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83.33% Starks of Winterfell / Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Capítulo 28: Chapter 28

Tywin's POV, 293AC Moon 02

'The winds of change are upon them.' he thought. 'Robert Stark', he thought about the young man who had brought the North from the backward barren land it was. He looked at his lands and said they could do better, and then he had gone and started taking steps for those changes.

The books Robert Stark copied from Citadel had been sold for 5 Million GD to the Iron Bank along with a contract for Iron Bank to help facilitate the transaction from any would-be buyer who wanted their own Citadel. Everyone chaffed at Stark for thinking they would cheat them out of gold but he could see the benefits of this decision.

No one stole from the Iron Bank, it was a fact. Free Cities had their banks and currency. Using the Iron Bank as an intermediatory would ensure that the Stark got their 5 million gold coins in Westerosi Coins. From Westeros, only House Lannister and Martell had enough coins for the purchase besides House Tyrell. Both houses' finances were a bit strained after such a large purchase but they were recovering, Lannisters with their Gold mines and Martells with their trade.

House Stark was the emerging power in Westeros and under the leadership of Robert Stark, he could see them becoming the strongest. I can't let them run unchecked but if he did something untoward to the Starks, Robert Baratheon would not take it lying down due to his friendship with Eddard Stark.

'If I can't put them down, We need to bind them closer to us.'

He was roused from his thoughts by his brother Kevan who came into his solar. He looked disgusted as he saw that the dwarf was also waddling behind Kevan. "Brother," he greeted Kevan greeted him to which I nodded while completely disregarding the dwarf.

But Tyrion had long been accustomed to his attitude and remained unfazed. Even though I knew that Tyrion was more intelligent than Cersei and Jaime combined, he was still disgusted by the fact that Tyrion was a dwarf. I knew that the dwarf sometimes gave some intelligent insight to many problems so he had allowed him to attend this private meeting.

"The repairs for Lannisport are completed, the new sewage system designed by Tyrion is also very efficient", Kevan said nodding at his son. The burning of the Lannisport had been a terrible blow to them. It had taken almost two years to rebuild the port. Now they could focus on rebuilding The Lannister fleet but the damage was already done. The trade at Lannisport had halved.

"Why? Thank you, Uncle. Now, Father has there been any news from the North? They seem to be the center of gossip right now. I heard last night's most outrageous one that the Starks have tamed Direwolves." Tyrion said.

"Your whores, I presume.", I said without looking at the dwarf.

"They do put their mouths to such innovative use.", Tyrion answered back.

I said, "I had placed many spies throughout the North. But for the past several years they were only providing me chicken feed. We are blind to whatever is happening in the North, slowly threatening our power. And I don't like being kept in the dark about the affairs of Kingdoms."

"Father, we might have to consider that the Starks now have a Master of Wisper, as good as or even better than Varys.", Tyrion added and Kevan nodded.

"We have to bind them closer to us or eliminate them. Besides eliminating them would be very difficult. With House Bolton extinct, House Starks is unchallenged in the North.", Kevan said.

"I had sent a message to Cersei to urge the King to betrothed Myrcella to Stark boy but she had ignored my message. Kevan, I will arrange for Lancel to squire with the King, I want regular reports. While it would rejected, still send a betrothal offer of Lannister's of minor branch." I said ending the conversation.

Robb's POV (Age 13), 293AC Moon 02

This was the morning of his nameday feast and every Lord of the North was here. From last week various Lords and their family have started coming to Winterfell. Although my friends have assured me that no information has leaked to anyone, even their parents are coming in essentially blind to what this meeting would contain. And I am sad that they would leave after meetings and celebrations.

The first to arrive was Elder Leaf leading 9 other Children of the Forest. From the reports given by Shadow, their town was coming along nicely. Already Weirwood seeds have been planted throughout North. Along with them came Lord Wun Wun, Magnar of Giants and head of House Giantsarm. As there were no rooms big enough that could be used to house a Giant I apologized to Wun Wun and he had said that it was alright and was staying in a large tent outside Winterfell.

It had caused some panic in the smallfolk watching a Giant coming towards Wintertown but me and Father had ridden out of Winterfell to welcome our guests and guards had calmed the smallfolks down. When they saw a Giant and 10 Children of the Forests all kneeling in front of Father, people cheered that the Starks were blessed by Old Gods. The Children had denied rooms and requested to stay in Godswood which was granted.

Arya being the kid she is had recruited some children from Wintertown and had taken to play with the friendly giant. Bran being fascinated by stories went to Godswood with Old Nan, Scholar Luwin and Grandscholar Marwyn joined them to have their discussion with the Children. Mother and Sansa were caring for Rickon and commanding the household to run everything smoothly. After Wun Wun's arrival, the Lords started arriving.

Some Lords I have observed are skeptical about the meeting and were grumbling about how dishonorable I was to end House Bolton the way I did it. These were a small minority of the group and while they had no leader House Whitehill was the strongest of them.

Some Lords, like Lady Maege, Lord Rickard, and Lord Greatjon, were laughing, cheering, and toasting to the opposing lords' faces stating how I was in the right with ending House Bolton. Elder Shadow, Lord Howland, and Lord Wyman were accompanying my father. Lord Willam and Lord Galbert were helping me maintain the peace between various Lords leading up to our meeting. The direwolves were also kept in Godswood to not spook various Lords and Ladies.

To also allow for Wun Wun to attend the meeting and feast a massive tent was built in the Courtyard.

'Every Lord of the North is here.' I thought as I sat in the tent meeting was about to begin. On a raised dais, my family sat with me in the center; Father, Bran, and Arya to my right; Mother, Sansa, and Rickon to my left. Wun Wun, The Children, and the Lords were sitting with their heirs and family. The tent was fully packed with guards and servants standing along the walls.

"My Lords and Ladies.", I said standing up and everyone immediately quieted down. "I would like to thank everyone for coming here to celebrate my nameday. The North has kept faith with my family for nearly 10,000 years. In this meeting, I would like to say to keep an open mind for the things we discuss as they would be crucial to our future."

Everyone went around and said aye. And just before I continued, "Boy", someone roared, and as searched the tent Lord Whitehill stood up, "Before your Father begins these discussions, I would like you to explain what in Seven Hells were you thinking bringing Wildlings, Beast, and those Abominations to South of the Wall."

There was an uproar throughout the tent with many lords calling Lord Whitehill a craven and other insults. I guess after the Bolton, it is Whitehill's who are the most hated.

"Lord Whitehill, with my Father's blessing I am leading these discussions. The ones you call Wildlings, Beasts, and Abominations are now citizens of the North. They have been citizens since they bent their knees. The Free Folks are now Northmen like the rest of us, the Beast as you call him is Lord Wun Wun, and the Abominations are the Children of the Forest. The Children are the connection and proof that our gods are real.

The Children and Giants are under the direct protection of my family, Lord Whitehill. Is that understood ?", there were loud cheers across the tents.

Without waiting for him to answer I continued, "The Wildlings or the Free Folk, the ones that are brought south of the wall are the mildest of the bunch. I received a report of Mance Rayder deserting the Night's Watch but didn't think anything about it. After coming back from Oldtown I had another report about a King-Beyond-The-Wall, named Mance Rayder.

During my progress throughout the North, I looked at people living on this side of the wall. I compared them with Wildlings beyond the wall. In one of my ancestor's journal, it is written that the difference between us start with which side of the Wall we were born. We are both First Men, we worship the same gods, and our rules are similar to them, no incest, no kinslaying, no slavery, adhering to guest rights. Beyond that keeping to your oaths.

The Wildlings that raid our lands are left beyond the Wall, they also practice cannibalism. Mance Rayder united various free folks clans, not to attack us but to survive winter. Lord Rayder, also married Mors Umber's granddaughter.

Now I think I have explained enough about my decision, it was mine to make and now it is yours to bear."

Sound of aye's came throughout the tent. Lord Whitehill sat down red-faced. As I raised my hand, the hall silenced again. I pick up Dusk and put it on the desk, as everyone stares at it but only a few seem to realize its significance.

"A terrible winter is coming. Long and terrible. This will be a long summer, continuing till atleast 300AC. We have to prepare."

I could see House Mormont, Umber, Karstark, Dustin, Reeds, Glover, Manderly, the Mountain Clans, the Lords from Skagos, Wun Wun, and the Children of the Forest hanging by my every word.

"To help us prepare, the Children, have already planted Weirwoods trees throughout the North. In 2-3 years they will become full grown. There are many benefits to planting the Heart Tree, but the main one is making land fertile.

Our next task is to secure enough food, with new fertile land available new farms will be set up, and I would like to gift some new crops and animals to various Lords that could help us survive."

Servants came forward and started putting labeled baskets on the tables.

"Potatoes are originally from Ibb and Sarnor, but they have no issue growing here. While potatoes taste great, and you can make many different dishes from them, they spoil quickly. As such, it wouldn't be that useful if it wasn't for the fact that you can make the Vodka you tried from them. The potatoes and vodka are House Stark's gift to House Tallhart." I said, pointing toward the potato basket. Many lords looked at them in wonder, never having seen a plant quite like the potato.

"Here we have what are called beets. I got them from Qarth, and they can be rather tasty if cooked right. However, what makes them worthwhile is the fact that one can make sugar from it. The same sugar was used on all of the pastries last night. Beets and the process to make sugar from them is House Stark's gift to House Hornwood."

As I went around servants placed the baskets in front of the respective Lords along with a book, explaining the crop, how to farm it, and how to make the profitable product.

"Next up is cotton, my Lords. As you can see, it doesn't look like much. Combine it with the inventions from Knowledge Hall, the spinning wheel, and the water-powered loom, and you can use cotton to make both fine and cheap clothing, just like the tunic I am wearing right now." I pointed out the rather sharp tunic I had on. It wasn't anything fancy, but it cost less than a regular cloth tunic and took half the time to make. "Cotton, and the process to make clothes from it, is House Stark's gift to House Flint of Flint's Fingers. Your lands are perfectly situated to grow the cotton, as the warmer climate of the Neck is just what cotton needs." Lord Flint was practically overjoyed.

"These are hops my Lords, and they aren't supposed to be eaten at all. They are instead used to make the beer that you all tried last night. These hops, and the beer, are House Stark's gift, House Forrester." I said, watching as the Lord examined the long vines that the hops came from. I then turned pointing to another basket.

"Rice. It grows in bogs and North is fortunate for us to have bogs the size of a country. It was those bland white pellets that we had mixed in with different meats. Not the tastiest thing on its own, but rice can be mixed with nearly just about anything. Its greatest advantage is the fact that once harvested, as long as rice is kept dry, it will never truly go bad. It also only needs boiling water to be cooked. Five, ten-year winter, it doesn't matter. The rice will still be good. The rice is House Stark's gift to House Reed. After all, the marshes of the Neck are the best places to grow this crop." I said.

I glanced at Lord Howland and Jojen, and they were both looking at the crops with literal tears in their eyes. I could relate to them if anyone said that the Neck would be able to feed the whole North, I would have cried too.

"Many of you commented on the sweet syrup that we had served with hot cakes this morning. We drain some of the sap from Maple trees and boil it down a few times. It is a pretty easy process, though it takes a large amount of sap to make only a small bit of syrup. As such, it was rather lucky when I discovered that in the Wolfswood on the lands of House Glover, nearly nine out of every ten trees is a Maple tree. The process of making Maple syrup is House Stark's gift to House Glover." I said, spying a satisfied smile on Lord Glover's face. He was a good friend of my Father, and I was proud that he was happy with the gift.

"Here we have bee hives. Many of you keep bees already, for the honey they make, but the Scholars managed to make a drink out of it. The honey mead that Lord Whitehill enjoyed so much, shall be House Stark's gift to House Whitehill." I said with a smirk. Lord Whitehill had gotten so drunk every night on honey mead since coming.

"House Cassel was given lands of House Bolton. Along with that in their land, we have found huge deposits of Coal and Iron. Knowledge Hall has invented new ways to make superior-quality steel by mixing dragonglass. This will be our gift to House Cassel." I said, and my siblings waived at Lord Jory Cassel who was sitting beside his Ryswell wife.

"Cranberries, a rather tart berry that I found myself having a liking for that grows near Widow's Watch. We have Northern Blue, a wine made from it. The Vineyard and process of making Northern Blue is our gift to House Flints of Widow's Watch."

"Lastly, we have corn, a crop from Sothoryos that can be eaten in many different forms, but the best part is that it is from corn that we made the whiskey you all tried and loved so much last night. Corn and whiskey is House Stark's gift to House Cerwyn." the Lords cheered loudly. They loved the new alcohol.

"Outside Winterfell, you must have noticed fences hold many different animals, all split up by species. Currently, the Ryswells provide the whole of the North with horses. The problem with their mounts is that while they have excellent endurance, they lack the size and strength of the southern Destriers. In any kind of Cavalry battle between the North and the South, the Southern war Horses would overwhelm our mounts with ease.

According to the Captains that went on trade missions, there is a type of War Horse in Yi-Ti called a Zorse. It's bred solely by the Jogos Nhai Clan. We have gained a few Stallions and Mares to breed for ourselves. Besides the fact that these horses are capable of surviving on weeds and devil's grass for months at a time, all the while traveling long distances without water or fodder, it's because of the way they were made. Zorses are naturally hearty beasts and I'm confident they will grow well in the North.

If I'm right, we will soon have the best mounts in all of Westeros and House Ryswell's coffers will grow like never before. If I'm wrong, at worst it will only cost us some gold and a little bit of time to try. These horses are House Stark's gift to House Ryswell." I looked at Lord Ryswell and he was staring at the massive horse picture that was in the book with worship in his eyes.

"House Rayder and House Dusseren will have Aurochs. Despite being a native animal of Westeros, Aurochs were hunted to near extinction long ago. Nowadays most people in the Seven Kingdoms confuse the domesticated cows for their wild ancestors. In truth, Aurochs was a full hand taller than a normal cow and easily twice as strong as an ox.

Fortunately, the only place still inhabited by these wild beasts was the land beyond the wall. Aurochs are the perfect beasts of burden we will need in the North. With their strength and endurance, they will be ideal to move the stones and other equipment we need them to, at each construction site." I said while hinting at construction projects.

"These furry cows are called Yaks. Imported from Ibb. Their big hairy fur keeps them warm no matter how cold it gets, and they have no problem digging through the snow to find food to graze on. The Yaks are House Stark's gift to House Umber. House Umber has the largest grazing lands in the North, after all. Umber's could easily become the major distributor of milk, cheese, butter, meat, fur, and leather for the North." I said happily, watching Lord Greatjon take the book with reverence.

"We have procured a new kind of fowl called turkeys. We got them from a colony of Sothoryos, and they have shown to be a great addition to the North. They are a bit bigger and stockier than chickens, and their meat has a distinct and pleasant taste. They are easy to raise, and with the extra fat and thicker feathers, they can handle the cold better than chickens. 

Right now the House of Dustin is the leading producer of Wool for the majority of Westeros. This has kept their coffers full, but in my opinion, they are still underutilizing their lands. I would like to help them build several chicken, pig, and turkey farms. Between the selling of these meats and the eggs from the chicken, while also continuing their Wool production, they could easily double their yearly income."

"My gift to House Mormont is complete control of ice trade. House Stark will surrender its share to House Mormont gaining them 60% of the Ice trade."

"Lastly, we have my gift for you, Lord Karstark. Your lands are all forest, and as such not suited for farming or livestock. Instead, I have a contract from Braavos, saying that they will willingly buy any wood that comes from Karstark lands at a fair market price, whether it is firewood or lumber. Also, I will be providing you with designs for a sawmill powered by a water wheel. It would greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to mill your wood, allowing you to grow rich from the lumber trade. I also have been designing new ships, that will hopefully be faster than the current ones, and if they work I plan on giving the designs to every Lord of the North." I said, smiling at Lord Karstark.

I looked around at the gathered Lords, and I saw hope. Each of them was looking at their new gifts with undisguised hope. Hope that this would finally be the time that the North would rise. It is a hope I shared with them.

I continued, "We have procured a few new kinds of cereals from Essos which can grow in the cold weather of North. We have tested them at Winterfell and they all have given good yield."

I told them about Rye and Barley which can be grown in cold weather. They were then told about potatoes, apples, carrots, cabbage, etc. Also, they could be stored for a long duration which would mean people could easily survive during long winters, as food would not be a problem anymore. Books about farming these crops and the products that could be made from them were given to each lord.

"I had sent a few surveyors across North to find any material worth mining, while our mountains don't gold like the Westernlanders, we have plenty of precious gems and diamonds. Lord Norrey, Wull, Flints, Liddle, Thenn, etc. will have complete control of said mines. As they have refused monetary compensation, they will be provided with hundreds of cattle to each clan. You have been House Stark fiercest bannerman, I thank you."

The leader of Mountain Clans thanked us in gratitude. This will cement the loyalty between the Starks and the Hill tribes.

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