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86.36% The Never Ending Market. / Chapter 37: Shinigami...

Capítulo 37: Shinigami...





[Kazuhiro's office]

"A bar?" Kazuhiro leaned forward, his curiosity piqued by the revelation.

"That's right," Ryuk confirmed, "It was a place where beings from different realms could gather, share stories, and find solace. More than just a place to drink; it was a hub of worlds, a sanctuary one might say." He chuckled, "Like I mentioned, it doesn't differ much from where we're in."

Kazuhiro sat silently, absorbing the information. The revelation about the bar added another layer to the market's mystery. "So, it seems that you." Ryuk's unsettling grin and the strange gleam in his eyes suggested there was much more to learn. Ryuk floated closer, his gaze fixed on Kazuhiro. "Don't know."

Kazuhiro, his head bowed, didn't respond immediately. His mind raced with multiple theories, but nothing stood out. Despite the big revelation, nothing made sense. What, how, when, where, and why. He knew all this thinking could go on indefinitely, but it was his duty not to ignore a customer. He snapped back from his thoughts, seeing Ryuk floating right before him. "It seems so, for I have been recently employed, but by who, I do not know."

"Hn, Strange~" ryuk said, amused at the prospect.

Kazuhiro looked up at Ryuk. "Do you know who?" he asked, hoping to gauge more from this enigmatic figure and satiate his growing curiosity about the mystery.

Ryuk shrugged with his long arms, floating lazily in the air. "Not exactly, but I have a theory. By the way, got anything to eat around here?" he asked casually, clearly enjoying his own whimsy.

"We do, but you'll have to pay for them," Kazuhiro replied in a professional tone.

"Care to buy me some?"

"No," Kazuhiro responded immediately. It was against the policy for workers to pay for customers.

Ryuk's grin faded into a slight frown. "Figures. I thought you'd be generous, but I guess not. Fine, I'll buy some myself."

"I can assist you in finding what you need. We can go now if you wish," Kazuhiro offered,

"Sure, don't want to waste any more time here. They'll notice if I'm gone for too long," Ryuk said as he floated back down. Kazuhiro started typing on his keyboard, preparing to assist with the purchase.

"What is it that you want to buy?" Kazuhiro asked, ready to enter the information.

Ryuk's eyes twinkled with interest. "Aside from snacks. Got anything related to immortality?"

Kazuhiro typed into the system, bringing up various results. "We do. The concept of immortality comes in many forms here; elixirs, artifacts, pills, and more. Do you have any specific preference in mind?"

"What's the cheapest you got?" Ryuk floated casually, arms crossed behind his head.

Kazuhiro filtered the results by price. "The lowest-priced item is an activation scroll for 50,000 SC. It grants the user one second of immunity against all threats."

Ryuk shook his head. "That's not going to cut it. I need something more... permanent."

Adjusting the filters, Kazuhiro continued, "The next option is an immunity pendant for 42 trillion SC. It grants the wearer permanent immortality as long as it's worn."

"Still not what I'm looking for. I need an ability, not an object," Ryuk clarified, his tone serious yet relaxed.

Kazuhiro nodded and adjusted the search criteria again. "The cheapest passive ability for permanent immortality is 408 trillion SC."

Ryuk's grin widened. "Now we're talking. How do we handle the payment?"

"We accept currency or trades. Anything of equivalent value will do," Kazuhiro explained, standing up from his desk. Ryuk noticed the transparent line beneath them, making its way out.

"Trade... do lifespans work?"

Kazuhiro nodded. "As long as their value matches the cost, anything is acceptable." He walked towards the door to retrieve the requested item. But before that, he turned his head to face Ryuk. "You can stay here until I retrieve your item."

"No need. I'll tag along. Haven't had a chance to explore the whole place yet,"

"As you wish," Kazuhiro turned the knob and ducked a bit to get through the door. Ryuk followed Kazuhiro down the halls and onto labyrinthine aisles.



As they walked through the seemingly endless aisles of the market, Ryuk's curiosity seemed boundless. His eyes darted from one item to another, each more bizarre and fascinating than the last. "Never thought I'd see things like these," he mused as he floated alongside Kazuhiro.

"The market has an abundance of items brought from countless worlds. Some are merely nonexistent in any and are just beyond imagination. A theory from one of my workers on why it won't end." Kazuhiro explained, guiding them to the requested section.

"Hn, that does make sense," Ryuk replied.

Kazuhiro checked his device once more before placing it back in his pocket. This journey to aisle 3006 would take some time, and the air between them felt charged with unanswered questions. "May I ask, what happened to the previous dimensional gate?"

"It's gone for good." Ryuk nonchalantly said, which raised questions in Kazuhiro's mind. "Wonder why? Got no clue, All I know is that those who used to frequent the bar had no idea what hit them. One moment, they had a place to go to; the next, it was gone. It vanished without a trace, leaving only the monuments dedicated to it."

Kazuhiro's mind shuffled between theories on why it would vanish: ' Was the owner irresponsible? They might not have done their jobs very well, which might have resulted in an exemption. Or was it that they perished, and the place didn't have a successor to lead? Did the dimensional business get rid of by a higher power? Solving such a mystery is still difficult; I need more intel.'

"You think this market might suffer the same fate?" Ryuk asked, his eyes glinting with curiosity.

Kazuhiro pondered the question. "It's hard to say. The market operates on principles I don't fully understand yet. But its existence seems more stable." He paused before continuing, walking for a few paces only to raise a question. "Those that went couldn't access it anymore? Can you elaborate further?"

"Even with the gate gone, those who tried couldn't summon it again." Ryuk chuckled, a low, eerie sound. "Some death gods who traveled to different worlds are now trapped there. Those worlds may have been altered due to their presence." He shrugged.

Kazuhiro hummed thoughtfully at this new information.

They continued walking, passing endless shelves of strange and unique items, currently in the range of aisles 1100 and 1199. Ryuk, inspecting the wares high and low as they ventured, sparked a memory within him. "That reminds me. Got anything related to morphing?"

Kazuhiro nodded, retrieving his device to search for morphing-related items. "Similar to immortality, it does come in various forms. Anything specific in mind?"

Ryuk's eyes gleamed with interest. He informed the clerk of the properties, requesting that the power be without limits. Upon confirming, the line beneath them separated, forming a different color that traveled way back.

Kazuhiro suggested that it was best to get the first requested item and then go over to retrieve the other, to which Ryuk complied as they continued to walk.



[W10 (Naruto.)]

[Konoha, The land of fire.]

Kakashi navigated the bustling streets of Konoha, the lively chatter of vendors and villagers filling the air. Market stalls lined the roads, offering everything from fresh produce to handcrafted goods. Despite the commotion, Kakashi's sharp eyes remained vigilant, scanning every face he passed.


+Kakashi POV+


'It's odd,' Kakashi thought, his eyes narrowing as he observed the people around him. 'Ever since Minato-sensei went to investigate, things changed.' He paused mid-thought, sensing a sudden movement behind him.

With a swift, practiced motion, Kakashi tilted his head and sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a surprise attack. He turned to see his teammate Obito, who was struggling to regain his balance after the failed attempt.

"Are you deaf or what? I was calling out for you, and you didn't even stop to turn!" Obito huffed, frustration evident in his voice.

Kakashi didn't even blink. "Guess you weren't loud enough," he replied with his usual calm tone.

Obito's face reddened. "HAH?! I WAS! YOU NEED YOUR HEARING CHECKED OR WHAT?!" His fists clenched, ready for a fight.

Before things could escalate further, Rin stepped between them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "Alright, that's enough, you two," she said firmly, her voice soothing but authoritative. She turned to Kakashi with a calm smile. "What Obito was trying to say is that Minato-sensei has invited us to Yakiniku Q to celebrate our first C-rank mission."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Celebrating a C-rank mission? We barely even completed it."

Rin began to respond, but Obito cut in. "As if we know. How about you ask Minato-sensei instead?"

Kakashi shot Obito a look. "I wasn't talking to you."

"YOU GOT A DEATH WISH, HUH?!" He gritted his teeth as he readied his fighting stance.

"Okay! That's enough." She grabbed both of their arms and dragged them, sprinting to the restaurant. She turned back to them mid-run with a smile as she said. "we can't keep Minato sensei waiting."

Kakashi sighed, relenting. "Fine."

Obito grumbled but followed, his face flushing slightly as they hurried through the bustling streets of Konoha.



As they neared Yakiniku Q, the savory scent of grilled meat filled the air, making Obito's stomach growl. "I'm starving. Let's hurry up!"

Kakashi glanced sideways at him. "Just try not to eat everything in sight."

Obito scowled. "I don't eat that much!"

When they entered the restaurant, Minato was already seated and waved them over with a welcoming smile. "There you are, and here I thought I'd be eating by myself."

They joined Minato, and the promise of good food and company lifted their spirits. Obito's earlier anger was forgotten as he eagerly eyed the menu, while Kakashi settled in with a more relaxed expression. Rin, relieved to see her teammates at ease, smiled as she sat, ready to enjoy the meal with her friends.

In the meantime, Minato initiated small talk as they waited for the food they had ordered. Obito animatedly recounted their recent mission, while Rin added her own thoughtful comments. On the other hand, Kakashi was quiet, although he was usually reserved. Today, something seemed off. He glanced around the room, his gaze directed just above the heads of the other diners as if sensing something unseen.

Of course, Minato noticed his behavior but didn't voice his concern, waiting for the right moment. Their food arrived soon after, platters of meat and vegetables ready for them to grill at the table. The chatter continued as they met other teams from their academy who had chosen different spots in the restaurant. Soon, the place was lively, filled with laughter and conversation.

After their meals ended and the bills were paid, they stepped outside the restaurant. Obito let out a groan, clutching his stomach.

Kakashi shot him a dry look. "No one told you to stuff your face like that, idiot."

"It was... Sensei's... treat..." Obito managed to gasp out, holding a hand to his mouth as if to keep the food from coming back up. Much to his regret now, he had taken full advantage of Minato's generosity.

"There will always be a next time, Obito. You didn't have to eat like it was your last meal," He smiled, concerned about Obito's current state.

Rin stepped forward, her concern evident. "I'll take him to get checked by a med-nin, just in case." She slipped an arm around Obito's waist, helping him stand upright.

Minato waved them off, while Kakashi decided to take his path, only to be halted.

"Do you have a moment, Kakashi??" Minato's voice was calm, yet carried an undertone of concern that Kakashi knew all too well.

Kakashi nodded, understanding the unspoken request. They set off together, the bustling noise of the village fading as they moved into a quieter, more secluded area. The stillness allowed Kakashi's thoughts to surface, the earlier phenomena gnawing at the edges of his mind.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Kakashi broke the ice. "You noticed how on edge I was today, didn't you?" Minato nodded, his blue eyes scanning the path ahead. They continued walking, the path becoming less populated as they neared Minato's house. Kakashi's brow furrowed, recognizing the route. "Is she..."

"Kushina isn't home at the moment," Minato interrupted gently. "She's out meeting friends."

Kakashi felt a small wave of relief wash over him, though the tension in his shoulders remained. They reached Minato's home, which always exuded warmth and safety. Minato opened the door, and they stepped inside, the familiar surroundings momentarily soothing Kakashi's nerves.

"Have a seat," Minato gestured towards the living room, taking a seat opposite Kakashi. The silence stretched, filled with unspoken questions. Finally, Minato leaned forward, his expression serious yet patient. "What did you see, Kakashi?"

Kakashi hesitated, his usual composure faltering. "It's... it's about my eye," he said as he gestured to it. Minato's eyes narrowed slightly in understanding.

Minato hummed in response, "It's about your dojutsu. What happened?" This was a serious matter known only to him, the Hokage, and the Sannin Tsunade. Kakashi's unusual eye ability had always been a topic of grave concern.

"Ever since our C-rank mission," Kakashi explained, his voice low. "the lifespan of most who live in the village, including Kushina, Obito, rin, and even you, has increased."

Minato's eyes widened slightly, though he remained composed. He knew Kakashi's ability had been tested and proven true on multiple occasions, predicting deaths of patients, criminals, and even accidental fatalities with eerie accuracy. This new revelation was startling. Those who knew prepared for what was about to come as Kakashi stated that many would die on that same particular date, but that now has been altered.

"By how much?" Minato asked, his tone serious. He glanced around, ensuring their privacy before fully engaging in the conversation.

Kakashi took a deep breath. "Those around us have had their death dates changed significantly. Your lifespan, for example," he hesitated, looking directly at Minato, "has increased to a well above average age for a shinobi." He said he did not want to disclose the accurate date so he could live normally.


+Minato POV+


"I see. This needs to be reported to the Hokage immediately." Minato decided, standing up. His mind raced with the implications of this revelation. 'If a mere mission could alter the fates of so many, then... is Fujii-san the key to countering an impending threat?' He thought as he reached for the doorknob. 'If that's the case, then he may not be our enemy.'

"You can rest here, Kakashi. I'll be back in a few," Minato said, preparing to leave.

"Wait," Kakashi called out, stopping Minato in his tracks. "How long will Kushina be gone?"

"Oh, Kushina? She won't be back until the evening, around six or seven at best," Minato replied. Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the couch.

"Then I'll rest for a bit," Kakashi said, prompting a smile from Minato.

With a smile, Minato stepped out into the quiet streets, his thoughts racing. He moved swiftly, his mind already formulating how to present this to the Hokage.

The Hokage's office was a considerable distance away, but Minato covered the ground quickly, his pace driven by urgency. He passed familiar sights, such as shops, villagers chatting, and children playing.

Reaching the Hokage Tower, he nodded to the guards, who quickly stepped aside, recognizing the urgency in his demeanor. Minato ascended the stairs two at a time, his thoughts focused on the conversation ahead.

Minato knocked on the door to the Hokage's office, waiting briefly before hearing the call to enter. Stepping inside, he found the Third Hokage, seated behind his desk. Shikaku Nara, a close friend, was preparing to leave.

"Hey Shikaku, how's it going?" Minato greeted with a friendly nod.

Shikaku turned, offering a tired smile. "Perfect timing. I'm doing alright, though the floor is yours now." He gave Minato a pat on the shoulder before exiting, leaving the room quieter.

With the door closed, Hiruzen set aside his work and focused on Minato. "What brings you here, Minato? Is it about the recent event?"

Minato took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Not exactly, Hokage-sama. It's concerns Kakashi."

Hiruzen adopted a serious expression as he knew what that boy was capable of. He leaned forward, his attention fully captured. "Go on."

Minato recounted Kakashi's observations, explaining how the lifespans of those close to him had inexplicably increased following their recent mission. As he spoke, Hiruzen's expression grew increasingly grave.

"This is indeed valuable information," Hiruzen said after a long pause. "A change in lifespans like this after your mission is too significant to be mere coincidence."

"What should we do, hokage-sama?" Minato asked.

Hiruzen pondered momentarily, his gaze distant as he weighed their options. "We wait. At least we have little insight to your discovery before you and Jiraya venture out. Speaking of him, he should be here in a couple of days." He paused, then continued, "As for Kakashi..."

With a wave of his hand, Hiruzen summoned two elite ANBU members who stood ready outside his office. "Bird, Wolf, locate Miyako Hatake. Inform her that it's urgent she comes here immediately. If she refuses again," his tone hardened, "she will be classified as a rogue nin."

The ANBU members nodded and disappeared to carry out their orders.




(more explanations on the deserted/trapped shinigamis across multiple worlds will be explained next chapter. and yes lol, Sakumo did the deed with a death god, canon changed because of the previous nexus point.)

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