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18.6% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 8: Shaman Waging War

Capítulo 8: Shaman Waging War

t was utter chaos.

It started in the middle of the day. Men were training and preparing, what they were preparing didn't matter, all that mattered was that there was a kid who killed their Lord.

The most loyal houses answered the call first. Like the Umbers, Karstarks, Manderlys, and of course Mormont.

House Mormont is the house of Bear Island. It's situated on an island on the West side of the North. That place is famous for Bears and Timber.

They are famous for another thing: that women know how to fight. Even the current Heir is a woman. Her name is Dacey Mormont and she was lucky enough not to be in the main tent when it happened.

Loud booming sounds and earth-shaking force forced the black-haired girl to lose her ground.

This was not the end as another booming sound and dust cloud erupted in the campsite followed by another three explosions.

Such an event caused utter chaos as the Bear girl was holding her head from all the ringing.

"...What happened? What is going on!?"

"Wolves!!! wolves!!!"


Dacey was screaming her lungs out as she could not hear her house guards.

The guy grabbed her to make her look to the side.

What she saw made her blood turn cold. It was a massacre! Wolves were everywhere!

"...How many…how many wolves does this kid have!?" She said with sheer shock as she swiftly took her Morningstar.

Sure enough, it was the right thing to do as a wolf noticed her and started to rush at her.

The girl proceeded to swing her mace.

But the wolf sidestepped and proceeded to lunge at one of her house guards, the one who was still dazed.

'Fuck! It's hit and run!'

She realised that too late as the wolf mauled the guard and bit its neck before dashing to the next target.


Dacey roared as she wanted to run after the wolf but it was a stupid thing to do as wolves are pack hunters.

This means the moment you show your back, another one will see it as a weakness and lunge at you.

Sure it was just like that for the black-haired North Girl as her eyes widened as she FELT the wolf behind her.

Before she can turn around one of her guards runs his blade through the wolf.

This encounter with death made her breathing accelerate to a large degree as she took a few steps back.



All the wolves stopped whatever they were doing and started hauling before starting to run away.

"Pursue these dogs, don't let them escape! We outnumber them 10 to 1!!!"

One of the Northern men roared with fury they just lost their Lords they won't allow this nonsense to continue!


Men started to run after the wolves; they all left the premises of the camp and into an open field.

What they didn't expect was one vs one situation with the kid.

Well…it was hundreds of men against one kid.

"BRAT! Do you think you will be forgiven for what you did!?"

"Forgiven? Do I look like I need forgiveness from a dead man?"


The boy pointed at the ground.

The men looked confused for a bit before looking down.

"An arrow? Why is it glowing?"

"Do be careful with those… they have a nasty habit of exploding."

At that moment one of the confused men stepped on one of the dropped arrows.



Before long there was not a single man left, only a few blood marks and weapons which dropped from the sky.

Thankfully not everyone rushed out of the camp as Dacey Mormont was looking at this from the back. She was still slightly shaken from her encounter with a wolf like that.

Honestly, she has faced beasts of similar size before. But it was nothing like this… she never was in a war before and not against humans who can control beasts. It was utterly terrifying.

Especially now… They had around 5000 men… Some of them are still gathering from all over the North but at this moment out of all those men barely a few hundred have left! It's an utter massacre by a single boy!

"I did tell him that it has a nasty habit of exploding. Poor fool, and here I was about to ask him for forgiveness." The boy said with a teasing tone while motioning something with his hand before pulling out a weapon from nothing…

This weapon was nothing like she has ever seen before. It was smoking wood… a sword made from wood. For a blade, this weapon has claws and fangs of animals…

After pulling the weapon the boy proceeded to walk towards the camp!

"...Is he mad…"

"He is coming at us!!! Surround him and cut him down! He is asking for death!!!"

The remaining soldiers roared with anger and rushed towards the boy.

One of the soldiers swung his steel sword and the boy swung his wooden sword.

The soldier had size and weapon advantage but the man's weapon was cut in half and then his hand and chest were cut open.

Single exchange, single death!

Soon the remaining 15 who had front-row seats seeing the explosion were cut down.

"What about you?" The Boy asked the Mormont girl who was just standing there.

"What about me?"

"Are you going to throw yourself to be killed?"

"...I don't know."

"...Hmm…I guess if you want to die you can always tell me." He said that while shaking his head and proceeded to walk past her.

By this point it was it…

The boy slaughtered anyone who was in his path. Soon people just stopped fighting and proceeded to run…run away as far as they could.

This was utter madness…

The northern force was utterly decimated by a single boy and his pet wolves…



Winterfell stood tall, the Capital of the North and a Citadel as old as the Northern Kingdom. It now thought it was surrounded by circling wolves which are over 70.

Never before in its history, something like this has happened

Wolves are treating this castle as if it was their prey.

"No matter how dangerous they are, they can't reach the walls."

"You said it. I have no idea how the whole army was crushed by a single boy but how could he invade Winterfell Walls!?!" The guard pumped himself while saying that he was feeling safe behind huge walls!

"Hahaha, you said it!"

At that moment a childish voice from a dark corner said.

"By climbing a wall, seriously…"


A pair of ivory knives smashed into the chest of a pair of guards. The pair were on the watch for anything suspicious.

As one could get they failed with their jobs…

Once the pair was on the ground, the Hunter summoned his summon Interface and called forth his three packs of wolves.

Yes, he has another pack, the name of the beast is Apollon, named after the Greek God of Sun which is God of Wolves as well.

Apart from that he did get an increase in the pack size to up to 30 per pack. Not only that but Raynor increases the amount of females there are in the pack. This will allow him to breed the beasts in large numbers.

Until he has an army of wolves.

"Boys this is a closed-door banquet. Do call your pack backs."

Yes, there is a trick to summon wolves. What Raynor did was simple: he recalled all the wolves at the very last moment before re-summoning them the moment he was on the walls.

The three alpha wolves howled and one by one wolves started to appear. Before long the entire wall was full of them.

"Now go. Have some fun. I have things to do."

The huge dogs barked happily before rushing in all directions.

The reason he made the wolves howl for hours to no end is so that people would think that all the howling is happening still outside the castle walls.

Not only that but the wolves first killed all the guards around the walls which made the sleeping castle like a sitting duck or defenceless sheep.

As the wolves were having their fun Raynor walked down the stairs from the walls and proceeded to walk towards the main hall.

He casually opened the double oak doors and saw the weirwood throne on the other side.

"Ah yes, you have to love that this is A Song of Ice and Fire and not the stupid TV series where they butcher the sizes." He said to himself as he indeed enjoyed the size of Winterfell.

There is a bigger amount of satisfaction in taking a castle this much bigger than they showed on TV.

As he said that he walked over and dropped to the throne he did it sideways as he then proceeded to pull out a branch and his carving knife he then started to carve while the wolves had their fun.

Though this plan was not the point of pure slaughter. He doesn't truly think his wolves will slaughter everyone as people will barricade themselves in the rooms.

Regardless this is not what he cares about. He already gathered enough souls from slaughtering Boltons and their keep and the forces outside Winterfell.

He has enough to detonate the whole Castle the moment Robert and his cronies arrive.

So yes he doesn't care about the whole Winterfell situation.

Around a few hours later most of the wolves returned to the boy. The main hall was full of wolves; they were all lazing around. Some of them are chewing on human bones while others are feasting on unlucky Stark guards.

It was a relaxing moment as Raynor was continuing to make his arrows.


"Let them be. Let them run. They have their part to play in this." The Hunter said to Deimos.

And that was exactly what happened. 20 or so people rushed out from the Keep's other doors and into the outside.

"Poor fools. All the horses are dead."

He said with a chuckle before looking at his pets.

"Go and check the castle once more. Make sure no one is in the keep."

The Alpha wolf nodded and proceeded to check the castle with his pack.

While the dogs are doing the check Raynor pulls out an even bigger slab of wood.

He needed to change his sitting position as he proceeded to carve this wood.

This is going to be his bomb. He is going to stuff this Totem full of souls and leave it in the castle interior.

Of course to make sure it works properly he is going to leave some more surprises.

But first, he needs to finish the totem.


"They all are dead. My Lady." The guard said as he returned from inspecting the stables.

"...Then we will go by foot, there should be some horses left in the camp!" Lady Stark said as she was carrying her youngest son.

"As you wish."

Lady Stark with her kids and that Bastard Boy was thinking of leaving the castle.

The issue was the moment they were in front of the gatehouse the gates were closed and the drawbridge was raised!

"...How did he get into the castle!?" Robb said with wide eyes as he realised that they were stuck in the castle with a boy who has an army of wolves!

"Doesn't matter! Quickly open the gates! We need to leave the Winterfell and meet with the King's men!" Catelyn Stark said with worry as she was looking around. For some reason, none of the wolves were following them. Which made her weary and curious.

That Wolf Boy is a menace and she has no idea what he is even thinking.

"At once my lady."

The guards started to open the gates and then lowered the drawbridge.

The whole thing took several minutes which made everyone weary. Why are none of the wolves coming after them? There has to be a reason! While this was on the guard's minds Lady Stark just wanted to leave this horror-inducing place.

Once they were on the other side they rushed toward the camp which was not far from the Castle.

What they found there made their bodies turn cold. Human corpses were everywhere and only one or two wolves for every 10 to 20 men.

The slaughter which happened here was horrifying. How could one child do all this? What did Eddard unleash?

Regardless… They did find some people were still there which made Catelyn and her party rush over there.

"Thank the Gods that there are some people still here!" The red-haired woman said with some relief. Though she quickly noticed that these remnants are pretty much dead in other ways.

"Lady Stark… it's good to see you are still alive." One of the guards said with a smile though the smile was hollow.

"What happened here? Did the boy do all this?"

The moment Lady Stark mentioned the boy, all the soldiers in front of her twitched.

"...My lady it would be for the best if you get out of here and as far away as possible. As that…thing will have its revenge. I don't know what Lord Stark did to him but he will do something soon."

The woman frowned when she heard that.

"Are you a man or a coward? You all will join me and we will meet up with King Roberts' army!"

Her loud voice only made the men resign to their fate. Maybe they will be lucky and survive as they did last time.


That moment another person came out from one of the tents. It was a girl with black hair. Though she looked slightly tipsy. It was Dacey Mormont.

She was dead drunk since she found out that her mother was dead. Killed when the command tent was blown up.

After this, she wanted to drink away her fear of encountering that menace once again.

Oh, and she is having nightmares now as well.

"...I will…join as well…"

"Lady Mormont?" One of the Guards exclaimed with some shock seeing her coming out from the tent.

"...Yess… I Can't run away anymore…so might as well die by that…Wolf Brat's hands…"

"No one is going to die anymore! King Robert is bringing an army!" Catelyn said with some fury they all were looking like they were dead.

"...My lady we had an army as well… just look around and tell me what you see…" Dacey said while taking a sip from the leather pouch.

Though the red-haired woman frowned heavily she walked over and grabbed the pouch and threw it away. This made Dacey slightly pout seeing her drink get thrown away like this!

"You will be coming with me as my bodyguard."

The black-haired girl thought about this for a moment. Having a little bit of a hard time standing straight.


~~~~~~Few Weeks Later~~~~~~

Raynor was standing on the highest of the towers from the Winterfell observing a huge cloud of dust in the distance.

For this, he had dominated a crow and used it to observe things from the skies.

'Riverlands, Vale, Crownlands, Stormlands… Robert is not playing around. Though I can't make out individuals yet.

This is quite a bit of a show of force.'

He is doubtful they are bringing their whole banners.

The size of the army is not THAT big.

10 thousand, maybe 20 thousand tops.

'Never thought that my little stunt would cause all of this. Well, it only happened because it's Robert and Ned.'

The Boy Hunter waited for these men to come close. They surrounded the castle and made Robert and his Group of Lords get even closer to the Winterfell.






Everyone was quiet, no one knew what to say…is the kid utterly mad? He is surrounded and he has nowhere to escape!

Sadly they didn't see his second fight, what he did to people who thought that they had surrounded him. Seeing that he has no wolves should already send warning bells to the men.

But the Stag King didn't care. He was seeing red!

"FINE! THEN I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF! EVERYONE CHARGE! WHOEVER BRINGS ME THE BOY ALIVE WILL GET 10000 GOLDEN DRAGONS AND A PIECE OF LAND!" The Black-haired King roared and people started to charge into the open castle.

Though Jon was looking at this wearily, the old man was experienced and he had never seen anything like this.

As people were charging in, Raynor pulled out a bone arrow and softly said two words.


The arrow glowed and he released it…right at the rushing King.

The King didn't even expect this. Who would target the King specifically in such a situation? Not to mention it was just an arrow while the King was wearing his heavy plate armour.

Though a silhouette of a boar around the arrow was more than enough of a warning to dodge this or try to.

But it was too late as Robert collapsed like he was cut from strings.

The arrow went through him like he was made from paper.

"""YOUR GRACE!!!"""

The attack stopped in its tracks as Robert was killed right on the spot.


Raynor proceeded to bait them more while standing at the edge of the tower. Honestly, he was so far away that he could only scream from the top of his lungs. Targeting something from such a distance is extremely hard so people were shocked and baffled by his aim.


Yep, it worked, the people proceeded to advance, and now they want his blood even more.

'Good, good…now come at me… Let's see how many I can bait them to enter my trap.'

No one saw from the distance how the boy was grinning.


For advanced chapters (+19 chapters) mypat : pat




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