Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts Original

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Anime & Comics 284 Capítulos 3.6M Visitas
Autor: Scaramousse

3.47 (46 valoraciones)

Volumen 1

  1. 1
    Chapter 1 "Rebirth" 11 months ago
  2. 2
    Chapter 2 "Eye Of Magic" 11 months ago
  3. 3
    Chapter 3 "Family Heritage" 11 months ago
  4. 4
    Chapter 4 "Physical Training" 11 months ago
  5. 5
    Chapter 5 "Acceptance Letter" 11 months ago
  6. 6
    Chapter 6 "First Year Supplies" 10 months ago
  7. 7
    Chapter 7 "Enrollment" 10 months ago
  8. 8
    Chapter 8 "Transfiguration Class" 10 months ago
  9. 9
    Chapter 9 "Potions Class" 10 months ago
  10. 10
    Chapter 10 "Flying Class" 10 months ago
  11. 11
    Chapter 11 "Transfiguration Club" 10 months ago
  12. 12
    Chapter 12 "Hidden Ability" 10 months ago
  13. 13
    Chapter 13 "Troll Attack" 10 months ago
  14. 14
    Chapter 14 "Three Goals" 10 months ago
  15. 15
    Chapter 15 "Dragon Egg" 10 months ago
  16. 16
    Chapter 16 "Real life Lesson" 10 months ago
  17. 17
    Chapter 17 "Philosophers Stone" 10 months ago
  18. 18
    Chapter 18 "Nicolas Flamel" 10 months ago
  19. 19
    Chapter 19 "Acknowledgement" 10 months ago
  20. 20
    Chapter 20 "Summer Life" 10 months ago
  21. 21
    Chapter 21 "Invicible Phantom Charm" 10 months ago
  22. 22
    Chapter 22 "Forge My Own Path" 10 months ago
  23. 23
    Chapter 23 "Trouble At Enrollment" 10 months ago
  24. 24
    Chapter 24 "First Day Of School" 10 months ago
  25. 25
    Chapter 25 "Bloodline Research" 10 months ago
  26. 26
    Chapter 26 "The Attack Unfolds" 10 months ago
  27. 27
    Chapter 27 "Three Treasures" 10 months ago
  28. 28
    Chapter 28 "Skyler vs Harry" 10 months ago
  29. 29
    Chapter 29 "Intruder At Slytherin's Common Room" 10 months ago
  30. 30
    Chapter 30 "Slytherin Families" 10 months ago
  31. 31
    Chapter 31 "Another Day, Another Duel" 10 months ago
  32. 32
    Chapter 32 "Forbidden Forest" 10 months ago
  33. 33
    Chapter 33 "The Chamber of Secrets" 10 months ago
  34. 34
    Chapter 34 "Dumbledore's Return" 10 months ago
  35. 35
    Chapter 35 "Skyler's Triumph" 10 months ago
  36. 36
    Chapter 36 "Merlin's Trials" 10 months ago
  37. 37
    Chapter 37 "Skyler vs Merlin" 10 months ago
  38. 38
    Chapter 38 "Slytherin's First Year Holiday" 10 months ago
  39. 39
    Chapter 39 "Skyler's Summer" 10 months ago
  40. 40
    Chapter 40 "Dark Magic Books" 10 months ago
  41. 41
    Chapter 41 "Summer Connection" 10 months ago
  42. 42
    Chapter 42 "Borgin Burkes" 10 months ago
  43. 43
    Chapter 43 "The Ominous Mask" 10 months ago
  44. 44
    Chapter 44 "Luna Lovegood" 10 months ago
  45. 45
    Chapter 45 "Dementor Assault" 9 months ago
  46. 46
    Chapter 46 "New Term" 9 months ago
  47. 47
    Chapter 47 "Wolfsbane Potion" 9 months ago
  48. 48
    Chapter 48 "Silver Paw" 9 months ago
  49. 49
    Chapter 49 "September's Classes" 9 months ago
  50. 50
    Chapter 50 "Gurunis Magic" 9 months ago
  51. 51
    Chapter 51 "Expecto Patronum Class" 9 months ago
  52. 52
    Chapter 52 "Hogsmeade" 9 months ago
  53. 53
    Chapter 53 "First Invasion" 9 months ago
  54. 54
    Chapter 54 "Conflicts" 9 months ago
  55. 55
    Chapter 55 "Expecto Patronum" 9 months ago
  56. 56
    Chapter 56 "Skyler's Supplier" 9 months ago
  57. 57
    Chapter 57 "Christmas Gifts" 9 months ago
  58. 58
    Chapter 58 "Hermione's Turmoil" 9 months ago
  59. 59
    Chapter 59 "New Enemy" 9 months ago
  60. 60
    Chapter 60 "Combination Spells" 9 months ago
  61. 61
    Chapter 61 "Falling Out" 9 months ago
  62. 62
    Chapter 62 "Guiliana Cleopatra" 9 months ago
  63. 63
    Chapter 63 "Skyler's Fame" 9 months ago
  64. 64
    Chapter 64 "Business Plan" 9 months ago
  65. 65
    Chapter 65 "Ravenclaw's Secret Room" 9 months ago
  66. 66
    Chapter 66 "Black" 9 months ago
  67. 67
    Chapter 67 "Peter Pettigrew" 9 months ago
  68. 68
    Chapter 68 "End of Terms" 9 months ago
  69. 69
    Chapter 69 "Ravenclaw's Heritage" 9 months ago
  70. 70
    Chapter 70 "Miraculous Alchemy" 9 months ago
  71. 71
    Chapter 71 "Ravenclaw's Knowledge" 9 months ago
  72. 72
    Chapter 72 "Notts Gifts" 9 months ago
  73. 73
    Chapter 73 "Review the Gains" 9 months ago
  74. 74
    Chapter 74 "The Malfoy's Preparation" 9 months ago
  75. 75
    Chapter 75 "Long Way Ahead" 9 months ago
  76. 76
    Chapter 76 "The Light Lord" 9 months ago
  77. 77
    Chapter 77 "Nagini's Capture" 9 months ago
  78. 78
    Chapter 78 "Busy Summer Vacation" 9 months ago
  79. 79
    Chapter 79 "Forging Alliance" 9 months ago
  80. 80
    Chapter 80 "South Diagon Alley" 9 months ago
  81. 81
    Chapter 81 "Silver Spear Trial" 9 months ago
  82. 82
    Chapter 82 "The Greengrass Manor" 9 months ago
  83. 83
    Chapter 83 "Dispelling Greengrass Curse" 9 months ago
  84. 84
    Chapter 84 "Business Expansion" 9 months ago
  85. 85
    Chapter 85 " The Malfoy Ancestors" 9 months ago
  86. 86
    Chapter 86 "Split Path" 9 months ago
  87. 87
    Chapter 87 "1st Battalion" 9 months ago
  88. 88
    Chapter 88 "Luna's Field Trip" 9 months ago
  89. 89
    My Words For 2023! (Semi-Hiatus Announcement) 9 months ago
  90. 90
    Chapter 89 "Chang He The Transfiguration Master" 9 months ago
  91. 91
    Chapter 90 "Akabane Shirayuki" 9 months ago
  92. 92
    Chapter 91 "The Shadow Dragon" 9 months ago
  93. 93
    Chapter 92 "Professor Gilderoys" 9 months ago
  94. 94
    Chapter 93 "Meredith's Blood" 9 months ago
  95. 95
    Chapter 94 "Serpentis Vigil" 9 months ago
  96. 96
    Chapter 95 "Professor Alastor Mad-Eye Moody" 9 months ago
  97. 97
    Chapter 96 "Let Me Share Your Burden" 9 months ago
  98. 98
    Chapter 97 "My Own Path" 9 months ago
  99. 99
    Chapter 98 "Professor Moddy's Class" 9 months ago
  100. 100
    Chapter 99 "The Wakanda Family" 9 months ago
  101. 101
    Chapter 100 "Professor Trelawney" 9 months ago
  102. 102
    Chapter 101 "The Disappearance of Wilda Griffith" 9 months ago
  103. 103
    Chapter 102 "Nightshade Mystic" 9 months ago
  104. 104
    Chapter 103 "Downfall of The Rowles" 8 months ago
  105. 105
    Chapter 104 "Imperio" 8 months ago
  106. 106
    Chapter 105 "Kingsley's Death" 8 months ago
  107. 107
    Chapter 106 "Another List To Cross" 8 months ago
  108. 108
    Chapter 107 "History of Magic" 8 months ago
  109. 109
    Chapter 108 "Hogwarts Secrets" 8 months ago
  110. 110
    Chapter 109 "Hufflepuffs Heirloom" 8 months ago
  111. 111
    Chapter 110 "Liberatio Anima" 8 months ago
  112. 112
    Chapter 111 "Elves Ancestral Land" 8 months ago
  113. 113
    Chapter 112 "Hufflepuffs Secret Technique" 8 months ago
  114. 114
    Chapter 113 "The Trinity of Life" 8 months ago
  115. 115
    Chapter 114 "The Ripple From The Past" 8 months ago
  116. 116
    Chapter 115 "The Nightmarish Future" 8 months ago
  117. 117
    Chapter 116 "Deep Fried Snails" 8 months ago
  118. 118
    Chapter 117 "The Guests Arrival" 8 months ago
  119. 119
    Chapter 118 "The Scent of Necromancy" 8 months ago
  120. 120
    Chapter 119 "Goblet of Fire Ceremony" 8 months ago
  121. 121
    Chapter 120 "Three Champions" 8 months ago
  122. 122
    Chapter 121 "Confidentiality Contract" 8 months ago
  123. 123
    Chapter 122 "Peeves The Poltergeist" 8 months ago
  124. 124
    Chapter 123 "Merlin's Chamber" 8 months ago
  125. 125
    Chapter 124 "Daunting Realization" 8 months ago
  126. 126
    Chapter 125 "Metamorphology" 8 months ago
  127. 127
    Chapter 126 "Strength to Protect" 8 months ago
  128. 128
    Chapter 127 "Great Books of the Dark Ages" 8 months ago
  129. 129
    Chapter 128 "The History of Walpurgis Knights" 8 months ago
  130. 130
    Chapter 129 "Support Skyler The Slytherin Champion" 8 months ago
  131. 131
    Chapter 130 "Staff Checking" 8 months ago
  132. 132
    Chapter 131 "You Are A Different Malfoy" 8 months ago
  133. 133
    Chapter 132 "Skyler the Champion Fans Club" 8 months ago
  134. 134
    Chapter 133 "Divine Aegis" 8 months ago
  135. 135
    Chapter 134 "The Start Of Triwizard Tournament" 8 months ago
  136. 136
    Chapter 135 "Jerry vs Swedish Short Snout" 8 months ago
  137. 137
    Chapter 136 "The First Result of The Tournament" 8 months ago
  138. 138
    Chapter 137 "Celebration and Presents" 8 months ago
  139. 139
    Chapter 138 "Life Is Like A Chess" 8 months ago
  140. 140
    Chapter 139 "Aetherform" 8 months ago
  141. 141
    Chapter 140 "The Right Time" 8 months ago
  142. 142
    Chapter 141 "Who Is My Partner" 8 months ago
  143. 143
    Chapter 142 "Maiden's Heart" 8 months ago
  144. 144
    Chapter 143 "Moreaus Invitation" 8 months ago
  145. 145
    Chapter 144 "Daphne's Blooming" 8 months ago
  146. 146
    Chapter 145 "Yule Ball" 8 months ago
  147. 147
    Chapter 146 "Skyler's Dance With Catalina" 8 months ago
  148. 148
    Chapter 147 "Meeting With Vinda Rosier" 8 months ago
  149. 149
    Chapter 148 "Aunt Vinda" 8 months ago
  150. 150
    Chapter 149 " The Visit to The Lovegood Family" 8 months ago
  151. 151
    Chapter 150 "St. Catchpole" 8 months ago
  152. 152
    Chapter 151 "Hagrid"s Replacement" 8 months ago
  153. 153
    Chapter 152 "Professor Grubbly-Planks First Class" 8 months ago
  154. 154
    Chapter 153 "Pandora Lovegood's Legacy" 8 months ago
  155. 155
    Chapter 154 "Skyler's First Preparation" 8 months ago
  156. 156
    Chapter 155 "The Birth of A Dragon" 8 months ago
  157. 157
    Chapter 156 "Peak of Transfiguration" 8 months ago
  158. 158
    Chapter 157 "Dracotaur" 8 months ago
  159. 159
    Chapter 158 "The True Purpose of Joining The Triwizard Tournament" 8 months ago
  160. 160
    Chapter 159 "Underwater Battle" 8 months ago
  161. 161
    Chapter 160 "Sudden Revelation" 8 months ago
  162. 162
    Chapter 161 "Finishing the Second Test" 7 months ago
  163. 163
    Chapter 162 "The Heat Remains" 7 months ago
  164. 164
    Chapter 163 "After Class Dialogue" 7 months ago
  165. 165
    Chapter 164 "Wizarding Schools Potions Championship" 7 months ago
  166. 166
    Chapter 165 "Brother to Brother Conversation" 7 months ago
  167. 167
    Chapter 166 "Armand Malfoy" 7 months ago
  168. 168
    Chapter 167 "The Patriarch Ring" 7 months ago
  169. 169
    Chapter 168 "Armand II Malfoy" 7 months ago
  170. 170
    Chapter 169 "Armand II's Story" 7 months ago
  171. 171
    Chapter 170 "Armand II Real Purpose" 7 months ago
  172. 172
    Chapter 171 "Skyler vs Armand" 7 months ago
  173. 173
    Chapter 172 "Give Me Draco Back" 7 months ago
  174. 174
    Chapter 173 "The Malfoy Brothers Blood Pact" 7 months ago
  175. 175
    Chapter 174 "End of February" 7 months ago
  176. 176
    Chapter 175 "The Rebirth of Nagini" 7 months ago
  177. 177
    Chapter 176 "Servant Sarff" 7 months ago
  178. 178
    Chapter 177 " Snake Court Returns" 7 months ago
  179. 179
    Chapter 178 "Harry Potter's Relationship" 7 months ago
  180. 180
    Chapter 179 "Voldemort's Resurrection Signs" 7 months ago
  181. 181
    Chapter 180 "Conquering Igor Karkaroff" 7 months ago
  182. 182
    Chapter 181 "Gaunt Family's History" 7 months ago
  183. 183
    Chapter 182 "Boarding The Ghost Ship" 7 months ago
  184. 184
    Chapter 183 "Pirate King Barbarossa" 7 months ago
  185. 185
    Chapter 184 "Sylphs Wind Magic" 7 months ago
  186. 186
    Chapter 185 "The Snake Whisperer" 7 months ago
  187. 187
    Chapter 186 "Phoenix Elixir For Eleanor" 7 months ago
  188. 188
    Chapter 187 "The Other Half of The Book Of Truth" 7 months ago
  189. 189
    Chapter 188 "The Everchanging Background" 7 months ago
  190. 190
    Chapter 189 "Allying With The Hohemheim Family" 7 months ago
  191. 191
    Chapter 190 "Letter For Harry" 7 months ago
  192. 192
    Chapter 191 "The Nifflers" 7 months ago
  193. 193
    Chapter 192 "2 Weeks Later" 7 months ago
  194. 194
    Chapter 193 "Transcending State" 7 months ago
  195. 195
    Chapter 194 "Slytherin Locket Secret" 7 months ago
  196. 196
    Chapter 195 "The Hags Glen" 7 months ago
  197. 197
    Chapter 196 "The Big Snakes Orbs" 7 months ago
  198. 198
    Chapter 197 "The Awakening of Inner Talents" 7 months ago
  199. 199
    Chapter 198 "King of All Kings" 7 months ago
  200. 200
    Chapter 199 "Unidentified Liquid" 6 months ago
  201. 201
    Chapter 200 "Pure Blood" 6 months ago
  202. 202
    Chapter 201 "Snakes Magic" 6 months ago
  203. 203
    Chapter 202 "Hermione's Growth" 6 months ago
  204. 204
    Chapter 203 "Protego" 6 months ago
  205. 205
    Chapter 204 "The Fifth Element" 6 months ago
  206. 206
    Chapter 205 "Ether Matters And The Black Portal" 6 months ago
  207. 207
    Chapter 206 "The Written Destiny" 6 months ago
  208. 208
    Chapter 207 "Easter Holiday" 6 months ago
  209. 209
    Chapter 208 "Slytherin Blood Potion" 6 months ago
  210. 210
    Chapter 209 "Children Of Nature" 6 months ago
  211. 211
    Chapter 210 "The Road To Becoming Stronger" 6 months ago
  212. 212
    Chapter 211 "The Future of Serpentis Vigil" 6 months ago
  213. 213
    Chapter 212 "Absolutely Dominance of the Serpentis Vigil" 6 months ago
  214. 214
    Chapter 213 "Skyler's Third Awakening" 6 months ago
  215. 215
    Chapter 214 "Advanced Lumos Application" 6 months ago
  216. 216
    Chapter 215 "The Serpents Body" 6 months ago
  217. 217
    Chapter 216 "May Arrived" 6 months ago
  218. 218
    Chapter 217 "Pandora Box" 6 months ago
  219. 219
    Chapter 218 "Divine Spectre Arachnid" 6 months ago
  220. 220
    Chapter 219 "Making Wands" 6 months ago
  221. 221
    Chapter 220 "Susan's Awakening" 6 months ago
  222. 222
    Chapter 221 "Andro's Successor" 6 months ago
  223. 223
    Chapter 222 "Jormungandr" 6 months ago
  224. 224
    Chapter 223 "Harry's Fate" 6 months ago
  225. 225
    Chapter 224 "Harry's Heart" 6 months ago
  226. 226
    Chapter 225 "Barty Jr. Assault" 6 months ago
  227. 227
    Chapter 226 "Crouch Interrogation" 6 months ago
  228. 228
    Chapter 227 "Memory Manipulation" 6 months ago
  229. 229
    Chapter 228 "Unavoidable Clash" 6 months ago
  230. 230
    Chapter 229 "Ron's Reasoning" 5 months ago
  231. 231
    Chapter 230 "Future Plans" 5 months ago
  232. 232
    Chapter 231 "Barty Crouch's Worth" 5 months ago
  233. 233
    Chapter 232 "Discussing The Future Plans" 5 months ago
  234. 234
    Chapter 233 "Crouch As A Follower" 5 months ago
  235. 235
    Chapter 234 "Blessings in Disguise" 5 months ago
  236. 236
    Chapter 235 "Liberation" 5 months ago
  237. 237
    Chapter 236 "May Ends" 5 months ago
  238. 238
    Chapter 237 "Among Us" 5 months ago
  239. 239
    Chapter 238 "Wandless Flight" 5 months ago
  240. 240
    Chapter 239 "Gathering Information" 5 months ago
  241. 241
    Chapter 240 "True Dragon Throne" 5 months ago
  242. 242
    Chapter 241 "Flying Scale" 5 months ago
  243. 243
    Chapter 242 "Harry's Downfall" 5 months ago
  244. 244
    Chapter 243 "The Champions Families" 5 months ago
  245. 245
    Chapter 244 "Skyler's Relationships" 5 months ago
  246. 246
    Chapter 245 "Finals" 5 months ago
  247. 247
    Chapter 246 "The Wand of Curse" 5 months ago
  248. 248
    Chapter 247 "The Night Wand" 5 months ago
  249. 249
    Chapter 248 "The Black Devils Blood Transformation" 5 months ago
  250. 250
    Chapter 249 "Demon Piercing Arrow"" 5 months ago
  251. 251
    Chapter 250 "Leaf Sword" 5 months ago
  252. 252
    Chapter 251 "Crouch Jr. Appearance" 5 months ago
  253. 253
    Chapter 252 "Fighting Crouch Jr" 5 months ago
  254. 254
    Chapter 253 "Skyler's Weakness" 5 months ago
  255. 255
    Chapter 254 "The End of The Maze" 5 months ago
  256. 256
    Chapter 255 "The Dark Lord Returns" 5 months ago
  257. 257
    Chapter 256 "The Death Eaters Reunion" 5 months ago
  258. 258
    Chapter 257 "Death Eater Rebellion" 5 months ago
  259. 259
    Chapter 258 "Who Dares" 5 months ago
  260. 260
    Chapter 259 "Voldemort's Plan" 4 months ago
  261. 261
    Chapter 260 "The Boy Who Lived" 4 months ago
  262. 262
    Chapter 261 "The Messenger" 4 months ago
  263. 263
    Chapter 262 "The Meeting of Two Dark Lord" 4 months ago
  264. 264
    Chapter 263 "Life Is The Answer" 4 months ago
  265. 265
    Chapter 264 "The Inferi" 4 months ago
  266. 266
    Chapter 265 "Gravitational Domain" 4 months ago
  267. 267
    Chapter 266 "Voldemort's Monologue" 4 months ago
  268. 268
    Chapter 267 "The Shadow Dragon Entrance" 4 months ago
  269. 269
    Chapter 268 "The Shattered Hearts" 4 months ago
  270. 270
    Chapter 269 "The Pain of Regret" 4 months ago
  271. 271
    Chapter 270 "The Death Wand" 4 months ago
  272. 272
    Chapter 271 " No Fly Charm" 4 months ago
  273. 273
    Chapter 272 "Voldemort-Morgan Alliance" 4 months ago
  274. 274
    Chapter 273 "The Dragon Bloodline" 4 months ago
  275. 275
    Chapter 274 "Morgan And Meredith" 4 months ago
  276. 276
    Chapter 275 "3 vs 1" 4 months ago
  277. 277
    Chapter 276 "Morgan's Past" 4 months ago
  278. 278
    Chapter 277 "Already Planned" 4 months ago
  279. 279
    Chapter 278 "Skyler's Resolution" 4 months ago
  280. 280
    Chapter 279 "Pinnacle of Human Alchemy" 4 months ago
  281. 281
    Chapter 280 "Seraph's Formation" 4 months ago
  282. 282
    Chapter 281 "Jormungandr's Mighty Presence" 4 months ago
  283. 283
    Chapter 282 "Hagrids Misfortune" 4 months ago
  284. 284
    An announcement for the readers! 4 months ago