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A Tear For Every Drop Of Blood

(Spider-woman's POV)

I flew and hit a brick wall, Huntsman joining me shortly after.

We both groaned in pain, the damage evident in both of our voices.

We slowly got up, the pain eliciting winces from both of us.

As I got to my feet, a sharp jolt of pain ran up my leg, causing my legs to buckle slightly.

My leg was definitely fractured now. Shit. My mobility just took a big hit. My enhanced healing meant an injury like this could heal in a few days, but for now I was screwed.

I looked over at Hunstman, who was clutching his chest, seemingly also injured.

I began to think of plans, any way to fight someone who seemed genuinely invincible.

Before I could come up with anything, we both looked up and saw death staring us in the eyes.

The Juggernaut was in front of us, his arm cocked back, ready to throw a monstrous punch. 

This was bad. Very bad. My injured leg meant I couldn't jump out of the way, and judging by how static Elijah was, neither could he.

If we didn't move, we were done for.

I can't find a way to get myself out of this in time. There isn't enough time to swing away, and I can't dodge because of my leg.

I can't save myself.

But maybe I can save him.

I gripped my webshooter and turned towards Huntsman, ready to hit him with an impact web, but before I could...

He pushed me out of the way.

Time came to a standstill as I watched him, his eyes only on me, as I fell away from the danger. I watched the relief wash over him as he saw me escape. Even through his mask, I could tell.

And then the fist hit him. He was sent careening through the wall, and through two more buildings after that. He saved me. Hunstma... No, Elijah saved me, possibly at the cost of his own life.

I wanted to do something. To scream, cry, get up and fight the Juggernaut off.

But my body failed me.

I watched him relish in his victory, before turning towards me, planning to end me next.

But he never got the chance.

The cavalry arrived.

A monstrous roar deafened me as a giant green body landed between me and the Juggernaut, before promptly punching him through a building and jumping after him.

Iron-man flew overhead, assessing the situation. He landed next to me and helped me back onto my feet.

"We'll handle the big guy, check on him. Go!" He said, urging me on towards where Elijah was sent, before taking off towards the fight.

I slowly began jogging towards the building he landed in, my fracture sending shooting pain through my body, as if a hot nail was being hammered into my leg, but I ignored it.

He's more important.

My jog became a sprint, and before long I reached the building.

I entered through the crater that had been created, and frantically began searching through the rubble.

"No, no, no, no! Where are you?! Come on, please be okay!" I yelled as I searched, tears dampening my mask as I continued to lift the debris.

And then I saw it. His arm was sticking out through a hole in the rubble.

I struggled to lift the pillar he was stuck under, ignoring my body's protests, the seething pain in my leg blurring my vision.

I finally managed to lift it off of him, tossing it to the side.

I knelt down by his side and gasped.

His suit was torn all over, deep gashes littering his body, and he had a piece of rebar sticking out of his leg.

"Elijah! Talk to me! Please!" My tears we flowing freely now, my voice hoarse, a desperate plea to him. A plea asking him to stay with me. To not leave me behind.

I knelt down, bringing my ear to his chest. 

His heartbeat was faint. He didn't have much time.

I picked him up, begging my body to not give out just yet.

I emerged from the rubble with Elijah on my back, my limp causing me to nearly trip multiple times.

I carried him out of the building, the dust in the air making each breath labored, my fracture making each step agony. Nonetheless, I persevered. I reached the open road, nausea running rampant through my body. 

I took one last step, and my body faltered.

I fell over, realizing my body failed me once again.

I closed my eyes and waited for the cold embrace of the ground, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see a woman with burning red hair in a black combat suit holding us up.

Her voice washed over me, tender and loving, as she whispered to me.

"You did well, so now, leave it to us. We'll take care of it, so let it all out."

And so I did, the sound of my cries filling the street, before I soon lost consciousness.

(Elijah's POV)

My eyes slowly opened, the sunlight causing me to squint.

It took nearly a minute for me to adjust to the light, but once I had, I took a good look at my surroundings.

I was in a white room with fluorescent lights overhead. A large window to my left showed the New York skyline in all it's glory, and to my right was a closed door that lead out of the room.

I looked at the opposite end of the room, where Spider-woman sat on a chair, flipping through a magazine.

I was still in my mask, although the rest of my suit had been removed.

I slowly sat up and cleared my throat, causing her to shoot up and look at me, her mask's lenses wide in surprise.

Suddenly, she rushed over to me and enveloped me in a hug, causing me to wince in pain.

"You're awake!" She practically yelled, her excitement overflowing.

"Sure am, but I won't be for much longer if you keep hugging me that tightly." I replied, chuckling as I took labored breaths.

She apologized and backed up, grabbing a chair and taking a seat next to me.

"How long was I out?" I asked, looking at a clock mounted on the wall, which read 2:37PM.

"A week" she replied, checking my face for any signs of pain.

She then continued, "The doctors said you may wake up any day now, a week from now, or never. Your injuries...they were bad. Perforated lungs, deep cuts all over your body, pieces of rebar in your leg and abdomen. It was straight out of a nightmare. They say your healing factor kept you alive long enough to get medical attention. If it was anybody else, they would've been long dead."

Her tone was solemn, conveying the weight of it all. We faced a monster, and we lost. Badly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, neither of us quite knowing what to say.

Finally, she broke the stalemate, staring me in the eyes.

"Why did you do it? Why did you save me"

I chuckled, replaying the moment in my head.

"I couldn't risk letting you die."

"Why not?! We barely know each other!" She said, her tone agitated. Not out of anger, but out of guilt.

"We both know that's not true, don't we."

She went quiet, processing my words.

"You... heard me?"

"Every word.

My healing factor isn't the reason I survived under that rubble. 

You are."

We both slowly reached up, our hands going to our masks.

I pulled my mask off, blinking to reorient myself as I adjusted to the light once again, before looking towards her.

She had her eyes closed as she spoke, her voice tender, barely a whisper.

"Thank you for saving me, Elijah"

She pulled her mask off, and for the first time, the Huntsman and Spider-woman truly looked each other in the eyes.

"Anytime, Gwen"

End of Chapter 24~

Sorry this chapter was late lol. Shit came up. Anyway, the big reveal happened! Yay. I wrote half of this script but my pc crashed and I lost it because my dumbass didn't save. Fml.

Anyway, if you enjoyed the chapter, please do leave a comment to let me know as it really motivates me, and consider giving a power-stone! Thank you for reading and see ya in the next one.

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