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60% Reborn as God of the Underworld Hades / Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Gathering allies, impending war is near.

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6 - Gathering allies, impending war is near.

For decades, Hades delved deeper into the mysteries of his newfound ability, honing his skill in discreetly siphoning a small fraction of his father's divine power over Time. Maintaining a low profile, he meticulously navigated the delicate balance between tapping into this formidable force and avoiding detection.

With unparalleled control over his abilities, Hades seamlessly utilized his astral projection to venture beyond the confines of his father's belly, all without arousing suspicion.

This clandestine exploration offered him unique insights into the workings of the divine realm, and as the years passed, Hades became increasingly adept at manipulating time itself, a power he wielded with both caution and curiosity.

Mastering astral projection, he skillfully utilized his ethereal presence to weave a powerful alliance among a multitude of Titans and Titanesses, a formidable collective force that collectively chose to defy Kronos, his own father.

However, this formidable power comes with a caveat – Hades cannot interact with physical objects without exerting his divine energy, a restriction that inadvertently draws attention to his divine presence.

Within this coalition of rebellion were renowned figures such as Helios, the radiant god of the sun, Prometheus, the harbinger of fire for humanity, Epimetheus, the one who considered consequences, Eos, the goddess heralding dawn, Themis, embodiment of divine order, Selene, the captivating goddess of the moon, and numerous others.

Together, they stood united against the oppressive rule of Kronos, their combined strength and strategic prowess echoing through the annals of Greek mythology.

Helios, the god of the sun, manifested as a strikingly handsome figure, his countenance reflecting the brilliance of the sun itself. His skin radiated with an ethereal glow, capturing the essence of sunlight in every aspect of his being.

In contrast, Prometheus, a middle-aged deity of considerable stature, possessed a thick mane of hair and a commanding beard. What set him apart were his eyes, seemingly aglow with the flickering flames of divine intellect, a testament to his role as the bestower of fire upon humanity.

Epimetheus, standing alongside these formidable figures, presented a countenance that defied his age, appearing both youthful and inherently reasonable. His visage suggested a thoughtful and measured demeanor, contrasting with the fiery intensity of Prometheus.

Meanwhile, Selene emerged with cascading, obsidian locks that mirrored the vast expanse of the nocturnal heavens, where only the radiant glow of stars and the moon dared to illuminate. Her captivating figure exuded an allure that resonated with the mysterious beauty of the night.

In stark contrast, Eos materialized as a beacon of light, embodying the brilliance that emerges from the depths of darkness. Her presence radiated a calming beauty reminiscent of the gentle sunrise, ushering in a new day with a resplendent glow that chased away the shadows.

Meanwhile, Themis, with her pristine, flowing white hair, stood draped in an air of solemnity. Blindfolded and bearing a scale, she embodied the very symbol of her divine essence. The symbolism echoed through the ages, signifying the impartiality and balance that she held as a deity, her sightless gaze transcending earthly matters.

Hades skillfully persuaded them to join his cause by exploiting the profound animosity harbored by Helios, fueled by the tragic loss of his mortal lover at the hands of Hyperion. The anguish of witnessing his father's heinous act before her demise intensified Helios's resentment, kindling an intense desire within him to put an end to their tyrannical rule.

In contrast, Prometheus, accompanied by his brother Epimetheus, harbored a noble aspiration to alleviate human suffering and bring an end to the relentless bloodshed that plagued the mortal realm. Their altruistic motives stemmed from a deep-seated belief in the potential for humanity's betterment.

Similarly, figures like Selene, Themis, and Eos yearned for a harmonious resolution, driven by a shared pursuit of peace. United by their benevolent intentions, this group of deities stood in stark opposition to the malevolent forces that sought to perpetuate chaos and domination.

With unwavering determination, Hades pledged a solemn oath to dismantle his father's oppressive reign, vowing to spearhead the construction of a more just and enlightened order. In a profound display of commitment, he invoked the sacred waters of the river Styx, binding himself to an unbreakable promise that resonated with gravity.

The audacity of swearing such an oath to the river Styx, where the consequences of breaking it were nothing short of a dire curse eternally etched into one's divine soul, sent shockwaves through those who bore witness.

However, this audacious gesture became the linchpin that fostered trust and collaboration among the deities, as they recognized the depth of Hades' conviction and his willingness to bear the weight of such a formidable consequence. United by a common cause, they rallied together, forging a formidable alliance in their collective struggle against the tyrannical rule of Cronus.

Following his solemn oath, Hades embarked on a journey into the depths of the underworld, where he encountered Styx, the formidable Titaness and Goddess of Hatred.

In this subterranean realm, Styx manifested as an ominous, dark and muddy expanse of water, her presence both imposing and captivating. Despite her intimidating visage, she possessed an alluring beauty that belied the depth of her power.

Intrigued by Hades' charm and captivated by the sincerity of his purpose, Styx recognized him as someone trustworthy, finding a kindred spirit who shared similar sentiments towards Prometheus and the collective desire for positive change.

In a clandestine meeting within the shadowed recesses of the underworld, Styx, the Titaness Goddess of Hatred, extended a solemn promise to Hades.

While expressing her willingness to assist in their shared cause, she made it clear that she wouldn't compromise the integrity of the oath sworn to the river Styx.

Hades, discerning the fairness in her conditions, nodded in agreement, forging a pact that resonated with the gravity of divine consequences.

This newfound alliance opened the door for Hades to garner additional support from Styx's formidable offspring. Among them were Nike, the Titaness Goddess of Victory, whose unwavering determination mirrored her mother's commitment; Zelos, the Titan God of Rivalry, endowed with a competitive spirit that fueled his dedication to the cause; Bia, the Titaness Goddess of Force, whose strength complemented the alliance's collective might; and Cratus, the Titan God of Strength, whose formidable power added a significant asset to their burgeoning coalition.

Cratus, the Titan God of Strength, materialized as a bald, imposing figure, his muscular physique a testament to the embodiment of raw power. Each sinew and bulging muscle on his frame spoke volumes about his formidable might, creating an aura that resonated with an indomitable force. His presence alone seemed to radiate strength, an unyielding pillar upon which the alliance could lean.

On the other hand, Zelos, the Titan God of Rivalry, presented a contrasting visage. His dark skin accentuated the subtle contours of his more slender form, revealing a physique that, while not as overtly muscular as his brother's, exuded a unique charm.

Zelos possessed a captivating handsomeness that, coupled with an air of undeniable confidence, made him a compelling figure in his own right. Despite the variance in their physical attributes, the brothers Cratus and Zelos formed a harmonious duo, each contributing their distinct qualities to the collective strength of the alliance.

Nike, the Titaness Goddess of Victory, emerged as the embodiment of natural beauty, her long flowing blonde hair cascading around her like a radiant halo. Her ethereal appearance seemed to mirror the divine grace that accompanied her innate skills and talents, as if destiny itself had crafted her to achieve greatness. Nike's beauty, unmatched by many, became a testament to the harmonious blend of aesthetic allure and formidable prowess.

In stark contrast, Bia, another of Styx's formidable children, radiated an aura of power and unstoppable force. Her presence conjured images of the pinnacle of a female warrior, with every step echoing the resonance of unyielding strength.

Bia's reddish hair added a fiery touch to her visage, a striking departure from the golden locks of her sister. Despite the divergence in their appearances, both sisters bore an undeniable intensity, each channeling their unique attributes to contribute to the collective might of the alliance.

With meticulous plans set in motion, Hades embarked on a quest to secure additional support for the impending conflict. However, despite his relentless search, the elusive figures of Erebus, the Primordial God of Darkness, and Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night, remained shrouded in mystery, eluding his determined gaze.

The absence of these powerful Primordials posed a significant challenge, as their influence over darkness and night held the potential to tip the scales in favor of Hades' cause.

Yet, it became apparent that some of the ancient beings, including other Primordials, preferred to remain aloof from the unfolding conflict. Their reluctance to participate suggested a keen observance of the cosmic balance, as they watched from the shadows, choosing not to intervene at this juncture for the time being.

Contrastingly, amid the challenges of locating certain Primordials, Hades succeeded in his quest to find his grandmother—the venerable Titaness Goddess of Earth and the very essence of the world itself. As he stood in her presence, the weight of her maternal aura enveloped him, a testament to her nurturing nature that seemed to resonate with the very core of existence.

The Titaness, with her deep black hair cascading like tendrils of obsidian, exuded an aura of ancient wisdom and benevolence. Her eyes, reflective of eons of observation, held a profound understanding of the intricate dance between life and the planet she embodied. Hades, in her presence, felt a sense of overwhelming reverence, as if the very earth beneath his feet acknowledged the familial connection that bound them.

In this encounter with the Titaness Goddess, Hades found solace in the maternal embrace of one who held the world in her grasp. Her insights and wisdom became invaluable pillars of support as he navigated the complexities of his quest for a better order.

"Have you come seeking my aid, young one?"

Her voice, laced with an unbelievable presence, echoed through the ethereal realm, reaching Hades in his astral projection, far removed from the confines of his physical form. Despite the intangible nature of his spectral state, every syllable uttered by the Titaness Goddess of Earth resonated with a weight that transcended the boundaries of mere auditory perception.

In the celestial dance of vibrations, her words carried the essence of millennia, each utterance akin to the whispers of time itself. Hades, existing as nothing more than a projection in the cosmic tapestry, could feel the intricate nuances of her voice, as if each resonance painted vivid strokes upon the canvas of his ethereal being.

The maternal nature of the Titaness found manifestation not only in her physical presence but also in the profound impact of her voice. It was a conduit through which the wisdom of ages flowed, enveloping Hades in a symphony of understanding.

In this transcendent encounter, even in his astral form, he was immersed in the intricate details of her words, a testament to the immense power that the divine voice of the Titaness carried across the astral realms.

"Indeed, Grandmother. I aspired to bring an end to my father's oppressive reign and forge a more enlightened era for my allies and kin."

Hades maintained a regal tone, unwavering and unyielding, refusing to bow down or easily retreat in the face of challenges. His demeanor radiated a strength of will that belied any perception of weakness, a testament to the resilience ingrained in his divine essence.

Gaia, the Titaness Goddess of Earth, observed this display with a discerning gaze. Her ancient eyes, akin to windows into the eons, reflected a subtle glimmer of approval at the unyielding spirit displayed by her grandson.

The impressive fortitude he exhibited seemed to strike a chord with the Titaness, a silent acknowledgment of the strength inherent in the divine bloodline that flowed through their immortal veins.

"In your words, I sense no falsehood. Nevertheless, I shall refrain from intervening in this war until the moment deems it necessary."

Gaia's words reverberated through the astral expanse, each syllable carrying the weight of ancient wisdom and primordial authority.

The celestial echoes of her voice seemed to ripple through the very fabric of the ethereal realm. Yet, amidst this cosmic resonance, Hades remained steadfast, standing with an unyielding demeanor that defied the currents of divine energy swirling around him.

The unfazed countenance of Hades served as a testament to his indomitable spirit. The celestial tempest stirred by Gaia's words could not sway the resolute figure standing in their midst. His stance, regal and unbroken, became a focal point in the cosmic ballet, where the clash of titan energies and mortal resolve painted an intricate tapestry of divine dynamics.

"Then, I shall not compel you, Grandmother. However, I must humbly request something of you."

Hades, with a measured grace befitting his divine lineage, made his inquiry, a gesture that garnered the undivided attention of the Titaness. The resonance of his request hung in the celestial air, a subtle command that beckoned the forces of the cosmos to heed his words.


Gaia, her ancient voice carrying the cadence of the ages, spoke, her curiosity piqued by Hades' request. In the cosmic silence that followed, the Titaness, a custodian of boundless knowledge, stood ready to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden within the tapestry of time.

With a maternal grace, she conveyed an unspoken openness, assuring Hades that seeking the wisdom she held was a pursuit welcomed beneath the expansive canopy of her eternal understanding.

"In my initial quest, I sought the whereabouts of other primordial gods, yet I know the responses would mirror your own, Grandmother. Hence, I now turn my inquiry towards the regal expanse that lies beyond the boundaries of this world. My clairvoyance, potent as it may be, encounters an impasse, unable to traverse the celestial veil and discern the realms that elude our divine domain. I beseech your august wisdom to illuminate the mysteries that shroud the realms beyond, for even with my insight, the knowledge of mortals dwelling beyond our celestial abode remains enigmatic."

In his fervent quest for understanding, Hades sought more than the mere whereabouts of other primordial gods; his inquisitive gaze extended to the very fabric of existence.

Eloquent and poised, Hades articulated his inquiry, revealing a desire to fathom the existence of other pantheons or realms that might exist beyond their domain they inhabited.

The veil of clairvoyance that he possessed, while potent in unraveling mortal mysteries, encountered an insurmountable barrier when probing the vast expanses that transcended their divine domain. Thus, he turned to his esteemed grandmother, a repository of primordial wisdom, to shed light on the secrets that eluded even his keen perception.

In response to his earnest plea, Gaia, the Titaness of Earth, cast her ancient gaze upon her grandson. The weight of her contemplation mirrored the cosmic depth of the question posed, and in the silence that ensued, the exchange between them became a nuanced dance of ancestral connection and the yearning for cosmic revelations.

"You are yet to attain the maturity to fully grasp the answer, nor can you fathom the depths of our world. However, I shall indulge your inquiry. Beyond the sacred borders of our domains unfurls a tapestry of otherworldly realms, vast and immeasurable, ruled by gods akin to us. That, my dear grandson, is the extent of the revelation I can share with you."

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