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34.17% Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic) / Chapter 51: Chapter 51 - Second Major Offense

Capítulo 51: Chapter 51 - Second Major Offense

130 Kilometers southwest of Mountain Glenn, deep in the wilderness of Sanus, Hundred of thousands of Mechs marched across the deep forest.

In front of the formation are several dozens of military trucks carrying the human soldiers. It stopped when it reached a flatland below a hill.

"We had arrived. Assemble the camp first and the watchtowers!" The Commander of the human soldiers jumped out of the passenger seat of a truck and ordered.

While the soldiers construct the camp and prepare the forward operating base to support the upcoming battle, Adam and the group of Servants continue by foot. Which is actually faster than going by truck.

Siegfried looks the most relaxed. Probably just another Monday for the mighty Dragon Slayer.

Jalter is excited as usual, craving for violence and can't be more happier to fight a massive beast like the Mutated Goliath.

Jeanne doesn't particularly like battle, but she understands the necessity of it and is willing to fight to protect the people. A saint through and through.

Almost ten minutes later, the group came to a stop and Adam turned around looking at everyone.

"The target is ahead. Jeanne and I will attract their attention. The two of you will be the one killing them as we discussed before." Adam said with Jupiter Cannon, a miniature electromagnetic railgun cannon, appearing in his hands.

"Are you nervous, Master?" Siegfried asks out of a sudden which surprises Adam and he looks away from the miniature Jupiter Cannon in his hands and looks at the Dragon Slayer.

"Is it really that obvious?" Adam sighed and chuckled sheepishly.

Of course he would. His target is a behemoth of a beast, a 60 meters tall monster with skin thick enough to shrug weapons like high caliber sniper rifles and even cannons and now that layer of skin is covered almost entirely with thick white bone-like carapace armor. Adam could only pray the Miniature Jupiter Cannon is effective against it even if just a scratch.

"It is, Master." Siegfried nodded but his face held no ridicule and instead a faint smile filled with pride. "However, I do not blame you. It would take courage and valor for a human to step forward against another human. But it takes more than just valor to step forward against a great beast like this Goliaths." Siegfried praised and was happy to have a heroic Master he approved to serve.

"Heh, so he gets cold feet? If he's afraid then just go back. The three of us are enough against that trash anyway." Jalter, emboldened by the situation which presented her this opportunity, seemingly ridiculing Adam. However, Jeanne stepped forward and translated what her tsundere sister really meant. "She is actually worried and told Master not to push himself. We are definitely sufficient to handle those Mutated Goliaths."

"Hah! Don't spout nonsense! Why would I worry about this t- him!" Jalter pause halfway through her speech and blushed. "As if I would…" She continued to ramble some incoherent words. Something about already having a lover which made Jeanne smile grew wider.

Well, you didn't need to worry." Jeanne tap Jalter's shoulder and reassured her. "I am confident in protecting and I will definitely protect our Master."

"Why would I even care! Tch!" Jalter stormed away to the other side while fuming in anger.

Looking at this atmosphere, Adam couldn't help but laugh. He no longer feel nervous and perhaps this is what Siegfried and Jeanne is trying to achieve.

"Thank you, all three of you." Adam expresses his gratitude and then turns towards the direction of their objectives. "Let's go and defeat those Goliaths. We still have another battle to fight." He said and marched forward without worry, knowing he had two reliable comrades that looked over him like his elder siblings.


Turns out that riling up Jalter is the best way to motivate her…

"Get back here!"

"Eat my spears!"

"Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn all of you in my flame of hatred! Hahahaha!" She makes a deranged laugh as she creates an endless purplish flame that eats away the carapace and flesh of the Goliaths.

With a near endless stream of Mana coursing through Jalter's body, she vented her frustration and killed four of the two Goliaths.

Apparently, by Nasuverse logic, Aura or Soul energy is a purer form of energy than Prana. By norm, Soul energy a Magus can produce is very little because their souls are untrained and restrained in their body. Hence, supplying Soul energy to Servants is like hooking them up to an energy source rivaling the output of a Grail.

As a result, they can do this.

"The evil must fall, as I bring forth its twilight!"


Wave of devastating energy explodes from the greatsword embedded deep in the beast's spine and obliterates its body.

Yeah, Adam is basically a walking power generator at this point with all the Augmentations put towards his Aura reserve and regeneration. His Servants can spam Noble Phantasm like nothing.

"That's the last of it, Master." Siegfried landed a few feets away from Adam who was standing still and catching his breath with his arms slumped, hefting the futuristic cannon in his hand.

"Hah! All of you are pathetic! I killed four alone and all three of you can only kill two." Jalter reared her head proudly as she approached.

"Hmn hmn, you did great. You worked hard for Master's sake." Jeanne appeared behind Jalter like a ghost and tapped her head while praising her.

"W-Who's working hard for his sake! Grrr!" Jalter snapped the offending hand away and snorted before she walked away to hide her blush.

"Regardless. Well done, everyone." Adam exhaled before all his fatigue vanished and straightened his body as he contacted the Agent to inform them of their success. "With this, the battle will enter the second phase. We will get to the position immediately."

All three Servants nodded and quickly departed.

As planned, after the Goliath is eliminated. The battle between the army and hordes of Infected will begin. Servant's Noble Phantasm is equal to a tactical nuke in terms of effectiveness, especially those with Anti-Army Noble Phantasm which both Siegfried and Jalter have.

The Servants and Adam will focus on taking out the cluster of Elite enemies, namely any Mutated Grimms that aren't common Grimms like Beowolves, Ursa or Boarbatusk. Nuking them into oblivion with a condensed flavor text of a Heroic Spirit's history in the form of Noble Phantasm.


In the forefront of the war theater, Agent acting as the highest Commanding Officer ordered the battle to begin.

Battle mechs march like a wall of steel and collide against the hordes of Infected Grimms that want nothing more than to chew their metallic body apart.

However, they were mindless and incapable of understanding the strength of the blessed machine.

They fail to understand their folly, the curse of their feeble flesh and biomass.

The steel feels no pain.

The steel feels no weariness.

For the steel is blessed.

The steel is infallible, unstoppable and unshakable as they march into battle.

A single swing from the Aegis mech, three Zombified Beowolves burst into fleshy mess

A single shot from the Nemeum mech, anything in the path of their laser cannon died with their flesh cooked and boiled with a disgustingly pungent stench.

The Manticores march unhindered, crushing anything in its path and those that survived will have to face the numerous weaponry it carried as it carves a path through the tightly packed hordes of Zombified Grimms.

"Fire all the missiles!" Agent ordered.

The soldiers at the back nodded and released salvos of missiles armed with warheads made of Fire and Electric Dust which produce violent explosions on impact.

An entire swathe of enemies blasted by the shockwave and then incinerated by the following heat from the violent reaction that turns anything in its range into ashes and charred bits.

There is no more holding back. They are going to throw everything into exterminating their enemies or die trying.

The defeat on Mountain Glenn teached them a very important lesson which is, if they fail here, their families and loved ones they are fighting to protect will suffer when the enemies reach inside the wall surrounding Vale.

The gunships flying above the battlefield performing airstrike and strafing run, anything to tilt the favor towards them.

However, despite everything. The rate they are killing is still not fast enough. Every one enemy killed, dozens more rushed forward to fill the gap. The Infected Grimms rush out from the forest as if they have endless amounts of reserve in there.


A loud roar echoes through the battlefield, coming from the one leading the horde. But no one understands what it signifies.

Moment later, the hordes of Infected Grimms fall back much to everyone's confusion and surprises as a new wave of Zombified Grimms appeared, rows of Boarbatusk rush at the Aegis mechs, intending to use themselves as cavalry charge to crack the formations as the waves of Beowolves follow behind the Boarbatusk will wreak havoc when the formation cracked. However, just a split second before the collision. The Aegis mechs deployed a force field and absorbed the impact of the collision. The force field wavers and few cracks. But the formation was maintained.

Seeing the Infected Grimms acting loss as their plan failed, the soldiers took this opportunity.

"Shoot!" The artillery pieces set up on the face of the hill lit up and sent a barrage of Fire Dust artillery shells flying towards the Infected Grimms and devastated them with a big ball of fire that consumed everything in its path.

Meanwhile on the other side of the battlefield, to the right. Winter and the group of hundred Cursed Children had been waiting eagerly to participate. However, they are still waiting for someone to arrive.


A while later, Adam and his Servants zip through the forest and arrive near a clearing facing directly at the ongoing battlefield.

"Adam!" "Father!"

A chorus of voices greeted him when he arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late. Anyway, are you all ready?" He asked and pulled out his good ol pal, Ronson 5x5 shotgun.

"Yes!" They replied as they held their weapon ready and awaited his order before throwing themselves at the enemies.

"Good. All of you on me." Adam nods and turns to his Servants. They nod and Siegfried with Jalter swiftly left and only Jeanne left behind holding her flag bearing spear.

Without need for verbal command, Adam and Jeanne lead the charge and Winter and the Cursed Children follow behind. Their target is the Mutated Grimms that was idling in the backline, waiting for the Zombified Grimms to exhaust their enemies before they join the fray to sweep the weakened enemies. However, they will not have that chance now.


A wave of azure energy fell from the sky, carrying devastating True Ether, an energy second only to divine power. The wave of light exploded forth with tremendous heat and evaporated a large chunk of the enemies, leaving a big crater behind.

Le Grondement Du Haine!

The earth crack open as a fissure of purplish flame bursts out like hell descending on the mortal realm. The fire accompanied by jet black spears shoot out from the ground, stabbing the unfortunate enemy to be caught within its range and then scorched alive by the psychic fire manifested from Jalter's hatred to those that burned her on the stake during the execution.

A surreal scene making the girls slack their collective jaw. This kind of power is magnificent and makes them humbled after constantly comparing themselves to the natives, thinking they were the strongest only to now learn there are still other crouching tigers and hidden dragons walking amongst them unnoticed.

What was left behind from the massacre of the two Servants was left behind for Adam and the girls to handle. This is their test.

"We must not disappoint father!" The girls said to themselves as they fought with everything they had.

Adam wasn't that focused on killing. Instead, he is watching and evaluating the girls.

Their strength is remarkable. A Mutated Beringal 12 meters in size, hulking over them were dealt with a simple fist which punched a hole through their renown to be tough and hard flesh like nothing.

Others were swiped by a Mutated Ursa that sneaked up on the girl but she was unharmed from the attack. A little disoriented and probably feeling numb.

He can safely conclude that their strength and durability on average is very much capable of handling the Mutated Grimms. That is to be expected when their baseline strength prior to having Aura already strong enough to crush steel bare hand and take blunt attack like a hit from a baseball bat as if being hit by cotton ball. With Aura, their strength and durability skyrocketed and after learning how to enhance their body with Aura, they can manhandle most Mutated Grimms thrown at them barring few exceptions like the Dragon and Goliath.

Satisfied with their performance, Adam returns to killing what's in front of him.

As usual, his style is particularly brutal. Integrating both firearms and his body to his combat style. Anything within arm reach will be punched, crushed and stomped. Those outside his reach will receive shots of fresh and hot tungsten pellets straight from the barrel, surgically inserted into their body. Preferably their cranium to instantly disable their mobility function after their brain turns into unrecognizable mush.

Due to his inherently brutal combat style, he unavoidably be decorated with gore and blood of his enemies. His armored fist caked in dried blood, bits of flesh and some hair from his enemies.

Despite his gruesome state and appearance, none really look at him in disgust.

"Master, you look quite dirty. Here, let this sister help you." Jeanne took out a handkerchief before she helped wipe the stained visor and helmet on his face.

"Uhm. Thanks." Adam said awkwardly. He was so absorbed in crushing skulls that he didn't even feel bothered by the bloodstain partially blocking his sight.

"There. You look better now." Jeanne looks satisfied with her work and taps his shoulder before sending him off again to pulverize more skulls.

Meanwhile from a distance, Winter scolds herself from straying far from Adam. Her opportunity to get closer and more intimate with Adam was now stolen by that bitch.

As for the girls, "Will Sister Jeanne become our mommy?" Someone asked.

"Shhh! Don't let Sister Winter hear you. She will put you through another hellish training if she did." Another quick shush the girl beside her.

"Don't let me hear what?" Winter suddenly pokes her head on the girl's shoulder, giving her a fright for her life.

"N-Nothing!" The girl speeds off away from Winter and throws herself at a Manticore. She ain't gonna be involved with the deep muddy puddles that is the love between Winter and Adam. It's a one way express trip to hell considering Winter is their instructor that can abuse her power in the name of training and no one will bat their eyes. Nah, get that shit off me. I'm too young for this shi.

Another half an hour later, through the combined effort of the military, the Servants and the Cursed Children. These hordes show significant reduction in numbers. This means their attack is effective and they are winning.

"We are winning? We are winning! Wooo!" An excited soldier cheered.

"Oi, don't stop firing the artillery or I'll shove a shell up yer ass." The leader went and gave the excited soldier a smack on his head.

What if all the other soldiers also got excited and cheered but stopped fighting? They must keep applying pressure on the Infected Grimms until all last one of them are exterminated. The veterans already experienced this mistake back at Mountain Glenn and suffered a comeback because they became lax thinking they had won when more suddenly appeared from below the city.

The battle hardened team leader continues to ensure every man finishes their job and gets back home together. This time perhaps, they will celebrate instead of mourning over their victory.


(Idk, I felt lost lately. The last few chapters I can see, I start writing off tangents and rambling too much.

I'm trying to develop a few characters a little. The characters that will be relevant and always around Adam. To flesh them out but I will have to sacrifice the main story because I can't do both. If I focus on the story, the character development will be neglected.

My head hurts. Why must I be obsessed with writing yet so shit in writing…

I have plans for both the Branwen and White Fang. However, I just don't know where to implement them. I mean, someone might have guessed at this point that the Infected Grimms are just distractions and not real opponents for Adam…

I wanted to throw Adam to 40k but felt it was too early. I want to throw him to another world but the remaining worlds I have in mind are too weak for him…

I start to regret putting the restrictions that he can only go to a world that is destroyed or on the verge of destroying.

I'm basically building a brick wall around myself and Idk where to proceed. 40k too early, HI3 felt irrelevant, SAS4 universe same as HI3 irrelevant and at most side story or after he was done with Rwby.

Maybe I should just accelerate the climax for the conclusion on Remnant?

Then start his villain arc after killing a few of his loved ones? Getting a little crowded anyway.

Too many choices, yet paradoxically little that are suitable. Idk… felt very lost as I said earlier.

Anyway, don't worry about this rambling. Just need to get these out of the system. I'm not going crazy or anything. I hope so.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here.

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