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64.28% One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma) / Chapter 17: CH-17: To new horizons

Capítulo 17: CH-17: To new horizons

Finally, after a year of intense training, our birthdays marked a new chapter in our lives. I turned 15, Kosuke reached 17, and Lucy celebrated her 18th birthday. Hiro, also 15, shared my age. Despite our ages, Kosuke and I had grown far beyond what anyone might expect.

We were hanging out in a cabin by the sea, enjoying a rare moment of leisure. Lucy was sunbathing, while Hiro and Kosuke were inside the cabin doing their own thing. I joined Lucy near the beach, mostly to see if I could train a resistance to the sea curse on Devil Fruit users. Despite only submerging half of my feet in the water, a strong sense of weakness brewed inside me.

"It seems there's a newcomer at sea people are paying attention to," Lucy said, reading the newspaper dated January 10th, 1519.

I walked out of the sea and approached her. "Let me see that." I snatched the newspaper from her as she was laying down. "Hey!" she retorted.

After a year of growth, I towered at 6'8", with Kosuke just an inch shorter at 6'7". Lucy, with her athletic build, stood at a graceful 6'0", and Hiro, lean and quick, measured in at 6'1". Our heights and physiques, shaped by relentless training, gave us a presence that surpassed the ordinary people on the island.

"Hiken No Ace? (Fire Fist Ace?)" I mumbled.

"Fire Fist? No, he's just Portgas D. Ace. He has a bounty because he made a mess in Loguetown. It says here he is a notorious pirate and he has hurt civilians on the island," Lucy added. "He's far away in East Blue though, so we can't do anything about it."

He was painted as this extremely dangerous criminal in the newspaper, so it made sense that Lucy had nothing but hostility toward him.

I scoffed and said, "Sure. Notorious Donut. Let's go with that. Well, Lucy, sometimes, you can't believe everything you read in the newspaper."

We had a slight reputation on the island considering that we had spent our practical part of the training hunting down mafias, pirates, and other criminals.

I was happy with my genetics, and depending on the speed of my growth, I felt like I would be 8 feet tall by the time I stopped growing. I returned to the cabin to get some food.

Looking in the mirror, I saw my jet-black hair, dark as midnight, contrasting sharply with my fiery red eyes, which seemed to glow with an inner light. My tan skin stretched over muscles that bulged and rippled with every movement, a testament to the grueling training we had endured.

Kosuke had a more composed appearance, his brown hair flowing down his back and tied into a neat ponytail. His eyes, the color of rich earth, held a steady, calm gaze that reflected his serious nature.

"Is he a new target?" he asked while doing maintenance on his dagger and gun.

His body was solid, muscles sculpted from countless hours of training, exuding a quiet strength that was both reassuring and intimidating.

"No way~ The guy is at East Blue! We can barely sail around South Blue as it is," Hiro said, whining.

Hiro's look was more rugged, with his dark hair falling in a disheveled, mop-like fashion over his forehead. His build was lean but powerful, muscles taut and ready to spring into action.

His light brown eyes were always alert, a sharpness in them that spoke of intense focus and unwavering determination. Every movement he made was quick and agile, like a coiled spring ready to release.

"Unless we meet him on the Grand Line," Kosuke muttered.

"We're not ready." Lucy entered the cabin too. Her shoulder-length black hair absorbing the light like the night sky.

Her bright green eyes sparkled with intelligence and an underlying kindness that made people feel at ease. Her body was athletic, toned from the same rigorous training we all underwent, yet she moved with a grace that contrasted with our more brute-force approach.

She carried herself with an air of calm assurance, a serene presence in the midst of our more aggressive energy.

One night, as the four of us sat around a campfire, the flames danced and cast flickering shadows, making our surroundings come alive with an ethereal glow.

I poked the fire with a stick, watching the embers spark. "Hard to believe it's been a year," I said, a hint of amazement in my voice. "Feels like just yesterday we started this crazy training."

Kosuke nodded as he stared into the flames. "We've all grown a lot."

Lucy, her eyes reflecting the firelight, smiled warmly. "We've become a real team. A family, almost."

Hiro leaned back on his hands, chuckling. "Yeah, and just think—this is only the beginning. There's so much more out there."


One evening, as the sky turned shades of orange and purple, I sat with Kosuke under the dojo's veranda. The cool air was refreshing, perfect for a serious talk. "Kosuke," I began, my voice thoughtful, "we should start bounty hunting to get stronger and earn some money for a few years."

Kosuke looked at me, his gaze steady. "Why bounty hunters?" he asked, always direct.

I smiled, appreciating his seriousness. "We need funds to build a strong Adam's wood ship. It takes a lot of money to get one of those built."

Kosuke nodded slowly, taking it all in. "Makes sense. We need a sturdy ship if we're going to travel the world. But there's more to this, isn't there?"

I smiled, then replied, "You're right. I want to create a crew to travel the world together, to uncover all the secrets this world holds."

Kosuke's eyes gleamed with understanding. "A crew, huh? People we can trust, It's ambitious. Not to mention, dangerous."

I chuckled, nodding. "Ambitious, but worth it. Think about it: a ship of our own, a crew that's like family, and the freedom to explore wherever we want. But first, we need to get funds. Bounty hunting is the best way for now."

Kosuke leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Then let's do it. Let's become the best bounty hunters out there, earn our ship, and gather our crew."

A grin spread across my face. "Exactly. We'll make a name for ourselves, build alliances, and when the time comes, we'll set sail for the unknown. And who knows, maybe we will even find the One Piece along the way."

Kosuke nodded, a serious look in his eyes. "One Piece, huh? That's a big goal, Dante. But if anyone can do it, why not it be us?"

He extended his hand, a rare smile tugging at his lips. "To our future, then."

I shook his hand firmly. "To our future." Then I added with a grin, "And hey, if all else fails, we can always start a comedy duo. You can be the straight man."

Kosuke raised an eyebrow, his serious demeanor unbroken. "I think I'll stick to bounty hunting."

That same day, we approached Lucy with our intentions. She immediately asked to come with us, her voice firm. "I can take care of myself now, and besides," she added with a slight blush, "who else will take care of Kosuke if he gets injured?"

I sighed, feeling a bit proud of my brother for securing such a caring girl. "Alright, let's see how well you can handle yourself. How about a spar?"

Lucy agreed, determination in her eyes. The setting sun cast long shadows as we stepped into the training ground, the air buzzing with anticipation.

I refrained from using my Devil Fruit powers or Observation Haki, relying solely on my martial prowess. Lucy took a deep breath, her posture shifting into a defensive stance. We circled each other, studying movements, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Lucy was the first to move. She darted forward with surprising speed, her fist aimed at my chest. I blocked, but her follow-up was swift—a low kick that aimed to unbalance me. I jumped back, eyes narrowing.

"Not bad," I said, grinning. "But you'll have to do better than that."

She didn't reply, her focus razor-sharp. She moved with a fluid grace, each strike precise and calculated. Her knowledge of anatomy was evident; every blow targeted a vital point, every move designed to exploit weaknesses. I found myself on the defensive, parrying her strikes and dodging her kicks.

She aimed a sharp jab at my ribs, which I barely deflected. Her next move was a spinning kick that grazed my shoulder. I staggered back, genuinely impressed.

"You're good, Lucy," I admitted, breathing lightly. "Really good."

Lucy didn't break her stance, but her eyes flicked to Kosuke, seeking his approval.

I grinned and winked at Kosuke, who stood watching with his usual stoic expression, although a slight smile formed at the corner of his mouth when he looked at Lucy.

He nodded approvingly at Lucy. "You've proven yourself, Lucy. You can come with us."

Lucy's face lit up with a mixture of relief and pride. "Thank you," she said, glancing towards Kosuke for the latter part. "I won't let you down."

Hiro, hearing about our plans, was eager to join us as bounty hunters. "I want in on the action!" he exclaimed, excitement lighting up his eyes.

I chuckled, holding up a hand to calm him down. "Hiro, slow down. Finish your training here first. We'll come back for you in a year, and we'll keep in touch through Den Den Mushi."

Hiro's enthusiasm didn't wane easily. He looked between us, a mix of determination and impatience on his face. "But I've been training hard! I can keep up with you guys."

Before I could respond, Sensei Tetsuro stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention. "Hiro," he said, his tone firm but kind, "your eagerness is commendable, but there are still things you need to learn here. The foundation you build now will be crucial for your future."

Hiro frowned, his fists clenching at his sides. "But Sensei, I want to be out there with them, making a difference."

Sensei Tetsuro placed a reassuring hand on Hiro's shoulder. "And you will, in due time. The skills you need for survival and success out there are honed through patience and perseverance. Trust in the process."

Hiro's shoulders slumped slightly, but he nodded, accepting the wisdom in Tetsuro's words. "Alright, Sensei. I'll stay and complete my training. But you guys better come back for me."

I grinned, ruffling his mop-like dark hair. "Count on it, Hiro. We'll need someone with your tenacity out there."

Kosuke nodded in agreement, his expression serious but supportive. "Your time will come, Hiro. Just make sure you're ready when it does."

Lucy stepped forward, giving Hiro a warm smile. "Besides, we'll need you to keep us on our toes. Keep training hard, and we'll have an unstoppable team."

Hiro's determination returned, and he gave a resolute nod. "I'll be ready. You guys better watch out when I join you."

With preparations complete, we gathered in the courtyard of the dojo for our final farewells. Lucy closed her clinic, meticulously packing her essential equipment and herbs into a large, sturdy bag. She worked with practiced efficiency, her green eyes focused and determined.

Kosuke was in his room, organizing his gear with the same precision he applied to his training. He inspected his clothes, ensuring they were in good condition, and laid out his daggers and the six-shooter pistols he had become adept at using over the past year. The firearms glinted in the sunlight, a testament to his growing arsenal.

I, too, was preparing. I gathered the riches we had collected from our various bounties, carefully placing them into a secure chest. My fingers brushed over the hilt of Shinku no Tatsu, the Meito, feeling its weight and the significance it carried as a symbol of our journey so far.

I strapped it to my side, its presence a constant reminder of our mission and need to find a swordsman worthy of it.

Once everything was ready, we gathered in the main hall for one last meeting with Sensei Tetsuro. He looked at each of us, his eyes filled with pride and a hint of sadness. "You have all grown tremendously. Remember the lessons you've learned here, and carry them with you always."

"Thank you, Sensei," I said, bowing deeply. Kosuke and Lucy followed suit, their expressions equally respectful.

Sensei Tetsuro nodded. "Stay safe, and may the wind be at your backs."

With that, we departed the dojo, our steps echoing in the quiet morning. The path to the harbor was lined with memories of our training and friendship. The air was filled with a sense of both closure and anticipation.

Upon reaching the bustling harbor, the sights and sounds of the sea invigorated us. Seagulls called out overhead, and the scent of saltwater filled the air.

Upon reaching the bustling harbor, the atmosphere was electrifying. The cries of seagulls echoed above us, creating a symphony with the shouts of dockworkers and the creaking of wooden ships. The scent of saltwater was thick in the air, mingling with the aroma of fresh fish and the distant tang of tar from the shipyards.

We wove our way through the crowded docks, dodging piles of rope and barrels being rolled to and fro. The energy of the harbor was infectious, filling us with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement.

"Dante, look at that ship!" Lucy pointed to a sleek vessel with tall masts and billowing sails.

I nodded, grinning. "Not bad, but we need something more... us."

We continued our search, finally arriving at the shipyard. It was a hive of activity, with carpenters hammering away, sailors negotiating deals, and merchants showcasing their finest vessels. The smell of sawdust and fresh paint hung in the air, adding to the heady mix of scents.

"There!" Kosuke pointed to a sturdy caravel docked at the end of the pier. The ship was a striking sight, its hull painted a deep, lustrous black that seemed to drink in the sunlight. Golden lines traced intricate patterns along the sides, accentuating the sleek design and giving the vessel an air of elegance and power.

The ship's three masts stood tall and proud, each one fitted with pristine white sails that fluttered gently in the breeze. The rigging was meticulously arranged, promising both efficiency and reliability.

At the bow, a carved figurehead of a fierce dragon, gilded in gold, seemed to guard the ship, its eyes glinting as if challenging the seas ahead.

As we approached, the polished wood of the deck caught the light, revealing the meticulous care that had gone into maintaining the vessel.

I approached the ship, running my hand along the polished wood of the railing. "This feels right," I said, looking back at my friends.

Kosuke nodded in agreement. "It's perfect for a small crew. Plenty of room for us and any... additional cargo we might pick up."

Lucy giggled. "You mean treasure, Kosuke. Just say treasure." (A/N: He also means dead pirates…but you already know that.)

We approached the shipyard master, a grizzled man with a bushy beard and a twinkle in his eye. "Interested in the caravel, are ya?" he asked, eyeing us shrewdly.

"Indeed," I replied, matching his gaze. "How much?"

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "For a fine crew like yourselves, I'd say... we can strike a fair deal." After some haggling, we agreed on a price, and the caravel was ours.

"This is it," I said, running my hand along the wooden railing of the ship. "Our new home."

Kosuke nodded, his expression stoic but approving. "It'll serve us well."

Lucy smiled, her excitement evident. "Let's give it a name."

Me and Kosuke nodded at her suggestion and then I said, "Seeing that it's body is black as midnight, let's call it Midnight's Fury"

"That's a good name." Kosuke said smiling.

"Yeah, I like it too. Midnight's Fury, let's call it Fury for short," suggested Lucy.

We agreed to her suggestion and boarded the ship, stowing our belongings and securing the sails. As the Navigator, I took the helm, feeling a thrill of anticipation. "Welcome aboard, everyone," I said, taking the helm with a broad smile. "She is our new home, let's set sail, Fury!"

The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden path across the water. The sky blazed with hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the gentle waves. With the sails unfurled, we caught the wind and began our journey.

The harbor slowly receded into the distance, and the open sea spread out before us, vast and full of promise. Our spirits were high, our hearts united.

As we sailed into the sunset, Lucy stood at the bow, her hair fluttering in the breeze. She turned to us, a determined glint in her eye. "This is just the beginning. Let's make it unforgettable."

Kosuke, adjusting the sails, glanced back with a rare smile. "We'll make our mark on this world, one step at a time."

I grinned, feeling the excitement bubble up inside me. "To new horizons, and to the journey ahead!"

With that, we sailed on…


A/N: First volume is over. The next volume will be them being bounty hunters and fighting some known and some unknown pirates.

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