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Capítulo 18: Target Acquired

Third Pov With A Totally Real Flashback Of Events That Totally Happened Exactly As Described In said flashback.

Dark and cavernous place with long, purplish corridors. We find our hero, the great Majestic Friggs, facing a group of monsters. 

"Is this it? Is this all you sent, Dungeon? Only a couple monsters. How foolish." The hero laughed in an arrogant manner, seeing the dungeons attempt to stop him from exploring every nook and cranny.

Looking around at all the goblins and kobolds surrounding him. He gives out a smirk. Brandishing his sword and dagger. He raises it up to the challenge.

"You should have brought more. I don't think there's enough of you guys for this ass kicking," he taunts his monstrous foes. Driving them into a frenzy

"Kreeeeeee!" The goblins let out a large guttural like noise.

"Grrrrrrrrr!" The kobolds snarl in response as well.

"I see. You all chose death, then. So be it. Have at thee." He starts moving, then he begins to sprint, while both the goblins and kobolds do the same. Each of them lets out a battle cry.

"AHHHHHH/KREEEEEE/RAAAAA!" Just as they're about to collide, the hero jumps into the air, raising both his weapons up high.

"Leeeroyyyy Jenkinssssss!" The hero shouted while bringing both his sword and dagger to the first goblin and Kobold pair. The start of an epic batt-

First Pov Odr

"STOP!" Rose says loudly while massaging her nose. Cutting me off when I was just about to reach the good part of the story.

"Rosey, why'd you make me stop? We were just getting to the best part. Weren't you the one who demanded a recount of my dive in the dungeon? I'm giving you what you wanted." I said it clearly, with dissatisfaction and disappointment.

"I've been listening to you talk for 20 minutes. For the most part, you literally just talked nonsense about stairs and then your grand search for monsters." Narrowing her eyes at me, she made me look away, whistling innocently.

"And when you finally found some, you expect me to believe you faced off with a group of 10 monsters on literally the first floors of the dungeon. Even when there are other adventures roaming," she recounts what I told her so far with skepticism. 

"There were actually 12 goblins, not 10. 6 goblins and Kobolds each," I clarify in my fake story. 'If you're going to bullshit, make sure to remember the facts you spewed. That's how you make sure you don't get caught. Even when we both know it's a load of horseshit'

"Really?" She gives me a look that says why you like this.

"Yes, really, really. Can I get back to my story now? There was going to be an epic battle scene with explosions and fire." I said excitedly. Wanting to continue my version of what happened.

"No." Unfortunately, she is already done humoring me.

"Oh...ok," I said, disappointed. Not being able to finish my epic tale. 'The explosions were going to make it even more badass'

"Are you really that disappointed? I didn't let you finish," Rose says while giving me a look like she's dealing with a child.

"....maybe" I refuse to look her in the eye. The common courtesy was to at least let me finish before anything else.

Pinching her nose while closing her eyes, she lets out a slow breath. Muttering something, which I turned back to listen to. Unfortunately, it's too quiet and undistinguishable.

Opening her eyes and clapping her hands together with her index fingers, she points them to me while narrowing her eyes. 

"Here's what's going to happen," she says with a frosty tone. Which means she wants me to do what she says and nothing else.

"You're going to start over, and you're going to tell me what actually happened. And not the story you think happened, but what really happened. I do not have all day, so please save us both the time and just tell me from point A to point B how you got your clothes torn. I want the abridged version and the real version of it. Ok?" Daring me to challenge her.

As I raise a hand in preparation to speak, she cuts me off.

"And no, I don't need you to start over from the stairs. Just when you got down and your encounter with the monsters and how it went from there," predicting I was about to say something stupid.

While folding my arms, I just gave her a frown. "You just really like taking the fun out of everything, don't you?"

"It's not my job to listen to you prattle on about your so-called grand adventure." She paused for a second, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Which mind you, I honestly do not believe nearly any of it happened. I'm only supposed to go over what happened with you and give my input. I don't need or want to listen to your delusions about your make-believe heroics." Finshing her statement without raising her voice, while still having that icey tone of hers.

Both of us were just sitting there for a moment, staring at each other, not willing to look away. After almost a minute, I concede by closing my eyes and sighing.

'I don't want to spend the day trying to see which one of us is more stubborn. I honestly got carried away a bit. I should have just kept it short and simple so I could leave quicker' opening my eyes, I rest both of my arms on the back of the couch.

"Fine, have it your way. After crossing the first challenge and making it to the first floor," I say, mentioning the stairs, which makes her narrow her eyes.

"I started exploring the first floor, looking for any available monsters. I met a lot of other adventurers who were working as well. From there, I spent literally hours looking and ended up with nothing, which at the time was odd to me." As I was about to continue, I was interrupted by Rosey here.

"Why, I already covered in your orientation that for new adventures, you still have to compete with other rookies to gain monsters, as it's first come, first served. You should have expected this and knew it would take time." She frowns after a second.

"I literally covered it right before you went in. Were you not paying attention?" Sending a sharp, cold glare my way


Flashback Hours Ago Before the Dungeon.

I keep my eyes forward, looking at my advisor, while totally listening to her words as she continues her lecture.

"Blah blah blah Monsters, blah blan blah other Adventurers, blah blah blah patience." She continues what has been a 30-minute talk so far and is not slowing down.

'How much longer? The words are starting to blur' to my side as I see my Puppy Captain looking at her nails. Noticing my look, she sends a small wave with a tiny, lazy smirk. 

'Typical' facing my advisor again, I continue to listen to her talk more about the basic information all adventurers should know.

'I mean, how hard is it honestly going to be to find a monster in the dungeon? I bet I'll find one literally no later than 10 to 20 minutes in' I nodded to myself about whats probably going to happen while making it look like I was nodding to her.

Unfortunately for me, I lost that bet by a huge margin. 


"I was totally listening, 100%. And I remember the word patience out of everything. That was how I was able to stick it out and eventually encountered a couple monsters." Giving her a confident smile. However, on the inside,.

'Curse you past me and your short attention span. Look what you did! You left me with your mess, you asshole.'

"Righttttt." Dragging out that word, emphasizing how much she actually believes me "If I were a petty person, I would test you to see how much you actually remember. But I just feel like the answer you try to make up will give me a headache."

"Most likely"

"You're not even going to try to deny it, are you?"

"For your information, I stick with the 100% comment. However, I agree that I probably would answer it in a huge roundabout way just to prove I was actually paying attention. Which is more effort than needed and probably ending up with that headache you claim."

"Just finish already with what happened," she says, rubbing her forehead.

"Gladly. After spending time looking around, I stop to restrategize." 

'and start to kick Dungeon-chan's walls and complain' 

"And in my hour of need, a kind and totally not suspicious person from the Hermes Familia, Lulune, bestowed on to me advice as a senior adventurer to a fresh rookie. Which was quite helpful, but I already had such information from my wonderful, caring, and forgiving advisor that I learned said information from." 

"Your fake praise is not going to change anything, when we both clearly know that you weren't actually listening."

"Lies and slander," I say naturally, without raising my voice. Making one of her eyes twitch.

"Get to the monsters already," she says, grinting her teeth, and if I listen closely, I can hear a faint growling noise.

"Finnnnnne, I'll make it quicker. Saying goodbye to my new acquaintance. I spent a little bit more time looking around. When that wasn't working, I attempted a plea to the Mighty God Murphy."

"Who Murphy? I never heard of a god with that name." In regards to her statement, I just waved it off.

"And Almighty force that you should never tempt. Only in dire situations when there's no other choice left," which obviously I did in the end since I was left with no other option.

"Yet you did it anyway," Rosey says while giving that look that's saying what's wrong with you. 

"Yet I did it anyway. So after taking a break and walking to one of the walls to rest,"

'And to bargain and probably beg Dungeon-Chan to help me out. When that didn't work, I used my questionable magic to attempt a reaction, that worked' I thought to myself because if I actually told her what happened, I'd probably be red flagged right away.

"Literally no sooner than that, the walls start to tremble and crack, and three monsters pop out—two goblins and one Kobold." I paused for a bit. I see she folded her arms, waiting for me to continue, which I obliged.

"To cut the story short, I started to engage first the Kobold, then when a goblin was sneaking up on me, I roundhouse kicked it into the second one, momentarily disorienting both."

"After a quick fight with the douche who ruined my coat when he landed a tiny, and I say tiny, scratch on my side, which was nothing I told you."

"You underestimated it, didn't you?" she calls out, on point what happened.

"I totally did not. He just got lucky." I countered what actually happened. 'So lucky' "moving on after taking the stupid dog's ability to move, I went and took care of the two goblins quickly without getting injured from there on. After that, I went off to finish the Kobold."


"Then I did what I was supposed to do, which I was told multiple times from multiple people," I give her a pointed look. Which she ignored. "I began to take out the magic stones. And after that, I spent a little bit more time looking for any more monsters."

"Did you find any?"

"Just one more goblin. I noticed I was down there for awhile, with other adventures on the floor. I just called it quits. I felt like I was there for a couple hours, so I came up to the surface and then headed to the guild to cash in my stones. And the rest is history." I finish while folding my arms and leaning into the couch.

"Yes, about that. We're finally at the part when you attempted to flee after getting your Valis." I snorted at the obvious trap.

"I did no such thing; I was clearly about to head into your line. Regardless of what the other person says, especially pink-haired ones that will not be named." I give a point to the look of the bubblegum-haired guild employee. Who was obviously eavesdropping. Flashing me a peace sign.

Rose, seeing where I'm looking, notices it as well and sends a glare her way. That sends her running back to work. After staring for a couple seconds and making sure Misha is actually working, she faces me again.

"Did you learn anything from your first dive, at least?" She says it with a neutral tone, not accusing me of anything or calling me out for getting hurt. But I can sense how serious she is. 

I look at her for a couple seconds, generally wondering how I should answer this. In the end, I just sigh.

"I learned how much I'm lacking. Regardless of what I say about the tiny scratch, which it is, I still got hit in the end. I am overestimated in my abilities. And I have to take my career as an adventurer more seriously. I have lots of room for improvement. So next time, I won't get caught off guard."

'Especially after meeting the king himself, Ottar. I have such a long way to go if I want to be able to dictate my own life.'

"I see. very well than." She says, standing up with me sending her a confused look, "I think we can end our discussion for now. We can pick this up another day."

"Really, just like that?" I said while getting up as well. While inwardly worried if this is also a trap. 

"Despite what you may think, Mr. Friggs, I do not enjoy lecturing you constantly. I take my job very seriously. If you were to give me any other answer than the one you just gave, I would have forced you to sit down and impart to you the importance of safety and being prepared for the dungeon."

I don't interrupt her, wanting to see where this is going.

"In the end, you were able to admit to yourself your shortcoming. And that's all I ask for, my adventurers. For them to least be accountable for their actions and for them to always make sure they work towards always coming back alive. I despise cocky, arrogant, and prideful adventurers who refuse to change. That usually leads to their deaths."

"I see." I was honestly stumped after hearing her true feelings.

Looking me in the eye for the next part, so what she says next, I don't forget. 

"Let me remind you that the life of an adventurer is not a game. I do not enjoy hearing that my charges die. I know it is hypocritical with the career I'm in. That is why I tried to keep a professional distance between me and my advisee. However, I always strive to perform my duties regardless of my personal feelings." 

"I'm not going to die, Rose. Not anytime soon," I tell her, equally serious, dropping my playful personality.

"That Mr.Friggs has remains to be seen."

'Ouch, what a blow!' Like an imaginary arrow, pierced me. She continues.

"If you keep working toward whatever goals you have, it's just going to get harder from here on in. Especially if you choose to keep exploring the dungeon and all that it entails and reach the lower floors." She turns around after that, but is not leaving just yet.

"Rose I know we just met literally yesterday. But let me say this." She turns back around to look at me, hearing what I have to say.

"I can lie and say I'll always come back in one piece, but we both know that isn't true. There may be times that I come back injured or bloodied, but that's the thing. I will come back." I noticed her gripping her fist after that.

"I won't make false promises that I have no guarantee of. All I can promise is that I will always try my hardest to make it back up whenever I go down. Not only to you but also to my familia and any other important people I will meet while in Orario. I hope you can be satisfied with that, at least as my guild advisor."

For a couple seconds, it's just silent, with neither of us speaking. Until she turns around and begins to walk away. I shake my head, turning to the exit, and am about to leave as well until I hear her call out. I stop without turning around.

"I'll hold you to that promise, Mr.Friggs. However, prove it with your actions, not your words. You're not the first to make promises like that, and you probably won't be the last."

I smirked and said, "Don't worry, I will. How else am I going to hear your lectures if I don't come back" I honestly thought I heard her snort after that. 

"See that you do, Mr.Friggs. Have a good day." 

"You too, Rosey. Good luck with work." I started to walk away again.

While walking to the door, I remembered something and stopped. 'Better make sure I have an alibi for later, in case I'm ever questioned by a god or goddess.' Sighing, 'Miach-dammit, even after that cool and sweet moment we had' I turn back to my advisor, watching her go. 

"Hey Rosey, wait a second. I have a quick question for you." I call out to her, making her stop. She sighs, but still turns around.

"What is it now, Mr.Friggs? I have work to get back and other people to deal with," she says, folding her arms across her chest. She gives me a look, waiting for me to ask my question, "So what is it?"

"Do you recall when I asked you about the hostess of fertility and someone named Mia?"

"Yes, Mia Grand. What about it?"

"Well, can you tell me a little bit about her and the hostess of fertility? I know you gave me a general direction with the map I drew. If you can give me any other information, I'd really appreciate it. I want to drop off the letter as soon as possible." Finishing the explanation.

'I'm only asking just in case I am ever questioned by any god or goddess. I just need another reason why I have this knowledge other than having read the light novel, manga, or watched the anime.'

'Like, how I knew about its connection to Freya. If I'm ever asked by my God or any other deity. Regardless of that, I'm still going to find someone else to deliver this letter on my behalf.'

I already learned a bit about the hostess from the old man, Rudra, and now I'm trying to exploit Mia's connection to Freya as her former captain, which Rudra never mentioned.


'So if I ever need it for a statement where I can't lie, I can say I knew it was from him, but now I have my second alibi for my anti-lie detector plan. If I get Rose to tell me it herself, technically, it wouldn't be a lie to say that I learned it from someone else other than my own other worldly knowledge.' Flawless logic

I nodded inwardly toward myself for the well-thought-out plan. While in my head, I gave myself a five. I pay attention when Rose starts to speak again.

"Right the letter." She sighs but walks closer to me anyway, so she doesn't have to raise her voice. 'I don't get paid enough for this,' Rose thought to herself, stopping in front of her advisee.

"Well, there isn't much to say, really. What I know is that she used to be the former captain of one of the strongest Familia currently. The Freya Familia until she retired and opened her pub. Last I heard, she was at level six before she retired. 

"That's it?" I was honestly confused and a little disappointed that she didn't give me more.

'At least she said Mia was Freya's former captain.' If I'm ever asked by Lord Rizz why I'm avoiding the hostess of fertility, I'll just tell him it's connection to Freya, which I learned from Rosey here and a bit from old man Rudra.

"What else do you want?"

"I don't know what she looks like, for example, or her personality. She used to be the captain of the strongest Familia. And what I know about them, she couldn't just be a normal person if she were their captain. I know bits and pieces from a mutual acquaintance to whom I'm delivering the letter for. I just want to know what I should expect."

"I know of her, but I never met her personally. I hear Ms.Grand is strict with her employees and customers alike. Also, she doesn't tolerate any violence within her place of business." She frowns slightly, thinking a bit and trying to remember more information.

"She is strong-willed and straightforward. Ms.Grand is part of the dwarf race with brown eyes and long brown hair. Her alias when she was an active adventurer was Demi Ymir. However, now days she prefers if people call her Mama Mia. Why? I don't know." Shrugging off the last part. 

"I see. So what you're saying is, try not to be a smartass, and I won't get beaten." Flawless logic again.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Smirking Slighlty "Honestly, I heard she cares more for money than anything. If you don't make a mess of her place and just spend a lot valis there. I don't think she would care much about your personality."

"Gee thanks. Obviously, any business owner enjoys getting paid."

"Well, you asked," she paused, remembering something else. "Well, from what I heard from my coworkers, I think this will help you if you get a little bit lost. I see their uniform consists of a green above-the-knee dress with long puffy sleeves and a white collar. Ms.Grand is blue, however. With a white apron and headband, having an all-orange bow under the collar. Finshing with black leggings and short brown ankle boots," she said, nodding to herself and her accurate memory.

"That's oddly specific, how do you remember all of that?" I said, a little bit weirded out and impressed. She is capable of remembering all these details. Even to a place she had never been.

"You're the one that asked. I just have a good memory, you know, with a job like this and the hundreds of adventures I have to deal with." Sending a small glare my way, questioning her ability to remember information.

"Sorry, my bad. It was an honest question. Also, respect for being able to remember all of that." I raise my hands in surrender. While complimenting her. Making her roll her eyes. Looking away, scoffing.

"Whatever." Turning her face halfway towards me so I can see one of her eyes "I know usually Ms.Grand or one of the employees comes to the guild to do business somewhat regularly. Taxes and other business-related issues. So I saw what the uniform looked like. I was just throwing in that extra fact to help you easily identify her pub." She finishes answering my question. Which makes me smile. 

'Despite her personality and her attitude toward adventurers, I can at least respect her work ethic. If a lot of men just stop flirting with her and asking her out, she will probably be less frosty with her attitude. Oh well. Take it or leave it, I guess.'

"Thanks, Rose," her left eye raising for a bit with me calling her by name and not the nickname I bestowed on her.

"I honestly appreciate everything you've done for me. Even though it's only been two days since we met, I'm really glad you're my advisor and willing to put up with me.

"Thank you, Mr.Friggs. I appreciate that." Giving a fraction of a smile. Which is hard to see. "Despite your unique personality traits, you are not the worst adventure I was ever charged with."

"You wanted to say annoying, didn't you, or frustrating?" I say, grinning. Knowing exactly what she really wanted to say.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Turning around so I can't see her smirk "Seeing as you have nothing else to discuss, I'll be going now. I have other duties to attend to. So you have a good day, Mr.Friggs."

"You too, Rosey, you too." This time, for real. I leave the guild and start to head home.

Taking the familiar route back to the Blue Pharmacy, I eventually made it home. Opening the door, I call out what I always like to say whenever I come back home.

"Bossman. Puppy Captain. I'm home," I announced while walking in. However, instead of a return greeting, all I see is my captain's sleeping on the job. Resting her head on the counter.

Pouting a little bit for not getting a welcome home. And being a little salty, I walk over to the lazy captain of mine. And start to poke her cheek.

Every time I poke her cheek, her eye twitches. And suddenly she starts to swat at the hand that's defiling her sleep. Until suddenly, she raised her head, irritated.

"" She slowly states, just waking up, turning to the person who dares to wake her. Until she sees me and just lets out a sigh, annoyed.

"Oh, it's just you, Idiot Vice-Captain, when did you get back?" She says it lazily, which just makes me a little bit irritated.

"Just now. If you were paying attention, you would have heard me literally say, I was home."

"You did? I didn't hear anything."

"Of course I did, and you would have heard it if you weren't sleeping."

"Sounds like a you problem," she says, like I was the one at fault, and as I'm about to complain like no tomorrow, she keeps talking, knocking the wind from my sails.

"Nevertheless, welcome home," she says while giving me a lazy smile. I just can't help but snort at her attempt to change the subject.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I'm home." While looking around, I turned back to her, questioningly, "Where's the bossman? I thought he would be here too; at least if he was, I would have gotten the welcome I deserved."

"First off, it's Miach-Sama. How many times do I have to tell you?" she said, pointing a finger at me and making her point. After pointing it down and putting both elbows on the counter, she rests her face on both hands. "Secondly, he's been out running errands for a while now. Which I'm worried about?"

"Worried why?" 

"....Miach-sama Is kind, like you know.", which I nod "And sometimes he's too kind for his own good. And occasionally, he gives out our product for free, thinking it's a nice thing to do. Even knowing we have debt and all."

"Yeah, now I can see why you're worried."

"Right. I know he said to trust him and his ability to run errands. I just hope he's not out there giving away stuff for free and being his usual self. Especially with the opposite sex," she mutters the last part quietly. But I get what she was talking about.

'Right the natural gigolo who unintentionally flirts with women, not even knowing what he's doing. I wish I had the ability to do what he dose. My life would be so much better.'

"Well, we should just have faith in the bossman. Who knows? Maybe he won't run into anyone and come back home right away. It's not like you can leave and spy on him. Someone has to be manning the counter for the blue pharmacy."

I paused a bit, realizing I could manage the store. However, I don't exactly know the product that well just yet, so I tried to make an excuse.

"I would do it, but I have no idea how to run a potion pharmacy yet since you guys didn't teach me. So I wouldn't trust me to manage this place on my own just yet. Also, like, who knows, maybe you'll actually get a customer." 

Lightly glaring at me for the customer bit, "Rude, I'll have you know I actually had a couple people here today while you were out." 

"Oh, fantastic. Were you able to sell a lot of anything?" generally curious.


"I'll take the silence as a no."

"Anyway, as you said, I can't leave the blue pharmacy unattended. It's not like I have anyone to cover for me like you said or look for him."

However, she pauses after that last statement with her eyes slightly opening and looking in my direction. I look at her, confused, for a second until I realize what she's thinking. I crossed my arms in a X shape, shaking my head.

"No, just no. I literally just got back, and I'm tired. The answer is no."

"I didn't even say anything," she says, huffing while folding her arms.

"You didn't have to. I can obviously tell what you were planning. You want me to go on your behalf and spy on the bossman, because you can't. Woman I just literally spent a lot of hours down in the dungeon. Let a man rest. The answer is no."

".....and if it's a direct order from your captain?" She says throwing down the seniority card.

"This is abuse of power," I say naturally with a flat face and tone.

"So," she said, not caring at all.

We just had a staring contest for a bit. I click my tongue and look away.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it. You're so lucky I have to deliver a letter anyway. While I'm out, I'll probably keep an eye out for Bossman and prevent him from driving us further into debt." I said heading for the back door to go to my room to retrieve the letter.

"Oh good, I'm happy you came to the decision all on your own, just like a good vice captain should for their captain."

"Yeah, whatever, just write down where I should look for him. Because this is literally a huge city, if you don't tell me exactly where to look, I'll probably never find him at all."

"Ok," she says, looking for something to write with.

After making a quick trip upstairs, I grabbed the letter and my map of the city. I come back downstairs to see her holding a small note that I took from her. Has a name for a glasswork shop, probably where they get their supply of vials and beakers for potions.

"What I just gave you is the name of the store Miach-Sama went to for our supply of new vials for our potions and antidotes. "

"This is helpful and all, but can you actually point it out on the map I brought down." I give her the map, which she opens and circles a place after looking it over and giving it back to me.

"Make sure to actually look for him and not goof around. I'm not expecting you to find him right away, but at least put the effort into looking for him. I'll know if you did or not."

"Yeah, whatever slave driver. You could at least give me a proper send-off instead of a threat." I said opening the door. I was looking at her, waiting for a goodbye or good luck.

"Have a safe trip," she says lazily at her attempt at a proper goodbye.

"Points for trying, I guess. I'll see you later, puppy Captain, hopefully with our God by my side." while walking out the door, pulling at the map, and starting to head to where she circled. After studying it for a bit, I put it away inside my coat.

"Now to track down a Lord of Rizz and hopefully stop him from giving out stuff for free. And just maybe catching a quick glimpse at a natural Gigolo at work. If I'm lucky."


Looking left and right, passing by the other residents of Orario. I take note of the different races. There are a couple demi-humans over there and some elves over there. I even see some pallums. 

'Huh, I guess this is my life now. Where this is an everyday occurrence'


I even passed what I presume is an Amazon theme shop. I used all my willpower to keep moving forward instead of stopping. Until I stop for a second.

'What are the chances for a natural gigolo to be in an Amazon clothes store?' I look in the direction of the store I passed. 'Hmmm, should I waste my time and check it out or not? I mean, it's better safe than sorry, right?


I stood there for a second, debating what to do. In the end, I flipped one of the Valis coins I had. I catch it and slap it on my other hand. I slowly raise my hand and see the results.

"Tsk," I said, clicking my teeth. I start moving again while looking for my God.

While walking, I take out the envelope with the letter for Mama Mia. Wondering what I should do. 

'The smart thing will be dropping this off at the guild while I search for Bossman Miach. Or find some other Patsy to do it for me. Hopefully I can meet at Airhead or someone super helpful right about now.' I sigh 

'Yeah, right, life isn't that convenient.' Putting the letter back inside my inner coat pocket. I start to focus on searching for my painfully generous boss.

Just as I was about to make a turn on a corner, I stopped when I got this familiar feeling that I had felt before. I don't know how to describe it; it's just like a sense in the back of my head.

"Not again," I say out loud while looking around after stopping and keeping vigilant.

'At least this time the feeling is less intense than the time I met Ottar, so I'm probably dealing with someone with a lower level from the Freya familia. The question is, Who?'

I looked around for a second to see if I could see anyone. Wondering why the feeling just came. I suddenly had the idea to close my eyes and try to follow where the Freya radar was pointing towards.

I'm just standing there, having no idea what I'm actually doing. I try, at least, to feel where the feeling is coming from. After a minute or two, I get a vague feeling of which direction it's coming from. 

As I'm about to open my eyes and leave in the opposite direction, suddenly someone rounds the corner where I stopped, literally running into me. Sending us both to the ground. I also hear other things fall as well.

"Miach-Damnit!/Oww Nya!" Both me and my accidental assailant made a loud noise.

After pushing myself off the ground and rubbing the back of my head, I just tried to get a sense of what happened.

'What the hell is with me running into people today? Every time I have that stupid Freya sense, I end up bumping into someone else not a second later. Who the hell bumped into me anyway?'

Not yet looking at the jerk who pushed me into the ground, I suddenly remembered what they just said.

'Nya? Who the hell says Nya?' Finally, looking at my assailant, I remember the feeling I just had and how close it is. And to all the fortune gods I cursed before, I'm sorry. I literally lucked out. Of all the Freya Familia members to ran into, I got the best one.

I look over at a cat girl sitting on her bum, rubbing her head as well. Taking note of her brown hair and eyes with cat ears and a tail of the same color, who in fact, is literally wearing the uniform of the place I have to deliver the letter to. That's right folks.

'Anya Freaking Nya Fromel. Have the gods finally sent me an angel for my suffering. I asked for someone to ditch the letter too, and they literally said one running towards me,' clapping my hands and looking at the sky, I mouth out a small thanks.

While getting up to my feet, I see a couple bags on the floor, figuring it's what fell as well. I quickly picked it up before I went over to one of my favorite characters and the best cat girl in the whole series.

'I dare anyone to fight me on it. I stand by what I said, and I'm not afraid to throw hands'

"What happened, Nya?" Anya says this while rubbing her head. After opening up her slinted eyes, she looks around with an innocent expression, wondering what just happened. Until she realized what she had dropped. Dramatically, she put both hands on her cheeks.

"Oh no! Mama Mia groceries. She's going to kill me, Nya! What am I going to do, Nya?" She starts to panic a little bit while still holding her cheeks. And this is where I step in.

"Um, excuse me," I say, getting her attention, and she looks over to me, her eyes widening, seeing what's in my hand.

"If you're looking for these, I have them right here. Fortunately for you, after our unfortunate collision, nothing seems to be damaged, so I don't think you're going to die anytime soon."

"Oh, thank the heavens, Nya," she said, grasping her chest while breathing a sigh of relief. "Now Mama Mia's not going to yell at me." While looking in my direction, she gave me a gigawatt smile. "Thanks, Nya." 

I had the sudden urge to rub the top of her head right between her cat ears. But I use my strong willpower to stop myself. Because it would be super awkward. Regardless of how soothing it would be on my soul with this cinnamon roll of a cat.

'Fuck you, Allen. You, sorry excuse of a brother. Just you wait, I'll give you the ass kicking you deserve. It might not be now. It might not be anytime soon, but you will be getting one' promises of long-overdue justice aside. I reach out a hand towards her.

"It's no problem. Here, let me help you up." I say this while offering her my hand. 

"Oh, thanks, Nya," she says, grabbing my hand and letting me pull her up to her feet.

"No problem, it's the least I can do, you know, with what happened."

"I'm sorry as well, Nya. I should have seen where I was going while running around the corner. Sorry for bumping into you, Nya," she says, clapping her hands while giving me an eye wink with an apologetic smile. All I see is the perfect opportunity.

'Target acquired. Now it's time to take action and outwit this lovable cat of an airhead, to do me a favor. Can this day get any better?'


[6,500 Word Count]

Odr finally walks away without receiving such a big lecture. And sharing such a moment with his advisor, making such a heartfelt promise. Now it's up to him to actually follow through.

Unfortunately for him, his day is not over just yet. Instead of relaxing at home, he was sent out by his slave driver of a captain to look for his naive Gigolo of a god. Hoping to catch a glimpse of Rizz Lord at work doing his magic. 

While looking for his boss, he wonders what to do with the letter he received from the sadistic old man. And by some miracle, the heavens answered his prayers (The author raising a class "Your welcome") by literally sending a cat-themed angel crashing into him. 

Odr finally meets Best Girl Anya Nya. (Also, the author is sitting behind the table sipping on a drink while a sign says, Change my mind.)

She was literally one of the best people within that simp familia. While he struggles with all his might not to give her all the head pats she deserves. He begins to think of a plan to hand off the letter and have her deliver it on his behalf. 

How? Well Stay tuned to find out.


I'm alive, people; no need to worry. I finally got a new chapter out again. Sorry for the long wait. Like I said before, I have other responsibilities to take care of, and whenever I get a chance, I go to the chapter whenever I'm free. I just want you guys to know that writing is not my strong suit.

Like I said before, I don't think I'm able to pump out chapters like those other authors. Those guys are beasts and deserve all respect for being able to deliver constant chapters a week. I tip my hat out to you guys.

Unlike them. I'm more of a situational writer. Whenever I have a moment of inspiration, I put it down. Then I get writer's block again. I'm the type that always overcomplicates things when writing. I'm still new and trying to adjust to all the facets that come with writing a good story. I'm improving every day.

So I want to say thank you all to my faithful readers who are sticking with me regardless of the long wait time. This is me thanking of you all for reading my story so far and waiting for more. Thank you, my readers.

On that note, if you go down to question two, I have plans for mini-chapters for interludes. I really want to hear your thoughts on it. Since I'm busy with work and any other things I have to take care of, I thought, why not cut back a bit once in awhile on making big chapters? I honestly want to hear what you guys have to say.

Because this story is not dropped, even if sometimes I need a while to make a new chapter. Like I said, making content is not easy for me compared to others, but regardless, I always strive to give you guys good-quality work. That won't change.

About the discord im a part of. Just know that my invite link below only lasts a week until I post a new chapter with a new one. If it expires, you can always go to vulkizaro_zoromi's since he posts a discord code in every chapter.

Once again a couple questions if you guys are interested in commenting on.

1. What do you about the character interaction this chapter? Especially Best Girl Anya. Do you think I did her justice. Especially with the verbal tick Nya. Please let me know.

2. How would you guys feel about smaller interlude chapters focusing on other characters? Like Old Man Rudra and the Three Stooges. Like whatever happened to them. And some other characters. I'm probably going to write them either after the next chapter or the one after that.

So I can release more chapters with probably less writing just to show what's happening with other characters. Please let me know how you feel about that. You prefer individual chapters dedicated to each one or one big one broken up by each point of view. Please let me know before I do them. 

3. What are you guys thoughts on the pace of the story. A lot of people are saying it's too slow and there are a lot of monologue and dialogue. Not enough action. I know there should be more fight scenes but I'm still trying to write those. I'm just trying to do character development and interaction for now to get them out there. So please let me know what you think.

All that's left to say is that your power stone is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard; cheer me up! Vote for me!

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RikuKage RikuKage

Quick Arthur Notes. Sorry again for the late chapter. Again, I've been busy with other things. and this story is more of a hobby than anything. Whenever I get the chance, I will write a bit at a time. Sorry for it being so long overdue. I don't yet have the skills, like other great authors, to write chapter after chapter. I hope at least I was able to give you guys another quality-worthy chapter. 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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