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80.3% Gateway Chronicles: The Ballencoo Arch / Chapter 53: Chapter Fifty-Three: A Twist In the Tale

Capítulo 53: Chapter Fifty-Three: A Twist In the Tale

 Later in the afternoon, Sunny steeled herself and reached out to Fiona and as cheerfully as she could sent greeting her aunt and asked that she and Tully meet her and Nicodemus at the arch. They should bring a cooler to safely transport the serum. They planned to meet early the next afternoon. 

 Fiona seemed happy to help and though Sunny was happy to see her completely healthy after her illness, she hurried the encounter and glanced over at Fury as he monitored her. "I know it is difficult, Siobhan." 

 "I just can't make myself believe she knows my grandmother is alive!" Sunny declared. "I don't believe it!"

 "We will know soon enough," Fury said gazing at the dust motes that danced in the sunlight that came through the doors of the balcony. "The route to the arch will be clear and will remain that way until we have completed our mission." He came and gathered Sunny up in his arms and held her. She clung to him for a long time, then eased back and looked up into his dark gaze. He heard her unspoken desire, and he was more than happy to share his undivided attention in an afternoon of lovemaking. 


 Nicodemus had his small retinue dispatched all along the road to the Arch. Orion made his appearance and submitted to the bareback saddle for Sunny's comfort. He knew where they were going, and he already knew the mode of travel. 

 As for Nicodemus and his mount, it was for appearances only. The mount that was brought up for Fury to ride was one of Orion's mares and the Pookah communicated what would happen and that she was to be prepared for any and everything. Sunny heard the basic one-sided harangue. "Your girl's been given the riot act."

 Nicodemus glanced over at Orion who tossed his great shaggy head, confirming his stance. Fury nodded and offered a treat to the golden mare before mounting, murmuring very softly something only she could hear. 

 They rode out with six men in escort who dropped off to station themselves at the foot of Ranjai Tor. Fury and Sunny rode on and entered the highway in the sea of grass, Sunny had marveled at the night she arrived in Nu'Ada. They continued to pick up and drop off an escort of six mounted men until they had left the third escort group at the entrance of the forest. 

 Orion slowed to a walk and let Fury and his mount come up alongside. Nicodemus held out his hand and Sunny took it and they were transported to a spot where the last group of Fury's men were stationed. They were already mounted and waiting for their commander. 

 They watched as Fury and Sunny galloped past them and fell in behind as escort to the waystation. When they came into view of the waystation, the escort dropped back and allowed Sunny and Nicodemus to proceed alone. Fury and Sunny rode on for several more miles then the Arch came into view. They rode up and moved in opposite directions to make sure they were alone. Then Sunny and Orion came to stand and look up at the Arch. It sat towering above them, part of the massive stone wall that tracked to either side and disappeared into the underbrush and forested areas. 

 Nicodemus dismounted and tied his mare a distance away from the opening of the Arch and Sunny dropped to the ground lightly, leaning into Orion's well-muscled shoulder for support. He moved off to take up his vigil nearby in case he was needed.

 "Will Aunt Fiona trigger the Arch from her side?" Sunny asked as she came to stand next to Fury.

 "I believe you have that honor," Nicodemus answered, he glared at the area between the Arch, waiting for something to change.

 Sunny carried her small case with the glass vials, the cross-body strap resting comfortably across her chest. She slid the case around to sit in front of her and put a protective hand over the top lid. These vials of her convalescent plasma would help the worst cases in Ballencoo and give the others who contracted the virus a better chance to recover fully. Then with the plasma drawn from close family members, they could vaccinate their kinfolk, and help build up immunity. She stepped up to the stones of the arch, placed the flat of her palm against the lichen-covered stones, and stepped back to wait.

 Orion and the golden mare's acute hearing heard the beginning hum an instant before Sunny and Nicodemus. Sunny looked expectantly at the arch and began to see the cloudy mist begin to form in the frame of the stone archway. 

 The golden sunlight from Ballencoo shone in as the mist cleared away and clung to the stones of the arch. On the other side, Tully, his turquoise-painted domed Vanner wagon was a wonderful and welcome sight. Cherry Brumble looked in their direction and nickered as she recognized Sunny. 

 Sunny watched as Tully helped Fiona down from the back of the wagon where they had been sitting together.

 Tully waved greetings and Fiona stepped up toward the arch and stopped. She frowned in concern. "Something is wrong!" she said to Tully. Both Sunny and Nicodemus stood back away from the arch looking expectantly and fearfully at both Tully and Fiona. "What has happened?" Fiona asked them. 

 She reached out and laid a hand against the barrier of the arch. Instantly she jerked her hand back hissing in pain. She clutched her hand staring at the blistered palm. Tully pulled her back and took her hand in his to examine it. She looked at Nicodemus and Sunny, confused. Fury stepped closer to the arch. "I have news -- from Li'Bann."

 Fiona staggered backward and Tully held on to her to lend support. "Li'Bann! Bloody hell man what possessed you to do that!" Tully growled at Fury.

 Sunny stepped up next to Nicodemus. She looked at Fiona, who was looking confused and dazed at her inability to cross the barrier. She met Sunny's gaze. "What is it? What's happened?"

 Sunny balled her hands into tight fists, her fingernails biting into her palms, "Aunt Fiona, Colleen is alive and here. Somewhere, here in Nu'Ada!"

 Fiona cried out as if in pain and slumped against Tully. The blacksmith sank with her to the ground, "Are you insane?" Tully growled up at them. "What are you saying!"

 Nicodemus felt the sharp pain of despair in Sunny as she stood before Fiona and Tully where they cowered together on the ground in front of the arch.

 "It's true," Sunny said, her voice sounding tight and alien to her ears as she spoke, "Does the name Taalor'Rakshah mean anything to either of you?"

 That got a reaction from Fiona. Her head shot up and she shook her head, "No, no, no, that cannot be!"

 Sunny stepped closer and she laid a hand on the barrier, and she felt the thin misty veil slide over her fingers. "Who is Taalor'Rakshah?"

 "You knew him from his familiar name," Fiona said to Nicodemus. "He was Taylor O'Rourke. He and Colleen formed an attachment the year she went to Nu'Ada. Whenever she visited home, she always went to him."

 "Is she with him now?" Fury asked.

 Fiona shook her head vehemently, "Colleen is dead! I was the last person to see her before they sealed her coffin shut!"

 Sunny glanced at Fury and then back to Fiona. "Aunt Fiona, where is she buried?"

 "She's buried there ----,"

 "So, you do not know," Nicodemus interrupted softly. "How long has it been since you could not cross over?"

 "I cannot remember," Fiona replied. She motioned to Tully to help her to stand, and she came closer to the arch barrier. "There's never been reason until now to try to cross."

 "But you did when you were here at her graveside?" Sunny asked.

 Fiona looked stricken with fresh grief. She shook her head, "No, I stayed here with Maire because she couldn't -- or wouldn't cross --- But we both saw Colleen! We both sat in vigil the night before! Her body was prepared and placed in the coffin that came from the Affaron family, it was their offering to the family."

 ["Affaron!"] Sunny looked over at Nicodemus and then back to Fiona. "Did you see O'Rourke at any time?" Sunny asked.

 "No, when Taylor was called to take the chieftain's staff for his clan, I never saw him again. That was so many years ago and I don't think he even heard about Colleen --," Fiona trailed off. "Oh my God! The geis! How can this be happening? Colleen is alive? Sunny would not be able to be in Nu'Ada."

 "I'm not Dannan, the Shai'Alomar is what protects me. When I cut myself on the arch, I was only blood-bonded to it. Whatever powers I have belongs to something else entirely." Sunny said. "And I think my task --- like it or not --- is to set this back to rights."

 "I have asked Moon Bear to find out from his Emperor what he knows, but Li'Bann told me herself that Colleen is alive."

 "She could be lying!" Tully flung back at them.

 "Yes, but what does she have to gain?" Sunny wondered. "For that matter, what would my grandmother have to gain by hiding the fact she was alive?"

 "A son," Fiona said. "Maire is the eldest daughter, but Colleen had a son first." 

 Everyone, including Tully, looked at Fiona in stunned surprise. Sunny balled up her hands into tight fists and thrust them down at her sides angrily. "You knew? Where is he?"

 Fiona shook her head. "I don't know." She whispered in thought. "There were times when I did not see Colleen for years, I don't know where she went when she left us. She came and went as she pleased. Colleen was not here when Mother died, and I was named Dannan! I heard nothing from her for years! Then she sent me a letter that she had emigrated to the United States. I don't know who her son is, I've never seen him!"

 "I believe that would be my commander," came a voice from behind Fury and Sunny. She turned and saw Gaddis stepping from the thick forested area with Moon Bear a pace behind. "Kaderyn."

 "Then Colleen is alive?" Nicodemus asked Gaddis.

 "I can only speculate," Gaddis replied. "I would guess she lives since your current Dannan cannot come through the barrier."

 "Did Rory Affaron know too?" Sunny wondered aloud, "Was he in on this?"

 "An interesting thought," Gaddis mused with a smug smile touching his mouth. "It does give pause to wonder why he would do such a thing. I suspect the vast lands adjoining the border between Fury lands and Ne'Media would be enough of an incentive."

 Nicodemus scoffed at the comment and looked back to Fiona. "Why did you keep this secret."

 Gaddis stepped closer to the barrier of the arch to examine Fiona and Tully where they stood. "What does it matter now? What is more important is how to protect this failing barrier and keep Ne'Median devils out!" he glared at Nicodemus over his shoulder, "That is what the geis is supposed to do, is it not?"

 "This is so messy I'm surprised that the barrier has held the Ne'Median's back as long as it has!" Sunny flung a dismissive hand at the arch.

 Gaddis leveled his golden eyes on Sunny and smiled. "Indeed. Why not test it!"

 "Whom did you have in mind?" Nicodemus asked, arching an eyebrow at the Ne'Median Emperor. "Who is expendable to test your theory?"

 Gaddis laughed and stepped away from the arch. "Only one under the protection of Annwyn Mor could pass without harm."

 "I know why you would want to test that theory!" Tully growled at Gaddis his face blanched in anger. "You want that dagger back like everyone else with thoughts of power!"

 Gaddis chuckled and waved off Tully's rage. He looked at Sunny. "If your Dannan cannot pass then the Daj Sultana is the only one empowered to do things no other can do."

 Nicodemus felt his heart lurch painfully as he watched Sunny move toward the arch! Before he could even get the words of warning out of his mouth, Sunny stepped quickly through the thin misty barrier and emerged to stand with Tully and Fiona in Ballencoo. 

 Gaddis looked over at Fury and saw the expression on his face change from shock to one of terror. "What is it?"

 Fury glared at the Ne'Median emperor and then pointed to the small leather case Sunny had in her hands. "Like you did not know! The box she carries is lined with tin!" he hissed. 

 Gaddis faced the arch and even he took a step backward. "Then it is true!"

 Fiona stepped back away from Sunny. "I did not know Colleen was alive, you must believe me!"

 "I do believe you, Aunt Fiona," Sunny divested herself from the small leather box with the vaccine vials. She handed them to Fiona. "We must get these to the people who have not responded to treatment. Moon Bear took the first set to Ne'Media, and the third set is going to the camps in Nu'Ada." 

 "I will," Fiona said. "Sean will know what to do."

 "Good." Sunny turned and looked at a furious Nicodemus, a bemused Gaddis, and a terrified-looking Moon Bear. "Well, now we know I can pass if I key the arch from there," She smiled and glanced over her shoulder at Tully. "Take care of things here, Tully. I'll be back soon with another set of serum vials."

 "Aye," Tully said with a curt nod at those on the other side of the barrier. "You be careful of who you trust, m'girl!"

 Sunny reached out, pressed her hand through the barrier, and slid back into Nu'Ada. The barrier rippled like a thin gelatinous film in her wake. Nicodemus came up to the arch just as the barrier began to close, "Look in the case, Tully!"

 Fiona looked down at the mini cooler in her hands and handed it to Tully. He unlatched the leather clasp and looked in at the set of mini glass vials nestled in snow. He also saw the tin lining! His face went pale, and he handed the case back to Fiona. She saw the tin lining too! 

 Sunny turned and looked back and as the barrier closed, caught the horrified look on Fiona's face, and Tully's terrified expression. As she looked at Gaddis, Nicodemus, and Moon Bear where they stood frozen in place, she wondered what had them so spooked. "What's wrong?"

 She could sense Fiona and Tully still standing there in Ballencoo in stunned silence. Sunny looked at Fury, he opened his mouth to tell her when Gaddis stepped closer to her. He took her hands in his and pressed them to the wall of his chest, "We know who can pass and who cannot?"

 Fury glared murderously at the Ne'Median emperor, but Gaddis waved Fury off with a flick of his hand. "No Ne'Median daemon army," Gaddis replied lightly, "We already know that much. But if there is a Dannan first daughter alive, whoever was keyed to take her place, is powerless against her and she knows that."

 "Where would she secret herself?" Sunny asked as she continued to look at the arch. 

 "Wherever Taalor'Rakshah would be," Gaddis guessed. "That would be up in the High Tor." He pointed in the general western direction toward the high mountain ranges.

 "Or nearest her son," Nicodemus replied. "In Ne'Media."

 Gaddis frowned at Fury. "I think I would know if there was a Dannan in my palace!" He growled at Fury.

 "Would you?" Nicodemus asked with a sardonic grin that rivaled Gaddis' leer. So much so, that Gaddis chuckled and lifted his hands in acquiescence.

 "Perhaps not!" He replied and turned to search out Moon Bear. "We should be on our way. Moon Bear will return when we need more of your vaccine."

 Sunny nodded, she looked to Moon Bear, "Any ill-effects?"

 "I am well," Moon Bear replied. "I was with Aria and her people during the time she gave the vaccine to those who were sick. No one had bad effects."

 Sunny looked to Gaddis, "And have you taken the vaccine? Any ill effects?"

 Gaddis rubbed his upper arm, rotating the shoulder. "Only where the siren inserted the quill."

 "That will pass," Sunny said. "While Aria is in Ne'Media ask her for something to help with the pain."

 Gaddis liked having Sunny express concern for his well-being. He also enjoyed watching Fury fume in jealous silence. "I feel rather exposed being in enemy territory!" Gaddis said tossing a salute to Fury, "Until we next meet," Gaddis lifted his hand in farewell to Sunny and both he and Moon Bear melted into the forest and disappeared. 

 "There must be something more Kaderyn wants than just simple conquest," Sunny replied turning away from the arch and the spot where Gaddis and Moon Bear had disappeared. "Something he wants."

 Nicodemus nodded. "He must have found out the Shai Alomar is in Arwyn. If he can get it under his control, force a blood bond, he will have all the same powers you have and the ability to control the daemons."

 "Then my grandmother must have found it like I did. She must have told him." Sunny said. "I do have one question," Sunny said as they walked back to where Orion and the mare waited for them. "If she still has the power as Dannan, why hasn't she gone back to Arwyn before now?"

 "Perhaps she has?" Fury guessed. "We cannot be certain of anything. Only that as the Dannan, she can come and go as she desires."

 Sunny idly ran her fingers through Orion's shaggy mane. He did not oppose the familiarity in front of one of his daughters, but he did shift his stance and the mare averted her attention to Nicodemus who adjusted the girth of the saddle before preparing to mount.

 "We need to find Colleen and quickly!" Sunny said. She used a boulder to get to the stirrup and swung up into the bareback saddle. Orion stepped away and joined Fury and the golden mare. "Where do we even begin?"

 "I have my people looking to the far west and northwest of the Tor mountains. So far they have not had much to report." Nicodemus replied. "I will need to verify for myself before I trek into the Shadowlands."

 "The Shadowlands? Is that where the shades that visited were from? Where Li'Bann and her sisters are from?" Sunny asked.

 "Yes," Fury answered, "It is a place with creatures that are drawn to you and your powers. Even more than those that are drawn to the powers of the Dannan." 

 Sunny nodded in understanding. "Then you're not coming back with me to Ranjai Tor?"

 "We will leave together," Nicodemus replied softly. "But if I drop back and disappear, do not stop for anyone or anything. The escort will be with you the entire time." 

 They rode away from the arch. When they arrived at the waiting escort, they closed in around their charges. Once again Sunny and Orion were surrounded by Fury's soldiers, and they silently closed in a tight shield around them with Fury riding the drag. Sunny was not sure when Fury dropped back and melted into the forest. But she felt him close off their connection. He sent his most passionate and tender mental caress and then was gone! Sunny and Orion were alone with the escort. They continued on their way back to Ranjai Tor. 

 From the heavy underbrush, Moon Bear and his emperor waited. Moon Bear had heard movement from far off and as it got closer, he alerted Gaddis, and Moon Bear scaled up into the dense limbs of an oak tree. Gaddis sank into the heavy cover of the brush. He did not like being in enemy territory with only a short sword and an inexperienced Sith cub! But he needed to risk it to find out if his hunch was correct.

 They waited only a few minutes when Nicodemus Fury reappeared on the road. Gaddis wondered if he should make himself known to Fury, but he decided against it. It was unusual to see Fury back so quickly and waiting for something or someone. Moon Bear's stance grew tense, prepared to take action, but Gaddis waved him off. Fury dismounted and took up a position near the arch.

 A small retinue arrived from the forest. A dozen or more mounted men, fully armored and with a full arsenal of weapons stopped, dismounted, and searched the area. Then when they spotted Fury, they divested him of his short knife and scabbard. Fury was compliant, raising his hands and arms high to indicate he was not going to give the men reason to suspect him of any aggression. The officer in charge sent a man back and two riders arrived. A man and a woman who both looked to be in their late ages. The man dismounted and moved slowly to the mounted woman and helped her down from her mount. 

 Gaddis felt the hair at the back of his neck raise in alarm as he saw the familial resemblance! It was Colleen Dannan! Her russet tresses were now nearly snow white and she wore her hair coiled around her head like a silvery crown with jeweled pins holding her coif and wimple in place. She still had the bright emerald eyes and pale white skin like her granddaughter, but the hardness around her eyes and mouth told Gaddis where her heart dwelled. Once the man had helped her to the ground he stepped aside to stand passively by her mount. She marched over to Nicodemus and glared at him. He smiled back at her, lowering his arms and placing his fists on his hips. "Imagine my surprise to find out that you were alive and well in Nu'Ada!" 

 Colleen smiled tartly. "And I am not surprised to see that you've not changed, Nicodemus. You are still the same no-good bastard you've always been!"

 She looked around then strode over to the arch and laid her hand on the stones. "Someone has been here!" she growled. She swung around, her green eyes peering into the forest and underbrush, her eyes fell on Fury. "Who else has been here?"

 The two men who had taken his belt knife grabbed each arm. Fury looked mildly at the men restraining him, then back to Colleen. "Oh, I have news you will want to hear, Colleen!"

 Something was strange about the escort and the man accompanying Colleen Dannan. Gaddis watched for a moment longer then realized they were all in thrall. Colleen had them all in her thrall! This was the work of Da'ark Magick and she had full control! 

 Colleen left the arch and waved at the men to release Fury. He tugged his tunic to straighten the material and stepped closer to Colleen. She folded her arms over her chest and glared at Fury "What will it cost me?"

 "Not much," Nicodemus murmured. He flicked a hand over to where Taalor'Rakshah stood with a small group of soldiers. "All of them in thrall? That must be rather taxing to keep them under your control all the time."

 Colleen flew into a rage and struck Fury full in the face with her riding gloves. "Speak! Who has been here?"

 Fury's dark eyes blazed in anger, but he caught himself up and smoothed the back of his hand across his face. "I was here not long ago with your granddaughter."

 Gaddis felt his heart freeze. Fury! A traitor! He glanced up at Moon Bear, and the Sith was snarling in rage. Silently the Sith slipped higher into the trees and crouched low, poised to spring on his traitorous uncle. Gaddis looked back to where Colleen and Fury stood next to the arch. 

 "You are a liar!" Colleen shouted at Fury. "I made certain that Maire would never come back to Ballencoo!"

 "She did not," Fury replied, "But it did not stop her from sending her daughter to Fiona and now Siobhan is blood-bound to me." 

 Colleen's eyes bulged in near-apoplectic rage! She took a step toward Fury, but she stopped short when Nicodemus raised a hand toward her, and she felt the surge of a shield stop her. "So, the son of Starfire is back! Long out of practice but I sense your potential." 

 Fury shrugged his shoulders eloquently. "I remember a thing or two." He pointed to the arch. "You planning a trip home? I would imagine you would cause quite a stir --- since everyone thinks you are dead."

 Colleen scoffed at Fury and stepped away from the arch. "I've been to Arwyn several times over the years. No one even took notice, just another stranger visiting during the festival." 

 "Still trying to figure out how to get the Shai'Alomar in your control?" Fury guessed. 

 Colleen was barely in control when she faced Fury. The thrall she had on her soldiers faltered and several of them slumped to the ground and did not move. Fury edged around Colleen, always moving around her, and keeping a safe distance between them, "But how would you bring it back? Not even the most powerful Da'ark Magickers have the power to bring metals through the arch! Only the Daj Sultana would have that ability." 

 "The Daj Sultana?" Colleen repeated. She threw back her head and laughed in mad delight. "What a fool you are!" 

 "Am I?" Nicodemus said softly. "Who do you think fouled your son's plot to kill the Ard Ri? Kaderyn must have been livid to discover he had a niece more powerful than himself – or his mother."

 Colleen grew very still and very quiet. "Kaderyn does not know what lies in Arwyn. I plan to keep it that way. You bring my granddaughter to me, and I'll give you whatever you want."

 Fury stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I want control of the Shadowlands." He said. "Full control over the Shadowlands."

 Colleen chuckled, "Still upset with Li'Bann?"

 "She did try to drown me!" Fury declared. "If it had not been for my Sith nephew coming to my aid, I would not be here enjoying your company!" 

 Colleen tilted her head to one side and regarded Nicodemus through narrow cruel eyes. "I will think about it."

 "Best not to think too long," Fury told her. "I would hate to take this opportunity to Kaderyn."

 "You'll hear from me soon," Colleen responded. She turned and pointed to a group of men. "I want you posted in these woods. Watch and if anyone comes here, report it to me immediately!"

 Fury watched as Colleen went to her horse and Taalor'Rakshah assisted her to the saddle. He was a controlled puppet, just like the men who rode as escorts. Colleen threw one last hateful glare at Fury, and they rode off. The five guards left behind stood together staring at Nicodemus blankly. He strode over and picked up his short knife from the ground where the guards had thrown it, strapped the belt around his waist, and adjusted it. Then he looked into the brush. "You going to just sit there in the brambles or help me get rid of these strawmen?" 

 Gaddis emerged from the underbrush and dispatched two of the soldiers from behind. Even before the other could react. Fury had taken two more down with a well-thrown knife and a killing spell. Moon Bear launched himself on the last soldier and with a quick slice of his blade had dispatched the last soldier. 

 The Ne'Median emperor studied Fury for a long time. He went to Moon Bear, "I want you to track where Colleen Dannan and this Taalor'Rakshah to where they are making their camp or where they call home."

 "When I find them, what should I do?" Moon Bear asked.

 "Come and find me," Gaddis replied. "Now, I need a word with your uncle."

 "Be careful, my liege!" Moon Bear growled. 

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