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50% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 50: Chapter 50 - Kang The Conqueror

Capítulo 50: Chapter 50 - Kang The Conqueror

From the vantage point of the control room within the gamma prison, The Leader, orchestrating this chess match, observed the unfolding chaos with a sinister satisfaction. "Wasp... put the good doctor out of his misery," he commanded, manipulating the crown that controlled Gamma Wasp. With ruthless determination, Gamma Wasp moved to execute The Leader's command, attempting to take Samson's life. However, Thor, ever the guardian, intercepted the attack, thwarting The Leader's malevolent directive and plunging the Avengers deeper into the struggle within the heart of The Cube.

As the remaining villains regenerated and launched a ferocious assault on the weakened Avengers, the heroes found themselves vastly outnumbered, with only four team members facing off against the formidable nine adversaries. Sensing the dire odds stacked against them, Iron Man swiftly assessed the situation and issued a strategic command, "Everyone, run for the generator!"

Yet, amidst the chaos, Black Panther diverged from the prescribed path, declaring, "Find me the Leader, and I will end this!" Thor, embracing the challenge, echoed his determination.

In a bid to create a diversion, Iron Man and Captain America confronted the villains head-on, drawing their attention and creating an opening for Thor and Dr. Samson to make a daring run toward the generator. However, the formidable Wrecking Crew, empowered by the Gamma Boosters, emerged as an insurmountable obstacle, blocking their path.

Undeterred, the Avengers fought valiantly against the Wrecking Crew, engaging in a fierce struggle. Amidst the tumult, Black Panther seized a moment of stealth and cunning, slipping past the adversaries and executing a decisive move – destroying the generator.

"Finally, everything is over," Steve sighed, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and determination. He continued, "Now we just need to capture the Leader."

Outside The Cube, the Leader stood alongside Absorbing Man and Abomination, observing the city with an air of malevolent satisfaction. With a taunting smirk, he pressed a button, initiating the creation of a new Gamma Dome that enveloped the city. The ominous dome triggered a grim transformation, turning the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into Gamma Monsters once again. To make matters worse, Hawkeye emerged, holding Black Widow captive.

"Since the Avengers were inside the dome, it seemed hopeless," Natasha remarked, her eyes focused on the unfolding chaos.

Hawkeye, with a determined glint in his eyes, replied, "No, one person can save them, and that person is the Hulk." Leaving Natasha tied up, Hawkeye embarked on a mission to rescue the Hulk from General Ross' forces, hoping to enlist the formidable green hero's aid in turning the tide and averting the looming catastrophe.

Sharky, realizing that all of Las Vegas was on the verge of transforming into Gamma Monsters, muttered to himself, "I have to intervene." Driven by a sense of duty, he took decisive action, determined to aid the people of Universe 8096.

In an instant, Sharky materialized in front of The Leader, leaving the villain visibly shocked. "Who are you? And why haven't you turned into a Gamma Monster?" The Leader inquired, genuinely surprised to encounter someone who remained unaffected, much like Thor.

"It's not right to turn the citizens of Las Vegas into Gamma Monsters," Sharky declared, his voice resonating with authority. Transformed into his formidable Humungousaur form, he loomed over The Leader. With a single powerful punch, he knocked The Leader out, causing the villain to faint, putting an abrupt end to his malevolent plans.

"Now it's your turn," Sharky declared, directing his attention towards the Absorbing Man. In his formidable Humungousaur form, he swiftly dismantled the villain, recognizing the similarity between his powers and those of his friend, Kevin Eleven, who possessed the ability to absorb materials.

Witnessing Sharky's impressive display of strength, Hulk and Hawkeye arrived on the scene, astounded by the ease with which Sharky had incapacitated The Leader and Absorbing Man. Only the Abomination remained, visibly shaken in the face of Sharky's might.

"You handle him; I'll help the others," Sharky commanded, his focus shifting towards aiding in resolving the broader crisis unfolding in Las Vegas.

Sharky took charge of neutralizing the transformed individuals, including Stark, Giant Man, Steve, Wasp, Black Panther, and the other villains. Once the battle concluded, Thor inquired about the process to return the transformed individuals to their normal state.

"Let me handle it, Gutrut," Sharky said, shrinking in size. He carefully analyzed the transformation formula and released the antidote through his breath, restoring everyone to their original state. The Avengers were amazed by Sharky's unique abilities, sparking curiosity about his identity. However, before they could inquire further, Sharky flew back to his villa.

Hawkeye expressed his astonishment at Sharky's powers, and the Hulk agreed to rejoin the Avengers, with the condition that Hawkeye also became a member.

In the desert, Abomination rendezvoused with Zemo and the Masters of Evil, revealing his true name as Emil Blonsky.

Amidst the unfolding drama, Sharky, captivated by the holographic display, found himself immersed in yet another adventure within this mysterious corner of this Universe.

The scene unfolded as Hank Pym and Jan ventured to the observatory, seeking solace in the company of Major Carol Danvers. However, their tranquility was shattered as they witnessed an unidentified object hurtling towards the observatory, heralding an imminent threat.

Concern etched across Hank Pym's face, he turned to Jan, articulating the urgency of the situation. "Jan, this situation is getting out of hand. We need to figure out how to stop that alien robot," he declared, the weight of responsibility evident in his words.

Before they could formulate a plan, an unseen assailant disrupted the serene atmosphere, launching green energy bolts with precision. The invisible attacker's covert assault gave way to a revelation—the adversary was none other than an alien robot, its metallic form materializing before them. The confrontation unfolded, casting the observatory into a maelstrom of chaos.

Observing the chaos unfolding, Hank Pym, with a furrowed brow, remarked, "It doesn't seem to be under anyone's control. It's firing those green energy bolts randomly."

Recognizing the escalating danger, Carol Danvers took charge, urging, "Everyone, we need to get the staff out of here. This is turning into a dangerous situation." Her decisive command echoed through the observatory, prompting a swift evacuation to ensure the safety of all present.

Meanwhile, Ant-Man and Wasp, undeterred by the perilous circumstances, confronted the erratic alien robot. In the midst of the confrontation, an unexpected explosion rocked the scene, injuring Carol Danvers and unraveling a startling revelation—Mar-Vell's true identity.

"I am Mar-Vell, a Kree Captain," he declared, his words cutting through the disarray. "Earth's location is crucial in our war with the Skrulls. That robot was sent to eliminate threats, even using a Nega-Bomb if needed." The revelation hung heavy in the air, unraveling a layer of complexity in the ongoing conflict. The observatory, once a bastion of serenity, now bore witness to the clash of interstellar forces.

Sharky, an unwitting spectator to this cosmic theater, watched with bated breath as the heroes grappled with the unexpected threat.

United against the common threat, the Avengers forged an alliance with Mar-Vell to thwart the rogue robot and safeguard Earth.

As the alien Sentry loomed ominously, the Avengers rallied, shouting in unison, "We can't let that Sentry with the Nega-Bomb harm Earth. We have to stop it!" The collective determination echoed through the observatory, setting the stage for a clash.

The battle unfolded with frenetic intensity. Projectiles rained down, targeting Wasp, and in a selfless act of heroism, Ant-Man shielded her, bearing the brunt of the assault and suffering serious injuries. Grief-stricken, Jan harnessed her resolve, flying at full speed through the tiniest chink in the Sentry's armor, a vulnerability exposed by the combined attacks of every Avenger.

In a strategic move, Wasp skillfully dismantled the robot, opening the path for Hulk to access the Sentry's chest. The stakes escalated as Mar-Vell's commanding officer threatened invasion, presenting a dilemma that demanded sacrifice. Mar-Vell, recognizing the gravity of the situation, prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to move the Nega-Bomb away from Earth.

However, in a breathtaking twist, Thor, with lightning crackling around him, intervened, saving Mar-Vell from his sacrificial fate. The clash reached its zenith, leaving the observatory bathed in a cosmic glow as Earth's defenders stood united against the forces that sought to unleash destruction upon the planet.

With a sense of duty and a promise to advocate for humanity's survival, Mar-Vell bid a solemn farewell, leaving the Avengers to ponder the alliances forged in the face of impending peril. Amidst the aftermath, Carol Danvers stirred, regaining consciousness and discovering an extraordinary transformation—her newfound powers as Ms. Marvel.

"So, it looks like, in this universe, Carol is Ms. Marvel, not Captain Marvel," Sharky chuckled, appreciating the nuances of destiny woven across diverse universes. His focus then shifted back to the Avengers Headquarters, where the team grappled with the aftermath of the clash.

Captain America, ever the strategist, offered advice to Tony Stark, "Tony, you've got to learn to fight hand to hand, not just rely on your suit." The wisdom of experience resonated in his words, emphasizing the importance of honing combat skills beyond the confines of advanced technology.

"But I have this amazing armor," Tony retorted, his confidence in the formidable suit evident in his reply. The exchange highlighted the perennial tension between reliance on technological prowess and the need for versatile combat skills within the superhero ranks.

Captain America remained steadfast in his advice, undeterred by Tony Stark's reliance on his suit. "I've noticed you don't know how to fight without it. Time to change that," he asserted, the weight of experience and combat wisdom infusing his words.

Simultaneously, at the Baxter Building, Thor, Wasp, and Ant-Man took on the responsibility of escorting Blizzard to Prison 42. The journey to the prison unfolded with an air of tension, yet Blizzard, seemingly contrite, offered a half-hearted apology. "Um, did I mention I'm really, really sorry?" he shrugged, his attempt at remorse underscoring the complexity of morality within the superhero realm.

Back at Avengers Mansion, a different form of anticipation gripped the air. Hawkeye and Hulk, eager spectators, prepared to witness the unlikely spectacle of Captain America and Tony Stark engaging in a boxing match.

Amidst the gathering excitement, Hawkeye's laughter rang out, anticipating the spectacle about to unfold. "This is gonna be good!" he exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the impending clash between Captain America and Tony Stark.

Even Hulk, the typically stoic behemoth, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Hulk excited!" he declared, his anticipation adding a rumble of excitement to the atmosphere.

As the bell tolled, signaling the commencement of the bout, Captain America showcased his prowess, swiftly knocking down Tony Stark. Hawkeye and Hulk, unable to contain their amusement, burst into hearty laughter at the unexpected turn of events.

Surrendering, Tony Stark acknowledged defeat but also embraced a newfound perspective. "I give up. This is the present," he admitted, signaling a willingness to move beyond reliance on technology alone.

Captain America, ever the sage, reiterated his advice, "Don't forget the past, Tony. Those who do are doomed to repeat it." The weight of history echoed in his words, emphasizing the enduring importance of embracing the lessons learned from both triumphs and defeats.

Out of the blue, Kang materialized, launching a sudden and ferocious assault on the Avengers' leaders. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, they swiftly called for reinforcements.

In Prison 42, Wasp, Ant-Man, and Thor received the alert, leaving their current mission to rush to the aid of their comrades. The Avengers assembled, including Hulk, Hawkeye, and The Black Panther, ready to confront the enigmatic Kang and uncover the motives behind the unexpected attack.

"The others will soon arrive," Iron Man assured, his gaze fixed on the looming threat. As the Avengers gathered around, Iron Man confronted Kang, demanding answers. "Kang, we need to know why you want to eliminate Captain America," he asserted, seeking to unravel the mysteries surrounding Kang's vendetta.

Kang, surrounded by the assembled heroes, surveyed the group before nodding in agreement. "I will show you," he declared, activating a mysterious device that transported them ten years into the future. The Avengers found themselves in a desolate wasteland, the air heavy with an ominous foreboding. Kang gestured towards the darkened sky, revealing a dire prophecy. "A war will wipe out the sun and everyone on Earth," he explained, unveiling a future fraught with apocalyptic consequences.

In the midst of the bleak future, Wasp couldn't conceal her confusion. "What kind of war could do that?" she questioned, seeking clarity amidst the turmoil.

Kang, a harbinger of ominous prophecies, responded solemnly, "It's a war between two alien empires: the Kree and the Skrulls. And in the end, it was Captain America who destroyed everything." The revelation hung heavy, casting a shadow over the once noble figure of Captain America.

Tony Stark, fueled by his unwavering resolve, adamantly refused to hand over Captain America. The Avengers, united in their determination, braced for their first and final battle against the enigmatic Kang. Hulk, with his unparalleled strength, seized Kang, forcefully removing him from his chair. In a surprising twist, Iron Man discovered that Kang's chair was built on Stark Tech, and he swiftly took control.

To the Avengers' amazement, Iron Man skillfully maneuvered Kang's chair, guiding them through the temporal currents back to the present. The realization that Kang's formidable technology was grounded in Stark Tech added a layer of complexity to the conflict, blurring the lines between hero and adversary.

As the Avengers returned to their own time, the lingering echoes of the revelation resonated. The enigma of Kang, the war, and the unexpected connection to Captain America painted a tapestry of uncertainty.

Upon their return, Steve Rogers, the embodiment of Captain America, gravely informed Iron Man, "Kang will be back for the next battle, with his spaceships conquering Earth." The weight of this revelation lingered in the air, underscoring the persistent and looming threat that Kang posed to the safety of Earth.

Observing the unfolding challenges, Sharky contemplated the Avengers' plight. "It looks like they're getting into some difficult situations," he thought, recognizing the complexities that lay ahead. "But whatever, even if the situation is bad; I will help them," he resolved, a silent commitment echoing within him to stand by the heroes when they faced their darkest hour.

Kang, true to his ominous proclamation, unleashed his army upon the world. Gigantic troop transports disgorged legions of giant battle robots, setting in motion a relentless process of Earth's conquest. The Avengers, aware of the magnitude of the impending threat, braced themselves for the greatest battle they had yet to face—the defense of Earth against an overwhelming force bent on domination.

In the heart of the chaotic battle, Nick Fury's voice boomed through the communicator, echoing urgency and frustration. "Kang, you see what you've unleashed on Earth?" he shouted, the gravity of the situation evident as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents grappled with the invading robots on multiple fronts.

The Avengers, engrossed in their own skirmish in the heart of New York City, strained to hear the exchange. "We've got our hands full here," Captain America replied, the determination in his voice cutting through the cacophony of combat. "But we'll make our way to you as soon as we can."

Kang, reveling in the chaos he had orchestrated, responded with sinister laughter that echoed through the comms. "Oh, I do love a good challenge. Good luck, Avengers. You'll need it," his taunting words adding a layer of malevolence to the already intense atmosphere.

As the heroes fought on, Wasp skillfully piloted the Quinjet overhead, weaving through the chaos to provide cover for her teammates. The relentless onslaught of robots, seemingly capable of repairing themselves, heightened the intensity of the battle. The air crackled with tension as the Avengers confronted a foe determined to test their mettle in the crucible of conflict.

The unfolding narrative painted a vivid picture of Earth's defenders locked in a desperate struggle against overwhelming odds.

Amidst the chaos and cities around the globe succumbing to the overwhelming forces, a somber acknowledgment swept through the Avengers – something had to be done, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Sharky, observing the grim reality, remarked, "So, the Avengers are still ready to fight. That's what makes them the Avengers. They still come back in difficult situations," he affirmed, acknowledging the indomitable spirit that defined Earth's mightiest heroes.

The Avengers, united in their resolve, regrouped back at the Mansion to strategize in the face of the impending crisis. Iron Man, assuming his role as a leader, gathered the team for a crucial planning session.

"Alright, team," Iron Man announced, his voice carrying the weight of determination. "We're facing overwhelming odds, but we can't give in. Kang has fixed the back door, so we need to find him and take him out. I'll use all my resources to locate him. The rest of you, head back out and buy me some time." The urgency in his words set the tone for the critical mission ahead.

As the Avengers dispersed to fulfill their roles in the grand scheme of the battle, the Mansion echoed with a shared sense of purpose.

As the Avengers rallied once more to face the relentless onslaught of Kang's robots, Black Panther, driven by a deep sense of duty to Wakanda, voiced his commitment. "I must lead Wakanda in this fight. Our people need their king," he declared with regal resolve before departing from the group, his departure leaving a palpable void among the Avengers.

Undeterred by the absence of one of their own, the Avengers geared up for the daunting battle ahead, adopting a new centipede-like formation to counter the formidable robotic forces. Stark's relentless efforts to locate Kang proved challenging, and the realization dawned that they needed more than just the core Avengers to triumph over this threat.

"But fear not," Iron Man grinned, rallying the team with a hint of confidence. "We've got an army up our sleeves."

Meanwhile, Ant-Man, wielding his ingenuity, returned to Prison 42 in the Negative Zone, accompanied by Captain America, Wasp, and Hawkeye. Captain America, witnessing Ant-Man's skillful reprogramming of the Ultron wardens, couldn't help but commend, "Ant-Man, you're a genius." The strategic move highlighted the importance of intellect and innovation in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the Avengers prepared to unleash their unconventional army and deploy their newfound strategies, the conflict in Universe 8096 reached a pivotal juncture.

With a determined glint in his eye, Ant-Man responded to Captain America's praise, "Thanks, Cap. Now, we've got a robot army to take on Kang." The strategic deployment of this robotic force added a layer of complexity to the Avengers' offensive against the cosmic invader.

Wasp, displaying her trademark agility and stealth, chimed in, "And I'm going to sneak aboard one of the command saucers with Ant-Man." The duo's covert mission promised to disrupt Kang's command structure from within, introducing an element of surprise into the intricate dance of the conflict.

Iron Man, sharing his astute findings, outlined the Avengers' plan. "We know there must be an anchor stabilizing Kang's time-travel tech. We disable it, and they'll be sent back to the future." The realization that Kang's power hinged on a vulnerable anchor presented a strategic opportunity for the Avengers to shift the tide in their favor.

Wasp, embodying her bold approach, vanished alongside the saucer, leaving the Avengers to confront the ongoing attack on New York.

Amidst the frustration of the ongoing battle, Iron Man's mind buzzed with a revelation. "I've been thinking too small. Why didn't Kang attack Earth directly?" he pondered, the realization driving him to soar into the expanse. In the vastness of space, he located the Damocles, Kang's colossal weapon poised to unleash destruction upon Earth.

Hovering before the Damocles, Iron Man declared with unwavering determination, "Now, it's time to counter Kang's final mission." The stakes were elevated as the Avengers prepared to confront Kang's ultimate gambit head-on.

Back on Earth, the specialized Quinjet stood ready, a vessel that would carry the Avengers into the heart of the conflict. Kang, the time-traveling conqueror, stood at the controls of Damocles, a malevolent grin playing on his face as he unleashed a devastating blast aimed directly at Avengers Mansion. The iconic structure and New York City itself were in the crosshairs of Kang's ruthless plan.

"Prepare for the worst, team," Iron Man's urgent shout echoed through the tension-filled air as the Avengers rushed to board the Quinjet.

In a twist of temporal mastery, Kang, the time-traveling conqueror, exhibited a level of foresight that outmatched even Thor's divine intervention. As the God of Thunder gracefully exited the ship, summoning his lightning-infused powers to deflect Damocles' destructive beam, Kang, with cunning precision, enacted a swift temporal manipulation. This manipulation altered the trajectory of Thor's redirected blast, transforming the battlefield into a chessboard where time itself was the playing field.

The redirected energy surged back towards the Avengers' ship with ferocious intensity, catching them off guard.

"Thor, look out!" Captain America's urgent cry echoed through the chaos, but the warning proved futile.

The result was catastrophic. The Quinjet, once a symbol of the Avengers' resilience, was instantly annihilated by the overwhelming power of Thor's redirected attack. In the wake of the destruction, only Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hank Pym, and Wasp emerged as the sole survivors. The Avengers' top guns and a significant portion of their Ultron forces were abruptly eliminated from the battle, leaving the remaining team members stunned and disoriented.

As the dust settled, the magnitude of the conflict became even more apparent. Kang's manipulation of time had reshaped the battlefield, altering the course of the battle in ways unforeseen.

In the aftermath of the devastating Quinjet obliteration, Hulk's frustrated roar reverberated through the disoriented Avengers. Captain America, ever the stalwart leader, rallied the survivors with a resolute command. "Stay focused, everyone! We're not done yet."

Kang's goons, emboldened by their leader's strategic prowess, descended upon the Avengers, launching a relentless assault that overwhelmed them with superior numbers and combat skills. Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye, Pym, and the two remaining Ultrons found themselves outmatched, each grappling with the relentless onslaught. Kang's forces, now more formidable than ever, seemed unstoppable, their coordinated attacks leaving the Avengers reeling.

In the face of adversity, Iron Man and Wasp, fueled by determination and quick thinking, became beacons of hope for the beleaguered team. Drawing inspiration from Wasp's ingenuity, Iron Man harnessed his advanced armor technology to adapt and counter Kang's overwhelming power. With a strategic finesse, he unleashed an array of innovative weaponry and defensive mechanisms, effectively leveling the playing field against the conqueror.

"We can't let Kang win this," Iron Man declared with a fierce resolve, his repulsor beams unleashing a torrent of energy with renewed determination.

In the midst of the cosmic clash, the combined efforts of Iron Man, Wasp, and the remaining Avengers began to wear down Kang's goons. The tide slowly shifted in favor of the Avengers, their relentless determination and seamless teamwork overpowering Kang's minions one by one.

Harnessing the immense strength of Hulk and Pym's tactical brilliance, the Avengers found a turning point in the battle. "Smash them, Hulk!" Pym shouted, urging the green behemoth to unleash his devastating power upon Kang's forces. Hulk, fueled by the rallying cry, unleashed a torrent of fury that resonated across the battlefield, overwhelming the remaining goons and solidifying the Avengers' resurgence.

As the battle unfolded, the intricate dance of strategy and brute force became a testament to the Avengers' resilience. Iron Man, Wasp, Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Pym, though battered, stood united against the cosmic threat. In the face of adversity, their collective strength and unwavering determination became the beacon that defied Kang's calculated aggression.

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