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52.11% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 73: Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan

Capítulo 73: Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan

Kuroka slowly opened up her eyes as it was a little bit blurry, but she managed to remove the blurriness from her eyes as she looked up to see a ceiling fan spinning moderately fast. 

Kuroka: Where am I?

She sat up and in the corner of her eye, she saw someone sitting beside her in a chair.

She looked over and her eyes widened instantly. Kuroka without any hesitation, launched herself from the bed and tried to punch him with all her strength, but he raised one hand and he caught her attack while still reading his book.

Yhwach: I'm impressed, you're able to muster up this much power even after our fight last night.

Yhwach said as he looked at her.

Kuroka: If you're going to torture me or turn me to the Devils to get a reward, then just kill me because I'm not going to wait and endure the pain or even live my entire life in a prison cell.

Yhwach was a bit surprised by her choice of words.

Yhwach: I'm not going to torture you or turn you in, I just want an explanation on who sent magicians to assassinate me. Once you have given me a logical answer, then you're free to go.

Kuroka didn't believe a single word he said, she could tell from the way he spoke and acts that he just wanted to use her until he got what he needed. 

Kuroka: You're lying, I don't believe you one bit.

Yhwach closed his book and he set it on the small desk beside him. 

Yhwach: I'm not a man who lies to achieve my goal in this world.

Kuroka: That's what everyone says. Can I leave now because I'm sick and tired of listening to you?

Yhwach: Let me tell you something that I had to learn the hard way in life that has destroyed me. Only cowards lie to get what they want in life, but once they lie the lying continues to the point where until the person finds out that you were lying to them the whole time just to have everyone shun you. Do you know what happens to those types of people?

Kuroka just stayed quiet. 

Yhwach: They are either alone forever or betrayed by the people who are closest to them. I am not a man to lie, but I am a man who speaks the truth only.

Kuroka: If I tell you who this person is, what will you do to them?

She asked as she looked directly into his eyes.

Yhwach: There is nothing more to do than to kill them...

Kuroka was surprised by what he just said. 

Kuroka: Why though? Why would you want to do that?

Yhwach: They don't like the idea of a world of peace.

Kuroka: World of peace?

Kuroka was honestly confused at this point.

Yhwach: Yes, a world where no wars, hate, and even slavery exists. You Devils are all enslaved the moment you were born, what is the point in living if your entire life is in control of another? I'm going to destroy that system and everything you people believe in.

Yhwach said with a cold glare.

Kuroka was astonished by his words, she couldn't tell if he was lying or even telling the truth, but she could confirm one thing about him, she could see resolve within his eyes.

Kuroka: There is no way that you can do that, removing the Devil system will be impossible, it will start a war with the Devil faction if you were to do that.

Kuroka answered.

Yhwach: If I have to kill the Devil Kings just to make a peaceful world, then I will do so. A world such as this deserves to be fixed.

Yhwach said calmly.

Kuroka: Why? Why are going to such lengths to save a broken world?

Kuroka asked, wanting to desperately know his intentions.

Yhwach stared at her before replying. 

Yhwach: To truly understand the depths of my journey, imagine living a life where your own children face untimely deaths, your sons and daughters sever all bonds, and the world casts you as its adversary. My entire existence is a perpetual nightmare, with this world serving as a mere illusion, reflecting the weight of my sins. I've sacrificed millions and betrayed those closest to me, and in the end, my ambitions remain unfulfilled. Even my other half fell victim to the relentless tide of war and hatred. This is the path I've walked, the burden I bear.

Kuroka didn't expect to hear that as hearing his story caught her off guard greatly with the fact that he looked and sounded like he had lost everything in life, she couldn't dare to think about losing her sister.

Yhwache looked into her eyes. 

Yhwach: Every time I look into your eyes, I can see that you're trying to protect someone. Living in such a world where you can't see the person who is dear to you is a world of endless suffering and pain I plan on becoming the savior of this world.

Yhwach said.

Kuroka honestly didn't know what to say to him after hearing how right he was when he said that she was trying to protect someone, of course, Vali's dream is to fight the Red Dragon Emperor and kill his grandfather, but hearing his goal is entirely impossible and insane. A man who looks and sounds like he has given up on life is trying to save a world that is far gone was entirely new to her. Nonetheless, she agreed to answer his question.

Kuroka: What do you want to know?

Yhwach: Who is the person who sent magicians to assassinate me in my home? Once you give me a logical answer, then you're free to go.

Kuroka: I'm not exactly sure who it could be because there are multiple powerful beings in the Khaos Brigade and the Hero Faction. If I were you, I would start looking for a man named Shalba Beelzebub, he will most likely be the suspect that you are looking for as he holds no regard for any human life and hates the current leaders of the Underworld.

Kuroka said.

Yhwach stood up from his seat and headed towards the door. 

Yhwach: You are free to leave now, but as I said before, I'm a man of my word and I am telling the truth only. You can go now.

He said as he left his room.

Kuroka was a bit dumbfounded about him telling the truth. She got out of bed and she left the room to catch up to him. 

Kuroka: WAIT! Were you being serious?

Yhwach stopped in the middle of the hallway. 

Yhwach: About what?

Kuroka: Are you just going to let me go? What if I come back and try to kill you?

Yhwach: I'm not a man to lie when I said you can leave if you gave me a decent and logical answer. Besides, you can try all you want on trying to kill me, but nothing you hold is capable of stopping me as you saw for yourself earlier that with a simple glance, I will be able to grasp your life into my hands without any effort at all. And tell your friend to stop interfering before I step in to resolve the situation.

He said while leaving her.

Kuroka was starting to show some respect for the man since he is a man of his word and is probably telling the truth about becoming the savior of this world. She didn't want to stay for another second, so she made a magic circle and teleported back to HQ.

Yhwach reached the hotel lobby and everyone was there waiting for him. They all saw him and they quickly ran up to him.

Freed: Did you kill her?

Kalawarner: What did she say?

Raynare: Where is she now?

He was bombarded by questions and he simply didn't find the time to be annoyed by them. 

Yhwach: I let her go, she gave me some valuable information on my mysterious assassin.

Tiamat: Who is it?

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach: Shalba Beelzebub, she said he could have done something like that.

Tiamat truly didn't like hearing that, and neither did Penemue. 

Tiamat: If he was the one who sent those magicians to kill you, then that's a big problem.

Tiamat said.

Raynare: What do we do now? We can't just waltz into the Khaos Brigade base, we will be slaughtered in seconds.

Raynare said.

Yhwach: We are just going to go with our usual plan and wait until the leader summit to lay down everything on the table. The Devils don't know about you dragon or even your fallen. But for now, you come with me Failure.

Yhwach said as he turned around and headed towards the door.

Issei: Where are we going?

He asked.

Yhwach: We are going back to the Nine-Tailed Fox to train your body and mind.

Issei: A-Are you being serious?

He asked with a surprised voice.

Issei could just tell that Yhwach had a cold expression right now, so he didn't bother asking again. 

Issei: Alright then, lead the way then.

He followed behind him.

Scene Break

Kuroka returned to the Khaos Brigade headquarters and she was instantly greeted by her team. 

Arthur: Where were you? We searched everywhere for you, but we couldn't even find you at all.

Arthur asked.

Bikou: Did Yhwach torture you or even extract information out of you?

Bikou asked.

Kuroka walked towards the couch and she sat down. 

Kuroka: No, he didn't even lay a finger on me, he just wanted information on someone who wanted him dead, but there was something completely different about him than all the men I have encountered that all lusted after my body or tried to take me under their wing.

She said as she crossed her right leg over her left knee.

Vali: What do you mean?

Vali asked as he entered the room.

Kuroka: He is so determined to achieve his dream, that he wants to remove the Devil system entirely and become the savior of this world. He didn't even inform the Devil Kings about me or even torture me in the slightest, all he wanted was information that I provided to him as I was set free shortly after...

Arthur was generally confused about Kuroka's words and Yhwach's actions. 

Arthur: Why would a man try and save this corrupt world since everything is far from gone?

Arthur asked himself.

Kuroka: He saw right through me as well, he could tell I was protecting someone by only looking into my eyes as my body, life, and story were on display to him the way he looked at me held no lustful intentions or any type of harmful intentions either. The way he spoke and acted was a bit weird to me, but he explained to me how the Devil system is keeping me and my sister away from each other.

Vali: That man's intellect is far greater than I give him credit for, he was able to stand against a Heavenly Dragon and survive, but also survive Cao Cao and his team.

Vali said in a cautious voice.

Kuroka wasn't paying attention to Arthur's words as her mind shifted over to what Yhwach said to her, she couldn't forget his words about how he explained to her that his life in this world is an illusion that reflects all of his sins. Also, he tells her about his sons and daughters dying from war and hate. She was honestly starting to wonder about how he had lived after seeing someone dear to him die. When she looked into his eyes, the sadness in them was there, but he never did show it.

Vali: Is Yhwach going to be attending the leader summit?

Vali asked.

Kuroka was brought out of her thinking state. 

Kuroka: I don't know, he just let me go and I left.

Vali: I have an idea then, who was the person you said to him that possibly tried to assassinate him?

Vali asked.

Kuroka: Shalba Beelzebub.

Vali: Then this could work out in our favor. I want you to go back and tell Yhwach that I can give him the location of Shalba under one condition though. I want to have a one-on-one with him.

Vali said.

Everyone in the room was shocked to hear that Vali wanted to fight Yhwach after what he had done to them last night.

Kuroka: You can't be serious? Why would you want to fight him?

She asked.

Vali: I want to test him with the full power of the White Dragon and besides, I truly want to see if he is a God or not.

Kuroka didn't like the sound of going back to that hotel but at the same time, she truly wanted to understand him and get to know him better. 

Kuroka: Why do I have to go back? Why can't it be like Arthur or even Bikou?

She said as she was always the one doing things for them.

Vali: You out of all of us can probably speak with him without pushing his buttons.

Vali answered.

She sighed and stood up from the couch. 

Kuroka: I was just getting comfortable and you had to ruin it.

Arthur: Vali, how can you be so sure that he just won't kill her if she reappears back to him? Last time I checked, we were brutally defeated by a man who single-handedly beat us.

Arthur said.

Vali: I recall that moment Arthur, but I'm trying to see if this man is as powerful as the rumors say he is. I had a chance to fight the Red Dragon Emperor when we fought Yhwach, but I decided to fight him instead.

Vali said.

Kuroka: Nya, I will speak with him again, but I'm not too sure if he is going to like this idea of yours Vali, whenever I look into his eyes, I see so much hate for this world we live in. I think fighting you will probably be the end of you since he is trying to remove a world with hate and war.

Kuroka said honestly.

Vali: I don't care how you do it, I just want an answer from him.

Vali left the room.

Kuroka sighed before she teleported back to the hotel room she was in. She saw that no one was there, so she went to the main lobby to see if he was there, but she was met with his little group.

Kalawarner: What exactly are you doing back here stray?

Kalawarner asked in a defensive tone.

Tiamat: Kuroka, I wasn't expecting you to be so bold and return here.

Tiamat said.

Kuroka crossed her arms under her bust and she rolled her eyes. 

Kuroka: Yeah, yeah, I'm here for Yhwach. Have you seen him around?

Tiamat: Why are you looking for him?

Tiamat asked as she stood beside her and an idea popped into her head. 

Tiamat: Don't tell me that you also want to be loved by him as well?

Kuroka quickly declined. 

Kuroka: No, I don't even know where you got that idea from, but I came here to tell him something and that is all. Have you guys seen him lately?

She asked again.

Penemue: Indeed, he went back to the Nine-Tailed Fox to train Issei.

Penemue said.

Kuroka: But why would he want to go back there? He could have trained him here with a magic barrier protecting him.

Kuroka asked

Kalawarner: A pervert who only thinks about boobs and nothing else is going to be extremely hard to train if his mind is only focused on women's chests. something tells me that Issei is going to take a ride to hell and return as a new person.

Kalawarner said.

Raynare: What do you plan on telling him anyway?

Raynare asked.

Kuroka: You see, the White Dragon Emperor wants to fight your leader in exchange for Shalba's position. He wants to see how powerful this man is when he is being serious against him.

Kuroka answered.

Penemue: Once again, he is at the shrine if you want to speak with him.

Penemue said.

Kuroka turned around and was about to leave, but she turned back around to ask one more question. 

Kuroka: Has he done anything strange to you for you to join him, like being forced to sleep with him or do any of his bidding?

She asked out of curiosity.

Kalawarner laughed at her sudden question. 

Kalawarner: No, no, not even in the slightest. He is like a solid brick wall, we make the moves on him to try and make him love us and have sex with us, but he doesn't feel ashamed or even embarrassed when we show him our tits or ass to him as he simply ignores us and carries on what he was doing. Not even touching us at all either as he has only been focused on other productive things than us.

Kalawarner explained.

Kuroka lowered her head a bit. 

Kuroka: Interesting, a man who keeps his word and even doesn't force anyone to satisfy his needs.

She left the hotel and she made her way to the shrine.

Asia: What was all that about?

Asia asked.

Tiamat: I don't know, but I don't like the way how she asked that question.

Tiamat said as she narrowed her eyes.

Scene Break

Yhwach and Issei were in the courtyard of the shrine, there was no one around and it was quiet. 

Issei: Why are we training here? We could have done this back at the hotel.

Issei asked.

Yhwach crossed his arms and he made some distance between the two of them. 

Yhwach: Training at a shrine is an extremely good way to calm your mind and improve your focus.

Issei: Alright then, what do you want me to do then?

Yhwach made a small circle around himself. 

Yhwach: I want you to try and hit me. If you land a single blow, you pass and we move on to your next training lesson. I won't use my hands to block and I will not leave this circle either.

Issei: This sounds way too easy, this feels like a stupid exercise rather than a training session.

Issei complained.

Yhwach: And that type of behavior is the reason you won't become stronger.

Issei didn't bother to speak, so he charged right at Yhwach and tried to give him a right hook, but Yhwach just turned his body and Issei missed. 

Yhwach: Too slow failure.

Issei spun around and launched a left hook at him, but Yhwach spun around and kicked his fist away.

Issei: I thought you said you won't block.

Issei said as he held his hand.

Yhwach: You clearly didn't listen well either, I said I won't use my hands, I never said I won't use my feet.

Issei clenched his teeth and ran at Yhwach at full speed Issei tried to punch him again, but Yhwach simply turned his body and stuck out his foot and Issei tripped over it, landing face-first on the ground.

Yhwach: I understand now why you're so weak, you fight like a child. You're not thinking and you rush in blindly, that is how you die in battle.

Yhwach explained to him.

Issei stood up and looked at Yhwach. 

Issei: Then what do you want me to do then? I've tried everything and I couldn't even hit you once.

Yhwach's facial expression turned serious. 

Yhwach: Sit down and close your eyes.

He ordered.

Issei sat down and did as he was told. 

Yhwach: Now let your breathing be steady and relaxed, focus on the one thing you truly desire in life and only focus on that, destroy all other thoughts as that simple thought is the big picture.

Yhwach said as he walked around Issei slowly.

Issei concentrated and his mouth was drooling a bit. Yhwach quickly kicked Issei's back and he spat out blood from the intense kick. 


Issei yelled as more blood came out of his mouth.

Yhwach: Your thoughts were clouded by women's chest and that is why you fail to grow stronger. If you can only think about women's chests throughout this training session, then you're in for a far worse beating of your life.

Issei repositioned himself he closed his eyes again and focused on the one thing he truly desired. Issei saw a bright light in front of him and he reached for it and he quickly opened up his eyes.

Yhwach smiled and he backed away from him. 

Yhwach: I can see you found what you're looking for, but for now, you drain all of your energy in one magic attack and that's not enough to survive a fight.

Issei clenched his fist. 

Issei: How am I supposed to gain more energy if I can't even fight properly?

Yhwach: You see, everyone thinks with their fists and feet, no one truly thinks of their opponent's next move. You fight like a child and I plan on fixing that, now hit me.

He ordered again.

Issei nodded and charged right at him and kept his sights on his feet since that was his only way of fighting for this training session. He launched a punch right at him and Yhwach moved his head and tried to kick him in the head, but Issei quickly brought up his arm to block it as he managed to do it it made Yhwach impressed seeing him block an attack of his.

Issei was impressed that he actually blocked an attack from him, but he quickly regretted losing focus as Yhwach used his free leg and kicked him in the side of the head.

Issei blacked out and fell to the floor unconscious.

Yasaka: It seems like your training with the boy isn't progressing anywhere.

Yasaka said as she entered the courtyard.

Yhwach looked down at Issei's unconscious body with disappointment as he was nonchalant about the whole situation. 

Yhwach: This is only the fourth person I ever trained in my entire lifetime. This fool is only thinking about cleavages and he is easily distracted. He can't even land a single hit on me and I'm not using my hands or eyes.

Yhwach said a bit annoyingly.

Yasaka giggled at him. 

Yasaka: You should probably focus on teaching him how to fight, then maybe, he will be able to land a blow on you.

She said.

Yhwach was standing over Issei's unconscious body and his eyes were still looking down upon him. 

Yhwach: Teaching him to fight is what I'm trying to do, but his mind is too easily distracted.

Yasaka: Why are you trying to train his mind? Training his body and spirit will make him grow more powerful.

Yhwach: That is what many people believe when they train themselves, but the mind is an entirely new playing field. If you are only focused on the battle and nothing else, then your body will move like water and your instincts will help you along the way. Not only does it help with that, it helps you progress on your skills and many other abilities you hold.

Yhwach explained.

Yasaka: I see, once you master your mind, you master the art of focus.

Yhwach smirked. 

Yhwach: Once you do that, even a child can fight a trained Shinigami.

Yasaka: He is only still a teenager and that's where his mind drifts off to.

Yasaka tried to reason with him.

Kuroka made it to the top of the shrine and she saw Yasaka and Yhwach standing beside each other with Issei's body on the floor. Yhwach looked up and saw the woman he let go.

Yasaka: Kuroka, what are you doing here? You are not allowed to be here after what you did. You are a stray and you joined up with the Khaos Brigade. 

Yasaka's facial expression turned serious.

Kuroka: I'm going to leave, but I'm only here to deliver a message to you Yhwach Quincy.

Yhwach stayed quiet and he waited for her to continue. 

Kuroka: The White Dragon Emperor wants to fight you one-on-one and if you win, he will tell you where Shalba is.

This caught his attention as a fight and the location of the man who possibly was the one who tried to assassinate him was killing two birds with one stone for him. 

Yhwach: Very well, but on two conditions.

Kuroka: Name it.

Yhwach: Make it me against all of you. And the second condition I want is the weapon known as the True Longinus.

Yhwach said with a smile.

Kuroka didn't expect to hear that, but she agreed to his terms and she contacted Vali and explained to him the conditions he said about.

Yhwach: And when I mean all, I even meant that man who is holding the spear who destroyed my Blut Vene Anhaben.

Kuroka didn't care about that as a very intriguing question popped into her head as she wanted to ask him. 

Kuroka: I have to ask you, do you have anyone you lo-

Vali interrupted her as he accepted the conditions.

Kuroka sighed after a long day, she made a magic circle and was about to leave, but she saw something coming towards her and she caught a knife that was centimeters away from her eye.

She lowered the knife and looked at Yhwach. 

Kuroka: Are you trying to kill me or something? I thought I could trust you, but it seems like you were also lying about letting me go.

She said.

Yhwach: You are misinterpreting it, meet me there in two weeks. I have something for you.

He said.

Kuroka saw a note attached to the knife and she opened the small note and saw coordinates. 

Kuroka: Why? What do you have that's so important that you have to show me in two weeks?

Yhwach turned around and walked away. 

Yhwach: You can keep the knife.

Yhwach said. Kuroka was about to run out of the magic circle, but she was teleported away before she could do that.

Yasaka: What did you want to give to her?

Yhwach: I guess you can say that I'm returning my thanks to her as she gave me a solution to finding the man I'm looking for.

He said as he walked towards the staircase to return to the hotel.

Yasaka: What do you mean by that? What exactly are you planning?

Yhwach: Some people want to try and destroy the idea of peace and this man is one of them, how can you live and fight at the same time? Such things as that will truly never work. Talking about peace whilst spilling blood, it's something only humans can do.

Yhwach said as he started to walk down the stairs.

Yasaka: Wait?! What about the boy?

Yasaka asked.

Yhwach: Let the failure stay there for the night, he is going to need to train his mind on his own before I teach him anything.

Yasaka sighed and she picked up Issei and brought him inside to treat his wounds.

Yhwach returned to the hotel and he was greeted by his followers. 

Raynare: Did he learn anything, my Lord?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach: No, his head is elsewhere.

Kalawarner: That pervert is going to take years before making any type of progress.

Kalawarner stated.

Tiamat: Do you have anything else to say, Lord Yhwach? 

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach sat down on one of the couches in the lounge and everyone else did the same. 

Yhwach: Yes, the White Dragon Emperor wants to fight me and I agreed, it's going to be me against everyone who is allied with him.

Penemue: This should be interesting, fighting both the White Dragon and the True Longinus. You are signing a death wish, you must be insane if you think you can defeat them at the same time.

Penemue said as she crossed her leg over her knee.

Freed: Sounds like it's going to be a bloodbath.

Freed commented.

Yhwach: If someone dies, it would be entirely their fault. Besides, we will gain the strongest weapon in existence and know Shalba's location.

Yhwach turned his head slightly to the left.

Kalawarner: What?! The True Longinus?! Obtaining that would mean-

Freed: Controlling the three factions with fear.

Freed finished for Kalawarner.

Raynare: That's true, we have the Red Dragon Emperor, Holy Swords, and one of the Dragon Kings. If we were to gain the True Longinus, we would be the strongest and most feared force in the world.

Raynare stated.

Yhwach chuckled a little. 

Yhwach: It will be another step closer to my goal, a world of absolute tranquility.

Zaegar: (Chuckles Within Yhwach's Mind) Peace, tranquility, all those lofty ideals. But, my dear Yhwach, chaos is the true nature of this world. Why not embrace it, revel in the anarchy, and mold a world of eternal strife?

Yhwach shook his head, dismissing Zaegar's suggestion.

Yhwach: No, Zaegar. I've seen the suffering caused by endless conflict. I want to end it, not perpetuate it.

Zaegar: (Laughing Within Yhwach's Mind) Oh, Yhwach, you're missing out on the fun. Imagine the thrill of an unpredictable world, where every moment is a surprise, and every choice leads to chaos. It's exhilarating, my friend.

Yhwach's gaze hardened, and he spoke with determination.

Yhwach: Zaegar, We seek peace, not the tumultuous whims of a chaotic existence.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Very well, Yhwach. Pursue your peace, but remember, chaos is an ever-present force, lurking in the shadows, ready to disrupt even the most carefully laid plans.

Yhwach ignored Zaegar's taunts and turned his attention back to his followers.

Penemue: You may be right, but the Devils are too greedy and mischievous. They are all for peace but trying to get them to follow you is like trying to get a child to listen.

Penemue said.

Yhwach: If the Devils won't agree with my terms, then I will have to use force to make them understand who is in control.

Yhwach said calmly

Asia: How will this all work out? How will you have the world follow you?

Asia asked.

Yhwach: I will show them all my superior power and give them a reason to live and make this broken world a better one. Once that happens, all of you will go and destroy the remaining evil that is left in this world as I bring everyone together and show everyone what true peace is like.

Penemue: That sounds more like a dictatorship than tranquility.

Penemue said.

Yhwach: If I have the world's trust and believe in me, then I have no reason to rule a world. My only goal is peace and nothing else. I will remove the Devil system, I will kill all those who try and ruin the idea of peace, and I will make sure to send those into eternal hell to those who try and rule the entire world for personal gain.

Everyone couldn't think of a way to counter his arguments. They all knew deep down that this world was plagued with darkness and hate, but they all could see a small glimpse of light in this world.

They could see the light and that light was Yhwach, he was the center and answer to this world and everyone could see it in him. He is the one who will save this world from its corruption and slavery.

Yhwach's entire group couldn't understand how one man was so determined to fix a world such as this and so good with his words.

Tiamat: What should we do now?

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach stood up from his seat and he faced the hotel doors. 

Yhwach: We go and kill Shalba Beelzebub.

Raynare: How are we gonna do that if we don't know where he is?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach started to walk towards the hotel doors and he had his arms crossed. 

Yhwach: That is why I'm going to show all of those fools the true power of the Quincy. we are going to get the information on my mysterious assassin.


Yhwach reached the location of the battlefield and a magic barrier formed around them immediately. 

Cao Cao and his team arrived with Vali's team and were all standing in front of them. Yhwach smiled lightly and was ready to experience the thrill of battle very soon.

Cao Cao: Yhwach, I've heard that you want my weapon. What do you truly desire with a weapon such as the True Longinus?

Cao Cao asked as he walked a little towards Yhwach.

Yhwach: That is entirely none of your business, the weapon you hold is essential to my plan.

Yhwach said.

Vali: You bested me once and I was honestly surprised, but this time, I'm not going to let you defeat me like last time. I have a way to defeat you and I will surely enjoy beating a God such as yourself.

Vali said.

Yhwach smirked at his remark. 

Yhwach: Defeat me? Our last encounter didn't end well for you and I haven't even begun to use my full power.

Vali: Then why don't you use your full power in this fight? You are probably going to need to since you are fighting strong opponents this time.

Vali pressured him.

Kuroka stepped up. 

Kuroka: Are you sure that you want to do this? You can back out now. Fighting all of us is suicide and ridiculous.

Kuroka said as she wanted him to back out of this.

Cao Cao: Indeed, you may be powerful and dangerous, but you haven't experienced true power as of yet.

Cao Cao said.

Yhwach: Enough talk, let us end this.

Yhwach said.

Cao Cao agreed and he immediately charged right at him and thrust his spear right at him. Yhwach dodged easily, but Vali quickly appeared behind him in his Balance Breaker and kicked him in the side.

Yhwach flipped forward and kicked Vali away, Cao Cao quickly tried to cut him, but he dodged out of the way and Kuroka snuck up behind him and tried to punch Yhwach with all her might.

Yhwach sensed her behind him and he crouched down quickly and leg-swept her.

Kuroka fell back and Vali punched Yhwach, but it was caught.

Albion: [Divide Divide Divide Divide.]

Some of Yhwach's power was drained and he grabbed Vali's arm and flipped him over his shoulder.

Yhwach saw a staff coming towards him and he caught it. He started to spin it around viciously, like a chopper blade.

Cao Cao: He is truly skilled with a weapon.

Cao Cao said.

Kuroka raised her hand and shot purple flames at him. Yhwach was spinning the staff in front of him and it blocked the magic attack. Vali tried to attack him, but Yhwach smacked him away with the staff.

Cao Cao appeared right in front of Yhwach in the blink of an eye and slashed him upwards with his spear. He drew some blood and he quickly retreated.

Yhwach felt a small sting of pain from his shoulder. 

Yhwach: Impressive, no one has been able to cut me with a weapon so far, but you have. I guess I don't have to hold back.

Siegfried was coming down from the sky and he had his sword in his hand. Yhwach sensed him in the air, so he moved a little bit to the right and he missed him. Siegfried pulled the sword out immediately and tried to slash him.

Kuroka appeared before him and punched Yhwach in the center of his chest. He flew back a bit, but he quickly recovered in the air and landed back on the ground.

Yhwach planted the staff in the ground and started to use the schrift H. 

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1

He launched an intense beam of fire at Siegfried, but Siegfried blocked the attack with his demon sword like it was nothing.

Yhwach went right in for the strike as he blocked his attack kicked the side of his knee and broke it. Siegfried fell to the ground with his hands around his knee.

He grabbed the sword off the ground while stabbing Siegfried right through the heart and left it there.

Vali charged right at him and held him in place. 

Vali: Cao Cao, do it now!

Vali yelled.

Cao Cao pointed his spear at them and blasted a wave at them, the attack engulfed them both and Vali was able to survive, due to his Balance Breaker.

Cao Cao: What happened to you, so-called God? I thought you were able to fight us all off.

Cao Cao taunted him.

Kuroka: I gave you a chance to walk away, but you didn't list-

Kuroka was about to say something, but a staff flew right past Kuroka with extreme speed and impaled Georg right through the heart.

Everyone turned around and saw a staff sticking through his chest. Cao Cao's eyes went wide, he didn't expect this at all.

Yhwach: Why are you all surprised? Didn't I say that I was a God?

Everyone turned back around to see him standing there with a sinister smile 

Cao Cao: H-How? the power of the True Longinus should have vaporized you.

Cao Cao asked confusedly.

Vali: I had enough of this.

Vali said as he raised his arm out. 

Albion: [Half Dimension.]

The surrounding area started to become smaller and smaller until there was nothing left. 

Yhwach: How pathetic, if you want to use cheap tricks, then so will I.

Yhwach: Ransōtengai.

A surge of Reiryoku enveloped Yhwach, and thin, invisible strings of energy extended from him towards Cao Cao. Unbeknownst to Cao Cao, he was about to become a pawn in Yhwach's deadly game.

Cao Cao, still locked in the mentality of the battle, felt a strange sensation as Yhwach's strings connected with him. In an instant, he lost control over his own body.

Cao Cao: What... What's happening to me?

Yhwach, with an insidious grin, began to manipulate Cao Cao like a marionette on strings. The True Longinus wielder, now under Yhwach's control, turned his spear towards Vali, who was still holding Yhwach in place.

Vali caught off guard, felt an excruciating pain as the tip of the spear pierced through his back. Blood spat from his mouth, and he struggled to comprehend the betrayal.

Vali: Cao Cao, what... what are you doing?

Cao Cao: I can't control my body. What is this?

Cao Cao tried to cut Vali again, but Arthur stopped him and knocked him out of being controlled. 

Arthur: Are you alright?

Arthur asked.

Cao Cao: Yeah, I'm fine.

Yhwach: It's time to finish this. You don't deserve to experience my full power, but I will show you all the true meaning of fear.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1 Alternative Supernova.

As Yhwach unleashed the devastating power of Burner Finger 1 Alternative Supernova, a colossal fireball expanded in the sky, The sheer magnitude of the attack left everyone on the battlefield in awe, even those who were moments ago engaged in combat.

Yhwach: Let's see how you survive this.

The fiery inferno grew larger, casting an ominous glow across the battlefield. Bikou, known for his resilience, couldn't help but express his concern.

Bikou: This is madness! Fighting Yhwach is one thing, but facing that colossal fireball is another! We'll be burnt to ashes!

Arthur, who had just intervened to break Yhwach's control over Cao Cao, shared Bikou's sentiment.

Arthur: He's right. We need to find a way to survive this, or we'll all be consumed by the flames.

Cao Cao, now free from Yhwach's control, stared at the impending disaster with a mix of awe and dread.

Cao Cao: Incredible... truly incredible.

Kuroka, on the other hand, looked at Yhwach with a different perspective. Her guard momentarily dropped as she gazed at the cataclysmic display of power.

Kuroka: What is she doing...?

Vali, still locked in battle-ready mode, shouted at Kuroka.

Vali: What are you doing, Kuroka? The battle isn't over yet!

But Kuroka, with a peculiar expression, seemed to have made up her mind.

Kuroka: I understand now. I understand what he desires. He wants to end this world's evil and hatred. He wants to reshape it. I want to join Lord Yhwach and help him restore what's left of the world.

Vali: You can't be serious?

Vali didn't have time to chat, so he released his Devil wings as well flew right at Yhwach, and fused some White Dragon and Devil magic in his palm.

He released his magic power onto Yhwach's Supernova and it only destroyed bits and pieces of it.

Yhwach had a bored expression and he looked down upon them. 

Yhwach: You are all in the way of true salvation, now you will all suffer.

The devastating power of Yhwach's Burner Finger 1 Alternative Supernova engulfed the battlefield in a cataclysmic explosion. The fiery inferno expanded, obliterating everything in its path. Cao Cao, who had just regained control of his body, struggled to comprehend the overwhelming destruction unfolding before him.

As the Supernova consumed the remnants of the battlefield, Cao Cao managed to summon the True Longinus once again. However, his movements were sluggish, and his body bore the wounds inflicted by the previous battles. With great effort, he aimed the spear at the raging fireball and hurled it with all his might.

The True Longinus soared through the air, leaving a streak of light in its wake. Upon reaching the Supernova, it pierced through the fiery energy, causing a chain reaction. The explosion intensified, and the battlefield was rocked by a shockwave of unimaginable force.

The resulting chaos sent a tsunami of debris hurtling toward them. The debris caught up to them and they were all hit by it. Some were killed, while some were badly injured.

Cao Cao was still standing, but he could barely make a move. He tried to move but fell on his back.

Yhwach walked towards Cao Cao. 

Cao Cao: You truly are impressive, I have never met anyone like you in my life.

Cao Cao said.

Yhwach: Only fools challenge a God, but what was I supposed to expect?

Yhwach said.


Vali yelled as he flew down towards him. Yhwach kicked him away and he flew a couple of feet away.

Yhwach: I won, now you have to give me that weap-

Cao Cao pierced Yhwach right through the stomach. He blew out chunks of blood.

Yhwach stepped back a little and he fell on his ass. 

Yhwach: Damn you, I wasn't expecting a surprise attack from y-you.

Cao Cao stood up and he yanked the spear out of him. 

Cao Cao: I think you lost Yhwach, I simply destroyed you in the end and claimed victory. You're no God, but a human who believed that surpassed human reality and was living like a God.

Cao Cao walked past Yhwach. 

Cao Cao: You were right about one thing. You were in the way of true salvation, this world will experience hell like no other soon and there is nothing you can do.

He said as he rested his spear on his shoulder.

Yhwach: You are right, you are in the way of true salvation.

Yhwach stood behind him disarmed him and knocked him on the ground.

The Flame clone disappeared and Cao Cao was still on the ground, but Yhwach was pointing the spear at him.

Cao Cao: W-What happened? I thought you were on the brink of death?

Cao Cao asked.

Yhwach: What you witnessed was merely a flame clone, a creation of my power. The true extent of my abilities goes far beyond what you comprehend.

Cao Cao clenched his fists and accepted defeat. 

Cao Cao: Damn you, go ahead and have the spear.

Yhwach: We agreed on two things—the spear and the whereabouts of Shalba Beelzebub. I wouldn't renege on our deal if you hadn't.

Cao Cao, defeated and perplexed, couldn't comprehend Yhwach's interest in Shalba. At this point, he didn't care about the details; he had lost, and that was the end of it.

Cao Cao: I don't know the specifics, but he's in the Underworld.

Yhwach lifted the spear from Cao Cao's throat and returned it to him. The unexpected gesture widened Cao Cao's eyes.

Cao Cao: What are you doing? The spear is rightfully yours. You won it, and that was our agreement.

Yhwach: Allow me to pose a question. What is your life's purpose? Why were you bestowed with this weapon? There must be an answer, but how will you find it if your path is one of constant destruction?

Cao Cao was at a loss for words.

Cao Cao: What are you talking about?

Yhwach: What is your true desire in life? It's evident that you, too, seek answers. Why not join me in saving this world from evil? Perhaps in doing so, you'll uncover the answers you've been searching for.

Yhwach Said.

Kuroka recovered from the attack and she flew towards Cao Cao and Yhwach. 

Kuroka: What's going on here?

Yhwach didn't say anything else and he started to walk away.

Cao Cao: Wait! What do you plan to do?

Cao Cao asked.

Yhwach stopped and waited a bit, before turning around. 

Yhwach: I am going to destroy the Devil system and create a life of strong fortitude for those who are enslaved in such a system. Why must people suffer for things they never wanted in the first place?

Kuroka: Destroy the Devil system? Just who are you?

Yhwach: I am Yhwach, the one who will rid of all evil in this world.

He said as he turned around and started to walk away again.

Kuroka: I honestly like a man who speaks the truth and is extremely powerful. I wouldn't mind having his children.

She said.

Cao Cao: I understand it all now, this was not for ruling the factions or becoming the ruler of this world. He wants to save this world from people like us.

Cao Cao said as he tightened his grip around his spear.

Kuroka: Nya, I guess I will just have to see where he leads me then.

Kuroka started to run, so she could catch up to the both of them.

Cao Cao thought long and hard on Yhwach's words, he honestly started to wonder why he was given this weapon and his purpose with it as well.

He knew that the only way to find out was through Yhwach, so he decided to follow him as well.

Timeskip - Scene break

Issei woke up from being unconscious and he tried to get rid of the blurriness in his eyes. He soon regained his vision and he realized that he was lying down on a futon.

Yasaka: I see that you're finally awake. How do you feel?

Yasaka asked.

Issei looked over and saw the Nine-Tailed Fox. He quickly sat up and bowed his head in respect. 

Yasaka: You don't have to bow, I'm not going to take offense to it.

Issei raised his head and looked at her. 

Issei: W- What exactly happened? I don't remember anything.

Yasaka: You don't remember?

Issei shook his head. 

Issei: I remember getting kicked in the head and I fell unconscious. I don't remember how or why I was kicked in the head.

He explained as he rubbed the back of his head.

Yasaka: You were training with Lord Yhwach and you got excited because you blocked an attack of his and he quickly went in for another strike and that's when you fell to the floor.

Issei grasped his head. 

Issei: I feel so ashamed of myself, I wanted to become stronger, but my stupid reaction to tits and doing something impossible makes me weak and open to attacks.

Yasaka giggled a bit at how miserable he looked. 

Yasaka: Possibly, but it shows that you have a kind and fragile heart. Being good and falling to such things isn't bad, that's what makes you human.

Issei: Yeah, but I want to get stronger like Mr. Quincy, but I feel like I get in his way sometimes and I can't even train with him since I don't know how to fight.

Yasaka: Why are you pushing yourself to such lengths? Why do you want to become like Lord Yhwach?

She asked out of curiosity.

Issei gripped the blanket he had over him. 

Issei: I want to protect the ones I love and I want to prove to Mr. Quincy that I'm not a coward.

Yasaka: I see... Can I ask you something?

Issei: Yeah, go ahead.

Yasaka: Why do you hide your true feelings? You desire more power and knowledge, but why do you hide your fear from him? Having fear makes you who you are, so why?

Issei's bangs covered his eyes. 

Issei: Mr. Quincy doesn't have fear and he goes straight into battle like nothing. If I were to show my fear to him, I would be hated and looked down upon.

Yasaka giggled a bit until it turned into laughter. 

Yasaka: I see now... The reason why you can't grow stronger.

Issei: What is it?

Yasaka: You have to overcome your fear if you want to become as strong as him. Now, what motivates you to keep going?

Issei brought a hand to his chin. 

Issei: It would be women's tits, but I'm trying my hardest to not concentrate on that because if I do, Mr. Quincy would punish me for thinking about such things in the middle of a fight.

He explained.

Yasaka: Then do that, ignore Lord Yhwach's rules, and do what you think is best for you to become stronger and more powerful.

She said.

Issei: I-I-I can't.

Yasaka sighed and she exposed her breasts to him. 

Yasaka: I will help you this once, squeeze them and see what happens.

Issei's eyes were about to fall out. 

Issei: A-Are you sure?

Yasaka: I know this is embarrassing, but I'm trying to help, so hurry up.

Issei: I can't just do that, you're the Youkai faction leader and if Mr. Quincy heard I did this, then my ass is grass.

Yasaka: You worry too much, just do it.

Ddraig: [Why does this happen to me?]

Issei: (In thought) Sorry Ddraig, just look how big and round they are.

Ddraig: [I'm going to put you in a coma for like forty years and sorry isn't going to cut it you asshole.]

Issei: (In thought) Hey, that's what we men were raised to do. Squeeze and suck on tits.

Ddraig: [I'm done, I am seriously done with you.]

Yasaka was getting impatient. 

Yasaka: Are you going to do it or not?

Issei: A-Alright, I-I will squeeze them.

He raised his hands and grabbed her tits, squeezing them softly. A massive surge of power surrounded Issei and his eyes glowed a bright green. The Boosted Gear appeared on his arm and it was powering up.

Yasaka was blushing and she was trying to hold her moan in.

Issei gave one last squeeze until Yasaka released her moan and Issei powered up extraordinarily.

Ddraig: [Welsh Dragon: Balance Breaker.]

A green glow covered Issei's body and he was covered in red armor. 

Issei: W-What is this?

He asked as he stood up.

Yasaka covered herself up and cleared her throat. 

Yasaka: You awakened your Balance Breaker and your power skyrocketed. This is the power of the Red Dragon Emperor.

She said.

Issei: I feel incredible.

Yasaka: Well, if you think you're ready to fight Lord Yhwach, then feel free to challenge him. Using that form will drain a lot of magic, so don't go around using that every single time.

Issei: I understand.

Issei released his wings and took off towards the hotel, releasing a wind around her.

Yasaka looked away. 

Yasaka: I guess you can't escape who you really are. Good luck Issei, you're going to need it in the future.

Kunou: Hey, Mom, do you think the meeting with the other factions will go well?

Kunou asked as she ran to her mother.

Yasaka sighed and she hugged her daughter. 

Yasaka: It probably won't, but I truly hope it does.

Kunou: I hope it goes well too.

Sun Wukong: I see that you're doing well, leader of the Youkai faction.

Yasaka turned around and saw Sun Wukong. 

Yasaka: Sun Wukong? What are you doing here?

Sun Wukong: I sensed a lot of power coming from the Kyoto area and I decided to check it out, but I couldn't find anything, so I decided to come to visit you. How have things been?

Yasaka: You never change, do you? I've been fine, but about that power, you weren't wrong. You did the right thing in coming here. Have you ever heard of a man called Yhwach?

Sun Wukong was a little surprised to hear that name. 

Sun Wukong: I've heard a lot about that man. Some people think he is some myth or even legend. I've never met the man, but the people who survived his horror were either traumatized by fear or started worshiping him.

He explained.

Yasaka: What do you honestly think of him?

Sun Wukong put the pipe to his mouth and breathed in and removed it from his mouth. He blew out and smoke came out. 

Sun Wukong: Hmm, I would like to spar with the man, but I heard he is someone hard to please and contact.

Yasaka smiled. 

Yasaka: You aren't wrong there, he is a hard one to please.

Sun Wukong lowered his head and sighed heavily. 

Sun Wukong: I fear that a great change to the world will come soon.

Yasaka: What do you mean? Isn't that good though?

Yasaka asked.

Sun Wukong: If change were to come, that would mean a war is on the horizon and it's coming close. Having another war will not help us, but destroy us. Be careful of that man Yasaka, I sense that he might bring chaos later down the road.

He said as he left the shrine.

Yasaka: Only time will tell my friend.

She said as she put Kunou to sleep.

Scene Break

Yhwach returned back to the hotel and was greeted by his group. 

Raynare: Welcome back My lord.

Raynare said.

Kalawarner: Why is she here of all places?

Kalawarner asked as she crossed her arms.

Yhwach: She is our newest member of the group and also one more.

Yhwach said.

Cao Cao appeared beside Yhwach with a smile. 

Cao Cao: How's it been?

Penemue and everyone else were surprised that he got the SS-Class Stray to join them and the user of the True Longinus. 

Penemue: I was expecting you to get the weapon, but not recruit Kuroka and Cao Cao themselves.

Penemue said.

Kuroka: Nya, do you plan on being a harem king one day?

Kuroka asked.

Yhwach: Don't be ridiculous, who has time for such things?

He said.

Kuroka shrugged her shoulders. 

Kuroka: I don't care either way, I will prove my dominance over these women and show you that I should be the first.

Kuroka said.

All the girls glared at her. Penemue shook her head in disappointment. 

Penemue: You women are crazy.

Cao Cao: Is this what you deal with all day? I wonder how you haven't lost your sanity yet.

Cao Cao said.

Yhwach sat down and he rested his arms on his stomach. 

Yhwach: Now that we have a strong and formidable team, I think it's time to show the Devils my superiority and have them remove their slavery.

Yhwach said.

Penemue: You know that they won't do that.

Penemue stated.

Kuroka: She's correct that's the essence of the Devil system. Eliminating it will undoubtedly bring ruin and destruction to the Devils.

 Kuroka said.

Yhwach: It holds no significance to me. I've stated it repeatedly. Living life as a slave is not a true existence but a form of manipulation. If I must eliminate all the Devil Kings to abolish this system, then so be it.

Yhwach said coldly.

Raynare: I highly doubt that the Devils will even fight you since you have the True Longinus, Red Dragon Emperor, Yasaka, Dragon King, Four Holy Swords, and Kuroka with you. No one has ever done what you have done, you are the string that holds us together with my Lord.

Raynare said.

Cao Cao: What do you want us to do?

Cao Cao asked.

Yhwach: I will attend this leader summit and I will have the Fox with me, to show them all that I am in control. If that were to fail, then all of you will be my final act to show them all my influence in this world.

He explained.

Kalawarner: What happens if the Devils disagree?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: Should the Devils choose to oppose my suggestion, we will exterminate them all and initiate a war against them. If I cannot liberate slaves from their shackles, what kind of God would I be?

Yhwach asked them.

Kuroka sat on Yhwach's lap and she wrapped her arms around him. 

Kuroka: Nya, I want you, even more, Master.

She said seductively.

Yhwach: This is ridiculous.

He said with a bored expression.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh, Yhwach, it's truly amusing how every female in this world seems to desire a piece of you. The dynamics of power, dominance, and seduction – it's like a grand theatrical performance.

Yhwach: Enough of your mockery, Zaegar. This is a serious matter.

Zaegar continued to laugh, finding amusement in Yhwach's predicament.

Zaegar: Serious? Oh, my dear Yhwach, life is a grand comedy, and you're playing the lead role. These women, each with their desires and motives, dancing around you like moths to a flame. How entertaining.

Yhwach, irritated, sought Zaegar's assistance.

Yhwach: If you find this so amusing, then lend me your power. Help me deal with these distractions.

Zaegar's laughter ceased abruptly, and he turned his gaze towards Yhwach with a dark, mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: Help you? Oh no, my dear Yhwach, you're on your own. Deal with it yourself. It's part of the fun, isn't it?

Yhwach's frustration grew as he faced the enigmatic entity within his mind.

Yhwach: You are my Inner Darkness. Shouldn't you be assisting me?

Zaegar: Assistance comes at a price, Yhwach. Besides, watching you navigate the complexities of mortal emotions is far more entertaining. Embrace the chaos, revel in the absurdity. It's what makes existence truly enjoyable.

Penemue: So, he even convinced you to join? He has some magic aura that just attracts all sorts of people.

Penemue said.

Cao Cao: Yeah... It was something he said that made me think as to why I actually have this weapon and why me of all people?

Cao Cao asked himself

Penemue: I think what surprises me the most is that he hasn't had sex yet and he is on guard everywhere. He thinks of the craziest scenarios and he thinks of ways to counter them. No breaks, no sleep, and no time to relax.

Penemue explained.

Cao Cao: Seems to me that he is truly determined about his goal.

Cao Cao said.

Penemue sighed and she walked away from the group. 

Penemue: He has a wall around him like all the time, he is wise and powerful, so don't do anything stupid around him.

She said as she waved.

The hotel doors opened and Issei walked in with a determined look. 

Issei: Mr. Quincy, I think I'm ready to fight you. I understand what I need to do, sir.

He said as stared at Yhwach with serious eyes.

Yhwach released himself from the girls hold and he stood a few a feet from Issei.

Yhwach pulled out a coin and started to flip it in the air over and over again. Issei looked at the coin to see if he was going to do any tricks with it, but Yhwach quickly threw the coin like a Bullet at him and Issei caught the coin.

Yhwach: Impressive, we will just have to see how strong you are when we do fight. In the meantime, they will inform you of our plan.

Yhwach left without saying another word.

Issei looked over and saw Kuroka standing beside Cao Cao. 

Issei: W-What the hell?! Why are you guys here?

Cao Cao: You just noticed?

Cao Cao asked.

Kuroka appeared behind Issei and licked his arm. 

Kuroka: You really are the possessor of the Red Dragon Emperor.

Kuroka backed away a little bit. 

Kuroka: Hey, hey, do you want to make babies with me?

She asked as she pulled her shirt down a bit, exposing her tits.

Issei: Wait... Are you being serious right now?

Issei asked.

Kuroka pulled up her shirt and giggled. 

Kuroka: I wouldn't have been joking if Lord Yhwach hadn't appeared in my life, but as you can see, his power is far greater than a dragon. His power is that of a God.

She explained.

Issei: That still doesn't explain the reason why you're here!

Cao Cao walked up to him. 

Cao Cao: We joined your little group to help out Yhwach with his goal. I've heard that we're going to be destroying the Devil system soon.

Issei: Shit, I need to be ready when the time comes.

Issei said.

Cao Cao: I also heard that you were Rias Gremory's pawn, what happened to that?

Cao Cao asked as he rested his spear against his shoulder.

Issei rubbed the back of his head. 

Issei: Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it.

Cao Cao shrugged his shoulders and walked away from him.

Issei was looking at all the women and realized that he needs to use their tits to power up. He couldn't believe that he tried to stay away from that but ended up falling right back to step one.

Raynare: What are you spacing out for failure?

Raynare asked.

Issei: Oh great, my killer is worried about me.

Raynare shook her head at his comment. 

Raynare: I can't believe that you're still stuck up on that. I came here to see if everything was alright, we don't want to be useless luggage if things go south at the meeting.

She said.

Issei smiled nervously at her remark. 

Issei: Great, another thing I need to worry about.

Issei turned his head and saw Raynare's head close to his.

Issei: Hey, hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?!

He asked as he backed away.

Raynare: I see that you're still nervous about women getting close to you, just typical.

She said as she walked away from him.

Freed: Don't worry pal, there are hotter chicks out there.

Freed commented as he walked up to him.

Issei: I'm not worried about that.

Freed: Then what are you worried about?

Issei: ...War

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