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30.43% The 100: AllFather / Chapter 6: CHapter 5: Houston we have a problem

Capítulo 6: CHapter 5: Houston we have a problem

Authors note: this chapter will have very little Status updating and more discovery of the world

The Day finally came, Earth here I come.

Hearing all of the prisoners shouting I quickly do two things.

1- Activate the Air purifying runes in my cell

2- Metal bend all the loose metal to under my clothing

Just as I finished this process, three guards Barged in without as hesitation.

The Guards told Angus to Face the wall, which he calmly did, since there was no need to struggle, the guards quickly place an electronic cuff on his right wrist. This caused a bit of irritation due to the piercing of skin.

As Angus, marched to the shuttle he saw John, and Wells marching in the line also.

During this walk He also noticed a blonde young woman being dragged unconscious by the guards to the Shuttle.

A few moments later I was buckled to my seat. To my left was the Girl I save from rape, Harper Macintyre.

And to my right was a pretty little lady, that introduced herself as Octavia Blake. 

After realizing that her Brother Was Bellamy, I quickly introduced myself as his friend.

Now don't cha know if one speaks of the devil, you are just inviting him to appear.

Lurking in behind all of the busying bodies I noticed Bellamy. Knowing what he was going to do I just grinned and kept silent, so as not to draw attention to him.

Deciding that this would be the only time I would ever travel in a spaceship. I planned to do a tribute to David Bowie.

Once the Shuttle door Closed, I Started My Tune

Ground Control to Major Tom

 Ground Control to Major Tom 

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on 

Ground Control to Major Tom

The shuttle locks engage, everyone looked at Angus as if he was a weirdo.

 (Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six) 

Commencing countdown, engines on

(Five, Four, Three) 

Check ignition and may God's love be with you 

Dock is released

(Two, One, 


This is Ground Control to Major Tom You've really made the grade And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear! 

Chancellor Jaha appears on a Screen. Talking about them being expendable and being sent to Earth to discover if it is Habitable, and to make way for Mount Weather. They have only been sent with a day's worth of rations and water, and the clothes on their back.

 Hearing being called Expendable caused the Prisoners to make a ruckus in anger.

Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare "This is Major Tom to Ground Control I'm stepping through the door And I'm floating in the most peculiar way 

And the stars look very different today for here am I sitting in a tin can Far above the world Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do 

Once Zero gravity was Felt, three young men left their seats, ignoring all the warnings from others. One of these men was the famed Spacewalker Finn

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles I'm feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go 

The shuttle starts to jostle in the turbulence

Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows 

Finn was caught by Wells, and another.

The others were not lucky

Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear And I'm floating around my tin can Far above the Moon Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do.


The Shuttle Landed, and with it the bodies of 2 idiots.

Day 1 on earth

POV 3rd

Once Everyone started unbuckling themselves. John Murphy made his way to the hatch to open it. But before he could grab the latch Bellamy Stopped him

John: why'd you stop me?

Bellamy: I would like to make this special for my sister, by letting her be the first one out.

Bellamy: Octavia! Where are you, come up here!

Octavia: Bell! I missed you so much.

Bellamy and Octavia hug so strongly that a hydraulic press would be jealous.

Bellamy: Well, "O" how do you feel about being the First person to feel fresh air, go ahead do the Honours.

Octavia Giddily skipped to the lever, and after a tug the Hatch started to open.

Octavia stepped out and was immediately blinded by the light.

Quickly regaining her bearings, Octavia walked down the ramp Screaming out "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!"

Once Octavia, was safely walking outside this caused the rest of the Prisoners, to rush on out.

Without a care in the world these people started screaming and dancing.

All except for four young men

Bellamy stood to the side while smiling, happy that his sister was having fun.

Wells was pulling out the supplies sent down with them. (food, a map with Mount weather circled and a GPS)

While Angus and John Murphy were observing the surroundings.

John: You don't really think there are people down here, do you?

Angus: That I can not say until we meet someone. But animals can be just as dangerous as humans if one does not have tools to defend themselves.

John: you are right, but some of us have shanks.

Saying this he pulled out a bent piece of steel with a jagged end.

Angus: that can work for now. But we will need better stuff for hunting, and against bigger creatures. (Saying this he was thinking of things like raptors, and orcs.)

All of a sudden, a blonde lady rushed on out of the shuttle.

She suddenly stopped once outside, and started turning around, just looking at the scenery. She suddenly froze, and spoke to herself, "oh my god, we're on EARTH! We're on Earth and we are not dead. The scientists were wrong, and Dad died for nothing,"

This Blonde young woman was well known to many observers. She was Clarke Griffin daughter of Dr Abby Griffin.

Seeing Everyone jumping around and doing nothing productive.

Clarke started shouting at everyone that they need to make their way to Mount weather, right now to get in contact with the Ark to tell them Earth was habitable, since the Air is running out up there.

A random person Shouted out from the crowd: Why should we Care, they sent us down here to die, let them suffer the consequences

This caused many to cheer him on.

Angus and John, just stood to the side observing.

While Bellamy and Wells approached Clarke,

Clarke saw Wells, and she was super pissed

Clarke: WHAT are you doing here.

Wells: I got arrested so I could come and protect you.

Clarke: I don't need your protection, you killed by Dad. YOU should be dead, not HIM! Leave me ALONE!

Wells, made a guilty and sorrowful face, But Bellamy cut in

Bellamy: Sorry Princess but we came to tell you to wait on the excursion for the Bunker.

Clarke: But we need to tell the Ark they can live down here.

Bellamy: that is true, but one single day will not harm anybody. No one here is used to the gravity, and what is the problem with everyone enjoying some time before having to go back to Ark Laws and rules.

Clarke: No! we should go now, the bunker will have food and blankets along with the radio. We must go now.

A person approached the group, this was Angus.

Angus: Hello Clarke, I understand your want to save the people in the Ark, But I agree with Bellamy here. Everyone needs a day to relax and gain their bearings. We have these wristbands correct, so as long as they see we are alive, they will take action to come down.

Tomorrow morning you can take a group to look for the bunker. Also look in that tree, what do you see?

Clarke: A Bird, why?

Angus: if there are birds, there will be animals so do not rush into danger, observe your surroundings before making plans.

Wells: I will go with you tomorrow, Clarke.

Clarke: No, I won't take you, I will find others to help.

Clarke walked off to prepare a group on tomorrows journey.

Angus Patted Wells Back

Angus: what's her problem with you?

Wells: She thinks I got her Dad floated, but it is someone else

Angus: can you tell us why he was floated.

Wells: it is not a big deal since we are down here. But Clarkes Dad was the one to discover the air Failing. He planned to warn everyone about this against the refusal of the council. Somebody ratted him out beforehand Floating him and putting Clarke in the Skybox. She thinks it was me, and no I will not tell you who it really was.

Angus, John, and Bellamy Digested this for a few moments.

Bellamy: Alright Angus, you have been making Earth scenarios for the last year, what do you suggest we do?

Wells: yeah, you must have some clue on what to do. 

John: will you go with the princess tomorrow?

Angus: No, I have plans on looking for a proper camp area. I am unsure if this would be good for gathering resources.

Bellamy: what are you talking about, look at these trees and the space.

Angus: yes, this would be a good spot to turn into farm land, but what about water? Where will it be found is it far? Close? I will find out tomorrow. Also, if we are attacked, this place is too open, I don't like it.

Wells: you have always seemed pretty vehement about being attacked on earth why?

Angus: you saw the bird earlier, yes? If there is a prey there will be predators. Also, if there are living creatures, we don't know how long earth has been livable, just think other humans could have already exited their bunkers and created a society, you know from history how aggressive and territorial humans can be. Don't forget the other sentients.

John: Sentients, what do you mean by Don't forget the other Sentients?

-Angus's mind-

--This is probably the best time to tell them about magic and other creatures, I will include bending as magic so as not to be confusing. I will tell them tonight when everyone else is sleeping. —

Angus: I will tell you all tonight. Remember we are not the only ones alive, so until we have a proper home tread lightly.

After saying this Angus walked off leaving the 3 others confused.

POV Angus

After walking off I decided to build an earth hut behind the Shuttle out of everyone's view.

After doing that I gather wood to make a fire. Once the wood was gathers, I made the fire by rubbing the sticks together.

Once the spark was in the kindling, and I had the fire going a notice appeared in my system. Quickly taking a look I found something intriguing.

+1 END

Passive Skill Created Fire Connection(locked)

This allows one to bend Fire, and gain boons from fire abilities,

once level is high enough

(locked till Class Bender fire is selected)

Seeing this I was pretty excited, since I am almost to 100 on Bender Earth.

After seeing this I decide to try unlocking Earth sense. Taking my shoes off, I sit in front of the fire, close my eyes and start concentrating, trying to perceive the surround area through the earth.

A few hours have past it is starting to get dark with no success, when suddenly in my minds eye I could sense four sets of Vibrations, making there way to my location.

Feeling happy That I Felt the vibrations I open my eyes and see

Passive Skill Created earth sense lvl(1)

Can sense vibrations from the earth up to 30 ft away in all directions.

Must have skin touching the earth.

Nothing makes one feel happier than seeing their effort Bare fruit.

Looking to the spot where the Vibrations where I see Bellamy, Octavia, Wells and John bringing supper over. Neat its already dark I was here longer than I thought.

Putting more wood on the fire, I wave them over to join me.

POV 3rd

Once the 4 got to Angus's location, they all sat down and started eating the food, until john spoke.

John: Alright Gus, mind telling us what that cryptic shit was from earlier.

Bellamy: yeah, do you know something that might harm us down here?

Angus somberly started the discussion: All of you know me except For Octavia here. But this information that I say is true I even have proof, so do not think I am pulling a joke, this can mean a difference between death and life for us.

Angus Continues:

(AN: Angus will make a story up about his family, this is just to hide the fact he came from a world where this place was fiction.)

Magic is real, along with all of the many Creatures from Folklore. This information, was passed down by my family who also used magic for generations. I found this out in a journal from my father, I thought this was fake so I looked at my other family members journals and found the same stuff. I probably new all of this before my amnesia, but I had to relearn and I still forget stuff.

I can use 2 different magics, Elemental and Runes. So far, I can only use the earth and metal element, and basic runes.

Here is an example.

The next moment he bended a rock to his hand and engrave a rune for light.

Seeing this the Others Gasp

John: no shit, not only are you a cyclops but you're a fucking "wizard Harry"

Octavia: Bell you have such a cool Friend, Can you do more

Angus in response made a earthen hand through a food wrapper at Bellamy.

Bellamy: Hey stop that. Any way. So, since we are down here what can we do if there are other creatures. We would be powerless against them.

Angus: I thought of this. First off, I will tell the rest of the 100, But I will need your support, to lead these people. I will also try teaching runes, I am not so sure about the elements but I can try. No for Creatures. My parents' journals described many as intelligent, most are fairly friendly such as Faeries, ogres, Yuki Ona, Squatches, Elves and dwarves. Others such as Goblins and Orcs are very smart but savage bastards who would rape you and then eat you, no matter what your gender. SO John I would protect your pretty little ass.

John: Haha Very funny, just know I will now stay near your side, since you look more appetising with your one eye and pretty hair.

Wells: this is all shocking, but what is the plan for tomorrow, since none of us are going with Clarkes group. (wells was not allowed, while the other 3+Octavia did not want to go)

Angus: My plan will be to tell everyone about Magic before Clarke leaves, and after that I will Search the area for water, and a better spot for a base.

Wells: I was thinking about what you said earlier today about this not being a good camp space, why though. Once we have the trees cleared and walls up, it will be safe.

Angus: it is not just that, if we wanted a well how deep do we need to dig, since it looks like we a re on a hill. Also, barely 70 ft away you will see 2 separate mine entrances, and who knows where those would lead, and what creatures live there.

Bellamy: I really think we should stay here and just run into the Shuttle if something goes wrong.

Octavia: I remember in the books you read me that the romans would starve the enemies in strong castles before attacking.

John: your sister is Right Bellamy, anyway wherever Angus goes I go.

Angus: aw, I never knew who had a big enough heart to care for somebody.

Bellamy: Nah Murphy, is like a cockroach. He will do what ever it takes to survive.

John: Ha, better a cockroach than dead.

Angus: I don't care who joins me, but John as much as I like you, you better be willing to work and be useful.

John nods in agreement

Octavia: Can I go with you?

Bellamy: No, "O" you will stay here where it is safe.

Octavia: I can either join this Big strong and handsome friend of yours or I can join the group to Mount Weather.

John whispering to Angus: You hear that Angus, not only are you a Friend of Bellamy, but your are Big, strong and handsome. You lucky dog you.

Bellamy angrily: No, Angus is NOT Strong and handsome

John crowed happily: Don't forget BIG.

Bellamy just scowled: And big. I will let you come with us, but you better listen to what ever is ordered by Angus.

Octavia who was sitting on the other side of Angus leaned in and whispered:

I would do Anything you ordered me to.

Angus Deciding to mess with Bellamy, Pulled Octavia close, causing her to blush and stutter a bit.

Angus: Anything you say? 

Bellamy: NO! NO! not anything, you will not obey anything that he says.

Octavia was grinning: Oh, but I thought you wanted me to obey him tomorrow, is that no longer true?

Wells finally tried to save Bellamy from his hole: Well Bell, she has got you there. You need to chill, its not like Gus will do anything to hurt your sister.

John to add gas to the fire said: he will only hurt her at the start the rest will be Pleasure.

Octavia ran from the fire, red as a steam engine. Bellamy immediately lunged at John which led to a little wrestling match on the ground. After a few moments they were lying on their backs, Hollering From laughter.

Once the Laughter Subsided. Angus Brought up a new topic.

Angus: Remember earlier how I said there is magic. I believe everyone should learn how to use a weapon just in case. I plan to use a spear and axe, what would you guys like to learn.

Wells: how would we make weapons?

Angus: I have Metalbending and runes. I also plan to learn Blacksmithing once we have a good home.

Bellamy: I will learn a sword, maybe a claymore. My sister would probably like a hand and a half bastard.

Wells: I will learn the axe or sword

John: I think the Bow and axe for me.

Wells: The bow? I never took you as an archer. 

John: it will keep me alive longer, and it will be good for hunting.

Angus: I will start those choices when we get more metal. I want to leave the shuttle intact in case of emergencies. Alright I think I will call it a night; I will make you guys your own huts.

Immediately, Angus made 4 lean-to's then made his way to his for some well deserved rest.

Day 2

the next morning, the sun rose. Causing those who were awake to wake the others to watch it rise.

Once everyone gathered for the breakfast rations Bellamy, Wells, John and Angus Called Everyone's Attention.

Bellamy: Hello everybody can I have your attention Focused on my friend here.

Angus: Good morning, People. My name is Angus what I am about to tell you may sound false But I can assure that it is 100% real.

Magic is Real, and with it being confirmed that animals are alive, Magical creatures like Centaurs and goblins could also still be alive.

Random Person: Why should we believe you, do you have Proof?!

Angus: I can control the Earth. (At the same time shooting an earth bullet at a tree, once it hit the tree fell down.) I can Also use runic Magic. (picking up a stone, he drew runes to make a red-light glow)

Seeing these things. Many were shocked but quickly came to believe him.

Random Person: What are we going to do If there are monsters here?

Bellamy: You have 3 choices. 1- You go with Clarke Griffin to Mount weather for supplies and to contact the ark. 2- Go with Angus to Learn our surroundings, and look for a good spot to build a Defensible camp. 3- Stay here and do chores like gathering Fire wood, building huts and other stuff you can think of. You have 30 minutes to decide, the groups leave.

After the 30 minutes were up, most decided to stay at the Shuttle.

(AN: Please be aware that for those who are not main 100 characters I will make random names.)

This is the Break down of those who joined the Groups

The Group to Mount weather contained: Clarke, Monty, Jasper, Finn, Nathan Miller (Miller) and Sara.

Angus's group: Angus, John (Murphy), Wells, Bellamy, Octavia and Harper.

Right when the Groups formed Clarke's left. While Angus's group Gathered towards his hut.

with the scouting group

Angus: As I said, we will see Many Creatures of the magical variety. Stick near each other, and if you see something, warn everybody before attacking, running or anything else. Please keep your Ear out for flowing water, we will need it for the future. 

Angus then Looked at the Sky, then Told everyone to follow him. Then he took off at a run. Going off in a random direction.

POV Angus

When I looked At the sky, this was to decide what was North South east and West. I chose to go west, and took off at a run. While doing this I get the lovely System notice.

Passive Skill Created: Mapping (lvl1)

This Skill will allow one to know the Direction they are heading even at night.

Also allows a crude mind map which will area Travelled in 500 meter radius, and have unknown blacked out.

Level to improve quality of map and Direction finding.

During the run, as one could tell from my Stats I was slower than the others. They would constantly race forward than wait for me. But after an hour of this they were exhausted, but I could go for another few hours due to my endurance.

During this time, we found a creek, and quite a few Berries, which we gathered for later. Also, we found a walnut tree beside another stream this was about 2 hours in. Here I decided to call a break, and eat some nuts.

POV 3rd

Once everyone was sitting Angus started cracking Nuts with his hands and passing them on to the others. 

John tried to do the same, but had no success

John: how are you strong enough to do that, on our run here you were as slow as mole asses!

Angus: yes, I am slow, but some magic that I have allows me to be super strong, right now I can lift over 500ibs. 

Harper asked: does that mean I can sit on your Shoulders?

Angus: Su---

Octavia: No! I want to sit on his Shoulders.

Harper: Why don't I take one and you the other?

Bellamy: No no one is sitting on his shoulders, especially you "O"

Octavia: Oh Pooh, one of these days, I will have fun. Just you wait(Pouting).

Angus: Alright guys. I think we should go on for an hour before turning back.

John: damn I should have stayed at the shuttle, this is so much exercise

 Angus: Yeah, but it is better to get used to it now, than struggle later. Anyway, lets take some of these to plant them for later.

Wells: you do realize it takes years to grow a nut tree.

Angus: It might take a few years, but sit here look at this tree. Would you not like to see your own future Children climb it?

Harper whispered to Octavia: I am willing to share him, if you are?

Octavia blushed: what? Is that not against rules?

Harper: Fuck ancient rules, we are the ones who will rebuild society, so let's make our own rules!

Octavia kept quiet, just getting ready, but these words did not stay quiet in her Head.

Angus: Alright we have some ground to cover, lets go.

Wells: You do know, we are not the slow ones.

Angus: What? I can't hear you over the sound of your huffing!

So off they went, passing many, streams, but once they neared a tall cliff, Bellamy urged everyone to stop.

Bellamy: Hey Angus look to the left bottom of the cliff what is that?

Angus: looks like a short person. I will Approach and see what it is. You 5 stay here and stay aware. Run if something happens to me.

Approaching the Humanoid, Angus was hoping it was either a hobbit or a dwarf.

(Dwarves, Wargs, Orcs and Hobbits are based on LOTR, Goblins are from Goblin Slayer)

(AN: mother, is used when speaking Dwarven)

As I approached, I was feeling really Nervous. Even though I told them to run if something happened, I really hoped they would at least try. (I know it sounds weird but all of us have had this kind of thought)

I also Started thinking about what this being could be. Since it was near a cliff I could only think of Dwarf or Goblin. Thinking Back to my Previous Lif I started thinking of the little Khuzdul I learnt with my Buddies on Drinking night. And realised the only word I remembered was Greetings. Well let's hope this bugger knows English or butchered Gaelic.

Once I was in rock throwing distance, I stopped. Since I could now see, it did look like a dwarf. An old one. Grey hair, and wrinkles. Ones that my mother would scowl at if she saw them on my shirt.

POV 3rd

Once Angus Stopped, the Dwarf and the Man had a staring contest. One which Angus held in nervousness, while the Dwarf just looked Curious.

All of a sudden, the Dwarf Shouted out. This caused Angus to Tense up. But the only thing that happened is 3 other dwarves (all old looking) emerged from the crag of rocks not to far away. This did not give Angus much relief. He started to form the metal under his shirt into one of his skills, a set of claws.

Deciding to Throw caution to the wind, Angus shouted out Greetings

Angus: Greetings!

Dwarf 1: Who are you, what do you want

Angus: --the only world I understood was who—

I am sorry I only know Hello. But My name is Angus Craig, I came looking for a home for myself and my people. Until I saw you. Please don't worry, will just pass through

Dwarf 2: Forgive us it has been a while since speaking Common, usually we send young ones to deal with your kind. Why do you need a new home?

Angus: My people lived in Space—

Dwarf 2: you mean up in the Sky?

Angus: Yes. The Air is slowly Becoming Poisonous, my compatriots and I have been sent down to see if we can live down here. Where we landed is not a good spot, so I am looking for a new location.

Dwarf 2: Let me introduce Myself and The Others. I am Garzol, and the others are Rath, Paz, and Ram. Call your Friends, we can chat.

Angus waved the others over, which they quickly did so.

When they came closer, the only one tense was John who was clutching his shank in his Pocket.

Angus Smiled at John, to calm down. John only let go of the shank, but still was Nervous.

Angus: Guys these are Dwarves. There names are Garzol, Rath, Paz and Ram.

Garzol let me introduce my Friends. These are Bellamy, Octavia, Wells, John, and Harper.

Paz: well, met. Why were you sent? You are children and you look weak.

Octavia: Who are you calling Weak!

Angus put his hand on her shoulder which caused her to quickly calm down.

Seeing this the Dwarves grinned at each other.

Wells Spoke: we were sent here since we are Prisoners and expendable tools. Our Leaders did not think the Earth was Livable.

Ram: what crimes could you have committed?

 Wells: I stole stuff, so I could be put on the shuttle heading down here.

John: I set fire to the home of the man who killed my father.

Octavia: I was a second child which are not allowed.

Harper: I stole food.

Bellamy, ignored the looks of shock from the others: I killed the Head Guard.

Angus: I killed a rapist

Garzol: Murder I can understand. But Second Child?

Wells: Yes due to the lack of resources and space, there has been a law were only one child is allowed per couple.

Ram: Such a shame, every child should be treasured, not avoided.

John: yeah, its too bad, but here we are.

Garzol: it will be dark Soon, would you like to camp with us, we have extra food.

The Humans went into a little huddle.

Angus: what do you guys want to do, I think we should stay learn a bit. Clarkes group probably won't be back till tomorrow.

John: Agreed, lets mooch some free food.

Bellamy, Octavia and Harper also Agreed.

Wells: I don't want to go back on my own so I will also stay.

Angus: Great.

They went back to the dwarves.

Angus: we would love to stay, thankyou for offering.

Paz: No Worries, follow us to our camp.

They went to the crag of rocks, where there was a fire pit and some Bedding.

John: what are you guys doing out here

Paz: we are gathering a special mushroom that only grows on the quartz of this cliff, that we use for making Martzlin.

Octavia: what is that?

Ram: Martzlin is an alchoholic beverage. It is like a humans Vodka, but tice as strong.

Harper: we don't have much but could we buy some?

Garzol: we won't sell it to you but we will give you a sip.

The only ones to try it were John, Octavia, harper and Angus.

John, Octavia and Harper were knocked breath less, while Angus, just smiled and whispered " this is a drink fit for Odin"

Garzol: what was that you whispered? Who is Odin, is he a brewer?

Angus: Odin! He is the king of the Nordic gods. His domains are Knowledge, War and Magic.

He is known as the AllFather, and sacrificed his eye for the knowledge of the Past, present and future.

Garzol: Sounds like our kind of God, we should invite him for a drink!

Wells: What do you mean, gods are not real.

Paz, Angus, Garzol, Ram and rath all Hiss at him to shut up.

Ram: Boy do not invoke a gods wrath! They are as real as you or I. Many have done amazing and terrible things.

Wells: are those not just Magic Users?

Garzol: We are dwarves, we know magic, what gods do are completely different. Anyway, lets set a guard and go to bed. Angus and I will go second. Paz and Wells can go first watch.

All of them went to Sleep.

Then Watch change, Paz and Wells became Garzol and Angus.

The new watch staid quiet, just observing the scenery.

All was calm but when the Moon was at its highest in the night sky. A horn was heard.

This caused Garzol to wake everyone, and shout "Arm! Yourselves. Orcs and Wargs are coming)

Angus: what are Wargs?

Rath who was donning chainmail and a great big curved axe: Monstrously formed beings that resemble Wolves. They are used as mounts by Orcs. If we are lucky this will be scouts. If not, it will be a raiding party.

Angus acted willing to deal with the consequences later. He formed an earth dome around the other Arkers. Then he formed stone discs and made exploding runes on top.

Paz: You control the earth?!

Angus while forming a compressed earthen spear: Yes, I also use runes.

Garzol also donning chainmail and a halberd: the Blessed tongue? Your people must be stupid for throwing you away! Come join our people instead.

Before an answer could be made an orc launched itself at Paz, but was promptly skewered by both Garzol and Angus.

32 wargs and orcs showed themselves on the rocks above.

Quickly Angus threw up all three Rune stones, which promptly exploded and kill 3 orcs and 2 wargs. 


Rath: way to go ladday, I cannae beat them till they get close.

The Horde attacked in a frenzy.

All that could be seen was blood spraying and corpses falling.

All was going well for Angus till he was not on his back, about to be dog food, when all of a sudden 3 Claws were pierced through its skull.

Wolverine Claws

Compressed Iron enhanced by mana, could be considered the sharpest weapon known.

60 mana per minute

This Skill was learnt by Angus just for fun. But now it became very useful, since his Spear was knocked away.

Quickly getting up not minding the pain on his chest, Angus rejoined the Fray

Garzol was lying on the ground 2 arrows sticking out of his shoulder. An Ork was raising its sword to kill him. When an earth bullet crashed into its skull and killing it.

Quickly the last 2 enemies were butchered.

Once they were all dead the Man and dwarves clumped beside each other near the fire.

Garzol: Gravel be damned! I have to thank you Angus, I was going to die but you saved me.

Angus: its nothing I was just returning your hospitality.'

Garzol: Its not nothing, next time we meet I will give you a worthy gift. But before than you Should uncover your Friends. Though before you do, why did you do that?

Angus: None of them have killed in a battle before, they have not heard the screams of death. I chose to do it or else we would all be dead trying to save them.

Once uncovered, all the Arkers started shouting at Angus about keeping them from helping.

Angus: Guys Calm down, look around and tell me that I made the wrong choice.

After looking around all of them except for Harper threw up.

Harper just approached and started looking at the wounds of Angus.

Harper: Do we have anything to patch these wounds?

Ram: yes, bring my pack over. These herbs are crushed and mixed with saliva then packed in the wound.

Wells: Saliva?

Ram: yes, Saliva acts as a minor disinfectant, good enough till proper treatment.

Harper immediately did so for Angus, while Ram checked everyone else.

Seeing this the other Arkers started piling the bodies at the instruction of Paz, who when the bodies were ready lit them on fire causing a terrible stench.

Once everyone calmed down. Bellamy and Ram went on watch while the others went back to sleep.

The Morning of day 3

Waking up and Having Breakfast with friends was a nice occasion, especially after last night.

Angus: Thank you for the Information and the map that you gave us. But we should be going back to the shuttle now and check on everyone.

Garzol: No worries, we understand. If you ever want to visit, we have circled our mountain for you.

After Breakfast the Arkers started running off while waving goodbye.

John: Great more running, why can't we walk?

Bellamy: If we walked, we could never get anywhere since someone is so slow.

Angus: Hey that hurts, soon I will be out pacing you.

Harper: Hah as if, but do not feel down. Speed is not the only important, endurance is also good, what say you, Octavia?

Octavia simply kept silent (but not her Mind)

3 hrs, running with only 1 short brake.

Then they were finally back at the shuttle.

The group was barely given a moment to relax after seeing the camp safe, before a group of shouting came heading towards them. This group was led by Clarke. 

This Group was missing one


Clarke Frantically: Bellamy! Angus! You need to help us. You were right there were people. They kidnapped Jasper after throwing a spear at him!

Bellamy: Princess Calm down tell us calmly and we will try to help.

Authors Notes:

The Next Chapter will be about the Mount Weather Group.

I will try to post one Chapter a day.

I enjoy all these questions being asked, please ask more.

Here is a list of current Pairings for Angus







Madi (aged up)

A Dryad

A Yuki Ona

Please comment if you want something changed.

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