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100% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 43: Getting That Goddess in Shaman Style

Capítulo 43: Getting That Goddess in Shaman Style

It took around two days for Raynor to recover, even to move. Nearly two thousand times, his muscles constantly expanded and retracted. That kind of treatment could cause even the most experienced warrior to pass out mid-fight. 

However, The Shaman was able to make it past that and even talk with Skadi. One could say what he did was impressive.

But that cost him two days of nothing but sleeping.

After that, he woke up and swiftly returned to work.

First, he rendered his three hunted animals for parts. He took the teeth of the crocodile creature and turned those into more knives.

Then, he proceeded to turn fur into leather. 

Ullr suggested carving runes in the interior of the clothes. 

Since he wants to go to Muspelheim, he needs protection from heat. The Hunter swiftly realised that Niflheim was absurdly cold. His clothes so far protected him from the cold!

Well, he does have his Northern blood, which naturally resists cold. That means it's even colder than he initially thought. 

Regardless, he started with making the top piece. It's something akin to another layer of leather armour. There was no need to remove his already existing armour. Instead, he can improve by adding another layer. 

With his runic art, he can make it easier for him to move. That is why he took the armour off and proceeded to improve it.

Only after taking that armour did he realise how freaking cold it was! He needed more fire around him, so he did. 

When Skadi said it was strange for a human to be here, she was dead serious, as no regular human should be here. This place is cold, colder than anywhere in the world. It's almost the same as a barren planet in space. 

Still, Raynor continued his work, and the God of Hunt gave him tips along the way. One of the things the Norse Deity noticed is that the pyres the shaman created were assisting in magic weaving.

One of the tips he gave him was ornaments. He recalled native American tribes used to have all sorts of charms placed on their weapons and clothes. 

That made the hunter realise that, holy hell! He was like a voodoo mage! Shamans are intricately linked with souls! He is even a blood mage.

So far, he only used that stuff to boost his ability to kill. But he can do curses, hexes, and all sorts of dangerous things!

With the new doors opened to him, he swiftly used the smaller teeth from the crocodile to create small pendant-like charms. 

In video game terms, these were like jewellery a gamer attaches to his weapons for bonuses. He did just that to his Leviathan sword, his bows and the throwing daggers he had.

With the new crocodile teeth dagger finished, Raynor proceeded to create new sheathing locations throughout his hunter gear.

Just like that, his 20-throwing knives became 28. Those extra eight were far more dangerous than the original 20.

As Ullr said before, his creation method was magic weaving. He weaves magic-like strings into the item. An item which already has magical properties becomes even better. 

After improving the chest clothes, Raynor proceeded to work on the hood. He used white leather strings to stitch and improve, creating a two-layered hood. In between them, he added runes.

With that done, he switched to improving sleeves. For comfort's sake, he added more leather around the areas where his knives are.

By this point, people will only notice that he has five knives tops and not 28. 

Ultimately, he could only improve the top part of the hunter's gear. It was the sixth day. And he needed to rest as at the seventh one, he wanted to be 100%. 

"You still need to check your Frost Spirit," Tsufaame said with crossed arms.

"I will do it tomorrow."


The day before the battle, Raynor went outside the cave to test his newest spirit.

Unlike Tsufaame, he doesn't need to fuse with the weapon. 

Instead, he placed his left hand on the pendant and channelled some of the power. At that moment, an icy cold blue aura surrounded him, and his shadow expanded. A bulky, tall, demonic-looking frozen giant proceeded to surface. 

The Shaman frowned when he sensed that, at this moment, this guy was like a puppet. 

He would need to refine him a little bit. As it is now, it's just a blob of energy. 

A blob of energy which can eat other blobs of energy. 

'That reminds me. He can grow in strength, and so can Tsufaame.' Raynor realised that their powers were not set in stone. They could grow and be more powerful.

"Quite powerful. But it's lacking something." Ullr said with crossed arms.

"It lacks self-awareness. It is, after all, just born recently." 

Raynor explained as he dismissed fusion and allowed the spirit to return to the pendant.

"And the strain on your body?" 

The question got Shaman looking at his hands for a bit. The armour was far more comfortable and made him feel far more secure. At the same time, the strain of high power flow is mitigated, giving him the ability to fight longer.

"Far less. The armour mitigates a portion of it." 

"Good. That means you have a bigger chance of defeating Skadi." Ullr nodded after hearing that.

"Yeah, I should return to my resting. I need to be at the peak of my strength."


For the rest of the day, Raynor was resting and playing around with his carving and making more charms. One of those was feathers for his boots.

The feathers were from his two tamed birds—the falcon for absurd peak speed and the eagle for the prolonged dash. 

Without even knowing, he selected the two best animals for movement charms! 

But then again, he picked them because they were 'cool'. So it's a double win for him. 

Just like that, the last day had passed, and it was time for the final battle for the pair.

The pair of hunters and a ghost arrived at the designated place. A giant came over a few days ago to tell them about the location. 

Which was strange for the two; that encounter was the first time they talked with the non-god Jotun. Turns out they can talk before they turn into gods. Who knew that!?

"Whatever happens, know that you are a friend to Asgard, Raynor Valeron," Ullr said solemnly. He was expecting Raynor to die here. 

"Come now. If I die, I go to Valhalla, and if I am successful, I will get Skadi. What else there is?" The Shaman said with an excited grin.

"Besides, she would never make a trap in this place. Isn't it right? Skadi?" He said the last part loudly.


"I am not a sneaky bastard like you two." The Jotun Goddess appeared with crossed arms. One could see that she was dressed a little bit better. Her fur clothes are fresh, and her hair is braided, with the tip being a Blue Ribbon instead of leather wrap, as she usually does.

In simple terms, she was dressed beautifully for their 'last date'. 

"No. You are just a proud huntress." Ren said with a small smile as he went closer and summoned his bow.

She did the same.

"Good, you are prepared. That is good." Skadi scanned him from top to bottom. Part of her trembled as she could sense his overall power went up several times. That was shocking! In just a week, he went from low mid-class to low high-class! 

For humans with below-average supernatural blood, that is impressive. 

'His soul is just as heavy. What in Ymir's name is he practising?' 

She narrowed her eyes as she created her ice bow.

"As I said before. Beat me, and I am yours. I beat you, and you are mine~" She said the last part with a slight, excited tone.

"...I am yours? Darling, if that is the case, I am just going to surrender." He said with an eye roll. She is offering what he wants!

"Gaah! Don't you dare! I will make you into a slave! That's a promise! So take this seriously!" Skadi furiously stomped her feet! Creating a crater in progress.

"Fine. Then let's start. I came prepared." As he said that, he summoned his quiver. 


"It won't be like the last two times! I know your tricks this time." 

She summoned an ice arrow and was ready to shoot. Raynor did the same. 

"You said that last time. Sadly for you, I have new assets." With a feral grin, he shoots. 

Skadi did the same. She was about to shoot, but he missed.

"Is your hand shaking from that excitement, Raynor!?" The goddess proceeded to move and shoot more arrows. The shaman proceeded to dodge arrows and shoot more. 

All of his arrows were missing.

"You are starting to disappoint me! Take this seriously!" Skadi was disappointed that he kept on not trying to hit her! 


Instead of replying, he shot several more arrows in random directions. Before dodging more ice arrows and eventually arriving in the 'middle'. 

"Enough! If you can't shoot, then I will pummel you." She dismissed her bow and lunged at him. But that moment, instead of shooting the arrow, he grinned and stabbed one arrow into the ground. 


Skadi stopped in her tracks, but at that moment, arrows glowed and formed a pentagram.

Heavy spiritual energy surged, transforming the surroundings into an open field with a large native American totem in the background.

"What is this!?" The goddess exclaimed with wide eyes. She looked around. They were transported!? This place seems like grasslands or more like prairie! At that moment, shades or, more like, souls proceeded to surround them. Creating a ring for battle, overlooked by a large totem, the sky looked strange. It was like the setting sun and rising moon stuck at a specific time.

"A ritual battle. You can say this is our marriage ceremonial duel. Since I am much weaker than you, this place empowers the one who needs the power to face the other. 

In the eyes of magic and very nature, battles like these should be of equal footing. That means my power received a boost to your level. All of my abilities are at the same level as you." 

"Rituals like these require specific requirements to happen! There has to be a price!" Skadi was shocked to hear he was able to prepare something like this! She specifically prepared an area—

Her eyes bulged out. She realised that she helped him! 

At that moment, she placed her hand on her forehead, massaging. She got played again!

"Your wording for a duel and me selecting a field helped you. To think someone can still create such archaic duels even by Gods standards." Skadi commented with a sweaty forehead. 

With that thought in mind, she created a pair of ice-short swords. 

'This ritual is a real deal. If I lose, I will be bound to him. By karma, destiny. By the very nature of life and magic. It could be considered the purest form of marriage there is.' She was anxious and quite skittish. Never in her life had she thought someone would do that to her!

With a burst of speed, Raynor dashed at Skadi. 


The Goddess, with a frown, tried to parry his daggers, but they went through her ice knives like they were flames which melted everything. 

The Goddess needed to utilise her footwork to dodge and then try to counterattack with her sheer physical strength. 

But that moment, a loud bear roar spread through the field as overlooking totem's bear carving glowed and Raynor's frame buffed and fist collided with a fist. 

'Direct contact!?'

Skadi's eyes bulged out as she realised that he just increased his muscle density!

'W-We are equal!?' Part of her shook from disbelief. Who could have more raw power than a compressed giant!? 

"Which part of our equal duel has eluded you?" He teased her from all the shock she was experiencing.

"Damn you!" She tried to force herself to push him, but Raynor's legs went for her legs. 

The Jotun Goddess' eyes widened as she realised that he was targeting her weak spot!

"We fought twice. I have studied you, darling." As he said that, he kicked her leg, and she lost her balance. 

Before she could do anything, he rolled her over and made her lay on her back while he was on top of her. 

A smile appeared on his lips as he leaned forward closer to her face. 

That proximity made her cheeks start to blush as she realised that he was too close to her. 

"G-Get off me!!" She kicked herself off and made him fly over her. 

Both of them swiftly faced each other once more.

With a roar, she dashed at him and tried to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. 

The issue with her fighting style is that she is used to crushing everyone with overwhelming force. In contrast, Raynor's style revolves around disarmament and destruction of balance.

That means the more she tries to overpower him, the more he can play with her.

Eventually, he got some liberties from her, like a quick kiss, which caused her to see red. 

But this was what the Shaman wanted. He ended up pushing her to the ground and pointing a dagger at her neck. 

"It's over. You are mine now." He said with a bright smile.

Skadi's eyebrows twitched from frustration. 

"You cheated!"

"Not in the eyes of nature and magic I did. The ritual balanced our strengths. You wield ice and can make an infinite amount of weapons. I have a limited amount of weapons and shaman abilities. 

Your mana reserves are that of a god. I was given the same amount of reserves for this fight.

Our fight was as equal as it gets~." 

His explanation didn't help. Skadi knew a fair fight for her and him had two different meanings. 

"...Fine." The moment she accepted the defeat, the ritual landscape rippled, shattering like glass. At that moment, a colossal amount of mana surged from the ground and rushed into her. 

'What is this!?' 

That energy washed her over doing something to her, and she could feel the general area of Raynor. It was something else! 

"What did you do?" Jotun Goddess asked him as she tried to grasp what had happened to her!

"The result of the ritual. As I said, you are mine now, and I am serious when I say that." He slowly got up from her and offered his hand.

She wanted to brush it away, but part of her said no; instead, she accepted his offer. 

A confused look passed through her eyes. The moment she was on her feet, she looked at her hand.

Some sort of thing has happened.

"...What is this?"

"Think of this as a Marriage ritual result. We fought over who would wear the pants in our relationship. I won. That makes you somewhat subservient to me.

But it's not slavery. Nothing like my summoning magic."

"...You are one crazy bastard." it was the only thing she could muster in this situation.

To think that someone would do that!

"You do realise that you could have cursed yourself at the end of this if I could have won." She pointed out what could have happened to him!

Rituals like these are double-edged swords. They are dangerous! There is a reason why shamans and druids are a dead speciality! 

All of their things have consequences. There are reasons why basic fighting dominates the current landscape. 

"And you think I care? I challenged someone who could kill me with a hard punch. I fought you two times in a row. Going so far as fighting at close range." He reminded her what he had done in the past two weeks. 

"...Mad, totally mad. *Sigh* but I guess I deserve this outcome." She sighed with a resigned voice. Shaking her head as she accepted the outcome.

Her gaze eventually went to Ullr.

"I guess you are happy with this. You are getting rid of me." She commented on the current results. The whole ice plane will be empty for Hunter God to hunt. 

"I am. Part of me is surprised at how well it went." The Norse God was pleasantly surprised.

"I knew I won the moment Skadi decided on the area and properly set it up." Raynor smiled while saying that.

"I had no idea you could set up a ritual like this! Damn you, Shamans!" The Jotun Goddess stomped her feet.

With a chuckle, he proceeded to collect his arrows. Skadi just looked at him doing that with crossed arms. She could feel her emotions were being influenced to some degree. Her anger to kill him no longer exists. Instead, she wants to get back at him in a more wife-like way. 

It makes her spooked. Just thinking about how strong this ritual power is makes her cautious about what else he can do. 

"So what now?" She asked the Norse God next to her. 

"Well, this trip was the best Asgard had seen since before you appeared, Skadi. It demands a celebration." Ullr said while stroking his beard.


"I don't know if I will attend such a 'celebration'." She air-quotes the celebration part.

"Well, it's all up to your 'Husband', Raynor. But as long as you are not antagonistic to Asgard, you are welcome to visit it." Ullr explained to her. 

His explanation made her frown.

"Me, a Jotun? In Asgard? Are you mad?" 

"You don't know about Loki?" The Norse God reminded him of the Trickster.

"Ha! He is not a real Jotun. Raised as a pompous Asgardian who had never seen a proper winter before." She said that with crossed arms, watching how Raynor returned to her side.

"I suppose we should start collecting stuff and return to Earth." 

Just from mentioning Earth, it made Skadi somewhat nervous.


For advanced chapters (+9 chapters, 27k words) mypat : pat




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