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40% House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 : Rest in Pentos

Capítulo 9: Chapter 9 : Rest in Pentos

--==Pentos, Essos==--

The bustling streets of Pentos welcomed us with open arms, giving us a chance to rest for us, especially after the Stepstones. Yet, such intense need brought most sailors to the temptations of the city.

Gambling, brothels, fights.

Especially when they had their pockets full.

When we landed on Pentos, Captain Derek wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to profit from the trip from Westeros. He had a keen eye for business, and he used it. He bartered the stored merchandise, reaping a bounty of gold in return. 

The thing that impressed me the most was that he didn't flood the market. Things like furs, claws and various other luxuries from Westeros need to be sold moderately across the Essos cities. Otherwise, with the easy availability of the price will fall.


Each member of the crew was gifted fifty stags, a price well worth when compared to the dangers of sailing. The veterans among us, those who had faced the brunt of the pirate onslaught, received double the sum—a hundred stabs each, a princely reward for their tasks.

Before everyone dispersed, Captain Berek encouraged them, "Soon, by the end of our trip, Golden dragons will be within our grasp." pointing at his sailors, he grinned, "Soon, we'll be living like lords before long."

""" AYE."'""

With pockets lined with silver, they went into the heart of Pentos, eager to indulge in the city.

I wandered through the bustling marketplace, my senses awash with the sights and sounds of Pentos. The streets pulsed with life, alive with the sounds of laughter and revelry. Merchants hawked their wares, enticing us with promises of exotic trinkets and treasures.

Especially the air that was thick with the aroma of spices and roasted meats, along with the sweet scent of incense. It is no wonder that the Essos cities are considered the origin of Trade, as every single one of these items originates from different parts of the world.


"Are you kidding me, old shit? This book is just a sailor's drunken rambles and you want to price it for 1 gold Dragon? Are you so dumb?"

The vendor's face crunched in anger, and he heaved like a bull. "This is my grandfather's book. He was one of the finest traders of Essos. So, of course, the book of his journeys is worth it."


I called out on his bullshit, "Yeah, right, a guy in Essos hear and sees Wood spirits in Stormlands. The even more ridiculous thing is that he fucked her. So you want to talk about the ending?"

He looked ready to cut me down. Despite my young age, he refrained himself seeing my fine clothes and a crossbow on my back stopped him. That and the Sailing bitch's sailors who were drinking in the street looked at us like a shark that smelled blood. 

Trust me, that is one scary sight. I meant the scarred sailors, not the sharks.

With a handful of silver stags clutched tightly in my fist, I won the bartering.

My thoughts drifted to the old fogeys back at the Citadel, their faces lighting up with joy at the sight of new books to read, especially ones to pass their time. Of course, their pride being soothed is the important thing and getting them to like me. I know just the right person for this gift, especially after I explored using the Master key.


As I wandered the streets around our inn, lost in contemplation, I stumbled upon a familiar group of sailors, their spirits high and their laughter echoing through the night. In their midst was Geric, his blind eye concealed beneath a patch, his laughter ringing out above the din.

"To the brothel!" cried one sailor, his voice slurred with drink. "A night of revelry awaits us!"

I watched in shock as they carried Geric away, their raucous laughter fading into the night, shouting they will fuck his depression away. Even Walder followed in their wake, his face red and drool dripping from saliva.

As the night wore on, I found myself torn about the fact that the wealth I have is much more than I initially thought. Just my crossbow worth 7 Golden dragons would take more than a dozen trips for an average sailor to afford, while I easily earned it from selling a few Re-quills. It made me realize how lucky I am to possess my past life knowledge. 

The Re-quill was a simple thing to make with the concept and Citadel's knowledge. I did not even need AI to make it. However, I used the AI to shorten my load. Vastly.




"You asshole, how dare you?"

"It's just a whore. Why are you being a bitch about her?"


"I told you I loved her and, most important thing, she didn't want to be a whore."


Fuck, that escalated a lot.

"Move aside," I did my best to move through the crowd while shouting, "Make way for me. Those are my friends." 

Everyone had already gathered around Kipie and another sailor from the ship, Alaric, by the time I reached them. The rest of the crew came and dragged them both away to cool off. While everyone waited for Captain Berek, the story made the round.

Alaric fell in love with a whore. He wanted to buy her off the Brothel using his life savings and settle down with her somewhere far away. He told as much to the rest. Kipie, being a drunken asshole, didn't bother with the sentiments and paid for the girl in question to be fucked.

According to him, she was the most beautiful in the Brothel.

There is a problem with both sides. Kipie didn't need to be told about, he was a destructive asshole who caused pain to his crewmate. The camaraderie of sailors is the only cornerstone for them to sail and function as a crew. Especially when considering the many things they have faced- storms, lack of people, pirates, diseases.

But there is a problem with Alaric, too. He fell in love with a whore on just a few visits. I don't believe the girl fell in love with him. I mean, she might use him as a chance to get away. While my thinking is cruel, it can be the truth.

Heard far too many stories like this where whores scammed many people to save themself.

Clinton himself had lost his house, wealth and reputation in the same way. Being born beautiful is a sin for small folk. That kind of circumstance is the recipe for seeing the dark nature of the world. So, they seem to use every chance they can get.

Or Alaric truly fell in love with a gem of a girl. Now that is also possible. The problem here is how to deal with the issue. Having these two kill each other on the ship is a disaster. The one who has to decide it is the leader of the bunch, Captain Berek.



Among the thuds of his wooden leg, Captain Berek came in front of Kippie.

"So, Kippie. Do you have something to say about this? I am asking you as your captain."

Kippie snorted as he said, "Nothing. She is a whore. I wouldn't be surprised if she started selling her body again in a month or two."


"Bastard. How dare you? She is not like that."

Kippie just spits a glob of blood in response to Alaric's punch. Captain Berek just nodded and asked everyone here, "Who pulled out the sword? I accept fists flying in my ship but not swords."

I sighed as everyone answered the expected truth. "Alaric."

Love sick idiots.


Captain Berek threw a pouch filled with coins at Alaric's feet "Leave and search for your new life."

Leaving Alaric to process the dismissal, Captain Berek told Kippie, "Since you don't care about others, there shouldn't be a problem for you to not care about their shit. For the rest of the year, you will clean rooms, floors and anything these drunkards do. Including the blocked shit in the Latrine."

He turned to everyone else and shouted, "Now everyone else can scram."

With that, He dragged Alaric out.

I couldn't help but mutter, "Pentos is no longer considered as a slaver city legally, but not in effect. Wanting for the most profitable whore in a brothel to leave is difficult. It's possible that Alaric is done for. What is Captain thinking?"

I don't when Teacher Hoster came up behind and said while hiccuping from drink, "Now, that is the thinking of a fine leader. Establishing clear-cut rules and imposing them. Even if his heart doesn't agree with it, Captain Berek must follow the rules he made. If he doesn't follow them himself, people below definitely won't."



Looking at the serious face of Teacher, I couldn't help but say, "I sometimes forget, you once ruled an entire kingdom."

He chuckled in reply and said, "Bracken territory hasn't been a kingdom for centuries."

I retorted back, "But you ruled it as a regent."

"Yes, I did. The worst phase of my life."

I watched as he walked for another drink.

Fuck, everyone has some messed up shit. Geric, Walder, Teacher, Captain Berek, etc..

I am damn lucky till now. It's just I fear what happens when this luck runs out. But for now, I pushed aside my worries, embracing the fleeting moments of joy that Pentos offered. 

As the moon hung high in the sky, casting its ethereal glow through the window, I found myself just leaning back in the rocking chair. The warmth of the fire in the Inn comforted me a lot.

"Quite a night, isn't it?"

The voice broke through my reverie, drawing my gaze to the figure standing beside me. It was Smallfoot, his short frame and childish features illuminated by the soft glow of the moon.

"Yes, it is an exciting night," I replied, offering him a weary smile. "A night of revelry, it seems."

Smallfoot nodded, his eyes distant as he gazed out into the night. "Mind if I join you?"

I shook my head, grateful for his company. He snuggled into the chair with me.

As we sat, Smallfoot spoke his thoughts till now. Always ready to share his worries.

"I never thought I'd make it through the Stepstones," he confessed, his voice tinged with emotions like fear and hint a of pride. "But here I am, sitting beneath the moonlight, alive and whole."

I nodded in understanding, feeling the same way. "We've faced death and violence that most men in the citadel can only imagine," I replied. "But we survived through it all, especially you, buddy. Speaking of it, I am happy about you wanting to learn the sword. I can already imagine you being knighted under the cheer of hundreds."

Smallfoot smiled, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.

I further enforced his confidence with words, "And as long as we stand together, there's nothing we can't overcome."

I am seeing the effects of psychology books, and Smallfoot is growing more confident each day.

At that moment, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. And so, I slept like a baby till the early hours of dawn.


After a week of rest and replenishing our supplies, Captain Derek announced our departure from Pentos, setting our course towards the legendary city of Freedom, Braavos.

As we sailed, many of us, including myself, eagerly scanned the horizon, hoping to glimpse the famed cities of Lorath, Norvos, and Qohor. But Captain Derek quickly dispelled our illusions with a hearty laugh.

"Ah, you young ones," he chuckled, his voice carrying over the sound of the wind and waves. "Thinking you can see the cities from here? You'll only see them from here when you're about to ride a dragon! A dragon rider drew the map. So, of course, he can see the damn cities."

We laughed along with him, the tension from the last week easing as we settled into the rhythm of life at sea once more.

Days turned into nights, the endless expanse of the Narrow Sea stretching out before us in all its vastness.


Then, one day, Captain Berek's voice rang out across the deck, filled with awe and wonder. "Behold, my friends!" he exclaimed, pointing towards the approaching ships with a wide sweep of his arm. "The safest waters in the world, guarded by the mighty patrol of the Braavos Fleet!"

We gathered at the railing, our eyes following his gesture to where the ships bobbed on the horizon. Among them, we saw the imposing figure of the Titan of Braavos looming, with its massive form said to be the city's symbol of strength and resilience.

"Truly a sight to behold," murmured Geric, his voice filled with reverence.

"Aye, indeed," agreed Walder, his eyes shining with admiration. "The protector of freedom, standing watch over the seas."

As we watched the statue that rose above the mountains into the sky, a sense of awe washed over us, mingled with a newfound respect for the city that lay ahead.

For Braavos was more than just a destination in the current era—it was a beacon of hope and freedom, a symbol of strength and defiance in the face of adversity. It was proof of the fact that people's effort could stave off even mighty forces like the Valyrian empire with their armies of dragons.

Especially when the royal family of Westeros is at its peak.

As our ship sailed ever closer to its docks, I felt a thrill of excitement course through my veins, eager to explore the fabled city of Braavos. According to various sources, it is the safest city in the world. Considering the violent nature of this era, it is not much,

---===Bravos, Docks===--

As the patrol ships approached, a sense of nervousness filled the beginners.

The last ship that approached us in open water was a pirate ship, so I have a right to be nervous.

I stood on the deck, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.




With a flurry of activity, the patrol ships docked alongside ours, and the officers swiftly boarded. Their guy dressed in armour commanded the attention of everyone.

"Search the ship."

"AYE, my lord."

They wasted no time in commencing their inspection, their eyes scrutinizing every nook and cranny of our vessel.




Room by room, inch by inch, they meticulously examined our cargo, questioning everyone in the crew. These rigid inspections gave Bravos its fame and security.

Yet despite their thoroughness, Captain Derek and Teacher remained calm and collected as they presented various letters and documents that affirmed our status and purpose for approaching Braavos.

"..... me and my apprentices are here to clear up the mess of our colleague from Citadel. You can check with Sealord's balance for more."

The inspecting lord snorted as he said, "No need. It was quite a famous incident. It is not every day two drunken men fight over another man."

I did my best to control my laughter, but the sailors had no such restraints. "Fuck, that is incredible. Hey, Pink Butt, you will get along well with them."

"Ha Ha. Stopping being an asshole, servant Kippie."

I watched with fascination as the patrolling officer gradually softened as he engaged in conversation with Captain Berek.

These are the social skills I want. Every person and friend I make can be a viable resource. Especially the people in power.

Then, to my internal approval, the captain reached into a nearby crate and produced a bottle of Arbor wine—a gesture of goodwill that made me hear the clinking of Golden Dragons raining into the Captain's pocket.

Fuck, Captain loaded the world-famous wine in a single day of stopping in Sunspear. A ship worth of this stuff is worth its weight in gold.

The officer accepted the gift with a grateful smile, acknowledging the captain's generosity with a whistle.

As the officers concluded their inspection and bid us farewell, the crew breathed a collective sigh of relief. The tension that had gripped us moments ago dissipated, replaced by a sense of triumph and accomplishment.

"It's a small price to pay for the swift passage through the dock formalities," Captain Derek remarked, his voice tinged with amusement as he inspected another bottle of wine. "But it will certainly make our stay in Braavos more enjoyable."

With the formalities behind us, the crew dispersed once more, their pockets jingling with silver from the generous rewards of our journey. But just as I moved to join them, the Teacher's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"We have different accommodations," he said cryptically, his expression unreadable as he gestured for me to follow.

With a shrug towards my friends in the crew, I trailed behind him with Smallfoot and Walder.

As I followed Teacher Bracken through the bustling streets of Braavos, he humoredly pointed out the sights, his familiarity with the city clear in the twinkle in his eye. "Ah, here we are, lad," he exclaimed, gesturing towards a towering statue of a woman. "The black opal, also known as the greatest courtesan of Bravos."

I admired the realistic statue, but the most important provoking feature is the teasing smile that gives it the looks of a real person. "Impressive, isn't it?" remarked the teacher, a hint of pride in his voice. "Aye, I remember when they first erected it years ago."

"Now, little guys, I am going to visit my friends here and you better remember them. Especially since my body is becoming old enough that this might be my last trip."

While Walder and Smallfoot are confused, I got his meaning.

It is tough to know the right person in a new place, especially if you need help. He is essentially transferring his contacts and relations. Especially with our aim to form our Re-quill business from Bravos as an opener in Essos.

I nodded with his back, knowing that I might be the Citadel's representative in years to come. It kind of reminded me about Archmaester's favour we had. Smart Teacher. Despite the dangers of travel, the profitability is massive. Especially since we can tag along with other merchant fleets using the Citadel's name.

As we continued our stroll, we passed by a quaint shop adorned with colourful banners and exotic trinkets. A shopkeeper greeted us, whom the Teacher seemed to know well. "Ah, Mikken!" exclaimed Teacher, clapping the man on the shoulder. "Still peddling your wares, I see."

Mikken chuckled, his eyes crinkling with mirth. "Aye, and business has been good, thanks to characters like yourself," he replied, nodding towards me with a grin. "What brings you back to Braavos?"

The teacher shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, just showing my young friend here the sights and a small visit to Sealord as a representative of Citadel," he said cryptically, exchanging a knowing look with Mikken.

We chatted for a while, exchanging stories and jokes as we browsed through Mikken's eclectic collection of smuggled goods. Eventually, we bid him farewell, promising to visit again soon.

"....It was Mikken who helped me back then to escape the inspection of the corrupt city guard. Though he sucked my wealth dry, he is quite good at his work."

As we continued our journey through the city, Teacher regaled me with tales of his previous adventures in Braavos, each one more colourful than the last. I listened with rapt attention, hanging on his every word as we wandered through the winding streets and narrow alleys.

Despite the hustle and bustle of the surrounding city, I felt a sense of security and modern feel that is lacking in the conservative Westeros and Essos cities I have seen till now. 

It is the various races of people mingling with no bias other than money. I remember the odd looks I got in Oldtown, even in Kingslanding. But here my brown skin tone seems to be just a small part of the background.


1 Gold Dragon = 210 Silver stags / 30 Silver Moons

A Warhorse cost 3 gold dragons

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