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57.14% One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma) / Chapter 15: Ch-15: Back to Karate Island

Capítulo 15: Ch-15: Back to Karate Island

As we left the Marine base, the weight of the suitcases full of beri grounding us, I couldn't help but think about our future plans. "You know, we should probably get another Den Den Mushi. We can give it to Sensei, so that we can keep in contact when we move away in the future."

Kosuke nodded. "Good idea. We should get a few new sets of clothes for everyone too. We've been wearing these rags for way too long."

We strolled through the bustling market, the air alive with the cacophony of merchants shouting their wares and the clinking of goods being exchanged. The scent of spices and freshly baked bread mingled with the salty sea breeze, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. My eyes caught sight of a small, inviting shop with a sign depicting a Den Den Mushi.

"Let's check this place out," I said, nudging Kosuke as we made our way inside.

The interior of the shop was cozy and cluttered, with shelves lined with various models of Den Den Mushi in all shapes and sizes. A bell tinkled softly as we entered, and an older woman with a warm smile looked up from behind the counter.

"Looking for a Den Den Mushi?" she asked, her voice kind and welcoming.

"Yeah, we need one," I replied, stepping closer to examine the different models on display. "Preferably one that doesn't gossip as much as the last one we bought."

Kosuke gave me a sidelong glance, his expression skeptical. "Dante, they don't gossip. They transmit messages."

I chuckled, waving him off. "Yeah, yeah. But this one," I pointed to a medium-sized model with a sleek shell and vibrant colors, "looks like it might be the strong, silent type."

The clerk laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "That's a reliable model. Good choice. Shall we discuss the price?"

After a bit of friendly haggling, during which the clerk showed surprising tenacity for her age, we finally settled on a price. She carefully packed the Den Den Mushi into a sturdy box and handed it to me with a smile.

"Take good care of it," she said. "And remember, it's all about how you treat them."

"Thanks," I replied, grinning as I tucked the box under my arm. "We'll make sure it feels right at home."

Kosuke and I stepped back into the lively market, the new Den Den Mushi securely in tow. The next stop was a tailor shop, where we picked out fresh clothes for everyone. The tailor, a meticulous man with an eye for detail, ensured that each piece was perfectly fitted.

Afterward, we headed to a medical supply store to get equipment for Lucy's clinic. The shop was well-organized, with rows of bandages, syringes, and other medical instruments gleaming under the bright lights. The sterile smell of antiseptic filled the air, and the quiet hum of the air conditioning provided a soothing backdrop.

"We need to get Lucy some proper gear for her clinic," I said, picking up a stethoscope and examining it. Its cold, metallic sheen reflected my face. "She's been talking non-stop about setting it up on Karate Island."

Kosuke nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the shelves. "Yes, she'll be thrilled."

We moved through the aisles, carefully selecting items. The clinking of metal instruments and the rustling of packaging punctuated our conversation.

"This scalpel looks good," Kosuke said, holding it up to the light. "Sharp and precise. Just what she needs."

I added it to our growing pile of supplies. "She's gonna be so happy with this," I said, picturing her face lighting up with joy. The thought of Lucy's excited reaction made us both smile, adding a warm glow to the otherwise clinical environment.

As we approached the counter to pay, the cashier gave us a knowing smile. "Stocking up for a new clinic?"

"Yeah," I replied, nodding.

The cashier rang up our items, and we left the store with bags full of medical supplies.

As we made our way through the bustling market, Kosuke's eyes were drawn to a gunshop tucked between a spice vendor and a blacksmith.

The shop's sign creaked in the wind, and through the glass windows, an impressive array of firearms was visible. We stepped inside, the smell of gunpowder mingling with the scent of metal and oil.

Kosuke's attention was immediately captured by a unique weapon displayed prominently on a rack. "Look at that," he said, his voice steady and serious as he pointed to a gun that resembled a flintlock but had a rotating chamber instead of a smooth barrel.

Intrigued, we approached the counter where the shopkeeper, a grizzled old man with a missing tooth and a leather apron, gave us a toothless grin. "Ah, you've got a good eye," he said, his voice gravelly. "This here is an experimental piece. It's a revolver disguised as a flintlock. They call it - Flintlock .44 Caliber 6 Shot Revolver."

I picked it up, marveling at its design. The weight felt balanced, and the craftsmanship was impeccable. "A revolver, huh? What's the story with this thing?"

The shopkeeper nodded, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Yep. It is capable of rapid-fire with six chambers. But it's new, so reliability is still up in the air. Not many have tested it in battle."

I glanced at Kosuke, who examined the weapon with a critical eye. "We need weapons that can handle the unexpected," he said, his tone measured.

"We'll take all four pieces you have and a whole load of bullets," I said, turning back to the shopkeeper. "Who knows, maybe it'll be the next big thing, or maybe it'll blow up in our faces. Either way, it'll be interesting."

The shopkeeper chuckled, his laugh a raspy sound. "You're brave lads. I'll get them packed up for you."

As we waited, Kosuke continued to inspect the other firearms, his expression thoughtful. "These could give us an edge," he remarked quietly.

After making the purchase, we headed back to the ship, the weight of our new firearms and medical supplies adding a sense of purpose to our steps.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the harbor.

Before boarding, we decided to throw a feast for the whole crew to celebrate our bounty.

The celebration was lively, filled with laughter and stories. Lanterns hung from the rigging, casting a warm, flickering light over the deck. The aroma of roasted meats and fresh bread filled the air, mingling with the salty tang of the sea. The crew gathered around long tables, plates piled high with food, and mugs of ale in hand.

As the night wore on, I approached the captain, "Here's the money for the damages to your ship. Thanks for everything," I said, handing him a stack of notes.

The captain accepted the money with a nod, his weathered face softening into a rare smile. "It's been an honor having you aboard," he said, tucking the money into his coat.

Kosuke, standing beside me, raised his glass. "To new adventures and good friends," he declared, his voice steady and sincere.

We all cheered, clinking our glasses together under the starry sky and the future looked bright.

After the toast, I found Lucy sitting at the edge of the deck, gazing out at the horizon. I joined her, handing her a glass of wine. "We got you something special for your clinic," I said, grinning.

Lucy turned to me, her eyes lighting up. "Really? What did you find?"

Kosuke approached, carrying a bag full of medical supplies. "We thought you could use these," he said, setting the bag down in front of her.

Lucy's face broke into a radiant smile as she sifted through the supplies. "This is perfect! You guys are the best," she said, giving Kosuke a quick kiss on the cheek. Kosuke's usual stoic expression softened, a rare smile playing on his lips.

Nearby, Taro watched us with wide eyes. He approached hesitantly, his admiration for us clear in his gaze. "You guys were amazing today," he said, his voice full of awe. "The way you handled those pirates, it was like watching legends in action. I want to be strong like you someday."

I ruffled Taro's hair, chuckling. "Stick with us, kid, and you'll get there. Just keep working hard and never give up."

Kosuke nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Strength comes from within, Taro. You have it in you."

Taro beamed, his chest puffing out with pride. "Thanks, Kosuke. I won't let you down."

The celebration continued late into the night.

The next morning, we boarded the ship to travel back to Karate Island. The journey was just a week long, filled with the usual routines of sailing and the occasional friendly banter. The sea was calm, and the sky clear, making the trip smooth and pleasant.

As we disembarked at Karate Island, the familiar sights and sounds welcomed us back. The lush greenery and towering mountains felt like home. We said our goodbyes to the crew and finally turned to Taro, who stood with a big grin on his face.

"Well, Taro, this is where we part ways," I said, clapping him on the shoulder. "But I have a little gift for you before we go. Close your eyes."

Taro, always eager for surprises, obediently shut his eyes tight. I touched his buck tooth and used my devil fruit powers to reshape his teeth to look normal.

"Alright, you can open them now," I said, holding up a small mirror in front of his face.

Taro's eyes went wide with surprise as he saw his reflection. "Whoa! What happened to my teeth?" he exclaimed, touching his now normal-looking mouth.

I grinned. "I fixed them for you. Thought you might like a change."

But Taro's expression quickly shifted from surprise to indignation. "Hey! My buck teeth were my trademark! Now I look... normal!"

"Do you want me to change them back?" I asked, already preparing to use my powers again.

Taro waved his hands frantically. "No, no, it's okay! I can live with this face. I forgive you, Dante. Really, it's fine!"

The whole crew burst into laughter at our antics. Even Kosuke cracked a rare smile. Lucy giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Alright, Taro, take care of yourself," I said, still chuckling. "And remember, if you ever want your teeth back, you know where to find me."

"Yeah, yeah," Taro grumbled good-naturedly. "Safe travels, you guys. I'll miss you."

With our goodbyes said and a final wave to Taro, the three of us made our way to the dojo to meet Sensei Tetsuro. The path was familiar, each step bringing back memories of our training and the journey we had undertaken together.

As we approached the dojo, the sturdy wooden building stood proudly amidst the greenery. Sensei Tetsuro was waiting for us at the entrance, his posture as disciplined and regal as ever.

"Welcome back," he greeted us with a slight bow. "I trust your journey was fruitful."

"It was, Sensei," Kosuke replied, his tone respectful. "We have much to share with you."

"Good," Sensei Tetsuro said, his eyes twinkling with interest. "Come inside, then."

We followed Sensei Tetsuro inside the dojo. The familiar scent of polished wood and incense greeted us, bringing a sense of calm and nostalgia. Hiro was there, diligently sweeping the floors, his mop of hair bouncing with each stroke.

As soon as he saw us, his face lit up with joy. "You're back!" he exclaimed, dropping the broom and rushing over to meet us.

Sensei Tetsuro nodded at Hiro. "Hiro, go and bring tea and some snacks for our guests. They must be weary from their journey."

"Yes, Sensei!" Hiro replied enthusiastically, dashing off to the kitchen.

We sat down on the tatami mats, taking a moment to relax. When Hiro returned, he carried a tray laden with tea and an assortment of snacks. He served us carefully, then took his place beside Sensei Tetsuro, looking eager to hear our stories.

I took a sip of the fragrant tea and began to introduce Lucy. "Sensei, Hiro, this is Lucy. You know her from Kosuke rambling about all day long. She's a skilled doctor and wishes to open a clinic here on Karate Island to treat people and gain experience."

Lucy giggled at my remark about Kosuke and then bowed respectfully. "It's an honor to meet you, Sensei Tetsuro. I've heard much about you from Dante and Kosuke."

Sensei Tetsuro studied her for a moment, then nodded approvingly. "Your ambition is commendable. I recommend speaking to an old friend of mine, Master Takeda. He has a vacant property in the village that would be perfect for a clinic."

Lucy's eyes brightened with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Sensei Tetsuro. I will do my best to honor your recommendation."

Sensei Tetsuro smiled slightly. "I have no doubt you will." He then turned to us. "Rest here at the dojo for the day. You've earned it."

We all agreed, feeling the weariness of our journey starting to catch up with us.

We were assigned a hall, we put our bags there and Hiro helped us arrange our luggage.

However, I had one more plan in mind. "Hiro, come with me for a bit," I said, standing up.

Hiro looked puzzled but followed me outside, leaving Kosuke and Lucy behind. As we walked through the quiet courtyard, I couldn't help but grin. "I thought we'd leave the two lovebirds alone for a while," I joked.

Hiro blinked in confusion. "Lovebirds?"

I chuckled. "Kosuke and Lucy. Didn't you notice how they look at each other?"

Hiro's eyes widened in realization, and he blushed deeply. "Oh! I didn't realize... I mean, they do seem close..."

"Exactly," I said, clapping him on the back. "They could use some alone time. Besides, we haven't had a proper chat in a while. How's your training been going?"

Hiro's face lit up with enthusiasm as he started to recount his progress. "Sensei Tetsuro has been pushing me hard, and I feel like I'm getting stronger every day. I've been working on my speed and agility, and I can almost keep up with you now!"

I nodded, impressed. "That's great to hear, Hiro. Keep at it, and soon you'll be surpassing us all."

We continued our conversation as we strolled through the dojo grounds.


A/N: New things has been added to Ch-3 just now at 3:55pm 27 may, GMT+5:30

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