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84.9% Jujutsu Kaisen: The Pugilist Sorcerer / Chapter 45: The stone in the road

Capítulo 45: The stone in the road

The showdown between Hiro and Yami had reached a critical juncture on the deserted street. Yami, with a look of sheer determination, raised his hand, gathering a swirling mass of dark energy. The air crackled with power as he formed a massive orb, its ominous glow casting eerie shadows around them.

"Disappear, kid," Yami growled, launching the colossal orb towards Hiro with a force that seemed to shake the very ground.

Hiro, standing firm, focused his energy. As the orb hurtled towards him, he reached out his hands, a look of intense concentration etched on his face. In a display of incredible power and control, Hiro didn't just stop the orb; he began to absorb it, drawing its immense energy into himself.

Yami watched in disbelief as Hiro dismantled his attack. The sight of Hiro absorbing the orb, a feat of such raw power and skill, was enough to bring a genuine smile to Yami's face. "Damn kid, you're interesting," he admitted, his voice tinged with a newfound respect.

The absorbed energy crackled around Hiro, his body a conduit for the immense power he had just taken in. He stood there, more formidable than ever, a testament to his growth and strength.

In a swift, fluid motion, Hiro lunged forward, closing the distance between himself and Yami in a heartbeat. The air around them seemed to ripple with the force of his movement, a testament to the power he was about to unleash.

Yami, caught off guard by Hiro's sudden burst of speed, barely had time to brace himself. As Hiro approached, he gathered all the absorbed energy into his fist, channeling it into a singular, devastating blow.

With precision and force, Hiro's fist connected with Yami's abdomen. The impact was monumental; a shockwave of energy erupted from the point of contact, sending a thunderous roar echoing through the deserted streets. The ground beneath them cracked and shattered from the sheer force, sending debris flying into the air.

Yami's eyes widened in shock as he felt the full brunt of Hiro's attack, the absorbed energy amplifying the power behind the punch exponentially. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the energy from Hiro's punch coursed through Yami's body, overwhelming him.

The brilliance of the energy surrounding Hiro illuminated the street, casting long, dramatic shadows. As the energy dissipated, Yami staggered back, struggling to maintain his footing under the unexpected assault. It was a rare moment of vulnerability for the usually unflappable entity.

Hiro, standing firm with his fist still extended from the punch, breathed heavily from the exertion. His expression was one of fierce resolve, a clear indication that he was not done yet. He had demonstrated his remarkable ability to not only withstand Yami's power but to turn it against him.

Reeling from the powerful blow to his abdomen, Yami barely had time to recover before Hiro launched his next attack. Hiro's movements were a blur, a testament to his incredible speed and skill honed through countless battles.

As Yami staggered, trying to regain his balance, Hiro saw his opening. He crouched slightly, coiling his body like a spring, and then exploded upwards with astonishing force. His right arm swung in a perfect arc, culminating in a devastating uppercut aimed right at Yami's jaw.

The moment Hiro's fist connected, a phenomenon known as 'Black Flash' occurred. A brilliant flash of black energy enveloped his fist, amplifying the impact exponentially. It was a rare and powerful occurrence, one that only the most skilled jujutsu sorcerers could achieve.

The force of the Black Flash sent Yami hurtling upwards. The air around them crackled with dark energy, a visual representation of the immense power Hiro had just unleashed. The sound of the impact resonated like thunder, echoing through the streets.

Yami's body twisted unnaturally in the air as he was thrown by the force of Hiro's strike. For a moment, he seemed suspended in time, a dark silhouette against the bright energy of the Black Flash.

As Yami crashed back to the ground, Hiro stood firm, his fist still trembling from the release of energy. His breathing was heavy, but his eyes burned with an unwavering focus. This was a battle of not just physical strength but of willpower, and Hiro was proving himself to be an extraordinary adversary.

Yami, unfazed by the intensity of their exchange, calmly rose to his feet, brushing off the dust from his clothes. He looked at Hiro with a mix of amusement and intrigue. "Not bad, kid, but you still have a long way to go," he remarked, his tone suggesting both a challenge and a compliment.

Hiro, with a confident smirk, replied, "Really? I'm not even trying that hard."

In a strategic move, Yami leaped back, putting some distance between them. Then, with a concentrated effort, he conjured a massive black hole in front of him. The black hole, a vortex of sheer destructive power, began to advance towards Hiro, devouring everything in its path – buildings, cars, the very asphalt of the street – in a terrifying display of power.

Hiro, undeterred, clapped his hands together and called out, "Come, Dragon God." The sky above them darkened as a colossal dragon made of fire and lightning materialized, descending from the heavens with a deafening roar. The dragon, a magnificent and awe-inspiring creature, opened its massive maw and engulfed the black hole, absorbing it entirely.

Yami watched in disbelief as Hiro's summoned dragon neutralized his attack. "How is this possible?" he exclaimed, his usual composure shaken.

Hiro's smile widened. "I absorbed it," he declared, his eyes alight with triumph. The dragon, a manifestation of Hiro's incredible power, circled above them, its presence a testament to Hiro's mastery over his abilities.

As Yami declared "Domain Expansion: Total Control," the surroundings warped into a domain of utter darkness. The space around Hiro and Yami transformed into an abyss where light seemed to be swallowed whole, a realm where Yami's control was absolute.

In this domain, Yami's presence was overwhelming, the darkness a manifestation of his immense power. "You know, Yamada's domain is far superior to mine. In here, I am practically a god," he stated, his voice echoing ominously in the void.

Hiro, unfazed by the oppressive environment, let out a nonchalant yawn. He then knelt and placed his hands on the ground, a look of concentration on his face. Gradually, he began to absorb the domain itself, drawing its energy towards him.

Yami's confident expression turned to shock as he witnessed Hiro dismantling his domain. "Damn it, even this?" he exclaimed, disbelief coloring his words. Hiro's ability to absorb and neutralize Yami's domain was unprecedented, a feat that not many could dream of achieving.

The domain crumbled and dissipated under Hiro's influence, its energy flowing into him, further empowering him. Above them, the colossal dragon continued to circle the sky, a silent sentinel waiting for Hiro's command.

As the remnants of Yami's domain faded away, Hiro stood with a confident smile on his face, his hands outstretched. The immense dragon, a majestic and powerful creature of fire and lightning, positioned itself beside him, ready to follow his command.

Yami, realizing the imminent threat, acted quickly. With a swift motion, he conjured a large black hole in front of him, a defensive maneuver intended to absorb Hiro's upcoming attack.

In perfect synchrony, Hiro and the dragon unleashed the energy they had absorbed. A colossal beam of combined fire and lightning energy surged forward, its intensity and power magnified by the dragon's presence. The energy cannon roared through the air, crackling and sparking with raw power, as it made its way towards Yami's black hole.

The black hole began to absorb the energy, drawing in the fiery maelstrom with its gravitational pull. However, as the energy cannon's power intensified, it became evident that the black hole was reaching its limit. The energy continued to pour in relentlessly, causing the black hole to quiver and shudder under the strain.

Yami, watching in disbelief, realized too late that his defensive strategy was about to backfire. The black hole, unable to contain the overwhelming power of Hiro's attack, imploded spectacularly. The energy cannon, now unimpeded, reversed its course, heading straight back towards Yami.

The explosion was monumental, lighting up the sky with a brilliant display of colors. The shockwave from the explosion rippled through the air, shattering windows and shaking the ground. Debris was sent flying, and the force of the blast was felt for miles around.

Yami, caught in the heart of the explosion, was thrown back by the force of the blast. His figure was momentarily engulfed in the blinding light of the explosion, a testament to the sheer power of Hiro's attack.

As the light faded and the dust settled, Hiro stood unharmed, his dragon still by his side. He had demonstrated not only his ability to absorb and redirect energy but also his strategic prowess in battle. Yami, now facing the consequences of his miscalculation, had to reassess his approach against a sorcerer as formidable as Hiro.

As Yami emerged from the rubble, his appearance was nothing short of ghastly. His skin was seared and peeling, clothes hanging in tattered shreds. Deep lacerations crisscrossed his body, oozing with dark blood. Undeterred by his mutilated state, Yami glared at Hiro with burning intensity, casting a curse in a raspy, strained voice.

Hiro, eyes narrowing in focus, wasted no time. He charged forward, closing the gap with astonishing speed. His first strike was a lightning-fast jab, aimed squarely at Yami's bruised ribs. The sound of impact echoed sharply, a clear indication of Hiro's power.

Yami grimaced in pain but retaliated with a wide, arcing swing. Hiro easily ducked under the sluggish attack, countering with a rapid succession of precise, targeted strikes. Each punch and kick from Hiro was a masterclass in martial arts—fluid, efficient, and devastatingly effective.

Yami's attempts to defend were clumsy and slow, his movements hampered by his injuries and Hiro's relentless assault. With a swift, ducking weave, Hiro evaded another one of Yami's punches and delivered a powerful uppercut to Yami's chin, snapping his head back with a spray of blood.

Seizing the moment, Hiro unleashed a barrage of strikes, each landing with bone-crunching force. He moved like a whirlwind, his fists and feet blurring as they pummeled Yami's body. Yami's attempts to counter were met with punishing blows that broke through his defenses.

In a fluid motion, Hiro spun on his heel, delivering a roundhouse kick that connected with a sickening crack against Yami's temple. The force of the kick sent Yami reeling, stumbling backward, barely able to maintain his balance.

As Yami struggled to regain his footing, Hiro advanced. He leaped into the air, twisting his body for a devastating flying knee. The knee strike landed squarely in Yami's midsection, driving the air from his lungs and lifting him off the ground.

Yami hit the ground hard, a cloud of dust billowing around him. Hiro landed gracefully, standing tall and poised, his breathing steady despite the intense exertion. The display of martial prowess was not just impressive—it was a statement. Hiro had dominated the fight with a blend of elegance, power, and unmatched skill.

The street was silent except for the labored breaths of the two combatants. Yami lay on the ground, battered and defeated, while Hiro stood as the undisputed victor.

As Yami lay on the ground, battered and bruised, a flicker of defiance still burned in his eyes. "Alright, kid, you won't get off scot-free!" he snarled. With a forceful shout, "Domain Expansion," Yami reopened his domain, a dark and ominous space enveloping them once again.

Inside the domain, Yami swiftly executed his reverse curse technique, the dark energy swirling around him and knitting his wounds together, healing his battered body. Hiro, seeing the domain manifest once more, attempted to absorb it as he had done before. However, Yami had a different strategy this time.

Suddenly, Hiro found himself assaulted by a barrage of mental images—vivid, horrifying visions of his own death, and those of Maki, Itadori, Megumi, and everyone he cared about. Each image was more gruesome and tragic than the last, an unending nightmare designed to break Hiro's spirit.

Yet, after a relentless sequence of these macabre visions, Hiro simply yawned, utterly unfazed. "It's a shame, really. I've already lived through this at the Temple of Buddha, and it was ten times worse," he said nonchalantly.

Yami's frustration was palpable. His attempt to mentally destabilize Hiro had failed miserably. Hiro's experiences and training had fortified his mind against such tactics, rendering Yami's psychological assault ineffective.

The realization that his domain expansion and mind games had little effect on Hiro was a significant blow to Yami. It underscored Hiro's mental resilience and strength of character, qualities that made him an even more formidable opponent than Yami had anticipated.

Yami, in a swift, desperate move, leaped towards Hiro. He reached out, his hand making contact with Hiro's face, and declared ominously, "Then, at the very least, I'll take your memories." As his hand touched Hiro, a strange, invasive energy began to seep into Hiro's mind, an eerie sensation that felt like tendrils weaving through his thoughts.

Hiro, sensing the intrusion into his mind, reacted instantly. With a powerful and swift kick, he sent Yami reeling backward. As Yami stumbled away, Hiro quickly focused his energy on absorbing the domain around them, dismantling it with his growing mastery over his powers.

As the domain dissipated, Hiro quipped with a smirk, "Well, you managed to absorb the memory of one of my ex-girlfriends. Congratulations." His tone was laced with sarcasm, underscoring his indifference to Yami's attack on his memories.


The scene before Itadori was one of disbelief and shock. In a moment of distraction, Sukuna had managed to take control of Megumi's body. Itadori's eyes widened in horror as he realized the gravity of the situation. Sukuna, now in control of Megumi, turned to Itadori with a sly grin. "I told you, brat, you were going to see something spectacular," Sukuna taunted.

Maki, without hesitation, lunged at Sukuna, her sword drawn and ready to strike. But Sukuna, with his exceptional reflexes and agility, dodged her attack with ease. In a swift countermove, he struck Maki with a powerful blow, sending her crashing against the edge of the building.

Itadori, fueled by a mix of anger and concern, charged at Sukuna. He delivered a solid punch, channeling all his strength and frustration into the blow. The force of the impact sent Sukuna flying across the air and crashing into another building.

Itadori, driven by a fierce determination, leaped across to the other building where Sukuna had landed. Sukuna, wearing Megumi's body, looked at Itadori with a mix of disdain and amusement. "You're quite boring, you know," he remarked nonchalantly.

Unleashing his curse technique, Sukuna aimed a series of swift, precise slashes at Itadori. The air hummed with the power of his attacks, and Itadori's body was soon marked with numerous cuts. However, to Sukuna's surprise, these wounds seemed to have little effect on Itadori's advance. Blood seeped from the cuts, but Itadori's resolve remained unshaken; his eyes blazed with an unwavering focus.

Ignoring the pain and the danger, Itadori pushed forward, his every step fueled by the urgency of the situation. Sukuna, watching Itadori's approach, prepared for another attack, but Itadori was quicker. With a burst of speed, he closed the gap between them and landed a solid, powerful punch directly on Sukuna.

The impact of the blow sent Sukuna staggering back, a rare look of surprise flashing across his face. Itadori's punch had not only caught him off guard but had also demonstrated the young sorcerer's formidable power.

Sukuna, regaining his balance, stared at Itadori with a newfound interest. "Interesting," he muttered, reassessing the young sorcerer before him. Itadori, standing tall despite his injuries, had proven himself to be a more formidable opponent than Sukuna had initially thought.

The face-off between Itadori and Sukuna, quickly escalated into an intense physical battle. Their figures blurred across the rooftop, a dance of violence and power under the open sky.

Itadori charged at Sukuna, his fists ready. He launched a series of punches, each one packed with the determination to save his friend. Sukuna countered effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise. The sound of their fists and feet colliding echoed through the air, a testament to the ferocity of their battle.

Sukuna, with the agility and skill that made him one of the most feared curses, dodged and weaved through Itadori's attacks. He landed several strikes of his own, each one aimed to incapacitate. Itadori, however, kept pushing forward, refusing to back down despite the onslaught.

The two combatants exchanged blows, their movements a whirlwind of action. Itadori managed to land a few solid hits, but Sukuna's responses were swift and brutal. It was a fight of endurance and willpower, each trying to gain the upper hand.

As the fight progressed, Sukuna began to dominate. With a swift move, he struck Itadori in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Itadori gasped for air, his body momentarily weakened by the lack of oxygen.

Seizing the opportunity, Sukuna invoked his Chimera technique. A spectral form emerged, its presence adding an ominous aura to the scene. In a swift and calculated move, Sukuna grabbed Itadori's foot with the Chimera and took to the sky, leaving Itadori gasping and struggling on the rooftop.

As Sukuna ascended, he looked down at Itadori with a mocking sneer. "Is that all you've got, brat?" he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. Itadori, left on the rooftop, watched as Sukuna flew away, his body aching and his spirit burning with the unresolved battle.


As Yami stood there, panting from the exertion of their intense battle, he looked at Hiro with a mixture of curiosity and respect. "Must feel good, huh? Being the hero of the story," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Hiro paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful. Then, he replied, "I'm no hero. Heroes are those people who, despite their limitations, strive to make the world a better place, to save lives, to create. Firefighters, doctors, teachers, veterinarians, rescue workers... those are the real heroes. I'm just an idiot who uses his fists to exorcise curses."

Yami chuckled at Hiro's response, a genuine smile crossing his face. "But don't you fight to protect all those people you just mentioned?" he prodded.

Hiro nodded, his gaze steady. "I have power, so it's expected of me to fight. But those people don't have even a fraction of the power I do, and yet they make a difference. They're the brave ones, fighting their battles every day without any supernatural abilities. What I do... it's just what I'm supposed to do with the power I have," he said.

Yami's voice softened, tinged with a note of nostalgia as he spoke of his son. "You sound just like my son," he said, a distant look in his eyes. "He used to say the same things. But it was his sense of justice that cut his life short."

Hiro responded thoughtfully, "Maybe, but his sense of justice inspired others. It gave people hope and motivated them to be better. Sometimes, the impact we have on others is more important than how long we live."

Yami let out a laugh, though it lacked his usual malice. "How I despise those things—ideologies, wills. They are things I no longer possess, or rather, things I lost many years ago."

His words hinted at a past filled with loss and disillusionment, a stark contrast to Hiro's resolve and belief in the power of influence and inspiration. Yami's journey had evidently been a long and complicated one, leading him to a place where ideals and aspirations no longer held meaning.

As the dust of their battle settled, Yami, with a weary acceptance in his eyes, spoke to Hiro. "It seems my time has come to an end. I've been bested, in more ways than one. Would you grant me this final request?"

Hiro, his brow furrowed in contemplation, asked cautiously, "Why do you seek death so eagerly?"

Yami's gaze drifted away, lost in memories. "I yearn to reunite with my family. My wife and son... I've missed them dearly. Yet, the path I've walked is stained with blood, and I've lacked the courage to face them after death. I believed that being killed might somehow balance the scales of my sins."

Hiro replied thoughtfully, "True atonement might be more complex than just meeting your end, especially if you harbor no regret for your actions."

A rueful smile crossed Yami's lips. "Regret? No, I can't claim that. I razed the Zenin clan to the ground, not once but twice, without remorse. But, isn't it ironic? I thought Sukuna, the King of Curses, would be my end. Yet here I am, facing my demise at the hands of a young sorcerer."

In Yami's words, there was a profound sense of resignation—a man who had lived lifetimes, seen the rise and fall of eras, and now stood at the threshold of his own end. His request for death was not a plea for escape but a desire for closure, a final chapter to a tumultuous saga.

Hiro approached Yami with a solemn expression, understanding the gravity of what he was about to do. Stepping closer, he gently placed his hand on Yami's forehead. His touch was light, almost respectful. "It will be quick and peaceful," Hiro assured him softly.

Yami looked up at Hiro, a mix of relief and resignation in his eyes. He nodded slightly, ready to embrace the end he had long sought. There was an unspoken understanding in that moment, a mutual recognition of the finality of this act.

As Hiro's hand rested on Yami's forehead, he focused his cursed energy into a precise, controlled point. The air around them seemed to still, the world holding its breath. Then, with a faint hum of power, Hiro released a small but potent burst of electricity. It coursed through Yami's body, targeting his heart with surgical accuracy.

Yami's eyes fluttered as the electrical charge reached his heart, causing it to cease its rhythm. A faint whisper escaped his lips, "Thank you," accompanied by a small, contented smile. It was the smile of a man who had finally found the peace he had been seeking for so long.

As Yami exhaled his last breath, his body relaxed, and the life that had been so tumultuous and filled with strife quietly faded away. Hiro removed his hand, standing back as he watched the last vestiges of Yami's presence dissolve into the air.

The scene was poignant, the end of a life marked by power, loss, and a quest for redemption. Hiro stood there for a moment, reflecting on the life that had just ended and the complex layers of emotion and history that Yami had carried with him.

In fulfilling Yami's final wish, Hiro had not only ended the life of a formidable adversary but had also granted a measure of peace to a soul that had been tormented by centuries of conflict and regret. It was a moment that encapsulated the often blurred lines between justice and mercy, a reminder of the profound and often challenging decisions that those with great power must face.

Hiro stood for a moment, gazing down at the lifeless form of Yami, which had now reverted to the body of his old friend, Yamada. There was a heavy sigh from Hiro as he observed the peaceful expression on Yamada's face, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had marked his existence as Yami.

"Seems like you can finally rest in peace, old friend," Hiro murmured quietly, a tinge of sadness in his voice. Gently, he lifted Yamada's body into his arms, cradling it with a sense of reverence and respect for the friend he had once known.

As Hiro began to walk, he channeled a small amount of his cursed energy, igniting a flame that enveloped Yamada's body. The fire was not wild or destructive, but rather a controlled, purifying blaze that slowly reduced the body to ashes while Hiro continued his solemn march.

With each step, the ashes scattered into the wind, a symbolic gesture of liberation and release. "I should have done this a long time ago. I'm sorry, Yamada," Hiro said softly, his voice carrying a weight of regret and acceptance. "But in the end, you helped a soul find its peace."

The act was more than just a physical farewell; it was a final act of kindness to a soul that had been lost in darkness. As the last of the ashes dispersed into the air, Hiro felt a sense of closure, not just for Yamada but for himself as well. He had faced his past, confronted the complexities of friendship and duty, and had allowed an old friend to find peace in a way he could not provide in life.

The moment was a poignant reminder of the burdens and responsibilities that come with power, and the sometimes painful choices that must be made. Hiro continued on his path, his heart a little heavier yet at peace, knowing that he had honored his friend's memory and helped him find the rest he deserved.


In the solemn atmosphere of the Tokyo Jujutsu High, Itadori, Choso, Maki, Hiro, and Kurusu gathered, each grappling with the weight of recent events. Hiro, leaning against a wall with a contemplative expression, broke the silence. "So now, Sukuna has taken over Megumi, and Kenjaku has seized control of Tengen. It seems Yami was just a prelude to the storm that's coming our way."

As Hiro's words lingered in the air, Choso, his frustration and guilt boiling over, slammed his fist onto the table with a resounding thud. "It's my fault... I couldn't stop Kenjaku. Because of me... Yuki died." His voice trembled with a mixture of anger and sorrow.

Hiro stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Choso's shoulder. "And it's also thanks to you that Momo, Kamo, and Yazu are safe. They're injured, yes, but alive." His voice was firm, yet empathetic, acknowledging Choso's efforts amidst the chaos.

Choso looked up at Hiro, his eyes reflecting a turmoil of emotions. Hiro's words brought a small sense of solace, yet the burden of his perceived failure weighed heavily on him.

Maki, standing by the window, gazed out with a stoic expression. Her eyes were distant, reflecting on the challenges they faced. "We need to plan our next move," she said, turning to face the group. "Kenjaku, Sukuna... they won't stop until they've achieved their goals."

Itadori, who had been quiet, clenched his fists. The thought of Megumi, his close friend, being controlled by Sukuna ignited a fire within him. "We'll save Megumi, no matter what," he declared with determination.

Kurusu, observing the interactions, remained silent. He understood the gravity of the situation and the resolve of the sorcerers around him.

Hiro turned towards Kurusu, a sense of urgency in his tone. "So, are you going to release Professor Gojo?" he asked directly. From Kurusu's cheek emerged a mouth - it was Angel speaking. "I've seen what you're capable of, kid. You might as well be able to defeat 'the Fallen', Sukuna, yourself. But yes, I will free Gojo," the disembodied mouth declared.

Hiro nodded in acknowledgment, "Good, I'll head to the backdoor of the Prison Realm then." As he prepared to move, Kurusu abruptly stopped him. "Wait, you want to release him here?"

Kurusu's question made Hiro raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Kurusu continued, "We don't know if the release could cause an explosion. Moreover, we have no idea about your professor's mental state. Time doesn't flow normally in there. What if he's gone mad and attacks us?"

Maki, who had been listening intently, voiced her agreement. "He's right. We can't take that risk."

Hiro pondered for a moment, then conceded. "Alright, let's plan to release him the day after tomorrow, on the 19th of November. I'll rest up a bit, and if he does go berserk, I'll just have to knock some sense into him."

The group exchanged looks, understanding the gravity of the situation. Releasing Gojo was crucial, but it was clear they needed to be prepared for any outcome. The decision to wait and plan carefully reflected their collective wisdom and the importance they placed on mitigating potential risks.

As Hiro stretched his body, preparing to leave the room, he casually mentioned, "Yuta and the others should be back soon." He then made his way out, his stride confident and purposeful.

Maki watched his retreating figure, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "You've grown," she remarked, her voice carrying a mix of pride and affection.

Hiro paused at the doorway, turning to look at her with a playful grin. "Well, that's normal, isn't it? I'm still growing." His tone was light, but there was an underlying acknowledgment of her words.

Maki shook her head slightly, her smile widening. "Not just in height. You're stronger, more mature, more capable."

Hiro chuckled, "What are you talking about? I'm the same idiot you met a long time ago." His words were dismissive, but the warmth in his eyes said otherwise.

Maki's eyes twinkled with amusement. "The same arrogant boxer?" she teased.

Hiro responded with a broader smile, leaned in, and gently kissed Maki on the forehead. It was a tender moment, one that spoke volumes of their deep connection and mutual respect. Then, with a final nod, he stepped out onto the patio.

As Hiro left the room, the atmosphere was one of quiet understanding and unspoken bonds. Maki remained for a moment, her gaze lingering on the door through which Hiro had just passed. The journey they had all embarked upon had changed them in profound ways, and in Hiro, those changes were particularly evident. He had indeed grown, not just as a sorcerer, but as a person - a reality Maki appreciated more than she could express. The challenges ahead were many, but with Hiro's growth and their united strength, they were ready to face whatever came their way.

Hiro, stepping out into the garden, found Naoya leisurely sipping a soda. Approaching him, Hiro inquired, "Did you do what I asked?"

With a click of his tongue, Naoya extended a katana towards Hiro. "The Divided Soul Katana. I kept it because Toji used it," he explained with a hint of reluctance. Hiro took the weapon, examining it with a discerning eye.

Naoya, attempting to provoke, added, "Now it's for your weak girlfriend." Hiro merely gave him a steady look, unbothered by the comment. This caused Naoya to shift uncomfortably.

Breaking the brief tension, Naoya grumbled, "Whatever, you owe me one now."

Hiro, gripping the katana, nodded slightly and then said, "Actually, I have another favor to ask of you." His tone was calm but firm, indicating the seriousness of his request.

Naoya exhaled a resigned sigh, his annoyance apparent. "Now what?" he asked, his curiosity piqued despite his irritation.

The conversation between Hiro and Naoya lingered on the topic of Toji and the mystery surrounding Maki's celestial restriction. "That Toji guy was really strong because of a celestial restriction. Why isn't Maki the same? She has a celestial restriction too," Hiro pondered aloud.

Naoya looked up at the sky, seemingly indifferent. "And how am I supposed to know?" he replied nonchalantly. After a brief pause, he added, "Well, if I had to guess, maybe it's because of her twin, Mai. Twins are often seen as a bad omen in the jujutsu world. Mai has very little cursed energy. Maybe that's why Maki can't progress."

Hiro nodded thoughtfully, considering Naoya's explanation. "Turns out you're more useful than you seem," he remarked.

Naoya's lips curled into a smug smile. "Naturally, I'm a genius," he boasted.

Hiro rolled his eyes at Naoya's self-praise. "A genius who acts like a 15-year-old kid," he quipped.

Naoya clicked his tongue in annoyance, clearly irked by Hiro's comment. Then, Hiro extended his fist towards Naoya in a gesture of thanks. "Just showing my gratitude," he explained.

Naoya looked at Hiro's fist with a mix of confusion and disdain. "Keep your nonsense to yourself. I only did it so you'd leave me alone." With that, he turned on his heel and walked away.

Hiro watched Naoya leave, a slight smile on his face. Despite their banter and Naoya's abrasive personality, there was an unspoken acknowledgment of each other's strengths and roles in the larger scheme of things. Their interaction was a blend of rivalry, mutual respect, and a bit of reluctant camaraderie – all components of the complex dynamics within the world of jujutsu sorcerers.


Hiro stepped into Mai's room, asking with a hint of courtesy, "Can I come in?"

Mai, with a playful smile, teased, "Oh, so you got bored of my sister?"

Hiro, unfazed by her jest, replied seriously, "No, it's not that. I need to ask you a favor."

Mai's expression softened, "For you, I'd do anything."

Hiro took a deep breath before stating, "Then, I want you to give up your cursed energy." His request caught Mai completely off guard.

"What do you mean?" Mai asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Hiro explained his theory, "I was thinking... maybe Maki can't reach her full potential because you possess cursed energy. It's like your energies are linked."

Mai pondered for a moment, then admitted, "I've thought the same, actually. And to be honest, I hate it."

Hiro, sensing her openness to the idea, continued, "Do you think it's possible for me to modify your cursed energy? In theory, it would only change the essence, which might break the link binding your energies. It's as if your cursed energy tied to Maki would vanish."

Mai looked at Hiro with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "Is that even possible?" she asked.

Hiro nodded confidently. "Yes, in theory. But it's not without risks. We'd be altering something fundamental to your being."

Mai sat in silence for a moment, contemplating the implications. Finally, she looked up at Hiro, determination in her eyes. "If it will help Maki reach her full potential, then I'm willing to take that risk."

Hiro's smile was warm and reassuring as he gently touched Mai's forehead to begin the process. Mai could feel a surge of energy coursing through her body, a sensation both strange and profound.

As the procedure progressed, Hiro casually remarked, "You really care about your sister, don't you?"

Mai, slightly caught off guard by the comment, responded, "Eh? Why do you say that?"

"Well, you're doing this for her," Hiro pointed out, his tone light but meaningful.

Mai quickly replied, a hint of defensiveness in her voice, "I'm doing this for you, not for her."

Hiro chuckled softly, "Sure, of course." His smile conveyed a knowing acknowledgment of her true intentions.

Mai added, slightly embarrassed, "Just... don't tell her, okay?"

Hiro removed his hand, indicating the completion of the initial stage. "Done. The process will take a few days. It'll be like sweating it out; you'll gradually release the cursed energy from your body." His explanation was simple yet clear.

Mai nodded in understanding, a sense of relief mixed with anticipation. This moment was significant – not just for Mai, but potentially for Maki as well. Hiro's actions could unlock new possibilities for Maki's abilities, altering her path as a sorcerer.

Mai's willingness to undergo such a change for Hiro – and, despite her protests, for her sister – spoke volumes about her character. It highlighted the complex, often unspoken relationships that existed among them, a tapestry of loyalty, sacrifice, and unacknowledged affection. As Hiro left the room, there was a sense of change in the air – a change that might soon manifest in ways none of them could yet foresee.


As Hiro entered his room, he was greeted by Maki's mischievous gaze. Her eyes sparkled with a playful allure as she said, "Finally, you're here. We've been apart for a few days. How about we spice things up a bit?"

Hiro's face broke into a knowing smile, his eyes reflecting the same playful energy. "Is that so?" he responded, his tone laced with equal parts amusement and affection. He walked closer to Maki, their proximity intensifying the electric atmosphere between them.

Maki, still maintaining her teasing demeanor, stood up to meet Hiro halfway. "I thought you'd never ask," she quipped, her voice a blend of flirtation and challenge.

Hiro reached out, gently pulling Maki closer by her waist. Their faces were now mere inches apart, their breaths mingling in the air. "Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm full of surprises," Hiro whispered, his voice low and enticing.

Maki's eyes danced with excitement and anticipation. The chemistry between them was palpable, a fiery connection that had only grown stronger with time and shared experiences.

In that moment, the world outside their room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their private universe. It was a universe where the stresses and dangers of their lives as jujutsu sorcerers were momentarily forgotten, replaced by the warmth and closeness of their connection.

As Hiro and Maki stood close in their private haven, the atmosphere between them shifted from playful teasing to a deeper, more intimate connection. The world outside, with all its turmoil and challenges, seemed to melt away, leaving them enveloped in a moment of profound closeness and affection.

The room, bathed in the soft, warm glow of the evening light, became a sanctuary where time slowed down, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in each other's presence. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and longing, a silent acknowledgement of the rare moments of peace and intimacy they could steal from their chaotic lives.

As the evening wore on, their connection deepened, transcending the bounds of mere physicality. It was a night of shared whispers, laughter, and tenderness, a celebration of their bond that had grown and evolved through trials and triumphs.

In the quiet of Hiro's room, they found solace in each other's arms, a haven from the world outside. The night unfolded with a gentle intensity, a testament to their mutual care and understanding. It was a time for them to simply be together, away from the expectations and responsibilities that awaited them.

When the first light of dawn peeked through the curtains, it found Hiro and Maki still entwined, a serene expression on their faces. The night had been a rare opportunity to express their affection and connection in its fullest sense, a cherished interlude in their journey as both sorcerers and companions.

Hiro's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. He felt a dull ache in his body and a slight pounding in his head – signs that last night might have involved a bit too much to drink. "Resaca?" he mused to himself.

As his gaze wandered, Hiro noticed he wasn't alone. There was a girl, her arms wrapped around him, both of them devoid of any clothing. Hiro chuckled softly, a bit of confusion mixed with amusement in his voice. "Looks like I drank too much and can't remember what happened... again."

He examined the girl more closely. Her body was adorned with burn scars, yet her form was undeniably attractive. "I must've been really out of it to end up with someone like this," Hiro thought aloud, still unaware of her identity. "Though she does have a nice figure..."

His eyes scanned the room, trying to piece together the situation. "This doesn't look like a girl's room or a motel... Could it be her boyfriend's place? Or does she live with him? Well, doesn't matter, I guess."

As he pondered, the girl beside him slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning," Maki said softly, a hint of warmth in her voice.

Hiro greeted her back with a bright smile, still oblivious to her identity. "Good morning, gorgeous. Seems like you had the night of your life," he said with a light-hearted tone.

Maki laughed at his comment, the sound filled with affection and familiarity. "You sound like an idiot," she teased.

Maki's embrace tightened as she softly asked, "Can we just stay in bed all day today?" But Hiro gently untangled himself from her arms and stood up, his tone casual yet determined. "Sorry, gorgeous, but I've got a lot on my plate. A world champion's schedule is always full. You can give me a call later, though."

Maki watched him with a growing sense of confusion and concern. Her eyebrows knitted together as she said, "Hiro, what are you talking about?"

Hiro, oblivious to Maki's growing alarm, continued dressing. He frowned at his clothes, remarking, "God, these are all dusty and dirty. Did I really wear this?"

Maki approached him cautiously, her voice laced with worry. "Are you okay?"

"Of course, I am, babe. Just had a bit too much to drink last night," Hiro replied nonchalantly, still unaware of the confusion he was causing.

Maki's concern deepened. "You haven't called me 'babe' or 'gorgeous' in years. Not since we first met. You usually just call me by my name." Her words were measured, a mix of confusion and fear evident in her voice.

Hiro paused, his expression changing to one of puzzlement. "Years?" he echoed, his tone now laced with uncertainty.

Maki's eyes were filled with worry as she asked, "Hiro, are you playing some kind of joke?"

Hiro's demeanor remained casual, even playful, as he said, "Babe, stop acting crazy. Hiro Takashi doesn't spend more than one night with a woman." His words were carefree, but they carried an edge of unfamiliarity that only deepened Maki's concern.

Growing more alarmed, Maki probed further, "Hiro, what's my name?" She hoped this simple question would snap him back to reality.

Hiro responded with a smile, still not grasping the gravity of the situation. "I'm terrible with names," he said, brushing off the question.

Maki's eyes widened in shock at his response. In a desperate attempt to gauge the extent of his memory loss, she asked, "Do you know who Itadori is?"

Hiro shrugged nonchalantly. "No idea. Is he your boyfriend? Don't worry, I can handle him."

Maki continued, her voice tinged with urgency, "What about Yazu, Megumi? Do you know them?"

Again, Hiro shrugged, seemingly indifferent.

Maki's heart sank as she muttered under her breath, "Could he have lost his memory?"

The realization hit her like a wave of cold water. The man standing before her, the Hiro she knew and loved, seemed to have forgotten not just her but key aspects of his life and the people in it. The playful, confident exterior he was projecting belied a deeper issue that Maki was now beginning to grasp.

In that moment, the room felt like a different world, one where the familiar comfort of their relationship was replaced by a sense of loss and confusion. Maki's mind raced as she tried to come to terms with the reality that the Hiro she knew might be lost to her, at least for the time being. The situation was unprecedented, and she knew she had to find a way to help Hiro remember his life, his friends, and most importantly, their relationship.

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