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Chapter 147: Soft And Cute Shirahoshi!

The white light flashed away, and in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Yami released the lightning barrier in front of him, and all the weapons fell from the sky to the ground.

Feeling the several auras that had completely disappeared in the depths of the sea, he didn't pay much attention to it, and turned his head straight and said in a very calm tone: "It's settled, Vander Decken IX will not come again in the future to harassed Princess Shirahoshi, and similarly, we are the only ones who know her identity."

"That's really great, thank you for your help, Mr. Yami."

Hearing these words, Neptune didn't have the slightest doubt. Besides being happy, he also felt lingering fear from the attack that pierced the sky just now.

The muscle density of fishmen is far higher than that of humans, and this world is still dominated by humans.

It is impossible for fishmen to be able to do that monster-like blow just now, even some talented guys who joined other pirate groups and became famous are far behind.

Perhaps it is indeed a good thing to let Shirahoshi leave with them in exchange for the safety of his daughter, and even the protection of the entire Fishman Island.

All of a sudden, Neptune's heart became more determined.

"Don't be so polite. Since you are willing to let Princess Shirahoshi join us, it means that she has become our family. We have always been the only ones who bully others, and we have never let others bully our family."

Yami waved his hand indifferently, but returned the words


Hearing this sentence, Neptune could only laugh dryly twice, and then pretended not to hear the following words.

Although it looks very weird, at least one thing is clear, the Goddess is still very defensive. As long as Shirahoshi will not be bullied and hurt, he will be very satisfied.

It's just that his daughter is leaving Fishman Island at such a young age, and he is really reluctant to leave her side.

'Otohime, forgive me, this is the most perfect way, you must bless our daughter…'

Neptune muttered silently in his heart, with a slightly sentimental expression on his face.

"My lord, Mr. Yami, please come with me, the little girl is inside."

Reluctantly recovering from his senses, Neptune regained his respect and stepped forward to push open the door of the hard-shell tower. Everyone looked inside, and the surrounding environment was pitch black.

However, Yami and Hephaestus, who have good eyesight, still saw a huge figure inside, lying on the bed and sleeping, and there was another figure under the bed.

"Sorry, it looks like Shirahoshi is still sleeping, I'll wake her up right away."

Neptune, who also saw this scene, was a little embarrassed. He deliberately brought the Goddess here, but never expected that his daughter was still sleeping, which was too rude.

He hurried forward a few steps, and the lights instantly lit up the whole room.

A huge, good-looking mermaid girl with a beautiful face is lying on the bed, beside her bed, there is a shark that is about the same size as her, also falling into a deep sleep, it seems that she is completely unaware of someone breaking into her room.

Neptune's face became even darker.

"Shirahoshi, don't sleep, wake up!"

"Huh? This is the voice of my father..."

After Neptune's pushing and shoving, Shirahoshi opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw her father's thick orange beard, she instantly woke up from her daze.

A look of joy appeared on the face of the mermaid girl.

"Father, you have come to see me, can I go out?"

Shirahoshi, who had been alone for an indeterminate amount of time, was full of innocence, hugging Neptune and talking non-stop, that clear and clear child's voice was like the sound of nature, lively and cute only for girls.

Suddenly, the girl seemed to be aware of the existence of Yami and others. The smile on her face disappeared instantly and turned into a vigilant look. Her huge body hid behind her father, only a small head was exposed, and her face was full of confusion but at the same time curiously looked at the crowd.

"Father, they... who are they, are they friends of father?"

Witnessing Shirahoshi's actions with his own eyes, the guilt on Neptune's face became deeper.

It is all his fault that he is useless as a father, not only did he fail to protect his wife, let Shirahoshi watch her mother die, but also because of Vander Decken IX, let her live in the dark hard shell tower for so long, he is not a good father.

But it will get better in the future, following the gods, he doesn't have to worry about her safety.

Maybe, after Shirahoshi grows up and becomes stronger, the Fishman Island will be safer, and even fulfill her mother's wish for the Fishman Island to coexist peacefully with humans!

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

There was no response, Shirahoshi raised her head with a puzzled face, and immediately saw the guilt on Neptune's face, which made the girl who didn't know why show a worried expression.

"It's nothing, your father is just happy. This time I came to bring you good news. You don't have to live alone in the hard shell tower anymore. The guy who has been harassing you has been killed by this big brother here. So Shirahoshi, you will now be able to live outside in the future.

"In addition, this is Goddess Hephaestus-sama, thanks to her help, you must remember their kindness well!"

"Eh? Can I really get out of here?"

It seemed that she didn't believe it, and Shirahoshi seemed a little at a loss at this time.

Although she was very eager to leave here and return to the outside world, but when it really came, it made her feel a little unreal.

"It's true, no one will be able to hurt you in the future, my daughter."

"That's really great, I haven't seen big brothers for a long time, ah... Thank you, my lords, thank you for helping me."

After learning about this from her father, Shirahoshi no longer felt afraid, and reappeared in the sight of everyone. Although she was still a little flustered, at least she was able to speak clearly.

Such a lovely appearance immediately melted the heart of Hephaestus.

Now she finally understood why Yami wanted to recruit such a child, who would reject such a lovely child?

"This child is so cute, I really like her so much."

"It is an honor for this child to be appreciated by the goddess."

Hearing the love from the heart of Goddess Hephaestus, Neptune breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there would be no problem, and he could feel more at ease when he handed over Shirahoshi to them.

Next, Neptune took the initiative to tell Shirahoshi something.

When she heard that she could follow Yami and others to leave Fishman Island and go to the sea, Shirahoshi felt both joy and longing in her heart, but also reluctance.

However, the sensible princess did not embarrass her father, and agreed to the matter without hesitation.

She wants to leave Fishman Island and go to the outside world instead of her mother. If possible, she wants to replace her mother to complete her unfinished business.

So, things seemed to go very smoothly.

Yami and others withdrew from the hard shell tower and handed over the space to Hephaestus.

Although the familiar ceremony of engraving favors was not carried out in front of Neptune, the king of Fishman Island believed in them very much, and talked and laughed outside.

After a while, the door of the hard shell tower was pulled open from the inside again.

Goddess Hephaestus walked out slowly, and beside her was a petite Shirahoshi who's whole being was reduced according to the size of a human being.

And the mermaid princess who shrunk down looks even cuter now.

"It's done. From now on, Shirahoshi will be a member of our Hephaestus Familia. You can't bully her, everyone should get along well~"

"Ah, please give me more advice in the future, Yami-sama and Kuina-sama."

Shirahoshi hastily bowed slightly in the direction of Yami and Kuina, still saying honorifics, it seems that the habit in the original book was formed at a young age.

This habit is not good!

As a result, when Yami faces Shirahoshi, he always has a sense of déjà vu when he faces a certain fox in Orario. The personalities of the two are so similar, and they are both so soft.

It seems that there is a long way to go to train her to be a qualified adventurer!

"Just call me Yami big brother. My lord is a little too unfamiliar, don't worry, Shirahoshi, all members of the family are pretty easy-going, and they will definitely like you."

"Got it, Yami-oniichan!"

The soft and waxy words, coupled with the slightly rosy cheeks, such a cute appearance, really melted Yami's heart, she is really a pitiful girl. It's hard not to like her.

He also made up his mind that he will take good care of this girl in the future.

Now that the matter has been resolved, Shirahoshi doesn't need to stay here any longer, and follows the crowd back towards the palace. The girl who has been away from the crowd for a long time seems to have released her instinct and followed her pet, the shark and kept playing.

It could be seen that she was really suffocated.

"How is it Hephaestus-sama? Shirahoshi's talent is not bad, right?"

"Hehe, I know why you insisted on letting me accept this child. Her ability value has indeed exceeded my expectations. If Poseidon finds out about the existence of Shirahoshi, he will definitely declare war, and take the child~"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Hephaestus's mouth, but her expression was slightly distressed.

"Oh? Is it so powerful?"

This time it was Yami's turn to be surprised. He probably knew that Shirahoshi was the reincarnation of the ancient weapon Sea King. After fully mastering this power, she would have terrifying strength, but he never thought to hear such a compliment from his Goddess mouth.

For a moment, a curious look appeared on his face.

As if seeing his heart, Hephaestus chuckled suddenly, and handed him the paper that recorded Shirahoshi's ability value.

"It's all here, see for yourself~"

Yami took it over and began to look at the content on it.



Strength: i0 | Durability: i0 | Dexterity: i0 | Dexterity: in | Magic: iO

|—Development Ability—|

[Magic I]


[Raging Waves]

•Attack magic, manipulating tsunamis to cover objects in a certain area.


"———Let the ocean sweep them away——Tsunami!"

[Healing magic]


"———The sea, rise——"



•Affinity to the sea, able to control most marine life

•When in sea water, increase the full capacity value.

•Ability to breathe underwater




"This is really...somewhat unexpected!"

There was an expression of surprise on Yami's face, or it could be said that he was really shocked.

He originally thought that Shirahoshi's talent was already very good, but looking at it now, it was extremely surprising, no wonder she was able to get such an exaggerated evaluation from Hephaestus.

In a way, it is to be expected!

She was born with two types of magic, one for attack and one for defense, and she also has such exaggerated skills, which can be used in conjunction with magic. It can completely make Shirahoshi stand in an invincible position in any terrain.

After all, almost all creatures need to breathe, and for mermaids who can breathe underwater, they can easily create tsunamis, so they are naturally at an advantage. This terrifying power in the world of pirates is the nemesis of all devil fruit users!

Even humans who have not taken devil fruit will be greatly restricted due to changes in the environment.

Then switch to Orario, unless it is some special monster, I am afraid that other people are not Shirahoshi's opponent at all, and the increase is really too big.

However, just like Hephaestus said, in comparison, Shirahoshi is more suitable for the Poseidon family.

But since she has become a member of Hephaestus's familia, she will naturally not hand her over to others, so even if she is discovered by Poseidon in the future, it is absolutely impossible to let go.

The big deal is just to fight a war game.

"I also didn't expect that Shirahoshi's talent is so powerful, so I have to focus on cultivating her next."

"Then I'll hand her over to you, you have to train her well, you understand?"

"Leave it to me, Hephaestus-sama, although I'm not particularly good at magic, it's not a problem for Shirahoshi to become an independent adventurer.

"Well, that's good."

For Yami's answer, Hephaestus was very satisfied.

Similarly, she is also happy to be able to recruit such an excellent child.

When they were about to return to the palace, Yami suddenly thought of something, turned his head and asked Neptune: "By the way, King Neptune, since you already know that the real murderer who killed Queen Otohime is Hody Jones, what are you going to do next? Are you going to arrest him directly?"

"If my expectations are not bad, that guy may have formed a gang in Fishman Street by now, forming a force that is not weaker than your army, and coupled with the role of the drug, your subordinates are not their opponent, do you need my help?"

After finally accepting such an excellent member as Shirahoshi, Yami is naturally very happy, and it doesn't matter if he helps Neptune troubles.

No matter how he says it, he has kidnapped the other party's daughter, so he has to make some gestures, don't he?

"The new Fishman Pirates?"

Hearing Yami's question, Neptune seemed very hesitant. As the king of Fishman Island, he didn't want to see his fellow Fishmen killing each other, but Hody Jones actually did such a thing. It also openly provoked conflicts between humans and Fishman Island.

In any case, there must be an explanation for this matter.

Whether he is the king of Fishman Island, a husband, or a father, he needs to avenge his dead fellow fishmen and his dead wife.

Thinking of this, Neptune made a decision in his heart.

"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Yami. If possible, leave Hody Jones alive. He has done so many evil things, and he must pay the price in front of all fellow fishmen."

"Ah, leave it to me, I will control my strength. Of course, if I really can't control it, then there is nothing I can do."

The corners of Yami's mouth opened slightly, and he stopped suddenly, and there was a glare of lightning in his eyes.


Thunder suddenly resounded in the sky, and at an unknown time, a large cloud had already enveloped the entire Fishman Island, and almost all residents noticed this anomaly.

"I found him, Thunder Judgement!"


A thick thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, pinpointing the location of Fishman Street with incomparable precision, and based on the conversations captured by his observation haki, the specific candidate was naturally captured.

Thunder and lightning crashed down and directly covered a certain area in Fishman Street.

Before the Fishman inside even reacted in time, they were already covered by thunder.

"It's done. You just need to send people to take over that area."

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