walked in when he left while I was finishing rolling the last joint ending up with eleven joints all of them being cigarette sized.

"Doing a load!" Fiona hollered, causing me to go down in the basement handing it off to her, I could have probably just washed my clothes later as I'd be watching this load when Fiona left to go clubbin.

V pranced into the house in a sexy strapless dress that really showed off her breasts, ass and legs.

When Veronica walked by me and shot me a little smirk I slapped her ass which made her jump a little, bite her bottom lip and look at me with a surprised look in her eyes.

"Careful Kev…might beat your ass Izzy." V finally said as she gave me and my muscles that could clearly be seen through my compression shirt and appreciative glance.

"It'd be worth it to feel that ass and tits again." I replied to V with a little smirk that made her go nught-uhh before she walked upstairs.

Thirty minutes later Fiona left with Veronica but not before leaning in close and telling me V enjoyed me smacking her ass a lot, before leaving me and Lip to look after Carl, Debby and Liam.

All of us kids were spread out around the living room sitting on the couch or floor watching a slasher movie.

Ian was still at "work" so he wasn't here to enjoy the pizza and movies with us.

After three movies I put Carl, Debbie and Liam to bed, while Lip and I sat on the couch still passing a joint back and forth smoking and joking around together about random things.

I Enjoyed the fact that I had an older brother and that we clicked so well with one another and that we could talk about things the others couldn't understand.

While we were enjoying our high, Fi and V stumbled into the house laughing and giggling with Steve in tow, they looked us over and laughed a little before Fi walked off to get something from the kitchen…most likely the first aid bag/kit kept in the cabinet, Veronica sat down on the couch next to me while Steve sat on the floor in front of her and Fiona handed her the med bag before sitting down across from us on a chair.

"Who is this?" I asked while looking at Steve who was taking off his shirt, of course I knew him from the series but they didn't and couldn't know that.

"Steve." Steve introduced himself while proffering me his hand to shake and wearing a I'm getting it tonight expression on his face.

"He defended mine and Fiona's honor at the club tonight!" Veronica said happily while using a pair of tweezers to remove shards of glass from Steve's hair, while taking the empty popcorn bowl from my lap and dropping the shards inside of it.

'I guess I won't be making another bowl of popcorn.' I thought to myself ruefully already hating Steve more than I did before.

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