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9.09% I Am Energy In Dc / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 That Was Quick

Capítulo 14: Chapter 14 That Was Quick

"Oh! Looks like they're some who aren't afraid of death". Amari said with amusement as he watched people leave the Café in droves. Faces filled with fear as they hastily made their way to the exit.

Except for some people. Six people, no, six teenagers to be precise. His eyes landing on the Junior Justice team, as he liked to call them.

Everyone else had run out, making them look awfully conspicuous in the now empty Café.

As they were the only ones present within the establishment, his voice was loud and clear in their ears, causing them to frown.

Superboy narrowed his eyes to form a glare.

"Robin, who is this guy?" Kaldur asked solemnly. He wasn't in a fighting stance, but his body had instinctively adjusted itself to combat readiness. His eyes were locked onto the figure who was still leisurely sitting on the chair, yet his actions of throwing a teenage boy through a window with a single hand showed that he wasn't normal. Or reasonable for that matter.

"Great, another Metahuman attack right when we're on vacation. Are our holidays cursed or something". Wally muttered in a low voice under his breath.

This was really starting to bug him. The same thing happened when they fought Mr. Twister some time ago. That time, they were also supposed to be on break as well, then a robot man in a robot suit decided to crash in while trying to find red tornado in happy harbor.

Now, they had fled to Coast city for another holiday and this happened.

Was the universe against them, having some fun.

"Another metahuman? You insult me, Wally. Even if I'm not as famous as Superman, I should at least have some publicity. Your words alone are downright demeaning. And why do you automatically assume that I'm a Metahuman? ". His voice was lowered, so only his teammates could hear his words. After all, the distance between them and their enemy was still considerable, so there was nothing wrong with muttering.

Too bad for them, the enemy this time had Super hearing.

"You…. You heard me?" Wally exclaimed in surprise, as he didn't expect the latter to hear his words.

Amari tapped his right ear twice with a blank face.

"Super hearing. It's actually not that rare. After all, central city should have plenty of enhanced humans, right? Don't tell me that you haven't faced off against one with enhanced vision or hearing?"

"No, not really, there aren't any in the flash's rogue villains' gallery..."

"WALLY!" Artemis yelled, turning to give the red haired speedster a death glare. Wasn't he just giving out sensitive information? Who told him to run his mouth at a time like this, and to a possible enemy to booth?

The others also looked at him as well. Their eyes all seemed to be conveying a critical question.

"Are you dumb?"

Even Superboy who didn't quite appreciate Wally's childish actions sometimes was speechless.

Wally had his eyes widen in horror. He raised his finger while pointing at the lazy looking Amari. He had subconsciously let something slip that he shouldn't have.


"I…. I…. What? You know, for someone who has Super speed, you're surprisingly slow on the uptake". Actually, it wasn't all that surprising. Wally West in the young justice universe wasn't exactly the brightest guy alive. He might be fast, and his IQ might be high, but he didn't always put that superfast brain of his to good use.

Not to mention, he was hotheaded and reckless. But hey, being a moody teenager could do that to you. Especially when you're going through the puberty period.

"You…." Wally was slightly exasperated.

"This isn't good, guys. Judging from his words, he knows who we are". Robin said with wariness. He had already sent a message to Batman and an alert to the Hall of Justice computer network.

He couldn't send a message directly to the Watchtower, so he had to improvise.

The others had their moods sink. Not to mention that Wally just mentioned something about the Flash. Although it didn't give out any concrete information about him, he knew that Wally had super speed. That alone meant....

"Bingo. Always the analytical one little Boy Wonder. Last I heard, your Bat mentor has been searching a great deal for my whereabouts. Honestly, it really stumps me why he's so interested in me. Does he have some kind of special fetish? You have to let him know for me, just like I told that guy, I ain't gay".

He said, his face expressionless, and pointed at the body that was laid among shards of glass on the sidewalk outside the Café.

It was motionless among the shards. The life and death of the body was completely unknown.

Seeing him pointing towards a possible dead body, the hearts of the young team chilled. Did he just kill a teenager just because of a provocation?

"Oh don't worry about him. He irritated me yes, but he's not dead... Not dead yet, anyway. He might die if he isn't given any medical attention, or he might be fine. But it won't matter if he is, as his suffering is far from over".

Amari said with his lips curling upwards. That was just some random nonsense, the guy was fine. Well, if you removed the fact that the bones in his arm were completely shattered, and he was unconscious with multiple cuts on his skin as well as the bleeding.

Yep, he was fine. Though, he would never be able to use his arm again. This wasn't broken bones we were talking about, but the bones being cracked to pieces within his arm.

Still, he wouldn't die. For his show and performance, Amari wouldn't let him die. Plus, on the bright side, there were things much worse than death and this kid would soon experience it.

He found himself curious to see the kids' reaction when he discovers that his life was about to go crashing down, all because he decided to provoke the wrong person due to a stroke of bad luck.

"He's alive, but he needs help". Megan said. Superboy acknowledged as he could hear the boy's heart still beating.

"Wally, get him to the nearest hospital".

Kidflash nodded. He was about to move when Amari raised his finger.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Not to mention that he isn't going anywhere since I don't want him to, you guys really haven't figured out the situation, have you?"

He waved his finger a little with a nonchalant expression, but his words caused kid flash to stiffen slightly.

Amari didn't mind him and turned back to Robin.

"So, you'll let the Bat's know for me, I don't do men. But you already signalled for him and the league to come here, didn't you?" Robins face changed.

He knew that, yet he didn't stop him. Either this guy was incredibly arrogant or he was planning something against the league.

"Doesn't matter, it's all good. That way I can tell him myself. It's been quite a while". He finally let go of his lazy posture and sat up straight.

"Wally, get the civilian out of here". Aqualad said with a deep voice as he looked at the motionless Kid flash.

"KF, don't". Robin, however, said the opposite. His face was serious, as if he were facing a great enemy. The others might not know as they hadn't paid much attention to the news, but how could he be ignorant?

He literally hadn't seen Batman in a worse mood than he was in this passing week.

This guy in front of them was dangerous, and who knows what would happen if Wally made a move.

"Why Robin? It's just another Metahuman. What are you afraid of?"

"He's not a Metahuman, he's alien and trust me, we can't take him. That's the guy from last week's Metropolis incident". Robin said solemnly.

This guy sitting in front of them was at the league level. Someone the whole league was searching for yet couldn't find for the past week.

One thing was for sure, and that was that he was above their difficulty setting. Any rash moves could possibly lead to disastrous consequences.

Plus, they weren't exactly geared up for battle.

He still remembered how they fared against the Amazo Android and honestly, although they won, they were beaten badly in that fight.

The others all let out slight gasps. Superboy's being the most exaggerated. His gaze grew even sharper, if that was possible.

The news was practically circulating all over the web. Conner learned from his teammates how this guy had demolished an opponent that had beaten Superman, his genetic donor, to a pulp.

His strength was several levels away from catching up with Clark, and this was a guy on the same level.

The Superboy and Superman of this universe had issues and didn't see eye to eye. One wanted nothing to do with the other due to his conflicting emotions whenever he thought that there was someone made from his DNA, while the former was mad that the latter didn't seem to accept him.

Basically, the same thing as daddy issues.

Everyone had their backs develop cold sweats. Except one Superboy whose eyes were basically shining with battle intent.

He wanted to know how well he would fare against someone who could go toe to toe with Superman.

"Seems like you finally recognize me". His hair changed color to regain its lustrous black shine. His gaze hadn't left them since this conversation started.

Kaldur's mind was spinning in many directions as he tried to decide what to do. He led his team, yet he currently found himself unable to come up with a plan.

"Have to say, I kinda expected more when I thought I would be meeting the illustrious Junior sidekicks of the Justice league, especially from you Robin. That growth spurt hasn't hit yet, I see". Amari chuckled while Robin glared at him angrily.

At this point, he wasn't the tall, dashing, handsome and charming Nightwing. He was just a fourteen-year-old who was the shortest in his group. With his occasional disappearing acts and his weird laughter, he was kinda the creepiest as well.

"You're practically all weaker versions of the ones you are under, with close relationships akin to family. Except for her, of course, she has no relation to the green arrow. Not even by family adoption".

Amari pointed at Artemis, effectively exposing the fact that she wasn't who green arrow and Batman had claimed her to be. Artemis had her eyes widen, but he didn't let her continue.

"So what are you guys called? The Junior Justice, Teen Justice or what?'

His words silenced them while building up their anger at the same time. Except Megan, as she didn't see anything about it that should make her angry.

The others, on the other hand, particularly disliked being referred to as sidekicks. Mainly because that was all people saw them as.

"Why and how do you know so much about us?"

Aqualad finally decided on a course of action.

Stall for time.

Their opponent didn't seem like he was going anywhere, even when he knew that the league was on their way.

Might as well play along and wait it out. And see if they could get any useful bit of information.

"Oh I know numerous things Kaldurahm. You have no idea. But if you must know, then it's simple. I heard it". His expressionless face pulled an almost unnoticeable smirk.

Before they could process his words, he continued while pointing his fingers.

"From Wally himself". The atmosphere froze as the group of six all had different expressions. Some turned to look at Kid flash with inquiring eyes.

It couldn't be helped. Just based on what happened earlier, Wally was the kind of person who could unconsciously let important information slip.

Wally himself had question marks above his head.

What the hell? When did I say anything? I haven't even met this guy!

"Like I said before, Super hearing. And if my memory isn't wrong, I believe he was saying our resident Superboy was 'close to brooding like Batman'. Now I need to ask, do you really not pay attention to the words you use when in public? I'm surprised how the world hasn't discovered your identities yet". He chuckled lightly.

Wally's face twisted. He indeed said those words, but come to think of it, that wasn't enough to lay as a firm basis.

This was because Batman was famous as a member of the Justice league. The guy was a superhero who had fans all over the internet. The whole world basically knew that Batman was gloomy and broody all the time, so no one would suspect a random kid saying his friend was brooding like Batman. Adults might just shrug it off as some new slang the kids are using these days.

Still, that didn't stop the thought that someone with Super hearing could be listening to their conversations and possibly derive their identities from it.

"Of course, that won't be enough to base your assumptions on. After all, you could all just be ignorant kids with a thing for superheroes. That changes however for someone who knows about a certain black Ops team doing things in the shadows for the league that they, due to their hypocritical moral integrity and the fact that it would cause trouble for them if the United Nations found out, can't".

Amari explained in a calm voice as the expressions of those opposite grew increasingly disordered.

"He even knows about the Black Ops thing. Is this guy really an alien?" Robin couldn't help but ask himself.

How can an alien know so much? No wait! This guy was off the grid for a week. Even the league couldn't find a trace of him. Was he busy gathering information during this time? What else did he know? Did he know the identities of the Justice league as well?

Robins face was already grim at this point. This was bad, like terrible.

No one apart from the league knew that they were the Black Ops group. Coupled with the fact that he said that he was expecting to meet them here, only league members could know their whereabouts, or maybe someone who had access to the Watchtowers or Mount Justice's computer. Does this mean that.....?

His thoughts trailed off.

"How that someone knows of this is his business, however it does prove that he/she has the means. And for those who have sufficient information, it's really not difficult to figure out. If I knew that Batman has a black Ops squad made up of the league's proteges, then I would also know some of the missions they've undertaken. For example, Mr. Twister, Santa Prisca, Amazo Android... League of assassins and, of course, Cadmus's Project Kr, where the lesser version of Superman was produced".

Their faces grew darker and darker with each word.

Superboy whose patience was reaching its limits, suddenly growled. His anger and irritation flared up at the last sentence.

"Don't call me that!" Connor growled as he stepped forward.

"Connor, calm down". Megan said telepathically as she formed a mind link with everyone.

"Oh, looks like you're irritated, but why? Because I called you a Lesser version of Superman?" Amari asked with a genuinely curious look.

"Connor, ignore him".

"Yeah, don't listen. He's trying to bait you. Don't let him".

"It may hurt, but the truth does that. You might not like it, but that's what you are. A clone made from the DNA of Superman and Superman's worst enemy, Lex Luther. It's obvious really. I mean all the signs are there, the severely weakened strength, no heat vision, no flight, limited speed, does this version of you even have freeze breath?"

Now, this question was purely out of genuine curiosity. As an energy being, he wouldn't mince his words when he was truly curious.

It was somewhat surprising how such a weakened kryptonian who didn't even have the full kryptonian bloodline turned into Superboy Prime. The same way, the originally slower Kidflash surpassed Barry Allen to run at thirteen trillion times the speed of light.

Too bad, Connor didn't seem to take it that well.

"I SAID, DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Superboy yelled with rage. He didn't think twice about his next course of action as he shot forward while throwing his fist.

He hadn't been out of Cadmus that long, and his anger issues were always a problem. Superman always ignoring him didn't make them any better.

Since this guy was an enemy, Superboy who knew no fear, didn't hold back his strength and shot without reserve.


The sound of the collision was loud, and it blew apart the nearby tables and chairs. The rest of the team even staggered back a little.

Admittedly, although he could be considered the fake version of Superman, Kryptonian DNA was no joke. Even if he didn't possess half the strength of Superman, his strength alone was leagues above Aqualads.

And it grew stronger with each passing day in the sun.

Still, that wouldn't help him this time.

Everyone stared at the outcome incredulously. Even Connor snapped out of his anger and opened his eyes wide in shock.

"Did he just?" Artemis exclaimed lightly at the scene before them.

The punch had connected perfectly. Simply because the recipient of its power did not dodge at all. He still sat there, on that wooden chair, as he looked at Superboy's fist that had collided with his chest.

The chair wasn't damaged, the surrounding ground didn't crack in the slightest. The table did suffer though, but to Amari, that didn't matter.

His gaze wasn't fixed on them, but on his energy units that had just gone up by 0.01.

"So I can practically absorb Kinetic energy. Good to know". He said to himself inwardly as he looked away. He hadn't felt a thing when Connor's punch landed.

It was like all the force that accompanied it was absorbed. Now he knew where it had gone.

He was now sure he could absorb Kinetic energy. This wasn't an ability he acquired through the usage of energy but his main energy manipulation and absorption powers.

Previously, he could use energy to do anything imaginable. As long as he had enough energy depending on what he wanted to achieve, he was practically omnipotent.

With enough energy, he could literally make a sixth dimensional being like Darkseid cease to exist as long as he willed it.

However, his ability to absorb energy was restricted.

His abilities used energy to do the unimaginable, but not just any random form of energy would do.

Whatever energy he absorbed would be converted into pure primordial energy originating from the dawn of time.

Energy that was used in the creation of all universes and was capable of rewriting it at will. In a way, it was the energy of creation and destruction.

As an energy being, he was the only existence capable of utilizing this form of energy, making this the basis of his power as an omnipotent being.

This was what placed him at the top of the spectrum, even if he wasn't as powerful as those below him.

This was the reason he made a split consciousness in the first place in a separate dimension. From there, he was continuously provided with one point of celestial energy per hour.

His ability to convert other forms of energy was greatly shackled. When he first arrived at Earth, he knew his limits. He was only capable of absorbing the biological energy of living organisms.

Other forms of energy wouldn't work. That was until his shackles were lightened after siphoning the immortality of a Czarnian. Now, the forms of energy he could convert had grown.

This still had to be tested more extensively to know its limits, but that could wait until later. For now, he had something to deal with.

All these thoughts passed by in a second as his gaze focused on the hand.

The team was still a little dumbfounded at the result. They had done missions with Conner, trained with him, spared against him.

It was exactly because of this that they found this outcome a bit unacceptable. Although, when they thought about it, it wasn't something that was worthy of surprise.

Connor himself retreated his hand. Was this the capability of someone on the level of Superman?

The thought wandered through his head.

"Nice shot". Amari said. His eyes didn't have the usual amusement they had whenever he was looking at them.

"My turn".

He suddenly moved with incredible speed. With a swing coming from left to right, Superboy didn't see anything coming before a fist smashed into the side of his face.

Connor felt like he had been hit by Amazo. Gravity's control over his body lost effect as he was smashed right through the already broken glass window, straight across the street.

Looking at the shattered wall through which Superboy had passed through and crashed into another building, Amari only glanced indifferently before turning to the others.

"Time for talking is over, so who's next?" He asked plainly. No fluctuations in his facial features whatsoever.

"Rarghh!" Megan reacted quickly as her eyes turned white and her skin underneath that mundane dress she wore for this outing turned green.

Her regular outfit was instantly replaced with her Martian uniform. One of the advantages of being from a race of shape-shifters.

With a strong push of her hands, a telekinetic force was released towards her opponent with as much power as she could muster.

The ground, walls, furniture, equipment, everything was destroyed by the wave as soon as it came in contact. All except the one the force slammed into.

The ground surrounding him was unharmed as the force landed on his body and disappeared.

His hoodie didn't even flinch a bit from the outside force. He stated at her with an apathetic gaze.

"Not bad for a sidekick. Though could use some massive improvement though". The amount of energy that force gave him was lower than Superboy''s punch.

"Everyone attack!" Aqualad yelled as he advanced. He ripped his shirt open revealing his suit underneath alongside his weapon's of warfare and charged forward.


A full side of the Café crumbled as a figure was sent flying out dozens of meters.

Aqualad crashed against the ground several times before he came to a halt, unmoving.

A crater had formed under his body while blood leaked from his lips.

Figures rushed out of the smoke, with one being faster than the others.

"Kaldur!" Wally screamed as he ran to Aqualads motionless body.

"Move". Robin leaped into the air and performed a backflip. Unlike Artemis, who couldn't carry her weapons around in public, the boy wonder had no issues with lugging his utility belt everywhere he went.

More than a dozen small marbles were thrown towards the crumbling Café.


They exploded, causing whatever was left of the establishment to crumble.

Robin landed on his two feet and stared at the smoke covered ruins. He knew better than to think hat his little stunt could damage that monster.

"Where's Batman and the league when you need 'em?" He complained inwardly.

"Quite agile for a bird". A voice said from behind him. Dick's eyes barely had time to widen when he felt a heavy blow on his back.

No, it was a kick. It didn't push him forwards but downwards.

Robin crashed into the pavement.


"Robin!" Megan and Artemis screamed in despair, yet Amari's figure just disappeared.

No, it didn't disappear, he didn't activate Kamui but was moving at superhuman speeds. Time seemed to slow down as he moved towards Miss Martian to take her down.

Yet something fast caught the corner of his eye.

Kidflash had already changed into his costume, moving at full speed towards his target with an angry expression.

"Do you wanna play speed?" Amari thought with a chuckle. Kidflash was fast, so fast that it was impossible. But that was just for normal people in this world, and that statement only applied to the final form of Wally West in the comics.

In this universe, Kidflash was barely surpassing the speed of sound. Many times slower than his uncle Barry, who was already approaching Mach 5. The difference in speed was saddening.

Amari increased his speed sharply, passed him and crashed into Wally from behind. The latter didn't react fast enough and was smashed away.

Amari turned his head only to see two large cars flying in his direction. He didn't evade, but Kamui was activated.

The objects passed right through and exploded behind him. Miss Martian was shocked.

He could go intangible?

But he suddenly disappeared from her eyes. She was about to activate density shifting when a heavy hand chopped at her neck. The green female lost consciousness and fell from the sky.

Amari watched her falling figure with no intention of saving her.


Miss Martian crashed to the floor. Luckily for her, she had a Martian Physique, so this fall wouldn't kill her. However, it was definitely going to sting.

The fight had barely started and yet, it was over.

Well, that was quick.

"And then there was one". He raised an eyebrow as he flew downwards, stopping a few meters away from the last standing member of the six.


Artemis POV


Truly, Artemis didn't even have the ability to attack. She was similar to Robin in the sense that they had no abilities apart from their skills.

Unfortunately, she relied on a bow and arrow, which she was unable to bring out in public. She was more of a burden than she could be of help.

Artemis looked at the team that were all unconscious.

Their entire team was taken down in less than a minute.

Although they weren't prepared at all for this, but still. They were all beaten with one move.

Seeing all this left her with a sense of despair. In front of this man, this alien, they were helpless.

"Aren't you going to attack me". She raised her head from the sight of her fallen comrades and looked at him. His face was stunning. Perfectly crafted, yet expressionless.

He looked at her with... interest. Yes, she could have sworn it was interest. The question he asked her, the way he moved. It showed since the moment they met.

He didn't seem to take them seriously at all. He was just that powerful. Then why was he asking her this question?

She didn't understand.

Honestly, she didn't think the team would fall this fast. They might have been a bit out of their league, but they weren't supposed to get beaten up this badly.

She was there when the team fought against AMAZO. An Android capable of replicating the abilities of the Justice league. Were they beaten bad? Yes, they were.

Still, they managed to win with a bit of luck.

Where was that stroke of luck now?

"Why are you doing this?" Was she trying to reason with him? No, she was not. She wasn't that stupid or naive, and she definitely wasn't someone like Superman who wanted to see the good in everyone.

Artemis was born in a family of criminals, so she had seen more of the world's dark side than any of her teammates.

She was just stalling, hoping he would answer her questions so she could stall for more time for the league to appear.

And thankfully, he replied.

"Why am I doing what? I'm just defending myself". He said with his hands raised in an exaggerated expression.

And there it was again, the amusement in his eyes. But she could hardly care about that now. Artemis was dumbstruck.

"Defending yourself? You just attacked us".

"I didn't attack you. Check your memory well, I only retaliated to whatever attack you threw at me". As soon as he said those words, he vanished and appeared right in front of her.

Her heart leapt to her throat as his face was several inches away from hers. She could see it even clearer, alongside his features, the raised eyebrow... the

… the.....

"The only reason you're still standing here intact is that you haven't tried to attack me". His face was charming, his breath was hot, his purple eyes were attractive, but his words were cold.

Ice-cold, filled with indifference.

"Move it!" A loud shout sounded from above.

Artemis, who heard the voice, subconsciously, retreated backwards in a hurry. And Amari made no attempt to stop her.

His head raised upwards and what looked to be a giant green hammer enlarged in his vision.



Sorry it's late again.


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