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73% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 73: Chapter 73 - En Sabah Nur

Capítulo 73: Chapter 73 - En Sabah Nur


It's nighttime, and everybody should be asleep in the Institute. As it turns out, someone's roaming around the corridors. This person enters the professor's room, and moments later; a slight moan can be heard. Next, the person goes to see Jean asleep. Jean isn't aware there's somebody entering her room and another moan is heard from her room.

Kitty is awoken by another moan, coming from Scott's room. She jumps out of her bed, but as she goes towards her door, somebody opens it. She hides behind the door, and phases through the wall. It freaks her out, but the next moment, she's down. Rogue has followed her and has absorbed her powers.

Next morning, Kitty's awoken by her alarm clock. She's reluctant to wake up, suffering from a headache. It isn't until she looks at her clock; she notices she's overslept. Moments later, she phases into Kurt's room. He too is reluctant to wake up, until Kitty phases him right through his blankets and tells him they're gonna be late for school. Kurt teleports them both down.

Rogue's in the bathroom, not feeling too well. "What's a bizarre dream, I think I need some therapy," Rogue murmured, she thinks she's just had a bad dream. Downstairs, the other kids are preparing breakfast, with or without using their powers.

Kurt was putting plates on, Rogue enters the room but doesn't feel like having breakfast.

Not much later, we see the kids outside High School, running to be in time for their lessons. Rogue, however, suddenly hesitates and stops. She turns around and steps into a black limo that has just pulled over.

As Scott and Sharky are walking to their classes, they're talking about the fact it's their last day at Bayville High. But Principal Kelly comes and warns them to not be present at the Graduation Ceremony, he wants the mutant free.

"Don't try to put your ideas on me, I am not like other ones, who can calmly hear you," Sharky said and gave him a smack. Jean quickly tried to control him, and took him from there. She knows how to calm Sharky, so she is able to do it.

Meanwhile, in the home of Wanda. Rogue gets to the front door then rings the doorbell. As Wanda goes to open it, "Who rings the bell, there is not anyone," she's confused and looks around but sees nobody.

Going back indoors, Wanda's suddenly lifted into the air and sees Rogue floating above her. Wanda gets touched, and she is knocked out.

Rogue then gets to the Brotherhood's house and rings the doorbell. Lance's having some breakfast too, he goes to open the room, but he is also knocked out.

Fred goes to get his lunch, till he notices Lance lying on the floor. He's surprised, but the next moment, Rogue got him too.

In the living room, when Toad gets the bowl out of his face, he sees Rogue and manages to dodge her assault. But Rogue ports right in front of Toad, "I hate this part!" Toad murmured before being knocked out.

Pietro, meanwhile, gets downstairs and finds the others unconscious. He suddenly notices Rogue. "What's going on," He asked, but she only opened her eyes and looked at him with two glowing red eyes. Pietro tries to run away, but Rogue pulls him back with telekinesis. Moments later Rogue leaves the house. Mystique's waiting for her.

Later in the evening, it's begun to rain, and as Storm's looking outside, she says to Jean, "Nothing I can't handle, don't worry it won't rain on her Graduation."

"Thank Storm, I want to be perfect for my family,"Jean's thankful for that.

"Well, have you given any thought about your future?" Xavier comes in his wheelchair and asks.

"Well, I am thinking about reading and studying medicine, maybe in genetics. I know, I can find a great tutor," Jean replied, giving tea to Xavier.

Meanwhile, the limo arrives at a warehouse. Rogue points a window out to Mystique. Mystique nods as she reaches out her hand. Rogue touches it, steps out of the car and morphs into a hawk. She flies through the open window and morphs back.

Colossus is there, carrying a heavy crate. He doesn't even know what hit him. Moments later, as she drags Colossus from under the crate, she gets jumped by Sabretooth. Rogue, however, knocks Sabretooth out with her hand in Colossus mode.

As she does that, she notices a reflection of a flame on the metal surface. "You are stupid for being here," Pyro begins to touch her. Rogue, however, steps out of the flames in Colossus-mode, and Pyro bites the dust when Rogue knocks him out in Colossus mode.

But Gambit is waiting for her, "Bravo strategy, looks to me like Rogue is up to no good, but hey I like the girl," He pointed to her in Colossus form.

As Rogue begins to approach Gambit, he backs off, holding his staff. "Only thing is, you are not alone in this, are you? Who's behind you, and if it's Mystique, so why?" But Rogue just attacks him with telekinesis and slams him into some walls. Gambit's down too.

Then Magneto arrives and gets greeted by the sight of his Acolytes down. He stops next to Gambit and calls out for Rogue. Then he sees a second Gambit lying there, but before he fully realizes it, the 'Gambit' next to him turns back into Rogue and touches him.

Meanwhile, at night Sharky was with Wanda, he put her in a bed. After Wanda wakes up, she is in confusion, so she calls for Sharky, and he quickly arrives for her.

"Do you see who attacked you?" He asked her, he was taking care of her.

"No Sharky, I didn't see it clearly, when I just turned from the door, someone touched and knocked me out," Wanda replied, she felt a little confused.

"It's okay, I am here with you," Sharky said, as he put a blanket on her. But she caught his hand.

"What happened?" He asked. "Sharky, I think maybe the person will return back, so please don't leave me alone tonight," Wanda said, as she hugged Sharky.

"Of course, I am not going to leave you," Sharky said, as he adjusted himself together with her in bed.

Wanda after leaning in Sharky's arms, she started calming down, and she feels she wants something more. "Sharky, since I have lost the energy, why not do the Dual Cultivation, so I will recover my energy," She suggested, her hands starting the action of undressing Sharky.

Sharky, seeing her actions, didn't know what to say, so he came to calm her down. But after calming down, all confusion vanished, and she wanted his Dragon.

But still, he cooperated with her, and started undressing her. After both became the nude, Wanda started waking his Dragon by giving the warmth and saliva of her mouth.

Then Sharky pointed his Dragon, then adjusted it, and with a natural push, he started exploring her Sacred Forest. While she started moaning in pleasure. All night Wanda and Sharky spend in sexual pleasure, and all the weakness, which Sharky has filled in saving the Rogue and X-Men, all vanished filling him with full of energy.

Sharky understands both Wanda and him are not only a couple but also tonic for each other.

As the morning light shines on them, Sharky is ready to go to his graduation ceremony at Bayville High School. Although he already graduated in his Universe, but still after going school in this Universe 11052, he was again ready for it.

And just when he wants to wake up, Wanda holds his hand, "What happened?" He asked her.

"Sharky, please also spend today with me," Wanda replied by showing her puppy eyes.

"Why, all night we have already done this," Sharky replied to her.

But Wanda tightly hugged Sharky, "Sharky, I want to visit romantic places, together with you, I want today to go on a date," She replied.

Sharky thought for a few seconds, and knows she has not any happy memories of childhood before meeting him. So he accepted her demands, "Ok."

"Thank you Sharky, thank you," Wanda shouted happily, she started kissing all over Sharky's face, and then since both of them were still nude, a passion ignited, and their morning turned into intimate moments.

Meanwhile, at the Bayville High School, the time of Graduation's about to begin. Jean and Kitty are in robes, talking about the nice weather and about their journey to Bayville High School, when Jean's family arrives.

When the ceremony begins, Kelly starts a speech. Present among the crowd is Pietro: he's watching Rogue. But then Kelly noticed Magneto, the Acolytes and the Brotherhood entering the grounds.

People begin to panic, Kelly tries to calm them down, but nobody's listening anymore. Rogue flees but Pietro stops her and brings her to Magneto. He holds her in place by surrounding her with iron chairs. Mesmero's there too, looking on from under the stands.

Charles Xavier asked, "What are you doing Magneto?"

"Rogue's attacked us under Mesmero's control, she absorbed our powers," Magneto replied.

"What proof do you have?" Charles Xavier asks him to prove it.

"My security cameras, they recorded everything." Megnoto replied, but before he does more, Rogue flies into the air and hurls the chairs against the mutants.

"Rogue stop," Xavier said, but before he does anything, Rogue flies off, throwing the chair towards X-Men. Most chairs miss or get warded off, but Kitty and Kurt get knocked down.

"Logan follows her," Charles quickly orders.

"Sabretooth and Gambit will help him." Magneto also commanded.

Wolverine refuses, but Charles says, "There's too much at stake." Both Wolverine and Sabretooth growl. Moments later, the three are off on their motorcycles.

As Wolverine and Sabretooth exchange looks, Gambit remarks "Things might get interesting."

Not much later, Charles and Magneto are walking through the corridors under the institute. Charles tells, "We've to find Rogue and stop her from getting the third key or."

"I know the alternative, finding the portal and defending it." Magneto added, and continued. "But we will only succeed when we form a team with their most experienced members."

"To prevent Mesmero from taking anyone under his control, I am afraid, I must place a mental block with each of the X-Men and your team. It is the only way," Charles explained, Magneto. agrees as they arrive in the Control Room.

"I didn't find anything on Apocalypse in Ancient Egypt." Beast tells them.

Magneto tells him, "Search under Apocalypse's real name: En Sabah Nur."

Beast found files about Apocalypse. And as it seems he ruled over the Gizeh, some 5000 years ago, they assume his tomb's there. But they don't know exactly where.

Magneto tells them, " Only Mesmero's the one who knows the answers."

"I will be able to read Mesmero's mind," Charles agreed, as they left for Cerebro. Charles tells them he'll use Cerebro to interpret the images from Mesmero's mind. Having attempted that, Charles tells them, "I know where to find the Tomb of Apocalypse."

Meanwhile, Sabretooth, Gambit and Wolverine break into the control tower, and find everybody there is out cold. As Sabretooth says it proves they've been there, Wolverine answers sarcastically. Gambit, however, looks at the radar. Wolverine looks too and says it might be them. Gambit suggests stealing a plane.

Meanwhile, the X-Jet touches down next to the Great Sphinx, together with Magneto's spheres. Xavier was about to call for Sharky, but when he knew Sharky was spending time with Wanda, he didn't call for him, he didn't give him any details about the mission.

Beast prepares Shadowcat with an oxygen mask and a lamp, while Charles briefs Kitty, "Just look for an underground room." Kitty then phases halfway into the ground. She kind of dives into the ground and ends up in an underground room. She takes a fright from what she sees there were all kinds of statues, then radios she's there.

Beast asks her, "Find a lever and activate it." She finds and activates it. In front of the Sphinx, a large hole opens up in the ground, in which a stairway forms. While the team descends the stairs, Kitty takes off her mask and waits for them.

When they arrive in the room, Magneto orders "Pyro, light the torches, then we will find the door," which he does.

While everybody looks around, Kurt approaches Kitty, "This place looks interesting." Then he screamed, because one of the statues behind him began to stir. Others notice that the statues are beginning to move. Then, behind them, the door starts to close. The team realizes they've walked straight into a trap. The torches die down.

While Sharky has returned after his date with Wanda back in the academy, Sharky didn't find the X-Men there, from the X-Kids, he knows they go somewhere. So, he goes to the Control room, from where he located the X-Jet location. He takes another X-Jet and flies it towards the Professor's location.

At the tomb, Pyro relights the torches, and the battle begins. Cyclops dodges one of the statues' attacks and begins blasting it, but it doesn't yield a result. It strikes again, bringing down a column, which narrowly misses Cyclops. Next moment, the floor gives way and Kitty, Colossus and Kurt fall down. Another part of the floor descends with Scott, Pietro and Pyro.

Beast meanwhile takes on another statue, but it almost hits him. He clings onto a column, which is brought down moments later. He jumps clear, but Charles' wheelchair is knocked over by debris, but Magneto manages to save Charles. Magneto, Beast and Charles reach another room and are sealed off from the rest.

As Jean rescues Bobby from a collapse, they're confronted by another statue. Bobby and Jean flee down a stair, but a piece of a column threatens to crush them. Jean takes it away but gets knocked out by some debris. The statue pursues them while a door closes, trapping them with the statue.

Meanwhile, Pyro lights the room where he, Scott and Pietro are. They see two statues, Scott tells them not to move, but Pietro speeds off and the statues come to life. Scott and Pyro will have to fight.

Storm's in trouble, she's trying to bring Jean round while warding off the statue, They see two lion statues that come to life. Storm begins to blast them with lightning.

Elsewhere, Colossus tries to smash through a wall when suddenly Kitty phases through it. Kitty urges him to take it easy; Colossus asks her if she found anything but Kitty says she found nothing. Kurt teleports in with Kitty's communicator, which was smashed except the flashlight attached to it.

Beast tries to radio Kitty, without success, "Charles we've got to look for them."

But Magneto interrupted him by saying, "No, we've got more important things to do."

"Yes, he is right Hank, they have been trained for it, they can handle it," Charles agreed, but he gave them a telepathic message where to find them.

Magneto sees some Hieroglyphics, "Beast, can you read them."

Beast nodded, "I can recognize certain signs," He pointed to a spider-shaped one he tells, "It was certainly Apocalypse's sign. The wall tells about a Pharaoh named Rama-Tut that came from the stars with advanced technology, which he used to take control of the kingdom."

Charles and Magneto were hearing everything with complete focus, while Beast continues, "It was about a gray skinned mutant child that was left to die in the desert but was saved by a tribe of thieves. Its leader saw the child's powers and adopted it, giving him the name 'En Sabah Nur', 'The First One'. He developed into an undefeatable warrior. The Pharaoh Rama-Tut saw the warrior as a menace to the throne, so he ordered his death. The Pharaoh's army wiped out the tribe, but En Sabah Nur survived, vowed revenge and took the name of Apocalypse."

Elsewhere in the tomb, Scott and Pyro are still fighting the statues. Scott blasts off an arm from one and discovers the statues are robots. Pyro gets knocked over as Pietro arrives to tell he's found an exit.

At the other side of the wall, the impact loosens bricks, which break free. Bobby, carrying Jean, backs off as behind them the robot begins to break out of the ice. Storm manages to destroy both lion robots, but it's exhausted her and she falls from the sky. The robot breaks free, Bobby tries to ice it, but he's run out of ice. The third robot attacks but is stopped by Jean.

She's relieved to see Scott, she tells him "I have received a message from the Professor." Scott tells her, "I have got it too."

Pietro tells them "I have found a way out," He picks up Pyro, and they all start following him.

Beast continues to translate the Hieroglyphics, "Apocalypse drove away the Pharaoh, Pharoah fleed, never appeared again. Apocalypse then discovered the source of Rama-Tut power. It was a vessel in this chamber, and inside the vessel a device is called 'The Eye of the Ages'. He learnt its secret of the strange technology and wanted to use it to reshape the world after his image."

Charles suddenly realizes, "So Apocalypse's objective is to change all humans into mutants."

"The eye was powered by Apocalypse himself. Apocalypse entered the vessel, but it drained him of his powers and left him helpless. Apocalypse was betrayed by his servants and locked into the vessel. It was hidden near the highest summits behind three portals, so he could never return." Beast completely explained them.

"So it means, we're not in Apocalypse's tomb," Magneto realized.

Charles added, "We don't even know now where it is."

Somewhere in the Himalayas, in the midst of a blizzard, two planes are standing next to each other. While Sabretooth is sniffing the plane, Wolverine's studying the tracks and comes to the conclusion that Mesmero, Mystique and Rogue have been there. Gambit adds, disapprovingly, they'd better follow the tracks instead of sniffing around.

While Sharky was continuously flying toward the tomb.

Meanwhile, back inside the tomb, Kitty's phasing through a wall, while Kurt ports in. They startle each other, Kitty asks Kurt to look for the Professor above them. Next moment, Scott and the group blast through the wall, followed quickly by robots. As Bobby, Scott and Pyro begin to fight them, the others flee.

Charles, Magneto, Beast reach a closed door and are intrigued by it. Magneto breaks it open and sees the vessel.

"It is a Rama-Tut vessel," Magneto was amazed to see this.

"Yes, I believe so," Charles agreed, he was amazed, as he continued, "It is really amazing to see it perfect even after passing 5000 years."

When they approach it, a cryptic code on the vessel lights up and the vessel itself opens up. The three men aboard the craft.

"Looks like it is the base of the Eye of Ages," Beast recognizes it.

"Where is the Eye of Ages?" Magneto asked. Charles discovers a cerebral interface. He puts it on.

Suddenly, Beast receives a message. "Hello, Wolverine speaking, we've followed Rogue to Tibet, and that she's there with Mesmero and Mystique."

Magneto suddenly understands the reference to the mountains and that Apocalypse must be there. Wolverine tells Beast his coordinates, but then, he, Sabretooth and Gambit are knocked down by a psychic attack from Mesmero.

Charles's mental block saves them, however. Sabretooth tells Logan that Mesmero ordered him to throw him off the cliffs. Gambit kindly asks if they'd both jump off.

Meanwhile, in the Himalayas, Mesmero, the Rogue and Mystique enter a cave and walk up to the third portal. Mesmero reveals, "The third key is none other than you Mystique."

"I thought you only needed Rogue," Mystique reacts startled.

"You both are needed," Mesmero replied, but that doesn't satisfy Mystique.

"You have said, there was no risk for us both, lair." Mystique shouted at him.

Mesmero responds, "You won't be forgotten by Apocalypse."

"Why, I wasn't hypnotized like Rogue," Mystique asked, Mesmero responded he couldn't. While she continued, "So, what I need to do."

Mesmero points to a small hole in the portal, "It leads to Apocalypse's sign. You just have to lay your hand on it, the door will be opened,"

Mystique morphs into a King Cobra and slithers through the hole. She finds herself in a round room with a small pillar. She hesitates for a moment and then puts her hand on the pillar. As the walls begin to rotate, Mystique wants to retract her hand but finds herself stuck to the pillar.

Mesmero lies about her, and Mystique turns into stone. Rogue enters the room and starts descending a staircase. As Mesmero looks on, he suddenly notices the entrance to the cave's beginning to glow.

Outside, Gambit has just charged it. The stone blocking the entrance explodes and the team rushes in. Mesmero's awaiting them, and tells them they can't stop destiny. Wolverine, Gambit and Sabretooth each try to tackle Mesmero, but he manages to ward off their attacks.

Meanwhile, Rogue reaches the 'Eye of the Ages'. She takes off one of her gloves and touches the 'Eye'. It opens up, emitting a fierce green light. Inside it, there's a very old looking En-Sabah-Nur, but as Rogue looks at him, he starts to open his eyes.

Meanwhile, Sharky has reached the tomb, he quickly gets inside, and using Time Pause, he stops the time. As all the robots had stopped, Sharky started breaking them with the team and also started breaking all of it. And in just a few minutes, all of the robots are broken.

"Sharky, you didn't need to come," Xavier said. He knew Sharky was on a date with Wanda, so he didn't want to disturbed him.

"Where is Rogue?" Sharky asked, when he didn't find Rogue, he knew she was still a little bit unstable, he thought she was in some big problem.

"We are going towards her," Xavier answered as they boarded the vessel. Team then flew towards the Himalaya.

Back in the cave, the fight's still on, and Mesmero takes down Wolverine, but this enables Sabretooth to get close enough to Mesmero to knock him out. This causes Rogue to wake out of her hypnosis, but as she begins to stare around, Apocalypse grabs her hand and begins sapping out the personalities the Rogue had absorbed. Apocalypse turns young again.

Wolverine sprints into the round room and discovers the petrified Mystique. He then continues to go downstairs and sees Rogue collapsed. As he checks her for signs of life, he sees Apocalypse rise out of the 'Eye' and begin hovering in mid-air.

As Wolverine sees Apocalypse glide through the air, he overcomes his amazement and pops out his claws. However, as he tries to jump Apocalypse, some sort of pulse shock throws him back.

As Xavier's group descends the vessel, they run for the round room but before they even reach it, Apocalypse comes 'floating' out. While everybody prepares themselves to fight, Apocalypse flies toward the vessel.

Sharky was able to hold the vessel with his time powers, but Apocalypse fired energy attack on, Sharky stop the attack and continued focused on stopping the vessel, but again Apocalypse continuously fired so much attack, which knocked him out, and he was left in perilous situation and collapsed on the ground, and also Sharky has overused his powers, so it was it side effects. Then Apocalypse entered the Vessel and disappeared with the Vessel.

Magneto said in a grief tone, "We... failed." While Charles added, "Yes, and our greatest battle is just beginning."

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