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59.09% Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction! / Chapter 13: All is Fair in War - Chapter 13

Capítulo 13: All is Fair in War - Chapter 13


As we were sailing smoothly over the sea towards Inazuma, I couldn't help but keep glancing at the Geo Gnosis resting securely in my palm.

It was a peculiar feeling, holding onto something so powerful and yet, supposedly, so 'useless' to its former master.

Zhongli, or should I say Rex Lapis, had retired, and here I was, the new "Archon" of this Gnosis.

(Paimon) : Being the curious and cautious companion, she floated near me, her voice laced with concern. "Since Zhongli retired from being the Geo Archon, the Geo Gnosis is useless to him and could bring more harm. Are you sure that it's safe in your hand, Gojo?"

She had a point. The importance and power of a Gnosis were not to be taken lightly.

Yet, as I looked at the Gnosis, I couldn't shake off the feeling of rightness in having it with me.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Paimon, you have a knack for worrying, don't you?" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "But you're not wrong. This thing," I gestured with the Gnosis in hand, "is a hot potato. But think about it. If there's anyone who can keep it secure and away from the wrong hands, it's me."

Lumine didn't say much, but her eyes were on me, having the same worry and curiosity as Paimon.

She had that look, the one that said she was weighing the situation, probably calculating our odds in case things went south.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Besides," I continued, unable to resist adding a bit of boastfulness, "I'm Satoru Gojo. Things don't get dangerous for me; I make them dangerous for others."

Paimon seemed somewhat reassured, or maybe she just decided it wasn't worth arguing.

For the rest of our journey, we engaged in lighter conversations, plans for Inazuma, and some occasional banter.

Despite the casual atmosphere, I couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility that came with the Geo Gnosis.

Not just a physical weight, but the kind that settled on your shoulders, whispering constant reminders of power, danger, and duty.

Liyue was behind us, and I realized that whatever lays ahead, I was ready for it. After all, with Lumine, Paimon, and an Archon's Gnosis resting in my hand, there was little we couldn't face.

And there I was, minding my own business on the deck, trying to get used to the sway of the ship under my feet.

It's not every day you find yourself aboard the Crux Fleet, right? And then she appeared, like out of nowhere.

Beidou herself—the captain. A legend among sailors and, frankly, pretty intimidating up close.

(Beidou) : "So how do you like it here, young man? Any improvements we should get?" She asked, casual as if we were discussing the weather and not me standing on her ship.

So, the captain herself came up to chat, huh? Beidou, towering and all charisma, drops the question like it's casual Friday.

I paused, trying to think if there was anything that could be improved. But come on, this was Beidou's ship.

What could a newcomer like me possibly suggest? Besides, I don't know even know how to improve a ship.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Can't think of anything, to be honest. It's more than I could have imagined." Honestly, the vibe on her ship? It's pretty awesome.

(Beidou) : She laughed, a hearty sound that made some of the tension melt away. "Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. But remember, the sea's always changing. Keep your eyes open; there's always something new to learn or improve."

And that was that. Beidou moved away, leaving me with a bunch of thoughts swirling in my head.

Not just about the ship, but about her words. The sea, always changing... Yeah, I could get behind that idea.

Maybe this journey was going to be about more than just adjusting to life on a ship.

The crew is tight-knit, jokes flying left and right, and the ocean... It's a sprawling sheet of blue mystery underneath, makes you think of all the stories buried beneath the waves.

But to think about the improvements? That's a thinker. On one side, you've got everything you'd need for adventure - the thrill, the sights, the moments that make you feel alive.

But, you know, being a creature of comfort and all, maybe we could crank up the living quarters a bit?

Not saying it needs to be a luxury cruise line, but a little extra fluff never hurt anyone. Maybe throw in some more of those plush pillows, or how about Wi-Fi?

Yeah, I know, asking for Wi-Fi sounds a bit much, given that I'm in Genshin world and bobbing in the middle of this vast water canvas, but a guy can dream, right?

And if we're really tossing ideas in the hat, how about some more variety in the grub department?

The food's solid, don't get me wrong. But a bit more spice, a little experimentation could turn meals into something everyone looks forward to, more than they already do.

Yet, at the end of the day, even without these tweaks, this place? It's got its own kind of magic.

The wind, the waves, the experience - it's a package deal hard to beat. Makes you appreciate the simple things... Like the stars.

(Kazuha) : "Welcome, Traveller, Paimon, and Gojo. May your journey be smooth and untroubled," came the warm greeting from Kazuha, his presence as calming as a gentle breeze.

(Paimon) : "Oh, Kazuha! Awesome to see you! What's the latest news in Inazuma?" Paimon bubbled with curiosity.

(Kazuha) : He sighed, "It's a mix, really. On one side, it's calm, but on the flip side, it's pretty bad. The Shogun's enforcing a Vision Hunt, meaning anyone with a Vision is at risk of losing it. And if they resist, well, things get ugly. Though we've had a brief two-week break from all the chaos, it looks like that peace is about to be shattered. War's on the horizon as soon as tomorrow's sun comes up."

(Paimon) : "Wait, really? How did they manage to get two weeks of peace?" Paimon inquired, eager to understand more.

(Kazuha) : "From what I've heard, there's a person named Musashi Miyamoto stepped forward to challenge her to a duel to the death. All he asked for in return was two weeks of peace. Unfortunately, it didn't end well for him, but now everyone views him as a champion of freedom." He explained.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Wait a second, did you just say Musashi Miyamoto?" I chimed in, pretending to be a bit taken aback.

(Kazuha) : "Yeah, why?" Kazuha shot back, puzzled.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "That's my friend," I let them know, the realization hitting them hard.

(Paimon) : "Don't tell me he's from Snezhnaya," Paimon tried her best to break the tension with a bit of humor.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Thanks for that, Paimon. But nope, he's from Inazuma. And he's a friend of mine," I said, appreciating Paimon's attempt at making light of the situation but still couldn't shake off the seriousness of it all.

(Paimon) : "So, let Paimon get this straight - your buddy went toe to toe with the Shogun, the Electro Archon? You two are peas in a pod, Gojo. Except, you know, you keep throwing down with the Fatui," Paimon tossed out, her tone dripping with a mix of awe and a cheeky nudge.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "But hey, every single time, who walks away the winner? This guy," I couldn't help but flash a smug grin, feeling a bit proud of my track record against the Fatui.

(Mizu as Gojo) : But then, the mood shifted as I thought about the Shogun. "But, you know, talking about that Shogun..." I paused, as my thoughts darkened. "No matter what it takes, I'm getting my revenge." The determination was set; there was no going back now.

(Lumine) : "But before you beat the Shogun, I need information for my brother's whereabouts. Can you do that, Gojo?" she asked. Lumine's request caught me off guard.

Honestly, she's usually so quiet, blending into the background, letting Paimon speaks for her.

But hearing her speak up like this? Kind of adorable, really.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Yeah, I can do that, Lumine," I replied, a bit surprised but ready to help. Lumine speaking up—didn't see that coming, but it's a good kind of unexpected.

(Paimon) : She suddenly piped up with a cheeky grin. "Paimon bets 3 Sweet Madame that you'd beat her, Gojo!" She declared, practically throwing herself into the conversation. I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Oh? Is that so?" I teased, already thinking of raising the stakes, just for the fun of it. "Well then, I'll bet 5 Sweet Madames if the traveller beats the Shogun." The look on Paimon's face was priceless—a mix of surprise and excitement.

(Paimon) : Paimon laid down the law, eyes sparkling, "You're with us wherever we go, got it? No sneaking off on your own!" She declared.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Of course, I wouldn't dream of it," he reassured her with a casual wave of his hand.

(Paimon) : Paimon couldn't help but chuckle triumphantly. "Hehe! With that settled, Paimon's definitely winning this one!" She boasted, already savoring her victory.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Turning to Kazuha, a sudden curious thought popped into my head, and I just blurted it out. "Ever come across that tale about the Ghost of Uchiha?"


Meanwhile, over in Sumeru, Madara was having a field day dodging all of Dehya's moves with what looked like zero effort.

It was almost like a game to him, ducking and weaving so easily that it was clear he was on a whole different level.

But then, Dehya pulled a fast one. With her fiery metal gloves lighting up, she executed a slick backflip, sending a cloud of sand flying straight at Madara, creating a makeshift smokescreen.

Instinctively, Madara swung up his Gunbai to shield his eyes from the gritty assault.

Seizing the moment, Dehya gathered every ounce of strength and fire she could muster and launched herself at him.

She aimed a fiery punch, hoping to break through his Gunbai with all the power she could gather.

(Madara) : "That's useless, no matter what you do," Madara coolly remarked, effortlessly blocking her punch with his Gunbai, which served as a sort of shield.

Dehya could sense all her impact and fire just getting sucked into it, absorbed as if her attack meant nothing.

(Dehya) : "What?!" Surprised, she quickly backed off.

(Madara) : "Why, Flame-mane? Are you afraid of me?" Madara taunted, a smirk playing at the edges of his lips.

(Dehya) : "I'm not afraid of you, but your weapon... It's weird," she replied, her tone serious as she circled him like a shark sizing up its prey. Her eyes were fixed on the Gunbai, trying to think if there's any weaknesses.

(Madara) : "Usually, I'd pair my scythe with this big fan of mine in a fight, but going all out against you? Doesn't seem necessary." He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, looking at her calculating gaze.

It's clear she's sizing up his Gunbai, probably trying to figure out its quirks. Not an easy task, given its uniqueness that can seemingly absorb impact.

(Dehya.) : "That's a fan?" She sounds genuinely puzzled, her eyes flicking between me and the Gunbai as if seeing it in a new light.

(Madara) : "It is, yes." He nodded, affirming her question. The Gunbai isn't just any fan, after all. But explaining its full extent now? Where's the fun in that?

As she morphed her steel gloves into a massive claymore, she dashed towards him with the kind of speed that turns a straightforward run into something much more exciting.

Madara, not one to be easily rattled, readied himself. With his Gunbai in hand, he stood firm, a playful yet determined glimmer in his eyes.

(Madara) : "Come on, Flame-mane!" He called out, almost as if inviting the clash.

Just when it looked like she was going all in with that mad dash, she pulled a fast one.

Abruptly stopping, she chucked her claymore right at Madara's Gunbai, hitting it square and setting Newton's first law of motion into a dazzling display.

The claymore did land with a satisfying clang against the Gunbai, but she wasn't done yet.

Madara, feeling the impact, had barely a moment to process before Dehya launched another surprise.

She darted forward, not missing a beat, and delivered a swift kick to his Gunbai.

Before he could even think of a counter, she used the momentum to propel herself into the air, soaring above him. Madara, taken aback, didn't see that move coming.

Dehya, hovering above like a scene straight out of an epic showdown.

She calls back her steel gloves with a flick, and just like that, they're back in her hands, glowing bright with her Pyro Vision.

Seriously, she looked like a phoenix coming in hot – quite literally.

(Dehya) : "Take this!" She wasn't just there for the scenic view, after all. Down she came, like a meteorite aiming straight for Madara, and landed that fiery punch of hers right against his Gunbai. The timing, the power, it was all there.

But all that flare and drama, it kind of just got sucked up by the Gunbai. Like, literally absorbed.

(Madara) : "All of that for nothing. Uchiha Reflection," And just like that, all that energy Dehya threw at Madara exploded right back on her.

She was messed up, seriously, with injuries all over, but guess what? She was still on her feet, shaky but up.

(Madara) : Madara couldn't help but nod in respect. "I see that you have the will of a warrior. You aren't giving up," he said, kind of impressed.

(Dehya) : Barely holding on, Dehya coughed out, "O-of course.. I wouldn't give up.. So suddenly.." But that was it. That was all she had left in her.

After giving it her all, she finally collapsed and fainted. And just like that, Madara stood there, being the undeniable winner.

He didn't just walk away after the clash. Instead, he leaned down beside Dehya, now unconscious and battered from their intense battle.

(Madara) : "You did great," he murmured, a hint of respect in his voice that wasn't there before.

Using his exceptional Chakra control, he began to heal her injuries.

As the healing chakra flowed from his hands, Dehya's wounds began to mend, the bruises fading and the cuts sealing as if they were never there.

It wasn't long before she stirred, her eyelids fluttering open in confusion. The pain was gone, replaced by a strange warmth, and she found herself staring up at the sky, wondering how she got there.

Sitting up, Dehya looked around, half expecting the pain to hit her, but there was nothing.

She was utterly fine, healed, and for a moment, she couldn't wrap her head around it.

Dehya blinked, confusion painting her face. She felt... Fine, no traces of the previous exhaustion that had clawed at her muscles, no shadow of the pain that had haunted her steps.

(Dehya) : "What just happened? I feel fine now," she uttered, her tone laced with disbelief.

(Madara) : He glanced over at her, an unreadable expression on his face. "That's none of your concern, but, yes, you're healed," he stated matter-of-factly, as if discussing the weather, not the sudden, mysterious disappearance of injuries.

She let out a sigh and pushed herself up to stand, then bowed deeply to him, gratitude painting her actions.

(Dehya) : "My thanks. I guess I really needed to train more. Your title 'Ghost of Uchiha' isn't just for show, huh?" She said, a mix of respect and admiration threading through her words.

It was clear she recognized the depth of his skills, far beyond what any title could convey.

(Madara) : "Stand proud, Dehya. You're strong," he called over his shoulder, already walking away.

His words floated back to her, simple yet heavy with meaning, encouraging her to recognize her own strength even in the face of defeat.

(Dehya) : "Thank you so much, Madara! One day, I'll beat you!" Dehya called out, waving enthusiastically at him.

She was full of determination and hope, a smile wide on her face. But deep down, both knew the reality - she hadn't yet seen the full extent of his powers.

Despite this, Madara just smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes, and waved back, acknowledging her spirit.


Venti had been eagerly sharing every interesting tale he could think of with Welt, hoping to impress him.

Story after story, he recounted adventures, mysteries, and the whimsical exploits typical of the Anemo Archon.

Yet, despite Venti's enthusiastic storytelling and the vivid details he provided, none seemed to make an impact on Welt.

The tales, rich with history and heroics that usually captivated listeners, just didn't seem to spark any interest in him.

Welt glanced around the bustling streets of Mondstadt, his eyes finally resting on someone who caught his interest.

(Welt) : "You know, if I were to choose someone to listen to, I'd choose that girl there," he remarked casually, pointing towards Fischl.

She was hard to miss, her body movements exaggerating every word she spoke, embodying the very essence of her 'Chuuni' personality.

With her dramatic flair and unique way of expressing herself, it seemed Welt found her theatrics far more intriguing than Venti's catalog of adventures.

Venti puffed his cheeks, trying his best to look stern but ending up being adorable instead.

(Venti) : "I have told my stories! Now it's your turn!" He declared, cutely angry.

It was hard to take his frustration seriously when he looked more like he was about to break into a song than actually scold someone.

(Welt) : Welt perked up, fixing his stance like he was about to deliver something epic. "Alright then, it's my turn to tell you a story," he said, getting himself all ready to dive into his tale.

(Welt) : Gazing up at the sky, Welt got this thoughtful look on his face. "Let me tell you the story of a certain cheeky raccoon, a star, and a dragon," he said, his voice laced with a hint of excitement and mystery.

It sounded like the setup to one of those classic adventures you'd hear around a campfire, the kind that gets more outrageous.

MochiGreenTea MochiGreenTea

Sorry if it's a bit short, but I don't what to write anymore.

I've been getting into Yu-Gi-Oh recently. And I know how to play it, no worries.

I'll write another chapter once I rest for awhile. Don't expect too much!

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