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46.37% Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story / Chapter 26: An End To Instruction For A Spear Boy

Capítulo 26: An End To Instruction For A Spear Boy

(Cao Cao POV)

Waking up, I found my room in pristine condition, as if the damage had been repaired overnight, but then, as I looked at the walls, I saw why. The entire castle, from its walls to its windows and rugs, are lined with runes meant to repair the damage done to them. 

Essentially, the runes act as a conduit for a near infinitesimally small usage of primordial essence from the Tree of Life.

Looking at the mirror near my bed, I simply stared at my eyes and saw the complex formula and various runes and strange symbols floating beneath the surface of the azure haze. It was like watching a pure sea of information within one's eyes. It was beautiful in a way. 

"I see you are awake, disciple good. It's time to begin the next part of your training as with the runes. You shall see a whole new world open up to you. Now follow me, foolish disciple." Smiling slightly at the familiarity of her tone, I followed her into that same library and sat down in the circle.

Scathach then looks to me and says, "I will not ask what you saw when you were taking that trial as it is not my place, but do feel free to confide in me as I am not one to reveal secrets. But regardless, I am.. Happy that you are alright, even if only physically and mentally. I am not a monster, so let me know if you are not ready to continue, as I can give you another day to rest should you desire it."

Shaking my head, I replied, "I have already rested enough. Technically, I've been sleeping for ten days, even if I was in immense pain for nine of those, but it's semantics. I am ready to continue my training, Master, although your concern is touching. It is not what I need now as what I need is knowledge." The woman nods to herself while I see her aura light up in a slightly golden color.

 Another application of the eyes that allows me to see emotions via an aura? Further study will be needed, but for now, I focus on my Master, who then begins to summon floating letters into the air, which begin to circle each other. From runes like Feoh and Uruz to Ansuz and Hagalaz, all of them revealing their secrets to me.

The possibilities were seemingly endless as simply combining various runes led to increasingly complex spells and arrays with some promoting wealth, power, and control but I focused further on archmage, aiding me in delving deeper into the runes themselves. It was like staring at the binding words of reality.

It's almost funny as they seem more similar to Dragon Speak from Skyrim, as with each word and line, they can become stronger or have varying effects. While some may seem useless, such as promoting general wealth or welfare, they can be turned on their head by using the opposite and thus cursing their enemies with bad luck or denying them usage of their powers and advantages, 

It was through these runes that Scathach could fight gods as she held the ability to subtly manipulate reality, such as forcing her will upon it through words. 

It was like learning a new alphabet, at least one that could manipulate reality, but I digress. So it was there for the next couple of days. Neither Scathach nor I left the library as she taught me what she knew of runes that she had tried to improve on over her centuries of life.

All throughout the lessons, I saw an aura of purple forming around her as if she was both happy and solemn, as if she was seeing something familiar she refused to share, but this is something I need to push eventually. 

But for now, with archmage and my new eyes, studying magic became similar to peeling an onion. It took some time, but it provided great results.

After two days of study, I saw my teacher standing in the same place she had been standing for 48 hours, and I asked, "Master, I have been sensing your emotions for two days now, and I wish to speak with you about it."

The woman seemed genuinely surprised as she sat down next to me. I then continued, "Master, I know we've only known each other for half a year now, but I sense that you are almost trying to close me off. I must ask why?" 

The woman then grips the sides of the chair as I ask, "Are you afraid I will leave and not come back?"

I seemed to have hit the shishou on the head as she said quietly, "I understand that you will leave eventually, but I will still miss your company even if your antics infuriate and baffle me in equal measure. All I can ask is for you to visit and just stay alive." She says the last part in an almost fearful tone as I then grasp her hand.

The gesture surprised her as I got down on my knee and said to her, "You act as if you aren't coming with me. I am not one to leave someone behind, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming. Why do you think I am trying to learn all of this so quickly? It's not just for me to survive what lies outside those gates but so that both of us can see the wider world."

The woman lies back in the chair as she says, "All my life, I have watched people leave. My fear is that you will be no different, and I will watch you get slaughtered out there. Did you see the graves near the castle?"

 I nodded as she said, "Those are the graves of my two other students. As the gods left, they remained on my doorstep as a reminder. I will never admit to being afraid of the Gods, but all of my years here have left me a bit bitter and a bit more cynical."

Understandable, but I then add, "And what if you won't need to worry about those gods? What if when I leave, I can make them so afraid of me that you won't have to worry about taking a step out of this land after I free you from its confines? What if you can live under that warm sun once more?" 

My questions cause her to give me a smile that reeks of appeasement, to which I stand back up and get back to studying.

She seemed almost surprised as I then stated, "I will never leave a friend behind. You matter to me, Master, and I would move Heaven and Earth to get you out of this hell hole. But other than speaking in cringe-worthy lines, I am entirely serious. But I can see why you won't believe me, but all I ask is for some faith."

The witch then stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder as she said, "I will not say no as I do not want to ruin your motivation, but I ask you not to be disappointed if you fail. Besides, I am an immortal; after all, I am not going anywhere." 

My eyes widened at the implications of what she said as she left, but not before saying, "I have seen your eyes before you lost someone. And it wasn't through an inevitable means. It was recent, and it was drastic and unfair. You feel lost; don't let your enemies take advantage of your bond and your loyalty. Best of luck to you, my foolish disciple."

With that, she left the library, and all I was left to ponder were my own thoughts as I gripped my hands tightly, I began to focus more on the thousands of books in front of me while I had many shadow clones training in my spear arts and other disciplines. I will not fail; I refuse to fail, damn it!

As if recognizing my emotions, I felt the same presence from before placing its hand on my shoulder, and as I turned around, I saw the same woman with emerald eyes staring right into me but was utterly silent. 

Her presence was causing power fluctuations within the library as if all the light in the room was being drawn to her, but then she grabbed my face and observed me closely and, within a few seconds, let go but nodded to herself and disappeared.

I didn't even notice when my eyes began to burn until she left, as if I was not strong enough to see what she truly was. It's another reminder of my weakness, but it's another to add to the list of mysteries.

So, grabbing a book and summoning more clones, we all stared at one another and nodded, and we got to work. Everything was riding on this time I had as that army was not going to wait for long.

Current LP After Six Months: 39,880,600

I took another stab and thrust using my spear towards Scathach as we trained in the yard, both of us covered in sweat as we had been fighting for hours now, and neither of us had managed to land a blow yet. 

Using my eyes, I accurately predicated her next move, and using armament haki and a bit of conqueror, I slowed him down and slammed my fist into her stomach, sending her flying.

She seemed almost excited as she got back up, and we continued to spar to our hearts' content.

Current LP After Seven Months: 50,248,600

Multiple clones were practicing runes as formations littered the room, with reality itself seeming to be covered in a never-ceasing azure glow, with human magic being mixed with runes to create something new. 

A spell matrix combining sorcery, runes, and the human magic system to create a new version of the Kankara Formula that allowed Ajuka to make the laws of the world his bitch but instead of using demonic power, I am trying to combine and replicate something else.

Specifically, the art of magecraft from The Original, The Man, The Myth, The Idol Fiend, Solomon, his knowledge and magic crest cost upwards to ten million LP, and the engineering, blacksmithing, and craftsmanship skills I bought combined into the mana crafting skill that Yu Ilhan had which cost me another twelve million LP but the high cost was worth it as my magic will eventually be able to cancel out all others with a look.

Seeing the formulas beginning to coalesce into small circle-like objects but then fizzling out as my clones dispersed due to frustration.

LP After Eight Months: 38,616,600 

Thousands of clones practicing multiple martial arts given by Scathach with hundreds more fighting to the death with the spear, haki, sorcery, and chakra-based techniques/ But within that mirror dimension was one Cao Cao fighting thousands of clones at once with magic, haki, chakra, and pure martial arts being used at a level that would kill any normal Satan class being.

Yet as he took out his spear with one swipe, he extended the spear and aburst of magic infused with runes spread across miles of land and shattered the crystalline floors and endless glass. 

The power on display shoving any nearby skirmishes to the sides as injury upon injury piled onto the original but healed in equal measure.

Yet after dispersing all the clones, he summoned thousands more and said, "I need more. Keep going!" And so the clones charged with the ferocity of cornered animals but with the techniques of worn warriors.

LP After Nine Months: 48, 984,600

"So you came up with a new martial art?" 

My Master asked as I practiced in the yard using my skill creation. I bought the martial arts of Bomb and Bang from One Punch Man, specifically Flowing Water Fist and the Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, as both were more lethal than normal taijutsu and more precise than rokushiki.

This was the first step to replicating the Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist that Garou used after becoming a monster. Blank has been helping me fill in the gaps between the offensive cutting fist and the defensive and counterattack-based flowing fist.

Scathach watched as I performed the moves with increasing intensity and mastery. I began to see her becoming more and more intense as she watched me train in my new style. 

Eventually, I would see her attempt to copy me with a fierce smile on her face, and I would share in her enthusiasm.

My final goal is to combine this with my spear arts to truly show my prowess. As to battle with monsters, one must become one themselves if need be. However, that seven million LP was well-spent after seeing my Master's intense smile, even though it seemed directed at me sometimes.

LP After Ten Months: 52,352,600

Craters in the earth formed as I smashed into the ground using a combination of haki and chakra along with my martial arts, with Scathach seemingly beginning to struggle to dodge as I began to get faster and faster as her stance became serious as my observational and eyes warn me of counters minutes in advance. 

Let it be known that the eyes are not perfect as they account for multiple different timelines, so I need to focus on her body's movements to gauge her next move accurately.

Said next move was to slam her fist into my side, to which I grabbed her and attempted to slam her into the ground. As she then used her innate flexibility to wrap her legs over my head and try to flip me over.

Her attempt does yield some results as she is able to flip me into the air, but then, using my innate momentum, I gather up force and speed as I slam onto the ground, creating a small mountain-sized indent to which she simply nods at me.

I return it as she then adds, "So, did you enjoy my legs on your head as I have heard from some people that said thighs are a holy part of the body?"

I don't know whether or not to praise those previous failures or punch them for saying something so stupid in public. This is the universe where a kid can go around screaming about the joys of tits and become the strongest being in the universe.

I immediately sped up as she smirked at my lack of response and the slight blush on my face.

LP After Eleven Months: 69,720,600

Walking into the library, I see it covered wall to wall in runes and various formulas. I see my Master standing in a ritual circle of my own creation with spinning magic circles lining the inside. My clones are working tirelessly as they bolt in and out of the room to make sure the conditions are perfect for the ritual to commence.

But before I speak to her, I focus my LP on buying three final skills, with one being the skill dimensional ruler from Everyone Else Is A Returnee as the land of shadows has to be bound to someone to exist, so I shall take it for myself. The last two are for later as I feel the dimension humming in dark anticipation for what comes next.

Looking inside the ritual circle, I see my Master casually reading a book, which causes my eyes to twitch as she simply says, "My foolish disciple, if you keep staring so intently, I'll believe that you are coming on to me."

As she says that, I respond with, "And what if I am? I can't say I have not developed feelings for you throughout this year we have been together. And I believe you like the direct approach."

She seems to think for a moment and says, "Well, it would be nice for a more articulate confession. I believe we have more pressing matters to tend to. But whatever happens, I want you to know how much this means to me, Cao Cao."

Nodding my head, my clones give me the okay as I ask my Master, "Master, I ask that you state these words as the ritual begins." I then had her a piece of paper that she reads and then rips apart and then nods to me."

As I walk into the circle, I grasp her right hand in my left hand as I have an urge to make a handholding joke but concede as the ritual begins in earnest. 

The sky begins to grow ever darker as the moon seemingly begins to bleed while I see my Master as stoic as ever as she begins to say, "May the clock be overturned, may the annals of history be disregarded, may the blood of this place bind ruler anew."

After saying this, the lines from the runic arrays begin to cover us as she says, "May this land be bound to me no more, may life nor death bar me from my decision. I bind this place to Cao Cao, and may it serve forevermore as a place of death and paradise in equal measure!"

Upon fishing the incantation, a bright light shines, and everything goes dark.

LP after a Year: 20,088,600

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