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81.81% Re:Zero - Resurgence / Chapter 18: Distant Memories

Capítulo 18: Distant Memories

After obtaining Dominion, I engaged in relentless training with Elsa to sharpen my skills. The cycle repeated – death, reset, Puck crafting weapons, and another visit to the slums for a showdown with Elsa. I lost track of the exact number of loops; the repetition blurred into a continuous stream. Over time, my combat proficiency slightly improved. I found myself able to match Elsa even when she held back. This was one of those loops…

"You won't catch me with that one again!" I tilt my head to the side, narrowly avoiding one of Elsa's poisoned throwing knives.

Elsa crouches, dashing towards me with lightning speed. In an instant, she's upon me, aiming a kick at my legs. I lose my balance, toppling backward, but I manage to place both hands on the ground, preventing a full fall. Swiftly, I counter by kicking her chin while executing a backward somersault.

As Elsa stumbles backward from the unexpected kick to her chin, I use the opportunity to spring back onto my feet. The adrenaline courses through my veins as we lock eyes.

Elsa lunges forward, slashing with a knife in a horizontal arc. I lean back, narrowly avoiding the blade as it whizzes past my nose. Seizing the opening, I counter with a rapid series of slashes aimed at her midsection. She expertly dodges and weaves through the onslaught, her agility matching her deadly accuracy.

Our dance of combat intensifies, the scene echoing with the clinks of metal meeting air. Elsa flips backward, creating distance between us, and I seize the moment to analyze the situation. I notice a dangerous gleam in her eyes as she readies for the next move.

With a sudden burst of speed, Elsa charges again, this time with a spinning kick. I block the attack with my forearms, feeling the impact reverberate through my body. Gritting my teeth, I retaliate with a sweeping leg kick, attempting to knock her off balance.

Elsa deftly evades my kick and counters with a spinning hook kick of her own. I manage to duck just in time, feeling the rush of wind as her foot sails inches above my head. seizing the opportunity, I grab her extended leg, using her own momentum against her, and try to sweep her other leg out from under her.

My attempt to sweep her is futile; she stands firm as if made of metal.

"Damn it! Are you made of metal or something?!" I wince from the pain in my leg, quickly repositioning myself to deliver a roundhouse kick.

"Caught you~" She effortlessly catches my heel with her palm, positioning her knife to sever it.

"Heh! Think again!" I swiftly manipulate the dust on the ground with Dominion, propelling it towards her eyes.

Reacting with surprising agility, she seizes the blade intended for my foot and slashes at the oncoming dust cloud with a backhanded grip. The force of the swing scatters the dust attack. In her post-swing stance, I seize the opportunity, retrieving one of the knives she had thrown earlier from my inventory and flicking it at her forearm.

Caught off-guard by the unexpected knife, Elsa couldn't react in time, and it embeds itself into her forearm. The sudden pain forces her to release my heel.

I flip back onto my hands, creating distance, and summon both ice daggers into my grip.

"You caught me off-guard with that one. That Divine Blessing, letting you summon weapons into your hands, is really useful. You might catch almost everyone by surprise with that move…" Elsa grabs the knife's handle and yanks it out of her forearm.

Blood gushes out of the wound for a moment, only to cease a second later and then heal at a rapid pace.

"That healing factor really is cheating. It's like soloing a boss but then realizing that it heals 10 percent of its HP every 10 minutes you don't kill it. Man, I hate that mechanic!" I click my tongue, reminiscing about sleepless nights spent gaming and subsequent lectures from Emily.

"Hah! Have a taste of your own medicine... or poison, I should say! I'll just buy time until the poison takes its effect!" A smirk graces my face.

A beautiful smile forms on Elsa's face as she hears my words.

"Ara…I don't think you would find an assassin that's not immune to their own poison. Having it used against me would be troublesome, so we take proper measures for that…" Elsa explains, placing a finger on her lips.

'Wha-? Crap, I should have seen that one coming, huh?' The smile on my face widens as I ready my daggers again.

Elsa smirks, reaching into her robe and retrieving a second kukri blade.

"Phase two already?" I narrow my eyes slightly, taking in a deep breath to prepare myself.

The moment Elsa gets semi-serious, she draws both of her kukri blades, seamlessly transitioning into dual-wielding. Ryota had dubbed this 'Phase Two,' as the fight generally gets more intricate at this point.

In an instant, Elsa vanishes from her spot. My instincts kick in, and I cross my blades above my head to brace for her attack. An explosive sound resonates as cracks spread out from under me due to the force of the attack.

'Yep, that shock definitely caused some internal damage…' Blood leaks from my mouth as I deflect her blades to the side.

I follow with a kick to her back as she lands on the ground, creating some distance between us.

"Fuck, I'm surprised my spine didn't completely shatter from that…" I wipe the blood from my lips.

"Alright, this run is over. My spine didn't shatter, but it got damaged enough. I almost can't feel my legs anymore…" I let out a sigh, sitting down on the ground.

"Ara? Giving up already? What a shame, I was just starting to get serious…" Elsa says, approaching me casually.

"Woman, you just semi-paralyzed me! Also, you haven't even broken a sweat yet! What kind of stamina is that? Give me a break!" I quip back.

"My apologies! I thought I was holding back enough, but I guess I lost control at the end there," she says with a bright smile.

"You really had to rub salt in the wound, huh? This run's over, but I still want to test one last thing out…" A smirk appears on my lips as I raise my palm in her direction.

"Hm? There's more?" Elsa stops in place, looking at me with anticipation.

"Yep. Been cooking this one in my head for a while now. My legs are kind of useless, so I have the perfect excuse to try it out…"

The area in front of my palm distorts as the surrounding air rushes into the spot. The winds around me intensify as something almost transparent begins to manifest from the condensed wind.

Beads of sweat form on my forehead, and my breathing becomes more laborious.

'Condense. Condense. Condense. Condense even more.' The shape the wind is trying to take becomes clearer.

'Damn, this is harder than I thought it would be…'

I direct the harsh winds away from me, closing my eyes to focus entirely on the sphere of awareness inside my Domain.

'Almost there…'

Elsa remains still, watching with fascination and a slight smile.

"Done. Thanks for letting me charge up..." I open my eyes, revealing an exhausted yet satisfied smile as I observe the extremely condensed winds swirling in front of my palm.

"It's my first 'spell,' so let's call it something simple…" My smile widens.

"Wind Vortex!" I release the winds, and they blast forward with a deafening sound. I couldn't properly control the dust raging around, so I had to close my eyes. A boom echoes as the winds collide with their target.

[ Low Mana ]

'Heh. The winds violently explode outwards on impact. How's that?" An exhausted smile forms on my face.

"Oh my! That was amazing!" I hear a sultry voice behind me.

My brows twitch as I turn to look behind me.

There she was, Elsa, in all of her glory, an excited smile on her face as she gazed at the aftermath of the vortex.

"I knew it wouldn't hurt you, but…going behind me? Really? You're just flexing on me at this point…" I sigh, shoulders drooping.

"Wait. If you're behind me, then what did my attack…" I gaze in front of me, witnessing a decimated house. It's as if a tornado tore through it. The houses were already in disrepair, so the winds made quick work of them.


"Hm? What is it?"

"W-Was someone in that house…?"

"Oh? I think everyone evacuated when they heard the sounds of us fighting. It's okay. No one got hurt."

"Thank God…" I breathe out a sigh of relief.

'Even if I can reset everything, it doesn't change that I potentially made innocents suffer…'

All the strength drains from my body as I collapse on the ground.

"The knights may come to check up on the commotion, so I have to end our fun short," Elsa says.

"Come to think of it, I have never gutted a mage that could use magic without an incantation before! I am curious. Curious indeed…" I hear her say in a low voice.

"Alright, wait just a minu-" I hear a sharp sound, and my body ignites with searing pain emanating from my stomach.

"AAAAGH! F-FUCK! Ungh!" Blood surges up my throat as I retch.

The world blurred into a nightmarish haze. Pain, unimaginable and primal, seized control of my senses. The first cut, a searing lightning bolt through my gut, ignited a symphony of agony that drowned out the world.

I tried to scream again, but the air caught in my throat, leaving only a guttural rasp. The metallic tang of blood filled my nostrils, a sickening reminder of the brutality unfolding. My hands instinctively clutched at the widening wound, fingertips sinking into the warmth of my own entrails. I could feel them, slippery and hot, escaping my body as she ruthlessly pulled them forth.

'Fuck…not this again. I don't have enough mana to kill myself. I should have thought about that. It hurts. It hurts so much.'

"Ah…I knew it. Your guts have such a lovely color! They look so healthy. You must have been fed well…"

'It hurts…It hurts…It hurts…'

"Does it hurt? Are you suffering? In pain? Sad? Want to die?"

'This is one sick fetish…' Life starts to fade away from me.

"Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly…Yes, you're slowly losing body heat… You're slowly growing cold…slowly…"

"Ryota? What's the matter?"


I draw in a deep breath, exhaling a heavy sigh.



"Y-Yes? What is it?"

With a lifeless expression, I slowly extend my arms to the side.


"Eh?" Emilia's head tilts in confusion.

"If you don't hug me in 10 seconds, everyone on this street will witness a grown man break down in tears…" I say with the same dead expression.

"E-Eh? Ryota? What are you…" Emilia pauses as she makes eye contact with me.

"You sure you won't hug me? I'll cry, I swear I'll do it…sniff…" I prepare to jokingly curl up into a ball to tease her when I feel an unexpected touch on my cheek.

"Ryota, are you okay? You look…exhausted…" I gaze into her caring and worried eyes.

"…" I'm rendered speechless for a moment, a distant memory resurfacing in my mind.

"…hic…grandpa…sniff." The sounds of a little child crying filled the empty hospital room. Various tubes were attached to the boy, delivering clear liquid. The steady beeping of machines and monitors rang out continuously.

The door creaks open, and an old man walks in. He appeared aged, but his physique belied his years. The moment the old man stepped into the room, the child's sniffles ceased.

"Haah…my boy, I know you're not asleep. You can't fool your grandpa…" The old man sighs, his steps measured as he approaches the bed.

"G-Grandpa, I thought you went to that grown-up's party. What are you d-doing here…" The child, still hiding under the blanket, asks in a shaky voice.

Hm? Ah! Those rascals! I couldn't stand that fancy-schmancy party. All of those two-faced idiots, smiling and pandering to the biggest guy, talking smack about the others. I finally managed to slip out; those money-hungry hounds just wouldn't let me be. I was this close to performing the Grandpa-special elbow slam on them!" The old man huffs and complains as he grabs a stool and sits next to the bed.

"What about you, boy? I heard there was a birthday party for one of the child patients around here. What was his name….Ah, little Samuel! How was the birthday? Did you have fun? Tell Gramps everything…" The old man asks with a small smile.

"…" The child remains silent.

"Boy? Are you ignoring Grandpa? Don't tell me you hit your rebellious phase already. You're gonna make Grandpa cry. Come on, show me your face…"

"I-I'm fine, Grandpa. I'm just a little tired, so I'll go to sleep now…"

"Hoh hoh? Lying to your old man now, huh? You seem to have grown a pair… One, two, and three!" The old man grabs the blankets by the ends and lifts them to reveal the child.

"Ah!" The surprised child gasps, meeting the smirking gaze of his grandfather.

"There you ar-" The old man's words trail off as he notices his grandchild's swollen eyes.

"Boy…were you crying?" The old man's eyes narrow as he questions the child.

"…sniff…n-no…" The boy hides his face.

"Haah…" The old man sighs as he sits on the side of the bed. His large, wrinkled hand gently rests on the boy's head.

"Boy…look at grandpa…" The old man says with a mix of sternness and affection.

The young child timidly turns around, peeking at his grandfather.

The old man wears the most gentle smile as he slowly rubs his grandson's head.

"G-Grandpa…hic…Grandpa!" The child's tough facade crumbles, and he starts to sniffle and cry.

"There there. Let it all out…" The old man leans down, embracing his grandson gently.

"…sniff…Grandpa…t-they said that…hic…I s-stink of nasty medicine…hic…I wasn't allowed to go near them…sniff…he said I looked like a z-zombie…" The child shares between sniffles and sobs.

"…sniff…he made me stay…hic…in a corner…" The child's tears soak into his grandfather's clothes as the old man tenderly rubs the child's head.

"Tch…those rascals…" The old man curses softly.

"Emily w-was with me…she gave me c-cake…" The child's sobs grow louder.

"I have to thank that young lady again…" The old man says as he lifts his grandson's chin up.

The child looks into his grandfather's eyes, finding there not just care but a deep understanding that transcends words.

"Boy…let me ask you a question… Is it truly worth shedding tears over the likes of them?" The old man asks.

"W-worth it?"

"Yes. Listen carefully, my boy. A man should only shed tears for those worthy of it. Ask yourself this, are those little rascals really worth your tears, hm?" The old man looks into his eyes.

"…no…all they do is make trouble for their parents…they talk badly behind people's backs and laugh at them…" The child stops sniffling as he meekly says.

"Now ask yourself, do you want to be friends with people like that?"

"…no…they're mean…I don't like them…"

"Then why are you crying?" The old man smiles.


"If they are not worthy of your friendship, then why are you crying over what they say? They are not worthy! What they say shouldn't matter! Isn't that right, my boy!" The grandfather exclaims.

"…Y-Yeah! They are mean! Why should I cry over people like them!" The young boy raises his arm and yells.

"That's the Kurogane spirit! Here! Come give Grandpa a kiss!" The old man laughs.

"No! Grandpa reeks of beer!" The boy squirms out of his grandpa's embrace, the innocence of the moment washing away the earlier distress.

"Oi! I'll teach you a lesson! Here comes Grandpa's special attack! Thousand Heavenly Tickles!" The old man begins to tickle his grandson's stomach.

"Nooo! Hahaha! G-Grandpa! Stoop!" The child laughs heartily as he squirms around, enjoying his grandpa's playful assault.

"That should teach you a lesson! Listen, my boy." The old man's gentle voice prompts the child to turn around and face him.

"Right now, the only people worthy of your tears are you, me, and little Emily. In the future, you may encounter more people worthy of them. My boy, you will one day meet individuals who will genuinely care for you, just like Grandpa and little Emily. In this challenging world, such people are only few and far between! Hold on to them and cherish their companionship! The most important thing in life is bonds, my boy! Strong bonds!" The old man imparts his wisdom with a sincere tone.

"Grandpa… will I really meet people like that?" The child asks, curiosity in his eyes.

"I don't know… but I hope you will. All we can do is hope. Don't make the same mistake your father did, boy. Cherish those people…" The old man's gruff yet tender voice resonates with a deep understanding of life's intricacies.

"Ryota…" Emilia's eyes widen in concern.

A lone tear trickles down Ryota's cheek, and a nostalgic smile graces his face.

"Grandpa…" he mutters softly.

"D-Don't cry, Ryota. It's okay!" Emilia starts to panic, attempting to comfort him.

Puck flies out of Emilia's hair and lands on her shoulder.

"Lia, don't worry. He's okay…" Puck gently smiles at Emilia to calm her down.

'Your kindness is a disease, Lia…' Puck smiles to himself.

"Haah…I'm fine!" Ryota wipes the tear from his cheek with his sleeve and presents Emilia with a bright smile.

"Oh, what happened? You looked so exhausted…" Emilia worriedly asks.

'Well, I guess that's kind of inevitable. This is the third time I died by having my stomach ripped open. I killed myself the second time, but I didn't have that option this time. Did she really reach into my stomach and pull out my guts with her bare hands? Damn it, Elsa! I'm this close to developing a trauma towards you, I swear!' Ryota sighs out loud.

'System, how many deaths has it been? I lost count…'

[ You have died 27 times ]

'Really? I thought it would be less than that…'

"Ryota?" Emilia calls out.

"It's nothing! So? Can I still have that hug? If you won't give me one then I guess I'll settle for Puck…" Ryota turns to Puck and sighs sadly.

"Nya-?! What do you mean you'll settle for me?! I'll have you know that my fur is the softest in the world! My hugs are heavenly!" The cat protests and puffs out his chest.

"Hoh hoh? I'll be the judge of that!"

"You dare challenge me, mortal? Fine! Taste the ultimate fluffiness!" Puck flies into Ryota's cheek and rubs himself on it.

Ryota takes him in his hands and softly rubs his belly with his finger.

"Nya~" The cat breathes out a sigh of contentment.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself…" Emilia smiles softly.

Ryota looks up at Emilia and puts on a gentle smile.

'Thank you, Emilia…'

He then closes his eyes and thinks to himself.

'I need a new plan…'

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