~Omni pov~
As Shadow sat in the throne, Beru and Igris then appeared and stood at opposite side of each other as if protecting their master and awaiting for any orders.
Which was followed by Kaisel appearing as well and wrapping his long body around the throne and laying his head on Shadow's lap. Shadow then just chuckled slightly and started petting him, which made Kaisel let out a faint happy growl.
Shadow while petting Kaisel then put his attention on the girls as they got into a fighting position awaiting for Alpha's order.
Alpha as she got in position summoned a sword out of slime and kicked off the ground making it cave in slightly as she made her way towards the dragon.
While running Alpha started coating her sword with wind magic and when she got close enough she sent out a flying slash, that was powered by her might and Magic.
Although the dragon just moved out of the way and started gathering magic into his mouth.
Alpha running was the indication to start as everyone else started to spread out slightly, Beta jumped back and conjured a bow made out of fire and as she pulled back on the string made out of flames three flame arrows form just waiting to be fired.
While Gamma called forth her broom from her shadow and just sat on it sideways and started to fly, once in the sky Gamma spread her arms slightly as she started to conjured a ball of flames on each hand.
The dragon once he was done charging, let out a beam of magical power from his mouth and started to move it around trying to at least get one of the girls.
Gamma just flew behind the dragon and threw both balls of flames on it's back, which exploded on impact.
Due to the force of the explosion on it's back the dragon was blown lowered to the ground, which gave Beta the perfect opportunity to fire the arrows
While Beta fired the arrows, which she wrapped the element of wind around it, taking away any wind resistant that may disturb the trajectory of the arrow. All three arrow landed on the snout of the dragon exploding as soon as it made contact.
*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*
Due to the explosion the trajectory of the beam shifted slightly not getting enough time to hit any of the girls.
The ground around Alpha then started to crack open as roots came out from under her, Alpha used the roots to guide herself towards the dragon and once she was close enough she started wrapping the dragon with roots and vines.
Once the dragon was stuck in place, Alpha then proceeded to attack the dragon using her sword. Slashes after slashes marks kept appearing on the dragons body. Although it was only slightly due to the dragons scales.
Alpha using the magic from her magic circuit enhanced herself to be able to give the dragon even deeper wounds.
Delta wanting to get some action of her own proceeded to start running along side the roots, using them as a foothold and when she got on top of the dragon she proceeded to do backflips to build momentum, which she use for driving her fist on top of the Dragons head.
The force of Delta's punch alongside her physical enhancements were so powerful it forced the dragons mouth to shut close and slam it onto the ground.
The dragon getting tired of being ganged up on started gathering magic on the middle of his chest and started to compress it and build up even more magic while the girls were just senselessly attacking.
The girls sensing the great danger started to back away. Luckily they did it just in time, as soon as they were far away the dragon let out a blast of magic from the center of his being that started to encompass everything around it. That attack was so powerful that everything it started touching was disintegrating.
And with a loud roar the dragon was then freed from it's confines.
Luckily the girls anticipated the dragon's earlier action and managed to escape on time to not get caught up in the blast.
All of the wounds it gain during the fight then started to heal back up with caused the girls to click their tongue in annoyance.
Epsilon then started making icicles spears with her magic and started to launch them towards the dragon, which the dragon would just dodge.
Epsilon seeing that her spells weren't working decided to send out a gigantic ice blast which caught the dragon by surprise and managed to freeze its wings slightly, making it slower and difficult to dodge attacks.
Eta seeing her chance started gathering fire magic and mixing it with wind magic, feeding it off each other making it hotter and grandeur. 'I belive Milord called this a chemical reaction'. She thought as the ball of fire infront of her kept changing colors.
Eta gaining a twisted smile said out loud "Finally I'm able to have a test subject for my experiments" when the fire turned a bright purple she released it towards the dragon. The fireball quickly turned into a blast that just as quickly engulfed the dragon.
When the blast was over, the dragon could be seen on the ground with broken wings and body all scorched up. Without much thinking Zeta follow up by turning her slime into a scythe and skillfully maneuvering it around her body.
When she got infront of the dragon she swung her scythe towards it neck completely decapitating it.
That should have been the end for the dragon... key word should. The dragon not wanting it to go this way enhanced his regeneration completely regenerating his head. With a roar the dragon swung it's tail towards Zeta completely sending her flying and crashing into Eta, who was in her line of sight.
The dragon then wrapped his tail around Alpha and started slamming her onto the ground. Back and forth, back and forth, which was followed by sending her flying towards Gamma in the air completely knocking her down from the sky.
The Dragon then proceeded to gather magic power in his throat and shoot it out into the sky, once it was high enough it broke off into 7 pieces and started to target all of the girls.
Zeta quickly got off Eta and cut the magic in halve with her scythe, Eta just conjured a barrier with attributeless mana alongside Epsilon, Beta just summoned slime from her suit and made it into a bow to not waste more magic than she needs to.
She then pulled back on the string and conjured a arrow made out of wind and shot it towards the projectile that was approaching her. As the wind arrow and projectile made contact they canceled out each other.
Alpha just seamlessly cut the magic in halve just like Zeta, while Gamma just sat back on her broom and started to fly away. But the projectile just kept following her, until she grew tired of it and sent out a bolt of electricity from her hands and destroyed it without much effort.
As for Delta she just gave off a crazed smile and punched the projectiles sending it flying towards the trees where it exploded on impact.
Alpha already getting tired of not doing any significant damage and just getting played around like a toy got pissed off.
She started to enhance herself to her maximum capacity, blue color magic power then started to materialize out of her. Now instead of the materialize magic power flowing aimlessly, Alpha controlled that magic and wrapped it around her sword.
She then got into a fighting position once again while pointing her sword towards the dragon and without any hesitation used 'Soru' as she disappeared from everyone's eyes, except Shadow's who was watching everything while petting Kaisel.
When Alpha's sword made contact with the dragons scale instead of any friction, her sword just swiped through it cleanly without any resistance.
Swipe after swipe after swipe after swipe after swipe, the dragon kept on getting new wounds without his other ones having the opportunity to close fully and heal.
While Alpha was swinging her sword bisecting the dragon, Beta pulled back on the string of her bow and materialized two arrows out of Fire.
The fire that was used was so hot, that it was a bit difficult to hold it for long. Seeing the perfect opportunity she left go of the string setting the arrows free.
The arrows were so hot that they burned away any wind resistance that were slowing them down and quickly made their way into the dragons eyes.
Feeling the arrows burning away it's eyes, the dragon started to scream out in pain and agony. With the dragon blinded, Epsilon using wind magic quickly flew towards the thrashing dragon and got close to it's ear.
She then took a deep breath and proceeded to shout right inside. "Sonic Burst" she said before enhancing her shouts with sound magic. Making the dragon completely brain dead due to the damage it caused.
While brained dead, Alpha didn't stop even once and was quickly joined in by Zeta and Delta, who conjured a great sword with slime and started to bash onto the Dragon with it. They continued to cut the dragon until it was in pieces.
Eta and Gamma then joined together and started to make a large thunder cloud. Eta clearly excited then just yelled out "TASTE THE POWER OF SCIENCE" as they both started to send down bolts of electricity onto the hacked pieces of the dragon.
Everyone soon started to catch their breath after their long battle.
Soon the left over pieces of the dragon started to come together and stitch itself back together forming the dragon once again. Although clearly it was slightly out of breath.
"*huff* *huff* You girls are clearly something *huff* *huff* Allow this dragon to say, You have gained my recognition, You girls are strong, Be proud."
The girls then looked at each and just smiled and all of them turned towards their master awaiting praises.
okay my beautiful people I need your help once again. I can't find a good picture for their future base of operation
please help 🙏 i looked everywhere and could find a good one.
and Shadow Garden needs a base please I'm on my hands and knees.
Surprise chapter 🥳🥳🥳🥳 reason: This fic has reached 1 million views 🤪 yayyyyyy🥰🥰🥰🥰🎉🎊🎉🎊
Thank you everyone for the support 🙏
~Omni Pov~
When everyone turned their head and looked at Shadow awaiting their praise, he just continued smiling and petting Kaisel without a change of expression.
"Are you girls satisfied with your victory or rather battle with dragon" Shadow asked softly. Even though it was in a low voice everyone heard it.
The girls then looked at each and then at Shadow and nodded their head, clearly satisfied.
The smile in Shadow's face quickly turned upside down and made into a frown, which made the girls quickly panic.
"Wrong answer"
And with that Shadow started to stand up lifting Kaisel's head from his lap and as he stood up the throne was quickly coming undone and going into his shadow, followed by Igris, Beru, and Kaisel who went back into his shadow.
Shadow's Conqueror's Haki then blasted at full force making the girls quickly drop to the ground and the dragon lower it's head slightly.
He then started walking towards the dragon and the girls while talking.
"What the hell you mean you're satisfied with that shit.
You all ganged up on him, all 7 of you and all you managed to do was just make him slightly out of breath.
And your satisfied with that?
One, if you fought him on your own you would have been dead. Two, he was clearly holding back, it was saving it's magic for when we fight, which he is a dumbass for doing that. And three, his attention was divided against the 7 of you.
And you're saying you're satisfied with that?
Disappointing, truly disappointing"
The girls hearing this got teary-eyed, the last thing they ever wanted was to disappoint their master. So hearing him say he was disappointed with them broke them slightly.
The dragon hearing this was quite shock "Why? Why are you so hard on them?, I think they did splendidly. Even i said that I recognized their strengths and power, so why are you disappointed in their strength and power?"
"HUH? Who the fuck needs your recognition, what's your recognition going to do to them? I'll tell you what your recognition is going to do to them, give them a massive fucking ego and get themselves killed, that's what.
So you can take your recognition and shove it up your arse."
"Wha-" the dragon was too stunned to even speak properly appalled by his behavior but before the dragon could get his barings, Shadow continued speaking
"*Sigh*, it looks like nobody listens to me when I speak.
Since when did I say I was disappointed with their strengths and powers.
I couldn't be prouder of the girls they're becoming and of how strong they have grown since I met them"
Tears started flowing unwillingly from the girls eyes, not expecting to hear that from him
Meanwhile the dragon just got even more confused "Then what is it that you're disappointed by? You humans are one confusing species"
"What I'm disappointed about is that they are satisfied in their current strength"
Hearing this the eyes of the dragon and the watery eyes of the girls grew wide in shock
"They should never and I mean never be satisfied with their strength, such actions are unacceptable in my eyes.
The moment one deems one own strength sufficient and satisfactory is the moment that it turns into complacency and they stop growing stronger.
I have said previously that I have Pride and Confidence in my own strength and Power but not once have I said I am satisfied with it. I want more strength... more power..." Shadow then stops and thinks to himself 'I guess the original Cid and I aren't that different if I think about it'
"Anyways as I was saying, I am just disappointed that they were satisfied with their current powers, they were about to turn complacent and stop growing stronger and getting better.
They have the potential for it, but when they're satisfied then that potential is wasted...
I hope that satisfied your questioning and as for why I'm hard on them it's cause I love them what other reason do I need"
This caused the hearts of the girls to skip a beat. 'H-H-H-He said that he l-l-l-love m-meeeeeeee' the girls then started turning into a blushing mess not expecting their master to confess to them.
Meanwhile Eta just gave her master eyes full of unadulterated lust, as if wanting to rip off his clothes and do him right there infront of everyone, consequences be damned.
Shadow already getting tired of talking started to levitate off the ground with his coat fluttering in the wind. He then picked up the girls with Ruler's Authority and put them a few feet away so they could see his fight.
He proceeded to engulf them in a barrier to protect them from the shockwaves and force of their battle.
When he was up towards the dragons head he went and placed a hand on it's face and once it made contact he started to use healing magic on the dragon.
"What are you doing, I'm perfectly fine there's no need to heal me" said the dragon bewildered by Shadow's strange actions.
"You may be physically fine but not your magic power, the girls slightly depleted it and I want to fight you at your peak... and stop talking your existence has almost reached it's character limit"
"Why you-" the dragon grew angry with the unexpected trash talk.
Once the dragon was back towards it's peak Shadow backed away and they both stood a good distance from each other.
Once they were a good distance away they just kept staring at each other waiting for the first person to make their moves.
Shadow not being the type to wait for something so useless acted first, and disappeared from everyone's view and reappearing infront of the dragon.
Due to the unexpected appearance the dragon got quite frightened and tried to back away but failed to do so, as Shadow just sent a right hook with his enhanced fist, sending the dragon crashing into the ground and creating a crater.
Shadow quickly followed after it and grabbed the dragon by it's tail and started to swing him around in circles. And once it got a few good spins in, Shadow sent it flying and crashing into trees destroying them in the process.
Shadow followed after once again but was attacked by the dragon swatting his tail at it, luckily he was able to block it on time by coating his arms in Armament Haki and positioning them infront of himself.
Although due to the force and power of the dragon he was flying and crashing into the ground with dust flying everywhere.
Once the dust cleared the dragon appeared infront of Shadow with a beam of magic already charged and fired it towards him.
As for Shadow he was perfectly fine and when he saw the beam of magic coming towards him he didn't panic and just coated his hand with the element of Death.
As soon as the dragon's magic beam and Shadow's hand made contact, the dragon's beam started to die not going any further and just dying as soon as it made contact.
The dragon seeing this just put more power making the beam grow even larger trying to overpower Shadow, but Shadow just kept his hand infront of him.
Slowly Shadow started levitating with his arm still stretched out and made his way closer and closer towards the dragon.
Once they were face to face, Shadow started to get into a punching position standing on the air as if there were a platform and with a fist just a inch off the dragon's face Shadow spoke. But he wasn't speaking towards the dragon he was speaking to the girls that were watching everything in shock.
"Wanna know something interesting, Sound is just vibrating air. Now what happens when you turn that vibration to another level...
The beings get pulverized"
As soon as Shadow said the last part, he performed the one inch punch destroying the dragon completely, sending blood just flying everywhere.
Cid then slowly started coming down from the sky and waited for the dragon to regenerate itself back again.
While waiting he turned towards the girls and saw Beta once again writing on her book while muttering "And the Shadow Monarch barely moving his fist completely obliterates the dragon saving the princess Beta from his wicked hands"
Beta then started to scratch out the part she just wrote while roughly scratching her head and muttering "No, No, No, My lord is better than that. This is complicated, my lord is to great to be described by mere words. What am I going to do"
Shadow hearing her just smiled slightly and shook his head at Beta's antics. He then sensed the dragon regenerating and coming back towards him.
When the dragon arrived Shadow didn't even give him the chance to speak and summoned roots and vines from the ground and pulled the dragon downwards.
Once he was at a perfect distance Shadow opened the ground with his magic and pulled the dragon into the ground. Before the dragon could roar in protest or retaliate, Shadow snapped it's snout shut and reinforced the vines and dragged it completely into the crevice he made.
Once the dragon was inside, Shadow clapped his hands together making the ground follow suit, completely squishing the dragon to death. Blood just gushed out the cracks that were still present.
And as the dragon regenerated, it looked exhausted from the constant death and regeneration "STOP IT, PLEASE JUST KILL ME"
Shadow then cave the kindest smile he could muster, it was so kind that it even captivated the girls slightly.
"No" and with that he proceeded to completely burn the dragon into a crisp with a flame so hot it scorched even the ground.
Shadow then waited for the dragon to regenerate and used Ruler's Authority to bring him closer to him.
And as the dragon was brought close, it opened it's mouth and started to send rapid shots of Magical energy.
Shadow just covered his hands with Armament Haki and started to swat away any ball of energy that came close.
Shadow just raised a hand and made a closing fist motion, the dragon then started to squish itself together due to Shadow using Ruler's Authority. Blood kept spraying everywhere the more Shadow squeezed his fist.
Until all that was left was blood, scales, and meat, everywhere.
Already getting tired of dealing with the Dragon, Shadow then waiting for it to regenerate, once it was fully regenerated Shadow said "Rejoice, as your long awaited wish shall become a reality"
Shadow then made a sword with his slime and casually held it in the sky, as he held it he started encasing the entire sword with the element of Death.
The element was so potent on the sword that the area around it started to turn gray as if the colors were dying. Shadow then started to surround his sword with magical energy from this world making it glow a beautiful purple color.
And while looking at the dragon, his eyes glowed a bright purple coloring and said "May the last words you hear be the very definition of my existence."
And as he was speaking he let go of the sword which started falling without any resistance.
And as soon as the sword touched the ground the sword sunk in effortlessly. The world then soon lost all color and sound, as as a blast soon encompassed everything around it. All the things the elements of death would touch would just wither away without a moments notice.
Whether it was the ground, the grass, the flowers, the tree's any animals nearby, the color of the sky, and even the sun itself, all turned a grey dull color as it looked like everything was ending.
As soon as the dragon got exposed to the explosion, it tried to scream in pain and roar but sound wouldn't come out, whether it was the magical energy keeping it alive or the energy of the world, it was killed and dead. Not even the sound of his pain was let alive.
Slowly the dragon started to close his eyes and with a final acceptance the flames of life that kept it alive was snuffed out from existence. All that was left was a pile of bones. But even that would have been reduced to ashes if Shadow didn't stop it on time.
All that was left was a grey area of death and silence showcasing just why he was called the Monarch of Death.
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