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85.18% I'm The Pitiful Villain / Chapter 23: Chapter 20: Herbalist

Capítulo 23: Chapter 20: Herbalist

Chapter 20: Herbalist







Inside a wooden house, a little girl with red hair sat alone beside a window while holding onto her cup of tea. Lifting her eyeglasses as she read the papers in her hands.

"Damn elves, causing a friggin' headache for business. Gotta hustle through this mess," she grumbled, clicking her tongue.

"Just 'cause I'm half-human... Those greedy bastards!"

Her crimson eyes then narrowed fiercely.

"Alright, I'll bite. The stuff they supply is a premium grade, no denying that. But hell, do they have to gouge us on the price every damn time?! Especially those bastards!!!"

Soon, she let out a frustrated sigh.

"These golds better multiply like damn rabbits!"

The girl muttered under her breath, planting a bold kiss on her precious coins, the echo of her whisper lingering in the air.

As the metallic smell was sniffed by her nose a sudden knock coming from her door abruptly halted her embrace.

"—Uhm... Miss Analeigh..."

Her slightly pointy ears twitched. Turning her head towards the source, she raised her eyebrows.

"Hm...? Has that gal raked in enough coin to snag her old father's medicine?"

She then stood up and stretched her body to hell and back.

Before opening the door.

"Aye! Fella have you prepared the coins—huh???"

She leisurely spoke but before could she follow through words were stuck in her throat.

‹ Knights??? What the fuck is going on here? ›

Behind the child with auburn locks, a maid took her stand, her gaze intense, yet her beauty breathtaking. Nevertheless, the sheer multitude of knights assembled behind them was so overwhelming that it momentarily halted the thought process of the girl with the fiery hair.

The moment her gaze fell upon the maid and the opulent dress of the young lad on a stretcher, marred by injuries, she immediately discerned his status as a member of the nobility, the knights standing sentinel around him only solidifying her assumption. Despite cursing like a fiery animal earlier, she effortlessly transitioned into a figure of warmth and elegance, her eyes sparkling with an unspoken promise of care and concern.

She quickly grasped the reason for their presence as she noted the extent of the young boy's injuries while he was being borne on a stretcher, his body beset by blood and wounds. The sight alone provoked her to silently ponder the circumstances that led to such grievous harm.

"Come in"

She quickly continued, her door wide open.

‹ Seeing the grave atmosphere it must be urgent... ›

The crimson head—Analeigh then quickly arranged a bed while taking note of the situation.

‹ Aight! First, let's see the boy's condition ›

Without wasting any time she put a tiny chair to stand on to reach Alfonso's hand before asking the maid. It's worth noting that the knights had remained outside; only the maid and Arianna had entered.

"What happened?"

Upon her question, "He drank an enhancement potion" the maiden coldly replied.

Analeigh's gaze expanded in astonishment as she quickly employed her skills to assess the patient's well-being. Gradually, her eyes shut, endeavoring to detect any erratic shifts of mana around the boy's body. Due to her elven heritage, Analeigh possessed a heightened sensitivity to mana but—

"The flow of mana in his body is perfectly fine?" The mana that should be wreaking havoc inside the boy's body was nowhere to be detected.

"To not explode... Perhaps he has released it through using his body, that is why his condition is in this horrible state?" Analeigh followed. Her gaze shifting toward the broken structure of the arms and legs of the boy.

"Yes, I suppose," murmured the maid in hushed tones, her demeanor betraying a disquieted mind.

Nodding, the red-haired girl then softly uttered an incantation, her open palms directed towards Alfonso—

"Bones mend, strength restore, Heal the wounds, pain no more."

Before long, a green glow bathed every corner. Analeigh, once more, shut her eyes.

Her movements were delicate and precise as she navigated the boy's battered frame. Yet, beneath the surface, her mind raced through calculations and possibilities, her sharp, business acumen evaluating the situation not just for its medical urgency but for its potential profitability.

‹ Christ, this kid's a walking disaster, › she thought, her expert eye cataloging every injury with a mix of professional, horror, and keen interest. ‹ Fractures I can handle easily, it's bread and butter. But damn, those muscle tissues and bones are a mess. A fucking miracle he's still breathing, especially after guzzling those enhancement potions like they're cheap beer...

This damn kid... What kind of shit you smoked to do this to yourself ›

With a practiced worried face, "What in the world got into him to end up like this?" she inquired with a forced gentleness, though inside she was shaking her head at the kid's recklessness.

She had seen her fair share of injuries in her day, treating countless individuals with her expertise in potions and herbs. Yet, the extent of damage before her was something else, a challenge she hadn't faced before. "Judging by the state he's in, it's going to take weeks, maybe even months for a full recovery," she estimated, her voice imbued with kindness. However, her mind buzzed with calculations and potential earnings from the extensive treatment plan she'd need to devise.








Two hours elapsed, and beads of sweat began to trickle down the herbalist's brow.

Fortunately, she is done mending the kid's simple fractures, though the more serious ones demanded numerous endeavors to mend.

Depleted of mana and exhausted, she drank three mana potions and asked the maid who was watching the whole process.

"His fractures are more complex than anticipated. Nearly all of his bones are compromised. To heal him swiftly... I'm afraid it would require a substantial financial commit—."

But the maid immediately answered her, "Do it, regardless of the expense," her voice demanding.

‹ Damn! This is precisely why I favor the nobility. › Analeigh inwardly reflected upon hearing the quick and decisive answer.

"Understood," was her response, and in no time at all, she had crafted a magical potion. The mixture within the glass glowed with a brilliant blue luminescence, dotted with flecks of silver and white, evoking the serene beauty of still waters and the vast infinity of the sky.

It was a special elixir known as "Dreamveil Mist." a concoction renowned in her family's tradition for its potent anesthetic properties. This elixir is made from a blend of rare herbs and magical ingredients, some of which are unique to the forests where elves dwell and others that have been blessed by human healers. Mixture with magical properties akin to lidocaine and capsaicin but amplified by the essence of her dual heritage.


Placing the Dreamveil Mist into a small enchanted ceramic basin, she conducts a delicate ritual, tapping into her diverse heritage. Combining ancient elven magic from her bloodline with the human resilience inherited from her other parent, she utters an incantation, infusing the elixir with her mana. The basin radiates a soft, ethereal glow, and the liquid transforms into a fine, luminescent mist.

After doing so, she then positioned the basin carefully beside the sleeping boy, ensuring he could inhale the magical vapors. Activated by her enchantment, the mist doesn't require him to be awake; it instinctively seeks out the pain within his body, offering relief and comfort as he breathes it in. This magical mist, designed with precision, targets specific areas of pain and injury, numbing them without the necessity of direct consumption or application.

Furthermore, the magical mist not only numbs the physical pain but also imparts a sense of ephemeral comfort. It carries traces of the girl's healing essence, providing a connection that goes beyond the physical realm, easing the emotional and psychological toll of the boy's injuries.

After that, she once more chanted again, this time creating what seemed like a transparent barrier to trap the mist that was spreading.

No—to be precise she created a wind barrier, hinting that she has an affinity with the wind.

"Phew!" after such an exhausting process Analeigh sighed and wiped the sweat trailing down her chin.

"It was a good decision to follow Arianna here" the maid suddenly spoke.

"Oh~? Well, we have some connection you see" Analeigh responded.

"Thank you... I wouldn't have known what to do if it wasn't for you" The maid continued toward Arianna who was sitting beside her.

"Uhm... No, it's fine... Thank you as well," returned the petite girl with auburn locks, and as always, her voice was meek.

Meanwhile, Analeigh who watched the two interact silently pondered the relationship of Arianna and the noble.

‹ Has she snagged a noble's eye? Aiming to be his trophy wife, maybe? › Slowly, she turned her head to take a look at the boy's face.

‹ Damn, he's a looker... Bet his face will be a frickin' goldmine when he matures. Could outshine even the hottest elves. ›

She then shifted her gaze to appraise Arianna's features.

‹ Well, I won't deny she's got some potential. A bit of polish, and she could pass for a damn noble. What the hell did that noble see in her, though? Nah, maybe I'm overthinking it. I need to figure out how the hell that boy got banged up so badly first. ›

Soon, she sat at the other side and dragged her seat toward them.

Analeigh then gently cleared her throat, drawing the attention of Arianna and the maid. Her expression was soft, filled with the warmth and concern of a seasoned healer who had seen many patients through their darkest hours at least that's what looked outside.

"I hope you don't mind my asking," she began, her voice steady and soothing, "but to ensure that I provide the most comprehensive care for the young lord, could you kindly share with me how he came to be in this state? Understanding the circumstances surrounding his injury will greatly aid me in tailoring his treatment to his specific needs."

She paused, allowing her sincere intentions to shine through her words, her gaze meeting theirs with an unwavering sense of responsibility. Even though she was greedy, she was responsible for her patients. Well, doing a half-assed job was a big no— After all, impressing these highbrows was her ticket to raking in more gold and securing a steady flow of rare ingredients.

"It's important for me to know any details you can share about the incident," Analeigh continued, her tone respectful yet earnest. "Rest assured, my primary concern is his well-being and swift recovery. Any information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used solely for his healing."

She then abruptly stood up, "Where are my manners? My name is Analeigh Clementine, and as I have shown I'm an expert herbalist in this village" before sitting once again.

Mary who was watching it all nodded and also greeted her.

"My name is Mary Tolentino, I'm a maid of the Quiñones family and I wholeheartedly serve Young Lord Alfonso and no other"

Before also sitting. It didn't take long before she answered what Analeigh was searching for.

Yet, she selectively narrated the events solely to elevate Alfonso's reputation. Her account focused solely on the moment when Alfonso crossed paths with Arianna, emphasizing his daring act of risking his life to protect two ordinary commoners.








"My lord protected Arianna and the other maid that's why he is in this state"

Hearing how the story unfolded from the mouth of Mary, Analeigh who had speculated earlier that Arianna caught the noble's eyes only grew.

Arianna must have attracted the noble boy...

In other words, why else would such a noble risk his life to protect commoners? It didn't make sense to her. She knows just how vile nobles can be.

‹ And the fact that it's the Quiñones family... What a luck! I must gain a connection with them no matter what ›

Despite they no longer reveled in the brilliance of their former strength, the Quiñones family retained its formidable stature, thanks in no small part to the presence of Antelmo. Coupled with a substantial wealth reserve, the young lad standing before them embodied a veritable walking treasure.

Deciding on her next course of action, she nodded and looked at Arianna.

‹ If I manage to establish a connection with this damn kid, that'd be a victory! But can that really happen after turning her down? Well, why not? She's just a child, after all. ›

Soon enough, she spoke toward Arianna her voice tinted with kindness.

"Oh my... I didn't notice it before you are actually pretty, Ariann—"

"Uhm... Please, let's not go there. You seemed more unpolite when we first met," Arianna interjected softly before Analeigh could complete her thought.

"Eh? Have you forgotten our friendly interactions? You were so sweet at that time"

"Oh, not exactly... But I won't forget how you make me remember about not having much money."

"..." Baffled, Analeigh coughed.

"Cough..." Her embarrassment was only momentarily concealed, realizing she had underestimated Arianna's grit, failing to anticipate the absence of her customary bold attitude.

‹ Motherfucker... Aren't kids supposed to be swayed by compliments...? ›

Meanwhile, while observing Analeigh's performance, Arianna couldn't help but cringe inwardly. Right from the beginning, the pretentious facade was hard to bear.

Arianna was acutely aware of Analeigh's true nature, especially recalling the time she sought assistance in curing her father, only to be met with outright refusal and occasional curses, all due to a lack of funds.

The abrupt shift in Analeigh's demeanor now only intensified Arianna's repulsion. Despite Arianna's own reserved disposition, she found it unbearable to witness Analeigh's insincere and pretentious behavior.

Meanwhile, Analeigh who was momentarily embarrassed immediately assessed the situation.

She realized that her usual tactics, effective on most, wouldn't work on Arianna. Analeigh understood that a direct and honest approach might be more appreciated by someone like Arianna, who valued sincerity over pleasantries.

"Surely, then I'll drop the facade."

The half-elf decided while crossing her legs, her tender smile now devoid. Mary, observing the abrupt shift in her demeanor, was left visibly shaken, unable to reconcile this with the innocent and sweet individual she had encountered earlier.

"I just want to remind you that I refused to help you because your father's treatment is too expensive even for my own pocket" Analeigh followed.

Arianna who heard her then just nods. She doesn't blame Analeigh for it but still left a distasteful taste in her mouth. The image that Arianna had formed of her is that of a selfish and pretentious woman.


As the atmosphere turned heavy,


Analeigh suddenly perceived a disturbance in the mana. Her keen sensitivity to mana allowed her to detect this anomaly immediately.

Slowly, her eyes shifted, and saw Alfonso. His brows knit together as if caught in a silent struggle against unseen adversaries.

‹ What in the world... This is unprecedented... The Dream Veil Mist is supposed to not only numb the pain but also envelop the patient in a delightful dream, › she mused, perplexed by the unexpected outcome.

Rising from her seat, she moved towards the young lord, quickly extending her hand to grasp his.


In this world, emotions and mental states are closely intertwined with mana. A disturbance in the mind can reverberate through the magical essence of an individual. It could also serve as a mirror to an individual's inner state.

Hence, the reason for his visible distress must be the nightmares plaguing his dreams. Nightmares, being potent expressions of fear, despair, or distress, are the only possible explanation through Alfonso's mana, causing fluctuations.

Analeigh soon turned her attention deeply towards discerning the malaise that troubled Alfonso. She concentrated on his life essence, delving into an examination that went beyond mere physical afflictions. This exploration aimed at the heart of his existence, seeking to unravel the root of his discomfort and the reason the medicine remained ineffective.

As she navigates the delicate weave of his life essence, she encounters a void, an absence where a vibrant source of power should reside.

‹ What the hell...? Why is this empty? ›

It was a gap in the fabric of his essence, a place hollowed out and left barren.

This void feels unnatural as if a piece of a puzzle has been forcibly removed, leaving behind a silent echo of what once was.

Her brows betrayed a flicker of unease as she witnessed the familiar life energies behaving in stark contradiction to what lay before her. It's akin to reading a book and finding a chapter ripped out; the story continues, but the loss of context and content is palpable.

Analeigh cannot discern the specifics—how it was lost, by whom, or why—but the void speaks of a profound absence, a theft of something integral to Alfonso's identity and potential.

Not only that, but she could also see a shadow that flickers at the edge of her perception. Her skin trembled from the chilling ripple through her own essence as she brushed against it.

And ever since she observed Alfonso's essence an inexplicable wave of sorrow, anxiety, or fear washes over her, seemingly from nowhere.

‹ Seriously... What the fuck... Is wrong in this noble's body? ›

In quiet contemplation, Analeigh reflected inwardly.

‹ Could it be... A curse? ›

She speculated that the only plausible explanation for the sudden surge of turbulent emotions without apparent cause and the persistent flickering shadow was some kind of malevolent enchantment. Being of elven descent, known for their heightened empathy, she pondered how fortunate it was to have the resilience inherited from her human lineage. Without it, she feared being overwhelmed by the tumultuous waves of emotions, risking her sanity. Additionally, her innate empathetic abilities, inherited from her elven parent, played a crucial role in detecting the intense emotional upheaval that surrounded Alfonso's essence.

She was uncertain whether to feel fortunate or not about her mixed heritage, realizing that her situation could have drastically deteriorated simply from examining the noble boy's condition.

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