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Capítulo 8: Hurry away! For the demoness is on a war path.

Bright sunlight poured in through the cracks of the wooden window as mum kept humming and nodding along to her tune while cooking food that was sizzling with the fragrance of spices and herbs.

My hammock was tied in between the bars of the window grill in which I slept laid down like a cat loaf with a picture book in my hand about the stories of the childhood and life of Hashirama Senju the first Hokage of the village hidden in the leaf written by Mito Uzumaki his wife and the first princess of the hidden village in the land of whirlpools.

The book was the closest thing to a comic that existed in this world with a chibi Hashirama going around the edges of page in the drawings doing silly things with a chibi Madara Uchiha as the story continued to be written in the center of their drawn out adventures. There were a few colors but not all an definitely not vibrant, the most prominently missing color was blue as the sky was often painted gray.


A snappy sound both woke me up and distracted mom to see what had fallen on the floor.

"Sakura! Take proper care of your things!!" Mum shouted and turned back to her cooking over the old firewood stove.

I woke up slowly realizing it was already the afternoon and that I slept through the morning. My hair was all over the place and a little drool lined the edges of my lips and my fluffy cheeks.

Setting everything right I slowly leaned over the edge of the hammock to spot the fallen book on the floor and quickly went into panic since that was the only thing keeping me away from boredom these days.

I didn't want to get it damaged.

Leaning more over the edge I slipped off in a calculated manner dropping to the floor and picked up the book and dusted it a little before I was satisfied that it was safe and hadn't been harmed in anyway and placed it on the table just outside the kitchen.

"Good morning~ mama!!" I sing-song'ed my way behind my mum and hugged her and rested my chin on her knee as I looked up.

"What's for lunch ma!?"

"Fufu~ it's a surprise! Go get ready quickly the hot water is ready for you!" She said brushing my little hair, kissing my forehead and went back to working with utensils that needed her attention.

"Okie dokie!"

I quickly waddled toward the bathroom, which had me jump in surprise the first time I saw it since it was equipped with a plumbing system connected to the entire village, washed myself lightly and jumped into my small wooden tub which was filled with lukewarm water that soothed my cranky bones which had just woken up and pushed some wakefulness into them.

Interestingly I instinctively felt like my body knew how to bath, like a girl, even when mum took care of my baths, if that made any sense. I at first freaked out at how I knew, but I eventually gave it up and chalked it up to my mind playing tricks on me after it happened everyday. I also stopped trying to pee like a boy, somehow everything about it screamed wrong and I followed my bodies 'instincts' to sit down like a girl and do her job.

Stretching myself like a cat I cleaned my body and then jumped out and wiped myself off with a towel.

Mentally it was hard to change my boyish habits while cleaning myself which were very little and not the problem, the problem was I couldn't find why there were so many extra steps my 'instincts' made me take. Like using different towels for different parts of my body! Who does that? Why do that?

I just compensated myself with the idea that in spite of all these weird issues with my body, I had the opportunity to mess around with chakra, it was like my new shiny toy that'd keep me entertained for as long as it was around.

I couldn't wait to start spitting fireballs, imagine if someone offends this young master, I could just spit a fireball at his face and then walk away! Ah! So cool!

I walked out of the bathroom and rushed into my mum's room naked and half wet and looked in the shelf for my clothes and picked out white undergarments and a bright red t-shirt with dark green shorts just like the original Sakura without the qipao dress. I wonder where she got that from.

Coming out of the room properly dressed I spotted dad washing his hands near the wash basin back from his work in the smithy.


I shouted pulling my arms up! After all why walk when you can be carried everywhere!

'Hehehe, Praise me for I'm a genius.'

Dad wiped his hands in a towel and pulled me up from the ground and walked with me toward the dining table while mum was setting the dishes and plates on them.

He placed me on his lap while mum put out a bowl of vegetable ramen in front of me.

"Waaa!! Mum you made Ramen today!"

"Haha! Yes, have it and tell me how does it taste."

Dad slowly fed me with the chopsticks, since I was still just as bad as a baby while I tried to use chopsticks, my fingers were still kind of wobbly and bent in weird funky ways, while blowing air over it to make it lukewarm so that it wouldn't burn my baby lips and mouth.


"MUM! It's awesome!" I shouted for mom to hear while she was cleaning the kitchen as I bent down and drank some of the vegetable broth around the noodles.

"Dad! Did you make a Sage Weapon!?" I asked dad to make conversation with him to learn to speak faster and also because it was always fun to fantasize some new type of weapon when I was with dad. There was no such thing as a Sage weapon though, I'd just started calling all special weapons Sage weapons.

"Haha! Yes today I made the Sage Shuriken!!"

"Ne~ Ne~ what it do!?" I said as I swung myself around while sitting on him and pulling his shirt.

"When you throw it $#@ %@! %$@ friendship ^&*! four blades that attack your opponent &@#!"

"Waaaa~ Does it combine with jutsus and become a blade that burns and melts what ever it touches!?"

"What are you both doing!" Mum asked as she walked back to the table having cleaned the kitchen while I cleaned my food bowl off the food in it.

"Dada is tell me how he made a Sage Shuriken today!!"

"Haha!! Honey did you make a Sage Shuriken!! Really?"

"Haha of course I did!! I'm Sakura's dad after all!"

"Really!? Then where's the money!! Get me the money quickly!! And let me spend more time with my sweet daughter!!!"

Mum said hitting dad's head with the tongs she was using to serve them both the ramen, while dad just laughed along with me and seeing me laugh at dad getting hit made mum hit him again while dad tried to feed me as I was laughing since I chewed really slowly, I don't know something about being a baby made me not like chewing much, my teeth felt like they still moved around my gums.

*Clap* *Clap* "Thank you for the food!"

After eating lunch I got out of my dad's lap and let mum and dad have food together while I sneaked off to draw with my toothpick and ink to keep my mind away from the boring myself during the day since I still couldn't go out to play by myself, I wish I could have music to listen to while I stared out the window would make it easier to have fun.

'Ah!! My degraded twenty first century brain addicted to constant content injection. Could I make music here? But it'd be hard to replicate all the twenty first century songs without proper equipment. Can I make anything like that? Hmm... I don't think I can fabricate any electrical components in the next twenty years, at least not before Ninja Jesus saves he world.'

*sigh* 'So troublesome.'

I sat down on the floor picking the toothpick and the story book from the table nearby and a piece of fresh paper with some oil and ash based ink that was deep black in colour, the only colour I had. I opened the page that described chibi Hashirama's first meeting chibi granny Mito whlie he was on a trip to Ushinokagure where they both started talking to each other in a flower field.

Dipping the chipped toothpick into some ink I began to etch onto the paper's surface the lines and curves present in the book in front of me.

After about forty five minutes of lining and scratching I ended up with a tree under which Mito and Hashirama sat together on different side talking about something while looking up into the night sky. I then began to sketch out the little flowers that dotted the landscape in the background that were depicted with small dots surrounded by larger dots.

Just when I was about to dot the paper I stopped myself for a second.

'Wait, what if you can imbibe chakra into the ink and draw something with it, isn't it like a circuit?'

'Hmm…let's try it out.'

I picked up another fresh and clean paper to work with after setting the paper I was using for drawing aside and dipped the toothpick in some ink and cleaned it of excess and tried to feel the few beads of chakra that I had remaining in my body from the last night's practice where I was just playing around with chakra in my body and learning the positions of the tenketsu points along with memorizing the complete structure of the circulatory pathway which I had started to do since the first day I discovered how to go about it.

I thought, 'Since, I'd have to learn about it in the future anyway if I want to meddle with things, then it'd make sense to just learn more about how it worked in my body right now.'

Feeling the tenketsu point in the index finger in my left hand I picked up the toothpick with my left hand, in case something happened and I lost my hand, and tried to push chakra out of it and into the toothpick.


I could clearly feel the chakra bead that had passed through the tenketsu point in my index finger and melted into the toothpick.

I say 'melted into' because I couldn't feel the toothpick itself through chakra but the tiny cracks and crevices inside the wood that made up the toothpick.

Chakra was constantly escaping into the air from the toothpick whenever the embedded chakra came in contact with the air and was lifted away by it.

As I pushed a few more beads into the toothpick to see what would happen if I overloaded it, at first it was strongly attracted to my fingers and then it shot out into the wall in front of me and snapped after it hit the wall.

A few beads of sweat formed on my forehead and made me remember to take more precautions since I would've possibly lost my eye if I had been looking at it directly as I did that, or if the direction of force was random.

Picking out another toothpick and doing the same thing again, with a little more protection as I held my hand under the comic book while doing so, I figured out the limit of chakra I could stuff into the toothpick.

Similarly I figured coating the toothpick with ink reduced the speed at which the chakra in the toothpick escaped into air. 

Drawing a simple line with this chakra ink on the paper I didn't feel any difference, at the very least not at first.

Putting the back of the toothpick in between my lips and holding it there I moved my left hand fingers close to the line hovering it slightly above the line and collected some chakra in those fingers then I could clearly feel the difference.

The fingers had a tingly feeling that felt like something that was a part of me was outside my body and could be controlled if I tried enough but because I had no idea how to it just felt weird.

All of a sudden an idea clicked into my mind that made me want to start working on it immediately.

I drew a circle with the same toothpick and felt that ink in the circle stored the same amount of chakra as the ink in the straight line, so then I dipped my right hand's little finger into some ink and drew a line, without using any chakra, that connected to the circle which caused the chakra in the circle to flow into the newly drawn line almost instantly, reducing the density of chakra in the drawn diagram!

I then extended the line a little further and the chakra flowed even further and checked how much I could feel and after some time I found the feeling on my fingers decreased, making it seem as if there was no chakra at all in the lines, but as I folded the paper and brought my hands at the folded version I could once again feel how I initially felt!

I carried out a few more experiments like drawing a thick bar or normal ink with a straight line on either side of it and tried to insert chakra into the ink directly on the paper from one side only to find that the chakra did reach the other side but it depended on the thickness of the bar in between the two lines and the amount of chakra I put in, like a resistor? But here, once the entire thick bar was filled with chakra, the flow of chakra became steady and instantaneous, not slow or fast. Maybe thickness of entry could be increased compared to exit and the block in the middle acts as a buffer? Need to check this out.

It was here I noticed that chakra could also leak through the paper and fill adjacent lines drawn close to each other if there was a little chakra in them, effectively connecting the two lines together through the paper even if they were not connected by ink.

Then I finally drew two vertical bars of chakra ink with a little space in between each other where I drew a bar with normal ink in the middle with none of the three bars touching each other but with very little space in between, space enough only for a hair to fit into. Pouring chakra into the two thin outside bars I saw that the chakra did not jump into the normal ink in the middle in spite of the razor thin gap.

Then I carefully poured the tiniest amount of chakra I could muster within myself into the ink in the middle and to my surprise and happiness, the chakra in both the other inks jumped to the normal ink bar which was in between, through the paper, causing the chakra in all the three bars to become equal in quantity. 


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" 'I'm a genius!!' I began laughing like a generic maniac evil scientist who had succeeded in creating the master plan for world domination after capturing a platypus in his tall tower.


"Huh?" I looked at my parents who were both running towards me and then stopped a few feet away as I turned to look at them.

While mum seemed furious, dad just seemed to be laughing his ass off in the background looking at my face.

Mum's face was super red, she was raising her hand as if she was going to hit me, her eyes look like they had flames burning in them while her lips were the thinnest I had ever seen! Thinner than McGonagall when the golden trio got into a dangerous situation.

I put my hands in front of my self to save myself but mum just lifted me by the scruff of my neck and put me into her arms and started hitting my butt!

She was spanking me!! And it hurt!!!


I tried to call my dad by stretching my arms so that he can pull me away from this demoness that seems to have become angry with me for no reason but he just laughed at my plight and went away into the bedroom!

'How dare he!! Hmph!!, next time this young master won't ask him about his new Sage weapons which he pretends to make.'

"WAAA WAAAAA MUMAAA!!!! STOPPP!!!" It was hurting my baby ass cheeks so much!

I then saw dad coming out again but with a hand mirror this time.

Seeing the mirror I felt a vague premonition and with it a sudden touch of nostalgia of my childhood making me cognizant of the reason why mum was spanking me and why dad was laughing with a mirror in his hand.

As dad held up the mirror up to my face I found my face with the area around my mouth covered in ink along with smudges of ink on my nose around my eyes, some on my hair and on all my teeth and tongue.


I began cry laughing with dad after that.


And then mum proceeded to also hit dad for that with a pan at which I laughed, again.


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