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7.54% Jujutsu Kaisen: The Pugilist Sorcerer / Chapter 4: Will and blood

Capítulo 4: Will and blood

Maki and Inumaki sat in the front row, the anticipation building as they waited for the main event – Hiro's fight. The arena was buzzing with excitement, fans eagerly discussing the upcoming bout.

Finally, the ring announcer, a charismatic figure in a sharp suit, stepped into the ring, microphone in hand. He began with a flourish, his voice booming through the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's main event!" he bellowed, the crowd erupting in cheers. "This is the moment we've all been waiting for – the battle for the world championship title!"

The announcer continued, his voice rising with excitement. "In this corner, the reigning champion, undefeated with a record of 70 wins, no losses, 59 by knockout, standing at 6 feet and half an inch tall, the pride of American boxing, Mike 'The Hammer' Johnson!"

The crowd roared as Mike, looking confident and imposing, raised his fists in the air, acknowledging the cheers.

"And in this corner," the announcer went on, "the challenger, undefeated with a record of 20 wins, all by knockout, standing at 5 feet 11 inches tall, Japan's rising star, the 'Golden Boy,' the 'Lightning of Tokyo,' Hiro Takashi!"

Hiro stepped forward, his face a mask of focus and determination, as the crowd cheered wildly, many waving Japanese flags.

Maki and Inumaki clapped and cheered along with the rest of the crowd, their eyes fixed on Hiro. The atmosphere was electric, every spectator on the edge of their seat, waiting for the clash of these two titans of the boxing world. The anticipation was palpable, the air thick with the promise of an unforgettable fight.

Mike stood in his corner, his expression one of intense concentration. He was a seasoned fighter, not about to let a young challenger take away his undefeated record and his championship belt. His stance was solid, his eyes locked on Hiro, exuding an aura of a champion who had weathered many battles.

Hiro, on the other hand, seemed almost relaxed, a confident smile playing on his lips. He glanced over at Maki and winked at her, a gesture that was classic Hiro – playful even in the face of intense competition.

Maki, watching from the front row, rolled her eyes and muttered "Idiot" under her breath, though there was a hint of a smile on her face. She couldn't believe Hiro's audacity to be so nonchalant at such a crucial moment.

Takahiro and Shiru, familiar with Hiro's tendency to mix playfulness with seriousness, simply sighed. They knew this was just Hiro's way of dealing with the pressure, keeping himself relaxed and focused in his own unique manner.

The arena was alive with excitement, the air electric with anticipation. Fans were on their feet, some waving banners and flags, others shouting words of encouragement. The noise was deafening, a cacophony of cheers, chants, and the constant hum of excited conversation.

The atmosphere was charged with the energy of a high-stakes battle, a clash between a reigning champion and a rising star. Fans of both fighters were vocal in their support, creating a symphony of passion and anticipation that filled the arena. This was more than just a fight; it was a spectacle, a moment in sporting history that would be remembered for years to come.

The sound of the bell signaled the start of the fight, and Hiro wasted no time. In a move that caught Mike completely off guard, Hiro lunged forward with astonishing speed. He landed a sharp jab, followed swiftly by a powerful uppercut that sent Mike crashing to the canvas.

Hiro stepped back, a taunting smile on his face as the crowd erupted into cheers. The arena was electrified, the spectators on their feet, chanting Hiro's name. In those few seconds, Hiro had not only surprised everyone but had also won over the crowd with his skill and audacity.

Mike, shaken and incredulous, quickly got back to his feet. This was uncharted territory for him – never before had he been knocked down in a fight. His expression was one of confusion and anger, a mix of emotions that he was not accustomed to in the ring.

Seeing Mike's reaction, Hiro stuck out his tongue in a provocative gesture, adding insult to injury. This only fueled Mike's anger, his composure slipping as he glared at Hiro.

Maki and Inumaki watched in disbelief from their seats. Maki's annoyance at Hiro's earlier playful attitude was now replaced with awe at his boxing prowess. The tension in the arena was palpable, the crowd sensing that this fight was going to be something extraordinary. Hiro's bold strategy had shifted the dynamics of the bout, turning it into a display of skill, speed, and psychological warfare.

Fueled by frustration and the shock of being knocked down, Mike lunged at Hiro with a series of powerful blows. But Hiro, displaying remarkable agility, dodged each punch with smooth hip movements, countering with a swift two-punch combination that landed cleanly.

Mike, undeterred, kept throwing punches, but Hiro was always one step ahead, evading and countering with precision. Then, with a swift movement, Hiro landed another potent uppercut, forcing Mike to stomp his foot hard on the canvas to keep from falling.

Hiro then upped the ante, moving around the ring with incredible speed, circling Mike and landing strikes from different angles. His movements were a blur, his punches sharp and focused. The crowd was in awe, their cheers growing louder with each successful hit.

In that moment, as he danced around the ring, Hiro realized he could win. The thought energized him even more, his confidence surging with every move. Mike, the undefeated champion, was struggling to keep up with Hiro's pace and skill.

Maki and Inumaki watched, captivated by the spectacle. Hiro's performance was not just impressive; it was a statement. He was proving himself not just as a boxer, but as a true contender for the championship.

The energy in the arena was electric, every spectator on the edge of their seat, witnessing what could be the making of a new world champion. Hiro's belief in himself was clear, and with each passing second of the fight, it became more and more evident that he was there to make history.

The fight transformed into a one-sided display as Hiro took complete control. He was like a whirlwind in the ring, his movements fluid and precise, each punch delivered with surgical accuracy.

Hiro's strategy was a blend of offense and defense. He would bob and weave, dodging Mike's punches effortlessly. Then, seizing the opportunity, he would unleash a barrage of blows. His jabs were quick and sharp, snapping Mike's head back each time they connected. Hiro followed up with hooks that landed heavily on Mike's body, each thud echoing through the arena.

The most impressive were Hiro's combinations. He would start with a jab to the head, followed by a swift cross to the body, and then a powerful uppercut, each punch flowing seamlessly into the next. Mike tried to counter, but Hiro's speed and agility made him an elusive target.

As the round progressed, Hiro's dominance became more pronounced. He landed a particularly heavy right hook that sent Mike staggering back, his legs wobbling. Sensing his advantage, Hiro pressed forward, landing a series of body shots that sapped Mike's strength.

When the bell finally rang, ending the round, Mike trudged back to his corner, visibly exhausted and hurt. His face bore the marks of Hiro's relentless assault, and his breathing was heavy, a sign of the toll the round had taken on him.

Hiro, in contrast, walked back to his corner with a confident stride, his arm raised in triumph. A broad smile was on his face, his energy seemingly undiminished. He had proven his skill and strength, dominating the round against the seasoned champion.

Takahiro and Shiru greeted him with nods of approval, their faces showing a mix of pride and satisfaction. In the audience, Maki and Inumaki clapped and cheered along with the rest of the crowd, the excitement in the arena reaching a fever pitch. Hiro's performance was not just impressive; it was a clear statement that he was a force to be reckoned with in the boxing world.

In Mike's corner, the mood was tense and urgent. His trainer leaned in, his words sharp and direct. "A kid is giving you a beating out there, Mike. You need to turn this around," he said, trying to refocus the champion.

Mike, wiping sweat from his brow, nodded. "He's fast, really fast, and his punches hit like concrete," he admitted, a rare acknowledgment of his opponent's prowess. "At 20, that kid is already on his way to being one of the best in history."

His trainer, sensing the need for a change in strategy, advised, "Focus, Mike. It's time to pull out your ace in the hole." The implication was clear - they had a plan, something they hadn't yet revealed.

Mike, his expression hardening, gave a determined nod. He knew what he had to do.

Meanwhile, Maki and Inumaki were watching the fight intently from their front-row seats. Maki, still somewhat in disbelief, turned to Inumaki. "I can't believe that idiot is actually giving Mike a beating," she said, her voice a mix of surprise and admiration.

Inumaki, ever succinct, simply responded, "Salmon."

Maki smiled at his response, knowing that Inumaki, in his own way, was just as impressed with Hiro's performance. The arena was alive with the energy of the fight, the crowd fully engaged, and the sense of anticipation was palpable. Hiro's display of skill and strength had captured everyone's attention, setting the stage for an unforgettable conclusion to the bout.

As the bell rang to signal the start of the second round, the tension in the arena was almost tangible. Maki adjusted her glasses and peered intently into the ring, where she noticed something unusual about Mike's demeanor.

Hiro, riding on the momentum from the first round, quickly advanced towards Mike, aiming a jab at his opponent. But Mike, with a newfound agility, dodged the punch, his movements unusually fluid and quick.

In a swift counter, Mike unleashed a powerful right hook that landed squarely on Hiro's face. The impact was so severe that it not only sent Hiro tumbling to the canvas but also caused his nose to start bleeding profusely.

The crowd gasped in shock, the sudden turn of events catching everyone off guard.

From her seat, Maki's eyes widened in realization. "Inumaki," she said, her voice tense, "now I see why Mike has such an impressive record. He's a cursed energy user."

Inumaki looked at her, his expression grave, and simply said, "Salmon."

The revelation explained Mike's sudden shift in performance and agility. This was no longer just a boxing match; it had become a clash between a skilled boxer and someone who wielded an unnatural power.

Struggling to his feet, Hiro muttered curses under his breath as he glared at Mike. The revelation of Mike's use of cursed energy had changed the nature of the fight entirely. Hiro, though unacquainted with the world of Jujutsu and cursed energy, could sense that something was unnaturally powerful about his opponent.

From the stands, Maki's concern grew. She turned to Inumaki, her voice laced with worry, "This is bad. Hiro's basically fighting a sorcerer, and he doesn't even know about the Jujutsu world."

Inumaki, watching the fight intently, responded simply, "Salmon."

In the ring, the dynamic had shifted dramatically. Mike, empowered by his cursed energy, began to dominate Hiro. He moved with a speed and agility that seemed almost supernatural. Mike's punches were relentless and precise, each one landing with brutal force.

Hiro, despite his skill and resilience, found himself on the defensive. He tried to dodge and weave, but Mike's strikes were too fast, too powerful. Hiro took a heavy hit to the body, then another to the head, his body reeling from the impact. He staggered back, trying to regain his footing, but Mike was unrelenting.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Hiro, who had been so dominant in the first round, was now struggling to keep up. The sight of Hiro, a fighter known for his agility and strength, being overwhelmed in such a manner was shocking.

Maki clenched her fists, feeling helpless as she watched Hiro fight against an opponent who was playing by a completely different set of rules. The fight had taken a turn that no one, least of all Hiro, could have anticipated.

As the fight continued, Mike, empowered by his cursed energy, kept delivering a brutal assault on Hiro. The champion's punches were like hammer blows, each one landing with a force that seemed to shake the very air. Hiro, battered and bruised, was being pushed to his limits, his resilience the only thing keeping him standing.

Just as Mike was about to deliver what looked like the final, crushing blow, Hiro, in a display of incredible reflexes and determination, dodged the punch. In a split second, he countered with a powerful uppercut, catching Mike off-guard and sending him crashing to the canvas.

The arena erupted in disbelief and excitement. Mike lay on the ground, his expression one of shock and confusion. He had not anticipated such a comeback, especially from a fighter with no knowledge of cursed energy.

Maki and Inumaki, along with the rest of the crowd, were on their feet, their eyes wide with astonishment. "He did it!" Maki exclaimed, hardly believing what she had just witnessed. "Without cursed energy, Hiro just knocked down a sorcerer!"

Inumaki, equally astonished, could only utter, "Salmon."

Hiro, standing over Mike, was panting heavily, his energy nearly spent. Despite his exhaustion, he looked down at Mike with a mixture of defiance and superiority. "I'm going to win," he declared, his voice echoing through the arena.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the round, both fighters slowly made their way back to their respective corners. The atmosphere was electric, the crowd buzzing with the excitement of what they had just seen. Hiro, the underdog, had just turned the tables, proving that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, his skill, heart, and determination could make the impossible possible.

Mike, still reeling from being knocked down, returned to his corner, his mind racing. "What happened? I had everything under control," he said, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in momentum.

His trainer looked at him, a serious expression on his face. "Hiro's not just any fighter, Mike. He's a prodigy, one in a million. He was born to be a warrior. But you can still beat him."

Mike nodded, his confidence shaken but not shattered. He knew the fight was far from over, and he would need to tap into all his skill and experience to overcome Hiro's raw talent.

In Hiro's corner, Takahiro congratulated him on his remarkable comeback. "That was an excellent recovery, but it's only the second round, and you're already pushed to your limit," he cautioned.

Hiro, breathing heavily but determined, replied, "It doesn't change anything. I'm going to win."

Looking over to Maki in the audience, Hiro smiled and raised his gloved thumb in a gesture of reassurance. Maki, caught up in the intensity of the moment, couldn't help but smile back.

Inumaki, observing the exchange, asked, "Rice?"

Maki, her cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment, playfully scolded him, "Shut up, Inumaki."

The fight had become more than just a contest of physical strength; it was a battle of wills, a test of heart and resilience. As the break between rounds came to an end, both fighters prepared to return to the ring, each knowing that what lay ahead would define their legacy in the boxing world.

Mike, anticipating that Hiro would adopt a defensive strategy after the intensity of the previous rounds, was caught off guard when Hiro did the exact opposite. As soon as the bell rang, Hiro charged aggressively towards Mike, initiating a fierce exchange of blows.

The crowd was on the edge of their seats as Hiro landed a powerful straight right to Mike's face. Mike, taken aback by the ferocity of Hiro's assault, responded with a vicious hook, striking Hiro squarely on the face. Blood sprayed across the ring, a vivid testament to the brutality of the exchange.

But Hiro, undeterred and driven by sheer determination, landed a devastating hook to Mike's liver. The champion staggered, his body reeling from the impact. Seizing the moment, Hiro followed up with a thunderous uppercut, sending Mike crashing to the canvas once more.

Hiro let out a triumphant yell, his arms raised in victory. His corner erupted in celebration, sensing that the championship was within reach. Hiro was just one knockdown away from dethroning the world champion.

Maki and Inumaki, along with the rest of the audience, were in a frenzy of excitement. The prospect of Hiro, the underdog, emerging victorious against a seasoned champion like Mike was electrifying.

In the ring, Hiro's confidence was at its peak, his eyes blazing with the fire of a fighter who knew he was on the cusp of achieving his dream. The arena was alive with anticipation, everyone waiting with bated breath to see if the young challenger could complete his fairy-tale ascent to the pinnacle of the boxing world.

Mike, lying on the canvas, quickly gathered his thoughts. He silently told himself, "Give it your all. This is it." As he got up, a renewed determination was evident in his eyes.

The next moments of the fight saw Mike unleashing a barrage of punishing blows on Hiro. He came back with a vengeance, driven by the realization that his title was slipping away. Mike's punches were like thunderbolts, each one landing with a force that seemed to shake the very foundations of the arena.

He started with a series of jabs, fast and sharp, targeting Hiro's already injured face. Blood splattered with each connection, a stark contrast against the bright lights of the ring. Mike then followed up with a brutal combination of hooks, targeting Hiro's body and head in rapid succession.

Hiro, battered and bruised, tried to defend himself, but Mike's onslaught was relentless. A particularly heavy blow to the ribs made Hiro wince in pain, his breathing becoming labored.

As Mike continued his assault, Hiro's movements started to slow, his defenses weakening. A crushing left hook sent Hiro reeling against the ropes, his legs barely holding him up.

Just as Mike was preparing to deliver another punishing blow, the bell rang, signaling the end of the round. Hiro staggered back to his corner, saved by the bell. His team quickly attended to him, trying to revive his spirits and patch him up for what would be the final and decisive round.

In the audience, Maki and Inumaki watched with a mix of worry and anticipation. The fight had turned into a true test of endurance and willpower, with both fighters pushing themselves beyond their limits. The atmosphere was thick with tension, the outcome of the bout hanging in the balance as both fighters prepared for the final round.

In Hiro's corner, Takahiro looked at him with concern. "Your nose is completely broken, Hiro. You can't take another round like that," he said, examining the extent of the injury.

Hiro, his face a mask of blood and determination, responded with unwavering resolve. "No problem. I'll finish this in the next round," he declared, wiping the blood from his face.

Shiru, standing a bit to the side, watched Hiro with a mix of awe and concern. The sight of Hiro, battered yet unbowed, triggered a memory from his first day on the job.


Shiru entered the gym, nervous and unsure of what to expect on his first day as an assistant. He was immediately greeted by the sight of Hiro, who was in the middle of a training session.

Hiro noticed Shiru and walked over, his posture exuding the confidence of someone who knew they were at the top of their game. "I'm Hiro Takashi, the future number one boxer in the world," he announced arrogantly, extending a hand to Shiru.

Shiru, taken aback by Hiro's brash introduction, hesitantly shook his hand. "I'm Shiru. It's my first day," he replied, trying to hide his discomfort.

Hiro grinned, seemingly amused by Shiru's nervousness. "Well, Shiru, get ready to work with the best," he said, clapping Shiru on the shoulder before returning to his training.

Shiru watched Hiro, his initial impression a mix of admiration and disbelief at Hiro's over-the-top confidence.

**End of Flashback**

Back in the present, Shiru watched as Hiro prepared for the final round. The arrogant young boxer he had met that first day had evolved into a true fighter, one who was facing the biggest challenge of his career with courage and tenacity. Shiru couldn't help but feel proud to be part of Hiro's journey, witnessing his transformation from a brash young athlete into a formidable boxer who stood on the brink of greatness.

As the final round commenced, both Hiro and Mike launched into a ferocious exchange of blows that had the entire arena on its feet. The intensity was palpable, each fighter pouring every ounce of their strength and will into the battle.

Hiro, despite his broken nose and the fatigue setting in, was relentless in his aggression. He threw a rapid series of jabs, each one landing with a sharp snap, but Mike's defenses were up, and he absorbed the hits with a grim determination.

Mike, seizing an opportunity, countered with a vicious right hook, catching Hiro on the cheek and sending a spray of blood into the air. Hiro staggered but quickly regained his footing, refusing to back down. He responded with a powerful left hook to Mike's body, followed by an uppercut that snapped Mike's head back.

The two fighters were locked in a brutal dance, trading blow for blow. Hiro's face was a mask of blood, his shorts stained with the crimson proof of the battle's intensity. Each punch he landed was met with an equally punishing counter from Mike. The sound of leather on flesh echoed through the arena, underscored by the crowd's gasps and cheers.

Hiro's endurance was remarkable, but it was clear he was receiving more damage. His movements started to slow, his reactions not as sharp as they had been at the start of the fight. Still, his determination did not waver; his eyes blazed with the fire of a fighter who refused to be defeated.

Maki and Inumaki watched with bated breath, their hands clenched in anxiety. The fight had become a testament to the fighters' resilience and heart, a clash of titans that would be remembered as one of the most intense battles in boxing history. As the seconds ticked away, the outcome hung in the balance, each punch carrying the potential to tip the scales.

As the round continued, Mike unleashed a devastating hook that connected solidly with Hiro's ribs. The impact was so intense that Hiro could feel the bones give way under the force. Time seemed to slow down as he fell to the canvas, his body overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion.

"I lost," Hiro thought despairingly as he lay on the ring floor. The realization that he had been defeated was a bitter pill to swallow. He lay there, unable to move, his body refusing to obey his will to stand up. He had given everything he had, pushing himself to the absolute limit, but it hadn't been enough.

Despite the pain and the crushing disappointment, Hiro knew there was nothing to be ashamed of. He, a young fighter, had stood toe-to-toe with the world champion, challenging him like no one else had before. He had shown incredible skill and bravery, earning the respect of everyone who witnessed the fight.

The referee's count echoed in Hiro's ears, pulling him back to the harsh reality of the moment. "Six," the referee called out, his voice distant in Hiro's ears. The crowd was a blur of noise, their cheers and shouts merging into a single, indistinct roar.

Maki and Inumaki, along with the rest of the audience, watched in stunned silence. The excitement and hope that had filled the arena had turned to shock and disbelief. Hiro had come so close, challenging the champion like few ever had, but now he lay defeated on the canvas.

In that moment, lying on the ring floor, Hiro's journey had reached its climax. He had risen from obscurity to challenge a champion, proving himself to be a fighter of extraordinary heart and talent. Even in defeat, Hiro Takashi had made his mark on the boxing world.

From his position on the canvas, Hiro's gaze found Maki in the crowd. Her face was etched with concern, her eyes reflecting the tension and worry of the moment. Lying there, Hiro was consumed by a rush of thoughts. He had brought them all the way across the world, only for them to witness his defeat in the fourth round. It felt like a profound disappointment, a letdown to everyone who had believed in him.

The referee's count continued relentlessly, reaching "eight." Against all odds and despite the pain ravaging his body, Hiro began to push himself up. Every fiber of his being screamed in protest, urging him to stay down, but his pride and determination were stronger. Slowly, agonizingly, Hiro rose to his feet, defiance written in every line of his body.

As he stood, the crowd erupted into applause, amazed by his resilience and fighting spirit. Their cheers filled the arena, a testament to the respect Hiro had earned from the spectators.

Mike, watching Hiro's struggle and eventual triumph over pain, couldn't help but smile. "You really are something else," he said, acknowledging Hiro's incredible heart.

Hiro, mustering the last of his energy, stuck out his tongue at Mike, a playful yet defiant gesture that drew laughter from the crowd. It was a moment that captured Hiro's indomitable spirit, a clear message that he might be down, but he was certainly not out.

The fight resumed, but now there was a renewed energy in the air, a sense of awe at Hiro's unyielding spirit. Regardless of the outcome, Hiro had proven himself to be a true warrior, earning the admiration and respect of everyone who witnessed his incredible display of courage and tenacity.

In the ring, Hiro's mind raced as he formulated a plan. With little left to lose, he decided to take a gamble. Dropping his guard, he stood almost defenseless in front of Mike, an unexpected and daring move.

Mike, initially taken aback by Hiro's lowered defenses, saw an opportunity to end the fight. He lunged forward, unleashing a flurry of punches aimed at securing a knockout. But Hiro, his senses heightened by the imminent danger, moved with surprising agility. He dodged each blow with a fluidity that belied his earlier exhaustion, each evasion a hair's breadth from impact.

At ringside, Shiru turned to Takahiro, confusion written all over his face. "What is Hiro doing?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Takahiro, watching intently, explained, "By lowering his guard, Hiro's making his body more aware of the danger. It heightens his senses, makes it easier to dodge. But it's a high-risk strategy. He's putting everything on the line."

In the arena, the tension was palpable. The crowd watched in awe as Hiro, against all odds, continued to evade Mike's aggressive onslaught. His strategy was a double-edged sword, offering the chance for a miraculous comeback at the risk of a devastating defeat.

Hiro's movements were a dance with danger, each dodge an act of defiance against the odds. He was not just fighting Mike; he was battling his own physical limits, pushing himself beyond what anyone thought possible.

The fight had turned into a breathtaking display of skill, courage, and sheer willpower. Hiro, the underdog, was giving everything he had, writing a new chapter in his story with every evaded punch. Whether he won or lost, Hiro had already proven himself a true champion in the eyes of all who watched.

As Mike relentlessly pressed forward, Hiro felt the immense pressure bearing down on him. His body, already pushed to its limits, began to falter under the barrage of blows. Each punch from Mike felt like a hammer strike, further draining Hiro's dwindling reserves of strength.

Then, Mike landed a particularly powerful blow. Hiro felt as though his body had finally given out. He was falling, his legs buckling under the force of the hit. In that moment, as he teetered on the brink of collapse, Hiro's thoughts flashed to Maki. "Damn it, I can't even impress her," he thought despairingly.

But then, in a flash of clarity, Hiro remembered the promise he had made to his childhood friends, Yamada and Yina. Summoning every last ounce of his will, Hiro planted his feet firmly on the canvas, refusing to fall. He channeled all his remaining energy into one final, desperate counterattack.

With a burst of energy born from sheer determination, Hiro swung a powerful hook to Mike's liver, the second such blow he had delivered in the fight. Mike's body visibly recoiled from the impact, the pain evident on his face.

There were only 10 seconds left in the round. All Mike had to do was endure, but Hiro's punch had been devastating. Mike's body, already strained from the intense fight, struggled to cope with the new wave of pain. His movements became sluggish, his guard dropping as he tried to protect his injured liver.

The arena was in a frenzy, the crowd on their feet, shouting and cheering. Hiro, despite his exhaustion, kept his focus on Mike, ready to seize any opportunity.

As the final seconds ticked away, the tension was unbearable. Mike, wounded and vulnerable, was barely holding on, while Hiro, driven by his promise and the desire to prove himself, was ready to make the final push.

The bell sounded, marking the end of the round, but the outcome of the fight was still uncertain. Both fighters had given their all, pushing themselves beyond their limits in a display of incredible heart and courage. The decision now lay in the hands of the judges, but regardless of the result, Hiro had proven himself a fighter of extraordinary spirit and resilience.

In the corner, the atmosphere was tense and fraught with concern. Takahiro, assessing Hiro's condition, made a decisive call. "You're not going out for the next round," he said firmly, his voice tinged with worry.

Hiro, his face a mask of determination and pain, immediately protested. "No, I'm going out there. I'm going to give it everything I've got," he insisted, trying to push himself up.

Takahiro, however, was resolute. He had noticed the extent of Hiro's injuries – his ribs were clearly broken, a serious concern on top of his already broken nose. "Your ribs and nose are broken, Hiro. You can't fight anymore," he argued, his tone reflecting both concern and frustration.

Hiro, defiant and driven by an unyielding spirit, countered, "I don't care. I'm finishing this fight."

The argument escalated, with Takahiro trying to reason with Hiro about the dangers of continuing. "You've already proven yourself out there. There's no point in risking further injury. You might not just lose the fight; you could seriously hurt yourself," he said, his voice rising with emotion.

Hiro, however, was unmovable. "This is more than just a fight for me. It's about fulfilling a promise, about proving I can do this. I have to go back out there," he said, his voice strained but unwavering.

In the background, Shiru watched the exchange, torn between his concern for Hiro's well-being and his understanding of Hiro's determination to see the fight through to the end.

As the bell rang signaling the start of the next round, Hiro stood up, ready to continue the fight despite his severe injuries. The determination in his eyes was clear – he was not ready to give up.

Takahiro, his trainer, was torn between his duty to protect his fighter and respecting Hiro's unwavering resolve. "If you don't stop, I'll throw in the towel," he warned, his voice heavy with concern.

Hiro, however, was resolute. "Don't worry, I'm going to win this," he assured Takahiro, even as he winced in pain. Takahiro clenched the towel tightly in his hands, the weight of the decision bearing down on him.

Ready to face his opponent, Hiro raised his guard, but he noticed something unusual – Mike hadn't left his corner. The champion seemed to be struggling, his team surrounding him with concern.

The referee, sensing that something was amiss, approached Mike's corner to assess the situation. The arena, filled with the noise of an excited and anxious crowd, fell into a hush of anticipation, waiting to see what was happening.

In the audience, Maki and Inumaki watched intently, their eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. The fight, already marked by extraordinary displays of courage and resilience, had taken yet another unexpected turn.

The referee, after assessing the situation in Mike's corner, made a decisive call. He waved his arms, signaling the end of the fight. The bell rang, confirming Hiro's unexpected victory. Hiro stood there, disbelief etched on his face. He had won, but not in the way he had imagined.

The members of Hiro's corner, Takahiro and Shiru, erupted in joy and rushed to embrace him. Hiro was still processing what had happened, the reality of his victory slowly sinking in.

Maki and Inumaki quickly joined the celebration. Maki, with a wide smile, said to Hiro, "You did it! You actually did it!"

Inumaki, in his usual succinct manner, added, "Salmon," but his smile said more than words could.

Hiro turned to look at Mike's corner, where the champion remained seated, unable to stand. The last punch Hiro had delivered had been more devastating than anyone had realized. Mike had given everything he had, but in the end, it was Hiro's resilience and determination that had prevailed.

Takahiro shouted over the noise of the crowd, "You're the world champion, Hiro!"

Those words triggered something in Hiro. A rush of euphoria overwhelmed him, and he let out a triumphant yell, the sound echoing throughout the arena. His journey, filled with challenges and doubts, had led him to this moment of ultimate triumph. He was the new world champion, a title earned through sheer willpower and an unbreakable spirit.

The arena was alive with cheers and applause, the crowd celebrating the new champion. Hiro's victory was more than just a win in the ring; it was a testament to the power of perseverance and the human spirit. It was a moment that would be etched in the annals of boxing history, a story of an underdog who rose to the top against all odds.

The arena was filled with an electric atmosphere of celebration. Hiro, surrounded by his team and supporters, was the center of a whirlwind of congratulations and cheers.

As the reality of his victory set in, Hiro turned to Maki, his eyes shining with excitement and gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without your support," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Maki, beaming with pride, replied, "You were amazing out there. You really are the strongest."

In the heat of the moment, fueled by the exhilaration of his victory and the support of those around him, Hiro impulsively leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Maki's cheek. It was a spontaneous expression of his joy and appreciation.

Maki, caught by surprise, blushed deeply but couldn't hide her smile. "Hey, what was that for?" she asked, half-scolding, half-laughing.

Hiro, a little embarrassed but still riding the high of his victory, shrugged with a grin. "I guess I got carried away. But it seemed like the perfect moment."

Inumaki, witnessing the exchange, simply said, "Salmon," a comment that made them all laugh.

The joyous scene was a mix of laughter, congratulations, and playful banter. Hiro's team, including Takahiro and Shiru, joined in the celebration, each person sharing in the joy of Hiro's hard-fought victory.

The new world champion was surrounded by a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement. The victory was not just Hiro's but belonged to everyone who had supported him along the way. The moment was more than a celebration of a title; it was a celebration of determination, friendship, and the culmination of a journey that had touched the lives of everyone involved.


In the quiet and ancient halls of the Kyoto School of Sorcerers, an air of mysticism lingered. In a secluded room, sparsely furnished yet imbued with a sense of age-old knowledge, an elderly woman sat in quiet contemplation. The room was dimly lit, its walls adorned with intricate symbols and scrolls that spoke of a deep, arcane history. A single candle flickered on a small table, casting dancing shadows that played across the woman's wrinkled face.

Principal Gakuganji entered the room, his footsteps echoing softly on the stone floor. He observed the elderly woman, noting the solemnity of her demeanor. "What are you doing?" he inquired, his voice a mix of curiosity and respect.

The woman, her eyes still fixed on the candle's flame, replied without looking up. "I had a dream," she said, her voice carrying the weight of years and wisdom.

Gakuganji stepped closer, a hint of concern in his tone. "Were you performing your ritual?"

She nodded slowly. "Yes. And in my dream, I saw a sign. The child of the prophecy is among this generation of sorcerers."

A look of concern crossed Gakuganji's face. He asked cautiously, "Are you certain?"

The elderly woman turned to face him, her gaze steady and serious. "Yes, I am certain. We must now find this sorcerer and ensure they are allied with us."

Gakuganji absorbed her words, the gravity of the situation settling upon him. The revelation of a prophesied sorcerer in their midst was significant and potentially game-changing. It was a matter that required careful handling, strategic planning, and perhaps most importantly, discretion.

The room fell into a thoughtful silence, both individuals aware of the magnitude of the task ahead. The discovery of the prophesied sorcerer would not only impact the Kyoto School but potentially the entire world of Jujutsu. The weight of this responsibility now rested on their shoulders, a challenge they would have to navigate with wisdom and foresight.

The elderly woman, her voice steady and imbued with the gravity of her years of experience in the mystical arts, continued to address Gakuganji. "I don't need to remind you of the significance of this child of the prophecy. This individual possesses power that surpasses even the user of the Six Eyes and the Ten Shadows of any generation. Not even Satoru Gojo could stand against him. We must find this person with the utmost urgency."

Gakuganji, fully understanding the seriousness of the situation, asked, "Do you have any idea who this individual might be?"

The woman closed her eyes, as if searching her memories for any clue. "I do not know his name, but the vision was clear. He is a young boy, 16 years old, an orphan."

Gakuganji nodded, his mind already racing with the implications of this revelation. "I will speak with Principal Yaga immediately," he said resolutely. "We will dedicate all resources of the school to finding him as quickly as possible."

The prospect of finding and possibly guiding such a powerful sorcerer was both an immense opportunity and a daunting challenge. The future of the jujutsu world could very well hinge on the actions they took in the days to come.

Gakuganji left the room, his steps purposeful, already planning the necessary steps to begin this crucial search. The elderly woman remained seated, her thoughts turned inward, contemplating the profound impact this prophesied individual could have on the balance of power in their mystical world. The weight of destiny seemed to hang in the air, a palpable force in the quiet, ancient room.

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