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Chapter 29

Emmet finds himself practically dragged by Leaf as they navigate through the bustling streets. "So, where exactly are we headed?" he finally asks, gathering enough nerve to interrupt her enthusiastic pace.

For Emmet, Vermillion and Pewter had seemed big, but Celadon is something else—almost overwhelming. The skyline bristles with towering skyscrapers, and the streets are a dense labyrinth of people and concrete.

"We're going to Celadon's Department Store, of course!" Leaf bubbles, her eyes practically shining with excitement.

He recalls some TV segment he saw once about the Celadon Department Store but can't remember the details. All he knows is that it's supposed to be famous.

"What's the big deal about this department store?" Emmet asks, genuinely puzzled by her enthusiasm.

Leaf halts and looks at him, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Are you serious? Or are you pulling my leg?"

At this point, Emmet feels like he's missing something crucial. The store can't possibly be that big of a deal. Women are strange, he concludes mentally.

"I'm not joking, I really have no idea," he admits, scratching his head a bit. Leaf just facepalms and shakes her head.

Then it hits him. The black credit card from Professor Oak. That thing hasn't even been used since he left Cerulean, and Oak hasn't mentioned it since in the few calls they had. The Professor wouldn't mind him using it... right?

Emmet smirks, remembering the card. "You know, Professor Oak gave me this credit card for 'essential supplies and new gear.' Never said anything about giving it back. Never even checked up on it."

Meanwhile, back in Pallet, Professor Oak is deep in a technical spiel to a group of interns when he suddenly shivers. A foreboding sense of impending disaster washes over him. Without a word, he releases his Alakazam. "I have a bad feeling. Sweep the ranch," he instructs, much to the confusion of everyone in the room.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're saying you've got a credit card, from Oak, with no set limit, and he doesn't care how you use it?" Leaf's voice lifts at each point, hitting an almost incredulous note.

"Uh, well, we're making a few assumptions here," Emmet stutters, shifting his weight nervously. "But hey, if it comes to it, we can always... work off the debt by helping Oak sort his endless research papers or something like that, right?"

Leaf pauses and takes a deep breath, checking her watch. Her lips move, but no sound comes out—she seems to be muttering something to herself.

"What was that?" Emmet tilts his head, straining his ears but getting nothing.

Leaf looks at him, her eyes burning with a kind of fiery resolve. "We've got exactly six hours till dinner with Erika. That's 360 minutes, or 21,600 seconds. Time's ticking!"

"Whoa there, chill! It's just a store, we can check Saffron's ones when we get there" Emmet stammers, taking an involuntary step back as if expecting Leaf to breathe fire.

Without a word, Leaf tightens her grip on his hand until her knuckles go white. And then, she's off, running like she's got a Jolteon nipping at her heels, dragging Emmet behind her toward the promised land that is Celadon's Department Store.

Five and a half hours later, Emmet's feet are dragging on the pavement, almost in protest. How Leaf still has the energy to skip ahead, a smile as wide as the horizon on her face, is beyond him.

If Oak's credit card had feelings, it'd be bawling its eyes right now. Same goes for their personal funds. Not only did they replace everything lost in the Gyarados attack—and then some—but Emmet's also pretty certain they have new wardrobes. Five or six sets of clothes, at least.

Leaf's shopping spree might be a goldmine for future jokes, but Emmet has to admit, she didn't go overboard. Everything they bought had a purpose for trainers on a journey. Portable high-pressure showers with built-in heaters might be a luxury, but who's going to argue against a hot shower after a long day on the road?

The biggest hit to their funds comes in the form of a Sun Stone. It almost clears them out, but it's worth it. A few more weeks and Leaf's Gloom will be more than ready for evolution. Oh, and let's not forget the new harnesses they picked up for Leaf's Pokemon—and one for the Abra Emmet plans on catching en route to Saffron.

At checkout, the clerk shoots Emmet a puzzled look. "You sure about fitting a movement resistance harness on an Abra" But Emmet's confident. With a dash of EM, he can shore up that Pokemon's defenses. Sure, a Psychic-type will never slug it out with a Fighting-type, but at least it won't go down with a single gut punch.

After a pitstop at the Pokemon Center for those much-needed showers, Emmet and Leaf find themselves standing in front of Erika's swanky residence, only ten minutes late. Considering the day they've had, Emmet counts it as a win.

The door swings open and they're greeted by a butler who's the epitome of decorum. He leads them into a dining room where Erika sits at a sprawling mahogany table, surrounded by an array of dishes that look like they'd require a culinary Pokedex to identify. While Erika's in traditional Kanto-style garb—a kimono, complete with the works—the house and the food give off more of a modern, even Johto-like vibe. Emmet finds the clash interesting.

Erika rises from her seat, her face lighting up with a smile so warm it could probably hatch a Togepi egg. "Leaf, Emmet, welcome to my humble abode!" she says, the word 'humble' almost making Emmet snort. She ushers them to the seats next to her, making sure Leaf and Emmet are sitting side by side. "Please, have a seat. Tonight, you're my honored guests."

As the last bites of dessert are swallowed and utensils set down, Erika's demeanor changes. "Jeeves, if you'd be so kind as to give us some privacy," she instructs the butler. The man nods, clearing the table with a speed that's practically EM-level. Erika then releases a Misdreavus from its Pokeball. "Secure the room, make sure we're not overheard," she tells the ghostly Pokemon.

The Misdreavus lets out a spectral "Mis-dreavus!" before melting into the shadows. A wave of icy chills washes over the room as its ghostly energy permeates the air. Emmet and Leaf both shudder, as if a Gastly just blew through them.

Straightening their backs instinctively, Emmet and Leaf try to regain composure. Once Misdreavus is fully concealed, they relax—sort of. But the unsettling atmosphere lingers, and they can't hide their discomfort from Erika. She observes them closely, her gaze piercing.

"So," Erika finally breaks the silence, "there's clearly more going on with you two than meets the eye. Most people don't react to Misdreavus like this, not unless they're Psychics. And even they aren't this... unsettled." Her eyes narrow, as if she's trying to read their souls.

Leaf takes the lead in the conversation, a strategic move since she's Erika's family. "Erika, Emmet and I have kinda been... seeing each other. And weird stuff has been happening. We've been feeling things, and it's not just the lovey-dovey stuff. It feels like... like an Aura bond or something. That's why I told you we had an Aura-bond, although I'm not 100% sure."

Erika's eyes narrow. "By 'romantically closer,' do you mean all the way or just testing the waters?"

Both Leaf and Emmet flush a deep shade of red. "Cousin, it's really none of your business," Leaf manages to stutter. "But no, it's just been...kissing."

Erika raises her hands in a non-threatening gesture. "No offense intended. I ask because when it comes to Aura bonds, the, uh, deeper connections can act like a catalyst. Even someone like me, who's not well-versed in Aura, can sense what's between you two. And given that you're just at the kissing stage, it only adds to the mystery. There's not much literature on the subject but what I have does not describe Aura bonds as things as powerful and noticeable as the one you share."

Erika leans forward, her eyes becoming slits of calculated intensity. "Listen, you both need to keep a lid on this Aura bond. Not that it's illegal or anything, but there are people out there who'd find ways to exploit it. According to Redwood family texts, an Aura bond can make you act pretty irrationally, like putting your partner's well-being over your role or title. Most traditional family-run Gyms, like ours, have rules against a Gym Leader having such a bond, bar a few exceptions of course. Heck, I'm pretty sure the League has the same stipulation."

Leaf narrows her eyes. "Are there any other downsides to this? Apart from potential exploitation and career limitations, I mean."

Erika shakes her head, a soft smile breaking her stern facade. "No, if anything, an Aura bond is cause for celebration. It's the peak of unity between two humans. Over time, the bond will grow stronger. You'll even share thoughts, feelings, maybe even senses. There was a Redwood once whose bond was so strong, they could share sensory experiences. It's a beautiful thing, really."

Suddenly, Erika clears her throat, as if snapping back from a reverie. "Now, onto more immediate matters. I've received word from Saffron Gym. A referee will be here tomorrow at 9 a.m. for your badge challenge, Leaf."

She glances at Emmet, cutting him off before he can even ask. "And no, Emmet, no one outside of the family will witness the match."

A puzzled look washes over Emmet's face, and he runs his hand through his hair. "Why the secrecy? What's the big deal about having an audience?"

Erika exhales deeply. "To maintain the integrity of the Gym and the League, the whole thing's recorded. But we don't let anyone else watch. You know why? Because people talk. They might say Leaf got special treatment because she's family and even a recording might not be able to stave off the doubts being cast. It's happened before. Best to nip it in the bud and keep it all under wraps."

Erika pivots her gaze back to Leaf. "Did your new Psychic abilities come from this Aura bond?"

Leaf hesitates for a moment before answering, careful not to mention EM. "Yes, they came from Emmet. He's got a knack for Psychic energy." She then flips the question. "What about other type affinities? Any idea what kind of effects channeling different types might have on someone?"

Erika hums, her eyes wandering as if skimming an imaginary page. "Well, the information on different type affinities is usually locked up tight. Families who can tap into specific types of energy keep their cards close. Take the Blackthorns in Johto; they're the only known clan with a Dragon-Type affinity. Every type manifests its own unique powers, but you're asking me to speculate on something that's held in strict confidence."

Emmet finds his mind racing. Dragon energy, really? He can grasp Psychic, Fire, Water—those are straightforward. But Dragon? He's still wrapping his head around how Fairy-type energy tweaks Heal Pulse to be more like natural healing, while the Psychic variant leans more towards the mystical.

Erika smiles, clearly in her element now. "As for me, I've got a strong affinity for Grass. The Redwood texts lay out a range of abilities for Grass affinity. There's Chlorokinesis, which lets me control and even speed up plant growth. Photosynthesis, for harnessing energy or healing from the sun. And lastly, Nature Empathy, which helps me sense what's going on in the environment around me."

Leaf's jaw drops a little. "You can do all that? For real?"

Emmet is also floored. He'd underestimated Grass energy big time. Who knows what other type energies could do? He had barely scratched the surface.

Erika chuckles, lifting a hand as if to put the spectacle in check. "Don't let the fancy terms dazzle you. A Grass-type Pokemon, even a weak one, could run circles around me in using those powers. Don't expect to see me making a forest appear with a snap of my fingers. The real boon here is the synergy between a trainer and their Pokemon. If your affinity matches your Pokemon's type, the rate at which they gain abilities could be significantly accelerated. So, no, you won't see someone capable of harnessing Flying type energy flying around, well, except if he is a prodigy in this particular energy type like Sabrina is to Psychic."

At that moment, the same realization hits Emmet and Leaf. They're light-years ahead when it comes to Psychic mastery. Emmet more so. What kind of Psychic powerhouse could they raise in the future? The possibilities were thrilling and a bit terrifying.

Emmet snaps back to the conversation. "Okay, so you said you knew about another type affinity?"

Erika takes a moment to sip her tea before responding. "Ah yes, Poison. Some Redwoods have shown a talent for it. The powers we've documented include Toxin Creation, which allows one to generate poisonous substances, usually with their saliva. There's also Poison Immunity, which is pretty self-explanatory. Toxic Spores enables the release of poisonous spores into the air, but this one is pretty rare. Chemical Analysis is for identifying substances with just a taste or a sniff. And finally, Fermentation Control; you can either speed up or halt the decay of organic matter. All fascinating, but again, a Pokemon specializing in Poison would leave any human in the dust."

Emmet looks incredulous. "How can this stuff not be public knowledge? I mean, someone with these abilities could really shake things up, couldn't they? Couldn't someone with a strong type affinity be, I don't know, dangerous?"

Erika bursts into laughter, putting her cup down with a little clatter. "Oh, Emmet, you're more astute than you give yourself credit for. You wonder why Gyms are almost always hereditary, why some regions practically worship their Gym Leaders? It's because those Leaders, or their ancestors, had notable affinities. The lesser affinities? They barely make a difference, but the stronger ones are game-changers. So, what does the League do? They offer these powerhouses a position, an outlet. A Gym to run, a responsibility that keeps them grounded and monitored. People know Gym Leaders are special; they just don't know how special. The League likes it that way."

Leaf leans in, her eyes narrowing. "So, is that why trainers who don't specialize usually don't make it big? They're spread too thin, aren't they?"

Erika nods, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and understanding. "You've got it, Leaf. Being a generalist has its own set of problems. You see, to properly train a Water-type Pokemon, you'd ideally want to be near a body of water, right? But that's about the worst place to train Fire, Ground, or Rock types. So trainers end up running all over the place, trying to find the right conditions for each type they carry. And that... that's when they plateau. They just can't keep up."

Both Emmet and Leaf nod. They get it; it's not just about physical locations. Different Pokemon types have different training needs, different philosophies. A Fighting type might want a grueling physical regimen, while a Psychic type would rather sit quietly and meditate. A Dark type might just want to chill and be lazy, and don't even get them started on the prankster Ghost types.

Emmet smirks. "Except for Oak, right?"

Erika's eyes sparkle. "Ah, yes. Professor Oak. He's the exception to every rule, isn't he? But you know, at the last Gym Leaders' meeting, there was talk of the Sinnoh Champion also being a generalist. And not just any generalist, but an exceptionally strong one, if the delegate from Sinnoh is to be believed. So, maybe the times are changing."

Leaf's eyes light up. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about Psychic affinity powers, would you? I mean, if we've got it, it would be a waste not to use it to train, right?"

Erika's gaze shifts to Emmet, her brows furrowing. "You, young man—are you the first in your family to have an affinity like this?"

Emmet nods. "As far as I know, yeah. My dad was a generalist and my mom has Flying, Normal, and Dark types. My dad passed away a few years back, and my mom doesn't even know about the Psychic stuff. I never felt like it was the right time to bring it up." Her not even bothering to call did not help. Not that he was any better as he hasn't even tried to call her.

Erika nods solemnly. "That's your choice, but be warned: the moment Sabrina of Saffron's Gym lays eyes on you, she'll know. As for Psychic powers, I've got limited info. It's something of an open secret among Gym Leaders. Here's what I've heard: Telekinesis—moving stuff with your mind. Mind Reading—hearing what others are thinking. Precognition—getting little snippets of future events. Thought Projection—sending your thoughts or images into other people's heads. Telepathic Link—think of it as a two-way radio, but for your minds."

"Wow, Erika, thanks for laying all this out for us. Gotta say, I'm pretty surprised you've been so open about it all—especially the stuff about Grass affinity powers," Emmet says, scratching the back of his head in genuine surprise.

Erika shrugs, her eyes twinkling. "Leaf has a right to know; she's a Redwood. And you're Aura-bonded to her, so you'd learn eventually. Besides, by being transparent, I get a little goodwill with someone who could be the next Oak," she grins at Emmet, showing off her impeccable strategy.

Leaf huffs, crossing her arms. "Hey, He is not the only one ahead of the curve here, you know. I'm pretty damn good myself."

Erika bursts into laughter. "Still debatable, little cousin. But if you're gonna talk the talk, be ready to walk the walk tomorrow. Speaking of, it's getting late. Maybe we should call it a night?"

Emmet glances at his watch and blinks. "Holy crap, it's almost midnight. Erika, one last question, any tips on Pokemon that could help us fend off other Psychics or, you know, less savory groups like Team Rocket?"

Erika seems to ponder for a moment. "Given your Pidgeot and upcoming Charizard, your air routes are covered. What you need is a strong Psychic for teleportation—Abra's your best bet. Ghost and Dark types are essential too, but the options are limited, you know."

"How so?" Leaf probes, intrigued.

"Not a lot of Dark types roaming between Kanto and Johto," Erika says matter-of-factly.

"I was actually thinking of getting a Murkrow or a Houndour," Emmet chimes in.

Erika shakes her head. "Watch your team comp. You've got Fire and Flying covered. You're better off with a pure Dark type like Umbreon or maybe a Dark/Ice like Sneasel."

Emmet's grip tightens around his thigh. "I will never get a Sneasel. Not gonna happen."

Leaf looks at Emmet with concern, while Erika raises an eyebrow. "Well, your call. There's another option: Larvitar from Mt. Silver. They evolve into Tyranitar—Rock/Dark. Though they'll likely butt heads with your future Charizard given their territoriality."

A Tyranitar does sound appealing to Emmet, but he can't shake the thought that Firefly needs to hold her own first. She's his ace, and that's not up for debate, by putting a territorial Pokemon capable of challenging her, his team's dynamics could be severely disrupted, specially if she is not strong enough to rein the new Pokemon in.

"Thanks again, Erika. Leaf, you wanna stay and catch up with your cousin?" Emmet turns to Erika. "If that's okay with you, of course."

Erika smiles warmly. "Absolutely. We can chat over breakfast. You're welcome to stay too, Emmet."

Emmet shakes his head. "Nah, I think I'll walk around a bit, clear my head. I'll crash at the Pokemon Center."

Leaf looks at him, a bit worried. "You sure? I can come with you if you want."

He's touched by her offer but declines. There are things he wants to do in Celadon alone, things Leaf doesn't need to know about just yet. He has memories of games and he wants to check if some things still hold true in real life.

"I'm sure. Enjoy your time with Erika. We'll hit the road to Saffron once you snag that Rainbow badge," Emmet reassures her.

Erika teases, "Your boyfriend's so into you, he's bordering on delusional, Leaf."

Leaf chuckles, leans in, and gives Emmet a quick peck on the lips.

Emmet waves his goodbyes and exits Erika's mansion and as he heads towards the Pokemon Center, he can't help but grin. He has plans for the morning, and they're gonna be good. He just hopes Leaf won't have his hide when she hears about it.

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