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78.68% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 46: The Spoils of War

Capítulo 46: The Spoils of War

Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: ?????, The Tarnished Court Base, Time: Right after the broadcast)


At this moment every government, and organization was trying to figure out where the broadcast from The King in Red originated from, or how all of their technology was compromised to even show the broadcast in the first place.

But, no matter how hard they looked, they wouldn't be able to find the answers to these questions. Though, the one question that was present in even the public was, 'How did nobody know that Humarise was taken down for two whole months?'. They may not find the answer to that too, but it was rather simple, Eve kept every satellite, and every form of digital communication from allowing the information to leak.

Now, while everyone else was reeling at the information they were shown today, those that were in The Tarnished Court were more focused on a different subject entirely.

"So, Eevee, how are you going to properly answer their feelings?" Said Himiko while looking at Eve with a cat-like smug grin, she knew that Eve was not exactly the best at answering positive feelings, when not in her business mode, and because those four haven't stopped staring at Eve almost the entire broadcast.

"Oh? Is my King going to finally get her other Queens today?" Maki looked up at Eve with curiosity in her eyes, since she was, essentially, an extension of her, she knew that Eve has desired to make these four girls hers for a long time.

Eve flinched a bit at the questions, not because she wasn't looking forward to this, but because she could feel the piercing stares of the ones that the two were referring to now. Their gazes felt like they were waiting for the say so to devour a delicious meal that was laid in front of them, especially since she already told them that she loved them all.


(POV Change to Eve's)


"Yes, Maki. And, Himi it's rather simple, I'll just say this. Himiko and I have not kissed each other, so I still haven't had my first kiss yet, though I have had my first hickey." I declared while looking back at the girls.

The entire time that Himiko, and I have been together we never kissed, because with someone like Himiko, drinking each other's blood was her equivalent to a passionate kiss. Which, is also how I got several hickeys, as Himiko liked to suck on the area around where she bit me.

All the other court members watched in shock at the speed one of the girls tackle hugged me, and began to kiss me with extreme fervor while sitting on my lap. Surprisingly, the one who did go for my first kiss was Tsu, who had been the least vocal of the girls today.

Damn, she must have been holding in wanting to do this for a while. Because she is going to town on my mouth, she's even making her tongue wrap around mine, though it feels pretty nice.

This was my very first kiss in either of my lives, and safe to say that Tsu was giving her all to make it a good one. Her lips were felt soft against my own, and her tongue was like a snake that refused to ever let mine go. To others this would be an odd experience, but for me, I could feel all the love and passion that Tsu had for me in this kiss.

I obviously reciprocated her feelings, as I wanted this adorable girl to be mine, just like Himiko, so I grabbed her by the hips and kissed her back with the same love and passion that she was directing to me. Which brought a satisfied hum out of her.

After a couple of minutes we did have to separate, because, sadly, we both still needed to breath. I swear the minute I find a way to make it so we don't need to breathe, I am going to use it without a second thought. We were both panting while we looked each other in the eyes, in her eyes I could see an emotion that I was all too familiar with, a deep mixture of love and obsession, the same emotions that Himiko, and I look at each other with.

"So... How was it, Eve?" She looked at me expectantly. Aww, she looks like a hopeful puppy, which is kind of odd considering her quirk, but it's still fucking adorable, and I'll kill anyone who says otherwise.

"It was delicious, mi verde amor." I licked my lips while looking at her lips, that kiss may have awakened something inside of me, it's a hunger, not for flesh or blood like before, but instead it's a deep hunger for the physical affection of the girls I hold dear to my heart.

Tsu's only response to my words was a light blush, and quiet 'ribbit'. Hehe, looks like she liked my response a lot, I can see why Himiko likes to tease people, seeing her expression brings a smile to my face.

"Tsu! What the hell?! Why'd you take Eve's first kiss?!" Oh right, Toru's a yandere for me too, so of course she would've wanted to be the one to have my first kiss, even if she did say she was cool as long as she was with me. Mei, on the other hand looks like she's patiently waiting to kiss me, when it comes to things that don't involve inventing, she's surprisingly calm.

"Sunshine, relax. She may have taken my first kiss, but you're the first person I met out of everyone here!" That was the truth because of that time I was 'Ina Akane' and made myself look like that short twink that was getting pegged by a hyena girl. Okay, that was not a sentence that I expected to think of today.

"Wait, what you do you mean by that!?" Ah, I guess I forgot to tell her that I was the one she met in the café that day. Welp, I guess today is as good a day as any! I motioned to Tsu to get off me, so I could stand, which she did do, but not without pouting a bit.

"Remember the café where someone gave you a new idea about your quirk?" Well, that definitely got the wheels turning in her head. Though it makes sense, since she did once ask me to help her find Ina Akane to thank her, on that day it took everything in me not to laugh at Toru asking me to find myself.

"But, how? Ina looked nothing like you, and weren't you kidnapped around that time?" At her question everyone in the court, other than Himiko, was looking at me with a curious look on their faces.

"Well first off, that appearance was nothing but a different form I used to stay hidden. And, for your second question, Himiko Toga was never kidnapped, and Evangeline Kieran was never a separate personality of Himiko's." Might as well get all that out there now, and if they act negatively towards the information, or think about telling anyone else about this, I can just use Heaven's Door on them.

Hm, guess I'm a manipulative yandere, though I should have already guessed that from the way I've acted to practically everyone in this lifetime. Hell, I did manipulate Nezu into adopting me, and providing great ways to train my body over the years.

Looking at all of them I could see the same expression, stunned confusion. I guess I'll have to explain some shit for them to understand this shit. Though, everyone might accept it pretty well, the newest of the court because they've known and trusted me the majority of their lives, and the rest of my court because they expect me to always do something chaotic.

"Allow me to properly explain. I was never experimented on in this life, all my quirks were rewards that were given to me for completing certain task that my mom gives me. And, I was originally a soul that took control of Himiko's body, until I managed to figure out how to give her a separate body from my own." Some of them looked at me like I was crazy (Dabi), but that didn't stop me from continuing my explanation.

"To show you that I'm not lying, I'll collect the rewards I gained from the siege, the quirks of those I chose to take the soul of." I took out the soul of Sidero from Inventory. Although they can't see it, I made the monitor behind me show my point of view, so they could see the yellow orb that I was holding. This will be the first time that I'll be taking the quirk of someone else by eating their soul.

"Boss, what is that thing?" Nagant said while looking at the screen, this was the first time any of them have seen a soul, so looking at something on a screen that's invisible directly in front of them is a bit of a shock.

"The soul of Sidero, one of the people I had Maki kill during the attack on Humarise. You see, I have an ability called Soul Eater that allows me to devour someone's soul, and take any qualities I want from that person, whether it be their intelligence, memories, strength, speed, or powers. And, to top it all off, this ability isn't a quirk, it's also not my Conduit ability, as that involves electricity in all its forms, so someone like Eraser Head is incapable of stopping me from continually growing stronger by eating more souls."

I just realized, am I a goddess of death at this point? 'Cause this seems too overpowered to just be a random power from the system, and I got this after killing Mineta, who was a sacrificial apostle of a true goddess of death. Did she send him to me just have me become a goddess of death too? Wait, no, that makes no sense, why would she do that in the first place, she essentially sacrificed some of her own power to me if she did that, since mom said an apostle has to be made by giving some of them that god's power. So, for now, that's just a question that'll go unanswered unless I ask that goddess directly.

After I finished mulling over my thoughts I looked at everyone, and it was safe to say they were astonished, because if what I was saying was true (which it is) it would mean that I have infinite potential for growth in strength, and, theoretically, I have no limits that any human would normally have.

"His isn't the only soul I'll be eating to demonstrate my ability, as there are other quirks that I believe will be useful, and a couple that I will use to strengthen my other quirks." During the siege I did have some of my other Bee's get plenty of souls to max out all my quirks, though I won't be maxing all of them out at once, because if maxing out two suddenly caused me to almost destroy everything near me, I don't want to now what maxing all of them would do.

I brought the yellow soul up to my lips, and I could finally sense it, fear. Not from me or anyone else around me, but instead from Sidero's soul, even when dead he's afraid to stop existing. Well, too bad, everyone will die at some point, it may happen in a thousand years, a year, a month, a week, or tommorrow. And, today just so happens to be your day to become nonexistant, unlike Flect, all that you have done and tried to do will be erased from existance.

With those final thoughts I placed his soul in my mouth, and swallowed it whole while thinking about his strength and quirk, as those that are the only things worth taking from him. His soul, unlike Flect's, did have a taste, it was similar to that have the iron you could taste in blood, but to me it wasn't as satisfying as just drinking blood, though it did make me feel exponetionally stronger.

Not even a second after, Soul Eater started to take affect. I could feel all the training Sidero put into strengthing his body to even lift one of his iron balls, years of training, of sweat and blood, all surged through my body imprinting itself in me. Then there was the quirk, I could feel my hands get slightly heavier, like someone strapped a small weight to them, instinctively I knew it was his quirk making itself known, Iron Ball. That's when the system decided to chime in.


[NOTICE the user has gained the quirk, Iron Ball by eating the soul of Sidero. Because of this the user will have this quirk be at the same rank that Sidero managed to get it to Rank B. The Goddess Kali wishes you luck on your journey of death.]


I raised the back of my hands up, and there I saw it, four spherical pieces of iron coming out of my knuckles on both my hands. I don't know why that goddess is wishing me luck, but benefits are benefits. Making one of the spheres pop out of my knuckle immediately created a replacement of it on the same knuckle. Looking at the ball in my hand, I had this feeling that I could change the size whenever I wanted to, so to test it out I threw it in the air directly above me, and enlarged as much as I could.

Everyone watched as I suddenly threw a small orb the size of a large grape into the air, and saw it grow to a diameter of seven feet (213 Centimeters) directly above me. Some of them were worried when they saw this, but I quickly turned it back to it's original size, I just wanted to see how big the balls can get.

"As you can see, I now have the same mutation quirk that Sidero demonstrated, and it's just as strong as his. Now onto the next." All of them looked shocked beyond belief, but I didn't want to stop yet, I still have plenty of souls to eat today.

The next soul I brought out was actually both the souls of the twins I had Maki kill. I wanted to know if eating two souls that have the same quirk would somehow strength the quirk itself, or if perhaps it will turn the quirks into something entirely new.

Without saying any words I placed the souls in my mouth, one after the other, swallowing them whole just like I did with Sidero's, both of them tasted like fresh blueberries oddly enough. With them I focused mostly on their quirks, as I didn't know if me trying to get anything else from them would dissrupt the process.

Then, I felt it, it was at first like I had two entirely different energies swarming around inside me, but they eventually crashed into eachother merging into something greater than either of two. This was followed by multiple various sized blades coming out of my arms, legs, head, and even my teeth. Whatever I made was unlike any blade quirk I have ever seen.


[NOTICE due to the user's compatiblity with all quirks, nature, and the quirks fo the souls the user has just eaten, the user has created the mother of all blade quirks. Whether it be small, large, wide, slim, from the arms, or from the toes the user will always be able to make themselves a living sword.This new quirk does not have a name yet, so the user can choose what to call their this quirk that they have created.]


I think I just became even more of a living weapon of mass destruction. But, I need to name this 'mother of all blade quirks'. Though, only one name comes to mind and it's because of how the blades coming out of me kind of look.

"Death Scythe, the quirk forged from two merging with insanity!" Every power I get is starting to feel like one big reference, so might as well go big or go home with it.


[Death Scythe (SS* Rank): The user can create blades from any part of their body, and control how they look. The only limit is the user's imagination with their new status as a living blade.]


Making the blades go back inside of me, kind of like when I hide my antlers, was pretty easy. Though, that early creation of it did kind of fuck with my pants, because now there are several holes in them that make it look like I was stabbed by multiple types of weapons.

"Eve, what was that?" Oh, right, Himiko can't see the system notifications when she's in her body, so she doesn't know that i just created a whole new quirk, and neither do the other's around me.

"It seems that my 'less than stable' mind, and combining two quirks that are essentially the same made something entirely new. I've basically become a living sword!" It feels like I got the best quirk to either fuck with people, or be an assassin, and obvisously I'm going to pick that first option.

"Now, onto the final soul that has a quirk that I actually want." Finally I brought out the soul of Leviathan, hopefully my theory was correct about Trigger.

At this point I was starting to get used to eating these souls, it's almost like they were candies that only I was allowed to eat. So, I popped the white and slightly green soul into my mouth, and swallowed it without hesitation.

His soul tasted like burned toast, maybe it was the Trigger affecting the taste, but all the same I focused on what I wanted from his soul, his strength and his quirk. After all I can't ignore my own physical strength, and only focus on my powers, that feels like I would just be making a tower with all substance and no structure.

After a second, nothing happened, and I was worried that I somehow fucked up, if maybe Soul Eater to how many souls I can eat in one day that it didn't tell me about. That was until I felt it, it was like my body was being flooded by some thick liquid that was comparable only to tar, and it raged in me, like it wanted to be let out, it needed to be let out.

Without realizing it I let out my antlers, and raised my hands towards the ceiling, all I could do was focus on this liquid inside me, and try to calm it down. After that my nails and antlers started to change, they began to turn into a red liquid like substance, and as they turned the raging liquid inside me began to calm down a bit. But, it wasn't over, it needed more, it needed to have more of itself out, but it didn't have anywhere else to go, so it made a new place to go.

I began to feel a piercing pain at the back of my head, it felt like someone was taking a powerdrill to my skull at full power, and judging by the warm fluid going down the back of my head, that's a fair example of what's happening. It took everything in me not to scream at the pain that my body wasn't prepared to handle yet, eventually it did stop, but each moment of it felt like hours of pain to me.

Soon, after the pain had stopped, I could feel something moving out of the back of my head, and towards my forehead. It somewhat felt like liquid, but it was somehow thicker, and harder, than any liquid I have ever felt in my entire existence. Once it reached it's destination, the holes in my head were finally allowed to heal, but it left whatever coming out of my head sticking out like a new pair of horns, I couldn't see it at the moment, but I could feel it.


[NOTICE the user has gained the quirk, Helical Scythe by eating the soul of Leviathan. Because of this the user will have this quirk be at the same rank that Leviathan managed to get it to it's max rank, Rank SS.]


Finally looking up after that painful experience, I saw that everyone that was here was surrounding me with worried expressions, hell even Dabi looked worried. Well, they did just see their leader hunch over in pain, and then start bleeding from her head, so I guess this is a normal response to that?

"Before any of you say anything... I'm fine, I just didn't expect this quirk to act this way when bonding with my body." My words may have placated their worries a bit, but this didn't stop them all from checking over me to make sure I was completely okay, even Maki was checking, because she didn't expect that to happen either.

"*Sighs* Maki, please show me what I currently look like, I need to know if this quirk mutated my looks further." She did as instructed and put her own point of view onto the screen in the room.

And, safe to say, I may not look that different, but damn I feel like I give off an entirely different vibe. My nails and antlers looked almost exactly like the way Leviathan's appendages looked, but that wasn't the weirdest part. That goes to whatever the hell is on my forehead, it looked kind of like a black piece of wood that grew out of my head, but it kind of reminded me of a crown, I guess I look a bit more like a king now, though that shit still hurt like hell 2/10 would not recommend.

"Well, shit, I'm going to have to figure out a way to hide this, 'cause I don't think hide it back into my body is an option anymore... Anyways, what were we doing aga-?" Before I could finish my question I finally noticed something, it's gone, that feeling like I was too weak to get Eri, it's completely gone, and in it's place there's a desire to hunt my 'prey' which I can only assume is Overhaul.

This is finally my chance, I can finally get my daughter! Oh, I am going to kill so many of those bastards! Never keep a demigod away from, what is going to be her newly, adopted daughter bitches! IT'S TIME FOR A MASSACRE!!!!!

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