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64% Fate/The Hunter and His Doll / Chapter 16: Greece (1): Arrival in Athens.

Capítulo 16: Greece (1): Arrival in Athens.

Apologies for the delay; my internet has been a bit unreliable these days but should improve by the end of this week.

As always, if anyone wants to support me, that's possible on my (P)(A)(T), or if you just want to read 3 chapters ahead of my 2 stories, all for 2 dollars.

If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories. Thank you!

That said, good night to everyone, and happy reading!



POV: Chiron.

The little "shock" I had upon discovering that Lady Doll was not a controlled puppet, but rather her real body, quickly passed. After this brief clarification, which she, for some reason, found necessary to tell me, no conversation happened for hours.

I didn't know what to expect from this "mission" of mine, so I kept an open mind and prayed for the best while also preparing for the worst.

I had a pleasant surprise by the way Lord Hunter and Lady Doll behaved. They were polite in a way that not even the most cultured royalty I had seen or heard of acted.

Their mannerisms were fluid and polished, not arrogant; graceful, but not vain.

I can't say I wasn't relieved that the worst hadn't happened. Of course, I wasn't foolish enough to deceive myself, thinking that either of them was defenseless or not dangerous at all.

Neither emitted any "aura" of power, but I was old... I had seen many things, taught by Lady Artemis and Lord Apollo themselves; I knew how to recognize danger from afar.

Between the two, even though Lady Doll was dangerous, and I could recognize the steps, the movements of a skilled swordswoman, even though I wasn't sure of the type or style of sword she used, Lord Hunter was the one who sent shivers down my spine without even trying.

The way he walked was calm; his movements were tranquil and elegant. To anyone, Lord Hunter was the epitome of a noble, no matter how strange his clothes might seem...

This fact was what bothered me the most, as much as I concentrated, I couldn't hear any of his movements.

His arms, when moving, didn't impact the air or make any noise; the same happened with his steps, which didn't create any sound, not even footprints on the ground he walked on.

I wasn't even sure if he breathed, as, even though his shoulders and chest moved, the same didn't happen with the air, which should enter and exit through his mouth when inhaling and exhaling.

If I couldn't see him and knew he existed, I wouldn't even know he was there, walking calmly.

As relaxed as he might seem, something told me that everything was a facade, an act, a curtain that, when pulled, would reveal something I would pray to the gods to be as far away from as possible when it happened...

The journey continued in silence, a comfortable silence, not tense or suffocating, even though I felt like a third wheel, interrupting a couple's meeting.

I avoided those thoughts and acted the best I could as a guide, remaining silent. This continued until Lady Doll decided to break the silence with a question.

"Tell me, Chiron, would you mind answering a few questions?" Her voice was melodious.

"Of course not, Miss Doll. Ask whatever you want; I am here to serve you to the best of my ability." I avoided calling her "Lady," as Lord Hunter had suggested.

"Forgive me if it's rude, but why did you look at the sky when the Good Hunter mentioned the name of one of your gods?" I could see that as she asked, her head tilted slightly to the side.

Good Hunter? A title? Or an affectionate nickname?

I didn't ask, of course, just answered the question as best I could, mentally kicking myself for letting this "slip" show earlier.

"It's just a custom I have. Whenever the name of the Lord of Thunder is invoked, it's usually accompanied by storm clouds and thunder noises." I explained as best as I could.

It was a surprise that nothing happened when Lord Hunter mentioned the name of Lord Zeus, but in a way, it was expected.

A mortal calling the name of a god could be disrespectful, even offensive, but to another god? That was common.

I didn't know if Lord Hunter was a god, but for Lord Zeus to be warned by the world of his arrival and tell me to treat him as I would treat himself? I wouldn't think anything less than that.

"I see..." She nodded to herself, as if confirming a thought, before thanking me. "Thank you for the answer; much appreciated." Lady Doll thanked, inclining her head gently in a small nod.

I would kill if my students had even a fraction of such education...

"At your service, Miss Doll. Any other questions, I'm here to answer them." How relieved I was that Lord Hunter and Lady Doll weren't as I had imagined...

Whom do I thank in this situation? The gods didn't seem to be involved; perhaps the world?...

Thank you, Lady Gaia, for such mercy and assistance.

I quickly prayed, looking at the ground, at the World. I didn't get any response, not that I expected otherwise.

Rarely did the gods answer any prayer; why would the World, something above them, be different?...

 ~ Fate/The Hunter and His Doll ~

The rest of the journey passed quickly, and in a few hours, near sunset, we arrived in Athens.

I led Lord Hunter and Lady Doll through the best route I knew, one that provided an excellent view of the city and its monuments. I couldn't discern from Lord Hunter's expression whether he appreciated the view, but Lady Doll seemed to enjoy it, so I considered my job well done.

Before entering the city, I transformed the lower part of my body into something more human, with just two legs, wearing simple clothing that matched my shirt.

"I thought the name 'Chiron' was famous enough to be recognized by most humans," Lord Hunter spoke calmly, his voice devoid of emotion.

"I am somewhat recognized, but not to the extent that most humans would know," I downplayed my fame as I responded.

Despite being proud of my accomplishments, I didn't boast about them.

"Still, it would be easy to recognize you. Why then, conceal your non-human parts?" Lord Hunter asked. "It's not out of fear, much less shame; someone of your caliber wouldn't feel that."

I ignored the twinge of pride that surged in my chest at being recognized and responded calmly, more comfortable in expressing myself but still in a thoroughly polite manner.

"I don't want to attract unnecessary attention; that would ultimately disrupt your lordships' stroll." As Lord Hunter said, I wasn't ashamed of my non-human parts, much less afraid of human reactions, but it would draw too much attention, which I found unnecessary.

Lord Hunter looked at me for a moment before nodding calmly and, for the first time, emitting a kind of "aura," as if deliberately trying to attract attention.

"My attire is not common for this era," he pointed to himself. "I'll already attract enough attention on my own; if you wish, you can remove your transformation. It must be uncomfortable to suppress a part of yourself like this... in a diminutive vessel..."

As he said this, without hesitation, he began walking towards the city, with Lady Doll following him, her arms still crossed.

I hesitated momentarily but ended up undoing my transformation.

Lord Hunter was right; it was uncomfortable to walk on two legs and hide my centaur parts, but it wasn't for that reason that I had undone my transformation, but rather because I appreciated his kindness.

I might have known Lord Hunter for a short time, but I already considered him one of the most honorable men I had met.

I just wanted to understand what he meant by "Not common for this era..."

 ~ Fate/The Hunter and His Doll ~

POV: Doll.

"You know I don't care about the looks humans give me." Even as I said that, I couldn't help the smile on my face, nor the warmth that filled my chest.

I knew that, as much as I resembled humans, I was still a doll, something that would inevitably attract attention. That was normal.

"I know." The Good Hunter replied calmly. "But still, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and enjoy the stroll peacefully."

"Thank you, then, Oh Good Hunter, for such an act." I smiled even more, waving as I responded.

As we walked towards the city, I momentarily appreciated the view, even more so when we reached the city gates.

We were not stopped. Chiron, even before the guards approached us, signaled for them to step aside. Whether it was because they recognized him or for another reason, I couldn't say, but they did not interrupt our passage.

The moment we entered the city, I could see the differences from other cities we had visited during our travels.

In some ways, it fell short of Uruk, but the architect who designed the city had done an excellent job.

Athens was a beautiful city, structured in a way that enhanced both the city's beauty and protection. In a way, the narrow streets reminded me a bit of Yharnam, from the memories I had of Lady Maria.

Not the houses; they were different, built with different materials, stone and marble. The temples were also somewhat strange.

They were similar to some in Uruk, but with different gods, other idols I did not know, nor had any desire to know.

Something that was almost identical was the market, which was as bustling as Gilgamesh's city. Conversations were constant, as well as the sound of coins in commercial transactions.

"A beautiful city," The Good Hunter complimented with his emotionless voice.

It might have seemed like an empty compliment to anyone else, but to me, who knew him, it was a genuine compliment. I knew it was a genuine compliment.

"One of the most beautiful cities," Chiron agreed, looking around as he guided us.

I could tell that the Good Hunter and Chiron received looks from the residents and guards as we walked, but no one dared to approach or comment beyond whispers.

"The city of scholars," The Good Hunter commented. "Of culture, philosophy, and art." He added, looking towards the square in the distance, where a performance was taking place.

"Is there some kind of festival happening?" I asked, noticing the large crowd, even at this time of day.

Interestingly, many of them were fully armed, as if prepared to face some kind of beast or embark on a mission.

"None," Chiron replied. "But the large influx of people is due to a rumor about a monster. Many of these men came to Athens in search of information." He explained.

"A monster?" I asked.

"Yes, aspiring heroes, all of them, seeking glory and recognition." He seemed saddened. "Most, if not all, are not even prepared to face any real challenge, yet they seek glory, running toward death."

"Bravery and foolishness go hand in hand." The Good Hunter commented, looking into the distance. "The issue is that most people end up confusing them as one."

"Yes, unfortunately..." Chiron sighed. "I have seen many potential heroes die, thinking they were ready, their egos inflated by small achievements."

"Tell me, Chiron, about this rumor... What is it about?" The Good Hunter asked. "The most famous one, which brought so many men to this city in search of information."

At no point did the Good Hunter avert his eyes, still looking into the distance, where I knew the sea was.

Chiron thought for a moment before responding.

"I'm not sure where such a rumor started; I've been busy this past week, so forgive me if something is wrong." Chiron apologized for the lack of information before continuing.

"But what I know is about a monster cursed by Lady Athena and imprisoned and chained, banished to a distant island, formless." He explained, looking into the distance, in the same direction where the Good Hunter seemed to have been looking for some time.

"Because the monster was cursed by Lady Athena herself, many seek its head, to offer it in homage, seeking the goddess's favor." Favor from a goddess? Although I didn't agree, that should be enough motivation for most men.

"That's what I thought..." The Good Hunter's eyes gleamed with insight. "Tell me, Chiron, does this... 'monster' have a name?" The Good Hunter asked, the word 'monster' leaving his lips differently from the others...

It was as if he were ironically emphasizing it in a certain way.

"Some, as far as I can remember." Chiron replied. "Common nicknames like demon, beast, monster, the usual." He spoke.

At the same time Chiron spoke, the Good Hunter's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he were seeing something in the distance that displeased him.

"But the most famous and what can be considered the real name of this monster is just one..." Chiron fell silent for a few moments before answering, as if remembering something he had overheard.


 ~ Fate/The Hunter and His Doll ~

POV: ???

"Is it over?" I heard Stheno ask. "It's the third of these brutes that have shown up just this week."

"Cockroaches, they're like persistent cockroaches," Euryale replied. "They could learn some manners before just coming to attack us."

"Or at least take a bath and wear better clothes; at least that way, they would turn into prettier statues," Euryale added.

"That's cruel but true," Stheno replied before turning to me. "And you, Medusa, are you okay? Do your eyes hurt or something?"

I nodded calmly, putting my blindfold back on.

"I'm fine, thanks for the concern, sister." I smiled slightly at her.

"C... C... Concern? Who's concerned about you? You, Meduseless, I just don't want to lose the only means of defense we have against these brutes," Stheno replied back, shouting, with her face slightly golden as she blushed.

"You're lucky, Meduseless, to have sisters as good as us who accompanied you to this end of the world that is this island," Euryale commented sadistically before her stomach growled, and she blushed just like Stheno.

"Hungry?" I asked. "I'll go fishing." I spoke before they could respond, turning to go catch some fish.

As much as my sisters could act like this, I was truly grateful for their love. If not, I would be alone...

The least I could do was protect and feed them...

I ignored the slight itch in my eyes and the thirst for blood I felt and quickly jumped into the sea to fish.

Even if it ended up turning me into the monster everyone thought I was...


Finally, the real beginning of the new arc, welcome to Greece!

Some quick explanations: Well, this arc is supposed to be longer than the Babylon one, as I want to explore some of the many Greek heroes, including a certain group of fools led by a heavily discounted version of Gilgamesh.

Seriously, it's like Alaya was trying to recreate Goldie, but ended up messing everything up...

Well, I won't drag on too much. As always, if you have any questions, just comment, and I'll respond to the best of my ability without giving spoilers.

That said, good night to everyone and happy reading!

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