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8.44% I Am Energy In Dc / Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Young Justice Team

Capítulo 13: Chapter 13 Young Justice Team

United States, Coast city.

In one of the rooms of a rather luxurious apartment, on a large king-sized bed lay two figures completely immersed within each other's presence to care about anything else.

Their bodies entangled around each other, giving off heat as passionate moans escaped their lips, hands groping, recklessly exploring each other's regions.

"Ahm..... Uhm..... Yeahhhh!" Slurring sounds with incoherent sentences echoed occasionally as the two fought a hard and savage battle on the bed. Their bodies constantly moving back and forth at high pace, glistening with sweat as they were completely bare the same way they came into the world.

All that was heard apart from the moans and pants were the constant slapping sounds produced by conflicting friction.

The activity in the bedroom went on for fifteen minutes before gradually ceasing, while within the room, both figures were letting out exhausted pants.

"Ha..... Ha…. Ha..... That was....." The female said in a soft voice full of exhaustion as her sensitive body twitched lightly now and then. The male didn't say much as he let out similar labored breaths.

The smile of satisfaction on his face was difficult to conceal as he embraced the beauty laying in his arms, his lower member still inserted in her shaft.

He looked at the woman with dark hair and blue eyes, his irises almost overflowing with affection.

"That..... Was A-Amazing Carroll". Hal said with a slight chuckle amidst pants. He looked at the woman laying on his chest and felt a slight of accomplishment within his heart.

He finally did it. He finally bedded the woman he was in love with. Hal considered it a double victory, after all, it was every male employee's dream to fuck his boss senseless, especially when she was a stunning beauty with graceful curves that could make men lustful.

The male on the bed was none other than the one and only Hal Jordan, the Green lantern of earth, Sector 2814 and one of the founding members of the renowned Justice league.

He was also one of the many members of the Universal Space Police Force also known as the Green Lantern Corps. With Energy rings granted onto them by the guardians of Oar Star, capable of materializing anything imaginable, fueled solely by the green light of will.

This made anyone deemed worthy enough to wield a Lantern ring a formidable opponent across the universe. As a Green Lantern in the DC Comics, Hal Jordan was known to be one of the most powerful Lanterns of all time.

His extraordinary willpower made his combat capabilities all the more powerful.

As they say, the stronger the will, the stronger the lantern. As for Hal Jordan's ring... well, currently it was placed on a table by the far side of the room. After all, he was about to have sex with his boss, the ring certainly couldn't stay on his finger.

Hal was filled with a good sense of achievement. Carroll on the other hand was having a mixture of complicated emotions brewing within her at the moment.

She sighed to herself inwardly as she heard his voice and took a minute to adjust her thoughts. Although she found Hal particularly attractive and knew she had grown some special feelings for him, that still didn't change something that was weighing on her mind.

Hal was her employee, and she had just slept with her employee. The thought made her mood quite complex.

"Carrol, are you ok?" Hal couldn't help but ask as he saw her being quiet.

"I'm fine". Carroll said while disposing of her thoughts. They both rested on the bed without saying a word as minutes passed by.

Hal felt the atmosphere was slowly getting uncomfortable. Just as he was about to say something to get rid of the uneasiness in the air, his eyes widened as he turned his gaze to catch the slight glow that had gone off in his Lantern ring.

Hal's connection to the ring was strong, the same as any other lanterns. They didn't need to have it on them to be able to control it.

Hal was the same as he slowly got up from the bedside and walked towards the table.

He picked up the ring and gently slid it on his finger, his toned and well tanned figure still completely buck naked as he turned around.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom really quick". He said as he moved towards the bathroom door. Carroll watched all this with a normal expression while giving a slight nod, finding nothing unusual.

She sat on the bed with her womanly features covered by the blankets, a little deep in thought.

While she didn't deny that she was somewhat attracted to the fearless test pilot that was Hal Jordan, which was the reason that led to this moment being possible, Carroll just couldn't bring herself to have a real relationship with him.

After all, he was her employee at Ferris Aircraft and her image and reputation needed to be upheld.

So this situation would most likely be a one-time thing, similar to a one-night stand. While she was debating her choices, Hal quickly emerged from the bathroom, less than twenty seconds after going in.

"Hey um… I'm truly sorry about this, but I just got a crucial call while I was in the bathroom. Something serious happened and…. um… I.... Have to go. Deal with something important.... So…"

Hal said awkwardly as he quickly put on his clothes. His words came out incoherently, as he didn't really know how to describe the situation. After all, this wasn't some random chick he just happened to hook up with.

No, she was his boss from work, which made the situation all the more awkward as he struggled to find an excuse to justify his departure. Carroll just looked at him with a blank stare as her eyes drifted towards the table where his phone laid.

He didn't go to the bathroom with his phone, so.... she saw through his rather pitiful attempt of an excuse immediately, while the Hal didn't even notice in his haste.

He had just received an alert from cyborg that the alien they've been searching for all week was right in coast city. Hal took it upon himself to respond immediately.

"A…. Friend of mine, yeah, he got into something big and I gotta go help him so…. I'll call you". And with that, he closed the door and ran out of the building in a hurry.

Carroll didn't say anything, just sat there deep in thought.

Hal, on the other hand, moved a considerable distance away from the luxurious building with hasty steps. When he surveyed the area to make sure there were no cameras and no one nearby to accidentally witness his transformation, his ring glowed green and his body sported the black and green colored later uniform the following second.

Hal immediately took off into the air, heading to the point where cyborg had sent to his ring.

"You just had to show up today, of all days, didn't you? God, so help me, if I lay my hands on you, I'm gonna…." Hal muttered ruthlessly in frustration as his figure zoomed away.


Amari POV

Meanwhile, at a certain café in coast city

Ten minutes before the alert.

The soft music of classical Beethoven played within the establishment, which at this time of night gave off a rather soothing feeling to those who sat there. Whether they were on their phones, Laptops or just chatting with friends, family or acquaintances.

The night was peaceful, coupled with the bright lights from various buildings, it gave off a serene feeling in the soul which almost said inner peace.

Or at least, Amari would like to think so. He didn't know if anyone else in this place felt the same way, but there was just something about it all that gave this strange feeling to him.

It reminded him of Kung Fu Panda and a certain old tortoise that liked to speak twisty riddles.

His curious nature immersed itself in this feeling as his bright purple eyes had a certain light within them while his lips curled up slightly.

His posture was relaxed, almost lazy, even as he tuned out everything else around him. But that didn't mean that no one wasn't paying any attention to him.

He wore a black hoodie with shorts and Nike sneakers. His hair was no longer the signature black it used to be but now sported a silver white color, coupled with his free spirited demeanor and rather delicate features, you could say that he was actually grabbing a lot of attention doing nothing but sitting there.

All sorts of hushed whispers rang about in the café, ninety percent of those discussions revolving around him.

From the group of girls on one end, to the mature ladies on the other, even to the female cashier.

He turned his head to look at a group crowded around a table, the peculiarity there being that it was fully seated with females.

Teenagers to be exact, probably none older than nineteen.

He could feel them stealing glances at his direction sporadically when he wasn't paying attention. As he turned his face around, many turned theirs away, some with their faces growing a touch of red while others giggled softly.

Some were slightly more bold and threw winks at him as they continued their hushed discussions. Too bad for them, he could hear every word.

His superhuman capabilities included enhanced hearing, even if they weren't at the level of Superman, it was seriously no problem for this rather short distance.

To be honest, he was slightly intrigued and a little amused at their conversations but ignored it all in general.

The reason he even bothered to use his enhanced hearing was simply a way to get accustomed to the abilities of his body.

A seasoned warrior could detect whether his weapon's weight was off by a single gram.

Captain America from the neighborhood Marvel Universe was a testament to that.

For him, getting accustomed to the abilities he had given himself was a matter of course.

Of course, he wouldn't need much time for adaptation, unlike most people who would suddenly find their control overwhelmed when faced with new abilities and largely increased levels of strength.

It was almost like Superman's biological force field and tactile telekinesis, which made him capable of controlling his strength without occasionally losing control and ripping out the fridge handle every now and then.

The difference, however, was that his control was also part of the perks he added when creating his current form. His body would quickly adapt to any suddenly increase or addition in abilities as long as he made even the slightest usage of them, no matter how minimal. It wasn't on the same level as Doomsday's adaptive regeneration, but it would do for now.

Thoughts passed through his mind as he looked at the tattoos on his arm that was completely random to anyone else who saw it, but its contents were as clear as day to him.

[Remaining Energy Units: 41325]

The amount of energy he used to empower those pills which he, in turn, used to empower himself was rather large. The total cost for his enhanced physiology and power of destruction bordered around fourteen thousand units combined.

Not exactly the specific amount, but he didn't want to go into details. Just say something around those lines.

It didn't have much impact on his mind, though. After all, a pair of enhanced eyes with access to another dimension was one thing, but speed faster than am electric train, strength capable of lifting the Empire State Building, a body capable of resisting a nuclear bomb, enhanced senses, flight as well as the power of destruction were no small abilities.

Any of these things put into the Naruto world would be rated on the same level as the Mangekyo Sharingan Kekkei Genkai, probably even higher.

However, the ability of Kamui was rather pleasing to use.

The thought of enhancing the ability of his eyes did pass his mind. Maybe give it another evolutionary direction. But that could wait, currently there were other important things to handle.

As for his energy, he was supposed to have less than that, but the energy he siphoned off lobo just happened to increase his total reserve generously while also bringing him a quantitative leap forward when it came to the topic of his control over energy.

Although it was later ruined by Superman, it wasn't all bad. His meeting with General Lane had gone off rather splendidly, without a single hitch. Was he surprised? No.

Did he already know how things would play out? Yes.

Using energy to see the future was a rather convenient ability.

He was able to accurately predict how they would react to any situation.

His eyes suddenly lit up with slight interest as he picked up something he was expecting with his ears. The first was the mumbling of a group of boys at a nearby table.

Apparently, they were planning something against him which would most likely lead to them getting in trouble. He already knew that, so he focused on the second, more interesting thing.

".... Conner, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to. You literally haven't said a word since we left the cave".

"Kaldur's right. We're here to enjoy ourselves, have fun. Your broody aura is truly messing with the vibes".

Two voices entered into his ears. One was calm, collected and spoke with a flat tone. The voice was a bit deep as well, giving it a slight touch of maturity while the other sounded lively, young, and far too frivolous.

"Right on time. It looks like the Junior league is here".

Amari said with a chuckle.

He turned his head towards the glass window and sure enough, he could see a group of six walking among the crowd of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Two girls, four boys, all in casual clothing as their eyes roamed the street.

"Calm down, Wally, Conner's like that, and you know it".

"Sigh! Always being the good friend Megan, but still. The guy's close to brooding like Batman".

Wally said with an exaggerated expression as he pointed at the Stoic Conner Kent, otherwise known as Superboy.

"Tch…. As if. No one broods like Batman. It's his signature thing". Robin said with a disdainful look.

Wally was about to retort when he suddenly stopped and started sniffing.

"Umh, I smell bagels. Let's go get some". Wally said with delight as he turned his attention to the café right in front of them.

"Hello Wally, didn't you just have a snack ten minutes ago?" Artemis said with a pointed glare.

"Hey, Those were chips and that was then. These are bagels, they're different. And like you said, it's already been a full ten minutes". Wally said with a matter of fact expression.

"Guys, it doesn't matter. We can just go get some for everyone. It'll be good". Megan said with a giggle.

"Nothinf wrong with having something sweet". Kaldur said with a smile on his lips.

"I don't mind some". Conner just grunted and voiced his opinion.

"Great, let's go". Megan's eyes lit up as she dragged Conner by the arm towards the café. Wally followed with an excited expression while rubbing his palms together.

Robin and Artemis just followed without any expressions on their faces.

All of their actions fell into the ears of a certain male sitting in the said Café. He didn't order anything and just sat silently.

"Oh, looks like the jocks can't hold on any longer". Amari didn't turn around, but could clearly make out the sound of footsteps heading towards his direction.

Apparently, the table of boys was a little upset that some fresh face was stealing all the attention and decided to make a move.

Wasn't this a little cliché? Amari thought, and yet, it was happening. Still, he didn't care one bit as he sat there with an aura of laziness around him, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

His gaze was fixed at the door where the Junior league just happened to walk in, all six of them. Now he somewhat wandered if he was not in some random AU and was just in the plain Young justice world.

His thoughts were interrupted as he saw a shadow on the floor right beside him.

"Hey there man. What's up?" He stood at six feet with blonde hair and black eyes. Amari couldn't be bothered about his choice of clothing but the football jacket that read, Coast city high was eye-catching enough to see with his ears.

He didn't say a word. Just ignored the latter while his gaze remained settled in front. The atmosphere somewhat froze as the guy who seemed to be a football player stood there with a bit of embarrassment.

His movements were noticed the moment he got up, as almost everyone was subtly paying attention to the white haired hottie sitting near the window.

"You know, It's considered rude to ignore someone like that". Seeing that he didn't even give him a glance, the blonde was a bit angry due to embarrassment.

"Well your words sounded too much like a pickup line, so a guy's gotta be careful, don't you agree?" The reply was smooth yet had a biting edge to it. His words weren't loud, but the Café had already quieted down by this point.

Suddenly, the place was deathly silent for a few seconds, followed by sounds of stifled laughter.

Countless people had their hands over their mouths, while others just had their eyes widen.

"Wow! What a burn". Wally, however, couldn't keep his mouth to himself and said loudly.

"I have to admit, that does sting". Robin, who was watching the show, had his eyelids twitch slightly. He looked at the white haired guy near the window, his eyes slowly narrowing to slits.

"I'll say. Who's the cute guy near the window?" Artemis looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes. Seeing his smooth skin and chiseled jawline, her eyes eagerly scanned him from head to toe. Megan was similar as she looked at the scene.

At this point, the blonde's face was hideous.

This guy just insinuated he was gay. What made it even worse was the group of girls a distance away were all laughing at his expense.

His eyes narrowed to form a slight glare as numerous thoughts passed his mind.

"I don't particularly like people touching me, especially men. So watch where you put your hands, or you might just lose them". His words were plain, clear, and concise.

The outstretched arm of the blonde who wanted to teach this little shit in front of him a lesson froze slightly in midair.

"Whoa! Ok, now I gotta say, this guy is fierce". Wally said as he watched the excitement.

"Agreed". Kaldur nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hey everyone, does he look familiar to you?"

"Huh? Who exactly?"

"The white haired one, I feel like I've seen him somewhere before". Robin replied to Wally's question.

"Do you guys think he needs help?" Megan couldn't help but ask as she saw the others had come to provide backup.

"Looks like you're new around here, aren't you? I bet there are a lot of things you don't know". The blonde said with fierce eyes. Seeing his group surrounding him, his courage shot through the roof as he wiped the smile off his face.

"Come on, Terry, leave him alone. This is my workplace and I warned you about causing trouble". The female cashier suddenly interrupted, causing all eyes to turn to her.

Her eyes were focused on the leader of the group. Standing six feet three, dark hair, ebony skin, classic Black American.

Anyone could judge from her words that they were in some sort of relationship.

Terry had his eyes darken slightly. He looked at his girlfriend before turning to look at Amari. His eyes squinted slightly before he signalled to his group to leave.

His hands made some special signs towards them as he turned to face the exit.

"Uh guys? We might have a problem". Robin had a solemn look on his face as he looked away from the phone that appeared in his hand at some point.

"What's the issue, Robin?" Kaldur asked.

"Hehehe. You're lucky. But we'll see how lucky you are when you step out of this building". The blonde boy said with a vicious whisper as he placed his hand on Amari's shoulder and applied force.

However, his expression changed when the latter suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Looks like you've decided which arm you want to lose". His voice was indifferent but carried frightening coldness. The blonde boy felt the hairs at the back of his neck stand on end for some reason.

Amari didn't give him time to ponder as he exerted a slight force.


"Agghhhhh!" Pain erupted from his hand as the blonde boy let out a shrill scream, yet his body was lifted from the ground before he could process anything.

Crash! Amari's expressionless face didn't change as he hoisted the blonde boy by his arm and threw him through the glass window.

The glass shattered, causing the passing pedestrians to scream as they saw a body fly through the broken window and into the sidewalk.

The change was so fast and unexpected that the people in the Café didn't have time to react.

"That's the issue". Robin said with an audible gulp of saliva.


Adding new characters, Young Justice team.

Carroll Fenris, Star Sapphire

Hope you enjoy the Chapter.

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