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4.65% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 2: First Totem

Capítulo 2: First Totem

[TASK 2]

[Craft your first Totem]

[Reward: Northern Blood Awakening]

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise. A bonus?" I said to myself while stroking my chin. Northern blood has one of the most diverse perk sets. Even better than Valyrian in diversity.

Greenseer, the ability to dive into history, dream walking while possessing an animal, and a bunch of other stuff like prophecy telling. Skin changing, the ability to possess and dominate animals, Warging, the ability to bond with dire wolves, in a similar if not superior way to Valyrian and their dragon.

I still wonder what kind of beast of a child would be born if you mix Northerner proper blood with Targaryen. One of the examples was Bloodraven though he never had a dragon. They were already extinct by that point. Even then he was a legendary figure in his own right. One of THE best archers to live and he had the ability of Greenseer. Though I wonder if Greenseer helps to be Archer?

Regardless, possessing a dragon and fully controlling it would be something impressive to look at.

After thinking for a bit my gaze went to the wilderness around me.

Carving a totem is a huge task on its own, this could last over several months maybe even a year. Since it's quite a big thing to do.

The mental image I have of the wolf totem is quite similar to those things Indians used to carve back in North America.

Round and segment pillar. In other words the totem and power stacks. The bigger the totem the more animal spirits obey me.

Apart from this, the totem segments evolve on their own. Meaning that I could gather a multitude of traits of a single animal spirit.

For example, if I hunted down a multitude of wolves and I have Totem of Wolf, I could gain canine smell, the pack spacial awareness, and the biting force of the bite in the form of sheer strength.

The most important thing they all stack, the bigger the totem structure the more animal totem and abilities the shaman has.

Though at this moment it's my speculation as I don't have a totem and can only guess from the 'feeling' I have. This is not that reliable for details.

After thinking for a bit about what to do. I walked around my hut and looked for a saw.

I frowned for a bit as I didn't find one, what I found was an axe.

Which made me just shrug at this. Axe or Saw both do the job.

Though if my memory is right, saw would be better as it's less taxing.

But, I did see this as another form of training.

So after taking the axe and getting some food and water for the day, I proceeded to walk towards the woods.

I am pretty sure Starks won't mind if I chop a tree and use it for carving.


Wolfswood is one of the biggest and darkest forests in Westeros. It's old, like very old. Just like everything in Westeros, it's older than recorded history. Making the trees here very old and very big.

Though I don't want those old trees. They are too big, instead, I am scouting the outskirts where the wood is much younger.

After walking around for a bit I finally spotted what I wanted.

Without wasting much time I proceed to chop it.

But, it wasn't as easy as one would think.

Nope. The wood is quite thick and one swing barely scrapes the bark. Not only that but the axe would stick into the bark.

Meaning that I am going to spend quite a bit of time doing this.

This meant that I would tire out real quick.

Thus with some breaks the whole day passed and I made some progress. Tomorrow it should fall though this made me pissed at how primitive the tools were.

Though finding a faster method is something my instincts tell me not to do.

'...Hmm… perhaps…part of… the ritual?'

I have been wondering. Since I can't gather all the spirits I kill, for example rabbit, pig, and chicken is something which never gives me a 'feeling' of making a totem or making a carving of them.

It's like the 'hunt' is not accepted by whatever force is behind my shaman powers.

The longer I think about it the more I see 'symbolism' behind it. Like, use basic means to make a totem. Which means using physical means to cut the tree and then carve it with a knife.

'Hmm…do I 'generate' magic with this process which is absorbed Into the wood?'

Honestly, I don't understand other reasons why I can't cheat! Find faster ways to cut the tree and just start carving.

Regardless, I used anger to increase the rate at which I cut the tree.

By the next midday, the tree had fallen and I could not control myself and shouted releasing all that build-up stress.


The tree with a thud dropped to the ground. At that moment I groaned and dropped on my ass. Started to wipe off my sweat.

Thankfully, I was in the North where the temperature doesn't go up beyond an 'acceptable' level.

So I didn't need to worry about getting overheated or worrying about water.

After resting for a bit I proceeded with chopping off the branches.

Small ones are good for keeping the fire going inside the hut, the bigger ones are good to be kept as carving material.

While the tree trunk itself would be used for the Totem. The issue is that it's a lot of wood and I need to hunt to make these other totems work.

Knowing this I would need to hunt in an old fashion way, and do I even want to have just anyone for a totem?

From the top of my head, the wolf is good for its bite force and pack-related stuff,

Bear is a must, it screams power, then one of the felines, it would give me extreme agility, though if it's a lion then their biting power is even better than wolves.

However, lions are only in Westerlands, in the south. So they can wait.

For now, I spent over a day and a half bringing all the branches and the first part of the tree trunk for carving.

It was slightly easier than dragging the stag's carcass. After all, I can roll the tree trunk once I put it on a side.

Though I didn't stop and spent another two days playing with the rest of the tree trunk pieces.

The issue with this much wood is that I don't have it anywhere to put or cover it from outside elements.

This leads me to think that I should just chop it up and use it as firewood.

Though, I should think of ways to at least cover half of the wood. I don't want to chop another tree the old fashioned way, just make more totems.

Or do I? After all, all that natural grind will give me power, supernatural power.

Regardless, after all that work it was time for more work, but this time it was carving, pure carving.

~~~~~~Few Months Later~~~~~~

With one more cut, the wolf totem glowed. At that moment I felt how the wolf spirits which I had were transferred into the totem before merging and becoming something more.

This wasn't the end because after this I felt a burning feeling on my back.

Something just got carved into me! Though I don't need to check to know what it is.

It was the spiritual version of the same totem in front of me.

In other words, the ritual was done. My first totem power has been carved into me.


[Reward: Northern Blood Awakening]

"...Right, so how does this work? If this was a bloodline I gained from a game-like power I would be crawling on the ground from all the pain. Reminds me of that idiot Yun Che for some reason. Do I get a drop of blood or ?" For a second I remembered about the bloodline shit in Against the Gods. A single drop of blood rebuilds entire veins and stuff.

Funny how I recalled this shit after being barren of anything tech related for over a year and a half.

Still, though, how will it work? Well, never mind. I am pretty sure it will come naturally.

And just like that, I went back to my hut to finally relax. And think what else should I do?

After all, I still have another stag and boar spirit in my head.

Over those few months, I went hunting, and of course, I had to throw away some of the meat. For one I can't eat all of it and I don't have the means to keep it frozen or feed anyone else.

I could try selling it…but I do try to keep myself away from the village and the people over there.

'I should get a pet. A wolf perhaps? Or a baby bear? I heard they are good for finding other stuff like honey and berries. If I am truly going to get northern blood I should be able to tame those beasts.'

Thinking internally for a bit I proceeded to clean myself and then get some food.

One thing is for sure I am getting quite good at cooking food with all the stuff I find in the wilds.


After doing everything I proceeded to get into my bed full of furs.

Yes, this bed was a thing for kings. Sleeping in a bed full of furs that have been made from all the animals I hunted down is great stuff.

Though it's not the final product, yet. I could make it even more comfortable.

After thinking about this for a bit I proceeded to close my eyes and almost immediately I fell asleep.

Though the next moment I opened my eyes, I found myself in a sandy fighting ring of some sort.

On my right side, there was a totem. The very same totem I just carved today. Though it had a pair of bowls with flames burning on both of its sides.

"Curious… knowing that symbolism plays a big part in this, it would…or more like it should mean something.

I didn't have much time to think as I heard a growl. My gaze went to the front and I saw a wolf. It wasn't a normal wolf. It had a thin aura surrounding it. Almost like a ghost given physical form. Not only that but it had tribal markings running through its body.

I didn't need to say anything as I know what this was.

This was my wolf totem.

And it was challenging me for dominance.

Before I could do anything I inspected myself. I was dressed in my hunting gear. I had my bow and arrows with a pair of knives. I even had my carving and skinning knives. Making my total amount of knives I have at four.

'Regardless…this will be a tough fight, I don't have the surprise element.'

Sure enough, the wolf dashed at me, its speed was impressive, not enough time to do anything except to dodge, well more like jump and then roll. I needed to make space between us.

Not that it was easy as the beast proceeded to chase. Which led me to pull out my knives.

The moment it saw that I had my knives it stopped the chase and proceeded to stalk and pace back and forth looking for an opening.

'Well, this is just great. Size and reach advantage is on its side. What to do?'

The only thing I could do is pull it in and risk myself.

Without thinking much this time I rushed forward which made the beast growl and bark at me but this is what I needed. The moment I was close I threw my left knife.

Since the distance was small the weapon ended up stabbing right at the wolf's neck as it tried to dodge.

But this was all I needed as the next moment I lunged right at its face and stabbed with my right knife into its face.

Just like that the beast burst into mist and fused with the totem.

"...Just as expected…"

I said to myself as I was breathing heavily, getting over all that anxiety and adrenaline. To help with this even more I collected my knives and inspected them. Before sheathing them.

Then I felt how my consciousness started to get darker and darker.

It appears I started to fall asleep.

Well, it was a good hunt. Even if it was a direct thing which is annoying.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

The moment I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was the task window.


[REWARD: Status Interface]

"Not the first thing I expected to see in the morning. What was the task in the first place?" I said to myself, as I was wondering. The first thing which came to my mind was the wolf totem fight.

But there was no pop-up before that, strange… Hidden objectives and missions?

"Well, whatever… Status."

[NAME: Raynor Valeron]

[OCCUPATION: Hunter Shaman]

[BLOODLINE: First Men {100% Pure}]

[INBORN MAGIC: Cold Resistance +20%, Warging, Skinchanging, Greenseer, Beast Taming]

[MAGIC AFFINITY: Soul, Nature, Ritual, Blood]

"Curious… this does tell me the nature of my Shamanism. Though will I unlock more interface options?"

Thinking for a bit I decided to find out.

For one I need to test my Totem power, for another I need to see if there are any more hidden tasks. Which most likely are like milestones.

And lastly my Northerner blood is active I should try getting myself a hunting partner.

Without wasting any more time I got up and dressed up. Then got a big breakfast before getting my gear and started to stack up food for the hunt.

The moment I left the hut a pop-up appeared which got me by surprise.


[Do you wish to wake up?]

[YES] [*NO*]

[*If you wish to continue your training (Remaining time: 10D 6M 3Y) you won't receive any more TASKS. However, you can continue hunting for HIDDEN TASKS.*]

'So if I press NO I can remain here for another 3 and half years. Though I won't be able to get Tasks and rewards. Heh, it's fine by me. I already know how to train and improve my Shaman Powers.'

Besides returning to my DxD world with barely any superpower and no animals in sight for more powers. With a ton of hunting regulations training will be a pain in the butt.

Unless I go to Siberia or Canada it is not a solution either. All those places could be crawling with all sorts of weirdos considering how 'perverted' DxD is…

Without much thought, I pressed [*NO*] the window that moment disappeared and exited my hut, and looked around.

This time around…I felt that I was at home, my blood was almost like… singing? I know I can do things. Not just because I could access my Totem power which is the wolf's biting force morphed into sheer muscle force.

Though this was interesting, Instead of walking to the forest I walked to where all my wood is kept. Once there I grabbed quite a robust branch and tried to bend it.

Not something I could break with just my hands. So that moment I activated my totem which is something I could trigger with just a mere thought.

At that moment I could hear an echo of a howl, my muscles got much more robust, and a thin glowing layer appeared around my whole body.

After the boost, I quite easily broke the branch.

'...Interesting…the boost is temporary, but again…there is a ton of space to improve. I do wonder if I will get another interface for this as well.'

This time around the boost was just around a minute, and the recast is around ten… quite a bad ratio but this was because the totem is made out of two wolf souls.

Regardless this made me want to go on a hunting spree to get more wolf spirits to improve the totem.


Once I was back in Wolfswood my first target was to hunt… anything!

In the most literal sense, I need to put my hands on anything. Once I get some blood I will attract predators and that's what I need. If I get a bear it would be fantastic, I would start carving my second totem.

Wolves would improve my first totem. Maybe if I get a Moose or an Elk I could make a totem out of them as well. Those things are known to be extremely robust.

Anyway, I proceeded with my walk, looking for any sort of trail.

Several times I would find some old trail that would lead me on a wild goose chase.

Such a thing would be deadly for an amateur hunter as the Wolfswood is an enormous forest. The last time I checked on the map on the internet it was the size of an average European country.

In other words, if you get lost then it's pretty much game over. Thankfully the 'Hunter' trained me not to get lost and my newly awakened blood instincts are guiding me as well.

It simply feels natural to be in a forest older than humanity itself…

After walking for a while my eyes finally spotted fresh footprints.

I started to follow it. A few minutes later I found more trails, eaten leaves, and rubs on the tree barks.

"...Looks like a deer… Not bad for an opening prey."

I said to myself as I proceeded to follow the tracks.

Another few minutes later my walking speed slowed down as I heard sounds of running water. It was a freshwater stream.

I leaned against a tree and started to look around while trying to look as small as possible. Not that I needed much effort to do that. Being small has its perks.

Eventually, I spotted my first prey of the hunt!

A small smirk appeared on my face. I don't have a pelt of deer yet!

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