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18.75% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 6: Chapter - 6, Battle at the Water Field

Capítulo 6: Chapter - 6, Battle at the Water Field

Announcer: what a battle folk, looks like we have a super rookie on our hands and will he be defeated soon or will this be his demise. Let's see further in the Indigo league. 

As the announcer said that both Ash and Mundy could be seen shaking hands and going out of the ice field towards the Pokémon centre. 

Ash POV – 

After the battle with Mundy and shaking hands, I went directly to the Pokémon centre and gave my Pokémon to Nurse Joy, I was then had to select a new field to battle in and after a 30 Second wait the light had stopped on the Water field.

Nurse Joy: very well, Ash Ketchum your next fight is tomorrow at 11:00 AM in the Water Field and as your opponent is not decided yet, but you can find about your opponent in the official league website by 5:00 PM today. And when your Pokémon are ready, we will give you a call. 

Ash: very well, thank you nurse Joy. 

Nurse Joy: it was nothing Mr. Ketchum. Now next person please. 

As I was out of the stadium, I was tackled by Misty and Shaked violently by her. 


She kept on shaking me and yelling at me at the same time and after a while she let me go with the help of brock, Mr. mime and Professor Oak. While mom was away, and awhile later I got to know mom had gone to some shops to buy some dresses that she liked. 

Later Misty did calm down and apologised and said that my Pokémon are with nurse Joy and I also told them about tomorrows match in the Water Field and Misty was in her own world and I don't even think she listened in on what my tomorrow Pokémon will be or any strategy I might apply, while me and Brock talked, about tomorrows fight and what I could have improved in toady's fight. And I got some really insightful thoughts and I also talked about seeing my match and seeing if we could notice any weak spots in them. 

Later I talked with Professor Oak, about Gary and according to him he has already won his first round as well, in the Rock field and will battle in the Grass field tomorrow, I also got a message about my Pokémon ready for Pick up and I went and collected them, fed them up and then told them about them going back to the laboratory while a bit sad, we already talked about giving others a chance to compete and after that I sent them back, I did not take any Pokémon with me for now as I want to see my opponents battle and his trainer page before making a choice. I also started to watch Gary match and his trainer page, and some other notable trainer I could find and their battles and Soon I met with mom, and went and had our dinner with Brock, and Misty. As Professor was with Gary. I also saw my opponent and it was Maz from Fuchsia city. 

The next day, I had all my Pokémon with me and Pikachu on my shoulders, sitting and watching everything and I had also Haunter in my shadows. 

Soon I was in the wating room, for the announce to call my name and there it was. 

Announcer: now lets welcome Ash Ketchum from Pallet town. 

As I heard that I went in to the field and got on my podium and I see my opponent on the opposite side of me.

3rd Person POV –

In the Water Field stadium 

Announce: now in the green corner we have Ash Ketchum and in the red corner we have Maz Thunder from Fuchsia city. 

Referee: trainers, this will be a 3 on 3 battle and whosever Pokémon is unable to battle in the end wins and there is no time limit and both are allowed to substitute your Pokémon. is everything understood by both of you. 

Ash: yes 

Maz: yes 

Referee: good, now release your first Pokémon. 

Ash: Vaporeon, I choose you 

Maz: go Seaking, show your power. 

In the stands –


Brock: misty, he already said that he would use Vaporeon in today's match didn't you hear that yesterday when we were discussing strategies for toady's match.

Misty: oh, I was….. 

She said in a small voice. 

Delia: oh, they are such a fun group. 

Delia said while Patting Meowth.

While that was happening in the stadium, the match between Ash and Maz had already begun. 

Ash: Vaporeon, start with Hydro Pump! Hit it hard!

Maz: Seaking, Horn Drill! Dodge and counter!

Vaporeon unleashes a powerful Hydro Pump, but Seaking skilfully dodges and retaliates with a quick Horn Drill.

Ash: Vaporeon, Aqua Ring! Set up a defensive strategy. 

Maz: Seaking, Poison Jab! Break through the Aqua Ring.

Vaporeon creates a protective Aqua Ring, but Seaking counters with a Poison Jab, disrupting the defensive setup.

Ash: Ice Beam, Vaporeon! Freeze their movements.

Maz: Seaking, Agility! Evade the Ice Beam and prepare for the next move.

Vaporeon fires an Ice Beam, but Seaking boosts its speed with Agility, avoiding the freezing attack.

Vaporeon looked focused and full of energy. While Seaking was showing signs of weariness and exhaustion. 

Ash: Vaporeon, let's turn the tide! Dive and use Surf from beneath.

Maz: Seaking, try to endure it! Use Waterfall to counter.

Vaporeon dives underwater, creating a massive Surf from beneath. Seaking attempts to counter with Waterfall, but the powerful Surf overwhelms it.

Ash: Now, finish it! Hydro Pump at full power!

Maz: Seaking, hang in there! Take the hit and retaliate with Horn Drill!

Vaporeon releases a high-powered Hydro Pump, and Seaking, already weakened, struggles to counter with Horn Drill.

The battle concludes with Seaking unable to endure the force of Vaporeon's Hydro Pump. Seaking retreats, and Ash emerges victorious.

Referee: as Seaking, is unable to battle the winner of the first round is Ask Ketchum, now Trainer Maz you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Vaporeon. 

Ash: Great job, Vaporeon! Your water power really made a splash out there.

Vaporeon: Vapor Vaporeon Va Vaporeon (proudly)

Ash: good now return, and have some rest. 

Maz: return Seaking, you fought valiantly. Now leave it up to your pears to win the next round. 

In the stadium – 

Mist: YES, ash showed the power of WATER type POKEMON…

While misty was jumping and cheering on Brock was trying to calm her down and not make a seen. Delia was just smiling and taking pictures of her son and her pokemon. 

In the battle field – 

Maz: go Seadra, show your power. 

Ash: Jolteon, I choose you. 

Announcer: wow, look at that Ash Ketchum has 3 types of Eveelution's. 

Referee: let the 2nd round battle start. 

As referee said that, both trainers started their fight and determined to win. 

Ash: Jolteon, let's light up the battlefield! Electric Terrain, now!

Maz: Seadra, get ready for an electrifying battle. And try to go underwater.

Ash: Jolteon, charge up with Thunder Wave! Paralyze Seadra and show them the power of Electric Terrain!

Maz: Seadra, use Hydro Pump! Counter the Thunder Wave with a powerful water attack!

Jolteon releases Thunder Wave, creating a static-charged field with Electric Terrain. Seadra counters with Hydro Pump, but the Electric Terrain boosts Jolteon's power.

Ash: Jolteon, now's our chance! Thunderbolt, full power!

Maz: Seadra, Dodge and retaliate with Dragon Pulse!

Jolteon, empowered by Electric Terrain, fires a Thunderbolt. Seadra attempts to dodge and counters with a Dragon Pulse, creating a dazzling display of electric and dragon energy.

Jolteon was charging up thanks to Electric Terrain and his ability healing the little damage Seadra gave him 

Seadra was showing signs of weariness and Paralysis due to Electric Terrain.

Ash: Let's keep the momentum! Jolteon, Double Kick!

Maz: Seadra, try to endure it! Use Smokescreen to create confusion.

Jolteon delivers a swift Double Kick, but Seadra responds with a Smokescreen, reducing visibility on the battlefield.

Ash: Jolteon, use Discharge! Illuminate the field with electric energy.

Maz: Seadra, try to break through! Signal Beam, now.

Jolteon releases a powerful Discharge, creating a dazzling display of electric energy. Seadra attempts to break through with Signal Beam, but the Electric Terrain enhances Jolteon's power.

Ash: This is it, Jolteon! Thunder, at full force!

Maz: Seadra, hold on! Use Protect to defend against Thunder.

Jolteon summons a mighty Thunder, and Seadra attempts to use Protect. However, the Electric Terrain boosts the attack, and Seadra struggles to endure the powerful electric onslaught.

The battle concludes with Seadra unable to withstand the intensified power of Jolteon's Thunder. Seadra retreats, and Ash emerges victorious.

Referee: as Seadra, is unable to battle the winner of the second round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Maz you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Jolteon. 

Ash: Great job, Jolteon! Your electric power really shone through.

Jolteon (proudly): Jolteon Teon

Ash: now return and have a good rest, you deserve it. 

Maz: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. You and Jolteon make a shocking team. But don't think I will give up yet I still have a Pokémon, up my sleeves that is way stronger than Seaking and Seadra. 

Ash: bring it on Maz. 

Referee: trainers you have 20 seconds remaining. 

Maz: very well, you are my last hope. Gyarados show your power 

Ash: Prinplup, I chose you. 

In the stadiums – 

Misty: A Gyarados 

She said with a bit of a fear in her voice. 

Brock: where did Ash find a Prinplup from?

Mity: huh, who is that Pokémon?

Professor: that's Prinplup, the water starter of the Sinnoh Region. 

Misty: where did ash find him then? 

... as the discussion was going on the fight in the water field had already started. 

Ash: Prinplup, let's dive into this battle! Show them the strength of the water!

Maz: Gyarados, let the waves of power crash down upon them.

Ash: Prinplup, Aqua Jet! Swiftly close the distance.

Maz: Gyarados, Dragon Tail! Counter the Aqua Jet with a powerful swing.

Prinplup charges with Aqua Jet, aiming to close in quickly, but Gyarados retaliates with a forceful Dragon Tail, creating a clash of water and dragon energy.

Ash: Prinplup, Metal Claw! Strike with precision.

Maz: Gyarados, Hydro Pump! Wash away that Metal Claw.

Prinplup uses Metal Claw, attempting to strike Gyarados, but Gyarados counters with a forceful Hydro Pump, dispersing the metal attack with a torrent of water.

Prinplup was showing signs of exertion and exhausted. While Gyarados was looking powerful and determined to win this battle. 

Ash: Prinplup, don't give up! Bubble Beam to create some space between you two. 

Maz: Gyarados, Twister! Disperse the Bubble Beam with a powerful whirlwind.

Prinplup releases a Bubble Beam, but Gyarados counters with Twister, creating a fierce whirlwind that disperses the bubbles and creates a challenging environment.

Ash: Prinplup, Drill Peck! Break through the Twister.

Maz: Gyarados, Aqua Tail! Defend against the Drill Peck and strike back.

Prinplup charges with Drill Peck, attempting to break through the Twister, but Gyarados defends with Aqua Tail, countering the attack.

Prinplup while looking exhausted but determined to still win this battle. Gyarados was also showing signs of fatigue from the long battle. 

But then Prinplup looked at his trainer at nodded showing he was ready to get on his next stage of his life. 

Ash also nodded and gave the command that Prinpulp was waiting for a fight that will truly challenge him and until then he wouldn't evolve and Ash was ok, with that and with a single command ash gave Prinplup started to shine brightly

Ash: Prinplup, it's time to evolve! Embrace the power within and evolve and become a Empoleon.

Prinplup glows with energy, evolving into the majestic Empoleon in the midst of battle.

Announcer: Amazing, folks we have our first evolution in the Kanto Legue and it is happening now, in front of our eyes. 

When the light dimed it showed an Empoleon standing proud and powerful and a bit bigger than any Empoleon and looked much healthier and fit, With a polished steel like look on his face and metal body. 

Empoleon: Empoleon Empo Leon. 

Ash: way to go Empoleon, now use Aqua Jet on Gyarados. 

Maz: Gyarados, endure it! We're not done yet

Ash: Empoleon, Aqua Jet once more! Let's finish this

Empoleon charges with Aqua Jet, now with enhanced power. Gyarados attempts to endure, but the evolved Empoleon proves to be too formidable.

The battle concludes with Empoleon's Aqua Jet overpowering Gyarados. Gyarados retreats, and Ash emerges victorious with his newly evolved Empoleon.

Referee: as Gyarados, is unable to battle the winner of the third round is Ash Ketchum, as Trainer Maz has no Pokémon left the winner is Ash Ketchum. 

Ash: Incredible job, Empoleon! Your evolution turned the tide of battle.

Empoleon (proud and regal): Empoleon 

Maz: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Empoleon is truly formidable.

Ash: Thanks, Maz.

Announcer: would you look at that folks Ash Ketchum has come on top once again and won his 2 round here in the Pokémon Legue without loosing any of his Pokémon. will anyone be able to stop him from winning the entire pokemon battle, tune in for more battle and our next round trainers are….

In the stadium – 

Both Misty and Brock were laughing and saying Ash's name and jumping up and down while hugging each other and celebrating their friends win. 

While Delia had a small tear, and a big smile on her face. And her eyes showed how proud she was of ash and his hard work and clicking pictures of her sons battle and his newly evolved Pokémon.

In the grass field – 

Gary: so ashy boy also won his 2nd round of battle, well looks like I have some catching up to do….

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