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71% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 71: Chapter 71 - Self Possessed

Capítulo 71: Chapter 71 - Self Possessed


Meanwhile, in the Universe 11052, Rude Sharky was still unconscious, now X-Men were recovered, but still discrimination between the mutant and human has started.

Three bullies were going towards the Wanda in the Alley, but she taught them the lesson. She comes to mee Caliban in an alley. She asks him to find Magneto. Caliban tells her that he can't help her and starts to walk away.

She started using her power, then Caliban replied he wasn't able to locate him, but he could locate someone, so she told him to locate her brother Pietro. Because Pietro knows where to find Magneto.

In the institute, Beast was training the new mutants to use their power. Mutants were going to school, but then didn't want to die to discrimination.

Meanwhile, Wanda tracks down Pietro in a diner. "Pietro, where is he?" Wanda asked, Pietro didn't reply and try to run away, she caught him.

She wreaks havoc on a diner, trying to get him to tell her where their father is, but he tells her that he has no idea. She decides that she'll make Magneto come to her by delivering Pietro up to the cops.

As Lance was leaving school grounds, he ran into Gambit. Gambit told Lance to round up the rest of the Brotherhood and meet him at their house. "Forget it, we are sick of being used," Lance shouted and ran away.

Fred was finishing up his cleaning by shoving a huge pile of junk into a closet when Lance came running through the front door and informed them that they had trouble coming.

And Gambit arrives there, he takes Todd hostage by wrapping him up in a rug and using his power to make Todd a wrapped in living bomb, and threatening to release him if they don't do what he says.

Lance and Fred are forced to listen or else he'll release Todd and "boom." He tells them that they have to go and free Quicksilver.

The Brotherhood of Mutants ambushes the military convoy that's transporting Pietro. The Blob grabs hold of the truck that contains Pietro and tells him that they're going to "squash" him. Quicksilver tells him that he almost blew it and calls him a slowpoke; then he takes off.

Wanda is watching the whole scene from some higher cliffs. She's obviously angry and says that it's not over yet. The Blob and Todd load the unconscious Lance up into the jeep and take off.

Back at the Brotherhood of Mutants' house, Gambit arrives and informs them that the test was a disaster, and they need new leadership. He also adds that Quicksilver will be the new leader. Quicksilver agrees and states that he is in charge now, and no one will rest until they defeat the X-Men.

At Area 51, Mystique was trapped and left behind by Cyclops after she refused to give him the location of Charles Xavier.

Within Area 51, scientists are conducting experiments on Mystique. She manages to incapacitate a female scientist and escape. After a series of near-misses, she finally breaks free and transforms into a raven, flying away.

Back at Xavier's Mansion, Jean and Storm are talking about when Sharky will wake up; so far, he has not even opened his eyes once.

Scott asks Logan how a guy is supposed to know if a girl feels the same way. A raven flies at Scott, trying to claw him, and then flies off just as fast.

Scott receives a call from Alex. Alex is stranded in Mexico and cannot reach his foster parents. Scott decides to go to Mexico to help him.

In Mexico, it turns out that it isn't Alex after all; it's Mystique. She hits Scott with some sort of knockout gas. Scott wakes up in the desert alone and without his glasses. As the night drags on, he's attacked by a pack of coyotes.

Scott falls down a hill and is knocked unconscious, but some oil rig workers manage to reach him just in time to save him. Scott runs away from them and ends up stumbling around lost in Mexico City.

At the Institute, Charles Xavier tells Jean that Scott is out of psychic range; she needs to go save him. Meanwhile, Jean and the others head out to find him.

Some thugs attempt to start a fight with him, but Scott uses his powers and frightens off all but one of them. The last one turns out to be Mystique. She tries to gas him again, saying she's going to take him to the North Pole and abandon him.

Scott knocks the container away and the two begin to fight. However, Scott still takes a few more good beatings.

Mystique morphs back into her true self and goes after him again. She stops suddenly in mid-air, and Jean uses her telekinesis to knock her around a bit and save Scott.

Later on the jet, Jean finds Scott another pair of his glasses. Then with the Wolverine, Storm and Xavier, they return to the Academy.

Sharky finally opened his eyes and noticed the Rogue was looking at him.

"Sharky, you're awake!" she exclaimed, as she hugged him.

"Yes," he replied, but he felt his energy was less, he talked to her for two hours, she gave him all the details till it happened, but then Sharky again fell asleep.

Rogue started crying a little, and she murmured, "Well, you will be better in a few days."

At Spear Sports, the Morlocks sabotage the factory and escape after paralyzing a guard. Owner Guy Spear, concerned about bad publicity, avoids involving the police due to his upcoming sports drink launch.

At Bayville High, Kitty seeks driving lessons, while Evan is befriended by Andrew, who admires mutants. Then Evan struggles with his uncontrollable mutant abilities at home.

During a skate competition, Evan faces a sabotage attempt, discovering that the sports drink Pow-R8 is harmful to mutants. After a painful reaction to the drink, Evan's spikes go out of control, causing chaos.

The X-Men try to contain the situation as Evan is taken by Callisto and the Morlocks due to his mutation's rejection by society.

The Institute discovers Pow-R8 is toxic to mutants. Evan, in the Morlocks' underground tunnels, learns about his rejection by society due to his mutation and questions their underground lifestyle.

Evan learns about the Morlocks' struggles due to the toxic Pow-R8 affecting their underground community. He agrees to help stop Spear, the drink's creator. Berzerker overhears and informs the X-Men, leading to a confrontation at Spear's factory.

A fight erupts, causing chaos and the release of the toxic drink. The X-Men rescue the trapped Morlocks, revealing Pow-R8's danger to mutants to Spear. Evan decides to stay with the Morlocks, rejecting Storm's plea to return.

As Xavier leaves with Kitty driving, Spear aims to ramp up production, seeing Pow-R8 as more valuable. Evan remains with the Morlocks, and Storm watches helplessly as they depart.

Meanwhile, now Sharky has recovered, and he is able to use his powers. Now he was really cursing himself, he understands choosing the Time Power is a mistake. It cost his body the most.

Mastermind wandered the Venetian streets, using illusions to shroud his identity, but he encountered Magneto, who blocked his path.

Mastermind tried to use the illusion, "Your illusion didn't work on me, Mastermind, I see you as you are," Magneto replied as he came in front of him.

"What do you want to do with me?" Mastermind asked Magneto intention. "I have a job for you," Magneto replied.

Wanda witnesses an explosion, in bridge flames taking the shape of a hand. Pyro's laughter rings out amidst the chaos.

Witnessed from afar Sharky and Jean saw the explosion, they quickly reached towards the bridge. While Wanda was able to throw Pyro from the bridge, Pyro dropped something, which Wanda picked up.

But the fire creates an explosion in the oil tanker, and it causes Wanda to drop to one side, but she is able to hold herself from falling off the bridge. Jean and Sharky come to save the people. Storm also comes and using rain, she turns off the fire.

Sharky quickly gives Wanda a hand and picks her up, "I think he is gone," He replies looking towards Pyro has run away, "Are you okay," He asked her.

"Yes, I am alright," Wanda said. "Storm calmed down the situation," Jean said.

"Wanda, is Pyro after you?" Sharky asked her.

"Yes, he is delivering a little message, from my father," Wanda replied.

"Magneto, what kind of message?" Jean asked her.

"He wants me to stop looking for him, and for his boy, my brother," Wanda explained.

"But Pietro is not hiding, he is back with the Brotherhood," Jean replied.

Wanda became quickly angry knowing it, "I'm going to trash him," She shouted in an angry mood.

"Calm down, Wanda, calm down," Jean tried to calm her, but she threw her hand from her shoulders and ran towards the Brotherhood house.

"Jean, you return, I will go with her," Sharky replied, and he followed her.

"Don't follow me," Wanda shouted, her anger growing as the car started flying.

Sharky used his powers and stopped it, "Calm down Wanda, I know you are hurt, I understand it," He held her hands, and tried to calm her down.

"No, you didn't understand my pain," Wanda tried to release her hand, but she wasn't able to do it.

"Ok, just you calm down, and I will help you in searching for Magneto, it's ok," Sharky asked her, while he tightly hugged her, so she calmed down.

Hearing he helped her in finding Magneto, Wanda started calming down, while both went towards the Brotherhood of Mutants house.

Pietro was at the Brotherhood House, watching television. Fred brought Pietro some lunch, but it wasn't the way Pietro wanted it, so he had him make another one.

Pietro also makes Todd hold an antenna, so he can watch clear signals; ruling over the Brotherhood of Mutants. Everyone has enough, but then Pietro sees Wanda and Sharky coming towards the house and gets scared; he tells the others not to tell her he's there and hides in a closet.

Wanda walks in with Sharky, and asks where Pietro is. Todd tells her he's in the closet. Wanda uses her powers on the door to bring out the Pietro of closest.

"Pietro, where is Magneto?" She asked him, looking angry.

"Wanda, I didn't know, he only contacts me when he needs me," Pietro replied.

Wanda asks Pietro what the thing Pyro dropped was. Pietro doesn't know, but it looks like a Ski Lift ticket or something. Todd grabs it from Wanda's hand and notices arrows, which he says must mean Mt. Arrows, a local ski resort; he offers to take her there.

"No, I am going with Sharky," She replied. She took Sharky and went with him.

Wanda encounters Todd disguised as someone else on a trolley, leading to her using her powers to repel him. She notices Pyro and chases after him, who is snowboarding; ultimately, she notices him boarding a ski lift.

Sharky is left behind, as he chases after her. While following Pyro, Wanda witnessed him heading towards a large metal sphere. She entered, but the sphere closed, revealing Magneto's presence. Wanda was rendered unconscious by a gas released from the sphere; Sharky observed her capture.

Wanda is restrained in a chair by Magneto, "I had expected that Pyro would leave a clue, which leads you here, now it's time for father and daughter to talk," He said.

Wanda is seeing, "So explain to me, what do you want to talk about?" Wanda shouted in an angry mood.

"Wanda, leaving in the hospital, is one of most difficult things I have ever had to do. I now it's must hard on you," Magneto explained.

"Save it," Wanda rebuke him.

"Please understand, that's was for your own good," Magneto again persuaded.

"You never cared about me. Only about yourself, I am just something else on your way," Wanda again shouted.

"Wanda, I hope you start building a new relationship," Magneto said.

"Not, in this time," Wanda replied, prompting Magneto to employ Mastermind to alter her memories, transforming bad recollections into happy ones involving himself.

But as the Mastermind was going on the memory-alteration process on Wanda. Everything freezes there, except for Wanda.

"What are you doing here?" Magneto asked, he tried to use his powers, but everything stopped there.

"Sharky, why did you come here?" Wanda asked Sharky.

"I have said, I will help you, so I come here," Sharky replied, then he looked toward Magneto. "From Wanda's childhood, you have not given her any happiness, but now you are trying to change her memories, which will damage her brain."

"Who are you to interfere in my daughter's business?" Magneto shouted back at him.

"I am her friend, not like some useless father, who even didn't try to see how her daughter is inside the hospital," Sharky said, his tone carrying a hint of anger, "If you're not her father, then today, I have killed you," He threatened him.

"Kill me, hahahaha, how? Because X-Men never killed someone," Magneto laughed, he thought he heard the funniest joke, because he knows about the X-Men nature.

"Then I show you, it will hurts me, but for Wanda, I will do it," Sharky said as he pointed his hand towards the Mastermind.

"Sharky, you didn't need to do it," Wanda shouted, as she noticed Sharky was going to do something harmful to him.

Sharky didn't reply, as he focused his powers on Time Forward, and the first time he used the Time Forward. "You have try to change her memories, then I will make you the memories forever," he said, and started forwarding his age.

Mastermind body started aged rapidly, "It was not my fault, Magneto forced me, please don't do anything to me," Mastermind cried, but the Sharky didn't stop, and in the few seconds passes for Mastermind years, he then died and even his bone and flesh vanished with time decaying.

This scene horrified Magneto and his partners, "What have you done? You know Charles never liked it," Magneto shouted at Sharky, he was even now horrified by the scene.

"I hope, you didn't tell him, or the same result will happen to your son Pietro," Sharky threatened him, as he released the Time Pause effects on Magneto, "Now open her hands," He shouted.

Magneto was still angry, but seeing his group life was in his hands, he opened Wanda's hand using his magnetic powers. Wanda was still angry at Magneto, she was going to fight him.

But then she noticed Sharky was going to collapse, she understands it was overusing of powers, the same situation happened with when he used his powers at reversing the situation when Sentinel attacked on them.

"Wanda leaves from here, and forget about him," Sharky said, Wanda nodded and both left Magneto and his group and went outside of the metal sphere.

"Sharky, are you okay," Wanda asked looking at Sharky, she noticed he wasn't able to walk properly.

"Yes, side-effects of the overuse of power," Sharky replied to her.

Wanda picked him in princess style, "Why you saved me, I am your enemy," She asked him.

Sharky caressed her face, "Because, I knew about your history, from childhood, you have only gained the pain, and I don't want you to be the rest of the life carrying this pain forward," He replied.

Both reached into a hotel, to rest, "Sharky, till only you are so good to me," Wanda said, then she leaned her face on Sharky and gave him a kiss.

"Wanda, what are you doing," Sharky asked, he was a little bit shocked.

"Sharky, I am thanking you for the help this time, or I didn't know, what is gonna happen to me," Wanda replied as she gently put him on the bed.

"You don't need to do anything for this, I am just doing it for you, because I don't want you to be forever living in pain," Sharky replied to her.

Lemon Warning

"I know Sharky, that's why, from today onwards, I am going to make a beautiful memory for myself," Wanda replied as she took off her red jacket.

"So, from what you want to start," Sharky asks.

"My first beautiful memory is, I want to make you my boyfriend, it's okay for you," She asked while she opened her top and removed it showing her bra.

"Wanda, do you know, I am a very lustful person, and I already have four girls in my pants," Sharky said to her, he wanted to clearly explain to her. It is also because she has had painful lives till now, so he didn't want her to hurt when she knew he already had many girls.

"I already know about them," Wanda replied as she removed Sharky's shirts and vest.

"So, this is no problem for you?" Sharky asked for her confirmation last time.

"Yes, if you can take care of four of them. Then you will also love me more," Wanda replied as she had also taken off her red jeans and Sharky's jeans. Now she was wearing only panties and a bra, and Sharky was in his boxers.

"If you are okay, then I am also okay," Sharky then releases the list which he is holding till now, and he pins her down and starts kissing her, while licking her whole body.

Wanda also started cooperating with him. Slowly but steadily, both have become nude in front of each other.

"Wanda, suck it," Sharky pointed towards his Dragon. Wanda nodded, and took the Dragon inside her mouth and started giving it the warmth and lube which it needed.

And when Sharky noticed, she was ready to advance in her life. He asked, while pointing his Dragon to the entrance of her Sacred Forest, "Are you ready?"

Wanda nodded in confirmation, and with a slight push, Sharky broke the hymen of Wanda taking over her virginity for himself.

Wanda cried a little, since this was her first time, Sharky stopped pushing inside and made her comfortable. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, my love, just continue it, this is the last pain of my old life, from now on, I will start anew with you," Wanda nodded.

Getting her approval, Sharky again started pushing his Dragon in and out of her Sacred Forest. After a few strokes, Wanda's pain turned into pleasure, and with open arms, Wanda accepted Sharky.

With the moaning and thumping sound started roaring inside the room. With each stroke Wanda moaned loudly, she felt Sharky's Dragon was touching her G-spot.

"Aaaahhhh, Sharky, my love, my king, I love you so much, aaahhh," Wanda said, as she gave a passionate kiss to Sharky.

Sharky releases four times his Dragon Tonic inside her Sacred Forest, he has also taken her Anal virginity, while Wanda fully accepted Sharky as her love. And the first beautiful memory fits inside the Wanda with Sharky.

"So Wanda, from now on, forget about searching for your father, and forget about all the pain which you have seen till now, ok," Sharky said looking at Wanda eyes.

Wanda blushed a little, "Yes, my love," but she nodded and agreed to quit the search and take revenge on her father. And embraces the beautiful life with her love Sharky. She also decided to quit the Brotherhood of Mutants, but she also didn't join the X-Men. She decided to live a simple life with Sharky. Although Sharky is not always available with her, she is still happy.

But not only this was the good news, but Sharky feels some powers inside after becoming intimate with Wanda. "Wanda, I feel my side effects of using the Time Powers are removed," Sharky shared this good news to Wanda.

"Really, how did this happen?" She asked. "I think I need some confirmation on this, I need to explore it one more time, are you okay with it," Sharky replied as he pointed to her Sacred Forest.

Wanda blushed a little, "My love, what are you even asking, it is already yours, you can do what you want with your desire," She replied.

Sharky nodded and then he again pointed his Dragon and entered inside her Sacred Forest. But this time he does it focus, he wants to know what is happening between them.

Because not even the Universe 606 Wanda or not even the Universe 125 Wanda make her feel like this.

But Wanda is only feeling the enjoyment with each stroke of his Dragon, her focus was to give all enjoyment to Sharky and enjoy herself not more than this.

Finally Sharky released his Dragon Tonic inside her, and she released her tonic. Then Sharky feels something extra happened. He clearly feels his energy is increasing, and even Wanda energy is increasing.

He then focused on the reason, then he found the reason. It happened because the Wanda Hex Magic and his Anodite magic worked together and increased each other's powers.

He isn't able to use his Anodite's power in this little fraction of body, but he is able to feel it. He gives her so many kisses with happiness, "What happened Sharky, why are you so happy?" Wanda asked him.

"Wanda, you are really my lucky charm, from now on, I can use my powers freely," Sharky replied to her.

Wanda smiled, but still she asked, "How?"

"I am going to tell you a secret, never revealed to anyone?" Sharky said to her.

"What secret?" Wanda asked curiously. Then Sharky explained that he was just a fragment of his body. And the real one is traveling to another Universe.

And he is half Anodite, so he can use the magic, and after their intimate moments. Or he called her now Dual Cultivation moments, both Sharky and Wanda magic powers increased.

Wanda nodded, and she was now more happy, since Sharky told her a secret, which no one other than her knows in this Universe.

Sharky day by day, also increases her knowledge in magic and tells the story about the different Universes, while with their Dual cultivation, both of their powers are increasing.

Wanda forgets about all the painful memories, and is replaced by the beautiful memories with Sharky. Meanwhile Sharky decided to take the control of Wanda in Universe 613, which till now, he didn't take any step towards her. He wants to check whether he is also able to increase his powers or not while doing so with her.

Sharky_Monster Sharky_Monster

Last for today, because I am still busy in writing the Sharky vs Beyonder.

Please give me suggestions, about how the Sharky reacts and make everything okay, when he returned into his Universe 613 and found Thanos have destroyed the half of the Universe population, and 5 years has already passed the events.

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