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60.71% One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma) / Chapter 16: CH-16: Rokushiki

Capítulo 16: CH-16: Rokushiki

The next day, when I woke up, my eyes fell on the katana I had plundered from the pirate ship. It lay in a corner, gleaming faintly in the morning light, beside my clothes, the treasure bag, and suitcases filled with money.

I got up and picked up the katana, feeling its weight and balance in my hand. The craftsmanship was impeccable, the blade perfectly balanced. Remembering how the marine captain had coveted it when he asked if we had salvaged anything from the ship, I deduced it must be a Meito—a famed blade, prized among swordsmen.

I didn't know which category this blade belonged to, but I was sure it would at least be a Wazamono, one of the fifty fine-grade swords. If I was lucky, it could be a Ryowazamono, one of the twenty-one excellent-grade swords.

I didn't dare to think farther than that because if the sword were of a higher rank, a Saijo O Wazamono, the marines wouldn't have let us go so easily without checking anything.

I decided to take it to Sensei Tetsuro for advice. He was in the middle of his morning training when I approached him with the katana.

"Sensei," I called, holding up the blade. "I need your expertise."

Tetsuro paused, looking at the katana with keen interest. He wiped the sweat from his brow and approached me. "Where did you get this?" he asked, his voice tinged with surprise.

"I found it on the pirate ship we raided. The marine captain seemed to covet it, and I have a feeling it's something special," I explained.

Tetsuro took the katana from me, examining its blade closely. "This is indeed a fine weapon. You're right to think it's special." He handed it back to me. "However, there's someone who can tell you more about it."

"Tetsuro-sensei," I asked, "who is this expert?"

"He's known simply as the Sword Hermit," Tetsuro replied, his tone respectful. "A recluse, but his knowledge of blades is unparalleled. You'll find his hut near the cliffs on the northern edge of Karate Island."

"Is he approachable?" I inquired, hoping this journey wouldn't be in vain.

Tetsuro chuckled. "He's eccentric, but if you mention my name, he'll listen. Just be respectful and patient. The Sword Hermit values dedication."

"Thanks, Sensei," I said, bowing slightly. "I'll seek him out immediately."

As I turned to leave, I hesitated. "Sensei, there's something else. It's about Kosuke."

Tetsuro's eyes filled with concern. "What about him?"

"I've noticed he's been a bit off lately," I began, choosing my words carefully. "The violence seems to be getting to him. He's not the same easy going guy I knew."

Tetsuro nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "I've seen it too. He seems weighed down by everything."

I felt a pang of worry. "What should we do, Sensei? I don't want him to spiral."

Tetsuro sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "When you return, bring him to me. I'll talk to him, try to get him back on track. Sometimes, all someone needs is a good chat and a new perspective."

"I'll do that, Sensei," I promised. "I'll make sure he gets the support he needs."

Tetsuro offered a reassuring smile. "He's strong, Dante, but even the strongest need a hand sometimes. We'll get him through this."

I nodded. "Thanks, Sensei. I'll take care of it."

As I left to find the Sword Hermit, I felt a bit more hopeful, knowing that Sensei would help guide Kosuke back from whatever dark place he was heading towards.

As I made my way to the northern edge of Karate Island, I followed the directions Sensei Tetsuro had given me. The path was rugged, winding through dense forests and rocky terrain. After a long trek, I finally reached the cliffs. There, nestled against the edge, was a small, weathered hut.

I approached cautiously and saw a man practicing with a sword outside the hut. His movements were fluid, precise, each swing of the blade cutting through the air with a whistle.

The man was tall and lean, with long, unruly hair tied back into a ponytail. His weathered face bore the marks of countless battles, and his piercing eyes focused intensely on his movements. His attire was simple, a plain gi that fluttered with each precise swing of his sword.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. The man paused, lowering his sword and releasing a deep breath that formed a white mist in the cool air. He turned towards me, his gaze piercing.

I bowed deeply. "I am a disciple of Sensei Tetsuro," I said respectfully.

At the mention of Tetsuro's name, his demeanor softened. He sheathed his sword and approached me. "So, you are Tetsuro's student," he said, his voice now more welcoming. "What brings you here?"

I held up the katana. "Sensei Tetsuro mentioned that you have unparalleled knowledge of blades. I found this katana and was hoping you could tell me more about it."

His eyes lit up with curiosity at the sight of the sword. "May I?" he asked, extending a hand.

"Of course, Master," I said, still uncertain of his name but feeling the title suited him.

He took the sword from my hands. "Let's see what we have here," he murmured, examining the blade closely.

He ran his fingers along the edge, feeling its sharpness and balance. "This is a Wazamono," he finally said, nodding appreciatively. "There are only forty-nine others like it in the world."

"What's its name?" I asked, eager to know more.

He looked at the intricate design on the blade and then at the hilt. "This is the Shinku no Tatsu, crafted by the legendary blacksmith Horikawa Kunihiro," he revealed. "A beautiful and deadly weapon."

"Thank you, Master," I said, bowing again. "Your knowledge is truly invaluable."

The Sword Hermit smiled. "Take good care of it. A blade like this deserves respect and skill."

"I will," I promised, feeling the weight of the katana in my hands once more.

I bowed once more before turning to leave, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and responsibility.

As I turned to leave, the Sword Hermit called out, "Wait."

I stopped and looked back. "Yes, Master?"

He approached me, a thoughtful expression on his face. "A blade like Shinku no Tatsu... it chooses its wielder. It's not just a weapon; it's a partner. Remember that every swing carries the legacy of its maker and the spirit of the samurai who once wielded it."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words. "I'll honor its legacy, Master."

With that, I left his hut. I wasn't a swordsman myself so I decided that once I found a skilled swordsman to join my crew, I would gift him this remarkable blade. It deserved to be wielded by someone who could truly appreciate its craftsmanship and unleash its full potential.


Lucy set up her clinic quickly, and soon, people from all over the island came to her for treatment. Her skills as a healer spread like wildfire, and within weeks, she had a steady stream of patients. Over the next year, Lucy not only healed many but also took time to train at the dojo.

"Why do you want to train so hard?" I asked her one evening as she wiped sweat from her brow after an intense session.

She looked at me, determination in her eyes. "If I want to roam the world with you and Kosuke, I can't be a burden. I need to be able to take care of myself in battle."

Sensei Tetsuro, overhearing our conversation, nodded approvingly. "Lucy has the heart of a warrior," he said, stepping forward. "And a healer's knowledge can be a powerful weapon in the right hands."

Understanding her determination, Sensei Tetsuro decided to help her increase her strength and agility. One day, he approached her with a small, sharp Japanese knife. "This is a tanto," he explained, handing it to her.

Lucy took the knife, examining its blade. "It's lighter than I expected," she remarked.

"Yes," Tetsuro replied, "but don't let its size fool you. With your extensive knowledge of human anatomy, you can cause significant damage or even paralyze opponents just by cutting a nerve or two." His eyes twinkled with pride at her progress.

Lucy nodded, gripping the tanto firmly. "I'll do my best, Sensei."

Over the months, Tetsuro pushed her harder, helping her refine her technique and build her confidence. "Remember," he would say during their sessions, "it's not about brute strength. Precision and speed are your allies. Aim for the vital points you know so well."

One afternoon, after an especially rigorous training, Tetsuro and Lucy sat on the dojo steps, watching the sunset. "You've come a long way," Tetsuro said, a rare smile on his face.

"Thanks to your guidance, Sensei," Lucy replied, bowing respectfully.

Tetsuro waved a hand dismissively. "Nonsense. You had the will and determination. I simply provided the tools."

She looked down at the tanto in her hand, then back at Tetsuro. "With this, I feel like I can protect myself and help in more ways than just healing."

"And that," Tetsuro said, "is the true spirit of a warrior. Always remember, Lucy, knowledge and skill combined make you formidable. Never doubt your abilities."

Lucy nodded, a newfound confidence glowing in her eyes. "I won't, Sensei. Thank you for believing in me."


Kosuke had become a bit better after his counseling sessions with Sensei Tetsuro.

This was the last year of our training, and a sense of finality hung in the air. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sensei Tetsuro called Kosuke and me into his dojo.

"There's something important I need to discuss with you both," Sensei Tetsuro began, his tone serious. "It's time for you to learn the six secret arts, known as Rokushiki."

My heart fluttered with anticipation. I had never imagined that our sensei had mastered the secret martial arts of the Navy.

The knowledge from my past life told me how incredible these techniques were. I exchanged a glance with Kosuke, who seemed intrigued but maintained his usual stoic demeanor.

Tetsuro continued, "These martial arts are closely guarded secrets of the world government and the Navy. Using them in front of their agents is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Trust me, I know from experience."

"What happened, Sensei?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Tetsuro chuckled. "Once, I used Soru and Tekkai in front of a marine captain during a mission. Let's just say it didn't end well, and I had to lay low for quite some time. But that's a story for another day."

Kosuke nodded, his face set in determination. "We understand, Sensei. We won't use these techniques recklessly."

"Good," Tetsuro said, his expression softening. "Now, let's begin."


The following weeks were a whirlwind of intense training. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest, and I cursed the heavens for making me agree to this hellish regimen. We trained from dawn till dusk, pushing our bodies to the absolute limit.

One afternoon, after a particularly brutal session, I collapsed on the ground, panting. "This is insane," I muttered, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Who knew learning secret arts would be this tough?"

Kosuke, ever the silent warrior, stood tall, barely breaking a sweat. "Focus, Dante. It's all about pushing through the pain."

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Easy for you to say. You're a natural at this."

He offered a rare smile. "Just keep at it. You'll get there."

I quickly learned Tekkai, Kami-e, and Shigan, using my bone devil fruit powers to enhance them.

While performing Tekkai, I hardened both my muscles and bones. "Look at this, Kosuke! I'm like an unbreakable statue!" I joked, striking a pose and flexing dramatically.

Kosuke chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Just make sure you can move, statue. Don't want to have to roll you out of here."

With Kami-e, I could manipulate my bones to dodge even more absurd attacks. "Watch this, Kosuke!" I said, weaving through an imaginary barrage. "I'm practically a bone serpent! Call me Serpent Dante!"

Kosuke raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Less showing off, more training, Serpent Dante."

Shigan was another story. I could perform ranged attacks by firing my finger bones. "Bone bullets, Kosuke! I'm a walking arsenal!" I laughed, shooting a barrage at a distant target with exaggerated flair.

"Just don't shoot yourself in the foot," he replied dryly, though a smirk played at the corner of his lips.

But Soru, Rankyaku, and Geppo eluded me. It was like trying to catch the wind. Every attempt left me frustrated and exhausted.

Kosuke, on the other hand, mastered Soru with ease, disappearing and reappearing in the blink of an eye. "You're not human, Kosuke!" I shouted, half in awe, half in frustration. "Are you sure you weren't a ninja in another life?"

He gave a rare smile. "It's just speed and control, Dante. You can do it too. Just focus."

Rankyaku was another of his triumphs. His kicks sent shockwaves through the air, slicing through training dummies like butter. "I'm starting to think you were born for this," I said, shaking my head in disbelief. "Seriously, did you eat a martial arts devil fruit or something?"

Kosuke's smile widened slightly. "Just years of practice. Keep at it."

Geppo, the ability to leap and bounce off the air, seemed second nature to him. He moved with an effortless grace, performing mid-air acrobatics that left me gaping. "You're showing off now," I accused, though I couldn't hide my admiration. "Next thing you know, you'll be walking on water like Jesus."

He just shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Just practicing. Besides, someone's got to keep you on your toes. And who's Jesus?"

Despite my struggles, Kosuke always offered encouragement. "We both have our strengths, Dante. Keep pushing. You'll get there."

I grinned, appreciating his support. "Thanks, Kosuke. I guess I'll just have to be the best bone-wielding, statue-dodging, finger-shooting pirate around."

Kosuke laughed softly. "That's the spirit, Dante. Now, let's get back to it."


One evening, after another exhausting day of training, we sat under the shade of a large tree, the cool breeze a welcome relief. "Tetsuro-sensei's really putting us through the wringer," I said, gulping down water. "I feel like a well-tenderized steak."

Kosuke nodded, a rare smile crossing his face. "He's preparing us for what's to come. These techniques are worth it."

I chuckled, leaning back against the tree. "Yeah, but my bones feel like they're going to shatter from all this hardening and dodging. Might have to ask Lucy for a bulk discount on bandages."

Kosuke's smile widened. "At least you have a sense of humor about it. Your devil fruit powers are impressive."

"Thanks," I said, looking at him. "And you, with Soru and Rankyaku... you're like a whirlwind and a tornado combined. A whirlnado!"

He shrugged, a small smirk on his lips. "Just doing what needs to be done."

As the sky darkened, Sensei Tetsuro approached, a thoughtful look on his face. "You two have done well today."

"Thanks, Sensei," we replied in unison, our voices tinged with pride and exhaustion.

"There's something I need to discuss with you," Tetsuro said, sitting down beside us. "These techniques require not just physical strength but mental resilience. Kosuke, your progress is remarkable, but don't forget to balance your mind. Dante, your creativity with your devil fruit abilities is outstanding, but keep honing the basics."

We nodded, absorbing his wisdom. "Balancing my mind," Kosuke echoed thoughtfully. "Got it, Sensei."

"And I'll keep my bones in line," I added with a grin. "No more boneheaded moves."

Tetsuro's eyes softened as he looked at us. "This is the last year of your training. You've grown tremendously, but remember, the journey doesn't end here. These techniques are tools. Use them wisely."

"Thank you, Sensei," I said earnestly. "For everything."

Tetsuro nodded, a proud glint in his eyes. "Now, get some rest. Tomorrow's training won't be any easier."

As we headed back to our quarters, "Hey, Kosuke," I said, nudging him. "You think tomorrow I'll finally master Soru, or should I start practicing my dodging so I don't run into trees?"

Kosuke chuckled, shaking his head. "Just keep practicing, Dante. You'll get there."


Meanwhile, Hiro's training was also progressing well. His determination proved invaluable in absorbing Sensei Tetsuro's teachings, and he advanced by leaps and bounds.

Sometimes, he could even go toe-to-toe with me if I didn't use my devil fruit. I guessed that his foundation must be strong because of being taught by that mysterious old man who had just walked into the sea, never to return.

One afternoon, after an intense sparring session, I approached Hiro, wiping sweat from my brow. "You're getting stronger, Hiro. That old man must have been one hell of a teacher."

Hiro grinned, his mop of dark hair sticking to his forehead. "He was. Never knew his name, but his lessons were... different."

"Different how?" Kosuke asked, joining us and tying his brown hair back into a ponytail.

"He focused a lot on internal energy," Hiro explained. "Like, feeling your power from within and channeling it. Hard to describe, but it works."

I nodded, impressed. "Well, whatever he taught you, it's paying off."

A/N: Just one more chapter and we are done with this arc. Have patience, Canon characters are coming.

Meanwhile, Vote guys

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