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50% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 16: Chapter - 16, Adventures in the Orange Islands

Capítulo 16: Chapter - 16, Adventures in the Orange Islands

Ash: what's the League training ground?

But before anyone could answer the gate was opened to show Professor Oak, Charles Goddshow, and 2 people wearing suits. 

Charles: now, champions, we have a few announcements to make to you 3. Gentlemen you may proceed. 

1st man: now trainers for your prize money has already been deposited to your respective Pokémon account and you should be updated within few minutes of the money being deposited. 

2nd man: for the Evolutionary stones, would be provided to you after our meeting. 

Charels: now Cynthia, Ash and Gary have you decided which Pokémon, you would like from the Pokémon League. 

Gary: yes, for me I would like to get a Psychic type Pokémon a Abra I would prefer more. 

Cynthia: I don't know what Pokémon I would want for now can I ask for them at a later date. 

1st man: yes you can, just ask your sponsor to contact us at the league and the Pokémon you would like and they shall be delivered at a later date. 

Ash: well, after a lot of thinking I know what Pokémon's I want and like a Larvitar, Elekid and Magby. 

2nd man: very well, for the Pokémon shall be sent to your sponsor that is Professor Oak, within 5 business days. 

We just nodded and they left professor Oak just congratulated me and Gary on the our performance in the league and then Cynthia and Gary told me about the League training grounds that allow certain trainers to be allowed to train with strong Pokémon reserves and such as Mount Silver. Soon we talked got our Pokémon back and it felt good to have Pikachu back on my shoulders. Soon it was time for us to return back to pallet town, I decided to rest for a week before any serious training.

After 4 days, the Pokémon came to the lab and Gary took his poke-ball and went of to train as he had his plans, I also took them and introduced the new members of our teams to the rest of new members. And I can see their personalities when they were talking with my Kanto Team – 

Elekid is a Extrovert and greeted everyone with a smile and a wave and started to talk with Pikachu using Electricity. And become good friends. 

Magby on the other hand was a battle junky and as soon as he saw Charizard and Typhlosion and started to challenge them and while he did lose he got up and asked them for some tips with a happy smile and I think they both enjoyed the new member of the team. 

Larvitar on the other hand just seeing everything with a gaze I knew he was alert and ready for an attack, i just smiled and Chansey came and introduced others to Larvitar with a smile. It took time but once he got comfortable with others he was a joy and smiling, while happy he still had his guard on. 

As this was going on I met up with Misty and Brock and we talked while having lunch and I told them of my plan to go to Jhoto after 6 months when the registration for the Jhoto League starts, and my plan to challenge Drake after 5 months, of training in the Orange Islands and I asked if they were interested in coming with me. Misty instantly jumped at the chance of coming to the Orange Islands and Brock also nodded and we decided to go after a week to the Orange Islands. 

When professor Oak got to know of our plan in the Orange Islands, he asked to get us a parcel from one of her colleagues in the islands. And I also decided to see if I could get some training done in the mount Silver, in the league training grounds. 

After I got an OK from Professor Oak, I informed Mom, Misty and Brock and I promised to meet them after 6 days and then we will leave for the Orange Islands. 

6 days' Time-skip – 

After leaving Pallet town I had, first went to the Ranger office in Mount Silver and then showed them my trainer id, and after that I had started my training. After 3 days, me and my Pokémon made a good progress and some of them even evolved and some of them were – 

1. Ivysaur evolved into Venusaur while battling Wartortle. 

2. Wartortle evolved into Blastoise while battling now, Venusaur.

3. Haunter also evolved Gengar, while battling with a wild Gengar. 

4. Grovyle also evolved into Sceptile while battling with Venusaur. 

While only 4 of my Pokémon evolved, I did get some training done and had a few training sessions with Larvitar, Elekid, and Magby and got them to a decent level. 

I had Larvitar focused on Rock type energy and I had him getting fully masters his already move set and make sure get a good mastery of his Rock type attacks and I had Onix guide him and mentor him for any help and improvement. 

I also had Elekid on his Electric type Energy and perfect his move set and I had also asked Pikachu on getting him to learn Thunder and mentor and guide Elekid.

I then had Magby on his Fire type Energy and I had him master his move set and I had Typhlosion mentor and Guide Magby for Help and Improvement. 

While my older Pokémon's focused on Mastering their already move set and lear any move the want any help to do. 

On the 4th day of training, I caught a Pokémon Hunter hideout and he had multiple Pokémon's in cages and had collars on them and I knew they were in pain due to collars due to their expression. I grew angry and I had managed to catch the Hunter off-guard and placed him Hypnosis thanks to Gengar and sleep powder thanks to Venusaur. And I had Primeape, Venusaur and Pikachu a eye on the Hunter and should he wake up to put him back to sleep. I also locked his 3 Poke-balls so that none of his Pokémon try to help him out. I then wrote 2 letters and gave them to Pidgeot and Fearow to go and get them to Ranger office and Officer Jenny. I also sent a distress signal through my poke-Dex and waited for them, I didn't want to remove the collars as it could have booby traps or self-district if anything goes wrong. When I went inside the Hideout I found various eggs and I grew angry as I knew he had stollen them from mothers and thinking of my own mother and if I was stollen form her and what would she go through I grew angry and as I went out, I see Pidgeot and Fearow returning with some Rangers on their own Pokémon and Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy on Pidgeot and Fearow. And soon the boundary was closed and I had introduced and told them what had happened, I also told the Ranger and Nurse Joy to check the eggs as soon as possible and after hearing about eggs in the open, Nuse Joy went pale and asked me to show the eggs as quick as possible and I showed her the eggs and the Ranger also checked them and sighed as it seems they found the eggs that were lost and many Pokémon's were causing lot of ruckus deep in Mount Silver. 

After freeing my Pokémon and I had Chansey heal them with Nurse Joy's Chansey's, we were able to heal a lot of them quickly. Later a abra and few other Pokémon's asked for me to become their trainers through Abra and when said that I cant as this was a protected reserve and its forbidden to capture any Pokémon here. And many of them started to protest and The head Ranger had called the higher ups and said that since I wasn't battling them and they are willingly going with me, I was allowed to catch them, I nodded and they all gave a happy cry's and I had told them that they would be going to my sponsor professor and they could stay there. And Chansey would be there to help them and introduce them to my other Pokémon's. and I had caught myself – 


Evee X2 [both Shiny]

Ponyta X6

Rhyhorn X4


Machop X2

After catching them, they were automatically transferred to Professor Oak and I also sent Chansey back to professor Oak. 

Later I had to leave to let them do their work and after a quick goodbye I had returned my Pokémon's and Pikachu had sat on my shoulders and Gengar had went in my shadow. After 10 minutes I got to my campsite and went to sleep.

Next day, I decided to go back home and I had flown back to Pallet by Pidgeot and after getting all the formalities in the rangers office and I also gotten the Hunters bounty, I had retuned back to pallet town. 

After a quick flight I had went back to Pallet town, after sending my Pokémon's to Oak's lab to get some rest, and saying a quick hello to Professor Oak, I went to my house and spent an entire day with her. 

Soon me, Brock and Misty met back in Professor Oak's Lab. I had Pikachu resting on my shoulders and I had decided to take only 3 from my old team and 6 from my new team. Oh yeah, in case I forgot to mention after seeing my performance at the indigo league professor Oak had decided to increase my carry limit to 10. 

Now for the Pokémon that would be coming with me to the Orange Islands are –





Evee X2




The rest would train here at the lab with their seniors and I would regularly train them by switching my teams. 

Soon we left for the Orange Islands and we went near the Pallet Town beach and used Lapras as our ride and as Lapras was familiar with these waters we were easily able to reach the Orange Archipelago.

Time Skip – 5 Months 

A lot has happened in the past 5 months, firstly I met up with Professor Ivy and secured the GS Ball, here we made a big difference in the cannon timeline. Instead of staying with Professor Ivy and her 3 assistance, Brock decided to travel with us. I think a big part of him coming with me was me saying she was engaged. Anyways we also met Lapras mod members who got lost and she was very young and my Lapras was able to calm the poor thing after he Ice Beam the People that were hitting her. After getting rid of them, we met Tracey and when I mentioned asking Professor Oak, if he knew what we could do to help her, he got attached to us and he was genuinely a nice guy and had a lot of good drawings. Soon after consulting with Professor Oak, we decided that one of us would capture the lost Lapras and help her find her own pod, and I suggested Misty to capture her as I already had a Lapras and she could benefit by the experience of training a Lapras and she is a Water Type Specialist. 

And after catching her own Lapras we went to another Island. And as we had 2 Lapras me and Brock sat on my Lapras, while Misty and Tracey were on her own Lapras. As my Lapras was Bigger she could harry more heavier things and people and both Brock and me have gained a lot of muscle with most of our imported things in my and Brocks bags making them a lot heavier for Misty's Lapras to carry with People to add. 

Anyways we had a lot of fun and I, Brock, Tracey and misty also caught a variety of Pokémon and many even evolved in the past few months and the pokemon that I caught are –

A giant Magikarp 

Kabutops X2 

Omastar X2 

A Graveler 

A Scyther

Another Pikachu 

A Nidoking 

A Nidoqueen

Kangaskhan X20

Poliwhirl X2 

A Dragonair

These were some I caught during the past few months, even Brock caught himself some Pokémon they are – 

A Onix 

A Gloom 

A Kabutops 

A Omastar 

A Shellder

The Pokémon that Misty caught were – 

A Kabutops 

A Omastar 

A Shellder

A Poliwhirl 

A Slowpoke

A Magikarp 

While Tracey caught in the past few months – 


A Rhyhorn

These were some of the Pokémon that our group caught. And some of my Pokémon even evolved and the Pokémon that evolved in the past few months are – 

Chansey evolved into a very strong Blissey and oh boy that was a kicker after evolving, she somehow got even more scarier and her Healing and Gravity moves got a major power boost and she showed Brock, Tracey and Misty why she scares me and my Pokémon so much. 

The next Pokémon that evolved was Onix into Steelix, and as Onix was huge compared to an Average Onix, Steelix was even twice as huge as an Average Steelix. And after seeing my own Steelix, Brock decided to evolve his own starter and evolved his Onix into a Steelix, while his Steelix looked like a midget in front of my own Steelix. And we look even smaller than Midget in front of those Huge Steelix's. 

The next Pokémon to evolve for me was Elekid and he transformed into a Electabuzz and thanks to the Gravity Training and good food with all the nutrients helped him become much more stronger and taller than an Average Electabuzz, my Electabuzz is 16 cm bigger than an Average Electabuzz, and has a good strength and his electric type energy and power is good, not at the level my own Pikachu is right now, but decent that he can beat a 5th gym badge level electric type Pokémon. 

The next Pokémon to evolve for me was Magby and he transformed into a Magmar and thanks to the Gravity Training and good food with all the nutrients helped him become much more stronger and taller than an Average Magmar, my Magmar is 13 cm bigger than an Average Magmar, and has a good strength and his fire type energy and power is good, not at the level my own Charizard is right now, but decent that he can beat a 5th gym badge level fire type Pokémon. 

The next Pokémon to evolve for me was Larvitar and this was a surprise to me as Larvitar, usually take at least 9 months to reach next stage or even 3 years but Larvitar evolving so soon was a surprise but I was happy for him and so was our team and he transformed into a Pupitar and thanks to the Gravity Training and good food with all the nutrients helped him become much more stronger and taller than an Average Pupitar, my Pupitar is 25 cm bigger than an Average Pupitar, and has a good strength and his Rock type energy and power is good, not at the level my own Onix now Steelix is right now, but decent that he can beat a 6th gym badge level Rock type Pokémon. 

I then had a lot of my Pokémon's evolve during my training trips and most if not have the powers to compete with 5th gym badge level of their Types and they are – 

Abra evolved into a Kadabra, and is a high 5th gym badge level.

Out of 5 of my Ponyta, the leader she evolved into a beautiful Rapidash and so did 2 other evolved into Rapidash and the other 2 Ponyta were way to young for such serious fighting and training. And the Leader is a high 5th gym badge level 

Evee did not evolve as I planned to evolve them during my trip in Jhoto and currently they are still strong and hard at their training. 

My 4 Rhyhorn's evolved into Rhydon. and they are mid-5th gym badge level.

Absol also got stronger and more had the power of an low 5th gym level badge Pokémon. 

Both of my Machop's evolved into strong Machoke's. both where as strong as Mid-5th level gym bade Pokémon's. 

My Magikarp evolved into a ferocious and strong Gyarados. And he was mid-6th gym badge level Pokémon. 

My other Pikachu that I caught wanted to evolve and has asked me to give him a Thunder stone when he found out I had one to let him evolve and my starter while sad understood everyone were different and supported the others choice to change and evolve into a Raichu. And he was a high 5th gym badge level Pokémon's. 

My 2 Kabutops are a high-5th gym badge level.

My 2 Omastar are a low 5th gym badge level.

My Graveler is a high mid-5th gym badge level. 

My Scyther is a a high low-5th gym badge level.

My Nidoking is a high-5th gym badge level.

My Nidoqueen is a mid-5th gym badge level.

My Kangaskhan is a high low-5th gym badge level.

My both Poliwhirl are a mid-5th gym badge level.

My Dragonair is a high-6th gym badge level.

These were the training stats of my New team and for my old team stats are – 

Charizard is at High-Ace Level 

Pikachu is at Mid-Ace Level 

Primeape is at Low-Ace Level 

Fearow is at Low-Ace Level

Blissey is a Healer she is able to compete with a 6th Gym badge level Pokémon

Pidgeot is at 8th Gym Badge level 

Venusaur is at 8th Level Gym Badge level

Blastoise is at 8th Level Gym Badge level

Kingler is at 7th Level Gym Badge level

Muk is at 8th Level Gym Badge level 

Tauros leader of the heard and my main Tauros is at 8th Level Gym Badge level

Typhlosion is at high-8th Level Gym Badge level

Empoleon is at mid-8th Level Gym Badge level

Sceptile is at mid-8th Level Gym Badge level

Steelix is at mid-8th Level Gym Badge level

Lapras is at high-6th Gym Badge level

Snorlax is at High-7th Gym Badge level

Persian the Leader is at High-6th Gym Badge level and out of the 9 Meowth's I had caught 4 of them evolved into Persian and are the level of low-4th Gym Badge Level and the rest of the Meowth are at mid-3rd Gym Badge Level. 

Gengar is at high-8th Gym Badge level

Flareon is at is at mid-6th Gym Badge level

Vaporeon is at mid-6th Gym Badge level

Jolteon is at mid-6th Gym Badge level

These are all of my Pokémon current stats and me, Brock, Misty and Tracey had a blast in the Orange Islands and had a lot of memorable times such as discovering a fossil sites and when we told Professor Oak about it he had quickly come to the island and declared it a privation site and as it was an remote island that not many knew off made it easy and when a team of Archaeologist accompanied with Loralie of the Elite 4, where we second met an Elite 4 after Bruno. Soon we had found over 4,000 fossilised Pokémon and we were given the some as a reward by the league. 

We also found a frozen island where Lapras found a Never-Melt Ice. 

We roamed various islands saw there cultures and many activities and as I was in a hurry in a hurry previously for the orange island's Gym badges, I and my Pokémon Enjoyed this a lot and I also met up with people with ash saw in the anime and also I think the biggest surprise for Venusaur was finding and befriending a big Bulbasaur. And we had many more adventures, and we didn't even know when time passed by in between Training, Sight-seeing, Sports and many more in the Orange islands. 5 months passed and I had decided to challenge Drake of the Orange Island.

That's why me, Brock, Misty and Tracey are currently going to the Pummelo Island on my and Misty's Lapras Respectively and soon we reached Pummelo Island and after returning Lapras and Pikachu on my shoulders and along with my friends we first went for some lunch and after that went to the Pokémon centre to heal our Pokémon and ask Nurse Joy where I can sign-up to challenge Drake as here not many challenge Drake and a few win. So instead of a league people can directly challenge the Orange Island champion. soon after reaching there Brock was about to rush to Nurse Joy when Misty decided to take Brock away while holding his ear, and berating him. While I asked for the poke-balls to give to nurse Joy. After taking Brock's and Misty's Pokémon. I went to the front desk to see Nurse Joy smiling at me. 

Nurse Joy: hello young man what may I help you with?

Ash: nurse Joy, I would like to heal my Pokémon's and my friends. And book 2 rooms please. 

Nurse Joy: certainly young man, just place your Pokémon on this tray. And your room number is 101 and 103, here are the keys. 

After placing them, a Chansey came and took the trays away. And Nurse Joy gave me the Keys. 

Ash: nurse Joy, I would like to challenge Drake could you tell me, where should I sign-up from?

Nurse Joy: oh, a challenger that's rare. Well you can do it here, could I see the badges please. 

As she said that I nodded and removed my Orange Leagues cases and handed it to her and after scanning them. She typed something in the computer and said. 

Nurse Joy: well, Ash Ketchum form Pallet Town. These badges are authentic and your challenge has been accepted your match with Drake will be on 6th of this month. Are there any seats you would like to book? As there are rarely any challenges. The stadium could be booked within an hour. 

Ash: could I have 5 seats please. 

Nurse Joy: very well, your tickets will be delivered at your rooms and have a good day. 

Ash: thank you Nurse Joy, and you as well. 

As I said that, I went out of the poke-centre to see Brock, Misty and Tracey watching something in the sky….

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