At that very moment, the operation manager stepped out of his office to address the issue.
"What is going on out here?" The operation manager queried furiously. He was displeased to find the newly employed staff on the floor.
"Sir, I came in here to check on things and found this insolent fool on my desk, messing with my stuff." Brian angrily pointed at the young man.
The young man slowly stood up and straightened out his rumpled shirt, while wiping blood from his cut lips.
"Sir, I was busy working when this man came over, interrupted my work and punched me in the face."
"You two..." The operation manager pointed at the defaulters. "My office, now."
"Yes, sir." Both men chorused and followed the operation manager. When they were finally inside the office, Brian made a move to explain himself but was silenced by the piqued manager.
The manager simply went through the CCTV footage of the disturbance before addressing the two men.
Thanks for reading.