/ Movies / Harry Potter : A Better Ronald Weasley

Harry Potter : A Better Ronald Weasley Original

Harry Potter : A Better Ronald Weasley

Movies 46 Capítulos 980.3K Visitas
Autor: The3Entities

4.37 (15 valoraciones)

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A primordial entity who is a fan of human works decides to do justice to the secondary characters of his favorite human works. After TWILIGHT with Jacob, she decided to take an interest in the World of Harry Potter with the case of Ron Weasley.
I'm lazy and I don't own any characters in this work and not even the cover photo. The story will be based on a different Ron through the events of the films and films only, if you want something else please, there are other fanfictions about HP. And I haven't read the books so there will certainly be things that escape me. English is not my first and I don't have a publisher So bear with me . This story is an English adaptation of the fanfiction written in French on another account. Good reading if you are still here

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  1. The3Entities
    The3Entities Contribuido 90
  2. 17758833564206
    17758833564206 Contribuido 9
  3. Zombie_san
    Zombie_san Contribuido 6

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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Bro I no you are just translating it, so I'll not make your work harder. but i am dropping this because it gets less and less interactive with the story it's like ”he did that, than that happened and than they fought like this and than this happened" I am sorry bro but this feels like reading a story made by AI(I have read stories wrote by AI so I know the difference) soon there will be more people like me who will drop this because same reason. But keep up the good work bro even though I don't like this work doesn't mean somebody else won't like it. There has to be some reader who likes the story, so bye and have a good day.

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good try but very immature writting and also almost not editing leaving some sentences or paragraphs totally missing needed information. Like me having to decipher how he got a letter for hogwarts early but turned it down. that should have been spelled out. then the same thing was done for luna... are hogwarts letters candy that can be given out whenever??

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LV 1 Badge

The concept for the story is good, but 15 chapters in, and it's clear that the MC has no personality of his own. The MC's actions can be explained by "He sleeps, he talks to Luna, he sleeps..... " It started to get less interesting as the story progressed.

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This was a great read a few grammatical error here and there but that's negligible. To say English isn't the authors first language the wrote exceptionally well..and for an op character they made the story very palatable...5 out of 5...finna check out the authors other works

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a good read, thank you..................

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Awesome story could have been alittle longer but still a good read!

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LV 13 Badge

Just as the Last novel this novel is good Harry Potter Fans will Love it an anyone WHO this rron an Dominik better this novel will be for you[img=recommend]😁

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A good novel that I recommend reading, as always this author's novels are short and his biggest flaw is that he condenses the story too much to the point that it almost seems like a summary and without a doubt a slower and more detailed narration would benefit from it, but still it's worth it. everything, without a doubt you have to read it

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Absolutely wonderful story, it is definitely a work done very well ...

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Absolutely love this author. no useless details that bore you to death

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The story is really very good and it has the quality of not being 1000 chapters long. Quality takes precedence over quantity :)

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One of the best fanfictions i have ever read

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Gostei muito do livro, foi uma nova experiencia. Não existe muitos livros que seja continuado igual ao desse autor Espero que continue com o magnifico trabalho, e continue a melhorar cada dia mais.

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Good!! Do you have the link to the original fanfic? Ignore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore itIgnore it

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Autor The3Entities