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8.69% DxD: King of Dragons 2.0 / Chapter 2: Chapter 65: Blazing Youth

Capítulo 2: Chapter 65: Blazing Youth

"Don't underestimate me!" Magdaran screamed in anger at his half brother. Brainwashed to oblivion by his parents to hate Sairaorg that didn't inherit the power of destruction.

"Kuahahaha! Give it with all you've got!" Sairaorg just laughed and Kuisha sighed.

"Master Sai, you should've just attacked them and finish this farce." Kuisha shook her head with exasperation.

Her idol is Grayfia after all. And the silver queen would definitely want to be as efficient as possible.

"What are you talking about Kuisha!? This is a battle for the seat of an heir! We will have to show them our youth!" Sairaorg slowly moved his arms.

Using the forms of meditation as he got a serene look on his face due to harnessing natural energy.

"True martial arts is universal, simple, and practical." Sairaorg finished with a lotus position.

"I have attempted the absurd. And I have achieved enlightenment. 1st hand!" Sairaorg opened his eyes and the golden Buddha behind him moved.

The air buzzed as the fist of his technique was brought down to the ground. Magdaran sobered up from his daze at the last second and he jumped out of the way.

With an earth shattering explosion, the golden hand crashed on the ground. Causing an earthquake that made the battlefield tremble.

"W-wha? That's cheating." Rias pouted as she thought of how to defeat her cousin. Cooking up ideas for her sword arts.

"Such destructive power... And it's actually just pure natural energy that he uses as a conduit for his physical blows." Seekvaira fixed her glasses as she observed Sairaorg's technique.

"We can still use time to slow them down, but we'll quickly gas out. Sai's technique will meddle with our magic's structure due to the natural energy." Latia analyzed.

"That's it, Sai! Show them what you trained for." Mordred gave him a thumbs up.

"My friends are here to witness my victory. So I will never lose!" Sairaorg declared.

"He's like a shounen protagonist." Seekvaira rolled her eyes and Rias nodded.

"It isn't that bad, they get stronger with the power of friendship and talk no jutsu." Rias shrugged, thinking that those were some op powers.

"You don't even have Bael's power! You'll turn us into a laughing stock!" Magdaran formed dense balls of the power of destruction and shot them all at Sairaorg.

Kuisha was about to use the Abaddon's signature ability; hole. Spatial portals that could redirect attacks, but she opted out as Sairaorg's pawn shook his head at her.

"So what!?" The golden buddha's hands moved and slapped away the balls of destruction. Causing explosions everywhere.

"A pillar clan is not solely defined by their powers! It is the people that are important! Without them, the pillar clans will be nothing! 3rd hand!" Sairaorg put his palms together.

The Buddha looked like it was praying, but three hands moved and they moved for a chop towards the three devils in front.

Sectaas Barbatos pushed away Magdaran and he received one of the hands himself. Creating barriers on his side as he got mowed down by the golden hand.

The wolves and gryphons charged as well, but they were swatted around by the seemingly automatic arms that Sairaorg controlled.

Magdaran and Veves Furfur rained down magic on the construct, intending to destroy it.

Countering with a palm strike, the lightning and power of destruction coming at Sairaorg got deflected by a shockwave and stray magic flew everywhere, creating craters everywhere.

"Y-you! You can't defeat me! I'm the heir of the Baels!" Magdaran raged as he poured out tons of mana.

A sphere of destruction formed and the surroundings around it were disintegrated without a trace.

Leaking an aura of absolute destruction. "Not enough! I have trained for years for this very day! Ten hands of absolution!" Sairaorg clapped and all of the arms of his Buddha moved.

Palm strikes rained down on the sphere of destruction. Shockwaves being emitted by the hands at every impact.

The Buddha then clapped and it blew away all the remainders of Magdaran's magic.

"Impossible..." Magdaran kneeled down as he felt his mana tank.

"Surrender." Sairaorg squinted his eyes and Magdaran gritted his teeth.

Magdaran didn't reply though, making Sairaorg think that he still needed to show his strength.

"Hmph, if you are still not satisfied with the outcome. Then I will show you what I'm made of." Sairaorg looked at his orange haired pawn.

"Regulus!" Sairaorg shouted as he raised his hand in the air.

"Yes, master." The orange haired boy turned into a golden lion with a burning, orange mane. It roared loudly and everybody was surprised, except Mordred that got a whiff of a feline.

An axe formed at Sairaorg's hand and he swung it to his side.

"Regulus Nemea. One of the strongest Nemean lions that was turned into a sacred gear." Seekvaira fixed her glasses.

"So, that's what he's hiding? It does protect him from projectile weapons. But my sword can still hit him." Rias rubbed her chin as she thought of ways to defeat Sairaorg.

"Hmm, I guess he did well. My pets are better though. And Meredith is preparing to take control of their father." Skoll and Hati suddenly appeared beside Mordred and he patted their heads.

"S-Skoll and Hati!?" Sona went wide eyed upon seeing the sons of the heaven devouring wolf.

"Umu, I bet they're better than Regulus." Morded puffed his chest in pride. A lion that can be slain by a demigod that had his powers limited. Versus the godslaying wolves.

Skoll and Hati's fangs and claws aren't as good as Fenrir's. But they've been catching up through the years. And the two wolves transformed to their real forms after the devils of the Bael showed hostility to Mordred.

"T-they're huge!" Rias gasped as the two wolves howled. They were multiple stories tall. Mordred feeds them magical meat every time after all.

"Down, boys. No need to get upset against weaklings." Mordred calmed them down.

Mordred tried taunting them, fishing for an incident. He wants to cull them as much as possible so that the great king faction won't have as much political influence.

After all, being attacked by an ally by just showing your pets would justify Mordred's slaughter of some filthy devils.

The devils of the Bael house immediately glared at Mordred. But he snorted at their animosity.

"Mordred-kun, people are getting nervous with them out." Venelana smiled wryly as she asked him stealthily to keep them away again.

"Is that so? I didn't know that the Baels are scared of my pets. Maybe they're allergic to dogs?" Mordred snickered.

'Hah, what am I going to do with this boy? He's trying to elicit a reaction from them...' Venelana sighed.

Zekram didn't fall for it though, just watching in the sidelines. He wasn't known for being a strong fighter, not in the least. His specialty lied in scheming and politics.

"Mordred, is this wise?" Latia whispered to him and tried to warn him.

"What are they gonna do? Shoot me with their power of destruction? Sirzechs is the only one in the world that has enough proficiency with it to endanger my life." Mordred shrugged.

Apophis' primordial water and shadows can swallow almost anything. He also has Gram to use against their demonic power.

"I surrender..." Magdaran slumped down as he looked at his peerage members that got taken down by stray shots from Sairaorg's technique. It wasn't even close.

"Sairaorg Bael is the winner, he is now the heir of the great king's house." Venelana announced and Mordred immediately uploaded her announcement to deviltube.

Mordred wasn't taking any chances. And being a gen. Z, he clearly knew that anything that can go viral will be known by everyone immediately who has access to the internet.

"Good job Sai." Mordred nodded at him with respect. Sairaorg has abysmal magic. And he was still able to get strong without it. Truly a shounen protagonist.

"Kuahahaha! There hasn't been any doubt! My blazing youth cannot be smothered!" Sairaorg gave them a thumbs up and a shiny grin.

"Can you not do that? Are you using illusion magic? I can see some fire behind you." Sona rubbed her eyes, then it disappeared.

"Maybe you're hallucinating?" Mordred suggested. "No! I saw it too!" Rias blinked as she thought that was cool, thinking of adding special effects on the background later, whenever she introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you, heir of the Bael clan." Seekvaira smiled at him.

"I'm going to be the great king, doesn't that mean that I'll be higher up than you guys?" Sairaorg laughed and they winced.

"Don't be making any laws that going to the gym so you could be swole, mandatory." Latia warned him.

"Why not? The devils are clearly lacking youth." Sairaorg did not agree with her and Mordred nodded.

"See? Even Mordred knows that." Sairaorg pointed at Mordred and they rolled their eyes.

"Mordred isn't exactly normal, your youth would be like lukewarm water compared to him. Do you even know what this guy swings to practice his swordmanship?" Rias looked at Mordred to take it out.

He took out a pretty normal looking longsword. It was even beat up pretty badly. But the runes on it glowed.

"That thing is loaded with gravity runes. He trains with a long sword that weighs thousands of tons. This guy's a monster, I can't even lift it." Rias explained and she huffed at him.

"What? A swordsman's blows must be heavy and fast." Mordred raised a brow at her.

"As expected, I still have to catch up with Mordred. His youth is simply awe inspiring." Sairaorg nodded sagely.

"It's scary is what it is, master. Not awesome." Kuisha deadpanned at him.

__Innovate Clear base__

"Ha!" Mordred grunted as he pounded. His rhythm, steady. Giving his all at every movement he did.

"That's it Mordred, hit that spot." Scathach guided him, teaching him how to do it well.

Mordred wiped some sweat on his forehead and he sighed. Moving his body like that over and over again was definitely different.

"Master, am I doing it right?" Mordred asked her and she nodded.

"Yes, you really are my prodigal student." Scathach was amazed at his skill.

"Phew, I've made a piece of armor from our scales. This should be very important for humans that are squishy." Mordred raised some plate armor and he evaluated it with Scathach.

Due to Innovate Clear's time dilation, she could leave the land of shadows for far longer.

"You've only done this what? For a few months? The shape is perfect and there's no spots that are unequal, it's a fine piece of work." Scathach smiled at him.

"Thank you master. Your tutelage also gave me tons of insight." Mordred started to enchant it with runes.

Loading it with a myriad of enchantments. Starting with a group of runes that mitigated tons of physical damage. Like blunt force trauma, slashes, and stabs.

He then slapped on some anti-magic runes on it so the wearer can tank tons of spells. He even put on a rune that could store magic so the user won't need to power it up with their own mana.

Capable of absorbing magics and store them for later use. Getting the inspiration from his Magia Erebia that Azi Dahaka gave him.

There were also some emergency healing spells imbued into it. And the supernatural factions would kill to get them. It could pass as a hero's armor from the epics.

"You really are doing this seriously." Scathach thought he was wasting his time.

But Mordred learned primordial runes in order to make equipment for their faction. And he is also educating them at the use of magic.

And normal humans that aren't a part of a family or cult that practices magic is highly difficult.

There is a reason why it isn't widespread. You have to be smart in order to use magic well.

"Umu, of course I am. I even made gale-force reading glasses for the students." Mordred enchanted some glasses so they could read entire books in minutes.

It also helped retain and understand information at an accelerated rate. Knowledge is power in the world of magic. So their curriculum was extremely difficult without the magic equipment.

"I didn't believe in you at first, but here you are. Already making huge strides for your people. You would be a great king, Mordred." Scathach praised him genuinely.

"Master, that coming from you means a lot to me." Mordred smiled at her and she snorted.

"You little womanizer you. Don't try to make me blush." Scathach chuckled.

Her red eyes then stared right at his green ones. She could smell his musk, a masculine smell of a dragon. Laced with fire and metal.

The beads of sweat on his forehead that glistened. Emphasizing his symmetrical face. His almond shaped eyes were filled with genuine happiness from her praise and Scathach felt her chest tingle at that.

'I don't just praise anyone... Yet it is so simple, but it made him happy. He's so cute.' Scathach licked her lips.

"Master?" Mordred tilted his head and he could smell her sweet pheromones.

"Call me Scathach when we're alone. I'll give you that privilege, Mordred." Scathach pinched his cheek.

"Okay, I'll call you Cath then, I believe we're close enough for me to give you a nickname." Mordred nodded sagely and she blinked.

"Nobody has given me a nickname before. Not even my family." She thought about it and the godslayer felt nice that someone has the balls to give her a nickname. A transcendent warrior that bathed in the blood of gods.

"Then, as thanks for giving me such a cute nickname. I'll teach you something else." Scathach held his chin and Mordred nodded.

She gave him a peck on the lips and her little tongue knocked on them, as if asking for entry.

Mordred opened his mouth a bit and Scathach embraced him. Pressing her body on him as she tried to dominate his tongue.

"Hmmph!?" Scathach got a pleasant surprise as Mordred used his magic that he uses for his massages.

She hummed in delight at the delicious sensation that came from his warm and slick tongue.

Scathach then backed off for a breath, leaving a bridge of silver between their appendages.

"We should really name that technique of yours. It will be your greatest weapon against women." Scathach was amused at how he uses primordial magic.

"How about you name it, Cath?" Mordred gave her the honor.

"Hmm, because it makes me tempt fate. How about touch of temptation?" Scathach kissed him again and Mordred knew she loved his little trick, so he used it on his whole body, making her groan.

"Yes~ That's how it's supposed to be used. Come on, Mordred. We have a lot of time here." Scathach smirked at him.


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