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78.94% Sex Stories: Mr. LarsBar's Nut Factory / Chapter 44: Persona 3 - Mitsuru Kirijo's Struggle (Commission)

Capítulo 44: Persona 3 - Mitsuru Kirijo's Struggle (Commission)

Summary: Years after the story of Persona 3, Mitsuru Kirjio has found happiness in her life with her new boyfriend, Sanemi. His birthday coming up, she decides to celebrate in the only way she knew: by throwing a big party. Unfortunately, she invites a certain employee of hers who proceeds to blackmail her for an old incident.

Unable to fight back and wanting to keep her boyfriend's day happy, she decides to blow the employee, not knowing that the man is hung like a horse. 

Unlike her boyfriend. 


The sharp ring of Mitsuru Kirijo's alarm clock pierced the serene silence of the room, shattering the tranquil veil of pre-dawn. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of sharp, crimson orbs that immediately fixated on the digital display glowing beside her bed: 5:00 AM, precisely. She exhaled softly, pushing away the remnants of sleep with the same precision she applied to all aspects of her life. Discipline had been ingrained in her from a young age, a necessity given her lineage and responsibilities.

Mitsuru sat up, the luxurious silk sheets slipping off her shoulders, revealing the elegant nightgown she wore—simple, yet of the finest quality and complimentary towards her slim figure. The bedroom around her was a study in understated opulence. Dark mahogany furniture contrasted with the soft, cream-coloured walls. A large window dominated one side, its heavy drapes still drawn, blocking out the cityscape of Tokyo that lay beyond. On her nightstand, beside the alarm clock, sat a small, framed photograph of her and her friends from their school days.

'That was then,' Mitsuru reminded herself. 'I live in the present.'

She reached for her phone, which buzzed almost on cue with her wake-up routine. A message notification glowed on the screen, and with a swipe, she revealed the contents: a reminder from her secretary about her boyfriend's upcoming birthday. A rare, faint smile touched her lips. Despite the rigid structure of her days, moments like these provided a gentle reprieve, a connection to the softer aspects of her life.

But not for long. The tension and desire to go spurred her. Sliding out of bed, Mitsuru moved with practiced grace. Her morning routine was executed with the precision of a well-rehearsed dance. She showered, dressed in a tailored suit that spoke of authority and sophistication, and styled her crimson hair into a neat, professional updo. Every detail was attended to with care.

As she descended the grand staircase of her penthouse, the sound of her heels clicking against the marble floor echoed through the otherwise silent residence. She passed through the expansive living room, sparsely decorated but with pieces that each held significant value—both monetary and historical. Large windows offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline, but Mitsuru's eyes were focused inward. She was a Kirijo and so she must focus and work.

At the building's entrance, her driver stood waiting beside a sleek, black limousine. He greeted her with a respectful nod, opening the door as she approached. Mitsuru stepped inside, the plush leather seats offering a momentary embrace of comfort. As the door closed behind her, sealing her into the quiet sanctuary of the limo, she allowed herself a brief moment to close her eyes and gather her thoughts.

The engine purred to life, and the vehicle smoothly merged into the morning traffic. Mitsuru's gaze drifted to the passing scenery outside the tinted windows, her expression composed but tinged with the weight of her responsibilities. Her life was one of relentless expectations and ceaseless duties. 

As the city unfolded around her, bustling with its early morning energy, Mitsuru Kirijo prepared herself for another day of leading the Kirijo Group.


Hours later and she was done with work. Coming outside the building, she had notably changed clothes, going from her tailored dress to something reminiscent of her old Gekkoukan High uniform: a white blouse, black knee-high high-heeled boots, and a black skirt that hovered at her thigh. Indeed, the skirt was the only part that was a large departure from the uniform, being short enough to show her creamy legs. 

But no one could peek. No one could ogle her panties. After all, in moments, she was seated in her limo again.

The cityscape of Tokyo passed by in a blur of lights and motion as Mitsuru Kirijo sat in the back of a sleek black limousine. She held her phone to her ear.

"Yes, everything is on schedule. Ensure the decorations are elegant but understated. It should be perfect for him," Mitsuru said, her crimson eyes softening at the thought. "And the cake? Good, it needs to be in place before I arrive."

She ended the call, a small, satisfied smile playing on her lips. Mitsuru leaned back, adjusting the hem of her slightly shorter skirt, which complemented her refined, professional look. Despite her elevated status and responsibilities, she still carried herself with the grace and poise she was known for during her school days.

The limo pulled up to a small mansion, the golden glow of lanterns lining the driveway. The limo came to a halt, stopping behind a car. This car was where the cake had been carried with her attendants swiftly exiting and taking the beautifully decorated cake inside through the back entrance. Mitsuru had personally picked out this cake for her one and only boyfriend.

That was right—the Kirijo heir was taken. She had a boyfriend, a lovely man by the name of Sanemi Okamura.

Entering the big mansion, she saw her boyfriend, smiling. Sanemi's eyes lit up as he spotted her too. Dark blue hair, average height, and a cheery disposition. He was the total opposite of what people expected Mitsuru's lover to be like. Many anticipated a cold man that took no shit and abused his authority. Sanemi was not like that. Not at all.

Mitsuru approached him, waist hugged by his arms, and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 

"Happy birthday."

Sanemi smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Thank you, Mitsuru. The place looks amazing. Buuuut…"


"Don't worry." Mitsuru laughed. "Your friends are coming."

As if responding to her words, the doors opened and friends walked through. Sanemi gave a brief wave. The guests were a mix of old friends and close acquaintances. Mitsuru's careful planning ensured that every detail, from the music to the décor, was perfect. 

Since people were watching, Mitsuru pulled back. His hands were still on her waist though. "I'm going to get the cake ready and prepare a little surprise in the guest room. You can't come in until I say so, understood?"

Sanemi chuckled, nodding. "Alright, I promise not to peek."

With a last affectionate glance, Mitsuru made her way upstairs, her heels clicking softly against the marble floor. This little mansion was just one of many properties her family owned. She came from old money so to her this actually wasn't very large, although to everyone else, it was a spectacular display of rich size. 

Click, click, click. She went up the stairs and arrived at the guest room, a cozy, intimate space. The cake stood on a table, alongside a beautifully wrapped gift and a collection of photographs showcasing moments they had shared. She eyed each, her smile growing. Bending over, she checked the rightmost photograph: the day of their first anniversary. 

The iconic bang on the left side of her face was shifted so that she could speak and look properly. "Our anniversary…my first celebrated birthday…our second anniversary."

The memories, the love…she could feel it through the images. She bent forward more, her skirt lifting, the curve of her ass revealing—

The door creaked open. Ordinarily, Mitsuru would have noticed. She would have turned and asked who entered. However, the memories of her boyfriend and the peace he gave her caused her to loosen up. The tension that enveloped her during the day and afternoon were leaving.

And so, Asahi arrived. Standing at six-foot-three, broad and heft, and in a dark suit that was tethered to the brim with cool confidence.

Seeing Mitsuru bent over, her skirt inadvertently raised, a horny impulse overcame him. Asahi approached quietly, his eyes fixated on her exposed black panties. 

Mitsuru's world shattered in an instant as she felt a hand on her undergarments. She gasped, her heart racing with shock and confusion. For a split second, she thought it was Sanemi, playing a mischievous prank, but as she turned, her expression shifted from surprise to horror.

"Asahi." Cold and heartless. She didn't raise her voice in the slightest, she simply exuded authority. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Black panties," Asahi noted coolly. "They suit you." 

His hands were still on her ass. Glaring at him, she repeated in a slow, threatening tone, "What are you doing?" Each word was emphasized. Each word was strong.

He smirked, his hand lingering a moment too long before he pulled it back. "I couldn't resist, Mitsuru. You're just too beautiful to waste the chance."

Her eyes flashed with anger and she quickly straightened, taking a step back to put distance between them. "Get out!" she demanded. "This is completely inappropriate. Have you lost your mind?"

Asahi's smirk didn't waver. "Come on, Mitsuru. We both know the kind of pictures I took for you. If Sanemi knew about those… well, it wouldn't look good for you, would it?"

Fuck, the pictures. Mitsuru upon getting together with Sanemi did not understand the precise courtesy of being a girlfriend. Selfies, racy photos, that sort of thing was beyond her. In came Sanemi, a male employee she had trusted since she fully began to rule the company. They were the same age and so she held a certain degree of trust towards him. Asahi became the closest thing to a best friend she had—sort of. He advised her, she listened, and at some point, he took photos of her.

Photos of her creamy legs or her sitting on her office desk with her legs crossed seductively. Photos of her lying on the large desk and unbuttoning to reveal her pink bra. All of it was to entice Sanemi. All of it was to be a better girlfriend. 

Photos that, maybe, just maybe, he kept a hold of…

For the briefest of moments, a tinge of fear appeared on her face. If it was anyone else, they wouldn't have noticed. But Asahi—and funnily enough, Sanemi—would have noticed. Unfortunately, only one man of the two was here and it was not the boyfriend. 

"That's…" Mitsuru wore a stoic mask. "You have no right to speak to me that way, or to touch me. If you ever try something like this again, you will regret it."

"Will I?" Asahi shrugged. "Suit yourself then. I'm sure if I get the security team to look over some footage, they might find us spending a lot of time together."


"It's not blackmail," Asahi clarified. "Just trying to make you think."

Make her think…

"Maybe a blowjob will help me forget," Asahi casually added. That was when her eyes widened.


"A blowjob, you know? Makes a guy's mind melt. I'm sure you've done it for your boyfriend."

She had—but that was different! She loved Sanemi! Watching him shyly expose his five-inch and then getting him to moan lowly was fun. It gave her a different kind of power independent from her wealth and background. It was power fully fostered by Mitsuru. Not the Kirijo family, her.

And he wanted to take that precious memory? To make it his own? She crossed her arms and stood her ground. "No way. Absolutely not."

"It's just a blowjob. It's hardly cheating," Asahi continued. "I'm sure Sanemi has touched a couple thighs. It's the same thing."

"As if!"

"It won't even be ten minutes."

"You're being ridiculous!"

"Am I? Am I really?" His brows were set into mocking judgement. "Aren't you the same ridiculous woman that forced an employee to take a hot photo of her?"

Mitsuru quieted down while Asahi kept going.

"Like I said, it's not a big deal. Just a blowjob and we can consider this over. You and your boyfriend can go back to doing what you do and I mind my own business." Asahi smiled good-naturedly. "He won't know. We'll be quiet as mice."

Blowing another man on her boyfriend's birthday…talk about humiliating. Mitsuru didn't want to believe this was her greatest predicament. That out of all things in her life, from business negotiations to Personas, it was giving head that caused her the most internal conflict.

Mitsuru clenched the ends of her skirt. She couldn't bear to look at him. He was just…ugh! This defiance! This arrogance! She wanted to strip it from him.

But as she slowly, she understood that she would be doing another kind of stripping altogether. Mitsuru found herself on her knees in front of him, her eyes levelled with the bulge in his pants. "Fine," she muttered. "Not a sound."

"Not a sound," Asahi agreed. The bulge in his pants seemed to pulse. Mitsuru wasn't sure if she was imagining it or if he had stuffed his pants. 

'Idiot. I'll show him,' Mitsuru thought.

She undid his belt and pulled down on his zipper. Mitsuru expected boxers. Today, Asahi had forgone them and in a burst of surprise, his giant cock burst out.


Her boyfriend's name. Saying it in her mind, it was almost like a prayer. A silent plea for help. Because this…what fell on her face was nothing like Sanemi. Not one bit. To even give a comparison was shameful. 

Mitsuru was shell-shocked, her jaw dropped. Asahi's cock was massive, thicker and longer than anything she had ever seen. It pulsed with life, the vein along the shaft throbbing with each heartbeat. This wasn't big. This was huge. This was a cock that Sanemi could never hope to match. On her face, it lazily stretched past her face and drooped down on her hair. 

She did the math in her head, considering the angle it was at and the frame of her face. As a genius, it was a calculation that took a fraction of a second. 

Indeed, that was all it took for Asahi to surpass her boyfriend in the greatest way possible.

'N-nine inches…?' Mitsuru couldn't comprehend it, her eyes crossing as she gazed up at the cock along her vision. 'H-how can a cock like this even…' 

It didn't make sense. It shouldn't make sense. Sanemi was a healthy five inches, although that was maybe a bit of a generous upscaling. Typically, he was at four and a half and lurched up to five whenever the two of them had been away from each other for weeks. Those nights were probably the best of her life. His cock, bigger than ever, fucking her while he lovingly whispered in her ear. 

Sanemi was a vanilla man. A kind man. His penis reflected those attitudes.

That was not the case with Asahi. His cock was a monster, pure and simple. Even his sack put Sanemi's whole package to shame. It didn't make sense just how much more superior he was—but he was and that was the reality she faced. Her nose instinctively took in the scent. 

Un-fucking-believable. Her pussy quivered. She wanted her skirt to get some air. Mitsuru was feeling hot.

"So?" Asahi asked. 

Mitsuru glared up at him, though didn't snap verbally. She swallowed down her fear and grabbed the base of his cock. Slowly, she shifted herself back and got to pumpkin. 

'A handjob,' she repeated. 'And a blowjob. That's it. That's all you have to do.' 

Except: one, her fingers weren't touching due to the sheer fucking girth; two, Asahi was amused by her technique and definitely wasn't going to stop at a handjob or blowjob. Those balls of his were too fucking fat for it to end there.

But it didn't matter. In her head, this was for Sanemi. This was for her boyfriend. She wrapped her other hand around the shaft, amazed at how small she felt. She started to stroke, her eyes widening as she felt how hard and hot he was. 

'He's not even at full mast and he's double Sanemi's size. Length AND thickness! It doesn't make sense! It shouldn't!' 

She was trying to convince herself that this cock was flappy and terrible. She was telling herself that big cocks were somehow bad. It didn't work. Her instincts knew the truth. Her womanly side was overriding all her years of study and knowledge as she jerked him off with both hands. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this…" 

Semi-flaccid, a bead of precum formed at the tip, glistening invitingly. Mitsuru's mouth watered. Her hands converged with the pre-cum and the natural sound of a handjob came to be.

Schlap—! Schlap—! Schlap—! 

Asahi was grinning. This authority he held over her was only going to weigh heavier on her. Mitsuru, as a lady, was naturally soft in everything she did. The handjob was exactly as he expected it: soft and gentle in motion but firm in grip. The hands of a princess, put simply. Her strokes were meek yet meaningful. The expression on her face was equally in meaning and delight.

Mitsuru looked upset despite not showing it. Asahi's cock kept throbbing and throbbing, however. The more it did, the more evident her nerves became. 

"Hah…" A small exhale. A small sign of her nerves. She didn't want to believe it. She almost couldn't. But the shadow dwarfing her was reality. A thirteen inch pole as thick as her wrist and almost triple her boyfriend's. Flaccid to flaccid, there was no comparison. Hard to hard, there was no comparison.

There was just…Asahi. Asahi, everyone else, and her boyfriend. That was what it felt like. There had to be a gap. Her boyfriend had to have the tiniest dick in the world. Otherwise, a cock like this wouldn't compute. From Mitsuru's perspective, the average penis of the male race had suddenly shifted. She came to believe that her boyfriend Sanemi had the tiniest dick on Earth—and it was all because of one man.

All because of one thirteen inch cock.

It was a monster, through and through, dripping with pre-cum that fell on Mitsuru's lips perfectly. It was like he was meant to be there. And so, Asahi adjusted himself. With a small step back, he nudged his cock up against her lips. 

"Open up," his massive throbbing light-skinned pipe demanded. Her hands stopped stroking. Her mind ceased to work. Her pink lips were absolutely tempted. But…


If she took this cock, if she deepthroated it…then everything would change. 

"What? Is your boyfriend not as big? Is that why you're not sucking?"

Mitsuru felt a rush of forbidden excitement. She was upset at herself for doing this, but she couldn't deny the thrill of having a cock that her fingers could not connect with. She pumped her hand up and down, fascinated by the feel of his thickness and then stopped again. Her index finger was touching the tip of his cum and sticky with his pre-cum.

"Suck it, Mitsuru," Asahi urged, his voice thick with lust. "I know you want to. Suck my big cock like a good little slut."

Mitsuru's pussy throbbed at his words. She knew she was crossing a line, but the thought of tasting his cock was too irresistible. Gulping, she looked at the door behind them, worried people might hear them this time.

Taking a breath, she extended her tongue, licking up the drop of precum that had formed. Asahi tasted salty and manly. 'It's…different from Sanemi. Way…tastier.' 

A switch went off in her head. Her body and mind seemed to cross together and come to an understanding. For once, the tension in her shoulders disappeared and she leaned forward, opened her mouth, and swallowed his cock whole. She proceeded to deepthroat seven inches, over half his length, an impressive display.

What did Mitsuru think of the length?


'By now, Sanemi would already be inside—!'

That's right, she compared, or rather, she realized the absurd futility of comparing. Bigger. Asahi's cock was so much fatter that her lips were stretching. Asahi was so much longer that her gag reflex wanted to kick in. For the sake of her boyfriend, for the promise she made…

'Don't make a sound! Just…!'

Just swallow, goddammit! Keep deepthroating the giant cock without complaint!

That ended up being what she did too. The redhead ripped her pride part as she went deeper and deeper. Eight inches, nine inches, ten inches—officially double that of her boyfriend.

To be able to see Mitsuru Kirijo look so small was hilarious and an honour. After all, this was a view only a king was granted. This chick was worth trillions of yen. She could get literally buy any cock in the world and yet she was here choking on his dick.

A cock bigger than her boyfriend's, evidently.

"No way you'd be struggling this much if your boytoy was half as big as me. Let me guess, he's a five-incher?" 

Mitsuru ignored his taunts and jerked off the remaining three inches while her lips slipped back and forth. She couldn't move much, her throat stuffed by his ridiculous size. Her boyfriend most certainly was half his size.

And god, was it bad that she didn't care? That she liked the fact that she was dealing with a huge cock? It was like a maiden's wet dream. If your own man wasn't hung, then maybe…another could come to show something better~?

'H-huh?' These thoughts, they were…no. No, no, no! Mitsuru pulled back three inches, her hand pumping his cock faster and deeper. She was prim and proper and oh-so amazing at her. Asahi thought this was going to be amateur hour.

It wasn't.

She looked up at him, her brown eyes smouldering with desire, and took more of his length into her warm mouth. Her hand continued to stroke the base of his member as she sucked, her lips retreating far, far back and tongue gliding over the sensitive head. Asahi was fucking throbbing.

Mitsuru savoured the feel of his cock in her mouth, the way it stretched her lips and touched the back of her throat. She sucked harder, taking more of him into her mouth with each stroke. Her tongue swirled and flicked, teasing the sensitive underside of his shaft.

"Fuck, that's good," Asahi groaned, his hips bucking slightly. "You love sucking cock, don't you, Mitsuru? Admit it, you're a cock-hungry slut."

Mitsuru closed her eyes. She had never felt so wanton, so consumed by lust. She wanted to taste his cum, to feel him explode in her mouth. She quickened her pace, stroking and sucking with fervour.

But even though his reactions were wonderful, he wasn't cumming. He wasn't like Sanemi who would come in five minutes. Asahi could last. Those weighty balls of his were for show; they were a bonafide reward for any lady that could milk them. 

She pulled herself off his cock, the sheen of saliva on. Mitsuru sucked in a breath, her lips never quite leaving his cock, and went for a kiss. In everything she did, she was an expert and that extended toward sex. She perfectly regulated her breathing so that she wouldn't choke. She adapted despite the cock being double that of her only other partner. Mitsuru Kirijo was a red-haired goddess in human form and Asahi was receiving the full brunt of her divine talent in real time.

"Mmph…" Her tongue went in circles, the thick glams like a playground to draw on. Mitsuru avoided the cumhole and the dripping white seed that came out. It was on purpose. She wasn't Asahi to break. She wanted to be the best blowjob artist so that she could make cum and get over it.

'Yes, only to make him cum. I have to make him cum!'

It was a challenge that dominated her female pride. Her tongue was phenomenal, drifting from quick circles to zig-zags. She was really getting that pre-cum to fall like a waterfall. It was obscene and even Asahi didn't know how long he could withstand this onslaught. Her eyes were abnormally stuck to his length schlong. Was that why her hand-eye was on-point?

Once enough accumulated, she went in for a kiss. The tip of his cock was like a place of worship. But even though pre-cum erupted and his cock pulsed, it never came to a headway. Asahi lasted over nine minutes now.

Sanemi's record was five and a half. 

Abruptly Mitsuru pulled back. One hand was jerking him and the second tucked a lock of hair over her ear. Her casual beauty even in the face of a terrifying cock was to be commended. 

"You still haven't cum."

Schlap—! Schlap—! Schlap—! 

Throb, throb, throb. Though alive and responsive to her casual strokes, it was clear she wasn't close to making him lose it. She wasn't afraid anymore, appearing rather impressed. Her eyes were totally glued to the cock.

"It's very big."

Schlap—! Schlap—! Schlap—! 

Jerking off him like this while giving praise worked. His cock lurched in her hand, a single splatter landing on her pink lips. She licked up, suddenly smiling softly. Something definitely shifted in her and Asahi liked it.

Looking up at him, Mitsuru's smile widened. "Guess size does matter."

Those words. Those eyes.

Woah. Were cocks supposed to throb this hard? Holy fuck, he wanted to just travel down her throat and cum.

"So?" In spite of his intimidating thirteen inch weapon at the cusp of a climax, Asahi was cool and arrogant. "What do you want?"

"Cum…" Mitsuru whispered, eyes back to his cock. She was shy. 

"Come where?"

Mitsuru swallowed, staring, staring, staring…

Then, she parted him with a kiss. His cock lurched forward to meet her kiss. A moment of true reciprocation

"Please cum! Pleasecum inside me!"

Mitsuru Kirijo was officially begging. Begging for a bigger cock, begging for more cum, and begging for her boyfriend to be replaced. 

Asahi growled with desire and took control, grasping her head in both hands and thrusting his hips. Mitsuru opened her mouth wide, relaxing her throat as he fucked her face. His heavy balls slapped against her chin with each deep thrust.

"That's it, take it," he grunted. "Take my big cock down your throat like a good girl."

Mitsuru gagged slightly as he hit the back of her throat, but she pushed through, determined to please him. Her eyes watering, she looked up at him with determination.

Asahi couldn't hold back any longer. With a fierce roar, he exploded into her waiting mouth. Thick ropes of cum shot down her throat, coating her tongue and filling her mouth. Mitsuru gulped and swallowed greedily as he continued to pump his load into her.

"Fuck, yes!" Asahi cried, his hands tightening in her hair. "Swallow my cum, you dirty little slut!"

Mitsuru obeyed, savoring the taste of his release. When he finally stopped cumming, she pulled back, a strand of cum connecting her lips to his softening cock. She broke the strand with a playful lick, her tongue teasing the sensitive head.

But there was more. The white glaze that remained inside her mouth. The inner sides of her cheeks were painted in white. Mitsuru panted like a whore, feeling used like never before. 

She thought to herself, 'Sanemi never came this much…'

"T-that's it," Mitsuru declared, shakily getting up. Asahi raised a brow. "No more. That was the deal."

"I'd say your blush says—"

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Mitsuru's heart leaped into her throat. 

"Everything okay?" 

That voice. That chipper voice. It was Sanemi, her boyfriend. No, no, no—!


In front of her, poking her stomach, was a thirteen inch cock. Double her boyfriend's size and aggressively throbbing. From Asahi's end, this was stupid. A hot, wanting woman was right there and his chance was being interrupted by a smaller-dicked loser? 

Gulp, gulp, gulp! All the cum that remained in her mouth was swallowed—and holy fuck was it a lot of cum!

"Mitsuruu?" Sanemi sighed to himself. "I swore I heard someone else too…"

"Just a second!" Mitsuru called out, trying to buy herself some time to compose herself. Getting up was no issue. However, speaking as she usually did after deepthroating a huge cock was not. Clearing her throat, she whispered and muttered to herself some excuses. Then, she walked past Asahi's incomprehensibly large erection and went to the door.

She peered over her shoulder, gesturing at the man to move aside. His cock was distractingly massive. Asahi shrugged and took a large side step.

Mitsuru did catch the way his member and sack bobbed and moved. Sanemi's definitely didn't do that.

Opening the door a crack, Mitsuru peered out, looking shorter than normal due to her bending over. Sanemi's face showed, looking concerned. 

"Hey, what's up?" Asahi asked. "You've been gone for a while."

Mitsuru forced herself to smile. "Like I said, a surprise."

"But everyone is here. Like everyone, everyone."

The guests, right. Fuck, as a Kirijo heir, she should have greeted them.

"Ah, well…" Mitsuru was struggling, the fresh scent of cock and cum disorienting her. There was a reason she was bent over; she didn't want Sanemi to smell her cheating breath. "Just let everyone know I'll be there for snacks. Rest assured, I'm only delayed."

As she spoke, Asahi's hand rested on her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. Mitsuru blushed, biting her lip to stifle a moan. A giant cock double his size was behind the door yet the boyfriend didn't know. The ass of the amazing Mitsuru was being groped yet the boyfriend didn't know.

Blissful ignorance. Sanemi still thought his girlfriend thought highly of him and his five inches. She didn't. Not when this hog of a cock was directly behind her.

"Anyone else there with you?"

Squuueeeze! Asahi had no shame squeezing that firm ass cheek of hers.

"Ahem. No, there is no one."

"Take your time, babe," Sanemi said softly, his hand touching her face and lingering a little too long. "Just holler when you're done."

Mitsuru nodded, her heart racing as she watched him walk away. She closed the door and turned back to Asahi, who was already hardening again, his cock responding to the erotic interruption.

"You have a stunning ass," Asahi said. Again, from his perspective, it was different. That ass had to be squeezed. It was too glorious, especially when in a skirt as small as the one she wore.

Mitsuru sighed and crossed her arms. Her cheeks were red, blush evident, and she glared at him with a single. Asahi's cock remained strong and rigid. Mitsuru's gaze flickered down.

Fuck. Mentally, while talking to her boyfriend, she glanced down at his crotch. She compared cocks. Flaccid to flaccid, flaccid to erect, erect to erect. Every single time, Asahi won out. The stud was just that much bigger. 

'It doesn't make sense,' Mitsuru thought, the mere image causing her legs to wobble. 'It's night and day.'

Like comparing a god and a human. That was the sheer gap between four and a half inch to thirteen inches. The realms of sexual ability were impossible for one to reach the other. Her panties were soaking wet and leaking too. Rivulets trailed down the inside of her thighs.

This situation, this pent-up lust inside her…


…and that cock. Mitsuru uncrossed his arms and let them fall to her sides. Gathering her courage, she marched past him, skirt lifting from the steps, and gripped the table. Mitsuru stared at the cake she readied for her boyfriend and eyed the photos set there for the sake of love. She reddened as her gaze fell upon their Christmas celebration.

That night, Sanemi fucked her for seven minutes. The night that seemed to last hours, having not touched one another since the fall season. That Christmas night was a night to be remembered. She emptied Sanemi's balls and Sanemi made her orgasm twice.

It was his best performance to date.

Mitsuru recalled her best times with her amazing boyfriend and then wiggled her ass to entice herself for another man.

A better man.


A giant hulking cock landed atop her ass. It was a cruel reminder that all men were born equal. The heat and satisfaction of length, no one but Asahi could supply to her.

"Are you ready?"

Indeed. Time for Asahi to shatter all her boyfriend's records.

MrLarsBar MrLarsBar

A commission!

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