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Capítulo 13: Thirteen

"When you comin' over?" I asked Alice as I walked toward my car in the school parking lot.

"Mhm... like in an hour or two, I'll need to talk to Carlisle and Esme about everything that happened at lunch." Alice said with a thoughtful expression before continuing.

"They already wanted to meet you but now they're gonna want to meet you sooner." Alice said as we stopped next to my car.

"That's fine." I replied not minding.

"You don't seem nervous, I'm nervous at the thought of meeting your dad." Alice said as she looked up at me.

"I am nervous." I replied with a smile before continuing.

"But you shouldn't be nervous to meet my Dad, he's a nice guy." I said.

"And you shouldn't be nervous to meet my parents, they're nice people." Alice said with a teasing smile, we both knew these words wouldn't help to alleviate our nervousness.

"Don't mean to interrupt your flirting but we've gotta get home." Emmett said from the Cullens vehicle with an apologetic smile.

"I'll see you later." I said before giving Alice a quick kiss.

"See you soon." Alice replied with a smile after our kiss before walking toward the Cullens.

"I'll come over after we talk with our parents." I heard Edward say to Bella.

"Okay." Bella replied before Edward began walking toward the Cullens.

I watched Alice for a bit longer before getting into my car and leaving, I had a goal for today and I would accomplish it.

Driving home I began to think deeply about CPH4 and where I could start in the creation of it. While CPH4 was something that could grant me many benefits it also wasn't something easy to create and I began to think that I might be jumping the gun by trying to make it now.

After the discussion, I had at lunch today I realized that I didn't have a lot of time to make the SS Serum for Dad, I needed it done in a few months and CPH4 is something I believe will take more time than a few months to create.

Another thing to note was that I wasn't certain that CPH4 could even affect me in the same way it does humans, so to be safe I would need to make it stronger than it was in the movie just like I needed to do with the Serums I wanted to create.

I continued thinking about whether I should put the creation of CPH4 off for now and make something that would boost my mental prowess but not nearly as much as CPH4 would, NZT-48.

(a/n: for those who don't know, NZT-48 is the limitless pill from the movie Limitless.)

NZT-48 wasn't as powerful as CPH4 but that didn't mean it wasn't an incredible thing. NZT-48 just like CPH4 grants abilities but unlike CPH4, NZT-48 doesn't grant any supernatural abilities but the abilities it does grant are just the things I'm looking for right now.

The first thing NZT-48 grants the person who takes it is a Hypermind allowing them to possess a high level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency. They can process massive amounts of information. They can process an otherwise improbable number of simultaneous calculations, identify all of the variables in any situation, and rapidly cross-correlate previously accessed information

The second it grants is Perfect recall, one can flawlessly remember and rapidly recall everything they have ever experienced, encountered, or learned in their lifetime. They need only to read, hear, or see something once and they will never forget it. Their brain and mind gain unlimited storage and analytical capacity. The third gain is Instant learning, one can gather and assimilate any kind of knowledge/skill and understand it fully and rapidly. They can read things at extremely high speeds while still retaining all of the information.

The fourth gain is Instant analysis, one can subconsciously notice, process, and understand the details of any stimulus, no matter how small, as well as perceive and understand a large number of cause-and-effect relations. Thus deducing the path leading to any effects, allowing them to intuitively plan, analyze, and take action efficiently without trouble. They are capable of creating functionally flawless, elaborate plans. Users can deduce the steps needed to succeed at any given task and execute them perfectly.

There are other things one gains from NZT-48 but these four are the main ones that will massively help me create the things I want in the future, but there were drawbacks to NZT-48.

One was that NZT-48 only offered a temporary boost before wearing off and this wasn't something I wanted to happen. Two, Rapid aging which wasn't really a problem for me because of Ban's immortality but it was something to note and solve either way. The third problem was one of the most important drawbacks of taking NZT-48, extreme paranoia. One who takes NZT-48 will become paranoid in every regard, nobody can be trusted because they feel that everyone is out to get them or take advantage of them. I was plenty paranoid already so I didn't need to add onto that so this was an important problem to solve.

Parking my car I get out and release a sigh knowing that although I'd rather just try and create CPH4 I couldn't, I didn't have the time and I knew I needed to take one step at a time. I needed to pace myself and take calculated, precise, and confident actions.

Putting my thoughts aside I walked into the house leaving while ignoring Bella who had a content smile on her face. Quickly I went to my room before throwing my stuff on the bed and flying out the window and toward the lab while making sure nobody saw me since it was daytime still.

Upon entering the lab I'm greeted by the sight of completed equipment on one side and a bunch of random materials on the other, materials that would soon come together and create more equipment. Done scanning the lab I begin the process of creation and soon enough two hours pass.

"Tristan?" I heard Alice's sweet voice from outside the lab as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah." I responded as I used magic to open the door as I always do.

"Hello." Alice said as she zoomed into the lab before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi." I replied as I glanced at her and then back to my work.

Seeing me still hard at work Alice smiled before moving the things she brought with her to the part of the lab where she would relax.

"Is this your magic or something like telekinesis?" Alice asked me as she looked at everything that was floating in the lab as well as me who sat cross-legged in the air.

"Magic." I replied as my eyes furrowed at the failed creation in front of me.

"Hmm..." Alice hummed in response as she pulled a notebook out of her bag.

"Well, my parent want to meet you." Alice said getting to the conclusion of her talk with the leaders of the Olympic coven.

"I see, when?" I said as I looked at Alice who had a cute smile on her face.

"They said this weekend would work if you and Bella are available." Alice said clearly excited for me to meet her parents.

"Yeah, that'll work for me, I'll ask but she has no friends so she's probably available." I said as I got back to work.

"How were their reactions?" I asked wondering how they felt when they found out about me telling Dad and Bella about the supernatural society.

"They were surprised and slightly angry but as I told them everything their anger turned into understanding." Alice said before continuing.

"They said it wasn't your fault since you didn't know the rules and worst scenario we could turn your Dad." Alice said as she began drawing in her notebook.

"Oh? They would turn my dad?" I said surprised they would bring something like that to the table so easily.

"Yeah, they don't turn humans often but since your dad knows about the supernatural society as well as him being the father of you and Bella who is mine and Edward's mates they don't mind doing it this time." Alice said.

"I see." I replied as I thought about my Dad being a vampire, he could possibly find a mate as well as have enough strength to protect himself.

"And what of Bella? Did Edward speak about turning her?" I asked curious as to whether that conversation happened or not.

"They were on board but wanted to get to know Bella before making that decision, they said it's not wise to jump into things like that when she and Edward haven't known each other for long." Alice replied as she looked at her notebook and then back to me a few times.

"Makes sense." I replied as I set a newly built and functional piece of equipment to the side of me with a smile.

"Oh, and they were pretty interested when Rosalie mentioned you creating stuff to make humans stronger." Alice said as she continued drawing.

"Is that so?" I replied.

"Yup." Alice said before falling silent as she drew.

Alice and I spoke about random things throughout the night some stuff stupid and some stuff not so stupid but as time passed I got closer and closer to completing all of the equipment until finally I finished.

"Finished?" Alice said as she stood beside me.

"Yeah." I replied with a smile as Alice wrapped her arms around me.

"Good... can we go to your room now." Alice whispered seductively, now that my work was finished she didn't need to hold back her urges.

"Sure." I replied with a smile before grabbing Alice and flying toward my window.

"Hehe" Alice giggled adorably as I held her in a princess carry while we entered my room.

"You didn't give me a kiss when I got to the lab." Alice said as she pushed onto the bed and sat on my lap.

"I think I deserve more kisses now." Alice said as she leaned toward me.

"Perhaps." I replied with a smile as our lips connected.

Alice and I began kissing intensely as our hands explored each other's bodies, we had only truly formed our bond yesterday and in truth, we were probably moving pretty fast but neither of us cared much for the pace of our relationship, fast or slow we were together and that's all that mattered.

We continued expressing our feelings for each other until unfortunately, someone disturbed us.

"Tristan, you ready?" Bella said as she knocked on my door and since it was the routine I wasn't surprised.

"...Yeah." I replied after separating my lips from Alice's.

"I'll see you later." Alice said from under me before giving me one last kiss and jumping out my window.

Although it wasn't super long, I did enjoy our time 'cuddling' and if we add that to the finished equipment in the lab, I'm in a fantastic mood.

"Dude, you guys were super loud." Bella said as I walked out of the room after cleaning myself up and changing my clothes with magic.

"Dad said he's gonna have a talk with you later." Bella said with a smile as if she was happy to see my suffering.

"Whatever." I said as I walked past Bella who began mocking me with a smile on her face as we made our way outside.

"You think I didn't hear you talking with Edward last night?" I said preparing my joke.

But unlike usual Bella didn't respond instead, she looked at me with a big smile before getting in her car and rolling down the window just enough for me to hear her.

"You can't win if I don't give you the chance to respond." Bella said with a mix of a conniving and triumphant smile before quickly pulling out of the driveway and driving to school.

"..." I wasn't sure what to say or do, she was right, I couldn't win a teasing match if I didn't get to respond... I lose by default.

"Fuck!" I shouted mourning at my very first loss.

"I never thought this day would come..." I said as I got into the car.

"Don't be ashamed, me! There are always chances at redemption!" I shouted inside of my car trying to hype myself up and it worked.

"Ah, wait a minute." I said as my eyes widened in realization.

"Only Bella saw my loss, I simply have to say she has no proof, I will just forget it ever happened." I said as a big smile appeared on my face, I didn't lose! I never lose!

Finished talking to myself like a madman I began my drive to school and soon enough I could be seen parking my car.

"Sup loser." Bella said as she sat on the trunk of her car waiting while she waited for me.

"Loser? What do you mean?" I asked feigning sincerity, little ole me had no clue what she was talking about.

"Heh, you know what I mean." Bella said still holding her smile.

"I don't." I replied as I waited for Alice and Edward to arrive since I saw the Cullens group walking toward us when I pulled in.

"Yes, you do." Bella said with squinted eyes, she was beginning to understand the narrative I was pushing.

"Morning kids." Emmett said with a raised hand and a smile.

"Mornin'." I replied as Alice came beside me and took my hand in hers.

"Hey, hun." Alice said causing me to smile.

"Hey." I replied as I looked down at the sweet vampire who seemed to know just how to make my hearts skip a beat, not that she could hear all of them.

"Let's get inside everyone." Emmett said as we all began walking into the school.

'8 hours of school then it'll be time to bob the builder some shit.' I said to myself knowing I would begin the creation of NZT-48 after school.

To be continued...

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