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66% DxD: Guardian Angel / Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Just A Security Guard

Capítulo 31: Chapter 31: Just A Security Guard

Chapter 31:

"___" - Speech

(___) - Thoughts

{___} - Internal Voice(s)

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"Is this all of you?" In front of Jin were two individuals stood at attention, both wearing formal militaristic uniforms with white armbands fastened tightly onto their biceps. 

"Affirmative." One of them had a set of pointy bat-like wings protruding from their back, and the others black and feathery like that of a crow. Behind them were multiple Devils and Fallen Angels all neatly rallied and awaiting orders. 

They were the guards that had been put under Jin's command for the duration of the event. "Are our numbers dissatisfactory?" The Devil questioned, warranting a stiff shake of the head from his temporary superior. 

"No, I was merely checking. How about you? Has everyone been accounted for?" He turned to the Fallen Angel, whom was naturally more than content with being placed under Jin's command. 

"Yes sir, all thirty of us." Jin met him with a nod of affirmation. "But if it's alright with you, I do have a slight inquiry I'd like to make." Understandably so, neither of them were able to retract their attention from the odd creature comfortably perched around Jin's shoulders. 

"Is that a—" 

"He is." Jin confirmed before the Fallen Angel could finish getting the words out of his mouth. "And he's none of your business, understood?" The underling gulped down a nervous chunk of saliva as he nodded stiffly. 

"You should remember the positions I've instructed you to delegate your subordinates to correct?" They both gestured affirmatively. "Start relaying them, the first wave of guests should be arriving any minute now." 

"Understood." They responded in unison, hastily marching off as the guards began taking their positions. 

"Halfling, sandwiches when bring?" Raon asked. 

"Almost, it's 'when are they bringing the sandwiches'." Though the hatchlings' innate intelligence was nothing to scoff at, his rate of learning still had its limits. But, unsurprisingly words like 'halfling' and 'sandwiches' were hardly an issue for him. "And to answer your question, I'm not sure." 

Raon wasn't exactly too enthusiastic when it came to learning a language other than his own, but not knowing what Jin was talking about with other people inevitably got under his scales. Hence, in an effort to improve his spoken proficiency he had opted to practice as much as possible.

"Not happy." The peckish Dragon furthered.


Jin's attention turned towards the elevator as it opened up, a smile creeping up his face as a familiar figure was revealed from within its confines. 

"Look who decided to show up." 

"It's good to be back, Jin-sama." Oron smiled. "I hear you had quite the interesting teacher over these past few weeks?" 

"Interesting is an understatement." He laughed. "Where's Azazel?" 

"He'll be arriving with the rest of the leaders, I was sent a little early in order to assist you with security, but it looks like you've already got it all handled?" 

"We'll find that out for sure once everyone's here." 

"I'm sure it'll be fine, but more importantly." Oron hesitated, carefully examining the bandages wrapped over Jin's right hand. "What's with that?" 

"My reward for the torture I've been put through as of late, I'm guessing your situation with Azazel wasn't so different?" 

"On the contrary, according to him my third pair should be growing in any minute now. Azazel-sama's training was nothing short of superb." He beamed. 

(Third pair? I don't even have my second yet…) 

"As hard as I find that to believe, I'll have to take you for your word." 

"Haha." Oron glanced towards Raon. "How have the two of you been getting along?" 

"Sandwiches you have?" Raon questioned, stretching his neck out as he sniffed the air around Oron. To which the latters eye's flared in surprise. 

"Since when?" 

"I've been doing my best to teach him, but as you can see his speech is still a little broken." Upon realizing that the assistant had no treats worth his while on him, the hatchling turned his attention away as he leaned back into Jin. "We'll get there eventually, with luck." 

"It's only been three weeks Jin-sama, this is nothing short of impressive." Oron complimented. 

"Impressive." Raon repeated, holding his head up high as he took the praise as his own. 

Jin noticed how Oron's expression tightened as he examined the venue, his eyes hopping from one window to another. "Something the matter?" 

"I understand the importance of this event, Jin-sama, but I must admit I still have my reservations." He admitted. 

"Khaos Brigade?" 

"Mhm, they somehow had the gall to attack the first conference. I don't see why they wouldn't attempt the same thing here." Jin nodded in understanding. 

"I agree, and Azazel probably is of the same opinion." 


"It's like you said, the event still holds significant importance. So much so that even with the Brigade as a threat it cannot afford to be canceled, that's why we need to be on top of things." 


"I know, last time the enemy we faced was too much for us to handle on our own. Even with our training we probably wouldn't stand a chance in hell taking on someone of their caliber." His chest puffed as he took a deep breath, clenching his bandaged hand in the process. "But we've been entrusted with security, so we'll keep things secure. Regardless of how convenient it is for us." 

"Can't say that exactly fills me with confidence, Jin-sama." Oron replied. 



"Thought you'd be here." Jin felt the need to thoroughly rub his eyes as he observed the person who had just appeared in front of him, a part of him hoping that he had simply been abruptly thrusted into a bad dream. "What's with the grim face? Aren't you happy to see me?" The woman motioned. 

"Judging by the fact you're here, I'm guessing it's safe to assume that you ended up making the contract? Kyouko." His face seemed to get heavier as the realization that he was in fact very awake continued to seep in. "I'll be honest, I'm surprised." 

"What can I say? Her talent impressed me." Sona commented, with a glass of pricey looking wine in her hand. 

(You mean her talent to amass restraining orders?) 

"So, any plans on introducing us to your new companion over there?" Though the circumstances warranted a calm and composed demeanor, neither of the two could withhold their glistening intrigue as they observed the creature on Jin's shoulders with wanting eyes. 

"Raon! Mighty!" The hatchling roared, spreading his wings out in the process.

"Kya!" She cooed. "Jin, as your older sister I demand you let me pet him at once. Or is it a she?" Kyouko reached her hand out to pat Raon, to which Jin responded by swiftly slapping her hand away like an overprotective parent. 

"Absolutely not, I don't even want to imagine where those hands have been." 

"No fair!" She pouted as her contractor breathed a faint chuckle. "So, is it really what I think it is?" She questioned with sparkling eyes. 

"No, he's a cat." He replied plainly. 


"That sounded funnier in my head, but yes, Raon is in fact a Dragon." 

"Mighty Dragon!" Raon repeated, smacking Jin's head with his paw. 

"Yes yes, you're very mighty." He groaned as Raon huffed victoriously. 

"He's cute, how did you even end up with him in the first place?" 

"Long story short, Azazel handed him off to me, and now I'm playing Dragon-dad for the foreseeable future." 

"Speaking of Azazel." Kyouko's lip twitched as Jin felt the sudden urge to retreat. "You didn't tell me your [King] was the Governor General of all people, care to explain yourself?" 

(Why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut?)

"Well you see, the thing is." She hummed whilst awaiting his explanation. "The motive that led to said decision was." 

"Out with it already." 

"Basically what happened was— LOOK A PERSON WITH E-CUPS!" He bellowed abruptly, shocking Sona to her core. 

"WHERE?" As if she was moving at the speed of light, Kyouko's head snapped behind her whilst Jin took advantage of the distraction to sneak off, disappearing into the crowd. "...Shit." She sighed. 



"What's an E-cup?" 

"Don't worry about it." He replied hurriedly, grabbing one of the nearby snacks to shut down the hatchlings' questioning. 


The event continued on as planned whilst Jin continued to evade Oron and Kyouko's constant search for his whereabouts. 

As he paced the venue his attention continuously shifted from entrance to entrance, though nothing appeared to be blatantly out of place, the Khaos Brigade's previous attack had instilled him with an ingrained sense of a paranoia. Like he needed to be looking over his shoulder at all times. 

His only reassurance was the fact that the Faction Leaders gathered around the main podium seemed fairly tame, if anyone were to notice something off beforehand, it'd be them. 

(That guy with the grass hair, that must be the Beelzebub. It's probably just my imagination, but he doesn't look all that happy to be here.) 


"Woah." All of a sudden, a chunk of the venue's wall came flying across the room as a cloud of dust erupted from amongst the rubble. 

"Sir, should we intervene?" A voice queried through Jin's earpiece. 

"No need, I'll handle it." 

"Halfling, happen what?" 

"Looks like they're having a bit of a fight." Jin tossed a cookie into Raon's mouth as the dust gradually began to clear, revealing two figures from within. 

"It looks like you really want to die, Zephyrdor." A feminine voice bellowed, stemming from a woman with long pale greenish hair and long slit pink eyes. "Although I find the time and place inappropriate, I'd be happy to oblige with your request." 

(Is grass hair a fashion statement in the Underworld or something?) 

"I'm just doing my civic duty keeping trash off the streets, what's wrong with that? Seekvaira." Another voice countered, originating from a tattooed man with spiked greenish-blue hair and pointed ears, like that of an elf. 

(It's probably best to handle this without being seen, these guys certainly don't seem the type to let go of a grudge.) 

"What's going on?" A familiar voice echoed in the distance. 

"A fight?" Another questioned. 

"Hmph, sounds like you're projecting to me." Seekvaira furthered, a magic circle appearing in front of her as she readied an attack. 

"Empty words." Zephyrdor crouched as he pointed his knees to the ground, seemingly intent on charging her at any moment like a raging bull. 


"I'll be fine, I think." 

(A little help here.) 

Jin's focus tightened as a faint icy light radiated from his bandaged hand, soon resulting in an odd miniature cloud forming above the heads of the two quarreling Noble's. 

"The hell?" 


A similar light glistened from within the cloud as snow droplets fell from above, seemingly harmless in nature as they elegantly gilded downwards. 

"Is this supposed to be some sort of bad joke or what?" The Glasya-Labolas candidate wondered, reaching his hand out of mere curiosity. 

— Which in turn, left him in an unexpected world of pain. 

"Holy Power!?" Both himself and Seekvaira's eyes grew bloodshot as the burning sensation of the natural poison entering their bodies brought them to their knees. "Who's responsible for thi—" In a matter of seconds, it rendered them unconscious as the bystanders looked on with gaping mouths. Their only response being to back away from the white powder, harboring little intent on meeting the same fate as the two on the floor.

(Might've gone a little overboard, but as long as they aren't dead I'm sure it'll be fine.) 

As Adaloth had mentioned, achieving [Balance Breaker] had expanded Jin's arsenal in regards to his Draconic side. Allowing him to wield the same power of ice Silver Dragons used, albeit his lackluster command over it led to him needing Adaloth's assistance in controlling at the moment. 

But as always, with enough practice he'd be able to make it his own. 

"I take it that was your doing?" Jin's pupils dilated out of shock as he quickly craned his neck 180 degrees. 

"Is it your mission to give me a heart attack or what? Sairaorg." He snapped, placing his hand over his chest as he tried to settle his speeding heart rate. 

"Haha, apologies, must be a habit of mind." He lightheartedly replied. "I was planning on intervening myself, but it looks like you got this whole security gig squared away." 

"I'll admit it's not exactly the most glamorous position, but I'd take this over being up there any day." He motioned toward the podium. 

"Tell me about it, but with the path I've chosen I'll have to get used to it eventually." 

"Oh? How's that?" 

"I probably should've told you at some point, but I'm planning on becoming Maou someday. I like to think I've taken good care of myself physically, but I can't ignore the political aspects of the prospect either." 

(With the current competition, I don't think you're going to have any problems with that.) 

"Maou huh? That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the favor you mentioned Azazel was going to do for you?" 

"Your memory's sharp." He chuckled. "What can I say? It doesn't hurt to have a few friends down the road." 

"Well, I've yet to see a Devil with even a fraction of your dedication thus far. If anyone's suitable for the position it'd be you." 

"Glad to hear it, what about you? Any ambitions of your own you're gunning for?" Jin scratched his chin as he soon came upon the realization that he had hardly given any thought to his own future. 

"Uhm, I'll probably try become the God of Snow or something." He listlessly answered.


"Forget I said anything." 

Iguana32 Iguana32

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