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2.17% Immortal Cultivation Temptations / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Unexpected Revelation: Luo Tian's Spiritual Root.

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: The Unexpected Revelation: Luo Tian's Spiritual Root.

As the name echoed in the air, a hushed silence descended upon the audience. All eyes turned toward a figure stepping forward.

The grand hall fell silent and watched expectantly as a tall, slender figure stepped forward from the shadows of the wings. His long black hair cascaded down his back like a silk curtain, shimmering with each movement of his body. A smile crept across his lips as he leisurely walked towards the stage, unbothered by the onlookers' stares.

Luo Tian's appearance was that of an exceedingly well-crafted sculpture. Every feature on his face fit together perfectly; it was not hard to imagine him waking up, combing through his hair while staring into the mirror admiringly at himself, before dressing elegantly and walking out of a mansion to attend some noble ceremony. Only then would he return home to pore over tax laws and legal documents in front of an antique wooden desk until it was time for bed once more.

Everything about Luo Tian seemed calculated to create this kind of impression—his refined, elegant clothing, his naturally good looks, even the way he carried himself exuded privilege and aristocracy. No one seeing him could deny that he possessed an air of cool confidence and charisma, a mysterious allure that invited people to get close to him and discover what made him tick. He'd been gifted with many wonderful traits that drew others to him while simultaneously ensuring that he remained distant enough to remain tantalizingly out of reach—as if alluring someone into marrying him were part of a contract written years ago by fate herself. He carried himself with an imperious attitude that ensured everyone knew their place beneath him without having to be told or shoved around. He was the ultimate prize, one that they could look at but could not touch lest they be punished cruelly for their audacity.

Luo Tian's handsome face possessed piercing eyes that shone red like smoldering coals, lips twisted into a confident smile. His high cheekbones gave his face boldness while the pitch-black pupils in those unnerving eyes betrayed an aggressive nature that seemed like they would burn holes through anything pointed at them.

A rugged jawline emphasized strength and fortitude where it was needed most – on his face – while almond-shaped eyes dilated into thin slits when he concentrated made people want to serve him without question.

All the young and old alike, including Yu Hui, had their eyes fixed on him. The younger ones were captivated by his strange appearance, especially women. While the elder was intrigued by his aura and temperament.

"This boy," Elder Yu Hui said with a dubious face, his eyes intently studying Luo Tian. "He feels different than those around him. Even the keenest observer would take note of his mature and cunning gaze." His eyebrows rose as he connected with Luo Tian's gaze.

The collective breath of the deacons seemed to still as they followed Yu Hui's every word, expecting that something greater was in store for Luo Tian. The elder continued, "Let's see what the result of his talent test will be..." His words hung in the air as he looked at Luo Tian.

Everyone fixated their gazes on Luo Tian now; the intensity of their attention eclipsing even the enthusiasm that had been lavished upon Zhang Ying only minutes before. It was as if everyone had recognized something hidden inside him and were eager to uncover it through this test. A silent curiosity pervaded the atmosphere, with none willing to break it.

With careful deliberation and a touch of trepidation, Luo Tian extended his hand to the crystal bar. The room became deathly still as he touched it, awaiting the revelation of his bone age.

"Bone Age: 16," intoned the Deacon with approval in his voice, "You may proceed to the next assessment."

Luo Tian nodded at the result without showing much additional reaction. Then his eyes moved down to the Spiritual Root Detection Crystal Bar. He took a deep breath and focused himself for the final test. He was filled with anticipation but also a strong sense of apprehension about this last moment. Could this be it? Would he pass? His fingers gently brushed over an unidentified object on the surface of the bar…



In an instant, the obsidian crystal glowed with a soft light that pulsed slowly. The surrounding onlookers gasped in awe as the light enveloped Luo Tian, making him seem transcendent and otherworldly.

They whispered to each about what they were seeing as more light poured out of the crystal, as if it were an invitation for something greater than them all.

Whispers of astonishment and wonder swept through the hall as the anomaly unfolded before their eyes. The divine light cast a mystical aura around Luo Tian, hinting at something extraordinary within him, something that defied their ordinary expectations. The light washed over his skin like water slipping down a statue of marble, cool and clear. Ripples flickered across his muscles like waves in a lake.

A wave of disbelief and astonishment surged through the crowd, their voices rising to a fever pitch as they spoke among themselves.

"What is going on? I've never seen this before! Not even during Zhang Ying's assessment!"

"Heaven-Grade Spiritual Root?! Could that guy actually possess a Heaven-Grade Spiritual Root, accounting for his inconceivable reaction?"

"This can't be true! It's said that Heaven-Grade Spiritual Roots appear only once in a millennium, or even a hundred thousand years!"

Amidst the chaos and speculation, envy and jealousy smoldered within the hearts of those surrounding Luo Tian. They wished they could take his place, to be blessed by such extraordinary fortune.

On the side, deacon watched with a stunned expression "This kind of rare phenomena can only be seen if it's a Heaven-Grade Spiritual Root! Heavens blesses my Profound Sword Palace." he spoke softly with trembling tone.

Elder Yu Hui couldn't contain his excitement. His eyes ablaze with an intense fervor, he rose from his seat and spoke in a voice that seemed to resonate with a deep longing, "Heaven-Grade… will my Profound Sword Palace produce another Heaven-Grade spiritual root?"

Luo Tian, however, remained remarkably composed despite the heightened emotions and anticipation in the air. He fixed his gaze upon the crystal bar as though he were detached from the impending revelation. Inwardly, he muttered a quiet phrase, bracing himself for what was to come. 'Let's see how it goes,' Luo Tian thought silently.


The grand hall descended into a hushed silence as the divine energy radiated from Spiritual root detection crystal bar. A golden hue swirled around Luo Tian's body, spinning faster and faster until it resounded like a thunderous roar, echoing off the ancient walls of the grand hall. The spectators watched in awe, barely daring to breathe as they waited for the characters that would determine whether Luo Tian had achieved Heaven-Grade Spiritual Root. But much to their shock, the gleaming light suddenly evaporated, leaving them all stunned and confused.

"What the fuck?!" A voice erupted from the crowd, a deep wave of shock and disbelief radiating through the atmosphere. Heads turned in unison towards Elder Yu Hui, whose face contorted as though he had swallowed something distasteful. The bewilderment etched across his features mirrored the sentiments of those gathered.

"But... what in the name of heavens is happening here?!" Another voice exclaimed, reflecting the bafflement and disbelief that coursed through the onlookers.

Their gazes shifted to the crystal bar, where bold characters stood, conveying an unexpected revelation: "High Level, Mortal-Grade Spiritual Roots." Gasps covered the square as people exchanged disbelieving glances.

"Luo Tian... High Level, Mortal-Grade Spiritual Root, eligible for the next assessment," the deacon presiding over the assessment stuttered out loud, seeming unable to make sense of what he was witnessing himself.

"Are you kidding me? After all that spectacle, his spiritual roots aren't even Earth-Grade?" One person cried out, expressing his astonishment at Luo Tian's results.

"Damn, I wasted my anticipation on him." Another muttered resentfully.

"Hmph, did you really expect him to surpass Senior Sister Zhang Ying with a Heaven-Grade Spiritual Root?" someone else added sneeringly.

"That's right, how could he ever surpass Senior Sister Zhang Ying?" another chimed in mockingly.

"What a waste of such a handsome face." Someone else sighed with disappointment.

"Hmph, what does he have besides his looks?" Another scoffed with disdain.

"He'll probably end up as someone's gigolo. In the cultivation world, true strength is what matters." A woman finished scornfully.

The once-jealous individuals seized the opportunity to criticize Luo Tian, their voices laced with spite and resentment.

Amidst the disparaging comments, Elder Yu Hui's disappointment was palpable. He had held hopes for another Heaven-Grade spiritual root to emerge from the Profound Sword Palace, yet the heavens seemed to have different plans, dashing his aspirations.

As the diverse expressions of disappointment, gloating, and anger played across the faces of those gathered in the grand hall, one individual remained conspicuously different. His demeanor was devoid of any emotion, as if he had already foreseen the outcome. That person was none other than Luo Tian himself.

Unfazed by the reactions around him, Luo Tian maintained an expressionless gaze on the crystal bar. Slowly lowering his hand, he couldn't help but acknowledge his lack of extraordinary talent for immortal cultivation. Inwardly, he silently acknowledged, "As expected, I don't possess a great talent for immortal cultivation."

If it was someone else in his shoes, they would have been driven to the brink of insanity. But Luo Tian was nothing like them. He was a transmigrator; a man who had abruptly been whisked away from Earth sixteen years ago and into this realm of immortal cultivation. He had not been born into an affluent family; hence he had no prominent teachers or tutors that could teach him the ways of Qi and immortality. Nevertheless, growing up in a household surrounded by elderly narrating stories of cultivators and their incredible feats, Luo Tian's interest for the craft only increased as he aged.

Unlike other children who lived under the fantasy of one day becoming immortal themselves, Luo Tian possessed a unique understanding of immortal cultivation because before his reincarnation he had lived for twenty-five years on Earth, a highly advanced planet where Qi and immortal cultivation were neither known nor practiced. Even so, legends about humans attaining longevity and gods with supernatural capabilities had deeply captivated his mind since youth.

In his past life, the name Luo Tian had been whispered reverently across dining tables and board rooms. He was the scion of the illustrious Luo Dynasty – a sprawling business empire that stretched its influence far and wide, especially within the boundaries of the Hua Nation. 

It was shrouded in mystery, with its intricate web of lawful and covert enterprises adept at blurring the line between legality and transgression.

Adaptability and innovation were at the heart of this dynasty – it consistently outdid its competitors through calculated risks and strategic cunning, while its enigmatic operations remained veiled in secrecy. personage like Luo Tian were formidable orchestraters, utilizing their intricate connections which spanned continents to guarantee the success and continuity of this dynasty. The moniker 'Luo Dynasty' encapsulated this complex web, representing an enigmatic power that commanded an awe-inspiring presence on the global economic stage.

As the Luo Dynasty's reach expanded, it metamorphosed into a living, breathing embodiment of power and intrigue. Stealthily tiptoeing along the blurred lines separating lawfulness from lawlessness, this colossal empire evoked a sense of complexity that only few could truly comprehend.

The rest of the world believed that the creation of this unbeatable business behemoth was a collective effort of several powerful families. But the truth was much more sinister than that - for the entire Luo Dynasty happened to be an offshoot of one solitary family: the "Luo Family." The members of this family formed the backbone of this empire, carefully overseeing every single aspect of its vast spectrum of businesses that ranged from lawful enterprises to even those activities which were considered beyond illicit.

The intricacies surrounding this family-run mega-empire were such that only a select few had any insight into its enigmatic workings.

Luo Tian, the sole heir to this behemoth of the business world, exemplified remarkable competence. His performance garnered the approval of elders and his father, the family's patriarch. A businessman by trade, he demonstrated a ruthless decisiveness that resonated with the Luo Family's values. He successfully navigated both legal and illegal ventures, yielding remarkable results year after year.

Yet no human is devoid of imperfections. Even as supported as he was by powerful allies and an influential family, Luo Tian still had his own deficiencies. One of these was his insatiable lust for beauty. He grappled with an undeniable proclivity towards desire, a weakness that would yield its own consequences.

Behind the doors of his private villas, Luo Tian embraced a lifestyle that mirrored his compulsions. Those who glimpsed this intimate aspect of his life might have deemed him the master of a harem, surrounded by an assembly of stunning women. His advances towards them had been relentless and often forced many into situations where they were powerless to decline the role he wanted to place them in. 

He knew how to twist any situation so that it benefited him, whether through striking appearance, boundless wealth, or skillful manipulation. Each woman embodied the pinnacle of nature's perfection; their mature figures drawing admiring glances from all who beheld them, while their gliding movements evoked a sense of awe in those around them. The sight of their curves and bosoms evoked lust in men. In Luo Tian's presence, they were irresistibly drawn to him, whether by his striking appearance, boundless wealth, or his array of cunning strategies. 

Their age ranging from 23 to 35, with over half of them being either married or in relationships before meeting him, each one offered the opportunity for a new sexual conquest. Their status was immaterial: single or married made no difference to him.

He grew accustomed to an agreeable and adoring group of women around him when he went on business trips. He would take them out every night to eat at fine restaurants and stay up late drinking, flirting, teasing, and dancing together, until one by one they yielded to his charms and let him take their bodies home with him.

Whenever he saw a woman he liked he would do everything to obtain her. He kept a stable full of willing women who were compliant with his every command. From seducing them with his masculine looks and almost unlimited wealth to forcing them beneath him through blackmailing and various trickery he had up his sleeves.

On that note his charm and good looks only further enhanced his success rate with women, who all eventually succumbed to his advances, in the end all of them are subdued by him in the end either falling in love with him or his manhood. With this unconventional lifestyle, he created an interesting paradox; on one hand, he was relentless in his pursuit of amorous conquests, but on the other, he held a deep fondness for all the women who shared his life. He savored every moment spent with each woman, even if it be just a fleeting interaction. Despite the surface level bravado of his behavior, there was genuine tenderness beneath.

Such was the backdrop against which Luo Tian's days unfolded in his previous life—a blend of managing the family business and indulging in the soft sinful flesh of his woman. Despite his role as a wife thieving basterd, he cultivated an intricate bond with each woman under his care. 

Of course, he also had other hobbies, reading ancient texts and novels related to the world of immortal cultivation became a hobby for Luo Tian. However, despite his reincarnation into this world, he lacked the golden opportunities that protagonists in cultivation novels typically encountered. 

Born into a meagre family, he was considered well-off among the ordinary folks. While in the perceptive of Cultivators, his lineage meant nothing as no one from his family were immortals. This became the reason why those heavenly beauties with their luminescent wings and fair gait were untouchable to him. In his past life, he had been capricious and taken advantage of many women who could only be seen as peak of beauty in that world, when he indulged in beautiful women such as cold CEOs and famous sexy actresses. Yet upon arrival here, he found that even the random women who cultivated had skin softer than a newborn and features so doll-like that they could bring man to their knees. He cursed his low birth strength as a mortal which forced him to keep his hands to himself though there were still some whom he could not possibly resist. 

The Luo family had long been waiting in anticipation for a single shining star to emerge from among them. When Luo Tian displayed an aptitude for cultivation, the family was electrified with enthusiasm; they seized this opportunity with both hands and refused to let go. With ambition pushing them forward, the Luo family worked feverishly to carve out a path for their beloved heir. 

Every penny and resource were pulled together to ensure that Luo Tian could attend the disciple acceptance ceremony, where he would have a chance to fly higher than ever before. No effort or resource was spared as the family determinedly pursued the goal of cultivating their prized descendant.

They understood the uniqueness of his talent and were eager to invest every ounce of their resources to ensure that he could make the most out of it. The initiation ceremony was a critical moment in his expedition, where he would receive access to the sect and gain instructions from skilled cultivators.

Luo Tian was well aware of his incapabilities in the field of immortal cultivation, but this did not stop him from progressing with his path.

He had not come into this world expecting fame equal to those found in stories; instead, he journeyed for a long-time longing to become powerful and indulge himself with women. He wanted to create a harem of attractive fairies, beautiful Saintesses, seductive demonesses, and those sexually frustrated alluring milfs, simultaneously rewarding the Luo family for nurturing him all these years.

His family's unceasing support and his longing for the beauty of women drove him to pursue power. He comprehended that his actual strength was not founded on having staggering skills or inborn gifts, but in the resolution and commitment he held to maximize what he had.

Therefore, despite the fact that he didn't have an amazing aptitude for cultivation, he could still battle for the chance of fortune in this realm. Tales of individuals who acquired a significant fortunate opportunity and became specialists were often heard.

As he stood amidst the clamorous crowd in the majestic hall, he knew that the course ahead would be difficult, loaded up with tests and disappointments. Yet, he confronted the vulnerability with relentless assurance empowered by his exceptional encounters from his past life on Earth.



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