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82.83% Hogwarts : leveling up the world / Chapter 111: Chapter 111 - Beneath the Wall

Capítulo 111: Chapter 111 - Beneath the Wall

As night descended upon Meereen, only the prostitutes in certain parts of the city toiled tirelessly...

In the northernmost point of the Essos continent, beneath the grand Wall, within the black castle, Dumbledore and Grindelwald completed their final preparations before venturing beyond the Wall.

"Well then. Shall we depart?" inquired Grindelwald.

"I believe we should set out at dawn. Visibility will be better," stated Dumbledore.

"What difference does it make, traveling in a stormy night or day? In any case, fire will both illuminate and warm us," remarked Grindelwald, a delicate layer of blue flames enveloping his body, as if crafting armor. Thus, Grindelwald adapted his cherished Fiendfyre spell, now shielding himself from the outside world with a thin layer of Fiendfire, though it was difficult to control. Yet Grindelwald, as the spell's creator, still held value, especially after becoming an Archmage.

Upon hearing him, Dumbledore interjected, "We would be like fireflies in a field. Too conspicuous. I believe we should gather intelligence before engaging in battle."

"Ha, are you afraid? Asmodeus himself said that besides a demigod, there is no one here who could threaten us."

"How do you know that a demigod isn't beyond the Wall?"

"Asmodeus said..."

"Ding, ding, ding, Mr. Morningstar is calling you. Do you wish to take the call?"

"Oh, remember to summon the devil, and there he is. Take the call."

"Hello, it's Asmodeus. Have you already gone beyond the Wall?"

"Hello, not yet. Albus wants to leave at dawn, but I want to leave now."

"That's good. I have foreseen something. And because of that, I think we should change our plans."

"Oh? Your prophecy is indeed stronger than mine and Nicolas's combined... So, what is it?"

Asmodeus thought to himself, 'Oh, how I wish I truly had the gift of prophecy. Although it can be purchased within the system, it's too expensive and not as good as Gellert's or Nicolas's, or even Trelawney's... Well, I do have an advantage in this regard, and it's enough... For now...'

Quickly returning from his thoughts, Asmodeus said, "Tomorrow, John Snow will lead an army to defend the city of Winterfell. His brother will be there, whom you should rescue. This will help you gain John Snow's trust. It's important, John Snow will be needed in the future! I'm almost done with my affairs on my end. I've found a good way to subdue and annex new territories. Again, John Snow is crucial for this!"

"Yeah, okay, okay, we got it, what are you ranting about?! Better tell us what the plan is?"

"Alright. You may not know, but there's currently a power struggle in this world. To put it briefly, a toppled dynasty is swiftly regaining strength and seeks to reclaim its former position. I've decided to assist them under certain conditions. Don't worry, the conditions are very much in our favor. Additionally, the previously overthrown dynasty consists, to some extent, of wizards, although they are more akin to squibs with certain abilities to tame dragons... But that's beside the point. The problem with the dynasty is that they tend towards cruelty and paranoid thinking. The dynasty is called Targaryens, and based on what I've seen in prophecy, John is also a member of the Targaryen family, but unlike the others, he is sane. I want to connect him with a Targaryen woman so that the dynasty can unite and govern the territories stably, on our terms. Therefore, protect John Snow and his half-brother. By the way... No, I'd better do it myself and later. In short, get in touch with me tomorrow after you've talked to John Snow, you can even call me in his presence."

"So what about the expedition beyond the Wall then? Are we canceling further exploration of the territories? You know, I don't mind, it's just that those territories aren't on the map yet..."

"We'll have time to deal with that later. For now, according to Asmodeus's plan, it's more important to establish good relations with the locals," Dumbledore also chimed in.

"I didn't say I was against it, I just wanted to crush some undead..."

"Gellert, I promise you - you'll have your chance. So don't worry about it. Initially, I had the idea of letting these White Walkers pass through the Wall to clear the continents, and then we could peacefully take over, but I think Dumbledore wouldn't agree with my approach..."

"Oh yeah, he's a weakling. Although he's gotten better since the magical surge, he's still so kind-hearted..."

"I just don't see the point in unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Sure, of course, some idiot swordsman tried to rob us. I wanted to burn him, but Dumbledore stopped me and just erased his memory."

"That's his nature. Alright, let's stay in touch. By the way, if the opportunity arises, get rid of... Forget it, I'll decide on that later. In short, protect the Stark boy, he's important to us alive, he's the last heir of the North."

"Isn't there that girl too... What's her name? Oh, Sansa Stark, that's it."

Gellert only asked as he heard the sound, "Call ended."

"No respect for elders..."

"He's stronger than you, and you don't mind talking to him like that. Here, have a candy."

"Get these disgusting bugs away from me!"

"Well, too bad..."

*Crunch, crunch*

Grindelwald grimaced in disgust as Dumbledore chewed on the candy, which looked like a bug...

"Alright, do you remember what that guy said at the meeting?"

"They'll set out at dawn."

"How will we help? Just protect whoever Asmodeus asks, or help win the battle?"

"Well, Asmodeus said that good relations with this guy, John Snow, would be helpful, so I think we can help."

"Should we let him know about our presence?"

"I think we should talk to him first... Otherwise, our help might be seen as luck if we're not visible."

"True. So shall we go together?"

"No. You stay here; you're practically radiating disdain for the locals."

"Oh, I haven't seen Muggles in two years, my old habits..."

"Forget it. I'll go see this John Snow, and you rest. You need to be well-rested for the battle; your third eye is very useful."


Dumbledore exited the room. Upon leaving, he glanced at a small one-person tent and headed towards the camp of the wildlings and Night's Watch.

In one of the tents in the camp, John Snow was arguing with Sansa Stark.

"We can't leave our brother!"

"Please listen to me. He wants you to make a mistake!"

"Well, of course, that's how it goes in war! What else do you suggest I do?!"

"I don't know, I know nothing about battles. You just shouldn't do what he wants from you."

"Ha, good advice."

"Too obvious, isn't it?!"

"Yes, I would say it's quite obvious."

"If you had asked me earlier, I would have told you not to go to Winterfell until we had more people! Or is that also obvious?!"

"When would we gather more?! We've called upon all the houses we could! The Blackfish won't help us! We're lucky to have this many!"

"It's not enough!"

"Yes, it's not enough! But it's all we have! We've won battles with fewer forces."

"If Ramsay wins. I won't return alive to the castle..."

John wanted to respond, but behind him, a voice was heard.

"Young lady, you shouldn't be so pessimistic."

John's hair stood on end. He hadn't sensed anyone approaching him!

John instantly drew his sword and stepped back, facing the entrance to the tent.

"Who are you?! And how did you sneak into the tent without a sound?!"

John pointed his sword at the strange stranger.

Before him stood a man who appeared to be 35-40 years old, with a long thick beard and bright blue eyes, so bright they almost glowed. He was dressed very differently from the weather. A strange gray suit, nothing like what is worn in Westeros, no armor or weapons were visible on him. The only thing that slightly stood out was a thin wand about 15 inches long, which lay in the man's right hand and was pointed downwards.

John quickly scrutinized the man and spoke in a deep voice, "Identify yourself, stranger! Answer my questions!"

Meanwhile, Dumbledore remained perfectly calm as the sword hovered 30 centimeters from his chest. "Oh, there's no need to be so agitated. Actually, I'm here to help you, Mr. John Snow," said Dumbledore leisurely, with a smile on his face. Extending his hand, he gently moved the sword away from himself.

John didn't lower his sword but became even more wary. He asked again, "Who are you?"

Dumbledore sighed wearily and said, "I don't particularly enjoy introducing myself this way, but... I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, a member of the Supreme Council of Wizards, a great white wizard, and the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"I've never heard of the name Dumbledore or any of the organizations you mentioned! You're lying," John retorted.

John didn't lower his weapon; after being betrayed and killed by his own comrades once, he approached everything unknown with more caution, especially when someone managed to approach him unnoticed.

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Mr. Snow, I come to you in peace, and there's no need to fear me. Besides, if I had hostile intentions..."



Dumbledore instantly appeared behind John, between him and Sansa.

"You wouldn't even have noticed where I came from," Dumbledore whispered in John's ear.


Dumbledore appeared again in his original position.

John felt cold sweat dripping from his forehead. At first, he thought Dumbledore was simply very fast or stealthy, and he hadn't noticed him by a stroke of luck. However, the strange disappearance and reappearance made him realize that he stood no chance against this peculiar man.

Understanding the power disparity, John lowered his sword and sheathed it.

Dumbledore nodded approvingly. "I'm glad you've calmed down, Mr. Snow. Would you like some tea?" he asked, pulling out a tea set from his bag.

John was no longer surprised by this, as he had experienced similar occurrences with Daenerys and Asmodeus before. What surprised him was that with a wave of Dumbledore's hand, the old table before him transformed into a set of nice wooden chairs and three small tables.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore rummaged through his bag. "Ah, there you are," he said, taking out a wooden board and a flask of red liquid. Pointing his wand at the board and dipping his finger into the liquid, Dumbledore began to draw on the board while murmuring something.

He finished quickly, and strange symbols appeared on the board, glowing red.

Just as John wanted to ask what it was, he felt a warm breeze enveloping the tent. Within seconds, the snow in the tent began to melt, and John started feeling hot in his cloak.

Shaking the flask of dragon's blood in his hands, Dumbledore explained, "This is a basic alchemical tool, or rather, a rune activated by dragon's blood and mana. It adjusts the temperature of the surrounding environment. I see that the lady behind you is cold, so I decided to make the surroundings warmer. As long as there's enough dragon's blood, this device can heat an area of up to 20 square meters."

"Who are you really..." John began.

"I've already told you, my name is Albus Dumbledore. I've come to help you. Tea?" Dumbledore waved his hand, and a cup of hot tea flew into Sansa's and John's hands respectively.

"Honey?" Dumbledore asked.

John shook his head, but Sansa replied, "Yes, please."

"Here you go," Dumbledore said as a spoonful of honey flew to Sansa's tea and dipped into it.

Looking at the tea in his hands and the warming Sansa, John asked, "I meant, why hasn't anyone heard of someone with such abilities as yours? Many have heard of the Red Woman, but she clearly can't do what you've done. Isn't resurrecting someone basic for wizards? And your actions seem much more complex?"

Hearing that John thought resurrecting someone was a basic skill for wizards, Dumbledore, who was sipping his tea, almost choked. "Ahem, ahem. I would probably be the happiest person alive if it were so. But I can assure you, I don't know anyone who can resurrect someone. Besides, I still can't understand how the so-called Red Woman brought you back to life... I don't sense any magic in her."

"But she clearly brought me back from the dead!"

"I'm not sure about that... From what I know, there's someone in your world like a god, and perhaps he's fully capable of bringing you back to life."

John fell into contemplation again, wondering why R'hllor had brought him back...

At this moment, Sansa, who had been listening attentively, asked, "In your world?"

"Oh, clever girl. Yes, in mine, although now this world is ours," Dumbledore replied.

At this point, John regained his composure. "What do you mean?" he inquired.

"In short - my world consumed yours," Dumbledore explained.


"Could you provide a more detailed answer?" Sansa requested.

"I'm not sure if you felt an earthquake about five days ago?" Dumbledore asked.


"That was the result of the merging of worlds. Now your continent, Westeros, is adjacent to the islands where my friends and I live."


"Alright, it doesn't matter right now. I've come to offer my help."

"Do you want to help us kill Ramsay?" John asked.

"Well, my initial goal is to protect your younger brother. But I have a friend who wishes to participate in the war."

"Why do you want to help me?" John inquired.

"Seers. I am a member of the Supreme Council of Wizards in my world. The Supreme Council is something like an assembly that decides the direction of my world. Thirteen of the most powerful wizards in the world... For you, they would be like kings, gathering to guide the development of people. It so happened that our worlds merged, and we need to neutralize potential threats at their inception."

"So, you came to check on us?"

"What? No, no, honestly speaking, you're useless to us... no offense. Threats like your White Walkers, aggressive rulers, and so on. We don't want aggressive creatures, including human armies, roaming near the borders of our territories."

"I more or less understand your goal. But why help me save my brother?" John pressed on.

"That's a good question. But I can't give you an answer for that. I'm not leading this operation. My good friend and student, Asmodeus Morningstar, who is the chairman of the council, sent me and another person on reconnaissance to this continent while he himself went to the so-called Essos. Asmodeus has a certain gift for seeing the future, and he told me to protect your brother and you."

"Isn't it overestimating me for a creature that can command you?" John questioned.

"Firstly, he doesn't command. He's my friend, someone who once allowed me to atone for my regrets. And secondly, I'm happy to help him; he's my friend and former student... although he only spent a year at Hogwarts... But that's beside the point. He believes you can be useful in the future, so establishing relations with you through saving your brother is a good idea."

"Did you just reveal your plans too easily? What if, after I learned why you saved my brother, I don't trust you anymore and don't want to help?" John asked.

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, you're not like that. At least, in the eyes of your subordinates and based on my observations, I can say for sure that you are a worthy man. Honestly, even in my world, such an honest and faithful person is rare. I know that by saving your brother, whatever my reasons may be, you will remember this kindness and listen to me in the future."

John initially wanted to add something, but quickly realized that Albus was right. Whatever the reasons, he wanted to help him, and with his character, he would never forget this assistance.

"You know me well... And have you been watching me for long?" John asked.

"Not really, I just have my methods," Dumbledore replied with a nod, leaving John puzzled about what those methods might be.

"Well, since a person who can turn winter into summer with a wave of his hand wants to help me, I'll be glad to cooperate. I don't know how I'll be useful in the future, but as long as it doesn't go against my principles, I'll repay you!" John stated.

"I know, that's why I came to you like this," Dumbledore responded.

"How do you plan to save Rickon?" John inquired.

"I'll find an opportunity on the battlefield tomorrow," Dumbledore replied.

"That doesn't sound very reliable..." John began, but was interrupted by another voice.

"I could just burn the entire enemy army, problem solved. Does that sound reliable?" Another man entered the tent, with strange golden eyes and snow-white hair sticking out. He was dressed similarly to Dumbledore, but instead of gray, this man wore an all-black suit.

Dumbledore also turned to him and said, "You were supposed to go to sleep. Why are you monitoring me?"

"I decided to see how you would interact with the locals. So, I followed. And don't tell me you didn't notice me; I know that after the lineage transformation, your instinct is as sharp as a phoenix's," the man replied.

"Hehe, I just didn't want to expose you," Dumbledore chuckled.

"...Uh, sorry to interrupt. Lord Dumbledore, is this man your friend?" John asked.

"Yes, allow me to introduce you. Gellert Grindelwald, also a member of the Supreme Council of Wizards. And my old, old friend," Dumbledore introduced.

"You're the old one, I'm young," Grindelwald retorted.

"Well, yes. Compared to Nicholas, you're very young, only 110 years old," Dumbledore replied.

"And what about you? You're 112 and still wearing a jacket from 60 years ago," Grindelwald pointed out.

"Excuse me, maybe I misunderstood. But, how old are you?" John asked.

"Are you deaf? I'm 110, and this bearded one is 112," Grindelwald replied.


John had nothing to say. Grindelwald's abruptness, after Dumbledore's softness, threw him off a bit.

"Alright, Gellert, if you're here, sit down and don't interfere with the conversation," Dumbledore said.

"What's there to decide? You'll save this guy's brother, and I'll help in the battle. I've always been curious why wizards lost to Muggles in the war 350 years ago," Grindelwald stated.

"You know it's because of the traitors within the wizarding community..." Dumbledore began, but was interrupted again.

"Merlin's beard, Albus, let me have some fun. My justification is what it is," Grindelwald interjected.

"Alright, alright, stop it. I'm grateful to you for the help. Please, save Rickon tomorrow," John said, standing up and extending his hand to Albus.

Albus responded with a handshake.


Rules are the same. 90 stones is one more chapter. Actually I would rather recommend everybody to check my patreon. It's 20 chapters ahead.....

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