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88.52% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 52: A Vampire And A Wendigo Part 3

Capítulo 52: A Vampire And A Wendigo Part 3

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: Hellsing Manor, Integra's Office, Time: After they entered her office)


"So what do I owe the pleasure of meeting the infamous, King in Red?" Integra said to me, with a look that felt like she was analyzing me.

"It seems Alucard here has talked about me, how fun, that'll make this go along faster!" I said with a smile, as I made a chair out of some blood and sat Seras on it.

"Actually, it turns out that your 'Sponsors' can share the stream with one other person." She said while grabbing a cigar from some fancy looking box.

"Well, you learn something new every day. Anywhore, I'll make this quick, Integra." I said as I walked up to her desk, and brought out a special something out of Inventory.

"There are three things you should already know about me, I don't take kindly to someone harming my family, I'll kill anyone who gets in my way, and I tend to sing when I start having fun. But, here's one more thing you'll need to know...." I said as I stopped in front of her desk, the mood in the room becoming tense.

"And, that is?" Integra said, seemingly getting on guard for any possible attacks from me, as if she could even stop me from killing her if I wanted to.

"....I don't take kindly to traitors, whether future or present." I said as I pointed what I brought out from Inventory at Walter, I didn't even need to look behind me to know that Alucard is pointing his gun at me.

What I was currently holding to Walter's face was my own weapon, one I crafted out of my own blood, flesh, and the metal from Iron Ball that I molded with Revision. The weapon itself had three forms, but at the moment it was in the form of a gun, a revolver to be more specific. The gun itself looked grotesque and as if I crafted it out of muscle fibers, it also glowed at the barrel and where the bullets would be located, but it only looked like this because of the blood and flesh having to condense so much to be durable enough for what I made this gun to do.

"Lower your weapons, both of you! I don't know what this is about, but at least say why the hell you have a gun pointed at Walter before you attack him!" Integra said trying to deescalate the situation that I put us in.

"Well, it's quite simple, I know the future of this world, and I know that Jolly Wally here betrays Hellsing for a small chance at killing Alucard here. He then proceeded to get killed by a German lesbian." I said while cocking my gun, ready to kill Walter.

"B-but I would never!" Walter shut the fuck up before I make your death last as long as I'm in this world.

"Walter, would you like to see why you shouldn't lie to me, ever?" I said with a look wishing that he would fuck up once so I can kill him right here and right now.

"I think he needs a demonstration, big sister." Tenko I'm beginning think we may actually be related by blood at this point, because that is one of the best suggestions I've heard all week.

"You're right, Dust, I should give a demonstration!" I walked over to the window in the office that showed a mountain several miles/kilometers away, but not without tying up Walter with some rope made of my blood.

"Have you guys heard the term 'fuck everything in that general direction'?" I asked while opening the window, and pointing my gun towards the mountain.

"Please tell me this is going where I think it is!" Yes Alucard, it absolutely is! I wonder if I should add him to my family too, 'cause I'm beginning to think we might be pretty similar.

"Wait... what the hell are you going to do!?" Oh, don't worry Integra, I already made sure no satellites can view this, though anyone within a couple of miles will probably still see it, and it will make sure no one will turn traitor in Hellsing ever again.

"Well with Carmine here, I'm going to cast a little spell." Yes, I named my weapon Carmine, it's the best 'non-threatening' name I could come up with, okay!

"I don't like the sound of that!" Hahahaha hahaha, oh you are so right to not like what's about to happen. :)

"I cast 'Here Comes The Sun'!" I said as I pulled the trigger, and filled it with my lightning.

The second I did pull the trigger a small concentrated red beam of light came out of the barrel, heading straight for the mountain. It wasn't long before it made contact with the mountain, and once it did the entire are around the mountain was enveloped in red. There wasn't even any sound from the explosion, until it finally ended, the shockwave and sound of the explosion shattered every piece of glass that was remotely near the explosion. Once the light faded, and it was all done my single attack left only a large crater in its wake, no dust, no debris, no pebbles, no smoke, there was nothing left in that entire area.

"Fun fact, over these past few years I've been doing more than hanging out with my family, and training, I've been calculating what it would truly take to create my most powerful attack. But, once I finally crafted it, I couldn't really use it, because if I went all out, I would have destroyed all of Japan and then some. I can't even use all my power here, or else everyone here would have died, except for me and Himiko."

I made this weapon as a way to focus my electricity from Prime Conduit like Cole's Amp, and Delsin's chain, so my electricity doesn't spread too much. Though it turned out that if you focused all the power that Cole had as The Beast in a single attack, it can practically eliminate anything in one's path. This is just a testament to how strong Cole really is, especially since that shit wasn't even half of my max output.

"I.... Red?" Hm? I mean, I know it's technically a lot, but I didn't expect Alucard to be at a loss for words, especially since he seemed so amped before.

"Yeah, what is it, Al?" I swear if he says something dumb I'm going to rip his legs off of his body.

"Just how strong are you?" Oh, I guess it's genuine question, that's actually a welcomed surprise for me.

"Not strong enough to become a goddess, but I think strong enough to destroy all of Russia in one attack, if I went all out?" This is just a rough estimate though, since I've never gotten the chance to go all out, I don't fully know how strong I really am. But, I do know that I'm basically a walking talking nuke now.

The room became noticeably quiet, I did look to see what all their reactions were, and they were all looking pretty shocked, except Himiko and Tenko who were just smiling at my demonstration of power. Himiko is obvious why she's smiling, because she knows just how much I hold back whenever I fight someone, but Tenko, he just believes that I'm the strongest no matter where we go.

"Anyways, Walter, let this be an example of why you shouldn't lie to me, or ever try to betray those I ally myself with." I said as released my hold on him. It doesn't matter what he does now, because if he still chooses to go traitor, then he's dumber than All Bitch.

"You did all of that... just to keep something that might not happen from happening?!?!" Integra you make it sound like I did something illogical, even though I technically did, but that doesn't change the fact that I did do this to show that I'm never to be fucked with, and that you also have no chance at controlling me.

"Hahaha, pretty much, Integra. I should also mention that these four will eventually be able to cause almost as much destruction as me!" It will take plenty of training, and some power ups provided by the system, but they should be able to eventually destroy Russia in one attack.

"Now, Imma go find some place to take a nap. Have fun with dealing with the after effects of my attack!" I went and grabbed Mei, and Himiko as I walked out of the office. Because of the years of sleeping with someone always by my side, I can't really sleep alone, I also find it entertaining to see my pink haired girlfriend blush every time I take her with me to bed.

"Don't break any beds, Red!" Alucard yelled at me as I was walking through the office door. I had to stop though, since I think there was a misunderstanding here.

"Al, I genuinely want to take a nap, also even if I broke a bed I could just replace it with one of the beds I have in Inventory." I have stuffed an absolute fuck ton of shit in Inventory to the point that you could ask me if I have something, and there is an almost 100% chance I got it in there somewhere. If I don't have it, then that means it doesn't exist in the worlds I've been to so far.

Without further distractions I went to find a room to make my own for the time being. While I was making my way through the halls of Hellsing Manor I swear I could hear Integra yelling every curse in the book at what I had done. I think I'm going to really enjoy causing some chaos here.

(Small Time Skip, brought to you by, Walter now being traumatized because of Eve)

So, it's been about a week since I first started the Hellsing quest with some of my Conduits. In this time I have been making sure that we haven't stopped training, as it's best that we don't slack off just because we're in a world that we could easily destroy if we so wished.

Though, in this time there have been three developments, other than me devouring more souls to max out my quirks, one of which I find pretty amusing to see happen. The first development is with Seras, she's been recently sneaking into my room, that I politely borrowed, and cuddling with me and my two loving girlfriends. I think the combo of me making myself her master, Aphrodite's Blessing possibly taking effect, and my teasing, caused her to be plenty interested in me.

But that isn't the development that I find amusing, though I do like it nonetheless, the second development has to do with Integra. It turns out that my small show of power was seen by plenty of people, especially those old guys that just sit on their asses while Hellsing fixes all their problems and still complain about some shit.

Hearing Integra trying to explain to them about a literal demigod that could kill all of them without a second thought in a way that would be 'believable' was sure as hell funny to hear. Especially since some of those dudes thought I was basically a more destructive version of Jesus, apparently he was a Catholic or some shit, it took everything in me not to laugh my ass off for hours at that shit.

The final devolment though, is one that I find odd. Everytime I've slept it's been feeling like someone is watching me in my dreams, it feels weird. Though, my instincts have been telling me that whoever has been watching me can't really effect me, or hurt me. But this doesn't change the fact that they've been looking into my dreams, possibly wanting to get info on me, and that pisses me off.

On the plus side, I did figure out that I can make my Bee's look like objects, so I made several that look like accessories and gave them to my group. I even gave one to Seras just in case.

Any-fucking-way, let's get onto the updates on the ranks of my abilities, and then we can finally talk about what I'm doing.


[NOTICE the quirk Blood Manipulation has reached rank SS. The user can now make clones out of themself from their own blood, and the radius of the user's control on blood has increased to 120 meters. But this quirk will not reach it's full potential until the user devours the soul of a strong being related to blood.]

[NOTICE the quirk Rewind has reached its max rank, Rank SS. The user now barely has to use barely any energy when rewinding a living creature, and is now capable at using this quirk on themself to 'regenerate' at an extreme rate.]


Yeah, I really am becoming one overpowered bitch. Though, I don't know if Blood Manipulation needs me to kill Alucard, or this is a sign that this won't be the only world I'll go to that has Vampires in it.

But, other than that, let's get onto where I'm at, and why I'm here. It seems we are now, technically, at the start of the first episode, so Alucard, Seras, and I are at some random house about to kill two Vampires that have been killing recently. Seras and I are on top of the house, while Alucard is going to the front door to make his entrance.

"And I love you, Bella." Oh! It's starting! This is one of the times I'm glad these ears make my hearing more sensitive.

Alucard knocked on the front door getting the knock off Vamp's attention. "Hold on. Who is it?" Knock off Edward said towards the front door.

"Oh, you know." Alucard said before promptly shooting every bullet in his guns magazine through the door into the poor excuse for a Vamp's body, killing him.

"A real fucking Vampire!" He said after firing the last shot into the head of our first target. The second one was quickly making a run for it trying to not get killed.

"Hey, Police Girl, do you have the target?" Al said to Seras. I fucking hate it when he refers to her as just 'Police Girl' she has a damn name dude.

"Alucard, you may be one of my Sponsors, but if you don't address Seras by her name I will destroy every soul in your possession." He isn't her master, so he doesn't get to treat her like that, address her by name, or don't address her at all.

"Thank you, master. And, Alucard, I do have the target in my sight." Seras said while aiming at the target, though I stopped her before she shot at the fleeing bitch.

"Here try shooting her with one of these." I said as made a small iron ball from my hand and turned it into a bullet with Revision, I've been curious about what would happen if I loaded my gun with these instead of just my electricity, so this will be a good test on their destructive potential.

"Yes, Master." She said while loading the iron bullet into her rifle, I have a feeling this will look nice.

Without Alucard pesturing her about taking the shot she was able to focus on aiming at the targets heart. Then, the very next second, she took the shot. The bullet easily soared through the air, and soon it hit it's target, but I didn't let it just go all the way through the bitch without doing something.

The second it did start to pierce the woman's skin I immediately enlarged it to it's max size, which made it promptly destroy the entire torso of the woman, and then crashed into the ground, burying itself several feet into the pavement.

"Welp, now that that's done, Alucard, call Integra and give her the field report. I'm going to head back to my room. Seras, if he tries anything you have full permission to chop off his dick." I said while I teleported back to my room, Mei wanted me to help her out on a new project of her's.

I should drink some more blood soon, I'm beginning to get hungry again. Though, this does bring up a question for me, what happens if I don't go cannibal for a while, and let my hunger take over. Would that do anything special, or would I just go on a hunger fuelled rampage?

Eh, I'll let that be a problem for future me, for now I'll go spend time with my lovely girlfriend.

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