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6.66% Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover / Chapter 1: The Jump
Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover original

Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover

Autor: Vedros

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: The Jump

The warm and bright rays of the Sun trickled through the small slit in the curtains, striking the closed eyes of the lone resident inside the room.


The boy groaned softly, wincing when a sharp pain coursed through his head.

"Shit. Why does it feel like I've been run over by a horde of rampaging hippogriffs… fuck," he hissed, getting up. Slowly, he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. A very opulent bedroom came into sight, a large cupboard to the side and a table near the window with a laptop and a phone on it.

He looked around for a few seconds, blinking to get rid of the sharp sting out of his eyes before he gasped.

"The fuck!? How did I get here!?"

He climbed out of his bed and harshly pulled the curtains open, wincing when the sharp rays of the sun hit his eyes like a pinpoint laser. Slowly opening his eyes, he took in the outside scenery.

"Where the fuck am I… this doesn't look like any place I've been to," he whispered, looking down and seeing the large expanse of skyscrapers as far as he could see. There was a huge park in the middle, surrounded by all the buildings in sight.

His whisper trailed off, the memories from the past rushing through his mental plane like cars on a racing strip.

"Does it hurt? Dying?"

"Easier than falling asleep," Sirius smiled softly.


"Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, come to die…"






A short gasp, a forbidden plane of existence, a long overdue conversation, candid and openhearted. His apprehension as he looked at the small creature under that bench – its skin all red and flayed, emitting fumes at places. Dumbledore's soft smile as he hugged him.

"Multiple realities my boy… diverse timelines… no, it's not linear… Of course, it's happening inside your head, but that doesn't mean it's not real…"

"It's your choice, Harry. Stay and fight, or travel, travel to the unknown and take the plunge…"

Harry staggered back with a gasp; his eyes wide as he dropped onto his bed with a faint thud. Sweat poured down his skin, his thin t-shirt clinging to his frame, as the realization dawned on him. Somehow, he had travelled. Travelled to the unknown after Voldemort hit him with the killing curse.

"Fucking hell, Dumbledore…"

Harry sighed, and slowly got up. He had to find answers, and as quick as possible. This place was unknown to him, and the quicker he found out just where he was, the better off he would be.

Harry walked towards where he guessed the bathroom must be and pulled the door open. His eyes widened when he saw the exquisite vitreous in place, shiny white tiles forming the surface, a large bathtub to the side and a separate shower stall.

'Well, I guess I have a lot of money if I can afford all this shit," he thought sarcastically, walking over to the mirror. He looked up and his eyes widened.

"What the fuck!?"

Harry gawked at the man staring back at him.

"This… this is seriously me!?"

The man looked nothing like he did. Where he had been a fairly average-looking guy with messy black hair and emerald eyes, the person in the reflection had a sharp face with unkempt but controllable hair on top and turquoise eyes. He seemed to be taller as well. His physique was also much better – the wiry frame gone and replaced with a muscular frame, and he realized it was the result of a proper fitness routine.

Half an hour later, Harry exited the bathroom, clad in only a pair of track pants and boxers underneath, and walked towards the closet, deeming it as good a place as any to start.

Rummaging through the closet and the drawers therein, Harry pulled out a couple of folders and threw them on the bed, before something else caught his eye.

His eyes widened when he saw what it was, and gingerly, Harry pulled the box out. With shaking hands, he placed it on the bed and sat down. Slowly, he pulled the lid with the crest of the Peverell clan on it, and his breathing grew ragged when he saw his cloak resting inside, and sitting atop it were the Resurrection stone encased in a ring and the Elder Wand.

Still shaking, he grabbed the wand and a sharp pain coursed through him when he touched it. He felt more than saw his blood trickling down his palm and over the wand, with a few droplets also falling on the stone and his cloak.

Harry forced himself to calm down and keenly observed whatever was going on. He jerked back and a shout of 'The fuck!' escaped him when the wand seemingly vanished into his skin. He had no time to react as the cloak and the ring glowed before they too were absorbed into his skin.

The entire event happened within two seconds at most, and Harry could do nothing but stare with wide eyes at the tattoo of the Deathly Hallows on his wrist.

"What happened just now...?" He whispered to himself, twisting his hand from side to side, looking at the tattoo from all angles. It was a black tattoo with red outlines that looked like fumes rising out of the symbol, and frowned.

'Have I somehow absorbed them? Only one way to find out," he thought, as he looked at the vase on the bedside table.

Raising his hand, Harry willed it to rise, and he watched in fascination as the vase hovered in the air.

'Something more taxing… transfiguration perhaps,'

His hands forward, Harry willed the vase to transform and watched with a smile as it transformed into a bucket, a hedgehog, a chair, and finally, back to a vase.

'One final test, then…'

He pushed his hand forward and willed for his Patronus to appear. A blinding light filled the room, coaxing a wince out of him and forcing him to shut his eyes. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes.

His eyes widened when he saw a majestic Thestral standing proudly, its head tilted high as it slowly turned towards him. Harry could only watch in shock as the Thestral bowed before him, and slowly dissipated away.

"My Patronus changed…"

Harry whispered in shock, before looking back at the tattoo.

'I seem to be able to cast both silently and wandlessly. What about the remaining two Hallows though? How to use them? Could it really be that simple…?'

Standing up, Harry walked back to the mirror to the side and looked at himself.

'Not gonna lie, I look good,' he thought, before shaking his head. Staring at his reflection, Harry willed himself to be invisible, and a small grin took over his face when he saw his reflection vanish.

'I was right then, I can imagine and do it all,'

Harry got rid of his invisibility and walked out of the bathroom.

Sitting on the bed, he opened one of the folders and saw that it contained his official documents.

'Bingo. Let's see what I can learn from this,'

Turns out, he could learn a lot. The folder contained his birth certificate, his school records, his university records and degree, and a few other certificates he didn't bother learning much about.

He discovered that he was Harry Potter in this world as well, the son of Lily and James Potter. With a frown, he also discovered that his parents were both dead. However, as per his school and university records, his parents died before he joined the university. Although he had no memory of his life in this world, the fact that he'd been brought up by his parents was enough to make him smile.

He had mastery in Finance. He frowned. He didn't know the 'F' of Finance, and yet he had a degree from what seemed like a reputable university, at least if the quality of the document was anything to go by. Nevertheless, he didn't pay much mind to it.

Another startling discovery he made was that he lived in the United States. He had never been across the pond in his earlier life, so the thought was slightly surreal. He found that his initial schooling was in London, but they moved to New York before he started high school.

His mind was assimilating all the information rapidly, thanks to his commendable mastery over the mind arts. That was something he had devoted a lot of time to during the Horcrux Hunt, practising with both Ron and Hermione for months on end. The thought of them made him frown, and he wondered how they had fared after he had died. He hoped that they had managed to kill that noseless fucker – after all, due to his sacrifice, he couldn't harm anyone he had intended to protect, and his Horcruxes were all gone, apart from that snake of his, that is. But he had faith in them.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Harry put the first folder to the side and opened the second folder. His eyes widened when he saw the official documents inside.

'These look important,' he thought to himself, as he got to reading them, his mind processing and assimilating information at a rapid pace.


It took Harry over half an hour, and finally, he was done with the thick folder. The folder contained all the assets he had to his name after his parents' death. Some were inherited, while some were a result of his actions.

He went through the list of properties and wondered just how rich they were in this world. Judging by the list of properties, he assumed his family was very wealthy. They even had a few properties in England, and he recognized a few as being located in posh areas. He also looked over at the tax return that was at the top of the pile.

'Yeah… if I have this much income, no wonder I can afford a place like this,' he thought, looking around the spacious room.

He chuckled when he realized that he was already retired at 24, having attained his financial independence a year ago. His investments made him more than enough that he didn't need to work anymore.

That was both good and bad. He didn't see himself as someone who lazed around all day, and thought about taking up a job somewhere, doing whatever caught his fancy. There was time for that though, so he put it out of his mind for now.

Currently, Harry had to familiarize himself with his surroundings and the place he had found himself in, which meant he needed to check out the place he was living in and go out. Debating whether to stay visible or invisible, he decided to go out normally. No one knew him here anyway.

Quickly fishing out a shirt and a pair of chinos, Harry donned them on and walked out of his bedroom.

However, he walked back in and grabbed the phone from the table. It seemed he was living as a muggle, so it might come in handy.

He decided to finish the home tour quickly and walked around. He was honestly astounded at the beautiful apartment he now owned. It was a large one with six rooms and as many bathrooms, with an in-home gym, game room, movie room and pool. Shaking his head, he made his way to the front door and saw that it was password protected if the numbers on the screen were any indication. Quickly spotting the Forgot your password button, Harry felt his phone vibrate. Taking it out, he saw the new message and clicked on it.

'Your new Secure Home password in 8196.'

'That's handy,' he thought, as he put in the password and watched the door unlock itself.

'All this technology will take some getting used to. It's a good thing that Hermione showed me how to use a computer and a phone,' he chuckled as he put the shoes on.

Pulling the door open, Harry walked out and shut it behind him. He watched as the screen flashed 'LOCKED' and nodded.

With a small smile that hid his slight apprehension, Harry stood up straight and walked toward the elevators. His steps halted and his eyes widened slightly when he saw that he was on the 54th floor. Releasing a breath, Harry smiled at the lady entering the elevator and got in after her.


The sounds of cars wheezing by, and people talking and walking on the pavement greeted him as soon as he walked out of the massive building that housed his apartment. He flashed another smile at the lady who exited the building alongside him and walked in the opposite direction.

His main task of the day was to familiarize himself with the neighbourhood and, if possible, know more about this world. He wished there was a Wizarding World here, or even better, that he was in the same world but a long distance away. However, something was telling him that wasn't the case, that this wasn't the world he had grown up in.

Shaking his head, Harry looked ahead and kept walking, his eyes taking in everything around him. It was a very hectic city – that was his first thought, as he looked at the people who were walking around in haste or the massive number of cars that were speeding by in every lane.

Surrounded by buildings, Harry kept walking around when he stopped, staring straight ahead.

In the distance stood a building taller than any other. It was designed very differently as well, with a sleeky shape and at the top front, a huge sign was displayed, proudly shouting the word 'STARK' for all to see.

'Must be some big company here,' he thought, as he tore his gaze away from the shining symbol and continued his walk.

Spotting a grocery store to the side, Harry realized that he would need to buy some, and resolved to bring money next time.

'Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about this world. I need to do something to rectify that.'

Spotting a slightly balding man standing to the side, Harry smiled before casting a wandless Confundo. The man instantly went rigid before he walked into the alley. Harry looked around and when he was sure no one was paying attention, he walked into the alley in a carefree manner. He saw the man take a turn and quickened his pace, catching him right when he walked into the rear door of a building.

Harry yanked the door open and saw the man waiting for him with a neutral look on his face. He smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I just need some information. I promise not to look for anything other than what I want," Harry said with a smile and delved into his mind.

'Hmm… for a regular guy, his mind is fairly well-organized. Must be an intelligent person,' Harry thought with a chuckle as he started to pull up the information he needed about this world.

'I see… this is similar to Earth. Even the places are more or less the same. Wait what? Men flying in Iron suits? Norse gods and his allies? I was right when I thought this was not my world… but this shit is something else.'

After perusing the man's mind for all the basic knowledge he needed to know, Harry pulled out of his mind.

"Thanks a lot, sir. You've been a real help. You can go now."

The man didn't wait for a response and simply walked out. Harry put up a delayed Obliviation charm so that the man will come out of his confounded state and forget the last 10 minutes once he got back where he came from.

Armed with all the basic knowledge he would need to survive in this world, Harry smiled and walked out of the building. Looking in the distance, he saw an exit and walked towards it.


A young redhead was walking on the pavement, her eyes on her phone and coffee in her hand when she collided with someone.

Her coffee and phone fell out of her hand and onto the ground and she was knocked back. Eyes wide, she braced herself for impact when she felt an arm circle her waist and pull her in place.

She looked up and saw the most vivid turquoise eyes she'd ever seen. However, she dragged herself back to reality as the man pulled her up.

"Are you okay?"

She looked down at her coffee, which was spilt all over the ground and her phone that had fallen to the side.

"Fine," she muttered irritated, picking up her phone and glaring at him, "can't you see where you're walking?"

She saw the man's eyes narrow.

"You were walking with your eye on the phone. I didn't," he retorted, and her eyes narrowed.

"And how do you know that, huh? Staring at me, were you?"

The man looked at her with a deadpan stare.

"Because I was watching where I was going. And I even tried to evade, but you turned at the last moment, and the result is your lost coffee."

She glared at him. Just who did he think he was?

"I don't care. I lost my coffee because of you, and you're going to either buy me another one or pay up for it."

The man's eyes widened in disbelief before he snorted.

"Yeah right,"

"What's going on here?"

Both of them turned and saw an officer looking at them with raised eyes. She fumbled with what to say when he took charge of the situation.

She was surprised when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"Nothing officer, my girlfriend just accidentally dropped her coffee. Nothing else," the man replied with a smile and nuzzled the side of her head, and her eyes widened slightly as she shivered. She saw the officer look at her and quickly forced a smile on her face.

"Oh yes, officer, I just stumbled somehow and it fell over," she managed, wrapping her arm around his waist and pinching harshly. She relished when he hissed in her ear.

"Don't worry, love. We'll get a new one," he said, pulling back to look at her, and she could see the irritation in his eyes. She was sure the same was reflected in hers.

"Alright, alright. Don't create commotion here. Get going," the officer grunted, and they smiled before she felt him take her hand and start walking. She had no choice but to follow.

Despite her irritation, she couldn't help but marvel at how his hand felt in hers, or how her mind filled with illicit thoughts when he held her close. She quickly shoved that thought to the side and spotting a café with a private booth, pulled them inside.

Once they were inside the booth, she picked up the phone and asked for two mugs of hot chocolate before she turned around and saw him looking at her with an incredulous gaze.

At once, both of them exploded.

"What the hell was that back there!?"

"The fuck do you think you're doing!?"

They glared at each other for a long moment, before he sighed and sat down on the small seat. Quirking an eyebrow at her, he gestured for her to sit as well, and she did with a sigh.

No one said anything as a server came with their drinks. He simply looked at her before grabbing his mug and slowly drinking. She glanced at him before following suit.

A few minutes later, he sighed and placed his mug back on the table in front of him.

"I did the first thing that came to my mind to get rid of that cop," he began, and she turned to look at him. He looked at her and smiled.

She sighed before smirking.

"And I dragged you in here so you could treat me after spilling my coffee all over the pavement," she retorted, and he sighed. Now that they had relaxed slightly, he couldn't help but look her over. Chuckling to himself, he admitted that he liked what he saw, very much so.

"I didn't spill it and I'm not paying."

"I'll make you if you don't," she smirked. However, she was surprised when he smirked back.

"And how will you make me do it, hmm?" He asked as he leaned forward and invaded her space, feeling pretty confident.

'Well, two can play this game,' she thought.

Instead of leaning far away as he had expected, she did the opposite and leaned forward.

"You sure you wanna find out, big boy?" She whispered huskily.

Her instant transition from a normal girl to this seductress surprised him, but he wasn't going to back down. His prestige was on the line now.

"You bet I do," his voice was equally breathy, and he saw a certain glint in her eye that hadn't been there only moments ago.

"Alright then, pay up now and meet me in five in the alley right behind this one. I'll be sure to properly thank you…"

He chuckled. He wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If she wanted it, he was all too happy to give it to her. This wasn't his world, and he didn't have anything holding him back from living his life as he wanted. If this is how it was going to go, well, he was all too happy to go with the flow.

He looked up at her as she stood up and with a smirk, walked out, her hips swaying seductively beneath that skirt and he felt his pants tighten.

After 5 minutes had passed, Harry stood up and fished out her purse that he had summoned right when she was getting up. With a chuckle, he dropped the required sum on the table and pocketed it. Walking out, he gave the server a nod, who smiled at him and went to the booth. He watched her walk out with the money and give him a nod, and with a wink, he walked out and headed right into the alley.


He saw her standing with her back against the wall in the darkest part of the alley, and walked over to her with a smirk.

"So, did you get out today to pick someone up or what?"

She chuckled.

"It's been a long time, I agree, but I had hoped for it. The fact that it escalated and you're easy on the eyes is a bonus for sure," she whispered, beckoning him forward with her finger, and he was no idiot.

Within no time, she was pinned against the wall and he was kissing her passionately, eagerly tonguing her mouth. He had only done this with one woman in his life, but the sensation was incomparable.

Her legs parted slightly, and he wasted no time in hitching up her skirt and putting one leg between her thighs. Still kissing her, he reached up and grabbed her left tit with his right hand over her silk top, groping and squeezing it.

Her tongue toyed with his, her glossy lips sucking his, as she started stroking his bulge over his pants.

He deepened their kiss and slowly slipped his hand under her skirt, and started hiking it upwards, exposing her purple thong. He swiftly eased his fingers through the side of the elastic and his fingers invaded her dripping pussy.

"You're dripping. Oh, you slut," he chuckled. She looked up at him with hooded eyes and grinned.

"What're you gonna do about it?"

He grinned and smacked his lips back against hers, and she moaned into the kiss when he inserted one, then two and finally three fingers inside her. She struggled to stand upright, ecstasy coursing through her and he pinned her firmly against the wall.

He firmly grabbed her thong and pulled it down, and she eagerly closed her legs so that he could slide it down easily. The moment her thong hit the ground, she parted her thighs again and he resumed his work, thrusting his fingers in and out of her. His mouth devoured hers, her wanton moans swallowed as their tongues battled inside her mouth.

Her hand stopped stroking him and she quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down. The moment she pulled his boxers down, his cock sprang free, and her eyes widened when she saw it.

"Holy shit…" she whispered, looking up at him, only to see him grinning at her. With a grin of her own, she stood on her tiptoes as he grabbed his cock and positioned it against her wanton pussy. Her mouth opened in a silent gasp as the head of his cock parted her lips and he slowly eased into her.

Her pussy stretched up as he pushed, and the slick walls slipped to accommodate it. She moaned whorishly as he pushed forward slowly until he bottomed out inside her.

Slowly, he picked up the pace, starting gently but quickly intensifying his thrusting and pulled back to watch her wanton face as she was getting fucked by his cock.

She looked up at him and smiled, and he smirked as he started to furiously hammer away inside her. He rubbed her clit with his free hand, and she cried out in pleasure before he brought his fingers up and inserted them inside her mouth. She greedily sucked his fingers clean but didn't release them. Muffled cries and moans escaped her mouth as he continued to vigorously fuck her.

His eyes zeroed on her jiggling tits confined under her silk top and he wasted no time in freeing them from their confines. Grabbing her tits firmly, he squeezed them and continued to ram away inside her.

"Oh fuck yes, fuck, fuck, fuck, oh fuck yes fuck me! Oh, fuck me!"

Her gasps and moans sent a thrill through him, and he lowered his mouth, taking her nipples alternatingly into his mouth and simultaneously fucking her gushing cunt.

"Fuck you're so tight. Damn," he grunted as he stood straight and hovered over her, and she opened her eyes to look up at him.

"That's… ahh… that's because you're so biiiig, fuck!" She cried out when he gave a massive thrust.

Her orgasm coursed through her and she shivered as he slowed down slightly, feeling her juices all around his cock and watched as she quickly dropped to her knees and looked up at him with a seductive smile.

"Time for some cream," she grinned and quickly engulfed him inside her mouth. Her lips sucked his cock, tongue lapping all over it, tasting her juices as she continued to bob her head on his cock. It didn't take him long, and he erupted inside her mouth with a grunt. To her credit and his astonishment, she swallowed every fucking drop of his cum, looking up at him in arousal.

"Fucking hell," he whispered once he came down from his orgasmic high. He looked down and grabbed her arms to pull her up. Slowly, he walked forward and kissed her neck, relishing in her moans.

Slowly, they parted and she smirked. They started dressing and she remarked, "So, how did you like my way to make you pay?"

Harry didn't respond and merely chuckled, watching as she adjusted her top, her large tits jutting out proudly within the confines of the silky fabric and he had the sudden urge to rip her clothes off. If the way she was ogling him was any indication, it was safe to say she was feeling the same.

Once they were fully dressed up, Harry pulled out her purse and handed it to her. Her eyes widened and she quickly opened it.

"You fucker!" She shouted with a disbelieving smile, and Harry grinned. He pulled out his phone and handed it to her.

She looked at him for a moment, searching his face, before she chuckled. She took his phone and looked at it.

"Harry, huh? Nice," she remarked and started typing.

Once done, she passed his phone back to him which he promptly stuffed inside his pocket.

"I'm gonna make you pay next time, Harry, be sure of it," she threw over her shoulder as she walked away.

"Hey wait," Harry shouted when she was a little distance away, and she stopped to look at him. "You didn't tell me your name!"

She chuckled and blew him a kiss.

"It's Natalie, but you call me Nat," they both grinned at each other as she walked away. Harry leaned back against the wall and watched as the sun started setting.

"This world seems awesome," he whispered with a chuckle before apparating away to his apartment.


"I stood right there for the entire time, no movements whatsoever."

"The tracker showed that you moved approximately 100 metres inwards, leaving the spot vacant for about 15 minutes. The camera footage on the bank situated by the opposite lane has also recorded your movement, Agent Coulson."

Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at Coulson before looking at Maria Hill, who showed the footage. They saw a small blip who was Coulson walking into the alley followed by one civilian a few minutes later. They also saw him returning after 15 minutes.

"How is this possible? I don't remember moving from there."

Nick Fury stared at Coulson who was looking at him seriously.

"Increase monitoring around Central Park, and give particular focus to Manhattan. We cannot take any chances."

"Yes sir," Maria Hill nodded and walked off, leaving Fury and Coulson by themselves.

"An enhanced? With the power to alter memories?"

Fury didn't reply, instead choosing to look out of the hellicarrier hovering above the North Atlantic Ocean.

"That's what we have to find out," he said, as Coulson leaned back against his chair with a sigh. S.H.I.E.L.D. had a new assignment now.


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